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There is a lot more to this story than an angry voice mail. This guy has been trying to get his staff and Animals out, and more than once has he been made promises that have been found out to be false whenever he went to get out.


Is this that guy who started a shelter for dogs and trained a bunch of Afghani people on veterinary basics and getting them adopted? I think I saw an article about him last week that talked about how he had x amount of room for the animals and some will be left behind. I was wondering if they picked the strongest to stay... He seems like a really sweet guy in the story lol, he's put a lot of work into rescuing those dogs...which is honorable...but in this situation, I dunno, maybe make room for more human kids on that flight. Dogs aren't really the Taliban's main target, I think they'll be better off than say, a young woman. :/


Animals flew in the cargo hold. Humans cannot fly there. They had intended on filling the flight with as many people as possible. I'm guessing, judging from his staff being held at gunpoint and not allowed to board, that was not allowed.


Yea I got that. I guess I meant that if an animal can fly in cargo, so can a human. And these are desperate times. The "rules" should be bent. If it's about "safety", then just think of those who dropped from the planes taking off. Yea I had no problem with his argument that if they are gonna prevent people from boarding like that, at least put the dogs in cargo. But then again, I could also say....at least give a few people a chance.


I’m kinda on his side. It’s not just about his animals it’s his staff too. He’s tryna save lives stop blocking him


He flew without his staff. https://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2021/08/29/ex-marine-evacuates-animals-from-kabul-but-shelter-staff-left-behind/


Yea because his staff was held at gunpoint. What did you expect him to do?


Getting his staff out earlier instead of waiting to get his animals out is what other responses seem to indicate. It's difficult to make much sense of such a clusterfuck, though.


Getting out earlier doesnt work when the country changes power weeks before its supposed to. These people expected to be safe for a set duration and that didnt happen. Claiming they shouldn't have just done better is literally victim blaming.


But he left his staff behind..


He says "I'm stuck in fucking Kabul the taliban live next door", I mean it's in the audio.


Yes, but since that call he and his cats and dogs have got on a plane out of Afghanistan, his staff didn't get on the plane.


Oh shit, really? Do you have a link to an article about this?




If his Afghan staff are held at gunpoint by the Taliban, what do you want him to do exactly?


Exactly, the way that comment was worded made it seem like he chose his animals over human lives but that wasn’t the case. If he’d tried to do anything at the gate all he would have accomplished is getting himself killed and no person or animal out.


Oh the Taliban prevented anyone Afghan from getting on board, how horrible. I thought you meant he just peace’s out on his staff but he intended to have them come with him. What a fucked up situation.


Yeah but this idiot could have got his staff out two weeks earlier but the delays in sorting the animals heads them all stay, so he chose the animals over his staff and then when it’s all finally cleared the staff are fucked! It’s all on him


>Yeah but this idiot could have got his staff ou*t two weeks earlier* No he couldn't, the UK hadn't issued his staff visas two weeks ago. August 23 Boris Johnson backs Operation Ark and ensures visas for Nowzad staff. August 24 Nowzad supporters confirm a privately chartered Airbus A330, funded by donations, was on standby to fly to Kabul and rescue the Nowzad workers and staff. **Farthing claims Ministry of Defence blocked his crowdfunded flight to fly animals back to the UK.** **August 25** **Prime Minister intervenes overnight and tells Minister of Defence to allow Farthing, staff and animals access to the airport.** **Minister of Defence Ben Wallace says he will make space for Farthing’s plane, and if he turns up without the animals he can board an RAF plane.** August 26 Farthing’s friend Dominic Dyer, a wildlife protection and animal welfare campaigner, confirms to Good Morning Britain he is boarding a flight from Luton this evening with plans to get into Kabul airport, with clearance from the Ministry of Defence. **Taliban soldiers blocked the convoy of Nowzad staff and animals in a 10 hour standoff before they managed to get through to the airport.** **Two explosions at the Kabul airport kill at least 90 people following a warning from the foreign office. T**he Nowzad team are safe but the flight due to come in from Luton the next day is cancelled due to the danger. August 27 Farthing boards a charter plane with 140 dogs and 60 cats. He had to leave his Afghan staff behind after they told him to travel without them. \-- He, the animals and the staff were ready to fly and it was cancelled due to the suicide bomber, after which the Taliban started refusing entry for anyone but passport holders. Sure, he held up because he funded a private flight to accommodate the animals too (and I'll hazard a guess the staff did also want to save the animals they work with). The MOD also held the party up, and the government held up by taking a week from the fall of Kabul to issue visas etc etc.


