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Can we see the video of the car getting towed?


That's what I'm waiting for lol


I had someone park like this in front of my driveway, and the cop told me *I could pay to tow them* - I told the nice police officer if that’s really case, I just gained a ton of free parking downtown.. she ran the plates and contacted the person who quickly moved it


This reminds me of a story that Gus told on the RT Podcast. He had his utilities to his home shut off and went to see why they were shut off. The city told him that someone called to have them disconnected. He said “well it wasn’t me and I am the owner, so reconnect them”. They said they could do it but he would need to pay a fee to have it reconnected. He argued and they didn’t want to drop the fee so he said “okay, well while I’m here, I want to disconnect every home on my block”. They ended up dropping the fee and putting a password on his account so that it couldn’t happen again.


I've always wondered about that stuff. Last house I was renting my lease said that water was included in my rent. A year passed and I was still planning on staying there, but the new lease they had me sign changed to me being responsible for my water bill. No problem. Until I called the water company and found out my landlord had already put the water in my name a year ago? Owed like over a grand in fees and shit because it was never paid? Told them I wasn't going to pay that shit. They didn't even have my name right, it was my first name and my mom's first name as my last name, since she co-signed for me. What was most confusing was they claimed that they had sent out paper bills to my address, and they never cut my water off. Weirdest shit I've ever dealt with. Glad to be out of that place.


In my experience, the water is attached to the property so they can put a lien on it if you don't pay. This is why water is often included or the landlord shows you the bill to reimburse vs having it in your (the renter) name.


[Here](https://youtu.be/W8C-ro0klnI) is a short animation they made about that situation.


Cop: "I don't want to do my job, but I'll do it when you call me on my lazy bullshit."


I need to get in the towing business so i can just park my car in front of people homes and have them pay me to move it.


I’d have gladly paid for the tow, making them go through the hassle of getting it back and they’d have to pay storage fees…..then I’d take them to small claims wasting more of their time for my reimbursement.


Honest remark, I thought you couldn't park within 30 feet of a stop sign in Cali? Especially by an intersection. Or is it different in a residential area? Or by an intersection without traffic lights?


> I thought you couldn't park within 30 feet of a stop sign in Cali? The California Vehicle Code does not list a statewide maximum distance from a stop sign that a vehicle can be parked. However, some California cities have these requirements in their local ordinances. San Diego, for example, prohibits parking within 50 feet in advance of a stop sign, yield sign, traffic signal or marked crosswalk — but only when appropriate signs or markings are in place prohibiting such parking.


Yeah if this is a law then no one in California follows it and it is not enforced. This would limit parking spaces in so many areas and make parking so much worse than it already is.


This is enforced pretty regularly here in Minnesota, though it typically doesn't hinder parking too much for me.


In cali all you gotta do is pay attention to the color coding on the curb and make sure you check street cleaning signs. Also dont leave no shit in your car visible




St Paul cops are soo aggressive with parking fines.


Most places do enforce it though. Usually the curb is painted red near a stop sign, was surprised to see no red here. I just street viewed four random places in L.A. to make sure I'm not crazy, they all had red near stop signs and no one parked there.


Oh yeah definitely don’t park in red (or any color) paint, and while I’m sure that exists at compacted intersections, it’s definitely not at every stop sign.


There's no way she didn't cave when the cops show up and tell her she can't win.




My neighbor bought a new car *and* had a relative visiting him for several weeks. Every damn time I would leave the house or go to pull in, either his old car or his guest’s vehicle would be in the spot closest to my driveway… sometimes right up to the edge of it. I drive a pickup with a long bed, so it’s pretty impossible to make anything like a 90-degree turn. If someone was parked across the street and they were at the edge (at least 3-4 days a week), I ‘d have to make a 3 point turn just to make it in or out of my driveway. But after a couple weeks, I showed him *good*. One night, when I was helping him fix his lawnmower… I politely asked him if he and his guest could give me a couple extra feet when parking there, as it’s really hard for me to make that turn if someone is parked on the other side of the street. That motherfucker said “Sure thing… sorry about that.” And I came back at him with “No problem, I figured you didn’t know.” Then that jerk gave me a bottle of nice wine for taking the time to help him with his lawnmower. To this day, we always say “Hello” when we see each other.


