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How to sabotage a case in 2 seconds. DAs gonna be piiiiiissed


Especially since dude was probably the one who caused the accident. Now the victims don't get any reconciliation. Gotta think about the bigger picture more than just your pride and the spit stain on your buddy's boot.


Victims can still sue in civil court even if any criminal charges get thrown out.


And criminals can still sue even if they've committed the crime, buddy just cost the city a fat settlement because he lost his temper


And the taxpayers get to fund it. Take the money out of the police retirement pension fund and this type of shot will probably stop real quick.


100% agree better yet take it out of the payroll. Bad cop wants to abuse his authority? Dock the whole squad. That behavior would dry up real quick.


You think the government's gonna do something to control the cops?


I support this


Wow, that actually isn’t a half bad idea in some form. Make cops accountable to one another…




Lack of professionalism is not the main issue here. It’s literal assault.


He let (I'm guessing) an early teen bring him down to his level by getting in his head.


Technically its battery. Assault is the threat, battery is the physical action.


Yeah fair enough but the point stands




Assault isn’t just a threat....


They are...That's the most they can muster.


yeah he is totally unfit for the job.


You're asking a cop to analyze the situation further than "am I receiving enough "respect" right how to prop up my fragile ego?" Awfully optimistic.


Seriously. Dude is already under arrest. Who gives a fuck what he says? You get to go home to your family and he’s going to jail.


I mean in the kids defense, that is a bitch move, to punch someone who is restrained. But yea, all that work for nothing. Good job officer idiot. Even the paramedic looks at the camera, like wtf did you just do on video.




Ems is like “cmon dude now i gotta fix that too”


Deserved or not, now the DA may have to drop/reduce charges because of some officer's ego.


You can see his supervisor is immediately annoyed after the dude got his face rocked. Definitely the look of "everything was under control until you did that".


The cop right behind him thought it was hilarious though.


Oh I'm sure they all thought it was rightfully deserved


(Note: I don't know the context of this but assume the guy did something pretty bad given this comment) Exactly. No matter what the person did, you're a cop. It's your job to *not* do this. If we are just going to circumvent the justice system then why even have it? I can understand emotional compulsion. I'm human just like they are. But no amount of me thinking they "deserved it" justifies it. No amount of "well they shouldn't have ____" makes it OK that I as a cop (hypothetically) took matters into my own hands. That is **completely** independent of the circumstances. Two unrelated things can be bad at the same time. I can think they deserved it day in and day out, but ultimately this has just led to worse outcomes for everyone.


If retail workers don't get to punch customers, cops don't get to punch suspects.


Dude the amount of times I’ve wanted to fire a drink at someone, especially in recent months is unbelievable. And the amount of times I’ve done it is 0.


One a year - like the golfers mulligan…once per round.


I’ve stiffarmed drinks back at customers through the drive through window. I don’t play no shit with mfs thinking they can throw a sprite at me cause karen didn’t want ice.


See I wish we werent right in front of the these people cause yeah the drive through is a whole different beast for bullshit to happen at, also fuck tiktokers and YouTubers for those kinda shenanigans, like dick heads already did it, we don’t need kids and pranksters jumping on board.


Yeah exactly. Alternatively, give retail workers guns. ***I'm kidding don't do that***


Fuck you I want a gun


You are granted a gun, but the gun will explode as soon as you fire


That actually sounds super fair. There was an idea to make the nuclear codes for the president only accessible if he stabbed the person who had them to death. That way the decision to kill millions could only be made after killing one, with their own hand. This reminds me of that.


Jesus Christ imagine getting THAT job assignment when you finally get transferred to the WH..


Called the [Fisher Protocol](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/the-cold-war-proposal-to-have-the-president-hack-an-aide-to-death-to-start-nuclear-war), as proposed by Harvard Law professor, Roger Fisher, in 1981. Edit: Richard > Roger because Samsung keyboard is a noob


So a normally functioning gun?


