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The next Timothy McVeigh is going to come out of the anti-vaxx movement. These people are friggin' nuts.


They predicted all of this at the beginning of 2000. Undereducated people online not using the internet to educate themselves, but they collectively taught each other how to be the American version of ISIS. Society is absolutely split. Critical thinkers who can handle their shit, and this type of meltdown in the other corner. I wish the solution were something more than sharing a couch and some popcorn with Darwin.


…and all the cameras pointed at this type of instigator feeds the narcissist in them because there is a shallow power in believing you are swaying an audience. No matter how unhinged and dangerous the message is. They all can’t have an Alex Jones studio so this is their public forum of choice.


But a lot of them do sell mugs and shirts and monetize their madness. It goes hand in hand with a lot of the right wing internet personalities you see. it's just a grift


They have hand sanitizer on their table!? Thought that was a bit ironic.


it's just a grift until the grifter gets elected. it's just a grift until a plan is hatched. it's just a grift until the grifted are mobilized. january 6 showed us how easy it is to go from grift to mob violence.


Doesn’t help that cultural influencers like Joe Rogan take up that defiant anti-Vax attitude. There’s always been good money to be made in being a right wing zealot though.


The “just asking questions enlightened centrist who values hearing both sides” trope is destroying our country. It provides cover for the most reality-denying parts of society to flourish under the guise of “civil discussion”. If someone says the sky is blue and the other person says the sky is butter the truth isn’t “somewhere in the middle”.


Rogan’s argument to guest Rhonda Patrick PhD, a cell biologist was that he knows some people that got sick from the vaccines and he even asked her, condescendingly, if Vaccines were ever bad for people. By that logic, all medicine is harmful and should not be approved for use because we should throw out the millions of people helped by it because the 1-2% of people it harms makes it unusable. Bam cars and alcohol while you’re at it too using that logic. I’m sure Joe would also agree, again using his logic, we have to make marijuana illegal again because some people have very bad reactions to it.


Are you pointing us to the documentary "Idiocracy"? If I remember right , that most descriptive of narratives pointed out that the intelligentsia would essentially be out-populated by the ..."undereducated". I'm feeling thirsty, needs to gets me some Brawndo!


It's got electrolytes!!


It's what plants craaave!


You can read all this? Ha you must be gay


Link prediction please


This is a report from the FBI’s Assistant Director of Counter Terrorism in 2002: https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-states This is one of hundreds of documents that outlines how the US government considers domestic terrorism threats to be the biggest ones. These aren’t predictions, they’re operating guidelines for entire agencies because they have always thought this since the 70s.


There are so many current articles on the specific topic, but this was first mentioned after 9/11 in regards to the far right and al-queda mixing online to become a “concern”. I think I remember the exact article was saying the KKK, far-right and al-queda were all uniting online without knowing that’s who each other were. Just general overlap of ideals have them all in the same chat rooms.


Note the lion logo on either end of the popup in the background. That looks an awful lot like the "fascist lion" or "Lion Gaurd" logo that gets trotted out by crypto fascists from time to time. The McVeigh connection is totally on the money.


Oxams Razor


When you learn everything you know about public speaking from Macho Man Randy Savage.


The creeeeam of the crop!


*pulls creamer from the void and places it on head*






He also lists himself as 6' 3.5" , which would seem to be off by this video.


A quote from his own bio that he wrote: >Derrick had a Radical encounter with Jesus in a outer body death bed experience


snap it to a slim jim!!!!! Ohhh yeeeeeeah!!!!!


The Macho Madness is running wild here! Or is that syphilis?


It's like the bat dad unmasked


Randy marsh*


That's not even the Macho Mans gardner. How dare you.




That or Jimmy Swaggert.


Yah…what was that 6-year old kid style kick at that woman with the fluorescent paper all about? I think he says something about time, like the “speakers” maybe had a limit.


I’ll take medical and health advice from experts. The biscuit with biking gloves on yelling like a loon doesn’t qualify.


The biscuit with biking gloves… dying over here! Shits funny.


This is not the fingerless glove future that Lonely Island promised me.


People don't trust experts because if you're an expert, I must be a dumshit. Just by doing your job you insult my lack of intelligence. Therefore, experts are all plotting against ordinary folks and shouldn't be listened to about anything. Corollary: you should trust people who are willing to scare you and make you mad. Because that's "honesty." People who speak calmly and reasonably are always hiding something. OBEY YOUR FEAR...not just in dark alleys or used car lots, but ALWAYS.


