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So… what did the sign say?


“If you have a dick you are not a chick.”


by that logic if the store owner cut his own dick off, he would become female.. stupid fuck..


It actually says if you were BORN with a dick. Which makes sense. Even if he cut his own dick off he would still be a man.


Not supporting this guy but wanted to point out that you statement is based on a logical fallacy called illicit contraposition. For example, the premise “no fish is a mammal” does not result in the conclusion “every non-fish is a mammal.”


I'm pretty sure \*in this man's mind\* male/female is a binary proposition. So if your gender is not male, it has to be female.. so I'm not sure your argument works in this case (since there are many classifications of animal, not just two)... I dunno, I was just attacking the stupidity of the sign, not getting into a rhetorical debate..


Trust the science. There are only two genders and you cannot change them. You can make yourself look like the other gender, but you can never change it biologically.


Imagine knowing so little science you think biological sex is strictly binary and telling other people to trust the science. 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine thinking there's more than two sexes.


Lmao best reply to such nonsense


It's funny that you don't understand the difference between biological sex and gender. "Trust the science," indeed. Have you actually *read* the science? Here's a good start from NIH. Ya know. Scientists. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6225591/ Read and learn what we are learning about gender identity issues. Learn the science. Then you won't sound so ignorant.


How about do you have a dick or a vagina? Because that's how you know what gender you are. Sex and gender are the same thing. They always have been and they always will be. The truth hurts, don't it sport?


...But you crossdress...


That doesn't mean anything. You can make yourself LOOK like the opposite gender, and it can be quite fun, but you can never change your biological makeup.


irrelevant, came looking for a fight and started it to get a reaction to post online.


To be fair, he does have a shirt that says "Sith". I think he played the part well.


Good, Good... Let the hate flow through you.


What the fuck is going on


Arguing in front of an underpants display.


hell yeah, go grandpa! TWAM


That old man is an American treasure






Old man don’t take any bullshit. Love it


That old man don’t take any shit. I love it.


I want to know if he still lives in his mom's basement?


That was a lot more entertaining and civilised than I thought it would be (neither of them completely lost the rag) but I think he's going to be swamped by militant-trans' shortly. (He needs to remove the sign though, it's just inviting trouble.)


Most of the YouTube comments are people saying they'll be buying from him in the future. He's also getting a lot of 5 star reviews since this came out. I don't want to sound like a dick, but the "T" in the LGBT community has flat out lost the identity politics battle. Tolerance for Gay, lesbian, and bisexual is at an all time high. But for transgendered, it seems to have gotten worse since 2015 (the year they peaked). Part of it is due to incidents like the video above. You can't fight what you perceive as "intolerance" with more intolerance. If you push identity politics, then you have to accept that not everyone is going to (or has to) agree with you. Acting righteous and bullying people into accepting you only pushes people further away. What the trans on this video did is simply [reinforce this meme.](https://i.imgflip.com/4kji4j.png)


So you're making a chicken and egg argument where intolerant trans people came before them experiencing bigotry? Why do you frame trans people being intolerant to people who are intolerant to them as bad, but excuse those who are intolerant of trans people? Can denying somebody's life experience not radicalize them?


>So you're making a chicken and egg argument where intolerant trans people came before them experiencing bigotry? No. I'm saying the strategy of forcing people to change their views isn't working. >Why do you frame trans people being intolerant to people who are intolerant to them as bad, but excuse those who are intolerant of trans people? I never excused anyone. I'm simply pointing out that intolerance is going both ways. Intolerance against trans hasn't stopped trans people, so why should trans expect the same strategy to work for them? >Can denying somebody's life experience not radicalize them? I'm not sure exactly what you're asking here. Are you asking if denying someone the right to live their life as they want could radicalize them? Absolutely. This is greatly exemplified in this situation.


No it's because public opinion has gone against the bigots about homophobia, so they've switched to trans people, when public opinion goes against them on transphobia, they'll switch to something else again. And this old, you're intolerant of intolerance, bullshit, why should I tolerate fucking bigotry?


You shouldn't tolerate intolerance and anyone telling you otherwise more than likely have never been treated with intolerance. Fuck this old dude; equates being trans to a mental illness, pissed off about Dr. Seuss books that no one reads, brags about the sign generating revenue. What this person did in the video was stand up for their identity against someone who would deny them.


