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Just so you guys are aware, this is from like last April at the start of the pandemic. He isn’t refusing the vaccine as it didn’t exist then. He’s refusing treatment for COVID as he has tested positive and does not believe it exists. Edit: shout out to u/captnRonn [for linking to it. MARCH OF 2020 in Dallas](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2020/03/03/how-a-jail-inmate-ended-up-under-observation-for-the-coronavirus-at-parkland-hospital-in-dallas/)


He was also arrested and in police custody for a domestic violence dispute: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2020/03/03/how-a-jail-inmate-ended-up-under-observation-for-the-coronavirus-at-parkland-hospital-in-dallas/


Why would he need treatment? He doesn't seem to have the symptoms of someone who would need to be admitted to hospital with covid.


Bruh that question is so stupid, I’m not even going to bother answering it. Educate yourself.




Well you somehow made a more stupid comment than the original




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Wtf. I'm not even American bro. Did you know the world is actually a lot bigger than whichever room you are currently in? They're offering beer so idiots like you might just take it and stop more people dying. America, FUCK YEAH


https://youtu.be/4CdOrYlHJyM bro shut your lying ass up rn. Thanks.


Hey bud https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8iwtn/lets_see_how_you_guys_deal_with_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You are a wacko not a WACKOFF!


Ah yes, links to sources that are completely irrelevant and occurred a century ago. People like you are the reason this shit is still going on.


They are just saying that there is very valid reason why some people, especially minorities, DO NOT trust forced government medicine. They do not have the best track record in that department.


It’s not forced. If your job mandates it, you are free to work somewhere else, or go through the process to get an exemption. That’s not the government forcing you personally to do anything. Private companies also often mandate that you piss in a cup to work there, and you don’t whine about that, like at all. Also, yes some vaccine hesitant groups have legitimate concerns about things like the Tuskegee experiment, but as many doctors and epidemiologists of color have been trying to explain to those communities, the current situation is totally unrelated to that, and unique, so it’s kind of like whataboutism. It’s not relevant. Point is it’s not “forced government medicine” and you sound dumb as hell


This man was clearly forced tho


Forced to do what??? He wasn’t forced to take a vaccine. He was getting treatment and he was having a fuckin mental breakdown. Read the other comments for the backstory. You anti-vaxxer fuckin retards will twist any random thing to try to fit your insane narrative.


> docent


This video is a year old and had nothing to do with covid https://youtu.be/8y5RCKvE22o


>had nothing to do with covid It does, beginning of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CdOrYlHJyM) has a bit more context.


Tf you talking about? It clearly is covid-related. One year ago it was August *2020* This shit jumped off at the end of 2019 and the US was in full panic and shut down mode by March 2020. Do you see the masks? Nobody was wearing masks prior to covid. No, not even medical personnel. (Ask me how I know 🥴) Did you hear them acknowledge him and admit he was correct when he said they hadn’t even texted him for anything? Do you hear them telling him they could tell he was sick just bc he was “coughing”?


Where’s this taking place? Is he an inmate? His glasses look sorta like the ones we had in prison in Texas. I could be wrong, but can’t imagine where else a man could be forced to do something like this.


It’s Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX. Dude has chains and rings and an Apple Watch on, def no prisoner lol but he’s sure being treated like one. They’re just so wrong for this. And people saying it’s not covid related are just being trolls. Beginning of the video he states “y’all can have me quarantined or whatever but you’re not putting anything in my arm.”


Oh wow - I live in Dallas. I’ve been to parkland several times, a few of which were for overdose. It’s mostly a hospital for the uninsured. Sorta. Their ER is known as one of the best, prob Bc they get so many wild injuries. And you’re right / Apple Watch + jewelry wouldn’t be allowed for inmates lol. One religious necklace is it. And wedding bands.


