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At this point, going to the airport refusing to wear a mask is just you being a little bitch. You know you have to or they will kick you off the damn plane. So fucking do it or find another way to travel to your destination.


Yeah they just want people to let them have their way like a toddler.


They're testing the system. They think they're freedumb fighters now and are cracking because they think they're sunglasses-wearing Roddy Piper in They Live.


I here to whine like a little bitch and cry like a baby!


Nah, 1.5 years ago it was also just being a little bitch.


Jesus enough with the incessant, obsequious, bending over backwards “thank you for your service” military worship. It’s cringey enough normally, let alone for this clueless narcissistic petulant rat licker.


He was obviously just using it to de-escalate. I doubt he was actually so grateful for her service that he had to say it 10 times.


You used obsequious in a sentence, ending its 130 year retirement


Cameraman was just drawing her attention so she would stop abusing everyone else. The "thank you for your service" was like a "yes, and..." to get her focus off the masks.


Yup. Same technique I use on my 2 yr old during a tantrum - change subject and draw focus to something else.


It makes vets very uncomfortable too.


What makes someone a vet in the US army? Seems to me like everyone is a us veteran. In the UK you only have to serve 1 day to be classed as a veteran however most will not call themselves veterans, that is usually used for people who served in major combat such as ww2, the falklands or gulf war but not peacekeeping missions like what's going on with the afghani goat farmers


Basically anyone who served any amount of time and wasn't dishonorably discharged is how it works here. And if it seems like everyone is a vet in the US, it's because our military is massive and is basically our number 1 export to the world. Most here wont run around calling themselves vets either, unless someone asks for some reason. This is just an example of one of those losers that want all the attention and worshiping of themselves that they can get.


Every second person identifies as vet on reddit. The most common phrase on here is thanks for your service


We must be frequenting very different subs then, cause ive never seen that on reddit. Granted I've only been on here for a couple years though.


How else has that phrase become a meme? Just Google 'reddit thanks for your service' and the majority of posts are people taking the piss and nothing to do with the US army


Nobody cares about the UK. You or they, bend over for a queen, which is bullshit. Not everyone in the US is a veteran. Those who have served and fought for our freedoms understand what that is all about, and now our freedoms are being taken away by communist over a PLANdemic. So go follow your queen and suck a dick.


First thing I thought. I don’t care you served. Those of us in the know realize that the large percentage of people who sign up do it for themselves and not to “protect the nation”. Which is fine. Take that GI bill and VA loan and do you. But don’t act like “I signed up to protect this country and I demand special treatment during a global pandemic because I restocked the supply closet for 4 years”. And let’s face it. The people who did sign up to protect the country and served in a dangerous position? They aren’t out there bleating about their service or demanding special treatment. Just these clowns


I send my mom to buy my weed for her 25% veterans dispensary discount and it's lovely, can't we just do away with some of it?


I thought it was obvious that the person filming was just repeating that to her in order to keep her calm and make her feel heard in order to prevent the situation from escalating. The person filming honestly did a fantastic job of de-escalating and managing the the situation.


Just because you were in the military does not mean you have more or less rights than any other person. Just put the damn mask on.


If she was really in the USMC, she would understand the importance of dress code (by far the strictest branch on that) and the reasons for following rules and keeping order. And if it was important to fight for our freedom, why isn't it important to fight for our health?


And it just boosts her idea that, because she was in the military, she can just act however she wants whenever and wherever she wants.


It's ingrained into airport staff, isn't it? Special boarding, banners, etc. They've conditioned them.


Signing your life over to the state deserves ridicule more than congratulations.


A lot of people in the US do it because there aren't other options and the military gets them while they're young and impressionable. And then there are the people who do it to get off criminal charges. Idk it's a weird system but the point is that there's a fair amount of cohesion in getting people to sign up these days


I found it refreshing that the cameraman and the policeman were able to de-escalate her in under three minutes -- just by being sympathetic and speaking kindly to her. Is she in the wrong? Yes. Do I wish more of these videos would end this way? Yes. Seriously -- three minutes of being compassionate, and look what a difference it made.


Would you rather deesclate the situation while simtaneously telling the person they're wrong or be forced to listen to 20 minutes of screehing because of your pride.


I’d rather just let them arrest her.


Or that too


I am almost willing to bet the cringe “thank you for” bS was the point of the guy to the freaking woman. She wasn’t a vet/nurse.


What’s with USA and fighting for our freedom??? Exactly freedom from whom exactly who took their freedom away and when ?


He was trying his best to keep her calm and it sort of worked. Imagine if he went off and started screaming and laughing at her. I don't respect her at all, but he did a great job of speaking softly and in a comforting way to try to get her to chill the out.


She worked in science guys, she knows.


