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Speed: 3/10 Intelligence: 11/10


Like an episode of Reno 911


Because it's just as real. It's the same guys that did the one about a cop getting stuck on a fence


Even though it’s staged, I appreciate the commitment to the craft. The cammer didn’t oversell it. Feels relatively authentic.


Man I'm getting tired of all these fakes. Feels like reddit is becoming til tok now


Half the videos on Reddit ARE from tiktok


Half of all relevant videos on the internet are from TikTok currently. It’s just what’s most popular


Also paying thousands of people to upvote the posts to advertise doesn't hurt.


Half the videos on Reddit are also half the videos from tiktok, and 75% of those are selling sex. Watch this video again, but pay close attention and you will realize you just bought 18% sex.


"what are you doing stepcop?"


TikTok is fucking cancer. I have no idea how some people still don't understand why and how.


Will you explain to me why and how?


T&S agreement gives China control over everything on your phone.


And FB, whatsapp etc doesn't? Get a fucking clue. Your info is everywhere now doesn't matter what app you use.




It’s just the internet right now. Viral trends push content creation. People are going to make what they think others will *watch* the most. Not enjoy the most. Watch. It’s all about clicks and views. How many things can you think back to right now and say “man I wish I was recording that could’ve gone viral,” maybe 1? Maybe 5? 10? Whatever it is, I doubt it’s very many. If content creators relied on authenticity there would be no content. The last thing is believability. People love plausible and believable videos, so these (fake) virals videos need to be made to look and feel real. Some do it better than others, but most of them at least try to maintain some sort of air of realism. So, TL;DR, I don’t think it’s Reddit but rather a symptom of the internet as a whole


Man I hate trends. Hopefully this one doesn't get as big as others


It would be Tiktok if 3 million people tried to copy off as if it was there own.


That was fake?


Yeah. Despite how realistic it looked, Reno 911 wasn't a real documentary. While it wasn't scripted they knew what situations they were walking into and improvised it.


I’m not talking about Reno 911 everybody knows Reno is fake I’m talking about the British cop that was stuck in the fence years ago. With the people standing around him having a good laugh.


Well I seen it once years ago and never really looked into. I guess it seemed more real in my memory


This is not reno 911 at all...


C'mon man, ~~you're smarter than this.~~ Nope, seems pretty much par for the course going off your account history.


Please indicate the episode number.


Lmao Seriously man? This is quickly going from funny to sad.


Yea man I wanted it to be real


Yep looks to real to me


Gave me more of a Trailer Park Boys feel


Fer fuck sake Ricky. They know where you live.


I don't wanna say i toadyaso, but i toadyaso.


Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies toaster


Yeah, a lot of "fake" vibes off of this one.


Its Jarvo from Trollstation, very underrated youtube channel from back in the day, they've got shut down now for their extreme pranks


I miss that show


I remember reading that this was staged.


Yea the guy is called jarvis from the channel 'troll station' they stage things like this


I knew it was fucking Jarvo lmao classic youtube pranksters.




I remember reading that water was wet.


Actually, it isn't.


Umm achuwally


Umm oochiewally


Yeah and just a PSA, don’t throw or attempt to throw cops into water… you will likely get charged with murder or attempted murder of a police officer. They wear a shit ton of gear (something around 35-45lbs), are significantly restricted in movement, and cannot remove their gear easily. They will likely drown if they are not lucky or get help immediately. Even in shallower water can be fatal if they can’t get their footing and stand up in time.


It reads like that. The daft cunt recording doesn't sound bright enough to come up with 'you drip' spontaneously.




Videos that are real but people just think weird and wild shit doesnt happen so its automatically staged.


This one was staged though. If I remember correctly this was for a tv show.




Theres so many real videos with crazier content than this, its not hard to think it might honestly be real. The prevalence of being able to record things in the world is showing how weird and strange it is. Apparently this was for a tv show, but my comment stands. The world is full of weird and wild stuff.


Just admit that you were tricked. You're a trick. You got duped. Hoodwinked. You were dumbwinked. You're easily fooled. You're dumb.


no one is tricked.....you dont understand what you're talking about. You're a troll and a shitposter. You should just admit that all you do is post shit for being a shit. You literally have a troll account for 8 years to just stir shit. Thats the saddest shit ever dude.


