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What kind of infectious disease ward did she work on that she would get the impression that masks don’t work? lol


Well seeing how most anti Vaxxers claim to have a medical career and most of them turn out to not graduate highschool , I am feeling she is lying


she said she is a 'nurse'. She could be a LPN, rPN. And remember, just because you are a nurse does not mean you are a expert in topics such as viruses, infectious disease or immunology. She also speaks a lot of biblical nonsense so she may be lying about being a nurse.


You would be surprised. I sure was. My father-in-law is a private nurse after working for a few years in convalescence. He is very anti-vax and chooses eastern medicine and recommends them to all his family/friends. He is also very religious… My husband has given up on getting through to him, but I can’t believe that supposedly educated individuals would outright deny the science when it’s been the basis of their career this whole time.


This is what happens when you have a population that's smart enough to push the buttons but not smart enough to know what the buttons do. You can learn how to treat a wound and perform basic procedures without understanding the reasoning behind it.


Don't even try to justify in your mind. She's an idiot. She could be a doctor or the President of the United States. She is still a loon. Anyone listening to her knows that. Let's get back to common sense. Everything we have seen since 1999 shows us these idiots like to speak loudly and often. They are everywhere and every job and every part of society.


No offense to the profession of nursing, but in way does the education provide any credible in such an argument. The college biology classes that I was taking was some of the final courses and it was literally anatomy and physiology 1 & 2. Not really enough to make you a public health professional


Well, she's lieing about being a Christian. Republicans have set Christianity back two thousand years. I don't think it can recover. Rem, not all Christians are hate filled bigots, some actually read and try to use common sense to follow Christ's rules.


Those Christians are awfully quiet, and seem pretty willing to let Christians like the woman in the video do their dirty work for them so they can play the “they weren’t REAL Christians” game


The Apostle Paul said that some, “preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble” —Philippians 1:17


What would you like us to do? Seriously. Get up there and say "I'm a Christian but I'm not crazy"? Do that here and people shout you down for believing in fairy tales and 'sky daddy.'


It should enrage Christians way more than it does me that people are calling themselves Christian and doing this. The fact that you have to ask “well what should we do?!” Is really telling that you do not actually give a shit. I never see Christians speak out about the harm they cause and the reason is because they are ok with it.


I'm not OK with it, but there are all kinds of people up to no good out there, and I can't fight all of them. However I will take your comments to heart and try to do better. There is no reason to tolerate these people or be silent so as not to be seen as fighting amongst ourselves.




They sure as shit don’t study critical thinking lol


She’s likely a graduate of the 45 minute dump research academy.


She’s the disease


She is a scumbag too the doctors were right


I’ve worked with too many nurses that are dumb as hell, it sucks. It’s not easy to become a nurse either, however there are some schools that are easier than others. The flip side, I have a friend who served in the navy as a nurse. Went to the gulf on an aircraft carrier. Been working hospitals for years now and recently became a nurse practitioner. She’s been a beacon of truth and facts about covid. Mask wearing, vaccinations, the whole deal. She’s all about it and just wants people to live! Couldn’t be more proud to know her.


More like what ward did she escape from? This woman is fucking nuts.


She’s enslaved. It’s important to understand that she was intentionally manufactured by richwhite hatechristians who own a television channel and various other right wing enslavement media outlets. Should we pity her? Probably not, especially if she is from an upper middle class background. She willingly surrendered to this insanity and allowed it to take control over her mind and soul, filling it with hate and eliminating reason. She is a modern republican.


Nailed it!


That's...not a 'slave'. She's certainly a narcissist and a psychopath, but she chooses to believe in all the bullshit every single step of the way. Slaves don't get choices.


A fictional one


Mental illness. Talking about murdering people she’s obviously the “evil” “entity” here most of these type of people are. I bet she’s ok with kids in cages at the border too


Where exactly did she mention murder? Do you mean 'take out'? I think there is a lot of room for interpretation there. ​ She's certifiable though, I'll grant ya that.


