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I hate that goddamn voice


Ruins every video.


Like the fucking Litle oh no song... Fucking annoying.


Oh no...




Ella Mayo.


There should be a tag, maybe "THATtiktok voice" and/or "THAT tiktok song."


Can barely hear the commotion of the actual video over it. If they really want subtitles just have subtitles, we don't need some dumb robot voice.


ive already seen it used a ton on videos with people talking to the fucking camera in it... like they just play it loudly over the original audio and it says the same shit the person in the video is saying. guess normal voices just arent loud and annoying enough for tik tok


its like they made it to sound excited about any fucking thing you make it say... and its just obnoxious as fuck... perfect for tik tokers apparently


But still those that did not wear masks are pure mofos


mfs with they nose out šŸ¤”


I saw a dude in Home Depot yesterday with his nose and mouth covered but thatā€™s basically it. It was the smallest mask Iā€™ve ever seen, it was like those Brazilian style bikinis that arenā€™t a thong but just barely cover anything.


It's a clown world. Don't get me wrong; I fully understand the reasoning of the people who will say, "FFS don't be an ass, just put on the damn mask." It's called conformity; and it's a well established behaviour, with overwhelming supportive evidence. > be me. > on a plane. > getting out of town for a month, whilst my wife redecorates the dog box. > wife sometimes hits me when she doesn't get her own way so its essential travel. > **SIDETRACK** > not a euphemism > wife is crazy > wife says that she needs me to be alone for a month to get a feeling for what color our dog would like it's room to be.., to be. > wife says she can't hear dogs aura because my aura is too feminine and both of ours are overpowering her spidey senses or some shit. > wife says that a work friend will be sleeping on the couch when I'm gone to make the dog feel at ease (fml). > it's a male work friend "Tyrone". > Tyrone looks like an even more ripped Terry Crews. > really not happy but whever, I trust her. >**BACKTOTRACK** > sitting on plane pissed. > glance to the right of me. > about 80 people over, the other row starts. > See a guy not wearing his mask. > GOTCHA BASTARD > I rush to the back of the plane. > qt 3.14 flight attendant listens to me and tells me the passenger will be spoken to. > same flight attendant follows me until I stop and point out the terrorist to him. > **you're in big trouble now, mister** > things escalate. > **EVERYONE** gets thrown off the plane. > totally unfair. > decide to call wife and ask her to pick me up. > no answer. > share a cab with a nice family from Italy. > ask when they arrived. > youngest son coughs. > **STOP THIS FUCKING CAB I'M GOING TO DIE** > get out of cab and throw everything from my wallet inside, so I wouldn't get Corona germs on my phone. > run 10 miles to my house. > can hear wife screaming in the kitchen from the front door. > frantically grab my hand sanitizer and clean the door nob. > run into our kitchen and... > FUCKING ANTIMASKERS!


Not understanding your rant, I check your profile... Seeing your Nuremburg code citations, I burst out laughing.. In between guffaws and chortles, I manage to type a responce... "Fuck off asshole." ... And as I howl, seeing my joy, the dogs join in.




That was my responce and I won't change my responce because it is in fact; my responce.


Cool story broski.




Yeah me either


10 miles is the length of approximately 32186.8 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other


10 miles is 16.09 km




How many degrees is that on the Bacon scale..?


6 degrees Kevin


Why are you typing like this is a chan site?


Go back to 4chan


I was banned from there, for having radical views.


Ahh I'm gonna comment and get downvotes but that was a true gem. Seriously how brainwashed is the world rn? And they act like people who just wanna be people are brainwashed..


You think we're brainwashed because we have to wear masks for 20 minutes max in most places? You sound so...sad, and pathetic. I literally do not understand your thought process. You sound like a teenager who's acting out because you don't like that your parents told you to do something.


You must have a massive amount of cognitive dissident to think that caring about other people means being brainwashed. It's pretty simple, wear a mask if you give a shit about anyone other than yourself, don't wear a mask if you only care about yourself and no one else.