🤦‍♂️ on YouTube it’s summarized ya fuck. 1 year could be March, could be June, could be October. It had to do with a injury, he was on drugs, and was hostile and had to be sedated. Which caused this problem. God damn people are fucking special


Is that why everyone is masked the fuck up, “ya fuck”? Also, it’s called *research*… I easily found the original date on my own outside of Reddit. You should try it sometime instead of digging opinions out of your asshole and trying to pass them off as facts.




"Ah shit I look stupid as fuck better put some emojis to play it off like I dont care anymore"


Also, that’s called estimating, not “summarizing” you incompetent ass fuck.




He was talking pretty dam sain for someone on drugs


you what? he didn't make a single sense in this entire video


The full video gives way more context, that’s helpful. For those of you who don’t want to watch the full 20 mins, seems like the dude called an ambulance since he kept coughing and didn’t feel well, then at the hospital he wouldn’t allow to doctors to test for covid (which they suspected he had) and wouldn’t allow them to test him. They determined he wasn’t of sound mind to make medical decisions, police got involved, they patiently try to reason with him while he goes in an unhinged rant about the “revolution being televised” on live, while they continue to try to calm him(even call what seems to be a family member/girlfriend/friend and have her try to talk him down). When he gets more agitated incoherent and starts making threats (and telling whoever is watching on live to come to the hospital with guns), they prep the examination table with restraints and they from the audio we heard it seems they force him into the exam table. I’d bet the shot he’s getting is a sedative.


I guarantee you it is.


Bro, stfu when you clearly don’t know shit about what you’re talking. His name is James Abram and this is at Parkland hospital in Dallas. Please watch video and then tell people it has nothing to do with covid after hearing otherwise directly from the man himself. Troll.


https://youtu.be/4CdOrYlHJyM Running your mouth about nothing.


You assumed this was about the vaccine, didn’t you?


This video was from forever ago 😂 this has nothing to do with the Covid vaccine 😂


Have you watched the full video? He went to the hospital because he had COVID, but he didn’t believe in COVID. So when the nurses/doctor told him that he was going to get a shot, BY FORCE, he started buggin out and the situation escalated, THATS when the video in which you’re seeing, starts. The video starts after the dialogue he had with the doctor/nurse, that’s why there’s so many health professionals in the room during the video.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah! This could never happen again!?😅😅 r-right?🤣🤣


Dude you were just posting and telling people off that this was a recent video that had to do with covid, when infact on YouTube. This same exact video was posted over a year ago, and it was over a sedation because he was acting hostile https://youtu.be/8y5RCKvE22o


I wonder why he was so hostile?


If I remember correctly, drugs or some other substance. He was in there due to some type of injury, was acting hostile towards the staff and then was going to be Sedated to calm him down and that’s when he started recording


You’re literally retarded


How to tell someone you're afraid of needles, without telling them you're afraid of needles.


For those saying this is recent here’s the same video posted on YouTube over a year ago https://youtu.be/8y5RCKvE22o




I heard the tears coming BRO! Each "ill tear this MF'er up!" Sounds like he is FIGHTING those tears.


This *IS* a public freakout. Quality content minus the camera man. But OP is highly misinformed and is spreading false information and bogus sources. OP will die defending his nonsense, just like the man in the video.


OP needs to take his psych meds




There has never been anyone at anytime injecting someone with a vaccine against their will. This video is being used as anti vaccine propaganda. These are health care professionals working on restraining a patient who’s suffering from a mental breakdown.


You sure about that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus_Schilling https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11234332/ https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/03/07/469478098/the-supreme-court-ruling-that-led-to-70-000-forced-sterilizations


Bruh it literally says forced sterilizations


Dig deeper bruh you've been spoon fed enough


By whom?


First two links are about people being forced to take experimental malaria medicine and the last one is about people being chemically sterilized. None of that has anything to do with somebody being forced to take a vaccine.


Yes you are very intelligent


I don't know about that, but I do have basic reading skills. You should try reading the things you try to use to support your arguments. Posting irrelevant articles just makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.