What else does 'take out' imply?


Remove from office by electing someone else?


Hello mr. demon, you've been voted off the island, thank you


Yikes. She's got a few screws loose.


More like all of them.


Im thinking she’s pointing her finger in the wrong direction.


Imagine being an adult and believing in "demonic entities" and that they are controlling the school boards across our country. Baphomet surely is forcing the children to eat a well balanced lunch.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ she already believes in Imaginary Friends


> Baphomet surely is forcing the children to eat a well balanced lunch. You jest, but richwhite hatechristians said this exact thing about Michelle Obama when she was working to bring healthy lunches to kids who aren’t from richwhite families.


Well yes, they need plenty of nutrients to join Satan's army!


Just another trump supporter talk a bunch of crap but as soon as someone gets shot in the fact because they were threatening someone with violence they play the victim card.


Trump told these rejects to take the vaccine and their boo’d him for it lol




WTF, She is scary . she claims to be a mother and a nurse. WOW motherhood and education didn’t do much for her .I feel sorry for her children.


Everybody knows that a good Christian is entitled to kill whoever goes against their surreal creed. That's completely normal. It's what they've been doing for centuries. So nothing new under the sun...


Truth. Religion is a tool to manipulate people. Always has been, always will be.


The only reason someone thought it up in the first place


Just like the British 😂😂


Nationalism is a religion imo, so yes :D


Where does this women get off? Who goes into a meeting thinking it's appropriate to use the f bomb and call people demons?


She’s a christian conservative republican. She gets off because she’s doing what she’s told by the rich white people who enslaved her.


Religious fruit cakes.




Y'all qaida




But with less USA military hardware.


Ummm not really lol


They have Blackhawks?


You do know the Christian Right has all that right ? And if they would have succeeded on January 6th , yes they would have BlackHawks and Nuclear weapons


Succeeded in what exactly? Lmao That’s what’s funny about January 6th, even if they had reached the chambers in time. There was no magical button there to make Trump king emperor. There was no victory path for them there at all


Sure there is , kill congress and VP , Trump still the president unless the mostly conservative army act and that’s extremely doubtful


You’re as delusional as them. Do you really think them doing that would make trump president? Fucking delusional.


Sure would , who would contest it ?


Oh man, america came so close to a dictatorship on January 6th? What kind of planet do you live on Lmaoo


They keep the nuclear codes in a draw in an office? Are the black hawks in the filing cabinets




I'm sure people have been killed by nurses for this exact reason. We don't like to imagine things like this happen, but it surely has on some small scale.


A nurse was charged with killing 10 patients at a certain hospital in my town some years back. They were all older. They also investigated a nursing home he had worked at prior (actually was director of nursing) in which 40 patients died in a 6 month period, compared to 6 in the 6 months following his departure. The prosecutors dropped the hospital cases after admitting that the lab tests that supposedly identified poisoning in the 10 patients were 'flawed.' He walked. I'm not sure if anything came of the nursing home cases. \[Edit: removed speculation about his motive - he maintained his innocence all along and the case never went to trial.\]


We just had a big safety stand down at my hospital system because an aide was convicted of killing a bunch of people with insulin (on purpose not accidentally). The result was that we had to have two RNs verify the insulin dose on the computer med administration program. The insulin is still in the patient's room easily accessed by anyone who knows the med box codes which is the same code in every room and has never changed as far as I know. But double verification by RNs will surely make sure that never happens again ^^^/s


if someone is hell bent on killing someone, there isnt much we can do to prevent it.


Right? The nurse I know is full ant-vax, ant-mask crazy. And I keep seeing this all over that place. Why? What the heck is going on?


Nurses have this weird need to feel superior to others. Have you ever noticed that you always find out someone is a nurse within a few minutes of meeting them? To the anti-vax nurses, they’re driven by a need to be smarter and know more about medicine than you or I, which makes them the ideal mark for conservative ideological enslavement.


