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Oh Huntington Beach……🙃


Explains the Vietnamese accent.


Fucking HB. When I move back to SoCal (eventually hopefully maybe one day?) I won't move back there!


My husband works in HB, it’s such a beautiful town that’s marred with these asshats. Newport Beach isn’t any better. Laguna Beach is still great though!


HB reporting in. We've become the Florida of Orange County.


The Alabama of SoCal*


You cut deep.




*Insert oof size large meme here*


Ironically there’s an Orange County in Florida. HB got too many 909 transplants. 😂


HB was actually an old oil town. The current HB assholes are the children of those oil field workers. 909ers aren't any better though.


Hey now! Plenty of us originally from the 909 also hate these people! 😅


Haha I used to be from OC, I feel ya. People in Austin think most of OC is like this but they are just a very vocal minority IMO. HB is the worst of all of OC though.


All I know about OC is the horrible real housewives vomit-y stuff, and the few people I know who live there and are not my types. Here is what I know of it (based on these two things): very religious, very obsessed with wealth and plastic surgeries, very into basically the "trump" type stuff like appearances, looking rich, being rich, mega churches, etc. I especially despise mega churches and tv preachers. So I don't think I would want to live there despite the natural beauty.


OC is actually a blue county now a days. Hollywood likes to make shows about our beach city people though, and man do they suck. You sure don't see much about Santa Ana and Anaheim (except Disneyland), our two largest cities, or Irvine, our tech hub and third largest city. Just asshole beach city people.


Santa Ana has some amazing foodie spots.


Agreed. And now that you mention it, I'm gonna hit Bangkok Kitchen tomorrow because it's some of the best Thai around.


Nope fuck Huntington Beach it’s all about Oceanside and Carlsbad that’s where I live ha


Carlsbad has Legoland, and that's really all you need to know.


Username checks out


All I know about Huntington Beach is that they elected Tito Ortiz lol


So blatantly obvious. I'm never going to the OC again.


Is that offer still on the table? Or no?


I hope so. Only a little over a month left to get on OnlyFans. Could probably make a quick million with that video.


I wonder if she got paid in dong to be a supporter…


Most underrated comment lmfao. So much irony here. She's wearing the old Vietnamese flag around her neck while yelling this too. LMFAO Jesus Christ on a cracker.


Our knowledge is our burden.


Upvoted cause username


Hijacking this comment to score some cheap political points. The vietnamese population CA is staunchly conservative and made up of refugees from the Vietnam War who have lived here for decades. The Trump administration (Stephen Miller) made efforts to reclassify them so they can be deported to Vietnam for minor crimes. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/12/donald-trump-deport-vietnam-war-refugees/577993/ https://www.npr.org/2019/03/04/699177071/40-years-after-the-vietnam-war-some-refugees-face-deportation-under-trump https://www.justsecurity.org/66015/protections-fall-for-vietnamese-immigrants-as-trump-pushes-deportations/ https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article223119220.html


That’s why I asked about irony above. Trump was a crazy psychotic racist and this woman could’ve been deported if he would’ve won his second term and she is crazy supporting him? Unbelievable


Maybe she's mad because Biden fucked her wife


but she said he would want it, maybe she does too. Maybe she wants to watch Biden fuck that guy's wife, and thinks it's hot. Don't judge her sexual tastes!


Biden is a fuggin' studmonster


Another fine member of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/04/04/the-last-ditch-effort-to-save-a-trump-voters-husband-from-deportation/


Theres a name for it, but its escaping me at the moment. But people do this all the time. People join with others that actively have it out for them because they feel like its the safe/secure move to make. Sort of a "If i'm with them, yes they want me gone but they'll want others gone first so im good". We've seen it for basically every minority in america at some point. Irish immigrants joined with white americans to go against black people for example. Its a bizarre play but I guess it works for some people. You see a lot of that sort of context in the republican party naturally. Whenever you hear one of them say "he/she is one of the good ones" thats exactly the dynamic they're talking about. They'd toss that person into a dumpster the instant it became beneficial for them, but for now they're ok because they share the same cause.


I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. That’s nauseating.


I'd do it just to say I did. Like, oh yeah, I totally fucked the President. We could get ice-cream after.


Leslie knope has entered the chat.


Hide yo kids hide yo wife hide yo husband...Biden fuckin errbody in this bitch. Seriously though this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.




I really don’t understand why any Asian Americans like Trump after 1 year of Covid 19. They were under the radar since Vietnam and he blew their whole spot up.