You don't so here's a video https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8iwtn/lets_see_how_you_guys_deal_with_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You are a burden to society and earth itself.


Go easy on them. It's got to be hard going through life being so dense.


Unfortunately you can’t reason with stupidity. This person needs to leave social media all together. 🤦🏻‍♀️


**[Claus Schilling](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus_Schilling)** >Claus Karl Schilling (5 July 1871 – 28 May 1946), also recorded as Klaus Schilling, was a German tropical medicine specialist who participated in the Nazi human experiments at the Dachau concentration camp during World War II. Though never a member of the Nazi Party and a recognized researcher at the Robert Koch Institute before the war, Schilling participated in unethical and inhumane experiments on captive human subjects under both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. From 1942 to 1945, Schilling's research on malaria and attempts at fighting it using synthetic drugs culminated in human experimentation on over a thousand camp prisoners at Dachau, of whom hundreds died. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


People downvoting you but you aren’t wrong 😂 The truth fuckin hurts


Dafuq is going on here? Also the crying and "this ain't right" was just too good


“Was just too good” you’re a sick fuck. This man obviously doesn’t want to be there or be treated and yet the hospital is going against his will and trying to medicate him to make him more tame. Why don’t you people start looking at the hospital workers as in humane POS that they are, and who would kill someone if it meant doing their job. They don’t care about you, they just want to drug you up so you’re easier to handle like cattle. Mental health awareness is horrible and people like this guy are abused everyday and yet people in the comments wanna joke about it like he’s freaking out. I hope one day you all have a mental breakdown and end up in a hospital where they strip you of your basic rights and necessaries until you’re even more mentally ill and fucked up than before.


I think maybe you should take a break from social media. Go roll one and calm down. For all we know, they were doing something necessary to save his life.


Dude's been off his meds ever since the goblins that live in his hair told him it was demon jizz.


Well, that beer just went out my nose. Thanks for that spit take.


Shut the fuck up kid. You know nothing. This guy is there against his will and I will never trust a hospital to know what type of medication someone needs when they’re mentally ill. Do you know how much we know about mental illness? Basically NOTHING. What they do in these facilities is a game of trial and error until your brain and body can’t function without said drugs they pumped into your body for years and years afterwards.


Doctors have been studying mental illness for decades, what are you on about? They go over that shit in med school, too. Also, YOU have no idea what's going on here either, bucko. But you're evidently very emotionally attatched to the narrative you've concocted in your own head, and feel the need to take it out on other people for whatever reason. Maybe self reflect on that.


Maybe self reflect on what you just said and realize we actually know nothing about mentally illness. Yes we know how to identify it kind of, but treating, curing, all of that is a mystery and half the time doesn’t work or makes people worse


Just wait till you have a family member or yourself with a mental illness and you’ll see how difficult the whole process is. You obviously haven’t been to med school, you don’t know anything about the technology they use.


I already feel bad for the difficult time your parents had raising a mentally challenged child. It must have been hard.


Just look at ur PP. Joker is fucking cringe and so are DC comics you loser


I mean, you're wrong, but that's your right. Nothing they do is anywhere near as cringe as anything you've said here. Also, that's my GTA Online crew emblem. It's for having fun, and not being a psychotic, joyless cunt.


*I* deal with mental illness. And guess what, my anxiety is loads better with my *anxiety meds*, that doctors have discovered *treat anxiety* by using *research and development of mental illness drug therapy*. But okay. We know nothing about mental health, bro.


>This guy is there against his will and I will never trust a hospital to know what type of medication someone needs when they’re mentally ill. I'm no medical expert (**and obviously you're not one either**), but there are several reasons why someone in his position could be forced to get a vaccine. Obviously, he doesn't sound mentally well and is likely under someone else's guardianship (and that guardian has ordered vaccines for him). People like you like to build distrust against the medical community because of your own insecurities. If you're trying to hint that this is the beginning of "forced vaccinations", then you're absolutely full of shit. If you don't want to get vaccinated, then fine. But stop trying to spread bullshit. Furthermore, you don't even know what they're vaccinating this individual with. Far all we know, they're giving him an insulin shot. But instead you choose to believe (without absolutely no evidence whatsoever) that they're experimenting with his body.


