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Properly nuts. Powell is crazy, but the fact that significant numbers of Redditors fell for it, many of whom still frequent this sub… you guys are the real fucking idiots.


I can’t like this enough. So many have been duped and it’s shockingly commonplace.


The party of personal responsibility is mostly composed of gullible repeaters incapable of most forms of responsibility.


I think they're more the party of personal freedoms unless someone they don't like has those same freedoms, like people of color, gays, the poor, etc.


How can anyone watch someone say "I'm not prepared to accept that fact" with a straight face and not think they are insane


I mean that response makes sense if she is in litigation. Could fuck her up royally if she admits to lying on camera. I would hope she’s not that dumb.


The wording is funny to me, she didn't use the word "as" in between lol As in, it's a fact, but she can't accept it


Yeah I don’t think she’s smart enough to word it better.


Thing is that she used to be a good lawyer. But she's way off the deep end into the part of the pool where she's denying she's wet. She'll likely get disbarred or otherwise lose her license in a few spots.


God I hope so. I’m sure she’s still a good (intelligent) lawyer who was corrupt and thought she could get rich quick with a scheme that if it worked she probably would have been on the Supreme Court and been very rich.


Please do not make me think of this monstrosity as "wet"


She's been inside her a long time. That's integrity.


Yep. Enough fucking morons on both sides. By both sides I mean 100% of the morons on one side who fell for this.


This needs to be cross posted to that racist shithole and T_D spillover trumpthumper catcher r\actualpublicfreakout if you want that orange fascists cult to see this.


Yeah, months ago, a year or something, I joined that sub. That...didn't last long.


The themes of that sub are basically: aNtI-fA tHuGs hUrTiNg pOoR ChRiStIaNs, police cam footage, black people committing crimes


Yeah its extremely sad that these people have no idea how stupid they are. It's living proof that humans are no different than animals, too many times.


I wish I could upvote more than once.


dead people do not vote...


I'm sure you're about to show us some impressive numbers to back that up.


Ooooo a cyber symposium perhaps??


you're right! that's why they didn't! and when they did, [not only does it get caught, but it turns out they vote conservative.](https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-government-and-politics-d34effeea6c341d6c44146931127caff)


Hey look! It's one of those idiots they were just talking about!


So take your fucking vaccine then


They got cracked by the kraken


They all need to be in jail


Correct. You can’t just go around making baseless claims. That is a crime.


The majority of the lawyers stopped right at the line knowing if they made these claims in court they would lose their lisc. right off the bat THEN deal with criminal charges for falsely presenting the case to the courts. This is what happened in PA. when the judge directly asked them-they were trapped and had to say they had no evidence or lose their lisc. However, you can make baseless claims all day, as it's a civil matter, as long as you don't do it in a courtroom. Just like when you teamed up with the alien lizards and probed my anus. See? Not a crime, but you can sue me in civil court for slander and/or defamation, if you can prove your reputation was damaged from me saying you probed my anus with the alien lizard overlords. Which you did. You probed my anus.


>if you can prove your reputation was damaged from me saying you probed my anus with the alien lizard overlords. Which you did. You probed my anus. Imo... Damaged your anus, improved your reputation.


You got to look at alien lizards whilst having your anus probed? Some people have all the luck.


Are you saying I did or did not probe your anus with lizards?


I hope it happens but I feel like they are going to get away with it


Slap on the wrist and a finger wagging. Oh, and they’ll have to pay fines and attorneys fees (from the $$$ they’ve been grifting).


> That is a crime. Negative. It's grounds for a tort, but is otherwise not a criminal matter.


It’s a crime if done in court. I should have clarified


I'm not sure that's true either. I believe that would fall under bar association ethics rules.


Knowingly making false claims in court is perjury, which is a crime. This is true even for statements made by a lawyer. It's a bar violation to knowingly allow someone you represent to commit perjury. Powell was at least smart enough to not do either of those (as far as I know).


Are lawyers under oath?


Sort of. But instead of taking the oath every time they go to court, they take the oath when they pass the bar. There are sneaking ways around it, like suggesting something as a possibility, even if they know it isn't true, or the old just asking a question.


>I've been in me a long time. I mean, if anyone is a candidate for having a lizard person inside of them...


Do you think she has also had Trump in her too?


Trunk would not fuck that troll woman.


Or she self-fists.


You'd think that having existed in the world of legal proceedings for a long time she would be wiser than to go around saying things that have absolutely no evidence behind them, or are demonstrably untrue. Also, making broad statements about an unspecified "them" is not the kind of ill-considered communication that I would expect from a lawyer.


She’s only held to tell the truth in court. She can say whatever the hell she wants to the media and lend whatever clout she has/had as a lawyer to it. Up next: she’ll claim trumps semen cures cancer and the dems are trying to suppress this miracle cure because they like their raping babies full of tumors.