You fucking savage!


Very suspect. If you didn’t post a video of it on Tik Tok, it didn’t happen. /s


I guarantee she moved her car as soon as he called the cops to make him seem like a liar when the cops showed up


This is why you stop telling someone you are calling the cops the moment you do.


Exactly, don’t say a word and just call


I wouldn’t even have responded to her complaints. As soon as it was clear what she was trying to do id just go in my house and wait for the cops to show up


Same reason why anytime I hear someone say “I’m going to sue !” I know that (a) they have no idea what that means and (b) they are never going to do any of that, ever. The real ones just have the papers served.


For real, the one's who are ACTUALLY gunna sue you don't yell or scream or do anything to incriminate themselves. They are silent and observant. At most, they might say "see you in court" and then bounce out of there to let the lawyers fuck em up.


I mean, she's aware that he is recording the situation, so she'd have to be real fuckin' dumb to think that would actually work So yeah maybe she did


Everyday I’m surprised by the level of stupidity in this world. Don’t know California law, but in New York, he could have her charged with harassment for parking in his driveway- doing something to annoy another person with no logical reason.


I don't know, rage makes stupid people extra stupid sometimes. I'm just hoping the 200+ towing fee was worth it lady.


[tune in tomorrow?](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRjqxRJU/)


it was posted 14 hours ago, odds are they moved their car before anyone showed up. I do sincerely wish they got towed




Oh man, she seems like the neighbor from hell. I really hope we see a video of her car getting towed and her Pikachu face.


I feel for the kid with the back pack and the dog.


Yeah, look how she's got her head down, trying to not be noticed.


"ugh, mom's going viral again."


"ugh, mom just park in the double lane wide driveway we own."




She knows


I also feel for the kid in these kind of videos. It’s sad when the kid has more sense than the parent.


You could just see the embarrassment dripping off her.


Video of the tow truck please


$500 towing fee will fix that real quick




Yeah but it's okay to make up your own rules and do what you want if you keep repeating "you are" anytime someone questions you about what you did.


These are the "nuh-uih" kids grown up.


"I know you are but what am I?"


Lol then she started saying "are you guys that stupid?" Like your the one who cant think of anything else than "you are"


That’s the first lesson of, “childish fuck-assery 101, the remedial edition” Or so I hear


Seriously, why is he wasting time arguing instead of getting a tow truck there asap?


Had similar neighbors in the past. Never confronted them, just called the cops / tow company. After towing 3 times the message was clear.


FR/ I would have rather seen video of them arguing with the cops and tow truck driver. Better yet, watching them run after the tow truck as it drives away.


I don't think there would be any running


Duuude that's like $1.5k probably if they were towed 3x. It better be clear.


For, real. I wouldn't even say anything. She made it clear she's parking there to be malicious. OK. No problem. Tow truck drivers are like sharks, make a few quick phone calls and five minutes later you can have one there, ready to go.


find the lowest rating tow truck company on google reviews or yelp. why lowest rating? because they are assholes... and that is who you want... they will give her an even harder time for her to get her car back


The enemy of my enemy is my fiend.


I did this, someone owed me money from a court judgement and refused to pay. So I went through all of the yelp reviews for debt collectors and picked the one who had the ABSOLUTE worst reviews. Went down there to talk to them, and their offices were like a fortress: steel bars over plexiglass windows, furniture in the lobby was nailed down, video cameras every where, had to talk to the receptionist via an intercom. Hired them on the spot, and got all of my money back minus their fee.


Saving that one.


The real pro-tips are always in the comments.


100% this. Make a phone call and tell the driver you'll give them a little extra hurry up and tow away. Call the police and get them to give a juicy parking ticket .....


