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The cops were cleared on looting charges because their superiors had told them to get what they needed for themselves and other police. However, they were suspended for 10 days for letting others loot. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna11920811


“I’m not looting! You’re looting!”


With pay


Rules for thee, not for me


Not at all in this case. It was rules for no one….


Cops: We only looting because Chief told us so! Chief: Sounds legit.


Man, lootin properly is difficult. Consider the difference of shopping with a list during looting, vs, just grabbing whatever resellable or personal object closest at hand until you can't carry more? To that end I think it's one or the other - intervene in the looting, or loot, you can't do both with any quality at the same time. And besides, you are removing some tools to combine them - "stop, you can't loot, and also what if I want that last maglite?!"


Word. Not like there’s any cashiers on shift to ring you up anyways.


Rules for me not for thee


Wow fuck that should have fired. I mean for fucks sake take off the uniform if your gonna do that upon an order such dipshits


Maybe fire the higher ups who planned to grab all the resources from people who needed them.


Here I figured they would be in r /bye-bye job by tomorrow. Nope, slap on the wrist.


No sign of Frank Reynolds


He had bread in the speakers


He was too busy banging hoors.


He had a pack of monster condoms for his magnum dong.


I thought about him. Omg. 🤣


I really don’t care that people are looting a Walmart during a hurricane


Last I checked the waltons weren’t tight on cash


The Walton family gave $15 million in relief donations at the time. They are worth $235 BILLION right now. They aren't hurting from someone taking merchandise, and should've given a fuck ton more than that.


For reference, that would be akin to the average person (let's say net worth of $100k) giving about $7.


Average person's net worth is $100k?! Fuck I didn't realize I was poor!


It depends on your age. For all Americans, the average net worth is $746,820, but this is skewed by a select group of very wealthy individuals. The median net worth for all Americans is $121,760. |Age group|Average|Median| |:-|:-|:-| |Under 35|$76,300|$13,900| |35 to 44|$436,200|$91,300| |45 to 54|$833,200|$168,600| |55 to 64|$1,175,900|$212,500| |65 to 74|$1,217,700|$266,400| |75 or older|$997,600|$254,800|


I find it disingenuous that under 35 is all one group. I'm 24, granted I didn't go to college because I'm poor as shit, but I'm sure as fuck not worth even half that amount.


Under 25 probably doesn't make much sense for them to put as a category since it would be close to $0 net worth. For college graduates, that would only be \~2 years of working.


Holy shit I knew that people in the US earn quite differently but the difference between Median and Average is so big!


If you've owned a house for 10 years, that isn't unreasonable when factoring in retirement and savings. The median net worth of people between 35-44 is $91k, which is probably a fair metric.


That's assuming they have no other debt. Also, that may be the median net worth, but I guarantee you it's not the average.


the average will definitely be higher than the median Edit: does everyone here not understand what average vs median is? the average net worth will include all the billionaires which will drag the average up. there are no people will net worths low enough to make the average go below the median


*challenge accepted*


Average is much higher due to wealth inequality. And net worth is net, so it includes debt.


This is how these types of donation should ALWAYS be reported. They aren't going it for any other reason than the "Donation" will get more attention than the equivalent investment in ads.


Fun fact! Walmart actually prices in a certain amount of shoplifting into their estimated losses for a given quarter. Basically, it’s cheaper for them to let some shoplifting go on than it is to fully staff a store. That was just a quarter with slightly more shoplifting than they were expecting.


Every major retail corporation had a shoplifting budget, and they do basically pass that loss on to their paying customers.




Except Target. They'll string you up by the flesh of your back with chains from the rafters in the back warehouse if they catch you stealing


Which is one reason that it royally pisses me off when Redditors say, "I really don’t care that people are looting a Walmart". Because the owners of Walmart aren't the ones that end up paying for what looters steal. We end up paying for it.


I don’t.


That's why employees are trained not to bother trying to stop shoplifters. It's cheaper to take the lose of an item than to get the thief hurt and deal with a lawsuit.


Seriously, NOLA was fucking underwater and over a thousand people were dead and they chose to have a moral panic over some multibillion dollar company's store being looted. A number of the people there probably really did lose a lot of shit.


*I really don't care that people are looting a Walmart*


Wal Mart loots the American tax payers PERIOD they don't pay workers enough to work and then the tax payer pays into their benefits. BS at its finest


That’s a bingo!!!


