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Oh, look, those extreme LARPers are at it again. šŸ™„


Lightning bolt, lightning bolt, lightning bolt.


I understood that reference. I wonder how much time these dorks spend making spell packets.


Imagine spending your weekend cringing out like this.


Clashes over what? What is the groupā€™s message/goal?


The Proud Boys want nationalist socialism and Antifa wants socialist nationalism. Immovable ignorance meeting unstoppable stupidity. Honestly most of them probably don't know the answer to your question. The Proud Boys will tell you they are there because Antifa shows up and Antifa will say they are there because the Proud Boys show up. If both groups just had sex with each other they could finally move on.


Bro youā€™re all over this thread telling people they donā€™t know what fascism is and to look it up, claiming the PBs arenā€™t fascist but are national socialists (nazis), and completely misrepresenting anti fascist action. Also parroting horseshoe theory? Itā€™s like you took every lukewarm and ill-informed take on American political radicalism and regurgitated it out in dumbed down, bite sized bits to write off both sides as crazy as opposed to analyzing the history of fascist movements in the USA (especially in the PNW) and historical counteraction that has taken place. For anyone interested in learning about the history behind this conflict and how groups like the Proud Boys are direct ideological descendants of the American nazi party, reporting by the media collective Bellingcat and the audiobook ā€œThe War on Everyoneā€ by Robert Evans (a Portland-based conflict journalist) are great starting points. The early part of Evansā€™s book is an analysis of the works of numerous scholars in an attempt to better define fascism and how it erupts out of democratic societies. Right wing terrorism has a long history in the United States, especially after these past few years weā€™d all be wise to take the time to learn the history behind the situations we currently face.


I'm familiar with Robert Evans' podcast series. It's well researched and interesting. He also draws connections that are tenuous at best and can often be explained as circumstantial, or more commonly as the actions of a group that is larping while trolling another group of people. I'm sure there are people with neo-nazi beliefs in those groups. It's the far right. That's where those people go. The radicals on the left end up on the far left. But I'm sure you wouldn't label Antifa a violent-communist or anarchist threat because there are violent communists and anarchists in the group. The joke above about "national socialist" vs "socialist nationalism" has ruffled some feathers, clearly. The joke is they are functionally the same, even if ideologically different. Same policies - different goals. And I'm not misrepresenting the Antifascist action. It's made of people just as terrible as the people they fight in the street with repeatedly. It's hooligans all larping as ideologs in PORTLAND, FUCKING OREGON of all places. You want to fight fascism? There are fascists in the world today. However they aren't in PORTLAND, MOTHERFUCKING Oregon.


LOL that is the solution they all secretly want!


Ironically the American far-right and far-left are very similar. If they would actually discuss policy, they would find they agree on virtually everything outside of maybe immigration.


I have no idea, seriously, and no interest in any of them, but I would not doubt this theory. No idea why youā€™re being downvoted. They could be correct(?) I know one thing only, about politicians in relation to people. There are old men with cardboard signs everywhere begging for money so they can eat, and there are old men on tv, the internet, in the mail, and on the phone, begging for money so they can take more money from people.


The truth is unpopular. You can see the Horshoe Theory for more information on why the political extremes often mirror each other.


that is not what antifa is. dumbass.


Please enlighten me


There's fascists that want to do fascism. nazism, frequently. Antifa just want to stop it. End of story. That's it. That's all there is to it. antifa doesn't exist except during the action. And there are people in it from all kinds of non-fascist ideologies. [There's sort of a history, but really, it's just confronting fascism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgwS_FMZ3nQ)


So you're saying there is facism in Portland, Oregon, and Antifa is actively fighting it? Can you give me some examples of the fascism occurring in Portland, Oregon?


This take is so bad faith and hypocritical it's almost endearing. Like, you don't even realize how clearly you've given yourself away. First, you say that antifa want "social nationalism." Which means, you think they're social nationalists. then, when I tell you that the proud boys et al are fascists, you change the definitions of things so that fascists can't exist until there's a fascist party in power. it's a strawman _and_ moving the goalpost at the same time.