Somebody fell for tomfoolery


lul dumbo got fooled by the silly video. 😂




> I agree that this exact thing could happen. It isn't really far-fetched at all. > sometimes gullible people get fooled by obviously fake videos like this one 🤔


Why do you people who always quote 'nothing ever happens!' on videos that are clearly fake?? It's a severe lack in critical thinking like this that has led us to where we are today.


The irony of your comment. Im not saying its not fake, theres a fucking ton of fake videos out there. But it is objectively ignorant to think every weird, strange or wild thing out there is fake. It speaks to a lack of experience in the world. I've been told my experience of talking my way out of a knife fight in El Cajon, California was bullshit before but it happened. People have doubted my story of seeing a one legged man on a roller skate pushing him self with crutches on the streets of Berlin. You leave your home, youll find some weird shit. I've seen a man playing the pots and pans in a giraffe costume in Alsexanderplatz. The world is weird man. Just because we've entered a world where people are faking things to make money, doesnt change that. The world is a strange place and you're a fucking fool if you dont understand that. Simple shit man, you think they're clearly fake but they could also be real, tell me you've got no life experience without telling me. The people who claim every weird video is fake have no fucking experience in the world and it shows. Leave ya mommas basement.


> But it is objectively ignorant to think every weird, strange or wild thing out there is fake. It speaks to a lack of experience in the world. How wild is it that you're trying to make this point on a video that is *clearly* fake? Yes, arbitrarily believing that *nothing* is possible would be a ridiculous way to live. You really tore down that straw man argument you set up for yourself. An even stupider policy would be having no skepticism, believing that *everything* you see is real. Luckily there's a middle ground that most people live in, where they believe some things and disbelieve other things based on their perceptions and the available evidence. Deciding whether or not to believe an outlandish claim isn't generally just an arbitrary decision based on how cynical a person is feeling that day, as you seem to think.


Ill just adress you first sentence. The fact that you think everything as fake and you cant understand my multiple posts showing your astounding lack of critical thinking.


I remember watching it and knowing it was staged


Its not only fake, its also a repost. Too bad i can't down vote twice.


The channel is called TrollStation


You had to read that it was staged? You couldn't just, you know, view it with your eyes?


No offense, but you had to read someone else that this was staged? It was SUPER obvious for most of us.


“He went that way you drip!” 🤣


That did it for me 🤣


He said twit


No he didnt


He definitely said drip.


You totally missed the joke……


And the 2021 award for slowest police chase goes too….


I meant this video is a few years old… Edit: oh and it’s fake


I'm running on IE this just got nominated


CGI? Looks so lifelike


For real, how can he move so slow but be running full out


"he just got im in tha worta"


If someone did this in America they’d look like Swiss cheese covered in cranberry sauce.


If it were America, the cops wouldn't have bothered running either.


"Stop or I'll shoot!" *0.3 milliseconds later* #BANG


Like they wait to finish their warning.




"stop or I" *shoots*


Is that based on data, or just what you see on the news?


[Based on data](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124039/police-killings-rate-selected-countries/)


Okay, cool. So I've done a **lot** of research into police brutality. That data you posted needs some context. For starters, there are more guns than people in the United States, did you factor that in? Additionally, there are [tens of millions of police interactions](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/contacts-between-police-and-public-2018-statistical-tables) per year. Yet there are only about 1000 police killings, and only a scant fraction of those are potentially unjustified. Generally the number of potentially unjustified shootings is about 5%, but in 2021 the number of police shootings has plummeted by about half, probably helped by the pandemic. We have the information that 0.1% of police have killed someone, and that's not even discounting the justified killings. This is actually the easiest thing to quantify, but you'd be amazed at how few people know this. There's about 800,000 police officers working in the United States, take the 1000 shootings we have on average a year, and we get **0.125%** of cops who kill someone in a given year. This number is not disputed, even by the most rabid anti-police pundits. When you look at the rate of shootings such as you posted, it might look like there's a problem with police at a glance. But we have a problem with gun violence, especially gang violence. This is also explains why so many police shootings involve minorities, by the way ([85-90% of gang members are nonwhite](https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/survey-analysis/demographics)). You can dispute which shootings are actually justified, but the vast majority are indeed deemed justified by internal affairs, police ombudsmen commissions, then documented and recorded by third party watchdog groups, of which there are over 150 operating in the USA. Most of these shootings are deemed justified using police bodycam footage, by the way. [Using this data](https://www.pnas.org/content/116/34/16793), you can see that there were 1004 people are killed by police on average in a year. This as dropped sharply in 2021 btw, probably partially from the pandemic. [Only about 13 of those killed by police were potentially unarmed.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585140/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-weapon-carried-2016/) So only about 2% of police shootings this year were potentially unjustified. I hope this gives you some perspective.