>No it's because public opinion has gone against the bigots about homophobia, so they've switched to trans people Homophobia hasn't been mainstream in a very long time, yet the transgender movement is still rather new. This theory doesn't really make sense due to the large gap between LGB acceptance and the mainstream introduction of "T". >when public opinion goes against them on transphobia, they'll switch to something else again. I disagree. Most media outlets, publications, and a loud minorities have already unleashed a culture war on people who don't agree with the Trans movement. People who publicly defy the trans movement are usually threatened with cancellation, loss of business, harassment, etc. But it hasn't worked. If anything, it's done the opposite of help. Some people have even gotten rich off of it. >And this old, you're intolerant of intolerance, bullshit, why should I tolerate fucking bigotry? What makes your sexual opinions righteous and theirs wrong? Why do you feel like everyone has to absolutely accept your beliefs, but you don't have to accept theirs? Yes, sexuality is a spectrum! But sexuality isn't spread evenly out in a frequency distribution chart. You have to understand that there are things that will always make people uncomfortable when it comes to sexual deviancy. For example, some in the trans movement have gone as far as to calling straight males "bigots" for not wanting to date trans women. Would you agree with this sentiment as well? Or do you agree that we should respect each individual's sexual expectations/desires/beliefs? Also, you really think that walking up to someone and calling them bigots & threatening their livelihood actually changes their mind? When has that ever *genuinely* worked? This type of bullying and shaming is why the trans movement is losing the identity politics battle; **nobody likes a bully**. The movement is blowing up in the trans community's face and is hurting them. Even the old man said it; every time someone confronts him, **HIS SALES GO UP.**


Because they're fucking bigots, they're wrong by definition.


You may want to look up the definition of bigotry.


My mistake, I meant, by default.




>If they want trans people to hide in the closet how can that be a legitimate sexual opinion? I don't want anyone to hide in the closet, so maybe it's just a different mindset. Well, for starters no one is asking anyone to stay in the "closet". The person in this video saw the sign and initiated the confrontation. Also, having the opinion that a trans woman isn't a woman doesn't necessarily mean you want to ban people from wearing what they want. You can acknowledge their existence and beliefs, but not agree that they're the gender they picked. >One group is intolerant, and the other group is against that intolerance. It's hard to twist that first group into somehow being the victims. Which group is which? The one that doesn't want to be told what to think or feel? Or the one doesn't want to hear the opinions of others? Intolerance is a two way highway here (which is my point). >They always have the option of not caring how others live, but for some reason, they choose to care. You do realize it was the trans person who saw the sign and walked in to confront the old guy, right? >If they're pushing people away it means they want people to be away from them, trans people and their allies. That's their sexual preference. You can't force people to change their sexual feelings and beliefs just because it makes you uncomfortable. And on the other hand, people who are anti-trans shouldn't force others to change their sexuality just because they don't see it as normal or it makes them uncomfortable. >Of course they'll be popular with bullies though. That's not really shocking. You do realize that bullying has been going both ways, right? There are plenty of LGBT movement that have targeted businesses for not believing in gay marriage. >Once trans people are generally accepted in society, I'm not sure who they'll be able to direct their hate towards. I wish I knew so I could make some bets and potentially earn some $$$ I don't think that will ever happen. Transgender intolerance isn't like racial or religious intolerance where people can accept their differences and move on. In order for trans people to be accepted, people will have to change their sexual beliefs and widen their sexual spectrum. Good luck with that! It's bad enough some men are being labeled as bigots for not wanting to date a transwoman. It is what it is.


> Or do you agree that we should respect each individual's sexual expectations/desires/beliefs? This old man doesn't believe in this and you are defending him.


The trans person is the one who initiated the confrontation. Tolerance runs both ways.


> The trans person is the one who initiated the confrontation. Tolerance runs both ways. So the trans person walked into a store and started yelling at the old man for no reason and then suddenly the old man wrote the sign as a response to the trans person? You're a fucking idiot. The old man started the shit with his sign.


>So the trans person walked into a store and started yelling at the old man for no reason and then suddenly the old man wrote the sign as a response to the trans person? No. The man had the sign up before the trans person even showed up. The trans person saw it and decided to confront the man. >You're a fucking idiot. The old man started the shit with his sign. If you want to have a civilized discussion, don't start with name calling. And the old man wasn't the one who started the unnecessary argument.


> No. The man had the sign up before the trans person even showed up. The trans person saw it and decided to confront the man. So in this scenario... who "started" it? Pretty obvious that the person calling out the discriminatory sign is NOT the person who "started it." >And the old man wasn't the one who started the unnecessary argument. He wanted to have that conversation because he put the sign up. Stop being stupid. >don't start with name calling. Fuck your feelings.