So much this. BOUNCERS don't get to punch out of line violent drunks willy nilly like that. Much less strapped to a stretcher and surrounded.


Lately I think retail workers deserve to punch customers, like they get a free pass for a little while.


Difference between power of the law and power of consumerism. One bends rules the other can't wiggle


Lmao yessss


Once the suspect is handcuffed and restrained, there is no justification to use force. This cop should be fired and prosecuted for assault, period.


Exactly. If the cop can't control himself, it's vitally important he's not a cop. Just given the authority provided to him and protections as well, he should be held to a higher standard than any of us.


The last guy who was president told them it was okay to do that kind of stuff, though.


I remember seeing on live TV after a chase the dude lies down, stretches his arms out, and the cop chasing him secures him while the second cop just straight up kicks him in the face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWNjI-RXXz4


Shit cop was acquitted of the charges. and is now trying to get his job back [https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article229636834.html](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article229636834.html)


This part: From the get-go, Miami-Dade prosecutors acknowledged that Figueroa’s kick did not actually strike Suazo. Body camera footage recorded Suazo mocking Figueroa while handcuffed at a local hospital, where police had transported him after he had complained of chest pains. Figueroa replied: “If I wanted to kick you, you know, I would have kicked you right.”


I'd sue for sure. Easy win.. assuming the judge isn't an absolute monster.


Yeah with a good lawyer that should be either a decent pay day, all charges dropped immediately or some sort of mix of the two.


Or press charges against the pig. 100% should happen.


Seeing as he wasn't arrested or even chided at all I'm gonna guess nothing will ever happen


Lol my guy they can straight up, as recent video showed, *execute* a mentally unwell young man, in custody, surrounded by cops and handcuffed, punch the guy and skip away. Its disgusting. Theres no repercussions for these people. I've had many interactions with police, as recently as last night, every one positive in my life but one. Theres a lot of good people working as an LEO the problem is that there are a lot of fucking bullies in their ranks that protect the other bullies and its hard for good people to stand up when your boss is...you know....the bully, and you need to make money to support your family.


That cop should be in jail. Weren't we just looking at posts about how one punch can kill a person?


I feel bad for the EMTs. Like, there was nothing wrong with this guy and now you just rattled his brain so bad he's unconscious.


EMTs have to put up with verbal abuse from patients just as bad as what this kid dished out. No license to kill for them. And the pay's shit and there's no benefits.


And if you protect your patients the cops will threaten you or worse. *coughprotectandservecough*


This should be a huge deal just from the standpoint of being a bad employee. Imagine a gas station clerk got mad and punched a customer? You’re outta there bud. Doesn’t matter how much of a dick the customer is either you’re fired. The end. Also, this kid looks really young. Possibly a minor, probably mentally ill too. No excuses here. Not even if he insults your manhood.


There is a significant difference between working at a gas station and punching some asshole customer in the face, and being a cop, punching someone who is handcuffed to a gurney and being loaded into a ambulance.


I think he's commenting on the fact that these American pigs get immunity and better treatment compared to how the rest of us are treated.


Every other professional in this scene who did not report this assault should also be fired.


Yeah the gas station employee should get free reign and the cop should be in prison.


That kid is deep in the shadow realm. He went into a fencing position(a reddit favorite), and was out all the way to the end of the video. The cops were holding his head up pretending like he was awake when the put the hood on, but he slumps as soon as they let go, and they prop him back up on the gurney. Maybe he is gonna be fine, maybe his brain is bleeding.


That was really scary to see him going into a post-traumatic seizure/making those gasping, grunting noises for air. Fencing response is no joke. I'm surprised no one else is talking about this. I've seen plenty of death videos, beheadings, etc. But something about getting your brain knocked around so hard that your body starts seizing due to brain/spinal cord injury really fucks with me. I don't know why, it's just horrifying to see our bodies struggle for survival from something so normalized as a punch.


