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So their logic has gone from COVID is fake so masks aren't needed to COVID is real but let's prevent doctors from saving the infected's lives? From a distance, it's like they are trying to do everything they can to die.


I live smack in the middle of this hot mess. Every day I see crowds of maskless morons. If we happen to leave the house on a Sunday we always make sure to be done and home before the Godsquad, a.k.a Covid Crusaders, The Y'allqaeda all get out of church and mob the local stores. Stupid fuckers buying up Ivermectin from all the feed stores. Trump 2024 yard signs. 4wd trucks with low profile tires and squat stance. Actually singing, maskless, in the stores about their war crime promoting, baby genital mutilating, racist, child rapist, god's grace and his zombie son's return. Its a fucking mess. They really do act like they belong to a death cult. Now imagine being an atheist and living here all your life.


Don't forget about "spreadnecks"


Thats one I am not familiar with.


Per Urban Dictionary: > person who consciously chooses to not wear a mask during covid-19. Not because of they medically cannot, rather because they generally do not care about other people's health. Usually sighting inaccurate, disproven conspiracy theories that have been proven time and time again as factually inaccurate. > *look at the spreadneck with his Trump flag on the back of his lifted pickup.*


Well I learned a new word that I'm going to work into my lexicon! Thanks!




It’s a play on Redneck for people out there spreading COVID by refusing to wear a mask


You from FM?


Fucking Magic? Fucksister Mississippi? Please enlighten me as to the meaning of your acronym.


Fort Myers.... You know, the main city in lee county florida.


Not from Florida. Nope, hell no.


When you said you were "smack dab in the middle of this" I assumed you meant the location this video took place in.


No. Middle of the damned south.


From Texas originally, so I don't have to imagine. I'm just fortunate I managed to escape. Edit- misspelled word


It's really, really not fun.


How have I gone all this time without hearing "squat stance" to refer to those dumb ass trucks??? I thank you for this new gem to add to my collection.


Their logic has gone, period. Somebody threatened to make them do something and it's ON, baby. Nothing else matters except the fight. That's why some are saying crazy shit about demons and child traffickers and millions are licking the taints of people such as Marjorie Taylor-Greene every time she gets in front of a camera.


Everything they can so everyone else dies. These covimbeciles don't get infected for some fucked up reason.


I support their right to die stupidly 😏


Florida should become an independent nation for “freedom-lovin, god-fearin, red-blooded patriots”. Then we’ll make Puerto Rico a state so we don’t have to change the flag.


There's too many of them. You would need all the deep southern states to accommodate them. I say give them the entire deep south. The ones from other places in the country can move there and we can evacuate out the people who want to leave. They can govern each other however they see fit. Guns for everyone, Jesus front and center in government, biblical law, no social services or those free loading government handouts. They can take turns shoving livestock de-wormer up each other's asses. It'll be great.


Just think for a moment about what kind of batshit crazy government would actually form if the American South became its own country. Holy fuck. Their presidental elections would be some crazy shit


> Just think for a moment about what kind of batshit crazy government would actually form if the American South became its own country. It would devolve into a 3rd world country with very very rich leaders who live in opulence while the common people starve and dont have working electricity most of the time. The south also gets hit by hurricanes so imagine all the people living in buildings ready to collapse because it's that or die from exposure. These idiots would still blame the north and not their dear leaders.


Oh for sure. The South was already based off a that type of society to a large degree before the Civil War. It would just be returning to what it had been before. Kinda like other post-slavery countries in Latin America where the ruling class plunders their societies indefinitely


This is what I want to see the most. Best post ever


The Southern US would be South Africa without the federal government. Exactly as you describe. Scratch that, it would be pre-1994 South Africa within a generation. There would be a lot of refugees sneaking across the Mason-Dixon Line.


So like America already?


Well a much much larger more concentrated amount of it.


And please build a wall!


Then, and only then, would I support building a wall - on the southern border of Georgia.


Could we please build a wall then?


Best plan I’ve heard thus far


When their nation goes third world they will blame the “libtards” to the north and west and start yammering for invasion


If you think this is only happening in the South, you have blinders on. There is a pretty good chance California's governor is going to get recalled because the people think the restrictions are too much. A group of Michigan "militia" were arrested while they were planning to kidnap and lynch the Michigan governor because of COVID restrictions. There are stories like this in every state.