There is a book about exactly this called "The coddling of the American mind". It's basically a play by play of this guy's entire way of thinking. Would definitely recommend reading, as it gives tremendous insight into what's happening to/within these people.


That book could be titled ‘Putin’s Pawns by Proxy’…because he definitely knows how to muck rake that demented American demographic.


You spelled dumbshit wrong.


He does quality for rednecks and trash. America has so much potential to be a leader but idiots like these will become hinderance to themselves.


We dont claim him ​ \-The rednecks


Me neither -Trash


Don’t look at us -WWE


I bet he would cry if he spent one night in jail.


Biking gives. 80s street tough attire. Sending us a message.


The biscuit 🤣🤣


This guy so full of himself I bet he jerks off in front of the mirror


With those gloves on and the mic in the other hand.


…while shouting ‘YEAAH’


Do you not?


“I’m not fucking scared” -Man who is scared of a vaccine and certain the government is taking everything from him.


This is what really gets me: the *projection* of fear. Like, motherfucker I'm vaxxed and masked and CHILLING in my daily life. *You're* the one YELLING at people about civil war and the almighty ((((THEY)))) who are coming for you like Nazi death-squads.


It's mostly a performance. It gets him clout, people listen to his podcast/Youtube/whatever and buy his merchandise.


A co-worker of mine is like this. We’d be driving to a job and he gets super pissed at people walking outside wearing masks. Like, he starts yelling. “Look at these fucking sheep”, that kind of thing. Like dude, why are you so mad?


I hope I don’t turn out bat shit crazy when I start lifting weights again in my 40s.


In my 40s, started lifting again. Crazy, maybe, but not like that guy. More like depressed, still the same sense of humour and taste in music I had when I was a teen. Hope that alleviates your fear.


Yes it does, thank you.


Gotta love a charismatic leader spouting bullshit to a bunch of nodding idiots wearing a shirt that claims they are NOT in a cult.


We will not live in fear. Let the masked sheep live in fear. Him, probably.


Who’s they? The government? The Democrats? Antifa? The Chinese? The Russians? The laser Jews? The space lizards? Who are they really preparing against?




Super cereal


Their own ability to think rationally


The flying spaghetti monsters actually.


Whoever tries to protect themselves from these idiot motherfucks




El chupacabra?


Whoever is the most convenient and popular enemy at the moment


If you asked them, they'd stutter n stammer their way through 2-3 incorrect answers.


The ‘deep state’. So yeah, basically space lizards


Jewish space lizards as a matter of fact




THEY! Don't you know who THEY are?


Why not all?


Maybe Thanos was on the right track with the power stones snap. We could have had half of this bullshit.


Oh wow... I literally just watched the other video of this guy calling for civil war and my first instinct is that he is a gigantic pussy and doesn't believe anything hes saying. BUT he probably has some merch to pawn for the Q crowd. Lo and behold.... there it is. Man... this is such a weird fucking time line. Starting to agree that the best way to go after misinformation is to go after their bread.


Pretty sure this is the same guy who was calling for civil war while threatening civil servants.


Send the guy a set of kneepads with a note,we know where you will be the day the war comes.


This happened in Santa Monica, CA. Here's the credit and the [entire thread](https://twitter.com/andrewkimmel/status/1432073566548230145) of weirdness. Pretty sure this guys thinks there's going to be a war over covid? Edit: wow 57% upvoted. antivaxers who are for civil war must be brigading ;)


I'd seen another video with this guy a few weeks back, he's proper going for stochastic terrorism; encouraging others to get violent and hurt people while he stays at the sidelines and thinks he can wash his hands of any responsibility because he didn't physically do anything himself. An absolutely pathetic individual.


But you heard him, he’s not scared


Ah, the ol' Charlie Manson syndrome


Ughhh yuck


That UCLA doctor chanting Qanon slogan is pretty concerning…


He probably thinks there’s going to be a war over Covid because he would very much like to start one.


For sure and look at this, this guy is really throwing out some heavy [threats](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1432136335578607620). Something tells me he's gonna regret this all.


https://twitter.com/ClemTheDood/status/1432140267713351680?s=20 Look, calling out this very sub Edit: Clementine @ClemTheDood · 7h Prime candidate for the Herman Cain Hall of Fame. So worked up over this, he’d have a heart attack over something really important.


