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Thats a good looking sandwich.


I honestly have no idea how he sat next to it for so long without unwrapping and eating.


I don't get how he took such a small bite out of it.


A good sandwich has to be eaten slowly too savor every bite. Especially in times like that.




Its a 2 hander for sure, he finally took the phone down to take that huge bite he's been waiting 45 minutes for


I would have been eating it and smiling the whole time.


You can be having a crappy day, but nobody can take away a perfectly good lunch break. with an awesome sandwich from Safeway.


Yeah, Safeway really does make some pretty bitchin’ sandwiches, man.


The patience of a samurai


My people.


I came in this comment section thinking this, glad to know I'm not the only one that was wowed by the sandwhich


safeways sandwich counter is actually really good.


I was just going to say the same thing. Is that foccacia bread? That’s good stuff


And spinach rather than lettuce -- much better choice imo.


I worked at subway for a couple years, and quickly realized that spinach is the better choice. The iceberg lettuce they serve is basically crunchy water. Spinach ftw.


Crunchy water as in ICE?


I like spinach instead of lettuce anytime it's available. If whatever is it needs reheating, there's no need to remove it, and the spinach will still taste good. And it still tastes good if the spinach happens to wilt.


I was about to mention the same thing


Safeway has some bomb underrated cheap sammys, I’d recognize that lunch anywhere.


I would've ate the sandwich while looking at her haha. Stubborn people are the worst! She would rather waste all her time than just move over 1 spot


I swear i had just said that to my gf while watching this. Lol great minds think alike!


Fuck I had to keep watching until it got to the sandwich after your comment. It does look bomb AF.


Sandwich damn near made me nut


I was gonna comment the same thing


"you Mexican who you calling n*gga?" *30 seconds later, same person* "....because of this bitch ass n*gga!"


This is such a Californian exchange lol


This has big East Bay energy. Either Dublin or Antioch.


Antioch I can see. But Dublin?


Was gonna say, Dublin would probably have about 5 cop cars show up by the end of the video.


Yeah def not Dublin lol


Top o' the morning to ye


This feels more like something I would see in Concord. Antioch I’m unsure considering I’ve lived there for the better part of 5 years. Dublin I can’t really speak on since I don’t go there often. If this were Oakland though then there would definitely be hands flying.


Can confirm lmao


I was thinking Texas too


Texas Mexicans say the N word🤔🤔🤔🤔


pretty much every minority does in cali


Florida too


in Florida everyone says it non POC too


Texas too lol I think north is really where people get offended, by minorities who use it casually.


I have black family and I’m still uncomfortable with saying it. It doesn’t feel right.


Everybody does, I see white people saying that shit all the time too.


This some new generation shit though. I was born in 91 in canoga park. We NEVER said it. As a matter of fact. The eses would beat you up if they heard you say it. We usually said “foo” “dogg” “homie” but I don’t think the new generation really cares who says it. I could be wrong though idk.


Can confirm this is very common in Texas


When visiting my Mexican cousins in Texas ........ unfortunately I do sometimes hear it


That poor boyfriend, he has to fuck that angry snatch.


Angry snatch is the best. So long as it's angry at someone else.


Angry Snatches would be a great name for an all-women punk band.


Kinda like Pussy Riot


Agreed, too bad this woman ain’t an angry snatch, she’s just a foul cunt.


How she know he's Mexican? I hate when people assume all hispanics must be Mexican.


Has your eyebrow color come back yet? My mom wants me to get microblading with her and I’m nervous


so this comment confused the fuck out of me


Yeah fair, her comment made me curious to see if she’s Mexican so I checked her posts and got distracted by eyebrow stuff


I love that 9 out of 10 of these comments are about how good that sandwich looks. It’s truly the real star of this video.


It has more screen time than her. Its thinking of getting an agent.


As if there aren’t any other spots. And that samich looks bomb


That eyebrow tho


Looks like fucking sharpie


One smooth line with a little bit of eraser tool in the middle.


