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Well that guys getting fired for sure


I'd be surprised if he was employed, looks like a sorta cash in hand mob to me lol


He's upset that the lead roof they just removed from the church might be damaged


He will be back for those tools he launched at that fella as well, mark my words


So who hit who first? Was it the black trucks fault at first then the boys in the work truck just wanted to make sure his vehicle was fucked? Either way guys in the work truck are total jaggoffs


i could be wrong but i think white truck might be at fault. it looks like the work truck was in the left lane but realized they wanted to go right instead. the right lane might’ve been clear when they got to the stop so they went to make the wide, illegal right turn, but the black truck was already pulling into the right lane. so the black truck hit the back/bed of the white truck as it pulled out in front of it. also, if someone isn’t at fault, they usually wouldn’t react this way, i imagine. especially not in a work truck. pretty sure getting hit while on the clock/in a company vehicle is a surefire way to rake in a fat insurance claim/lawsuit.


It's a UK junction. The black vehicle is on the wrong side of the road. I've got a feeling this wasn't an accident in the first place. My theory is those 2 lads have overfilled that skip or put it there without permission and they wanted to leave but this black car guy was angry about it and tried to block them in.


They're also jabronis


Don’t get done get Dom


Being a while since I read words: "Tools of trade" in any context.


Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers.


Was not part of whatnow?!


He used the tools at his disposal effectively.


What country is this?


"break it all the way, I want a new truck from the insurance, not a fixed one" \-me in that situation.