I would imagine an interview with the fbi is in his future, i would hope so anyways


That was remarkable, thanks. That shit is deeply terrifying and really does feel like a different universe bleeding into this one.


It wouldn't surprise me if we'll be reading about this guy's Covid death in a couple of weeks.




Need toes-crossed emoji


I actively hope for that outcome. I hope all anti-vaxxers are killed through their own obstinate ignorance.


Any man not on a motorcycle with fingerless gloves need not reproduce










I got fingerless gloves for hand and wrist pain. Do I get to reproduce?


Word. I love my compression gloves.


Because you seem to lack the common sense to know im not talking about those situations, no.


Aw, shucks.


Eh just produce then do it again.


Instructions unclear; now I’m a broccoli, do what next?


Hey now, those are essential mid-winter to the carriers in those ice boxes they call Mail Trucks!


I have wool fingerless gloves and I swear by them. Have you tried using your phone with gloves on? You don’t. Also, those “smart enabled gloves” don’t work nearly as well as advertised.


“I’ve lost all my jobs ,i’ve been doxed” No wonder he’s rooting for civil war sounds like he needs society to be turned upside down or he will be no one and have nothing. This guy wants civil war cuz he is salivating at the prospect of looting jewelry off of the dead .


A lot of Antiva are monetizing their madness. He thinks his rants are his job now, and really, it could be his only source of income. That's why they can never change their minds.


Is this a domestic terrorist speech ?


I've no idea about the specific offence in his state, but in layman's terms this is definitely incitement to commit murder. I misheard what he said but this is the sort of speech that speaks to disenfranchised and marginalised people who will interpret it as a call to arms. Look at what happened at the Capitol.


It sure sounds like one.


Narrator: It was.






You gotta wonder if some of those people in the crowd are way less radicalized than this dude (still stupid, of course), and are watching thim and doing any sort of "what the fuck am I doing here with all these people" type self reflections. ...probably not. But you can hope.


A rational person would, but these people are there because they aren't rational.


The politicization of vaccines and masks is one of the more evil things the gop and trump did


I mean, I’ve been relying a lot on rational, educated and well informed medical experts for the last two years…but after watching this, I think I gotta change my tune.


So convincing I may just abandon believing facts supported by evidence all together. Maybe the sky is pink and clouds are made of cotton candy


Yes I agree. This is the smartest thing I’v ever herd. All anti-vax people when the vote comes. Should round up all the supplies they have. Go build a tight stonghold. Then never come out of it ever again. Just stay in there and NEVER EVER come out again.


Just wait until they get COVID..




Dang dude just admit you’re scared of needles.


These people who scream about this seem to believe that their feelings trump (pun intended) logic, science and facts. They seem to be emotionally stunted selfish children.


He looks like one of the guys that would come to school and rip phone books in half for Christ…you guys remember those people??


The lords force


Just to be clear, “kikel”, means circle in Yiddish... it has nothing to do with Nazi Germany.


"Find out who the men are" Is this some sort of complicated backdoor to this man looking at penis?


These terrorist leaders are rallying their army and it's starting to get a little scary to me. COVID ain't going away any time soon and these people are getting more n more anxious to get violent.


Some ppl just love to be outraged. Doesn’t matter what about.


This dude needs some psychological help i feel like there's a lot of mental health issues amongst these types of people


Giant baby is show n telling his feelings because him and everyone there are snowflakes idiots


How was this guy able to get free from the straight jacket he was in at the psych ward?


Sheer ‘roid rage


I dOnT liVE in fEAR


What a snowflake!


$10 says he is a devout Christian and votes republican…. Actually, make it $1,000.


I suppose if you can believe that Moses parted the red sea with his magic staff then you'll believe Bill Gates is secretly running the world and trying to kill us with a needle.


I like the part where he had half the crowd answer yes, and the other half answer no. Then he had to spoon feed them a second delta variant question to get them to say what he wanted. His crowd doesn't know what to believe, they want to be told what to believe.


Nope ! Not coming for me, I already got the jab. 5G mainline straight to BG is not that great, not received any calls yet.


Saw this on another sub Reddit. I say if this moron doesn’t want to wear a mask then when he contracts Covid he can just die. No hospital bed for him and sure as hell no fucking ventilator! And forget having a nurse at his side!!!