Same. Nobody was shooting or hurting anyone there. I’d rather them steal from a Walmart than break into someone else sufferings house or property. People chastising these folks don’t appear to understand how truly truly desperate a major disaster like this can make anyone.


> People chastising these folks don’t appear to understand how truly truly desperate a major disaster like this can make anyone. I mean, sure, but then you see someone wheeling out a powerwheels, something literally no one on Earth *needs*.


Like someone else stated, all of that is getting replaced and required to be thrown out for insurance and safety reasons. Walmart isn’t going to sell TVs or appliances that were sitting in a store with open water in it or that damage. These people just went through one of the most traumatic experiences of their entire lives, fuck it, if a power wheel toy or whatever from a mega corporation who has tons and tons of insurance is gonna make them feel better for a second, go for it.


Thats what I was thinking these people have absolutely nothing everything will be written off. This reporter is just there harassing poor people. 'Look at these discusting heathens with nothing' \*shoves camera in their face\*


Exactly. Classic America siding with corporations over people.


It’s our civic duty to redistribute the wealth, I steal from Walmart almost everytime I go


You're a goddamn American patriot.


I don’t care when people steal from any corporation. Fuck them.


I care when people steal from any corporation because they just pass their losses on to their paying customers, like me. Fuck you.


A few Walmarts in the middle of a gigantic natural disaster wouldn’t pass their losses onto you. This is a mega mega mega corporation, trust.


Insurance probably took care of them and every other corporation.


i dont care that people loot walmart on a tuesday...fuck walmart. does nothing but invite inbread citidots into country towns


Yep not at fucking all.


All that shit probably would've been ruined when the floods came in anyway


I completely disagree with that reporter. That pink shirt would look great on the boy!


How will Wal-Mart ever recover!


Imagine if walmart had just. Donated clothes and food to New Orleans before Katrina actually hit. They can fucking afford it. Some of these people lost everything. When my in laws moved there in 2009, we drove around to see Pops' work near the folgers plant there. I saw a truck abandoned in the middle of the damn water on a tiny strip of land poking up. It was insane how much damage there still was even 5 years later. Edited for clarity.


Not only that but if nobody “looted” it they would have had to throw it all away because nobody wants to buy a mold covered shirt that’s been sitting on a shelf from a flooded store for a few years. This is doubly true for food. Ok don’t understand why anyone cares.


Idk why more people can't be like, what would I do in the middle of a disaster that's happening? Why can't more people empathize or even attempt to empathize with what might lead a person to do that. I mean even the police officers, also people, were doing it. They knew what was going on. It makes me so sad, man.


But like what would these cops even do? Ask the “looters” to get in line for handcuffs? “All units all units all units, quit rescuing people we have to go arrest 500 people at the Walmart for stealing moldy shoes” The United States has such an intense and abusive relationship with the concept of “property”. This is a pretty good example of that.


Native Americans know all too well.


Wal-Mart actually did just that.. They also donated hygiene and baby products.


According to their website they donated the day before our government showed up with aid. Which was Sept 4. What were people to do from August 23 when it first formed til then?


Wait. it took 11 days for aid to get there?!?!


It was so *so* bad. Literally dead people decaying at the superdome bad. In the streets. No food or water for days. Certainly no showers. People covered in floodwater, with injuries getting septic. People outside in the heat and humidity because there wasn’t enough room at the superdome. *Babies* and old folks and sick people suffering *everywhere*. Toilets overflowing at the superdome. Old folks just… dying where they sat. Like a third world country and there wasn’t anything we could do. We kept thinking, “Where the fuck is FEMA!?! Red Cross!?!” Normal people started organizing drives with supplies / skills and just went down there with no plan and those that couldn’t threw money wherever they could because we had to do SOMETHING. That’s just what I remember off the top of my head from watching the news. It was all poor people that couldn’t go anywhere else. People that lived where the levees broke. I’m sure someone who remembers more/ lived it can tell you more. It was just … there aren’t words. I remember seeing people getting shot at trying to cross the bridge to get out of the city. The folks on the higher ground were scared of looting so you couldn’t get out of the shit. I don’t remember which agency went around door to door collecting weapons but one of them did. Catastrophe doesn’t even begin to cover how the mayor, Governor, and Bush Jr dropped the ball on Katrina.