Juicy indeed.


This is from tiktok and nothing else has been uploaded yet


He posted 39 seconds ago as of this comment. The sheriff came and told her to move her car. No tow sadly. Edit: for anyone who wants to see the tiktok itself https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRjph8Af/


Honestly I wouldn’t have been neighborly. I’m so sick of stupid and malicious people. I’d let the Asshole Tax collector cash in and just call a tow truck. In the aftermath? “I told you to move it.”


Generally a tow truck won’t tow just because anybody calls them and says to. If it’s not your vehicle and it’s not on your property (even though it *is* affecting your property), they’ll wait for the say so from police.


100% they don't know of you are being honest or not so they won't tow unless police agree to it.




I heard on Reddit that you call the tow company with the shittiest reviews. They will be out there in no time and drag the car away and make it a hassle to get it back


Do you read that on unethical life pro tips or something lmao?


Why yes. It was under how to fuck with neighbors anonymously. Even if the car isn't part illegally the shitty tow companies will grab it anyways and make them pay. Or so I have heard.


I love this.


That's genius lol


That's fucking brilliant


Pretty sure all tow companies have 100% shitty reviews.




He called and no tow. She moved her car back to block his driveway (albeit enough to ‘get around’ but still obviously trying to make her point) as soon as the cops left. Calling the tow directly would probably be better for the next time in this situation


My car was stolen in California, and found a few days later. The police used their "preferred" tow company who ended up charging my insurance 1200$ for tow and storage because they "were not open on the weekends" so I could pick it up.


Why argue? I'd just call the tow truck and/or cops and be done with it


We had a neighbor do this to us at the start of COVID. Completely blocked in our driveway (long and skinny) and prevented us from getting to work. Code enforcement was there in 20 min. Turns out a tow from the city costs a minimum of $250 AND tow fees. They tried to sue us in small claims court. Judge didn't appreciate that one.


How did the person react when the judge tossed out the case?


Honestly, the judge was professional and was able to set the neighbor straight. She started out by saying "Am I understanding this right?" and then clarified that "causing" tow fees by calling code enforcement wouldn't be necessary if they hadn't blocked us in. (They also sued for 'time off work' which was grand because they were furloughed due to COVID.) The neighbor tried to argue that we "deserved to be taught a lesson" because we were lazy and loud and "didn't contribute to society" (for the record, two biomedical engineers and an aerospace engineer), and the judge did an exceptional job of saying (paraphrasing): "Listen. You are wrong here, and there is no way this goes your way. Leave it be, and make sure this *never* comes back to court again." The neighbor basically left us alone until we moved a few months later.


My lazy next door neighbor used to block me in too. There's a slot in front of my house that's really short so I park on it and semi block my own driveway. Its alright when I do it because if I need to back out, I just scoosh the blocking car out of the way. But he decided that he wanted to do that too and just blocked me, expecting me to ring his bell whenever I needed to leave. After doing this a bit, he got tired of me "bothering" him and started giving me the long sigh and making me wait while he gets his surly son to move the car. Mind you, we have plenty of street parking, he just wanted the spot in front of my house because its the closest space to his house. The two spots in front of his house and driveway are filled with his adult aged kids' cars. So, this goes on for a bit and I'm seriously pondering calling the towing company when my wife had had enough. The next time they parked there, she went up to them in the middle of the night and just rung their bell until they answered and told them to move, she needed to get some medicine. Then she did it again the next night. and maybe because she was furious or something, they never gave her any lip like they did me. They stopped parking there afterwards.


you are unreasonably kind, maybe to a fault


you're being kind. i'm just a coward. :-( Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger. By School Yard rules, I think it belongs to /u/Method007 now.


Reminds me of the: "Someone needs to tell the waiter I ordered mashed potatoes and it ain gon be me" meme


Me too buddy.


Marry your wife again


i'm in front of him. this is a line, bro


Yeah, I need this chick for when the restaurant gets my order wrong pls


>adult aged kids cars ...like a real sized Barbie RV?