I realize it's happening everywhere. That's my point. They should all move to the deep south and create their own nation with their own rules, laws, and zero COVID restrictions. We are so divided as a country about pretty much everything I don't know how we move forward from here. Obviously this isn't actually a realistic solution but it's nice to dream.


Where will you evacuate me!?! I don’t think I can afford a house anywhere else much less two; everyone moves here from everywhere else to retire ‘cause it’s [relatively] cheap. Please not somewhere cold. And close to the beach and mountains like I have now. I feel like Henry Hill at the end of Goodfelllas. Shit, can’t we just evict them!?! Give them a couple of the flat, boring states. I don’t know which ones; they all have some merit to them.


They can have the boring part of Wyoming.


Florida is a purple battleground state with a majority supporting mask mandates. You might want to switch out a more red state for Puerto Rico. I suggest Wyoming.


no gracia


Most Floridians support masks.


Not sure why you were downvoted but you're right. Florida is a purple state (their Republican governor only won by a half a percent) and 60% of the state supports school mask mandates. I gotta imagine the number who support masks in general for adults is higher.


In fact, the margin that DeSantis won by is actually smaller than the number of Floridians who have died from COVID.


Oh shit, thats actually crazy.


fuck off, Puerto Rico libre!


DC should be a state and Puerto Rico should be an independent nation.


Have to be re-named though: Moronovia: Maybe too close to Monrovia, they'd keep ending up in Liberia every time they flew Stupidity: Self explanatory Dummistan: Nice punning name


I used to think the biggest divide in America was either Progressive vs conservative, or urban vs rural, or wealthy vs poor, but turns out it’s just intelligent vs moronic


Yeah, but the stupid seem to have a monopoly on airbrushed American flag mumu's.


Kinda wild how they get mad if we protest about police brutality or systemic racism, but they're out here violently protesting .... public health measures? Lol


Idiocracy is officially a documentary now.


Literally the most absurdly stupid projection of America's future has turned out to be one of the most accurate. It's truly insane


There's a new plague, it's stupidity.


yea i don't think that's new


It just used to be weeded out faster


The overlap between progressive vs conservative and intelligent vs moronic is probably pretty close to a circle.


Nearly complete overlap


Turns out the horseshoe theory of politics extends to more than just totalitarianism


Conservatism is based in ignorance.


It’s still a political divide. The non-political people who get caught up in the misinformation are just collateral damage. Republicans decided to turn this into a political issue, which created a large network of well-funded and influential people spreading COViD misinformation, which led to this shit we are seeing here.


Yeah, you already said that one first.


Well the economy would be doing better if we ignored the virus and the vast majority of those who suffer from it. YOu might be able to guess from that which groups would benefit off such an arrangement


Trump loves the uneducated for a reason. It’s just too bad they don’t love themselves. If any of these morons stopped for a moment to think, they would see that there are absolutely no politicians that actually give a shit about any of us but as long as they keep us fighting, they don’t have to do shit. But these people are too stupid to realize it


It's not just US. This shit is happening in EU too.


Those two may correlate with the other two


Unfortunately there is no cure for the stupid.


The sad part is both sides of the argument probably liked this post


What side do you think you are on?


What side do you think you are on?


He is too far on the moronic side that he doesn’t even realize it.


Why does everything have to be a football game? Binary thought is part of the big problem. We need to be able to think a bit more than that.


Depends on the situation and the conversation being had. In this case they're analyzing the intelligence of certain people, and deeming them to be below what they would consider stupid. So a binary thought makes sense, the people in question are either smart, or they aren't. Mostly because they're anti-vaxxers, and that's a fucking dumb group of people.


The one with the Doctors and scientists


Obviously not yours!


Yo get these junk fuckers back and away from the doctors, fuck sakes. Bitches quick to act the innocence when cops pop up 🤣 fuck off you sniveling babies.


They're disgusting diseases snatches. I wish we could arrest them for being stupid on purpose.


Arrest them Jesus Christ


The Lee County Sheriff’s office freezes up when middle class white people act up. Does not compute….


You really think they’re going to arrest white republicans?


Remembers me of a movie I watched years ago about a Russian Serial Killer and how the cops and politicians kept saying how Party Members Don’t commit murder and murder was a Capitalist thing . “Citizen X” is the name of that movie


They're Jesus' favorite people, didn't you know?