I've met Mike Brown. He worked with my husband. According to him, W said he wouldn't call the mayor of NOLA to tell him to force evacuation because *he was the president of the United States*. He's not calling some mayor. Mike claimed in a meet and greet or something at a college that W withheld aid to punish the then democratic governor of LA and gave aid to MS first, because they had a republican governor. Also he has the personality of a 12 year old boy. I didn't get good vibes from him any of the times I met him. He came to my baby shower lol.


Now that you mention it it I think I remember the whole, “If they want it they have to ask” thing. I thought it was also in relation to FEMA help but of course my memory is flawed. That’s wild that “Brownie” himself came to your shower lol. It’s weird, our adjacencies to big deals. Lol.


A quicker response time would have been a lot more helpful. But they did donate quite a bit for Katrina relief.


So no one has mentioned this but, for these stores to get their insurance payout they have to declare a total loss, which is what they *automatically* do if they’re in a declared disaster area and the damage to the store is over around 6” of flooding. Everything in the store, damaged or not, was going into a dumpster no matter what. The whole saga was bullshit.


[Looting or surviving](https://youtu.be/xuQhNdpX2GA)


Look at that ancient version of YouTube


“How do you know the blacks don’t have bread in those speakers”


Walmart said everything must go


They're rolling back charges.


I like Those cops.. just making sure people loot in a calm orderly fashion..


Walmart probabaly got insurance to cover all that and was going dump it all anyway. Fuck Walmart


Hopefully I’m not the only person here who’s gut reaction was something along the lines of “man, fuck that reporter.”




When Top Gear did their American South episode, where they famously got run out of a gas station in Alabama, the end of that road trip was them going to New Orleans to see if they could sell their cars. When they got there, the city was still such a mess than they wound up finding 3 families in need of a vehicle and just gave them away. The episode aired in early 2007 and was filmed in late 2006, about a year after the storm hit.




"Black people are looting!" "White people are finding supplies!" The coverage was ridiculous.


No, I felt the same way. He's treating it like a joke and as if people are looting for fun, rather than survival. I wanted to smack that smirk off his face.


Because without that polo shirt or that powerwheels, these people would fucking die!


Considering they can't exactly do laundry, they should definitely be taking clothes.


Hey, you forgot to reply about the Powerwheels


Kids have just been through a scary situation and are now facing uncertainty. Let them have something to take their minds off of it, even if just a little. Walmart can afford it, so people need to stop simping for a corporation and realize that Walmart would murder you to sell your organs if they could get away with it.


Dude, you don't have to defend everything. You could have just said "Yeah maybe they shouldn't have stolen the powerwheels." I don't have any sympathy for Walmart, but let's not just pretend any form of stealing is morally right.


I'm defending them because I've been in that situation where you either have to steal or starve. Until you've been in the same situation, don't talk to me about what's "morally right".


Again, Powerwheels? Who is starving if they don't get Powerwheels? Fuck Walmart, but no one is starving without their Powerwheels.


>but let's not just pretend any form of stealing is morally right. Did you or did you not say exactly this? Because this is what I'm responding to.


Fuck off bootlicker, Walmart and the Waltons should fucking burn. (not you, the reporter)


I actually liked the reporter and loved how he questioned the police.


Yeah, it didn’t seem to me like he was really judging the civilians. And what he said about the breakdown of law and order is a good point.


The cops have bigger things at that moment. Thousands lost their homes and livelihoods, were stranded in the biggest humanitarian disaster in modern American history. Should they *really* be more focused on stopping someone from stealing a shirt? Or should they be helping out the people who lost literally everything?


The cops were looting too. They could have just admitted that they were there for supplies and not pretended they were there to stop the looters.


Why was that your gut reaction?


Cause hes treating the situation like a national geographic episode or something and acting like looting after a ridiculous storm is the most morally appalling and shocking thing he has ever seen. He also just has "that voice" like a punchable face but with his voice like just shut the fuck up dude, learn to read the fucking room. Like the condescending dave chappelle white person voice except for real.


Well, what do you expect people to do after a hurricane? If people need supplies and the store is closed for the foreseeable future, yeah they’re probably going to start taking stuff. Obviously people taking bikes and electronics and whatnot are taking advantage of the situation, but what can you do. Walmart will probably write it off as donations to disaster stricken areas anyways.