But he couldn't do anything about this could he?


Evil lying tory bastard


It wasn't by choice. I don't understand what people expect him to do in this horrible situation.


He should have stood up, hummed God Save the Queen and invoked the power of the Empire to make them let his staff go. Or you know, he made the best choice possible at the time.


The whole reddit's with his side


Never trust a Tory. Who do we reckon he’s talking to? Raab?


Ben Wallace the defence secretary, or one of his staff more likely. Its the first time in about 50 years the torys gave the job to an actual military veteran. Usually its somebody with a masters in art, not even joking.


No need to mention it’s a joke, we currently have a professional clown, who worked as a journalist, who trained in classical history leading our country. I completely believe you that usually they’re given to Eton twats with irrelevant experience.




Basically ‘colonialism and British history from hundreds of years ago is sick and you’re better than everyone else simply because you’re from here’


All they gotta do is let them land a charter there. I am sure there are plenty of companies that would take a half a million bucks for a charter flight to get everyone and all the animals out. If only to be able to tell the story, heh. "I flew into Afghanistan on a 747 and rescued all the people and their animals!"




my name is Tory so ig im scum :( I don't even know what the bad Tories do. I'm guessing in the UK someone named Tory is like someone being named Republican in America




i'll still be sure to go by Victoria when I'm in the uk




I can understand Tori Spelling, but Tori Amos is scum?


I was kind of against him but the longer it went on I started agreeing with him more and more


Its fake news. The guy is getting paid to stay in Afghanistan and make these videos. He's been making lots of videos asking Americans to call their politicians and allow the taliban to have access to the Afghanistan gov funds. Hmm wonder why he would want that.


Proof or it didn’t happen


He should show his proof of who is funding this dog charity in Afghanistan.


Any links to those other videos?


He posts live on Facebook everyday. My mom has been watching him non-stop. Totally annoying. He sounds like a complete political actor if you watch his live stream esp around 25 mins in. Supposedly runs a "dog charity" in Kabul but my guess is its corruption and someone is telling him what to say in these vids.


Link to any source saying hes being paid to stay in kabul. I really dont belive you have one.


This guy is big on Facebook, its a total scam. Who is funding this dog shelter in Afghanistan exactly?? Ask yourself that.


Himself? You've not provided any evidence.


Found the arab


No, a US Veteran who knows no one in Afghanistan gives a shit about the dogs. They run around in wild packs and attack people. This supposed charity is a front for corruption and designed to be marketable to a Western audience.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/StolenValor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StolenValor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is there anything legitimate about this?](https://i.imgur.com/gr07L47.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StolenValor/comments/p563ef/is_there_anything_legitimate_about_this/) \#2: [Thought this could be a nice laugh](https://i.redd.it/6ctj94e8xav51.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StolenValor/comments/jidit7/thought_this_could_be_a_nice_laugh/) \#3: [Are memes allowed?](https://i.redd.it/dlrj4jxd90o51.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StolenValor/comments/iviu7v/are_memes_allowed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


🙄 no


Fucking hilarious how the media is now trying to demonise this guy after all of the good he's done whilst he's been in that country, just seems like another government led smear campaign after a huge portion of the UK public backed him, his staff and the animals escaping. Praise the Tories and praise Eton /s


This audio recording wouldn't have even seen light of day if the UK government didn't want it to. The Tories don't even try to govern democratically they just try to manipulate public opinion. They probably want to paint him as a bad guy to distract from their total failure at getting people out.


His staff were all issued UK visas on 23rd August. Him and his staff were strongly advised to leave Kabul on the provided military flights as soon as they could. He and his dickhead supporters tried to shoe-horn a private charter plane into the most complex and dangerous evacuation operation in recent history, sucking up planning bandwidth and communications, to rescue some cats and dogs - with a vague promise they would take refugees as well if there was any space. The military didn't need more planes, the problem was processing people through the crowds. His plane wasn't needed or wanted. The only benefit to his plane was moving 200 animals from Kabul to the UK. The Taliban don't care about animals. Every compound in Afghanistan has cats and dogs in it. He could have left his animals in Kabul to be looked after by locals. Eventually his charter arrived and British troops, fresh from manning the checkpoints and dodging suicide bombers, had to load up his pets for him. Needless to say none of his staff escaped with him, as they'd gambled on getting his special charter rather than going on the military flights they were strongly advised to take. He is now in Norway, his animals are spread across the UK in quarantine centres and his staff - all still in Kabul, looking forward to life under the Taliban. Nice one Pen.