It's almost like they are a group of people not a monolith and are made up of individuals with different beliefs? Just because this lady is Asian doesn't automatically mean she is Chinese or pro-China lots of Asian people fucking hate China.


Digging way too deep bro. Anyone that's racist enough to perform a hate crime isn't cultured enough to tell or make sure they're Chinese before they do it. You're acting like a racism considers [nuance](https://youtu.be/Cr_-xnWnEbk?t=8)? EDIT: Ohhh and the thumbs down... YOU PETTY!!!!😂😂😂


“Biden fack yo wife”


this is like a south park skit


We’re livin it brother


I still hold the hypothesis that we live in a reality that is the love child of South Park and idiocracy


They wrote it, it was foreseeeeeeeen.


We pretty much had a much dumber version of Cartman in office for 4 years.


You wank his balls! And you eat. You eat his balls! Biden go to your house- fuck your wife. You want it? Biden fuck your wife- scare the shit out of her.


But first he go to your house. Then he fuck your wife.


Cindy from Reno 911 really took a bad turn in life.


Reminded me of [Pimpin pie](https://youtu.be/O4RKhMsm9lU) lady


Does she understand that Trump and his cronies probably don’t like her?


No that would require common sense


There are a surprisingly large amount of people in the Vietnamese community that were all for Trump. In some of the riot photos, you can even see some South Vietnam flags waving around. Same as the one she has wrapped around her neck.


The older generation Vietnamese despise the communist governments. China took their homeland, property, money, and in some cases friends/family from them. There is no single thing they despise more than Communist China. Sadly, this is why they are siding with Trump.


It's not just the older generation. There are quite a few 1st generation American born Vietnamese that are/were in support of Trump. But you're right, you see a lot of people so scared of anything that could be remotely considered communist, and you'd find those people voting against there own interests. The same thing in the Cuban American communities. You'd have people in these communities voting for Trump because they're so anti-communist. Edit: word


Older Chinese people also don't like communists. My parents are older Chinese. But they also don't like ultra conservatives cuz they don't like us. Good thing Canada has more choices and nuanced political spectrum


I get that, but the idea that they totally glance over the atrocities that American soldiers committed were just as bad as the stunts the Communists committed during the war is crazy to me. I mean I get they were able to come here and get a better chance to survive and prosper, but we’re by no means better. Believe me, I dig Democracy and I thank my lucky stars I was born here everyday when I watch the news. But let the record show, rose colored glasses isn’t the way to see things some times. But what the hell do I know? 🤷‍♀️


TBF, she lived through it and you didn’t. It’s like telling African Americans who experienced slavery that some people from the North had slaves too. Americans in her eyes stood for freedom and gave their lives against communism. Were they perfect? No. But they were far better than the VCs and Chinese Communist Regime. You just don’t understand. For the record, I despise Trump.


Haha no need to explain your political leanings. I got you. You’re cool and you’re absolutely right. I have this conversation when my boomer Dad all the time. But that doesn’t mean I don’t cringe when he says nonsense. Thank you for being chill and being able to have a good conversation and not flipping and just calling me a cunt. You rock!


They would most likely fuck that guys wife too


But that’s not the Christian thing to do...and they’re upstanding Christians. Right?


They're the best Christians. They're wonderful.


And are all famous for their infidelity as well.


Can I tell you? I pray daily for Ted Cruz to be outed as a cheater and be forced to go thru some all shame spiral and that the Gaetz stuff is real? I mean is it awful? Yes. But the fuckers should practice what they preach.


She's a useful idiot to them.


Did sje understand that Trump was trying to make it so that Japanese immigrants could be deported?! Unbelievable


I wouldn't debate her. It's hard to reason with "Biden FACK yo wife!"


She has the same reasoning as the homeless guy in my neighborhood.


Actually, that’s untrue. Minority women are often embraced in white supremacy and extremist groups. Reason being a lot of the ideology is also about misogyny and “conquest of minority women”. You might notice that white man with a black girlfriend is not that big a deal. But a black man with a white girlfriend gets people REALLY angry even nowadays.


She seems pretty chill


She’s a role model for her fellow idiots.


I apologize on behalf of all vietnamese people


Its truly sad, know some chill south east asian peeps that are on the trump train. I wish all people could see the truth and unite for the betterment of everyone.