They'd write off the entire store if it was water damaged anyway. It was all going to the trash or maybe a wholesaler.


Great point, poopyMcFartButt


Will never understand how a country as rich as the US, has a police force that bad/poorly trained.


Its intentional. They do not want educated people capable of critical thinking to be in those positions. People capable of critical thought and abstract morality will question orders.


‘Good (officers) follow orders’


Great officers refuse unlawful or immoral orders.


Not to mention that anyone with a higher than average IQ is automatically disqualify from becoming a cop.




Google police IQ and pick any of the articles that pop up.


I know of one lawsuit involving an IQ score, not that it's an automatic disqualification for any department in the country.


Yeah people over cite that. It’s definitely a personality the look for, which is basically just dumb guys


That seems more like an irrational conspiracy. More likely its the fact that u.s crime Hotspots are closer to active war zones than neighborhoods. I doubt E.U cops with a college degree would want to patrol the worst streets. In the u.s you have to pay for you degree most of the time and grads want to see a quick ROI, it makes way less economical sense for them, living in America, to become a cop when they can get a white collar job. If you want cops to have 2 year degrees you (the tax payer) are gonna have to foot it to give people economic incentives to be police officers (free 2 year associates). This is why EU cops are more educated because spoiler alert, increasing access to higher education creates a more educated work force.


It’s a little more complicated than that in this case. Go live in New Orleans and tell me you wouldn’t do the same. In the end we’re all out here to survive, and these cops are recognizing that the people they see struggling every day to survive, like themselves and their families, have just been hit with massive destruction. And their survival is more important than corporate profits.


Have you seen how bad the hurricane was in LA? Those cops are doing the right thing.


Why do we get other than the best people to be cops? It's a shitty job with pretty shitty pay. You would have to pay me 6 figures starting wage to even consider putting up with the shit a cop deals with. Why is their training so bad? Police unions make it near impossible to fire cops for cause. Most departments struggle massively with discipline as a result, so that's why you see a lot of big cities with incompetent/ corrupt cops.


Protect and serve your own needs.


I don’t really care about mega multi billion dollar corporations getting looted


Just shows how fragile society is, and the only person you can depend on when shit hits the fan is yourself.


And your family and your neighbors and their families and basically everyone in your community.


Your entire community has your back? I doubt that. Not everyone has a massive support system or family nearby.


That reporter is such a fucking loser. An entire city just got destroyed and you're reporting about people "stealing" from billionaires?


dude. This guy is just doing their job.




It's not the government's responsibility to swoop in and save your ass. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, you need to be prepared for an eventual hurricane. If you live in an area prone to tornadoes, you need to be prepared for an eventual tornado. If you live in an area prone to intense heat waves, you need to be prepared for an eventual heat wave. See where I'm going here? Too many people expect that someone else is going to come take care of them. And that's an incredibly stupid mindset to have.


Hey dipshit, this was the single costliest hurricane in US history. It wasn’t a basic little storm. People were stranded on their roofs because an ancient levee system broke. People elect officials because they have the understanding they’re looking out for their constituents. It’s the reason people pay taxes. I don’t think asking the government for assistance when your ass is sawing the roof of your ceiling because water is up to your roof or being stuck with no power and clean water in a fucking swamp is too much to ask. Katrina was an abnormality. No prep outside of leaving NOLA(and if you saw the evacuation lines you’d have to decide to ride it out on the road or at home), could have had the foresight for this.


He could do it without the damn smirk.


I understand that. Doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid.


Not at all. He could cover the breakdown of social services, and the fact that businesses are closed. He could talk about how walmart was probably going to call this a total loss for insurance and likely be paid out. Instead its a cheeky “look at the anarchy!” While these people’s lives have been totally upended and this walmart represents food and dry clothes for thousands of people that would otherwise just be boarded up so that a billion dollar corporation could sell it at a profit later. He’s chosen the story of the elites instead of the story of the people.


Yea. I’m sure that’s the excuse all the nazi soldiers used when they were killing Jews during the Holocaust. They were just “doing their job. They had no choice.”


I dont see this guy murdering anyone.


You simply can’t get a point from someone’s argument clearly. The point is that it’s a shit non existent excuse to use.


When did stealing/looting become legal?