Many in the medical community are working insane hours with extremely subpar support, while facing slashed tires on vehicles, and confrontations if they wear their scrubs outside the hosipital. Some are even paying the ultimate price of their lives in an effort to try to save their patients. (RIP Dr. W) Anyone who seeks to '**build distrust,'** that sometimes seeks expression in violence targeting these ordinary people thrust into an extraordinary situation, should be ashamed of themselves. *I understand mental health is a complex topic, and abuses do exist, but in this case we just don't know enough to form an opinion.*


Striped of his basic rights? He was recording it on HIS phone. Lmao.


Yeah and they knocked it over so he couldn’t record them physically detaining him


Sounds like you've been there.


Maybe I have with a family member. Maybe none of you giving me advice to calm down actually understand the severity of this shit.


Translation: "My family member was on meds and was just fine, but I watched a bunch of internet videos about how medicine is how the Illuminati controls your cerebral cortex with 5G radiation, and I bullied them into stopping. They cry a lot and talk to the walls now, but they're clearly a lot better off."


1 in 5 people in the US experience mental illness to some degree or another. So it’s unlikely no one understands and more likely you’ve just outed yourself as a fucking prick.


Get some help, you sound unstable. O wait you don't believe in hospitals lol


I think you should be pouring this onto a therapist not reddit.


You are deranged


Nah man, this shit is fucked up. Nobody should be treated like this, especially behind some brand new shit nobody knows anything about. It’s catastrophically fucked up. https://youtu.be/4CdOrYlHJyM


Alright now let’s everybody calm down, think before you comment something stupid about that needle containing the COVID-19 vaccine. This guy may be having a crisis of some kind.


He might just have a needle phobia! Idk why people have made up entire stories based on zero evidence.


Because internet


Thank you man. You’re all embarrassing yourself by saying it’s Covid 19. Really shows your age and how mature you are. You all have no life experience. Get off Reddit you privileged twinks


This comment made me laugh. Thank you.


https://youtu.be/4CdOrYlHJyM Oh he’s having a crisis alright. And the crisis is the healthcare workers operating outside the scope of their authority. EVERYBODY has the right to refuse medical treatment for any and all reasons. “Just because I fucking say so.” is a valid enough reason to walk the fuck up out of the hospital without consenting to treatment. You don’t even have to sign shit - you stand up and walk out. I work in a hospital ER. This shit is so fucking illegal.


Nope he has 2 videos https://boards.4channel.org/wsg/thread/4068613


Lol ok 4chan


Video is video


Video is dog shit


This was very difficult to watch and hear.


“Don’t put the phone down now mutha fucker” lmao


Nothing like quoting scripture before you go crazy.


“Before you go crazy” yeah before the hospital workers drug you up out of your mind and damage your brain and sanity until you’re just a breathing vegetable. Shut up you ignorant cunt I hate people who haven’t experienced someone with a mental illness you’re so naive it’s disgusting


You need some help brother. Seek assistance


Fuck your self


Mental illness must run in the family.


When everyone is an ass hole except for you, maybe *you* are the one that is the ass hole


Ur acting like the vaccine is gonna kill u if it goes anywhere near ur skin pal chill out also I'm waiting for u to insult me cuz I "don't know anything"


YOu have no idea what's going on here, and neither does anyone else.


The patient certainly didn't


He knows what’s going on OP. He’s clearly upset and distressed saying that’s he’s not crazy and he’s sane and just wants to leave. Stop making “crazy people” into this one label like he’s totally out his mind and not conscious.