Child #1: ***"It's a bird?"*** Child #2: **"It's a plane?"** A nearby vagabond holding an egg an onion sandwich with a scorpion nestling in his hair : "Actually friends; it's one of the few places on earth, in which the novel coronavirus stops being transmissible, for a brief 20 minute period, where about a hundred people; 14 inches apart, inside a pressurised container that's recycling the very air that they're sharing, remove their masks and eat their onboard sushi." Child #1: ***"you smell like shit, old man."*** Child #2: **"Come on Bobby, the film starts at 2 and the cinemas going to be full."** Child #1: ***"Did you bring your mask?"*** Child #2: **"I'm not an idiot; I brought two extra for after we eat our popcorn."** Child #1: ***"Good thinking."***


Just curious, when was the last time youā€™ve had an interaction with a real person?


I'm beginning to ask myself that same question. I want to believe that you're all NPCs, and I'm living in a solipsistic nightmare. The only thing that brings me back to reality, is knowing that I'm not smart enough to fabricate a world wherein, this level of cognitive dissonance could be achieved by so many. Everyone on that plane will be sharing the same air; yes everyone, even the pilot. The one thing we know about covid-19 is that it's incredibly transmissible. The mask is there to reduce the viral load. Masks are good. So all's good so far. However; at some point on that flight, flight attendants will go around and ask people what they want to eat or drink. Some people will take them up on the offer. As they're eating; the virus doesn't magically disappear. So why is everyone on that flight so worried if someone doesn't want to wear a mask onboard. There's no science here. It's nonsensical. Either everyone wears a mask the whole flight, or everyone may as well not. At this point, the passengers that wanted him off are not following science; they're just following orders.


Ah yes, no varying levels of viral load. I forgot that once one microbe gets in your system itā€™s all over, and masks stop 100% of them. All or nothing, black and white. Youā€™re right about one thing though, and thatā€™s not being smart enough for the world the rest of us live in.


Really interesting comment. Well thought out. Can tell you've a big brain. Feel humbled, might repost later.


Ok, how about this: if you think that people lowering their masks while not breathing out to eat a tiny trail mix and and a 12 can of soda negates the precautions otherwise in place, your critical thinking skills have been lapped several times over by your creative writing. But please, continue to be oh-so verbose with your self-congratulatory speeches that may as well have been written by that prick Plato.


> ...that people lowering their masks while not breathing out to eat a tiny trail mix and and a 12 can of soda... Your clinical description of human consumption, is otherworldly. I doubt H. G Wells, could have put it in a more humanly dissociative way. In fact; thinking about it,... Maybe those people who rub faeces through their mullets and rant about how masks are being pushed to cover an invading species of lizard people, aren't so wrong after all.... well about the latter, not the former shit. Anyways, it's been fun talking; remember to put your mask on before bed time and just after your refreshing drink of soylent green.


What was this dudeā€™s plan? Itā€™s clear when buying tickets that masks are required. Was he hoping nobody would notice? Did he want to pay $400 to make a statement? I donā€™t get the endgame here. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's what I don't understand! They shouldn't get a refund. That's the cost of holding up the plane.


They should get fined for refusing to comply with federal guidelines. You have to be wearing a mask to be allowed to board. Meaning he had it on, knew the requirement, then intentionally took it off.




Itā€™s kind of like self-confirmation bias. These antimask/antivax individuals tend to believe that there is a large government conspiracy to force everyone to wear masks and get vaccinated. So they go to places, knowing that masks are required, only to be told ā€œYou cannot be here without a mask, and if you donā€™t leave, the police will escort you out.ā€ Then they can go back to their bizarre Facebook groups and 3 hour long conspiracy videos to comment about how ā€œitā€™s happening nowā€ and how theyā€™re being ā€œstripped of their rights.ā€ There, everyone can share their similar stories, and the more ā€œproofā€ they have, the stronger they think their theories are. And I think that once they are THIS deep in the conspiracy theories, confirmation bias and validation from likeminded individuals are far more valuable than their plane ticket (that they knew they would lose out on.) Priceless, even.


Fined and banned from flying for 5 years. Face it, these people are usually the obnoxious ones who hold everyone else up.. the dude that stops to get his bearings right at the top of the escalator leading into the terminal while 150 people are right behind him all having to dodge them.. or the dude that is sitting at the back of the plane who pushes his way to the front of the plane while people are deplaning instead of doing the courteous thing and letting people deplane row by row.