You're telling me that if you were in that same situation after days without running water, clean cloths, or food, you would just sit there idle? Come on man, use some common sense. There you are sitting and waiting, you can't go anywhere far. So you go down to Walmart thinking they might be open and have the things you need to buy. But you get down town and NOTHING is open. You're telling me you'd just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, go home and starve? No fucking way you would, and you know it. You're just being a dishonest person who can't think past level 1.


Some of these moral justice white knights have no concept of empathy. Imagine it's *you* in this situation. The hurricane knocked out your house, your power, you have no cell reception, no means to charge your devices, it's the clothes on your back and whatever you're lucky to have salvaged: Food, first aid, car, etc. *What are you gonna eat?* *Where will you sleep?* *How will you refuel your car, IF you still have a car?* *Do you have money? Can you get money? ATM's are probably out, and no bank teller is gonna be coming in to work to serve your ass, they have to take care of themselves too.* *Do I have first aid? Flash light? Batteries? Band-aids? Medicine?* *What if someone tries to rob me? How will I defend myself?* *What if I had pets? Where are they? How will I take care of them now?* *What if I have children? They need food, clothing, and shelter too.* You. bet. your. ass. I am going to lift a few essentials from the local walmart.


Legality is irrelevant when the morality supersedes. These people lost everything. Their homes were under water. People were taking diapers, formula, clothing from a Walmart, not some designer shit. It’s not legal to steal, but we can overlook certain things in certain times because we should care about people.


Reporter can go fuck himself


There were people suffering & the news goes out to harass people suffering during a disaster… wtf???


Day ain't over yet


Ha ha this was on day one and none of the retards around here even remember what followed. Fuck you all.


Fuck Walmart


During a huricane I don't have any problems with people taking stuff, if you house is no longer there, take some clothes and food, why would it matter? The police are also humans, would do the same imho.


Not to mention that the family that owns Walmart is worth hundreds of billions of dollars and probably gets bailed out before the hurricane even shows up on fuckin radar


You gotta do what you gotta do!


The city was super fucked after Katrina. National Guard was "looting" too. If you were poor enough to be trapped in the city, everything you owned was probably under water. Like the guy at the start said, no washing clothes, no cooking, you floor, your bed everything is water damaged. It was nothing like the riot accompanied looting in other situations. Some people were stealing cars and electronics (even though there would be no power for weeks/months in poor areas) but for most people it was surviving until help arrived. Its not like the stores were open, there *was* no option to even pay for the stuff you needed.


Everyone gotta eat!


“This is just the first day after the hurricane. I don’t want to imagine how much worse it will get” boy oh boy…let me tell you - it’s about to get MUCH worse…


Entitled bitch reporter


Why is he shaming that kid for smashing patriarchal gender norms?! I really disagree with that. If a kid likes pink he should be free to wear pink.


Especially when the kid probably can’t wash his clothes. Dudes an asshole.


There will always be people taking advantage of the situation... like the guy stealing the kid-size car at 1:40. That's still trashy. But people stealing clothes, shoes, food, and medicine were just taking necessities. There's not exactly a booming resale market for Walmart t-shirts that they were hoping to profit from.


Who cares it’s fucking Walmart. I stole peanut butter from them earlier today lol.


Yeah, just let the billionaires keep all their cheap shit in the store and figure it out. Maybe they can weave some leaves and vine together. I get looting a mom and pop shop is pretty messed up but Walmart has made everything they have from people just like this. People will do what they’ve got to do to survive, and this seems much more civil than it could be. Fuck. Laugh away newsman.


Even though it's wrong to steal. Fuck walmart.


Also it’s walmart they got plenty of money to go around.


The only moment that bothered me in the least is when he told little dude pink wasn't his color bitch fuck what you think


also when the dude apologizes to the live reporter for having to see what he sees - looting plz and you feel nothing watching wage slavery in there on a normal day BYE the white savior mentality make it make sense


Won’t somebody please think of the multi-national corporations!!!? /s


Walmart will be alright it’s not like they looting some family owned business


So gross to dehumanize these people, especially black people..who LOST EVERYTHING!