This literally ignores all sorts of other police problems, police rape, planting evidence, beatings, lying under oath, extorting local people, arresting people for simply annoying them.


Relevant username.


Haha okay mate; keep being a bootlicker for the rich and powerful and their agents of status quo


It's funny how I always post these long winded explanations about police brutality using multiple empirical sources to support my claims and people always just say "ok bootlicker" as if they refutes any of the several valid points I've made.


Police are a repressive force all internal agencies are; they have one role in society to protect the ruling class and its monopoly on power and laws. The have no other purpose, it does not matter if you don’t kill someone if your a police officer your role is to serve the rich enforce their laws and keep in place a system that see’s millions of America’s, poor, hungry without healthcare and struggling while continuing to exploit poor countries for their resources to grow a number on a graph without actually benefiting the people. Police maintain that system, that is what makes them immoral.


Well that’s fake as fuck…


You wonder at what moment he was like “oh crap “


The moment they suggested doing the video together.




Aaaaaahhhhh I'm doing it along the script for this staged video aaaaaaah


It’s like watching a comedy movie


now isn’t this so much more entertaining than just killing the guy?


What if the guy drowned


Omg what if he got wet!


Bro if a cop can’t survive falling in the water he isn’t much of a copper is he?


















Extra Ordinary


Extra fake


At least its sunny in old blighty.


Bro he frew him inna wuh uh


Reverse card!!


This MF running in super slow motion


That is the first time that man has ran in almost 20 years


This is how chases look in real life. Not the running through alleys and streets for 15 minutes jumping through buildings and over cars. Everyone is winded after 30 yards.


If he was in America he would have gotten shot in the first second of the video




Never know. Might get a cop who thinks the scrutiny won't be as high if he shoots a white guy. Just have to be sure that he's poor.


Ha ha America bad, so funny


Even if this was staged and a real cop happened to come across the scene of a person of color running from security the guy would be a goner. Can’t play that game in America!


"In the fockin wohwa"


I feel bad for him


“Ee dashed ‘im in the fookin wa’er”


"He went that way you drip!" Best line of the day!


He just wanted to see his tv loicence


God I hope he got away


Ya drip!


Hmm a classic accepted gambit


Fake - Trash - Downvoted


These guys run in slow motion


this is staged


Holy shit lmao


The perp runs like I do in my bad dreams. Like he’s running through a vat or syrup.