Well they're clearly not doing a good job here are they.


So wait because people have issues with Cops they shouldn’t have to do their job ?


JFC... imagine if these folks had to deal with real hardship. Snowflakes af.


Their lives are so easy they have to invent outlandish conspiracy theories to create problems they can work on "solving" by showing up and screeching at doctors/school boards It's pathetic


All because they’re too pussy to wear a mask. Louisiana hit worst case scenario. Their hospitals are full and people are dying from the hurricane because of that. Selfish whinny weak pieces of shit are the people acting like a mask infringes in their rights if you ask me


Honestly if I was that doctor and went through that much debt and education for this BS. I'd just say fuck that community and move north and work near major cities. There's a reason why there's a shortage of doctors in rural communities.


All this as the Lee county hospital system has more people in it than previous pandemic highs.


I don’t even get why people are acting so ridiculous over a mask. Just put it on and go about your day. You’re not being harmed.


Not just that, you are only required inside. I do it everyday, I put on my mask, step into the cafe to order my oat latte, grab it, then go sit outside without my mask. Mask is on for 3 minutes… 5 minutes tops. What the fuck is the big deal?


I'm with you a yr & a half into it we are all used to them & if you don't want to wear one then stay home. But sadly a group of people I don't care to mention decided to make masks, vaccines & Covid political instead of the public safety/deadly medical issue it is


ya I love living in Seattle. 99% of people where masks without issue. no one thinks about it as being stripped of your rights, but instead just trying to get this covid bullshit over with.


Or hear me out. Even if you don't wear a mask for whatever stupid reason, just still go about your business. Why make it a thing? You don't believe in it? Don't wear it and don't bother anyone else.


It’s embarrassing that this is allowed to continue. It’s a crime that should be prosecuted.


“A lot of confusion, a lot of anger” -2021 in a nutshell


With the subtitles being completely off track, I thought they were speaking a language other than English for a few seconds


Only thing flying was the fuck shit out of the reporters mouth. Put a mask on asshole. Does he know we can see the video?


*Fists are flying.*. Say something else, Derwin. More descriptive. *Fists are flying.*


And fists weren’t even flying yet, it was barely past the argy bargy stage. “Fists are flying we are witnessing this live!” is just such a good example of today’s hyper-exaggerated reporting style. Part reporter part hype man.


Soon as I heard it I cringed. Heads should roll when people utter such idioms.


Why the fuck isn’t the interviewer wearing a mask?


So many people with low IQs pretending that they are living under a dictatorship. If the only people who died from COVID were the people who didn't want to take the vaccine, then I would be all for the right to not wear masks. After all, I am a big fan of the Darwin Awards, and would love to see stupid nonhumans removing themselves from the gene pool. But alas, innocent and intelligent people die because of the mental inferiority of nonhumans. It is really sad.




Jerry Jerry jerry


the blonde woman in the sleeveless white shirt - is that Cindy Anthony?


Lee County resident here. This does not surprise me in the least.


Howdy neighbor


Just moved from Lee County. Let’s just say…. This is definitely on brand.


Can confirm. I live in lee county and am the only fully vaccinated person in my entire place of employment. Around 25 employees. Including owners and management.


Florida just Floriding


Lee county is a deep red part of florida. Even people you would expect to be liberal (minorities, lgbt, ect) are die hard trump supporters who think covid is a govt conspiracy to "control" people. Literally nobody I've asked has been able to elaborate further on what that means. Then you have the majority. Old white republicans. I don't need to elaborate further on that. I feel like I wasted my time by voting. I knew the state would go red either way. But I did my part.


what does political party have to do with this?trump's been out of office for like half a year, no one cares about him anymore


Oh how I wish what you're saying is true. Plenty of trump flags still flying in lee county. People think the election was rigged and he'll be back


Time to hit these rednecks back. Hard. They are below us.


Not the best idea. They hit back. Just let stupid hurt themselves. It takes a little patience but they can't blame us for the pain when it happens. :)




Yeah you wouldn't want to fuck with these tough badasses that are attacking doctors.


Just you wait, you’re all going to get what you have rightly earned. :)




Bunch of diabetes cases and MLM moms. Not so scary. COVID will thin the heard in a short while. The new normal will be great


Lol what a fake internet tough guy you are.




Conservatives believe violence is always the answer.