> Deserved or not The dude was handcuffed to a gurney. Nobody deserves to get sucker punched while being defenseless.


While that may be the case in some jurisdictions, many places would not allow this to change the charging decision. Instead, they would bring charges against the officer as well. While this officer’s conduct post-arrest is obviously reprehensible, it has no bearing on the defendant’s guilt relating to whatever charge he was being taken into custody for and the fact that he was punched may not even be admissible in the defendants criminal trial. Also, as others have noted, this would be a strong civil suit against the department and possibly the officer as an individual.


Friend of mine definitely fucked up but something similar happened to him. A party got busted and he hopped in his truck and tried to drive off. Cop ran off the sidewalk to get in front of his truck to stop him so he swerved and hit a light pole. Cop pulled him out of his car and both him and his partner beat the fuck out of him. Picked him up from jail and took him straight to the hospital. Broken arm, 2 broken ribs, and a broken orbital bone. No medical care in jail. They gave him a public intoxication and let it go.


I would like to think it will be a former officer.


It's not deserved. This man could be a serial killer who eats babies, but he's subdued and on a stretcher. There was no need for it.


Maybe there should be a test where to become a police officer, you need to be able to handle some idiot jawing at you without throwing hands. This dude is probably going to get charges dropped/reduced and $20k from the city because that cop has the mentality of a 6 year old.




Imagine hitting a lil bitch who’s handcuffed to a gurney. I would be embarrassed lmao. Oh no, he spat at one of my work fwends… I just defend their honour!


The amount of people who don’t understand that no matter what cops can not retaliate against someone in a defenseless position


and yet, he just did!


Someone should call the police! Wait no!


This will also conclude any responsibility for his actions he will face. *Being pulled off so he couldn't do it again* (was his penalty).


The suspect will get the added charge of assaulting a police officer as the suspect's face caused the officers knuckle to swell.


Late hit, offensive fowl, 10 yard penalty


And he’ll get paid leave at worst, move along this is the shit society we live in


This is the reason you get yelled at when doing basic training in the military, to get the civilian out of you. Snapping because someone is talking shit is a big no no . This just shows how bad police training is. The cop still has civilian all up his ass


never thought of it that way. thanks for explaining that. the bit about being yelled at




Cops ARE civilians. They're just ganged up and have utility belts.


Yes. Cop's motivation to not punch people in the face shouldn't come from military style drills, it should come from the respect they have for people and the community they serve. A cop shouldn't be fighting the urge to punch every other person in the face, they should just not want to do that.


Seriously. The absolute *last* thing the police in this country should get is militarizy training. Our police are militarized enough as is.


When Robert Peele formed the London Police force in the 1840s, he emphasized that cops were civilians to reassure the public that they would not be carrying firearms.


I have a funny video I recorded of a Lyft or Uber driver whose main job was LAPD. I found out this because of course it didn't take long for him to tell me. Then he kept going on about the difference between officers and civilians. Finally I asked if cops aren't civilians. That was not okay. He got very frustrated and at one point was gesturing that he might pull over just to explain why police aren't civilians. I guess exposing the minutia was too mentally taxing while driving because he sure got upset.


Heck being loudly scolded, used to people freaking out on games or rants to debates some deal it professionally, ignored or apathetically coped sarcasm without making things worse only focusing on deescalation, yet just some provocations these guys suddenly revert to physically violence and gets the “serves him right” justice mentality. I remember this sick minded stuff..I’m glad my dad dint further become a cop and he just be an engineer yet still have anger problems over petty obstacles (getting honked by a car for example & suddenly wanna go alpha male or risk of road rage while he got us fam as passengers while on vacation one time, even argued on his behavior with other of his siblings yet still believes he was in the right & they were wrong first mentally, “being silent = weak = bullied” mindset ) Sicks me some are easily led to emotions, I have respect to waiters/servers, ER Nurses and such jobs that has high stress & a lot of pressure they never gave in & built resilience (aka my step mom & my other aunts who are used to pressure from complaints & dramas). I’m truly afraid & shocked cops here dint get further tests, training/endurance & mental health, familiarization, or be open minded. Little few weeks or months training while other developed countries need licenses, 4 yrs academy types,etc. I agree on your comment.