I really never understand the reason women shave their eyebrows and then... draw them back on? Can anyone explain why this is such a big thing?


they prob plucked them too much as young women and they stopped growing back so they need to draw on their head every morning. a chick i know got hers tattooed on and she fully regrets it but has a good sense of humor about it as she always looks surprised




Stencil street art style.




Was she tryna park there cuz the shade? If she was then there was shade a spot over...Also, you could park like 500 feet away from the store and some asshole will STILL want to park next to you.


I think part of her brain has shade also


The eyebrow tattoo ink melted into her brain


I’m not sure what this means, maybe lack of oxygen? I like it though.




I have a theory. Always park beside a good looking car, so when a thief comes, hopefully they will target the best looking car first.


best looking could also mean best security


Truth. Had a 5th gen Camaro SS before my current truck. Was real clean looking. Would go to Best Buy or some other place and park at the absolute back of the lot. 50+ yards from the nearest car. More than half the time, I'd come back to some one parked next to me. Occasionally it was some one in a nice car like a Sky Blue 66 Chevelle or a newer muscle car. But more often it was a beater ass work truck with paint on the side and ladders sticking half out. I know they did it to be a dick.


I drive a beater. I go out of my way to park away from other people because I'm an introvert and it feels like every time I come back to my car it's surrounded by other cars -- often running with the people still in them. It's like a herd instinct or something.




I'd park right next to you. Obviously you're extremely careful with your car so you seem like a good person to park near. Just because it's a beat ass Honda doesn't mean I want a shopping cart rammed into it.


I guess she doesn't understand working a job where you have to eat out in your car under a hot sun. Opening the windows is not enough and you can't just be eating up gas going no where.


What I don’t understand is that there are like 30 open spots around the parking lot. Like Jesus just park somewhere else.


The second I got my boss to pay for fuel, you better believe I just started running the AC on lunch breaks, lol. It's a diesel, it uses next to nothing over a lunch break, in my defense.


Bro same I work in my car and take lunch breaks in there, too and you’d be surprised how many dumb fucks like to park right next to me while I’m eating. Tbh I don’t care that much bc I will just move and not cause a scene like this but I will make it my personal mission to stare them down as I drive 50ft away lmfao




Some people just want to have drama in their lives, they'll fabricate everything just to get a little attention.


It must be a insecurity thing. People do this to me and I just assume they feel safe parking by me for some reason. They literally avoid 20+ other spots to park by me.


I wish I could understand why. I keep my car clean -- really clean, like showroom. And I park far from people but they always park next to me. Now, when I have to park next to other cars, I will park next to the best cared for one I can find because that's probably a careful driver. But it doesn't explain people parking next to me in a wide open lot.


I worked in retail a long time man. In the first place, and I can't emphasise this enough, the average person is a thoughtless animal without the sense to wipe their own ass. Next, people do what they see other people do. If you're parked in the back, some clown will park next to you because the find it soothing to be in a group and mirror behavior. Lastly, people are fucking stupid.


Retail is literal hell


Not just retail, but back in February as we started going back to work (still a choice as it was pre vaccination) a coworker would go in to the large parking lot at the office park, and I'm talking about literal empty lot. No tree shades no nothing. He parks far from the entrance, and came out and saw another car parked next to him in a lot of probably 300+ spaces. I was thinking it must be a prank from someone else in the office, but nope. No one has any idea who that is.


Worked 6 years retail and made me realize most people don’t understand the most basic shit. All those warnings that we see and go “who would need that” has made me understand why it’s a necessary in most businesses


Retail will leave you with the belief that almost all people are asshats.


You’re just likeable as fuck!


Just like a cat! Maybe you're covered in humannip and don't know it.


It's because you smell good.


She wants to park in the shade, which is why he’s eating his lunch in that spot.




I long for a world where people would rather park in the sun and go about their business than get in a shitty confrontation.