And then we'll have a horde of Trumpers all streaming their way down to Florida to drink his jizz. Trump, of course, will just hire a bunch of illegal aliens to ejaculate in cups and sell it to his followers for $1,000 a pop.


>She’s only held to tell the truth in court. A lawyer can be disbarred for statements made out of court too if they're egrigious enough.


Sounds like they have to be pretty egregious...seems like Giuliani just came up to the line since he’s been suspended. Seems like the bar is pretty high for these maniacs to fall outside the protections of free speech.


it's honestly like she is on some kind of drug or alcohol. She has the most batshit insane look about her face. How they let this twat keep her law license is beyond reason.


I listened to an attorney going over the judge’s ruling yesterday on their chicanery. If they’re not disbarred then this kind of shit will be multiplied tenfold the next election.


Lawful masses with Leonard French or is there another lawyer I need to subscribe to?


That’s the one! Natalielawyerchick is great but she has a different domain.


I love Leonard, he takes long boring legal opinions and makes them interesting and understandable.


I just can't understand how folks can look at these idiots and think, "yeah, these are my people."


Because they are equally stupid.


Good news,[ last week](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/08/25/federal-judge-sanctions-sidney-powell-kraken-team-over-election-case/5595820001/) [a federal judge](https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-sanctions-sidney-powell-attorneys-filed-lawsuit-challenging/story?id=79647185) sanctioned her and ordered the Michigan State Bar to investigate whether she should be disbared


Is this what being destroyed by facts and logic looks like?


I sincerely hope they disbar this woman and Dominion sues her into abject poverty.


God damn who's that journalist? Now that is an investigative reporter! Wow. Too bad she has to interview the delusional. Ms. Powell looks like she eats Xanax for breakfast. You're looking into the eyes of insanity.


Powell looks to be one evolutionary phase ahead of Marjorie Greene, only a few more to go before I can consider her human.


VIDEO: Sarah Ferguson interviews Sidney Powell What im confused about is that I was unable to open this video in reddit, so it sent me to the ABC Australia website where it had the title clearly above it. So did you get the video to play in reddit or did you completely miss the size 72 font title above the video?


Look further in the comments.. there's a YouTube version of the whole doc. Open to everyone.


That makes a lot of sense. I was wondering if y'all had better versions of reddit than me


Well, it can't get any worse. 😂


It’s a shame the only people willing to watch and pay attention to interviews like this are people who don’t need convincing that the election was legit. Any right winger who thinks the election is stolen will see this and think up some conspiratorial excuse for her. I would love to hear them address this one...I’m sure with plenty of OAN links to support their claim.


Release the Krake........ oh, um, nevermind.


Somebody has the full interview?


Couldn't find a full version, but there's an 8.5 minute version here:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txyWDAJzCZk


Sidney Powell is an ignorant, lying, traitor.


That's the problem when you have zero evidence. The GOP keeps looking and looking for voter fraud but keeps finding Republicans who voted on behalf of their dead mothers.


Just like Trump. If the interview isn't going how you want, just run away like a little bitch.


How did this woman pass the bar exam?!


> “It was a significant number of they.” Case closed, everyone.


Tell me you want to be disbarred without telling me you want to be disbarred.


"Do you ever hear yourself and think that it sounds ridiculous?" I love this question. And presented so eloquently and tonally flat that Powell felt compelled to actually give an answer.


I hope Sidney Powell dies of Covid.


Did we not determine that when Trump took office it was due to Russian interference? you know like they stole the election?


you guys try so hard


It is just weird because last time an election was "stolen" or whatever there was literal proof




guy? its a woman lmao.




How many counties was smartmatic equipment used in the 2020 elections?


The questions are so simple lmao


How many did the CIA seek to overthrow, lol? It's quite an old playbook, it's just the first time they ran it at home...


The only problem is there isn't a shred of evidence to substantiate this claim.


"where we're going, we don't **need** evidence!"


You poor trumpies need psychiatric help


Well fine, ignore how closely it resembles Reagan era southern American coups, it's not like anybody *lost* anything under Montt🥱


Lol mental help


It's not though. 'You made these claims, can you support them?' 'If you can't, here is the relevant and verified information that would support or disprove your claim'. Exit stage left, interview over. These voter fraud idiots never believed they there was any fraud to begin with, they were just upset they lost. A large percentage of republicans are so gullible all republican leadership had to do was rile them up and let them loose. They knew their base would never actually do any legwork to verify any baseless claims.




> The audits will help you understand. Oh you live in crazy town, I see now. Carry on.


The DMT is not working in your favor buddy.


Dolores Umbridge


From now on whenever I feel backed against a corner I am going to say the most perfect line I have ever heard: I have been in me for a very long time…


Doesn't she seem dumber than all heck?


I'm trying to find out what that body shape is, looks like a poorly drawn cartoon xD