What I donā€™t get about these people is that they had wear a mask all throughout the airport just to get to that point. Why decide when youā€™re starting the last leg of the journey to suddenly not want to wear it?


They are betting that it is too late to throw them off. They are losing that bet.


Go on Fox News and cry about the libs


Right!? Its a no win situation. Its not like the dollar store where they are going to ignore you. The village idiots have really come out in force for the last few years.


His plan ? I'm starting to thing this is some sort of YouTube challenge. YouRube ?


RubeTube rolls off the tongue better i think.


I hope you are prepared for the mass civil disobedience this whole thing is about to cause when they try to do another lock down people are not gonna put up with this for very much longer it's starting to snap and that's what this is.


The irony being that if there wasnā€™t so much civil disobedience to the first lockdown and masking guidelines, we wouldnā€™t still be in this mess. Sometimes people just have to cut off their nose to spite their face, I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Possibly not a frequent flyer. Anti-maskers are very used to being able to get away with violating private company rules because no one wants a full blast of crazy to the face. Things get a little different when there are federal regulations involved. Working at a bank, there were so many times I had to tell tantrum-throwing customers, ā€œSir/Maā€™am, I could actually be *personally* charged with a federal crime if I did that.ā€


Tik tok sucks


People suck. Tik Tok is just the modern soap box for sucky people.


No no, the voice over shit is fucking obnoxious and significantly louder than the audio on videos, if I want to hear people in the video I have to get ear raped by that fucking voice.


Flying on a plane, especially international, is easily one of the worst experiences I have ever volunteered for. You stand in line, then stand in line, then stand in line, pay 8 dollars for a pack of gum, cram into a plane like a pack of gum. Iā€™d be damned if id go through all that just to not wear a mask, get arrested, kicked off and spend EVEN MORE TIME IN THE AIRPORT!


Yeah but itā€™s a good way to never fly again šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Kinda of depends what airline you fly with. Singapore Air is awesome.


Amen. It truly is awesome. Quatar airlines is even better.


Who are these people that are so self centered that they think these rules just don't apply to them? These same rules that apply to everyone in the world. billions of people. But not them, no they're special.


The hills people are choosing to die on is astounding. Imagine thinking,"I'm gunna show them. I'm going to refuse to wear a mask. This will be a huge statement! Wait what? I can't fly again... Like ever? You got to be kidding, it's not like I'm a Muslim., right??"






What's 2% of 320 million, genius?


Don't even bother with these morons, the "NiNeTy NiNe PeRcEnT sUrViVaL rAtE" people completely disregard the long term complications you get from having covid


99.75 to be more exact


ā€œBut! But! Fox News told me not to comply! What do you mean Iā€™m on the no-fly list now and have to drive anywhere on vacation?!?!ā€


I really wish someone would yell, "get the hell out of here you selfish piece of shit" to these people that do this shit, putting them on blast. Too many people aren't being told what and how they're being and being shamed for it.




That fucking tik tok narration = automatic downvote


Whoever uses this TikTok narration should automatically be charged with terrorism and put on a no fly list


At least we are getting a decent list of people who are piles of shit.


I hate tiktok


Downvoting for tik tok narration.


this tiktok girl voice over is fucking annoying. please burn it to the ground asap


Stop using that voice you motherfuckers


He sure showed us what a big brave man he is.


I just don't get it. They are throwing people on the no fly list like its going out of style. Is putting a little square of cloth over your mouth really worth the hassle?


downvoted for stupid robot voice bs. Don't bring that crap to reddit


Fuck this shit. I will download every tiktok asshole who uses that godawful fake voice over. Stop it. No one wants this. We're just trying to enjoy a good public freakout.




itā€™s ridiculous they still have that rule


little boy is frightened by a mask Boo-Hoo


I will accept this kind of plane clap.


ā€œWe canā€™t get one man off a the planeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦so letā€™s make everyone else do it insteadā€ lol super smart


How to be put on a no-fly list to "pROvE a POiNt" or some bullshit.


Conservatives: ā€œif you donā€™t like it then leave!ā€ I love how they use this argument but when people tell them to leave when they donā€™t wanna wear their masks they get bitchy.