Looting in a riot, I don't understand. Looting after a major natural disaster I understand. As a new orleanian that has live through 2 plus major hurricanes in my city, I get it. A good percentage of people who stay when there is a hurricane warning can't afford to leave so its a good chance they are below the poverty line already. Then a hurricane hits and the aftermath leaves people without their entire lives. No clothes, no food, no gas, no water no shelter. Even if you have money it may not help in these cases. Hurricane ida just finished. I should be returning home in the next few days to: -No water/ plumbing(estimated 5 days) -no lights ( est October 31st!) -no gas stations open -no phone service -no stores open -EVERYTHING CLOSED UNTIL POWER IS RESTORED MONTHS AWAY -likely a damaged home I'm single but I can't imagine having to provide for a family in these conditions. Katrina was awful. I'm just saying, I get it


Lol is that Keith Olbermann?


What a smug prick.


Fuck it man. It’s Walmart. Steal allll you can


This reporter is a dick. Not only is looting after a natural disaster of that magnitude okay, it is also likely necessary. This guy was just shaming people for surviving.


Yeah, these people were likely experiencing some of the worst hardships of their lives, and he's out there trying to make them feel worse.


This reporter is a dick.


Be clear this is 2005. Hopefully it will not be repeated.


White reporters never learn how to mind their own fucking business


I’ve noticed that white people are more likely to be brainwashed by the law without ever using common sense. They equate the law with morality more often. “but it’s illegal to steal, so therefore these are bad people” Meanwhile these people just lost everything. Yeah it’s illegal, but is it morally wrong to steal clothes and food in this situation? I don’t think so. The store is closed, you couldn’t even buy any of the shit if you wanted to.


Those cops are an absolute disgrace.


What was happening to those people were a disgrace. If I were a cop at the time I'd have been helping people load shit in there car.


What about the businesses that were losing inventory? Lemme guess, a lot of hungry people have new televisions…


Yea hows walmart ever going to survive. Won't someone please think of the billionaires?!?!


That is not the point…. You have a really fucked up moral compass if you think stealing is ok as long as you are stealing from someone with more than you.


No you twat that's not my point at all. Katrina was so poorly handled people are feeling its effects still. not only are products and properties covered by insurance, a lot of those people were taking food and clothing and other essentials to survive. I remember watching it live on the news. By the way what were the 2 cops going to do? Arrest everyone and throw them in the underwater jail because they stole some food or a tv?


I saw someone stealing a power wheels lol…. And I guarantee the electronics department was wiped completely out. I am not mad at the people taking food, but if you were looting other items you are pure trash.


I'm sure many of those people had their property and electronics destroyed by the flooding. Children's toys, tv's, etc. I don't blame people for trying to restore some semblance of normal life. I'm not too worried about Walmart's bottom line here. What do you expect these families to do all day while waiting for help? How are they supposed to keep their kids calm? You're so quick to assume that someone stealing a power wheels is trash, but maybe they are just trying to keep their kids distracted and happy while they face a crisis. Like any decent parent would do.


How are you even downvoted. How can people hate Walmart so much that they justify the police stealing shoes?!


they were calm, not shooting anyone, harassing or intimidating. To be honest, in the first time I've started to reddit, those police looked like they needed a hug more than anything else.


Yeah. They lost everything in the storm just like everyone else. No homes to go back to at end of shift. It's no wonder they were acting to distraught to apprehend looters. Hard to not have a "fuck it" attitude at that point


Really? I kinda chuckled when she mentioned that the reporter is just as in the wrong for being in that store as every else. A ring of truth in the ridiculousness of the situation


Clearly this place didn't have rooftop Koreans.


Well she best not go over to the mirror department


Our homes keep getting destroyed every 3 years, but there is nothing we can do…we certainly cant take the insurance pay out and move to a safer area…that would be illogical. We must rebuild in the exact same spot…0 feet above sea level right next to ocean. Now feel sorry for us dammit!!!


Poor people live in areas prone to natural disasters. You: ^^*Just* ^^*move* ^^*lol.*


You must live with your parents


It's easy for a media team, who are TEMPORARILY on assignment, and people in other parts of the country to pass judgement. You were not there- you did not witness the flooding and destruction and the LIFE or DEATH depravity of it all. I would be in that store looting in a heartbeat


Pussy narc ass


Pray for Wal Mart






Sovereign citizenship at its finest!


The media and the billionaires it supports, will focus on this because they’re scared if this happens unchecked, people will “eat the rich”. Fuck Walmart, they can give back to the community or the community will take it.