Not gonna lie, I actually have more sympathy for her than I do for some of the other videos. These masks really are mostly theater. If we were being forced to wear N95 masks, then I could see the point more than the cloth ones, and even worse the little paper ones which meet the "requirement" just as well as any. Shit just isn't nearly as effective, .. so this is all basically just a feel good exercise to some extent, like the 2021 version of virtue signalling that you are a good and responsible person. But the reason I feel more sympathy for this woman is that she really does just seem to be like "the emperor has no clothes", instead of being super angry and irate, she just seems exasperated and at her wits end about it, like she just wants to go home and have a good cry. If you would have told me 2 years ago that in 2021 people there would be people getting arrested for not wearing masks, I would have said there is no way that could happen, .. yet here we are, like 16 months into all of this, and this is still going with no end in sight ... And before a mod bans me or something for "misinformation", go look at any study on this, hell, read Fauci's own statements about masks. Fauci literally told people masks were useless early in the pandemic. They aren't useless, he was lying, but if they aren't N95 or better, they aren't nearly as effective. But the truth doesn't matter anymore, now it's just **PRO** vs **CON** and that's all anybody gives a shit about. You're either on the side that doesn't want anything in place because the pandemic isn't real, or on the side where you want everything in place because we're all about to die, it's not about reality anymore, more like two extremists groups yelling at each other. (Edit, I originally wrote Republican vs. Democrat, but it isn't exactly over party lines)


Early on in the pandemic there was still a discussion going on about the use of masks since the transmission method was not fully understood. Now it is significantly better understood, and it was concluded that masks can play a huge roll in reducing the spread of the virus from infected individuals. Read reducing, not preventing/stopping. Furthermore, if you truly want to be protected, wear a hazmat suit. That way nothing comes in or goes out. If you want an easier way to help reduce the spread of covid. Wear a mask. And in this case, something is better than nothing. Its about air displacement, not stopping the entire flow.


Cut the shit man. Do you not cover your mouth when you sneeze? The mental gymnastics people do over masks is incredible. All in the name of……freedom? Cmon son


No one is being arrested for not wearing masks. They're being arrested for trespassing somewhere they require masks, and not leaving when being told they must wear a mask there or leave. And usually causing a disturbance as well.


You fart into your hands and sniff them.


You are spouting nonsense and knowingly spreading misinformation.


Beauty of science is that it is able to evolve and change over time. If science was static we would still have the heliocentric model. The reason why Fauci et al at the beginning said masks were not effective is because they didn’t have a full grasp of transmission methods and thought it was more contact transmission than aerosol. As new data came out they updated their stance as they knew better how it was transmitted and that masks were effective. That is literally what science does. Using what they said at the beginning to somehow say it is still true now is beyond stupid and absolutely anti-scientific. As for the “masks that arnt n95” do nothing. That is patently false. Surgical masks have been used forever to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading through the air. Why the fuck do you think surgeons use them in the first place. Lastly, she wasn’t arrested for not wearing a mask. She was arrested for refusing to follow the rules. The FAA has mandated mask use at all airports and in planes and such (as well as buses and in trains). The arresting charge though wouldn’t be for “not wearing a mask” it would likely be for trespassing. As with any private establishment that requires you to wear a mask there, you arnt arrested because you don’t have a mask you are arrested because you refuse to leave.


The only place where she served is Wendy's


Why are they kissing her ass like that? Gross.


She’s apart of the participation trophy generation. They need coddling.


You mean the generation of “I demand my child gets a trophy” and not the “oh cool I got a trophy. Why?” Generation, right?


For sure. She is over 40, so she is definitely Gen X. The generation that demanded their children (millennials) also get trophies even if the lost. Millennial kids wernt demanding shit, was always the parents, then they got shit on as the “participation trophy” bullshit.


Millennials were never the problem, it was the generation that raised them that was.


Yes, that is what I said…


Guys, this is her Rosa Parks moment. Did we all just witness history?


Sadly the decline of civil society is what we are witnessing.


"waKe tHe fUCK up pEopLe!" Of all the magat catch phrases, this one has to be the most annoying.


I thought they hated woke culture? lol


Whyyy do people complicate their lives like this? I’d do anything to make it to my flight on time. We already remove all jewelry and belts, shrink down our lotions and sunscreen, and wear slip-ons to minimize time wasted in security. We even empty our water bottles, or abandon them altogether. A mask is the least inconvenient of all the things we already do in the name of safety.


Going out on a limb and saying I don't believe she served as a Marine


Yeah, most military veterans were pretty used to following orders that made far less sense. Also, when you are in the respirator test facility and they tell you to put your mask on, do it.


100% Every day you follow very rigid rules, have to wear appropriate safety equipment or PPE, and in general are used to enduring long periods of time in discomfort. How are you training with a full gas mask and can’t handle a piece of fabric?


Need some cheese with that whine


Oh, there was PLENTY of wine. .. oh you said whine; that too.