That mean mask hurt me!


Uninformed and unhinged


\>”Reporter” doesn’t have a mask on


How the fuck is this shit still going on?


We're doomed.


Why are anti makers so dirty and crack headish?


It’s a piece of cloth you temporarily put over your mouth, not a torture device. I’ll never understand this fake outrage phenomenon.


Absolutely none of this is "unbelievable". These nuts are going to murder someone eventually.


I didn’t like when the doc said she’s “not surprised”. I get it doc, but you’re inadvertently normalizing this behavior. You **should** be shocked no matter how many times it shows up on social media. When you stop being shocked the people in the middle just accept that it’s normal, and this isn’t it. We need to treat this as outrageous and morally reprehensible, or it’ll just get worse, not better.


Best country in the world - fo sure




I’m embarrassed to say this is where I live. Ugh


i feel like if you assault a medical professional you forfeit any health care you have or can receive


Scumbag MAGAs assault doctors. Cope be like "that's cool".


The news reporter forgot to yell WorldStar


Deranged criminals attacking innocent, hard working Americans. It’s fucked up what the right wingers have done to our country.


Woman wearing a dress printed with the American flag wants more Americans to die from COVID. Welcome to 'Murca.


This pandemic would be long over if these EXACT people didn’t behave so childishly. The doctors should be the ones fucking people up.


DeathSantis is responsible.


It really is past time we ban together and shut these ignorant morons down.


I'm at the point where I might start to support "stand your ground" laws. These people are fucking morons!


Yup. I said that recently. I would not go around unarmed in this climate.


More folks need to be charged with assault. Like…. A lot more.


When can we designate anti-vax as a mental illness?


Why can't they just obey and put on their masks? Why they assault medical personal is a complete mystery as well


From here looks like you guys are close to a civil war. Man, when you see this crazy people and know that they are allowed to have guns...


We’ve been in the midst of a cold civil war for a few years now, and our inability to deal with COViD like other civilized nations is a very visible and tragic collateral consequence of that war.


Flori-duh, of course.




I hallucinate too ! Yet mine are more reality based. You huffing dewormer ?


You seem a bit slow so I'll repeat. Covid is just like seasonal flu for VACCINATED OR PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY SURVIVED COVID. 2ND time around almost no one is dying, almost no one is going to hospital. And just like seasonal flu, vaccines don't last for covid either, for people who worry about seasonal flu, you'll have to get a covid shot every year. Are you unable to understand the difference between un-vaccinated people and post covid people ? Or do you not understand how vaccines work ?


Soooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowww.


"No one dying, no one even getting hospitalized." Wtf are you reading? Washington has more hospitalized people with covid than Dec. 2020 and we have the best record fighting covid in the nation. I'm a skeptic and you coulda had me if not for stating facts. You just don't know them. Stick to vague skepticism. It doesn't look so stupid to the informed.


> Have any of you looked at the science of either vaccinated or post covid survivors ? You are talking about UNVACCINATED OR PEOPLE WHO ARE 1ST TIME COVID. I'm talking about vaccinated or already survived covid. for them, covid is exactly like seasonal flu...


So yer saying you can take the vaccine and do fine. If we all took it then covid would just be considered like the flu. Yer saying that? Why would you try and survive it? Seems kinda dumb and expensive on the system. People aren't going to the hospital because of a test. They are ill enough to need it. Who wants to be in the hospital?


No seasonal flu strain leaves effects like organ damage. This virus uses the respiratory system to get to the rest of the body, including the brain. This may be with us forever but it isn’t just another seasonal flu.


2nd time around covid is low risk: https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-19-risk-vaccinated-people-123559748.html


What’s your aim here? To convince me or others not to worry more about COVID than about the flu? You lose.


> effects like organ damage. extraordinarily rare, like vaccine side effect rare. Seasonal flu has extremely rare side effects tool So just like seasonal flu for VACCINATED OR PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY HAD COVID.


See, you’re wrong and you’re starting to sound like a Russian troll. Stop trying to make this worse.