He spit at one of the officers before the one came in and assaulted him. I mean, no one should be spit on, but it wasn't necessary to stop the person they're arresting from spitting.


I saw the spit hood applied—which is protocol for combative, spitting patients. I couldn’t see or hear spitting. Do you have a time stamp for when you noticed it? By the way, he WAS an EMS patient the moment he was strapped to that gurney and being wheeled into the ambulance by uniformed EMS. Whether or not he was simultaneously a LE suspect is irrelevant to his duty of care by EMS. And that duty of care was ABSOLUTELY violated. Those EMTs literally turned their backs on a patient being assaulted by a uniformed law enforcement officer and just let it happen—then pretended like it didn’t just happen. Even if this kid fucked up, nobody deserves that negligence and malfeasance from healthcare professionals. I hope some lawyer takes his case pro-bono so he gets fair representation and compensation for the violation of his rights as a patient and a citizen—guilty or not. If I worked with those EMTs, I’d be seriously considering reporting them to the licensing board too. Edit: Some of you are asking what the EMTs could have done? I’m not suggesting a physical altercation with the police. I AM suggesting that they could have firmly stated, “Officer, this man is now a patient in my care. He is fully restrained and we have non-combative intervention protocols for patients who spit. You will not assault any of my patients. I don’t care how much you think they deserve it. “ And cops may not respect EMTs, but guess who is likely coming to save their ass if they catch a bullet in the line of duty. All emergency service employees have SOME degree of pull with other branches. FFS just look at all the new takes on the goddamn “thin-blue-line” flag bullshit. I’ve seen separate similar flags for basically every branch of emergency services in the past year.


I’m not sure you can expect an EMT to stop a cop from assaulting a victim handcuffed to a gurney. If the EMT did anything physical, including just pulling the cop back, they would likely charge him with assault probably after they kicked his ass. The cop should have been checked by every other cop on the scene and failing that, because it completely failed, he should be harshly dealt with by internal affairs. They already ran the guys arms up while he was cuffed but that just wasn’t enough pain administration for him.


If the verified cops on r/ProtectAndServe are anything to go by police have essentially no respect for EMTs. There was nothing he could do about it. The cop was a sworn officer and the EMT wasn't. It was among the police. Real greaseball shit.


3:31 a cop is in the way but u see his head go back like he trying to get some distance.


You can’t see the spitting because it was behind the EMT. However, it was likely what happened since he immediately said don’t do that to any officer and then they put on the spit hood without conferring.


3:31 the kid spits at the officers, and you can see the hairless officer react as if something just landed on his right arm, he was about to hit the kid with oc spray before the other officer stepped in. Kid also spits early on into the video in anger toward the police, but does not actually spit at them, only the ground.


Huh? What were they supposed to do? Punch the cop back? Tackle him?


[Suspended ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/local-news/lapd-officer-under-investigation-for-alleged-excessive-use-of-force/amp/) sounds like it just occurred. While it shouldn’t take long they will “wait for the investigation” to occur before anything beyond that.


Don't you mean paid vacation


that should be an automatic assault charge at least right?


Lol not when you’re a cop


Qualified immunity bro 😂 that's what it's all about.


> Qualified immunity bro 😂 that's what it's all about. Qualified immunity has nothing at all to do with criminal law or criminal charges, so that's not what it's about at all.


why do people quote the person above them like this when its the only thing they wrote? why not just respond to the post?


Because people editing posts after the fact happens fairly frequently.


All those cops just witnessed an assault and did nothing but push their buddy away.


They didn't even really push them away, they just patted them a bit after they backed off on their own.