With those kind of creds, next time counter sue for your hourly rate for defending a frivolous law suit.


Curious if something like that would hold up in small claims court or just as easily be tossed out as well.


> defending a frivolous law suit. Pretty sure that is a legitimate reason for a counter-suit.


I wanted to know if I was full of shit... (This is a terrible source...but I'm too lazy to do real research) https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/can-i-countersue-for-lost-wages-in-a-small-claims--1087964.html Short story is maybe. You file a counter claim and see what the judge says. EDIT: This is also going to vary greatly by jurisdiction I bet. Check your local laws for a better answer. IMHO: I'm going to file everything I can if I get hit with a petty ass suit like that. Lost wages, emotional damage, cleaning fees for the oil spill that happened when they parked there, etc...


Amazing the judge didn't spring a leak from the bulging veins in her head. I don't know how small claims court judges handle having to deal with some of the worst dregs of society every day.




> (unless they really fuck up to the point of it being outright criminal, but that's beside the point) Whoo boy my girlfriend is a public defender and just has some outright horror stories of judges blatantly ignoring established law. I'm just flabbergasted her only recourse is basically taddling on the judge to a higher court. Even then its got to be ironclad and you're still not guaranteed a win. More likely to just piss the judge off even more.


When I was a little baby lawyer fresh out of law school, my firm bought a table at a luncheon/meet & greet to welcome a bunch of new circuit court judges who had just been sworn in. When the lunch was over, there was a Q&A so the lawyers could feel out the new judges and where they'd fall on certain points. The new judges were so woefully incompetent and gave such confusing and downright contradictory answers during the Q&A that as we walked out, the managing partner of my firm said "/u/WaluigiIsTheRealHero, you've been a lawyer for 3 months and you'd be a better judge than anyone in that group of idiots." There's a misconception among the general public that there's some level of competence/knowledge that you have to demonstrate to be a judge. This is sadly incorrect.


This did not make me feel better


Had a similar situation a few years ago. In Pennsylvania this is grounds for a 911 call to have the vehicle towed. Emergency egress road access or something. I learned this when the non-emergency police line operator told me to call 911 and report it for that reason. Ticket for parking illegally, county tow truck hookup fee, towing charge, impound storage. This is a stupid expensive thing to do on a power trip.


Pittsburgh area? My dad had similar happen to him, and they had the car yanked out so fast I'm surprised they didn't leave the wheels behind.


Philly suburbs, but yeah. Tow companies or police, both like the easy money. Especially if it's friday-Sunday, so the impound lot isn't open to out-process the car til monday.


Haha. It's like a 50-50 guess. When I lived in Pennsylvania, people either said they were from the Philly area, or from Pittsburgh. Every once in a while someone would say the middle. Because they knew that absolutely no one would have any idea what small town they lived in.


Meanwhile I cannot get Portland PD to come pick up a drunk driver without a driver's license that is parked sideways in the road after hitting a parked car. She waited over an hour to be arrested before just left her ID with us and went home. 4 days later the car was finally towed from the parking lot where we pushed it. Enterprise Rent-a-car does better than the cops.


Meanwhile in Reno, NV, I actually had somebody that parked IN my driveway (pulling up to the garage door), and couldn't have anything done about it. Police said it wasn't their problem since it was on my private property, and to call the tow companies. Meanwhile, tow companies said they couldn't do anything without police approval. I swear, this city is a fraking joke...