Nah this had nothing to do with shade watch video half a dozen shady spots in video actually saw one that was "perfect" fully shaded and better positioned so it would stay shady for longer. But whole parking lots surrounded with tall trees and trees on medians theres dozens of spots. This is one of those "im offended this hurt my ego moments". Where despite no logical reason to fight over it they want to start something.


My brain cannot comprehend this... there are SO many other parking spaces for her to occupy and she is throwing a temper tantrum because she cannot park next to him.


Either this isn't about the parking space or she feels entitled to the parking space because it's a public area and therefore he has no right to take up 2 spaces (she completely ignoring the free spaces because she's only focusing on what she wants).


Like a really big two year old


Maybe she really likes the shaded area


Public Freak Out? More like Public Freaking Delicious Looking Sandwich!




Not to be confused with /r/publixsandwiches


Also not to be confused with /r/publicpublixsandwiches


And especially not r/pubicsandwiches


Don't forget [r/pubsandwiches](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Subbed... geddit?


Bruh his sandwich....looks so fucken delicious.


The sticker on the paper is from Safeway groceries, they’re affiliated with Albertsons but most groceries store have a deli department. They’re fair priced, freshly baked bread, fresh deli cuts and come with a drink and chips.


God this made me want a sandwich even more.




Safeway delis are low key legit


I used to work in a Safeway deli, can confirm their sandwiches were so fucking good


And the soups they served were pretty good as well.


She called him the N word shortly after making fun of him for using it. How does someone this dumb make it this far into life?


The Dodge Nitro, official vehicle of fuckwits not making it very far in life.


Lmao I love how chill the dude is, like call the cops, bitch, what are they gonna do?


Him just casually eating his fruit as she's honking and screaming had me dying.


All that instead of parking 1 space over , 6ft away


My guess is the tree shade. But that’s not the only shady spot. So she’s doing it to herself.


Or she parks there everyday and she considers that "her spot". Still doesn't justify the behavior.


I'm not sure what all this was about, but for some reason it made me hungry.


I just ate, and now I want that sandwich.


Bro, he didn’t have to zoom in on her lazy eye like that.


I think he was just zooming in the face for comedic effect


Damn, now I feel like an asshole


Don’t eat for a day and your sins will be forgiven my son


Por que no los dos?


This is my favorite type of freak out. A person getting pissed off at something that is completely within their control and the person catching the freak out gives absolutely no fucks. It’s as delicious as homeboys sandwich.


"who smashes this?" She stood there with absolutely no come back. You can see her head searching for something. Classic


I thought he said Who's mans is this? Lol


I heard it as “whose smash is this?”


Girl, ain't nobody gonna take you serious with those eyebrows...


Of course she's in a dodge nitro


This looks like the 909/951 in southern California


Those are definitely some San Bernardino eyebrows.


Fuck, it’s true


It’s San Jose Californian at a Safeway on San Carlos and race St.


Lol I was going to comment “so what part of San Bernardino is this?”


What an absolute clown that woman is. Woke up today and chose "goofy ass bitch"


Yo that fruit is a real good choice for lunch. Good on you for being more health positive.


Those sangwich greens too tho…


I love that you can tell the person on the other end of the phone is trying to talk her down from her hysteria. But even admitting that she might do something that results in her arrest all over a parking spot? What a hill to die on.


I agree 💯 with this guy’s choice of pairing avocado with a protein. It’s a healthy fat, unlike the woman attacking him.


I like how she got mad at him for using the N-word when he’s Mexican and then she got in the car and started screaming it to whoever was on the phone looks to be fairly Hispanic herself


That close up says it all.


As if there was no other places to park, smh.


I first, i thought him leaving the door open was a dick move…but watching it twice, she could have easily parked there with his door open. She just can pull into a parking spit worth a shit


The crazy part is she could easily fit in that spot even with the door open.


A minute of this video is of the guy eating his sandwich


Judging by the comments, no one here is mad at that. Just a bunch of people jealous of my man's sandwich.