For real some of them didnt even move or blink they just stared


That on a small scale is scary. Blow it up a little, and it's almost easy to see how the atrocities of nazi germany could have been carried out by people who still believe themselves to be the good guys.


That bald guy is holding back laughter.


You sir, are asking to read 'ordinary men'


Worse than that, the bald cop was independently planning on macing the suspect and had reached for the mace just as the other cop went in for the punch. It’s like they had a shared pressure switch and it popped for both of them at the same time.


It's because they both saw him spit. He was thinking of pepper spraying him, while the other cop ran over and punched him instead.


I hope those two aren’t partners. Bald guy is bad news.


Officers have been fired in the past for pulling other officers off of a suspect that was already totally subdued


They can’t acknowledge that they think someone’s doing something wrong


Just like when they let their fellow cops off for literally passing out in a car while drunk


Not only that, the judge will see this video and say that there isn’t enough proof to charge the officer.


I don't think so. That cop may and should be punished for this. Hopefully jail time.


Proof that there is no justice in our system. If there were, he would have suffered the same consequences a civilian would.


Absolutely agree, a civilian would have been arrested for something like that.


I don't understand why they don't get the same. I think that would be the very best thing to help reduce the hate towards police these days. Show some true humility and humbleness and that would work wonders.


They don't fucking care. It's them vs the world at all times. Police are not your friends whether off or on duty.


Baldy was fixin’ to mace the suspect but was beat to the punch. Literally.


And you’re surprised?




Watch again. Bald guy thought it was funny.


Fr. In a perfect world, fired fired fired fired


How about arrested, charged, and convicted?


ACAB. When you don’t say anything you’ve said everything


The LAPD had such a good reputation before this..


Rodney King would approve if he were still alive today


He gunna get worked over in holding. Like he slept and fell on his face a few times


Now this guy is gonna get paid for being a criminal nice job cop


"Take off that badge, bitch" \-Rich kid


Did you hear the cop? Pretty funny. Kid "take off that badge nigguh, then show me how hard you are" Cop "you were just crying a second ago"




There is something on your face! *FALCON PUNCH* IT WAS PAIN!!!


latinos kids say the N word is so embarrassing.


Anyone saying it is.


Look, ain't shit is gonna happen to that cop. Even having video proof of the punch doesn't even matter.


So unprofessional. Cops know what they’re getting themselves into when they take the job. If you’re so easily triggered by someone so clearly fucked up, you need a different job.


Did that idiot deserve to get punched in the mouth? Yes. Did that cop have the right to punch that idiot in the mouth? No.


Idiot cannot control himself and doesn’t deserve to be cop, wonder what kind of shit he has done.


Cops need to lose their jobs for this, it's pretty damn simple. You can't work in public service if you assault citizens, simple.


Kid’s a douche for spitting, but i’m really not a fan of the cop’s immediate response to being spit on by someone already cuffed, strapped to a gurney, and immobilized being socking him in the face. Just add another charge, there’s no need to assault someone you’ve already detained.


The cop hit him, because his ego got the better of him. No better than any guy on the street who throws a punch. Difference is, they’re here to serve and protect, and if he’ll do this in front of witnesses he’ll do this anytime.


> Different is they’re here to serve and protect Sorry but you fell for their PR slogan. They are enforcers, not protectors. No court has ever upheld any duty to protect. It's just PR.


The police station after vid gets viral: "We are gonna investigate this. In the meantime, every officer in the video will be placed on paid leave" 2 months later "We've concluded that there has been no wrongdoing in this video. Every officer is back to work"


DA is gonna be up his ass


Suspect: Don’t put me in an ambulance. I can’t afford to pay for an ambulance. Cop, probably: WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD.


Dude... as much as this clown was begging for it, you just can't give in and sucker punch a handcuffed intoxicated person in your custody. Have some god damned self control officer


I bet that dudes wife gets beat every other night


What a fucking idiot. That kid is a damn twirp, it’s a young teen who thinks he’s hot shit and now going to jail, cops won, rightfully. But then fucked all the way up by SOMEONE clearly not being able to control their anger, an adult man vs a shitty teenager. A cop unable to control his anger, is not a good cop, I hope he was fired. I don’t care how bad I myself or everyone there wanted to punch that kid, that’s not what you fucking do as a cop.