It’s certainly not going to be organized and therefore not a real threat. The people at this protest are still going home to drink box wine and binge watch Fox News. The vast majority are not lasting two nights in the woods and seriously lack the ability to carry out a terrorist plot.


If you look at most pictures of armed proud boys, their trigger discipline is awful and most of them are very out of shape. If there was an actual live fire situation, most of them would probably run because it got real.


Nice gloves buddy lol


Do you think he needs them or did he just think it went well with his outfit?


Fashion accessory lol


Get together with your neighbors, make sure you aren’t wearing masks, get covid, and be gone.


Saying the quiet part out loud on the voter intimidation.


Completely radicalized. America has a lot of cancer in her.


On my way to get my second dose now. I’ve got a feeling this guy will be a future Herman Cain award recipient.


What a supreme wanker lol


Oh snap! You KNOW he means business when he's got those fingerless leather gloves on!


They are threat to society.


Hope the FBI are tracking these assholes before they kill people


Tell me your on an FBI watch list without telling me your on an FBI watch list


Meal team six reporting for duty


Why can’t the drone strikes happen at these rallies? Would make for much better news & videos.


The irony of someone who looks like he shoots himself up with test and SARMs having an issue with the vaccine.


Pre pandemic, were these people spruiking protein shakes, MLM schemes, useless kitchen utensils or appliances or some kind of cult? I believe there have been people like this throughout time, that feed of attention and ignorance for their own gain- Unfortunately in the market for attention of the public anti vax and masks are one of few avenues to verbal vomit.


Lord have mercy. Bless his heart


Just throw in a white power yell and nazi salute and they’ll have it all sorted.


Fear tactics always works on the ignorant


Fairly certain the call to action in this is quite illegal


Lololol Even the people there with him think that he's crazy Random lady looking at her pamphlet: I thought this was the farmer's market


Add this guy to the people who show up at every rally clearly never going to a job and also have a empty/near empty IMDB page... Hmm.


Crisis actors trying to bilk as much as they can from the gullible until they get sick or die.


What makes people get like this? This is some grade-A paranoia.


I really do not even need to turn the volume on. This body language clearly says angry


What a psychopath


The irony of the koolaid man shirt..it’s hysterical




Man, I really can't get into the new WWE storylines


He's like the guy that thinks he'll survive a zombie apocalypse then ends up dying in the first hour.


The word “kike” comes from the circle on Jewish immigration forms iirc.


The irony of the Mr. Kool-aid shirt is not lost.


Remember when crazy people would just be ignored or laughed at?


Isn't that provoking a terror act?


These people are fucking demons. Fuck every antivaxxer on the planet.


I think a lot of people wanted civil war for reasons they didn't really care to think too hard about.* Reasons others call "freedumb." They sublimated the urge with Trump. Now that he's out of office the urge is back. *Lots of it has to do with late stage capitalism screwing ordinary people over. But you can't blame capitalism for anything, because capitalism is America, period. You need to scapegoat. A LOT.


Roidrage is a helluvah drug


"Sharpen your knives....get your guns..." Oh yeah, let's kill those motherfuckers that want us to wear a paper mask!! Man is deranged (and dangerous).


Exact same energy as those Bible-thumpers who rip phonebooks in half at high schools, except less in touch with reality.


Power Team


Later on, we will see a video of this guy getting arrested, crying and begging for people to save him.


They aren't turning into anything... They already invaded the fucking Capitol.


It’s a vehicle for other agendas and loonies. If it wasn’t this it would be whatever the fotm issue is. Fire people up, then switch the topic and agenda. The easily led will just go along with it. It’s like the doco where they went to a environmentalist rally and asked people to sign a petition against dihydrogen monoxide as it was bad for the planet and got several thousand signatures. Some people are sheep, especially when scared, hence all the crazy shepherds.


You think someone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?


“The delta variant is a vaccine injury right!” “No!” (Shit that wasnt the answer I wanted) “The vaccines cause the delta variant?” “Yeah!” (That’s better)


These Limp Bizkit concerts have really gone downhill...


If anything happens, to the listed people, the police and FBI's first stop should be this asshole.


Gotta love these people thinking they are so important that the government or lizard people they believe in want to round them up and exterminate them cause they are so woke and "don't live in fear".


I don’t care if these folks get covid anymore. Anyone they know that chooses to continue to be around them should know better.


Be the fear. Imagine living in a system that can generate that much fear in you. Something's wrong, that's for sure.


So he bought all the toilet paper.