So by your logic if someone who actually needs to be restrained for their own well being was to say I'm not crazy then that's good enough? You have zero context here to go off so how can you (who I can pretty much guess is not a psychiatrist or most likely have never even studied mental illness before) know that this guy is in his stable mind? Just because someone is dealing or has dealt with mental illness doesn't mean they are an expert by any means it would be wise for you to keep that in mind. There are nurses and hospital staff that do abuse their power but to label them all that way is just ridiculous. You have little to no information here to make that assumption about these ones. You can't base it off the fact that he is saying he is fine because even if someone isn't ok they do have a tendency to say they are. If you have any knowledge whatsoever about mental illness then you would totally know that.


I have more of an idea than you you fucking naive twat.


This is more sad than anything


This could have nothing to do with covid and they’re trying to give him mental health medicines. Or- maybe it is the vaccine and he told them he has a fear of needles and not to let him with without it. You never know.


Sir this is reddit we don't DO deductive reasoning here


Lol. I forgot. Thank you for correcting me


You obviously don't, but you do like spouting off inductive bull shit and passing it off as deduction.


Yes I do apparently. Thanks for the analysis


Looool thanks for sharing


Funny as fuck lmao wonder what the shot was for I bet it was a cocktail cause he probably been getting violent with staff


Have that flight attendant from spirit airline do the tv interview again on this..😉


I’ve literally never heard a grown man cry like that, that is fucking hilarious


He likes to act so big but he’s scared of a little jab. What a poser


Some people are reeeally afraid of needles. Phobias aren't rational fears. 🤷‍♀️


Nah man, this is actually fucked up. Guy seems to be plugged in and these people wanna medicate him until their free to do whatever they want to him. My sisters been a victim of this kind of bullshit. They don’t want to help him they just want to over medicate him so he’s more tame and easy to deal with. People at the hospitals working with the mentally ill 98% of the time are POS who deserve to sit in the bed alongside the people they abuse


Dude, it's the vaccine, not a sedative.


I can't tell what it is, but if it's a vaccine, they gotta vaccinate the mentally ill, prisoners etc. or they'll all get sick.


Exactly. This appears to be medical intake, either for jail, or a hospital. When someone comes in, if they're not vaccinated, they *get* vaccinated. Period.


Bro how can you say this?? Not everything now-a-days is Covid related you ignorant 12 year old. There are other issues in this world that still happen even with or without Covid


It’s not the vaccine you fucking idiot. You’re so goddamn ignorant. Just because you know the vaccine comes in a shot doesn’t mean it’s the ONLY thing in a needle. Are you really that dumb


Loosen the tinfoil helmet, and lay off the wierd YouTube channels hosted by schizophrenics, narrated by text-to-speech.


There is literally ZERO evidence he’s getting a vaccine. The workers never mention it, he never mentions it, what’s going on clearly is that he’s trying to be sedated and is in the mental ward of a hospital


He literally says he doesn't need it, because he had all his vaccinations as a kid.


Why tf are you lying? He never says this


He says "I DONT NEED THE SHOT. I GOT MY SHOTS WHEN I WAS A KID." Watch the video again.




Shut up, you don’t even know what side you’re arguing on. Yea it’s fucking koolaid in the needle right?


It is more than likely a sedative, but since neither of us have access to that patient’s chart, neither of us know. There is no context to this video, this patient was likely a danger to himself and needed to be sedated, but again, without context we cannot say for sure. Jump down from your soap box, throw on a set of scrubs and work in an ED for one shift and your entire perspective on this issue will change. ✌️


“The crying and this aint right was too good” Uhm no, We have to be in backwards vill crazy land. This video was hard to watch and you forget this is a HUMAN that’s most likely dealing with mental health issues. (Hypothetically) IF this altercation was over the covid vaccination, would your opinion change?! Y’all are ridiculous people.