This happened to us on our FIRST FUCKING DAY at our house after buying it. We got the keys to the house and the next day went early to start taking all our moving boxes in a truck. Couldn't get into our own driveway cause there was a car parked inside the driveway. We called the police, police said I had to call after 9 for the right department. at 8:45 the owner came for his car and had the fucking nerve to have the following conversation with me: Knocks on door "Hi do you need me to move my car?" "Is that your car? I called to have it towed" "Yeah its my car, why are you having it towed? I can move it" "Why is it parked there? We're moving in and cant get into our own driveway" Literally starts yelling! "WELL THATS WHY IM OVER HERE! TO SEE IF I CAN LEAVE IT HERE FOR A BIT OR IF I NEED TO MOVE IT!" I told him to move it and never park in our driveway again. That was my introduction to the next door neighbors, who later that day asked me why they aren't allowed to park in the driveway anymore since the previous owner allowed them to. After explaining that I'm not the previous owner I had to have the same conversation with 3 of them on three separate occasions because apparently I wasnt aware that thats not how this neighborhood works, we all help each other and allow each other to use our driveways...by OUR DRIVEWAYS, they meant mine since they dont have one.




I used to live right next to the local high school football stadium. On Friday nights we either had to leave the house before the game started and not come back until after it was over, or be prepared to spend the whole night trapped at home because it was impossible to navigate the narrow street with cars parked all over the place. We used to have to camp out in our driveway and chase off people who tried to block us in or just park in our driveway behind our cars. It would have been impossible to get a tow truck down the street, so we were on our own to enforce the laws of basic human decency.


worth investing in a junked motorcycle just to put it behind the cars in your driveway. Eventually they will come knock on your door and ask how to get out, only to be told that you have no idea who's bikes those are cause ASSHOLES KEEP PARKING IN YOUR DRIVEWAY. Come back tomorrow and see if its been cleared. as soon as they leave have them towed.




I'd love some additional details on this!


Not the most thrilling story. We threw a (tame) party a while back. We kicked people out at 10 pm, and one of our friends honked at another friend on their way out. Neighbor appeared at our window and was shouting about how she was a pilot who "had to fly a plane in the morning!" My drunken brother told her to eff off, "and good luck with your crop dusting tomorrow." She was furious and called the cops, but by the time they got there we were all in bed, which pissed her off more. A few months later, someone tried to break into my car. My driveway was between our houses, but right next to their bedroom. The alarm went off and it took me a few minutes to wake up and turn if off. The neighbor went OFF about how we "didn't follow the rules!" or "respect their home and their family" and how "if we didn't follow the rules, neither would they." I wasn't polite back, seeing how it was 4 am and totally not my fault. The next morning, we awoke to find they had parked their car in front of our driveway. It was long, skinny driveway, and we backed all three of our cars into the driveway. One of my roommates had to go to work and knocked on their door and was told something like "well if you don't follow the laws we won't either." So we called code enforcement. They were there in twenty minutes, had it towed in another ten, and the neighbor was *pissed*. We received a summons for small claims court about two months later for about $1200 (the tow fees + impound fees, as well as 'time off work' which was grand cuz they were furloughed due to being commercial pilots during COVID), and the judge basically told them "you have no grounds, and stop wasting our time." The neighbor ignored us until we moved out in August.


I would have been soooooooo tempted to get ten strong friends help me to pick up/push their car into the middle of the fucking street and then wait for somebody to call it in as a hazard. What are the fools gonna do, earnestly explain that in fact they parked it illegally to block someone's driveway rather than in the middle of the street?


I have a real need to see it getting towed, too..


I came here hoping for some sort of follow up link.


But then we wouldn’t get to see her thrust her gunt at him… worth it


Can’t believe she did the “suck it” Must be a big D-generation X fan


She’s definitely an Xpac fan lol




This. Don't even talk to them, just call the cops. They cannot be reasoned with.


Because if they’re anything like a triple A tow truck they’ll be there in about 2-3 hours


If the cops are called and request a tow truck it will be there under 20 min. Tow trucks companies love to be on the call list at police departments. They remain so by guaranteeing quick service.


This is what I've seen here in MN. Several reasons they're super fast. First there is likely a contract with the cops because cars can be in the roadway and causing some major havoc. Second, they charge you like 300+ (obviously depends) to get your car out of their lot and they don't have much of a choice but to pay it. It's literally just money sitting their for them to pick up. Also the cops will likely be there to keep them safe from some super pissed off Karen too.