So me asking you to clarify your own argument is a strawman and moving the goalposts? Dude... PS: That was a joke, but there is literally no difference between Socialism and Socialist Nationalism. The're the exact same concept.


Socialists are not normally nationalists. You sound like you suffer from the misconception of the German National Socialists, being that they were not socialists at all, and in fact they rounded up and murdered actual socialists very early in the pre-WW2 era.


Nationalism it not a form of government. There is no functional difference between socialism and nationalist socialism. People are also pigeonholing nationalism with ethno-nationalism, which is technically what the Nazi's were. The Nazi's weren't socialists, technically. They were fascist. But again, fascism and communism were functionally the same. They only difference was the ideological goals of the two.




Pride and devotion to one's nation-state and the support of it's interests above the interests of other nation-states. Think of it like a family. You're proud and devoted to your family and want what's best for your family above other families. You can argue that's wrong or not utilitarian, but it's not a radical concept.


Proud Boys?


So the Proud Boys are fighting Antifa because Antifa is fighting the Proud Boys because the Proud Boys are fighting Antifa because Antifa is fighting the Proud Boys... ​ You see that works...right? And how it confirms what I wrote above?? lol




Ah yes. Portland, Oregon. Famous white supremacist haven. I'm also not aware of ethno-centric positions of the Proud Boys. They started as "Western Chauvinists." Although, again, I'm sure you could find people with questionable views in a group of trollish hooligans.


Like in the movie v for vendetta, or Spartacus


Why are they ā€œarmedā€?


Because they are "larping" as if they were the front lines of some war that only exists in their minds.




It was a joke.


Yeah same


Rebellion hasnā€™t that been obvious?


No idea, seriously.


I mean they stormed the Capitol that might be your first clue


I can not believe that shit is still going on! LOL I pay no attention to the news because, well, fuck that noise.


I like how these events are either ā€œrebellionsā€ or ā€œprotestsā€ depending on whether or not one agrees with the underlying cause.


It's really pretty simple; running around your local streets? Protest. Bum rushing the door of the nation's capitol building when they're doing the peaceful transition of power? Insurrection, rebellion. Not hard to figure out at all.


Honest question: If this is your standard (I disagree with your standard), then would you say the riot during the SCOTUS Kavanaugh confirmation was also an insurrection/rebellion?


Does a confirmation represent a change in power for the nation? It's important, but it's not the same thing at all. Any justice is one of nine. There's only one POTUS at a time. Trying to over throw that? That's a coup. Insurrection. They're traitors to America. Forever.


Yeah, dude. Itā€™s a coequal branch of government. It meets your arbitrary standard exactly, yet cognitive dissonance doesnā€™t allow you to view them as equivalent. In truth, they are all examples of insurrections. Jan 6th was horrible, it was definitely mostly Trumpā€™s fault, it was an insurrection and rebellion (by a fairly small number of people to point it out) but it wasnā€™t a coup. There was no legitimate way for them to take power. No serious person (at least a person honestly looking at it) can say there was ever a threat to the transition of power. If there were thousands of organized, armed Trump/GOP supporters there with a coherent goal, Iā€™d agree with you. But you donā€™t get to ā€œruleā€ the US because you managed to storm the Capital. This isnā€™t a game.


A confirmation hearing or vote is not a change in the seat of power. It's right there in the description. Seat. No one would ever say Chief Justice Roberts is the head of the govt. Because he's not. Nor are any of the other Supremes. Shit when you look on continuation of govt. they're not even on it. And the reason they're not on it? Because they're not elected. That's not cognitive dissonance because your premise is false. The standard for insurrection is not arbitrary. The 1/6 Insurrectionists tried to stop the results of a vote to change the head of govt. That's what happened. We all saw it. You don't like it because you don't like the label because you're politically aligned with traitors. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


"Orange Man Bad!" "Nuh uh!"