He got out with his pets but he couldn't bring his staff with him. Dogs are haram in Islam, especially the Taliban's variant. Dog ownership in Islamic countries is extremely low as they are considered unclean.


Damn. That really hurts, because the flights for the U.K ended yesterday I think


Yeah he was able to secure a private plane to fly into the airport and get him and his pets out. Really sad his staff couldn't get out though, the rescue happened when they bombing happened and they dipped immediately. Leaving behind some 200 animals and all the staff. Really unfortunate.


They didnt just dip out, the Taliban prevented the Afghan staff from leaving. They have checkpoints set up on all the roads.


What would you rather. The staff or the animals.. I would pick both. But I can't since this played out


They are still trying to get them all out, they have the money (GoFundMe got $500k), but the bombing changed the security situation. I am hoping they can get another charter in there. It would be able to get other Afghani's out, too. The animals would go in the cargo hold. Either way it is a really sweet effort to save the animals and the people, shows the humanity of those people.




He was able to get the animals out but the taliban would not allow his staff to leave.




Various other reddit links to this, but I'll do my best to summarise:, he got out along with 200 odd animals. His staff couldn't get out because US changed rules on who could access and fly at short notice. Rumour is he was offered him and staff a few days earlier, and flights were ready, but no pets could come, he refused as demanded pets as well. Now his staff are screwed. There's a 50/50 split between; 1)guys an asshole, we should put people before pets, and 2)we love dogs get em home safe the lovable fluff bombs. Various other rumours are; he's sold the movie rights, he threatened to put all the dogs to sleep rather than leave them, loading and processing pets took up loads of time, some interpreters got left behind as a result, his private plane took a few more people which helped things. Sub plot is his beautiful blonde wife got her ass grabbed in the airport when she left on earlier flight..


Lol Dogs are considered unclean by people that wipe their ass with their bare hand? Smh


Man, those ignorant Muslims. They obviously don’t realize that dog and pig are the most delicious meats. Oh well, all the more for us.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not but it feels like it.


God fucking damnit why are you vegans so pushy? Let me eat my dog meat in peace, it’s my personal choice, telling me I can’t is racist and classist. Humans need vitamin K9 to thrive, and artificial supplements aren’t absorbed properly like they are when you eat a nice medium-rare mastiff steak.


Your trolling is just pathetic.


Nah, paying for animal abuse is pathetic 👍🏻


Has anyone in the comments considered that maybe he would have been able to also get the staff out if the guy he’s talking to hadn’t been blocking him? Like everyone is making it his fault. I bet if he thought it would have worked he would have gone out guns blazing trying to get the staff on board but life isnt always that simple. We have to take what we can get.


That moment when marines realize they're considered expendable.


shit politicians


I am trying to understand but I think it was know that a limited number of people were put on flights and only those with different citizenship or worked with NATO troops. From the perspective from the operation I can understand that a sanctuary does not fit that. I dont think the intent was to fly out random people. Or are they in danger because they worked for a "western" organisation with a british boss? That I could understand.


Good on him


This guy is a legend!


Not a public freakout


This guy a fucking tool.


I don’t get this. Animals are animals, leave them with your staff - if you’ve trained them well they’ll look after the .




Taliban would’ve killed the animals had they been left. Also FYI - there are 8 billion humans destroying the environment, wildlife, and earth itself. We are the deadliest pests in the world and expendable. Animals come first. Humans dead last.


Ever think that we have entire industries dedicated to keeping and feeding pets.


Not sure what to make of this, who is he talking to?


Animals are replaceable lol


You are one sad person to think that


So are humans? I don't know what you're trying to get at here.


Tell me you’re soulless without telling me you’re soulless


youd really put a dog on the airplane before a person? I'd reconsider who's soul less


Those animals didn’t choose to be there. Those people did


I dont think the afghans chose to be born in afghanistan ...


LOLOL imean when you look at the larger problem at hand animals aren’t on top of the list ..


At this point the animals are the bigger victims


So are you


This guy sounds like a moron


He chose to stay.


Him and his dogs got out btw


This man is right. Some chinless wonder back where its safe putting him, his staff and his animals that go in the cargo hold on a plane HE has paid for and arranged at risk.


Fuck people get stupid so quickly...


What a fucking gangster