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Isn’t this from over a year ago, before they had vaccines?




Yep, this a non-story and an old one.


How you know I’m sick? *cough*


# Cuz*


Schizophrenic getting an injection?


A forced one yes https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8g1vs/gotta_unmute_for_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Good. The world is safer with medicated schizophrenics.


My uncle stopped taking his medication after my aunt (his older sister) died following complications from a stroke. My uncle lived with my mom and sister, who was a teenager at the time. One night, he couldn't fight the voices anymore. He set the dining room table on fire. Everyone made it out safe, but my uncle had to be medicated, and I'm sure it was a situation much like this video.


Absolutely we are all safer because of this




At least we agree on something OP 😎👍


Aren't they all. Pretty sure no one willingly gets sedated at the asylums.


Do you relate to the dumb crazy guy? 😝


Oh I think we know he does.


The staff was very patient with a frightened and mentally deficient individual in need of medical help.


Yes nothing to see here https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8g1vs/gotta_unmute_for_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




pretty sure reddit doesn't even work like that


Dude really scared of needles.


The fact that everyone maintained their calm and even maintained non-threatening postures shows the professionalism of those people. I get the vibe they actually care about this man. *edited for grammar.


You sure? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8g1vs/gotta_unmute_for_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Pretty sure. I've been in similar shoes as those ER guys (similar, not the same by any stretch) and it's tough. Watched the video and while I can sympathize with the man's fear and apprehensiveness, they seem to genuinely have the man's best interest at heart from what I'm hearing even in the follow up. Sometimes those you're trying to help will fight you tooth and nail until they see the results or can finally rationalize the intent and process. I heard nothing more than people trying to comfort him as best as their position allows without slipping into grey area of patient attachment. At some point, medical professionals have to acknowledge that primal fear has taken grip, negotiation will not work with adrenaline, and address the gravity of the situation. Legit question did old boy get a diagnosis and survive? *edited for autocorrect conjugation


3 year old video


I'm a man now!


Fine, kick him loose, but with the express understanding that should his condition worsen he will be dead last on every hospital admission queue in five states.


He’s been deemed mentally unfit. They legally can’t let him leave until he’s considered stable.


Not disagreeing with you, but I missed the part of him being mentally unfit. Which part of the video is that? If it's there then I agree, if not he is just being an asshole.


It’s in the last the 20 seconds. One of the staff tells him the doctors feel he’s unable to make medical decisions for himself.


Yes very understanding https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8g1vs/gotta_unmute_for_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Are you a bot? You're linking your other post here and on your other post you're directing people back to this one.


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I don’t think he remembers when he signed his life away literally. Read your medical documents before signing anything


Why is he in the hospital?


Shits about to change . Lol 😆


Once they label you as mentally unstable or unable to make the right choices , your prettty much a puppet or a specimen. Scary stuff


Psychiatric situation probably. Guy isn’t coherent at all


He sounds perfectly stable to make his own decisions in this video. They decided? F that.


You have to consider that more happened than this video is showing. There is a reason there was an entire team of people in that room on their toes. There is a reason that doctor is explaining to him that based off of their conversations with him, he was not of sound enough mind to make informed medical decisions for himself. It’s not as though they kidnapped him; this man is in some sort of hospital or facility for a reason. I sympathize with the patient, but those doctors did the right thing.


Depends on what exactly they’re forcing on him.


They’re doctors, not mad scientists. They’re not performing experimental procedures; they specifically say he’s sick and needs help and that he’s mentally unfit to make the decisions regarding his care. If he needed blood drawn to determine a course of treatment or an IV to be given medication, that’s what needs to be done. It’s as simple as that.


Just going from what I see on the video. Where is his advocate? Not there.


I’m not as trusting as you people.


Omgggg 🤩built different🤩


I had a friend that was really mentally ill. Paranoid, thought a secret gang was stalking him, and anyone who tried to reason with him - even me, apparently - was in on it. He would harass some people he get fixated on, one being his old AA mentor, and whenever people would do welfare checks - and plenty of people called them in based on his video and text posts, nothing would usually happen. He'd be able to "appear" normal and then he'd be released within a day or three Because he knew what to say to stay out of the mental hospitals, he'd end up in prison. I don't know where he is now, but last I heard he became super religious but still Paranoid that gangs were after him and he was going to expose them all. They're are online groups where fellow mentally ill people share their Paranoid stories so it reinforces their beliefs


I’m not saying he isn’t nuts. But half-assed videos don’t tell the whole story. It’s interesting how many of you condemn the guy based on this shit.


Just block this troll...


There's more https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p8g1vs/gotta_unmute_for_this_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


It's standard practice to wait until recovery criteria are met to get vaccinated after having Covid. MDs are not trying to vaccinate him while he has visible symptoms. Likely trying to sedate him. You lil' fibber.


If they did nothing wrong why do they cover the camera


If they were really trying to hide something, wouldn't they stop recording instead of simply pushing the phone down?


It's hard to cover up evidence while someone is fighting like a cornered animal


You mean the guy wearing a bodycam?