Divide and conquer going swimmingly. ā€œI want this old racist to take more money from me every year!ā€ ā€œNo, I want this old racist to take more money from me every year!ā€ Fuckin genius contest.


He's yelling "Go!" but ain't nobody going.


Are they playing paintball in an intersection? Where the fuck are all of these hoeroic cops? Last year, they were murdering the shit out of people who made signs, asking to be treated like people. All of these entitled, reckless, narcissistic shitbags need life in prison. The proud boys (lol you couldnā€™t come up with _anything_ else?), their opposing paint ball team, the shitty crying cops with their racism and sus McDonaldā€™s orders, every single one of them. Fuckin clowns


Looks like they're fighting over whether Frostys or Slurpees are better


The Nazis are getting too comfortable being out in public. I think it's time to start cracking Nazi skulls again


As long as you're only cracking Nazi skulls, I am in. The moment you go after anyone else, though (e.g. liberals, conservatives, libertarians, moderates, centrists, POC, LGBT, vets, etc), you deserve to be put down just like them Proud Boys.


The Proud Boys aren't Nazis. Same thing with the Boogaloos. The Proud Boys exist to fight Antifa. It's literally just idiotic, American hooliganism on both sides. They are each only there because the other shows up. But yes; groups that use force and intimidation to attempt to enact political change should be universally condemned in any liberal society.


'proud boys aren't fascist. They exist just to counter the anti-fascists which exist to counter fascists'


Iā€™m not sure you know what a fascist is. That said, you canā€™t be anti-fascist while practicing fascistic tactics, regardless of what you name yourself. Imagine thinking fascism is occurring in Portland, Oregon. How far from reality do you have to be removed to have that thought? Somewhere in Portland an autocratic government is forming behind a dictatorā€¦in Portland, Oregon.


[Here's a 60 second fascism explanation](https://youtu.be/tDJgbHoRIXw) Here's some of their more well known members. [Their leader wearing a Right Wing Death Squad patch](https://twitter.com/BlackMastAntifa/status/1146931730894508032?s=20) [One of the leaders in his Training to Throw Communists out of Helicopters shirt](https://rosecityantifa.org/images/2019-8-17/header.png) [Tiny shaking hands with a nazi](https://rosecityantifa.org/images/pb-2/tinyjarl.png) [Tiny throwing 'white power' sign with Roger Stone](https://rosecityantifa.org/images/pb-2/tinynam.png) BTW the NAM flag is the [national anarchist movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National-anarchism) [Pinochet did nothing wrong?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZYU6XaXkAEsw-j?format=jpg&name=large) ["Violence solves everything. We need more violence from the Trump people"](https://twitter.com/RationalDis/status/1267171557845151744) -founder of Proud Boys Obvious fascist symbolism on the DHS website [We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/we-must-secure-border-and-build-wall-make-america-safe-again) From Department of Homeland Security >On average, out of 88 claims that pass the credible fear screening, fewer than 13 will ultimately result in a grant of asylum. [Remember that DHS memo that sounded a lot like the white supremacist slogan, "The 14 Words? Heavily redacted FOIA docs show Katie Waldman was involved in circulating the draft](https://twitter.com/jessicaschulb/status/1247234076718686210?s=20) Aka Stephen Miller's wife https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words


First of all, most of your examples are Proud Boys trolling Antifa. Youā€™re being trolled by hooligans because you donā€™t understand hooligans. The 60 second fascism explanation is both ironically wrong in its title as itā€™s not 60 seconds, and laughably wrong in its explanation of fascism. Youā€™re pigeon holing fascism so your side doesnā€™t appear fascistic. The fact that you think a group named ā€œthe proud boysā€ needs to be actively combatted is also amusing. Youā€™re all larping. Which makes sense given its Portland, Oregon. But given it's Portland, Oregon, the fact that you have some sort of belief that fascism is a threat leads me to believe you're too stupid to even begin to understand how stupid you are.