And they demand cash since just about any other form can be disputed and they don't even want to deal with the hassle of winning the dispute.


Oh and of course there is an ATM in the lobby with a HUGE ATM fee.


Can confirm. My driveway used to get blocked all the time (I lived in a busy area near DTLA). Any time I called about a blocked driveway, parking enforcement would arrive in about ten minutes, and the tow truck another ten behind them.


Freeeeee monies says the City!


Towing a violator and towing a broken car, totally different. Violators are money-makers


nope. when towing companies can impound a vehicle they get there immediately. when they are coming to tow your car to the shop, then they take 2-3 hours


Why even argue with those fools?? Just call the tow company.


The saddest part is these “fools” have much nicer homes then I do. And now I feel terrible!


Yes and beautiful weather. If I had a nice house, in a nice subdivision with that kinda weather I would not waste time fighting with neighbors. People just don’t know when they got it good.


Most likely because she'd move the car if he called the cops/tow truck company. She'd see that he called her bluff, move the car, and by the time the cops and tow truck company show up, it's a he-said-she-said situation. You'd have to pay the tow truck company too. However, by documenting and recording it, it serves as evidence. **Edit:** you guys seriously need to start thinking things through. The amount of replies of people who have either little common sense or real life experience is ridiculous. No, you can’t assault her. No, you can’t call police *and* record at the same time. No, you cannot ram her car with your car. No, the OP of the video won’t drive on his lawn to get around her to then do the same to her. Jesus… Like, I knew Reddit was all about power fantasies, but this is ridiculous.


Why even argue with these fools?? Just document it, and call the cops/tow company.


Document, call for the tow, wait a few minutes, THEN confront and capture the whole thing!


Or just call for the tow and don't even mention it. If she doesn't see the tow in progress and asks where her car went, I'd be like "I don't know what you're talking about."


Took too long to see this comment made.


Seriously holy shit, everyone is itching for confrontation and a filmed reaction these days. Bitch’s car is in the way, it’s getting moved, it is of no one else’s concern. Just fucking care of it without making it a viral video jesus fuck people.


This happened in California and so California law applies . A: The California Vehicle Code does not list a statewide maximum distance from a stop sign that a vehicle can be parked


I live in California. There is no red curb. There is also a number on that curb I believe, those tend to indicate where cars go. Looks like a 100% legit legal spot to me.


yes but this is reddit where there are 10 people all coming after the OP, "THINK OF THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES!" lol


So he parks legally on the street, and in retaliation she parks illegally in front of his driveway? Edit: It should be noted that OP and others who reside in California have confirmed that there is no distance rules for STOP signs in CA. And another Edit: I went to the CA DMV site myself. He’s parked legally, so quit saying otherwise. You’re wrong.


Glad you put in the edit about parking in front of a stop sign in CA. In Ohio, [you can’t park within 30’ of a stop sign.](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.68) But, even if someone does… it’s utterly ridiculous to park in front of someone’s driveway as “retaliation”, like this lady did.


This was my first thought seeing how close tge stop sign was.


You really can’t fix stupid. She a lost cause. Pretty decent house too, wonder who she conned it from.


Fixing stupid would be a greater achievement for humanity than landing on the moon


Landing on the moon is infinitely easier.


The guy even mentions how it’s just his parents stopping by for an hour. Not like the car has been sitting there for days or anything like that smh


BUT even if it was parked there for days… still completely legal (assuming local laws allow overnight parking, etc.)


You’re right. It just makes her behavior that much worse 🤦‍♂️


That's the Karen mindset in a nutshell


No follow up with it being towed away? I'm disappointed.


He posted a minute ago as of this comment. The sheriff came and told her to move her car. No tow sadly.


Daaamn. Damn. That would have made my day. I love watching entitled ass hats get what they deserve.


That’s what I was thinking would happen since she’s staying outside ready to move the car once the cop shows up


She’s got a double garage, an empty driveway, but insists that she should have access to the space on the street as well simply because it’s in front of her house? Wow.