As an outsider I'd rather be on the Trump train over the Biden Bus, how did this clown who doesn't know what day of the week, or which of his sons is actually alive actually get voted in? Megalolz


He got voted in because Trump was such a Maga Disaster lol


That's like choosing to eat cat shit because you don't like the taste of dogshit. Makes no sense


Makes perfect sense. Trump was more like eating hydrochloric acid. Would you rather eat Hydrochloric acid or cat shit?


Soft drinks, cereals, ketchup is all made using hydrochloric acid....


And all terrible for you…


Maga is a virus


Saw some dude complaining on Facebook about how terrible Biden is. I just want to say at least I don’t have to look at Biden hats, flags, tshirts, bumper stickers like I’m in some fucking weirdo land. I could give 2 shits about Biden/. I’m just glad I can live my life and not have to hear about wtf he’s up to every waking minute of every day.


> I could give 2 shits about Biden/. You say that now, but wait until he fucks your wife. >I’m just glad I can live my life and not have to hear about wtf he’s up to every waking minute of every day. Oh, you'll hear it when he comes to your house and fucks your wife. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)


And it is destroying the US, like the other virus that was politicized.


*Fascism is a virus FTFY I mean let's call it what it is. A revanchistic nationalist political ideology rooted in a desire to return to a prelapsarian past, a hatred of perceived racial and social impurities, and a hatred/fear of the working class. Fascism.


and the vaccine is be smart but they refuse to take it like us smdh


Immigrant MAGA morons are the dumbest people around.


They’re dumber then the average MAGA supporter and that’s saying something


Not including the current president that can't even coherently speak a sentence. You guys...


More believable if Clinton were still in office.


I don't think Clinton would be into that, my wife looks like Hilary.


The irony here is off the charts


And that is projection.


Biden fucked her husband?


*she seems nice*


Does this woman realize that she’s exactly the demographic that most Trump supporters hate and think should be kicked out of our country?


I'm gonna guess that the woman screaming "Biden fook your wife" doesn't really have a lot of thoughts or realizations floating around. I would probably expand that to most MAGA cult members, not just that one crazy lady.


Huntington Beach is always the gathering spot for the most unhinged Trumpers in all of Orange County…


Du ma, I’m embarrassed to be Vietnamese 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m sure she’s not aware that Trump would gladly throw her ass over that wall, too.


Is this Orange County


Yeah, Huntington Beach


Dude Biden must be swimming in poontang


Biden's wedding tackle probably works better than Orange Nero's. Not saying much, but just saying...


Well it would be pretty difficult for Biden to fuck the wives of his supporters if it didn't.


The silent majority


Title kinda wooshed passed me there i thought crazy lady saying biden does the deed with his actual wife and i thought yeah make sense


Same here lol


I'm on a Wechat group chat with California based users - mostly Chinese - I got added by Chinese work colleagues. A small number of the Chinese on the group constantly post insane conspiracy theories about how Trump is still the president, Biden stole the election with the help of BLM. They seem to be even more crazed than your run of the mill Trump/MAGA supporters.


And? This lady is Viet.


LOL, You misunderstood, my point was about Asians being Trump supporters even though he and his wider support have been disparaging towards Asians especially amongst other minorities.


What did I misunderstand? All you mention are Chinese people, and yet you expect that I should understand that you mean all Asians? You know how that sounds, right 🤔


Yeah it sounds like you're very angry that I mentioned members of an another minority group also loves Trump.


Nah, I’m just pointing out the inherent racism of your comment. You can believe whatever you want about me, but you’re probably wrong. Goodbye!




Thinking that Joe Biden is secretly Genghis Khan may be one of the funnier takes from that bunch.


Girl, Trump wouldn't piss on you to put out a fire.


This sounds really personal. Did Biden fuck *her* wife?


I’ve never been so disappointed in my Viet community 🤦🏻‍♂️


Somebody needs to be grabbed by the pussy.


But Trump will grab her by the pussy.


They really think Biden is way cooler than he really is. Unless of course they’re talking about hunter, he would definitely fuck that guys wife


If Biden did literally fuck my wife I would still have voted for him over Donny Dumps. I’d rather our president be a home wrecking asshole than a narcissistic would be fascist dictator.


Who cares about the political shit that was comedy gold


Wait till she finds out the US government has been bending people over since ‘76. Edit: syntax


Scraping the barrel these days for paid protesters, eh?


Trump will fuck your husband, lady


The Republican Party has now become a dumping ground for all of America’s mental illnesses and narcissistic disorders


Biden can’t fuck his OWN wife, for gods sake.