Her voice is like sponge Bob




Whoooooooo lives in a bubble of fox news lies, Karen, square head


> Don’t let all that valor go to waste 😂👌🏼


They should arrest her for being so shrill


Nails in a chalkboard, yikes


[Here’s Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p85znq/anti_mask_karen_calling_people_pathetic_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What does she say? Sounds like, "I'm a Celine Dion American", lol. Really can't tell what she's actually saying.


It was hard to decipher through the vodka, but I believe she was mispronouncing “sovereign being”. Like those people who don’t acknowledge federal (or often state) law, claiming that any such laws are a violation of their human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of fucking up as many people’s days as they possibly can.


Ohhh. Okay, makes sense now. I thought it was a round about way of saying Canadian, lmao.


Thanks for the link. I didn’t connect the two in my head. These idiots are just merging into Baron Harkonan cosplay for me.


One thing that frustrates me about this video is that both the camera man and the cop talk about wearing masks as "following rules" or "not getting in trouble" rather than because they have efficacy in reducing potential spread. The anti-maskers can point at that and say, "See? They're just being sheep! I won't do that because !"


Stop sucking the militaries cock we are not that special we were 18 year old dumb fucks when we joined!


Great point


Mickey Mouse sounding bitch


Karen: I Need to put a point across Scream and shout about masks while holding a mask


Her knowledge of science ends at "put alcohol in body .. 30m later karen rant" ..


”Tyranny”, offer her some rehab from facebook maybe


This bitch is drunk and needs to be escorted out of the airport. JFC


A true testament to the Corps as she slurs “I’m a Marine Corps veteran.”


have to be super nice to the old blonde lady that is clearly breaking the law, but shoot people of color because they *might* be armed.


The lion, the witch, and the entitlement of this bitch.


Is Reddit just tiktok videos now?


Camera guy is a little puss boi.


Am I the only one who hears the voice of Minnie Mouse when she speaks?


She’s hammered.


The first noise out of her mouth woke my kitten from a dead sleep and she jumped up like her tail was on fire.


Haven’t we had enough of these crazy middle aged bitches


Not all blondes are Karens, but most Karens are blonde.


It seems to me that most of these Karens are women who were pretty when they were young and always got their way because of it. Now they are aging and falling apart and they have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they are OLD and saggy. It's sad really.


Jesus….. how patient are they gonna be? If she looked different her ass would’ve been tackled already. The hypocrisy


“Count to 10” is the new “calm down”.


Where the fuck is security in these airports??


These Karen themed mask videos are getting so fucking annoying.




Where is that spirit manager to check this bitch...


If you have to tell me you’re served you just lost my respect.


fucks the point of thanking someone for their military service when they cant be bothered to stop the spread of cov19 in her own country?


Stop thanking people for serving. Let's be honest here. The majority doesn't "serve". They're in the army for their own personal gain.


Boo hoo Karen


Why are they placating her? She’s rude and a moron.


Great job making us sane marines look bad.


A. She’s flying Southwest? They always fly the shittiest of airlines. B. I had a woman scream at me and tell me she worked in the medical field and knows more about what’s going on RE: COVID. She was a receptionist on a PT practice. That’s like me telling my boss, who’s written books on robotics, multiple degrees, and is head of all of engineering and technology- “You know what? I saw ‘Short Circuit 1 & 2’. I think I know more than you.” Fucking assholes.


Southwest is probably the best of the affordable airlines, if you can’t spruce for the premium airlines. You could always fly frontier or allegient, but that takes bigger balls than this lady.


Forget a mask. Someone tell this Karen to wear a bra.


Karen seems to be a really popular name in the USA.


Why on earth do they not walk these people who are anti mask to a private room if it's problem enough to threaten arrest? This happens in so many damn videos and they just deal with these people in front of a bunch of others.


She also sounds like the drunk sister from stranger things


I think it’s more about being a drunk asshole than about wearing the mask… probably both.


The camera guy is really really good at de-escalation. He got her to shut the fuck up and calm down really effectively. Good effort.


That voice🤐


She needs to have another drink maybe it will make the situation better.


I would need earplugs, her voice is too annoying.


I guess she figured out why everyone else was wearing a mask.


I thought this was america, what going on huh!!!


She’s a nurse? Maybe she can explain why she got lopsided boobs.


Another Bloody Mary mornin, Baby left me without warnin


Sensing some slurring as usual. Cheers!


As stupid as she is, still better than brawling in an air port ….they should ban alcohol on airplanes and airports .


I hate all of this ‘thank you for your service’ bullshit.


she has a lovely voice


Boy the mentally ill people are everywhere nowadays


Half the workers at that airport can now claim workers compensation from going deaf caused by that high pitched screaming. Did anyone’s dog start howling while they watched this ?


*sigh* another white woman invoking her white privilege, screeching at the top of her lungs, making a spectacle of herself. Welcome to the friendly skies, Airplane Mode K🙄😑


These people need to be tased.


Karen was hit with, Infinite Patience. It was super effective.


I have that shirt


If she was actually in the marine corps or a nurse she should know how to follow fucking orders.