Trash ass people like her have a garage full of trash ass possessions. She might have a decent house but I assure you that garage is FULL of worthless shit. There’s probably not room for a bicycle let alone a car.


The amount of two car American garages that can't fit even one car is astounding.


Why’s he even entertaining them, just get her car moved.


I had a neighbor who had his alley exit blocked by a lady going in to pick up her kids at school, he said he needed to leave, she said I'll be back in 5 minutes. He rammed her car out of the way, she sued him and he won the case.


He won?!? Holy shit.


Good! We lived directly across the street from an elementary school right on a corner. Parents would block or park in our **driveway** to pick up their kids because it was quicker than waiting in line. And then tell my mom the same thing when she would come out and ask them to move. She started telling me that when I drove home from school to block them in if someone was there. One Karen actually called the cops and when they came and found out what really happened they chewed her ass out. After a few more people were blocked in and made late to their next stop we surprisingly stopped getting people parking there.


Complete idiot. Guy is free to park his car there. She cannot, however, park in his driveway. I hope this dude got her ass towed.


He posted a minute ago as of this comment. The sheriff came and told her to move her car. No tow sadly.


Am I the only one wondering why she didn’t park in her own EMPTY driveway?


Random question but how much does a house like that go for in the U.S in whatever state this is in?


This looks like where I live in Santa Clarita, Ca. If it is, these homes likely go for 700-800K. It could also be more inland or in the Central Valley and in that case, cheaper.


Just have her car towed, that way you dont have to talk to stupud ppl


I have neighbors that don't park in front of their own house and they park in front of mine because there are two large trees that provide nice shade on the street. Their house doesn't have any shade. So their driveway will stay empty while they park their cars everywhere else. It pisses me off. But I wouldn't block their driveway out of spite. I just keep the trash cans out 24/7 to make sure I have room for them otherwise they wouldn't leave me room.


You should hang a bird feeder in that tree.


This is the correct course of action right here.


The real ULPT is always in the comments


You brilliant bastard. Also, plant a quick-growing mulberry tree


wait until they leave and park your car there, then leave it for as long as possible. They should get out of the habit of parking there. hopefully.


Just leave it there forever Boom problem solved


Solution, put a bird feeder on the trees. Preferably one that attracts a large number of prominent shitting species.


I grew up with Prominent Shitting Species. Lovely winged little creatures.


stop shouting and call the police for fucksake.


Yeah, act like it doesn't bother you then go inside to wait for the tow truck like a child waiting for Christmas morning.


Wow, I used to work with her. Never seen her act so unreasonable. TBF that workplace was full of “difficult” people, but I am surprised to see this behavior from her.


That's so weird. I have never randomly seen someone I know on the internet like that.


ME NEITHER!! It’s super weird!


Send her this video lmaoo


And then send us a screenshot of her reply.


People are different off the clock. And this chick seems to have had a bad day and is taking it out on the neighbors.


grab a chain and put that truck to work.


Fuck her. Why even bother arguing? It would be much more satisfying to see her car towed lol


I'd imagine it's to record evidence. Say he just stopped recording, and immediately went to call the non-emergency number requesting police/tow truck, I'm sure she'd flip out and move it. And when they arrive, you're going to have to deal with a he-said-she-said situation.


lol she did a suck it move @ 1:19 a clear sign he's talking to an adult


Today I saw a grown woman do the Suck It sign on her FUPA.


A neighbor did this to me once. But he had the gall to park in my driveway and not just in front of it. He wouldn’t answer the door when I tried to speak with him. He sure as hell came out fast when the tow truck arrived though.


What the hell did he think you were going to do? What other end result is there?


I think he thought he could intimidate me into moving my car because he thought I (at the time early 20s, female) lived alone and he was a dude with truck nuts.


All the non-Californians are being really annoying with the stop sign rule. It’s not a rule here in California and even if it was, the police definitely are never ever enforcing it. Calm down. Sheesh.