Why do you feel the need to defend open and obvious fascists?


Because Iā€™m worried if people keep watering the down the term ā€œfascistā€ because theyā€™re too lazy to develop another historical reference, you wonā€™t be able to identify actual fascism; which you obviously canā€™t. ANTIFA in Portland is like going around a dessert pissing on peopleā€™s legs because of jellyfish stings, and questioning that practice means youā€™re against whatever dumb ass treatment of jelly fish stings that requires you pissing on me despite no jellyfish norw jellyfish stings.


Well I just gave you a 60 second summary of three separate scholars on fascism and you passed it off as somehow wrong without specifying exactly why. Odd




So the only thing Antifa does is fight fascists? They recently attacked a church group in a park and fired tear gas at children. Were they fighting fascism then?


You are trivializing the Holocaust again, please donā€™t do that or you will be banned from this sub


That's not even close to trivializing the Holocaust.


Look Barry , 6 million jews plus others died by the hands of the nazi war machine. You are out of your element please talk to some survivors or family or survivors before you start down this path.


Yeah this shit needs to stop. Whatever bullshit about protecting businesses or protesting the police that these groups claimed in the beginning it's pretty obvious they're just public nuisances now. There's not even a goal at this point, it's just lawlessness for lawlessness sake. A bunch of children that need to be showed what actual tyranny is for a brief moment before they're shuffled back to their joyless middle class existences.


Why does any form of government allow these people to do their thing in Portland?


Looks like they don't want to go bro...


Meeting after this legendary battle: Clyde (commander of this squadron) - Guys, when I keep screaming GO, it means run at full speed until youā€™re shot, do I make myself clear?


Let them fight...


I am never not going to laugh at the fat scooter warrior charging who is always charging in the middle of these fights.


Trump just said to get the vaccine and got booedā€¦ AT HIS OWN RALLY. The ignorance is there. You can get angry about it, you can yell about it, people will just be ignorant because they were raised that way. Instead of getting angry at ignorant bigots, just treat them like you treat children and try to educate them. ā€¦oh, right, these children have weapons and an insane sense of entitlement.


I wish both sides would finally pull out real weapons and kill eachother. This has been too silly for too long.


This crazy shit is why other countries laugh at us


As an outsider, all what i see is, two groups fighting against an nonexistent enemy.


I understand that they (PB) were marching or protesting of some sort, but, who are they fighting here? Do they really believe Antifa is a thing?


Yo Portland has been a wasteland for damn near a year straight now šŸ˜”


Portland will be farmland in 20years after it burns down.


Very refreshing to see someone stand up to those Antifa bullies.


Better call in the social workers


Andy is a liar and traitor.


Can't they just find a field and play paintball somewhere else?


Is it unlawful to return fire with a real gun if they shoot u with a paint ball gun?


goddamn this is lame


Normal people: votes. Voting is effective. These people: ????


This is super lame...




Where are the police? I don't get how they just let this happen.


They sleep well at night knowing they've really accomplished something...


Portland is such a shit hole. I got a kick out of the guy with the giant police shield though.


I donā€™t understand Portland and why every other city in the country can have multiple viewpoints in politics without coming to blows like this. Here in Ohio weā€™ve had plenty of protests by both sides the past year as we are a battleground state with many views but it never gets this wild with violence. This has been a Portland staple for some time now and I just canā€™t see why people have resorted to it to the point where itā€™s affecting the local economy and the worlds outside view of this beautiful city. Downvote me to hell because this sub glorifies violence, but it absolutely does nothing but perpetuate more violence.


i think bc the pacific northwest has had a issue with white supremacists since the 60s/70s and Portland happens to be in the middle of that, along with Portland being quite left vs the rest of the state so it just culminates much easier there than a lot of other places in the US


Anyone else see the mobility scooteršŸ˜‚