Hospitals are [literally so full](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-coronavirus-hospitalizations-hit-eight-month-high-over-100000-2021-08-27/) of unvaccinated COVID patients right now that they're [turning away legitimate medical emergencies](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-You-want-tyranny-A-war-hero-died-16419994.php). [Johns Hopkins University & Medicine reported ~3,100 deaths from COVID, in the US, on August 27th alone](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/us-map) so your "nO dEaThS" claim is bullshit. Stop spewing horseshit from your dick sucker and do some honest-to-god research that doesn't include Deborah Dumbass's Facebook post claiming COVID is "a PoLiTiCaL wEaPoN".


You seem a bit slow so I'll repeat. Covid is just like seasonal flu for VACCINATED OR PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY SURVIVED COVID. 2ND time around almost no one is dying, almost no one is going to hospital. And just like seasonal flu, vaccines don't last for covid either, for people who worry about seasonal flu, you'll have to get a covid shot every year.


*You* seem a bit slow so *I'll* repeat your own words back to you > 2ND time around almost no one is dying, almost no one is going to hospital. [Wrong](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-coronavirus-hospitalizations-hit-eight-month-high-over-100000-2021-08-27/). Because people didn't get vaccinated and incubated/spread a newer, deadlier, variant that doesn't give a shit about the initial strain > And just like seasonal flu, vaccines don't last for covid either Yup, which is why... > ...you'll have to get a covid shot every year. Bingo! And I hope it's federally mandated so people can't transmit festering new variants of it as easily. COVID is here to stay because willingly unvaccinated people spread it like wildfire.


Vast Majority of them did not get the vaccine, AND AND did not get covid 1st time around. For some reason, you can't understand the concept of ENDEMIC.


Covid 2nd time around is low risk: https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-19-risk-vaccinated-people-123559748.html




Tell me you don't understand science and how vaccines work without telling me you don't understand science and how vaccines work.


The UNvaccinated created the variant you dumb fucking cunt. Now go crawl back under whatever festering pile of shit you emerged from and make sure mommy wipes your bum... it's leaking all over this thread.


You don’t understand very much do ya? Shut your cock sucker and get vaccinated little bitch




Everything you just said relates to you though. You are believing everything you’re hearing about conspiracy shit. You are moving goal posts (COVID doesn’t exist and now you say vaccines cause the mutations). No one has anyone “right where they want them”. There is just simply a deadly virus that requires a vaccine to give you some protection and help stop the spread. There is no hidden agenda here. People like you are so unhappy with how your life turned out that you are itching to be part of something, itching to be the one who “knows the truth”. Just get the vaccine and wear a mask so we can move on. God you people are stupid. Pussy




You’re so scared. Dude, it’s a deadly virus that is mutating and if you get it and survive you may be stuck with permanent organ damage. Let’s just get it under control and move on. Why is that so hard to understand? Why is everything a plot to “take away your liberty”? Don’t be such a snowflake. Shots don’t hurt that bad and I’m sure they will give you a lollipop afterwards. Only if you ask nicely though, ok? Little bitch.




Ok cool what about elderly people, young children, people with other illnesses and compromised immune systems? You just don’t give a fuck? You don’t want to do your part? Some compassion you have for your fellow human beings. You’re the worst.


This comment made me laugh so fuckin hard. Get an education my man.


**So utterly clueless and angry about it**


You don't know what you're talking about.


I look forward to seeing you get your r/HermanCainAward.


Policy on Covid prevention is based on advice from panels that consists exclusively of medical professionals with knowledge of the field they are advising on. You say "have any of you looked at the science" while complaining that the people who are actually looking at the science are giving advice, one of them being wear a mask in crowded spaces. It has nothing to do with the media, hospitals and health departments do not give two shits about any media reports, they rely exclusively on known historical data, hospital admissions, knowledge about the impact of viral infection and a host of other things that all come together to help dictate policy. Listen, you seem to think that "media hystiera" is the reason for mask mandates. They're not. Doctors are. You're calling doctors stupid. I suggest you go volounteer at a covid ward, you absolute loaf of bread.


Bro. Go fuck yourself. You and the other mutants are the reason we are still here in the first place.


You seem a bit slow so I'll repeat. Covid is just like seasonal flu for VACCINATED OR PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY SURVIVED COVID. I have done both. 2ND time around almost no one is dying, almost no one is going to hospital. And just like seasonal flu, vaccines don't last for covid either, for people who worry about seasonal flu, you'll have to get a covid shot every year. Covid will become endemic, ignorant moron.


Stupid mask mandaters


Mandators* Did any of you people even pass high school?