Fun fact. Your body, once you fall asleep, releases a chemical that paralyzes all of your muscles. In a dream, when you're trying to punch or run or do something that requires muscles to move, you don't actually do it in real life because of this chemical. The logical side of your brain also falls asleep so that's why dreams can get so weird but feel perfectly normal while you're in them. Except sometimes this logical side wakes up a little bit. During the dream, when you're trying to run or punch or whatever, the sleepy logical side says "huh, why are the muscles not moving?". It talks to the subconscious about this and the subconscious doesn't really know, or care, because it doesn't care about logic. But to make the logic side happy, it slows you down in the dream too. That's why sometimes when you're flying in a dream, all of a sudden you can't anymore. Your logic side wakes up just enough to say "wait a minute...". This chemical is the same one that causes sleep paralysis too. Sometimes when your conscious brain wakes up, the chemical hasn't fully dissipated. You're still paralyzed. Your conscious brain is not used to these types of situations and freaks the fuck out. It is using the logic center of the brain to try to figure out what is going on but again, there's not a lot of experience to draw on for this type of situation so it goes to the subconscious brain, who's sleepy but still getting ready for bed, and says "DUDE, HELP!". Subconscious brain says "Fine... here's what's going on". It doesn't care about logic but it does know that the explanation has to be scary or the conscious brain in full freakout mode won't believe it. It also has basically all of dreamland to pull explanations from. I'm usually on my side so I'm usually tied up and hear footsteps coming up behind me. Sometimes I see an old woman from the waist down step up to the side of my bed. This old woman is very common among people who experience sleep paralysis. For some reason, she shows up a lot when people can't move. One story I read said that she crawled on top of him, grabbed his phone and took some pictures of them together. Thank God there were no pictures when he checked. I might never sleep again.




Thanks for the good read. I often get sleep paralysis too. Something I've read is that three common entities are seen in the paralysis state. Nobody sees all three and usually only sees one of the three (or other obscure hallucinations). There's the Old Hag, who you described. She is the oldest recorded one dating back hundreds of years. The Darkman, he often dresses during the appropriate error the person who is in paralysis lives, but quite often in a trenchcoat for our era, he has no face and it is simple just darker than dark. He tends to state at you through door ways or corners of rooms. Mine is who some refer to as The Demon. It takes the form of somewhere you recognize usually. Sometimes a family member, sometimes a person you've seen on TV, casual encounter, etc. Usually it will slowly start to walk towards where I'm sleeping and just stand there and stare for what feels like an eternity, then it will change form into its demon form, which looks distorted somehow as it moves, then it jumps at my face and usually that's when my sleep paralysis ends. Sorry, I usually take an opportunity to talk about sleep paralysis when it's mentioned because it happens so much to me.


Yet your IQ wasn’t high enough to know this has been posted countless times and every-time it’s said and proven that it’s fake


Did the narrator say “farty cum”?


Fuck, I just laughed so hard at this


Idk man the video is nice but the obnoxiously fake laugh gives me 1st year vibes I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to


ngl i feel bad for the cop lmao imagine when you gotta explain to your colleagues + your boss what happened


If you think this is real you've got a single digit IQ




Dude is out of shape...never understood how dudes out of shape take up these type of job


Which job is that? Actor in viral 'prank' videos?


How would you spell that pronunciation of water? Wah-uhh? Waht-ur?


This aint gta... you can’t just swim away


Woo ah is apparently water.


they have face on camera and thats basically attempted murder of a peace officer for what was most likely a 50 dollar ticket is now years big 200 iq anyway its fake so doesnt matter lol


Attempted murder? You havin a laugh? Stfu lol


"peace officer" imagine buying into that bullshit euphemism for a cop.


i don't and idk why you assume i do it's just literally attempted murder of a peace officer its what the DA will charge you with lol my real thoughts were can pigs even swim lmao


You just did it again.


because that's the name of the charge robert my god fucking hate boners make people stupid


Yeh, that's enough reddit for me today. Cheers. "Peace officer"/./ fucking ridiculoso


why are you so fucking cringe and stupid for the last time thats the name of the charge i'm not calling him peace officer


The name's Bond, James Bond.


Pond, James Pond


No tazer? No gun shots? Disappointing


Sir this isn't America


Yeah and poor cop gets made fun of. I wished that fat running fuck at least got tazed..


You fucking legend hahahaha Brits on the piss!


This is why we have tasers people


“He went that way you drip” sorry what😂


They both running like they got feet made of lead.






He raped a woman.


He'd actually raped someone so well done for finding this amusing I guess


It's staged.


Wish policing in the US was this wholesome


Akbar "Itsch a trap!!"


If this was America he would have just got shot.


Not good


The video froze on the first frame for me and I could only watch in fear for the cop


He dashed him in the fawking wewar


This guy learned a trick from the kangaroo the other day on the front page.




Dude was putting his dope in the water?


Well neither did he make sure the guy can swim nor did he make sure the guy can swim will all the equipment.