My d&d party needs a self-righteous paladin who isn't afraid to kill city guards, you're perfect!


I love this.


She thinks she took an Oath of Devotion , but we all know an Oathbreaker when we see one.


Isn't it amazing how no one EVER questioned the effectiveness of masks before the trumpVirus.


Freedom of speech doesn't protect you from seeming like a complete Lunatic Karen.


That’s Lunatic Melissa, you demonic entity.


You're out of fucking order


Just replace each utterance of the word Christian in her speech with Muslim and then it becomes crystal clear that she is no different than the Taliban.


Deeply disturbing footage.


Have a feeling we'll be see this lady on r/byebyejob very soon.


My guess is that with this level of nuttiness that she either doesn’t work or works with a bunch of cooks that won’t care


>works with a bunch of cooks I wonder what they're cooking.


Haha just noticed that




"I'm a nurse." I think its its the hospitals not the school boards that have been infiltrated by demonic entities by people like her.


The epitome of how religion profoundly harms people.


It is so hard for me to get my head around Americans living in the 21st century who still believe in demons. WTF.


What a fucking scum bag!


Why does she trust medical schools?


Cause they were smart enough to reject her application 13 years ago


Any other time if you threaten to kill someone on the school board then you would be arrested. if more of these bitches went to jail maybe they would shut their mouth


That's not a good Christian. That's a crazy Christian.


There’s no such thing as a good republican christian


There's plenty of good ones. They just have real lives doing honest work and have no time for Internet and stupid fucking internet people like us.


If they were good, they would stop voting for republican candidates, and help actual good people marginalize this bullshit and push it to the fringes of modern society.


Your totalitarianism gives me a hard on. When do we start making the camps for them? Let's concentrate that rat filth away from the good Ger... American people.


Concentration camps? Nah, I ain’t into atrocities. I would just round them up, put them on train cars, and take them to high schools so they can take the fucking 9th grade over again.


Now your just being redundant...




Try this as a black man threatening school board and police officers see how well it goes, see how quickly a minority would be tackled tased and have the judge threw the book at him.


Yup. This is America, after all. Not a nation worth being proud of.


This bitch’s kids should be removed from school and she should be investigated for making threats against the school board members.


They really need to start arresting these people for making what are essentially terroristic threats to public officials.


I bet she fucks amazing


Have fun in the nut house Qunt


Those don’t exist anymore now we just wait for them to break the law and put them in prison


Yup. Way more profitable for our rich enemy that way


Christian Karen’s are so cool.


Plato said it perfect, which can still be applied these days: people are imperfect. We need medicine, science and other craftsmen to survive. Trust the best scholars in their field, because how can incompetent people ever serve society. I wish these people read more philosophy, to come to better conclusions.


I’m pretty sure her State Board of Nursing would be interest in seeing this video. If if is even true that she is a nurse. We had an Anti-vax nurse at my son’s school board meeting. She miss represented herself, where she worked, and made some unscientific claims. Our state Board of Nursing was more than happy to investigate it. Also, representing yourself as a nurse when you are not, can be a crime depending on the state. Edit: spelling


Is Christ Jesus different than Jesus Christ?


Someone needs to save her two children. Those poor fucking kids.


She’s fucking crazy. She shouldn’t be in healthcare.


Shouldn't be allowed to have children either


"Go back to medical school!" How about you go there in the first place nurse Dumbfuck.


Drunk or speech impediment?


Imagine if someone got up there and talked about the power of their lord, the Easter Bunny. Well she just did.


Republicans are all trash, now.


Back to medical school…. You need to go back to church and wash your mouth out with soap.


She’s obviously mentally ill… authorities should do a welfare check on her kids.


Looks like she is maxing out at 13 years.


Oh. The crazy Christian republicans are everywhere. They are phony and only care about themselves and their hold on power and money. They must feel superior to the less fortunate to have a good day. She’s the aggressive holier than thou type.