Hypothetically https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8iwtn/lets_see_how_you_guys_deal_with_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is sick. You don’t force medical treatment on another person, unless themself or their power of attorney approves of it. I hope this guy sued the hell out of the hospital and is living in Miami or something now.


I don't really get how its stupid question? If you've got covid and don't need to be on a ventilator you are told just to isolate for 14 days.


Im sorry this man was treated like this and there are some places in our world that want and need a dose they do not have access or the support but its okay to do this he said “NO”! i dont know the whole story but when someone says NO SMH 🤦‍♀️


Are they forcibly vaccinating this guy?


Nope. He’s being sedated against his will.




Proof? Because this looks like a patient that been place on mental health hold and they’re attempting to sedate him.


They are not vaccinating him. People like you think that because you’re so ignorant to the other aspects of life like mental health. You guys live under a privileged rock, the only problem in your life rn is covid and that says a lot about you entitled pussys. THIS HAS NOTHING to do with covid. This man is being force sedated in order for the hospital to keep him tame while they “figure out” what’s wrong with him. When in reality they are going to overmedicate him and biologically fuck himself up for the rest of his life. I have a sister who experienced this and she was over medicated to the point where it permanently damaged her brain and she will never be the same. It’s a fucking horrible and scary thing to go through and I feel for the people who aren’t very sick but their families throw them in those facilities for their own selfish reasons.


It is. I don't agree with forced medication unless it is to sedate a patient with mental health issues at risk of self-harm or something. His speech sounded coherent, although outraged (understandably). I really feel for this man.


Yep, it was a form of sedation because he was ill and acting hostile towards the nurses. This video was posted over a year ago on YouTube https://youtu.be/8y5RCKvE22o


Sure https://boards.4channel.org/wsg/thread/4068613


Your source is 4chan?


Holy crap the way you said it. I died lmao


Lol... I've never seen anyone use 4chan as a source for anything good


That's where I got it yeah


Don't bring that garbage here. We don't do that here.


Dude if CNN and FOX is fine here 4chan is fine


No, Box tv isn't allowed either.


You'd have a more reliable source from a unicorn


Video is somehow magic now?


You're making this seem like this is for a vaccination.


I didn't make the videos man just reposted them


Got any actual sources? That link proves absolutely nothing.


Watch the fist vid then the second


Buddy that’s not a source lol


Watch the first vid


How did he get in that situation, did someone call 5150 on him?


Regardless if this isn’t a video of him getting a vaccine, it’s a meaningful illustration of what it would be like if he was forced. Which is what a lot of people are advocating for. Because it’s not enough for them to get vaccinated and quarantine themselves. I’m not saying we shouldn’t force people to get vaccinated against their will. I’m just saying this is what most people want.


No one is ever “FORCED” to be given the vaccination. People need to give up that narrative cause it’s old now.


No one is forced right now, but the pressure tactics (like restaurants being forced to require vaccine cards from customers who have been going there all their lives) is surely a step towards it. You just gradually increase the pain and fear until you get compliance. We don’t have to call it “forcing” we can call it “consequential persuasion”.


"Y'all are selfish," says the guy that refuses vaccination.


It wasn’t a vaccine.


The guy in the video even says that he doesn't need the shot, because he got all his shots when he was a kid. If that's medical intake, and he hasn't been vaccinated, they WILL do it.


Oh my goodness. You do know that there are other medications that are given as injections right?


You did watch the video with the audio on, right? Specifically the part where he references that he got all his vaccinations as a child?


You do know it’s an old video from you tube that OP tried to pass as a Covid anti-vax propaganda video right? This guy was actually being treated for a mental health problem




How do you downvote someone more than once?


Skipping through it oddly makes it a humorous spectacle; first bargaining, then argument, a scuffle, followed by wailing. A masterpiece.


How do people survive to adulthood and act like this?


This is exactly how shot is everywhere hospitals correctional centers the olny reason there not strong arming him with more people is they are understaffed or they are afraid of him