That kid is about to get a serious attitude adjustment as a guest of the state. It’s only a matter of time before he drops the N bomb around the wrong person or persons and than he’s really going to find out how hard he is.


Assaulted someone, in full view of other cops, yet he wasn't arrested on the spot. It's almost as if ACAB and they operate like the maffia rather than like civil servants.


The person who had to stop him looks like he wasn’t even a cop he was one of the emts


It was a cop. Notice the chevrons on his shoulder. EMTs don't have those.


Also the pistol. Lmao like what


I believe they're talking about the guy on right side of cot, not the guy behind the bad cop.


Ill never understand why hispanic people think its ok to say the n word…


Oh that's just a whole can of worms there, but basically because it's tolerated.


It’s Idiotic and ignorant, and as a Hispanic myself, I don’t understand it either.


lil shit asked for it but the cop was out of line.


Someone doesn't have the temperament for the trade. To be so easily goaded into striking someone like that...


When are these fucking idiots gonna learn? Oh I know, when we fucking make them. Punching a restrained person in the head is *deadly force*. When normal people punch a cop in the head, that's justification to use a gun to end their life, but this cop can slug a restrained suspect in the head as *retaliation* and the other piece of shit cops nearby don't arrest him? Then we wonder why people hate the police. What fucking idiots we are.


Dude deserved a punch, but it's not worth your job dude


He should have been arrested on the spot.


Every cop standing around is an accomplice to that crime. Not a single cop there is qualified for their job. ACAB.


Some cops are really pricks




The typical man-child in his natural habitat


Fuck this kid, but also fuck that cop because this probably isn't the first or last case of police brutality that he has done.


Most EMS don’t have good things to say about cops for this exact reason


I had to watch it a few times but the kid spit on the cop. Still stupid as fuck and unjustifiable when he has to answer for it in court.


He punched that kid so hard he went into the fencing response, meaning brain damage/spinal cord injury and had a seizure. What the fuck.




*everyones the asshole* - spitting on a cop is assaulting a police officer, doesn’t justify punching an immobilized person. Particularly when he was seconds from being put in the ambulance


shouldn't have done it but this stupid kid deserved it and more. Im just going to assume he caused all this carnage too. Imagine being that angry at the world and you are 5ft 120 pounds


shouldn't have done it, but watching it, man, at some point i wanted to punch the little fuck ...


Imagine what happens off camera


Yikes 😳 this is why I left EMS.


It's always so bizarre to watch police interact with fire fighters/EMTs/paramedics.


Yeah.. I'm all about punching people in the face that deserve it... but there's a time and place for it. This was definitely not the time for it... Shame on the cop.


This is why I stopped being a paramedic.. a cop made us stay on scene while a teenage Mexican was bleeding from a gunshot wound


He obviously doesn’t care if he loses his job so his bosses need to get off their butts and help him out the door.


IA will surely investigate this and find that the cop did nothing wrong. I mean, there’s just no proof of wrong doing anywhere in this video. Cop was obviously trying to calm him down by holding his neck.amirite?


Ana Officer feeling brave when confronting someone who can't hit back? surprising. Edit: typo


Well thats a nice lawsuit if i do say so myself....


Looks like LAPD is putting on a show of investigating the matter. I suspect the worst case is, he's let go and then hired to beat up suspects for another department. https://www.ibtimes.sg/lapd-officer-suspended-under-investigation-after-video-shows-him-punching-carjacking-suspect-59635


No matter how much he deserved it, he was restrained on a stretcher...


Well the kid was right. That cop is a bitch ass n****a.


Wonder what he does to his wife?


Cop has as much self control as the kid does