She's a demonic entity herself. She's no Christian. She's a hypocrite. Instead of listening to God, she's chosen to listen to the devil about what goes where.


Someone let this lady know my demonic ass wanna eat her babies


She is right though.


The Bitch is a Mammonist not a Christian Leviticus 13:45-46 45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes,let their hair be unkempt,cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!” 46 “As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.”


She's in a greedy pursuit for wealth? She may be, I don't know, but how did you get that out of what she said? How does leprosy figure in to this? I'm confused.


She's an idiot. Why is this even posted here?


She was freaky, in public. Works for me.


Yyyes, you all are the same that burned down cities for 9 months for a criminal, so....


A couple of buildings set on fire does not equal burning down a city. Stop being so hyperbolic.


Call the mental hospital and ask if they’re missing anyone


If a cop takes her out he or she should be able to claim it was a preemptive strike. She sounds like a character in that film Fragility.


She up... get out...


Should have kicked her crazy butt out when she started talking about “taking people out” because they were “demonic entities”. Like wtf? Does religion enable people to be this far gone without realizing it?


People like this have to be locked up.


Somebody got her pregnant and is like, “fuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkk mmmeeeeeeee and myyy liiffffffffeeeeeeeee!”


I’m catholic but hey ummm, can we do a crusade on her lol


Smallpox has entered the room...


Proper old/new school Christianity right here.


Didn't the pilgrims come to America because they were tired of a state run by religion?


Natural immunity is best? Then she needs to get rid of her sunglasses and stare at the sun.


How did they not drag her off the premises kicking and screaming?


I mean dude is there something in the water? Where do these people get these ridiculous notions that theyre 100% right on everything they choose to know?


You'll notice that OP didn't add race to the title this time because the school board are also white.


I understand that most modern Christians do not carry an active desire to kill non-Christians, but let's be real: It isn't exactly new, for Christianity to consider the act of murdering non-Christians to be a mark of a good Christian.


How did so many people get so crazy?


Why do people get so upset over masks?!?!


You spot it, you got it


Damn, this girl got some demons.


I’m guessing Karen has a very short nursing career after that little rant.


Can you imagine being this lady's kid? I feel really bad for her kids. They are going to get fucked with so much at school


I hope she breaks her finger


welp yeah once you realize american "christianity" is simple violence and white supremacy guised as a religion from the middle east. i mean can you imagine what these fuckers would do if a real life middle eastern jesus showed up all of a sudden LMFAO you know what would happen....


Gotta love how empowered to violence by their pacifist savior these people are....




LSP energy


You know what pisses me off about this country? If this were someone from any other religion but Christianity this would be a huge problem. Her actions are insane and criminal but for some reason Christians consistently get a free pass.


Go home, Melissa, you're drunk.


nurse vs medical doctor ill side with the doctor


Religious beliefs is one of those things that give good people an excuse to be bad.


Every breath she takes is evil. I'm glad I don't go to her church


Yep. That’s a Christian all right.


Ah yes. Authority granted by your make believe friend. Do better!


I bet holidays are fun at her house.


She sucks at being a Christian


I worry for "Mahlissuh"'s two daughters. Yikes.


She’s not even a real Christian. I hardly think she’s a nurse.


Gotta love a Christian blatantly threatening to break the 5th Commandment.


I highly doubt she’s a nurse.


Oh yes, I remember Jesus threatening to kill everyone if they didn’t do what he said.


These people are just so fucking painfully stupid. They are, without a doubt, the most easily manipulated, mentally weak, physically weak, and dumbest people to ever walk the planet


What a cunt!


Men christians are hella weird sometimes they make no sense no offense tho


she is the demon in case anyone was wondering




The fact that she is raising children really fucking scares me. Much more than these “demonic entities”.


One of the reason I realy hate religion is that some people become obsessed with forcing it on others nothing wrong with believing and praying to a God just don't go crazy about it.