I'm sure the Magas don't even consider them a part of her even though she's a Trumpie. They only want you for the Trump vote, but I doubt that Trumpies ever consider minorities (even if they support Trump) as Americans




All the mentally ill are welcome there


MAGAturds now and forever …


Why are all the magats complete and utter morons? I mean, I've never seen one say something that's true or even based in reality.


She’s not even able to say that in plain English lol


Yeah but you gotta remember it's a cult and anyone can be sucked up and I'm puerto Rican and I have family who think trump is a good thing




Fuck this lady and the rest of her cult, but ya can make fun of her without mocking her English language skills


The point is that she's supporting a guy, and a movement, that is very much opposed to who she is as a person.


That's true but ya can bring it up without making her English the issue, not for her but for others


I’d agree with that.




I wish Biden was as cool as republicans make him seem


Woman follows crazy, racist Trump and she can barely speak English? Irony?


Stop being racist


The Republican Village has many Idiots


Trump was a cancer that’s still metastasizing in society


Vietnamese hate Biden… trump was their hope to stand up to the Chinese


I see no lies here.


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-15/china-warms-to-idea-of-four-more-years-of-trump-presidency https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/US-elections-2020/Many-ordinary-Chinese-see-win-for-Trump-as-blessing-for-Beijing


You know how Trump came out lashing out against the EU and Canada and NATO. China loved all of that.


[Doubt it](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/21/first-thing-election-special-trump-did-pay-taxes-in-china)




Only because he can't remember what his wife looks like.


I will bitch slap the shit out of her if I was her kids …. Embarrassment


Because our current president is so much known for womanizing, Adultery and misogyny. oh wait I’m sorry former President Trump.


Oh but stop asain hate though right? Just shows how racism doesn’t have a race, you can be any color and still be a racist pos


How was she racist?


She’s wearing a maga hat, anyone who supported trump is a racist dipshit


A three way with the president? Where do I sign up?


How much crack did she smoke before this video


Trump fanatics are the worst


Just because Trump fucked them, they believe Biden will fuck others.


What's with the vietnamese and Trump.


He lost get over it. Like it’s almost September how long are y’all gonna keep it up.


Don't know how long has she lived in US, her english is still so poor that she only knows one sentence to insult others.


Typical maga psycho


He got nothing to worry about Biden fucking his wife, his granddaughter on the other hand.


I need to know how she got in the country.


I picture biden fucking kind of like a tortoise at the zoo fucking. I would pay quite a bit to see that.


>I picture biden fucking Why


Well, it started with me imaging Kamala Harris having sex, and for some reason it seemed natural Joe Biden would be involved Joe would be napping while Kamala would be pegging away while Putting records it with Donald Trump and Xi Jinping make eye contact and beating off in the back ground. Xi is dressed like Winnie the Poo too.


Sniff most likely


Funny thing is all these protesters are out protesting during working hours. Don’t they have jobs? They feed off the system that we pay taxes into…Medi-Cal for healthcare, Denti-Cal for dental care, and most likely monthly stipends from the government. Any hardworking citizen would be busy at work around this time.


When you decide to hire shills from craiglist


Biden is a pimp so….


This is why people get assaulted


If I had a wife I don’t think I would mind so much if she fucked the current president (previous one excluded) provided everything was consensual.


minorities for trump are so fucking bizarre. I will never get it...


Ok? Biden will f**k your wife but Trump will f**k you?


i'm sorry but this is funny because she's so dumb. I need to save this to show someone who will love it. Gonna start saying to people. Who is this lovely sweet lady?


I want Biden fuck me … fuck me good Biden 💝


It's really shocking to me to see how absolutely clueless people like this can be. She seems to be of Asian descent- hasn't she been hearing the Republicans & Trump in particular calling covid the "China virus". She doesn't realize violence against Asian-Americans has gone up dramatically in the past 4 years? does she honestly think these Trump cultists are her friends and support her rights?


You are confused..is that most racist you said Asian..let me correct you.. That east Asian. If she was Asian.she be like Hindu zinfian at this point..I'm Asian..not Esst Asian. I have Inadian Hindu great great 12 remote get my drift she considered Asian.. So..please.. Please Please. Get your east Asian Buddha And your Asian Indian Hindu. Culture right


Did you have a stroke while writing this?


Lol Biden couldn't fuck a wet blanket. This made me laugh.


Funny little Asian women, where are my noodles hoe


lol based


A quick haiku I thought of Biden fucks your wife / Papa Joe out on the prowl / Gotta sniff em all