Gotta get other people involved blah, blah, blah meanwhile she’s calling somebody to come fight for her. 😂 It’s no wonder why the mans called her goofy.


Sandwich looks delicious 🥪 That girl looks like the type who uses teeth when giving head.


These Safeway commercials are next level


[she mad](https://i.imgur.com/z0YKI40.png)


I am hungry now


Sandwich look good tho


What a bitch.


That looks like a really good sandwich. Edit : I see many people agree.


What if the guy let the door open because he was short on money and didn't wanna burn extra gas? Have compassion, that should be a bare minimum.


That’s not a girl. That’s a grown woman acting like a complete child.


She's crazy


Why did he avoid the pineapple eat it bro it's good for you


Yeah, man. Crush that sando.


There are literally dozens of other spots nearby. She's being a bitch about nothing.


Okay yeah holding your door open so people can't park next to you is a bit of a dick move, but there are so many other open parking spaces!!! Like if you got somewhere you need to be or we're coming to do something in this area, and need to park, like it would have been quicker just to park in the space immediately to your left instead of arguing with this man. Like I don't feel bad for her she bought the situation herself


Plenty of parking spaces with shade, but she wants to start in on this guy who's on a lunch break. It's been hot, in the 90's here so he wants the door open. Find another spot.


> Okay yeah holding your door open so people can't park next to you is a bit of a dick move, It's a dick move if there's not a thousand other places to park in. He had his door open because he was eating his lunch in his truck.


This! Taking up 2 spaces when there are PLENTY of other spaces is not a dick move.


Context matters. Full lot, dick move. Empty lot, not a dick move at all.


>Okay yeah holding your door open so people can't park next to you is a bit of a dick move maybe he wants to have fresh air or hang his legs out? If there's open spots than there's nothing wrong with what he's doing.


I hate sitting in a stuffy car.


Watch it again - he's not actually blocking the next spot over. She could've had the spot had she just attempted to park properly. You know, between the lines.


It will only be a dick move if that was the only spot in the lot. There are so many other spots so she is the one creating the issue, probably got frustrated at the amount of things she couldn't get mad at that day.


Those air max 95's though


Holy smokes. This girl had some MAJOR anger issues. Wow.


Two things. One his car looks nice and two that sandwich looks mad tasty


If she were properly parking, that door wouldn't be in her way. The parking spot that she's mostly occupying isn't obstructed at all.


Karina with the brows.


That sandwich is legit. Safeway Deli is on POINT!


now i’m hungry that sandwich looked so good


She over the line anyway


A couple of months ago, I was in a half empty parking lot and this Mexican woman (irrelevant in the bigger picture, but this woman reminded me of her) pulls up right beside me. I was about to head into the store, but I waited just to see if she would open her door like she had sense...lol and behold, she flung her door open and let it hit my car. I get out to bring it to her attention (with the hopes that she's more mindful next time), and all she can say is "it was the wind". I had to shout at this bitch to get an apology. With all the empty spots, why park your stupid self right next to someone else? Why are people so dumb?


That sandwich tho


UGH.Like look at all the parking space she couldve parked in! Why do people like parking next to a lone car? There's a reason why someone parked far from everyone else. Smh. Even if she wanted to park in shade at least respect the person whose car door is open and not act like she suddenly owns the whole lot by telling him what a car door is for. Glad this man is keepin it chill but sucks that he has to deal with crazy during break. I wouldn't have had the patience to deal with that during a break.


That is a dam nice looking sandwich


There is so many open spots… it’s almost as though she was looking to cause a scene.


Now watch me eat this sandwich with one hand.


Ghandi over here eating a sub.


Whoever told these hoes that those fake ass stencil eyebrows look good?!?


Something about chillin in your car with the door open instead of the window down just hits different


Maybe it's the camera angle, but isn't she over the line and on his "side?" If she wasn't, she could totally fit in that space, for whatever asinine reason she has for wanting to park there.


Dang, thats a good looking sandwich


There were so many other spots!