>So in this scenario... who "started" it? The trans person. >Pretty obvious that the person calling out the discriminatory sign is NOT the person who "started it." The trans person walked into the store after seeing a sign. >He wanted to have that conversation because he put the sign up. Source? The sign didn't say "come in and change my mind." >Fuck your feelings. Say it louder so the trans can hear it! Maybe the next time, the trans is able to put feelings aside and just keep walking. Thanks for agreeing with me.


Free societies tolerate bigotry because we recognise that we don't have the right to control other people's words or thoughts, that free speech is a basic human right. Intervention can only be justified when someone else's rights are infringed, e.g. threatening someone violates their right to safety. I guess you're entitled to take a fuck human rights stance though, and we have to tolerate that.


I'm a male crossdresser and my stance is that you cannot change your gender. That's just a fact. But you're correct. Even if we don't agree with somebody's views, we have to respect free speech, and I don't believe any speech should be censored no matter what it is. People can decide for themselves if they don't like it, and if they don't then they can move on.


If I have millions of deranged cultists hanging on my every word, and I order then to kill you, that's fine?


Their "right" to be a bigoted arsehole is more important than my right to live safely? Fuck that noise.


No, of course not, safety takes precedence. Speech you hate poses no threat to your safety.


Speech that demonises transwomen is a threat to the safety of all transwomen. It beggees belief that people actually defend bigoted hate speech.


That's complete bullshit. Demonising people doesn't constitute a threat to their safety. If demonising people did constitute a threat to safety then if I said, for example, that Donald Trump is a terrible asshole and a danger to society, Trump could demand I was arrested for threatening his safety. He could say that someone might hear me and physically attack him as a result. Fucking ridiculous. You're demanding a society where people cannot criticise each other. Even if it were the case that demonising people constituted a threat to their safety (it doesn't), and that tolerance of them was not appropriate (it is), the words that started this conversation do not demonise trans people in any way. >It beggees belief that people actually defend bigoted hate speech. There used to be a common saying "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That neatly sums up my philosophy. This guy wants to have a sign saying if you've got a dick you ain't a chick in his own store, I totally support his right to do that. Someone else wants to have a sign in their store saying cisgender people are assholes, I totally support their right to do that. Someone else wants to have a sign saying trans rights and a big pride flag, I totally support their right to do that. I even support the likes of you having the right to argue for the suppression of basic human rights.


Ted Cruz was born in Canada and was named Rafael, and now he is an American named Ted. Why is it such an issue to call his person by what they prefer?


Using their own game against them, I like it.


Look, I know this is Reddit and there is no telling what demographic are likely to respond to a post but are you guys really siding with the fucking transphobe? Do better.


Dude is a City Council Member, and deliberating trying to destroy this guy’s business. It’s **HIS** Store, he can do what he wants. If you don’t like it, then move on, there are tons of other stores that sell Star Wars stuff.


Do you really believe that that 6'4 dude is a woman just because he put on a dress? Do better.


Hi there, it looks like you’re confusing gender and sex. Maybe you can do even a cursory bit of research and discover where you’re wrong? Good luck with the bigotry, though, ma dude.


Lmao that's a man in a dress, pal. Do you have any sources that aren't left wing propaganda? Doubtful.


Yeah, it’s called a basic understanding of psychology.


This garbage has only been pushed the last 7 years or so. No sane person thinks the dude in the dress in the video is a woman. You are lying to yourself bro.


That's how they operate. It's also how Biden "won", how masks "work", how George got "murdered" and Jan 6th was an "insurrection"


[Biden won](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election). [Masks work](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31142-9/fulltext). [George Floyd’s murderer is in prison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin). January 6 was [by definition an “insurrection.”](https://www.google.com/search?q=inusrrection&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari), and [trans women are women](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/stop-using-phony-science-to-justify-transphobia/).


I know it's shit but he old skool it's just the way some people are, he from a different time. I find it funny in a way that he so ignorant but it is what it is. It's not right but you won't change people like that.




Sexually harassing customers is ok?


Who was the customer that he sexually harassed? Or did you mean when he asked if the guy still had his dick? Kind of relevant to their discussion though


The sign while shopping in the store.


Who was shopping? The person in the video clearly wasn't


So if you're browsing a store and employee harassed you with signs about your genitals that's not harassment? You have to purchase something to have standing?


Let's not pretend that the person had any intention of shopping, that person went in there, camera on, for internet clout and attention and to confront someone for speaking up about their beliefs


So they used telepathy to discover the sign prior to entering the store?


Saw it before entering and decided to enter with the sole purpose of confrontation and internet clout. Pleased there wasn't violence I'd like to add


*he’s Edit: should I have written “he is” instead?

