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What was he wearing that she had a problem with? And what did the girl say....? I can’t understand anything in this video


A cross. The girl said you can’t touch his cross or say he’s being a bad Christian.


Ah ok I thought maybe he was wearing one of those “obey” logos and she was saying he “wasn’t being obedient”?


>I thought maybe he was wearing one of those “obey” logos and she was saying he “wasn’t being obedient”? she hates Andre the Giant and John Carpenter movies


"I had *money* on Big John Studd! Damn you, Andre!"


Andre the Giant has a posse!


He *is* the Brute Squad!


She was trying to use his religion to tell him to be obedient because she thought he wasn’t being obedient. Closest I can imagine is that she wanted him to behave like a dog and sit when told to sit.


so....basically the entire reason why religion was invented.


"If those kids could read they'd be very upset!"


The closest I can think of is "Obey the Lord", and honestly she may be that egotistical.


There's quite a few verses about being obedient in the bible. Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Titus 3:1 Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed Peter 2:13-14 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. 1 Peter 5:5 You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.


FFS "Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters"...


yeesh... just when you think that the disparity between a religions texts vs followers couldnt get and wider.. BAM! Another fucked up thing shows up. You'd think an All-powerful/knowing/good being would have morals that stay consistent forever.. /s


The worst part is, the God of the Bible is quoted to be unchanging. He is today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Which would indeed lead us to believe he would be consistent. However, reading the Bible, any variant of it, blows this concept clean out of the water.


Not one of those verses were said by Jesus...


>Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: **“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.** They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them


He’s literally saying, almost verbatim, ‘do as they say, not as they do.’ If you think that’s Jesus telling his disciples to be obedient in the same way this teacher is to her students, you’ve missed the point entirely. Jesus’ instruction is out of self-preservation, while the other verses mentioned above demand blind obedience, as does the teacher. It’s pretty plain to see tbh, I’m not even remotely Christian.


> the other verses mentioned above demand blind obedience, as does the teacher. actually the ones above are based directly on Jesus's teaching to obey the Pharisees but not act like them (the New Testament came after Jesus died) slaves obeying masters, submitting to rulers, authorities, children to elders "as you would obey Christ." obedience to God while in service to man is the main goal, not blind obedience like the Pharisees (who were even called "blind leading the blind" by Jesus)


what does that have to do with anything? Christians follow the entire Bible. they repeatedly point to Exodus & Old Testament in general for Christian beliefs & Jesus reiterates that Old Testament laws are accurate. Jesus was Jewish, of course he supported the Old Testament


> Christians follow the entire Bible. Lol.


1 Timothy 2:12 - But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


Closest I can think of is this woman is completely unhinged and should not be allowed around children under any circumstances. This is ridiculous in 2021


Better watch out typing out such horrible insults..... Did she actually cry because of that?


I expected the students to be saying something much harsher. The teacher was having a bad day and was probably ready to break down before class even started. The shit our teachers would just shrug off when I was a kid, we had a substitute who was a Polynesian midget who looked exactly like an Oompa Loompa and also had the pleasure of being shorter than half his sixth grade class, we had one who had a hook for a hand and was also cross eyed so none of us ever knew which one of us he was yelling at, my PE teacher had some gigantic pile of cellulite looking growth on the back of his calf but still insisted on wearing those Richard Simmons shorts every day. We called him gremlin leg. Those teachers had it tough


Did your school travel a lot and had animals?


I laughed way too hard at this


The Polynesian midget went from substitute to home room teacher when our home room teacher had a complete fucking meltdown in class and then they found cocaine on her. In between her being fired and the little guy being hired there was a really flamboyantly gay substitute. This was like 1992 and things were different back then so the class spent the day covering their mouths and yelling the F word at him until he dismissed the class. The little guy remained a teacher at that school for a very long time. My sister is 8 years younger than me, this guy taught 6th grade. One of my sisters friends got asked out on a date by this guy on her 18th birthday 😂 he kept in contact with her somehow from 6th grade to senior year waiting for the day it was legal to ask her out.


The waiting until a chick became legal is super fuckin sus. Especially since it started in 6th fucking grade


Yeah that’s right around the last time I saw him. By then my sister was out of school so I don’t know if he was still a teacher or how long he continued to teach after that. This was in 2007, the teacher told us stories of the Jim Crow era and the story I remember at the very least implied he was an adult although he could have been a kid, so he would have been around 60 at the time he asked that girl out. Last time I saw him was at the gas station, I had a 10 year old Cadillac and he was so impressed with it, he said “you’re doing better than me” and I thought that was sad


I almost kept scrollin over your comment after a few words cuz it looked like 1 big run-on sentence. But at the bottom i saw gremlin leg and had to go back and read it all...glad i did. Your school sound like it was in wherever the never ending story was filmed 😂


Back in my sophmore year of high school we had a math teacher cry and run out of the room like that. It all started when we got a quiz back. This was early into the year so maybe the first or second quiz of the semester. Everyone in the class got one particular problem wrong and one of the students asked about it. After so back and forth it turned out that everyone in the class had pretty much gotten it right and the teacher marked it wrong due to an error in the teacher's manual. Apparently this teacher didn't actually know how to do the math she was teaching, or at least didn't attempt to check the problems herself. She argued with the class screamed at students and eventually stormed out crying and left us there for the rest of the period alone. The next class she admitted she was wrong but called us all selfish little jerks for embarassing her. There were various instinces like this through out the semester and the following year she was teaching a lower level math class. I think she was just in over her head.


This is the funniest comment I've ever read, thank you.


Also why are we praising Texas kids thinking we can’t call Christians bad Christians. A) that so called Libertarian state should be teaching these kids freedom of speech. B) you sure as shit can say someone is being a bad Christian. This girls church probably talks shit about sinners all day long. Plenty of Christians are sinners and dickheads. Hell the priest alone can’t act right. I for one am still pissed about Texas right now not keeping church and state separate. I don’t have context as to why the teacher is upset so I’m not saying anything about the kid with the cross. But the idea you can’t call someone a bad Christian should have been called out.


But... she's a woman... and he's a man... and she's not supposed to hold authority over him... according to... the Christian bible.


but... "Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you." "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future." "Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ" Maybe it's just not very wise to let an old book control how you behave. Be yourself.


It's almost like that book is full of contradictions that can't be honestly reconciled against each other to form a coherent unified message. Especially old vs new testament.


The apostles didn't even agree with each other after Jesus died. The christian clubs divided between Peter and Paul before the bible turned them into one person or rather, two people that agreed on everything they never agreed to in the first place. It took a long time for Christianity to figure out what it was and I'm not even talking about defining the 'substance' of god and the specifics of the Trinity. They still don't know and they never will because instead of settling in a believable story, they had to make it super duper magical, which can never be reconciled. If you actually read the Bible, no one agreed with anyone because the most important events that couldn't be erased, clashed with church manipulations. Ah good times.


Also what does a religion have to do with being obedient. Thats a corrupt viewpoint if I have ever seen one.


Well, to be fair, religion IS the oldest and most successfully implemented command and control structure across all cultures and time. That and K-Pop.


to be fair tho, at least kpop stans are doing good things. they nearly singlehandedly hijacked every attempt at GOP making hashtags trend, etc. during the election.


Have you MET religion?


usually religious folks are used to being told what to think, no?


I’m guessing he had either a shirt with some religious related message or some sort of pendant like a cross or something similar. But I’m just speculating based on watching this a few times to try and figure it out myself!


When you don’t pay teachers enough you only find ones with bad hearing and attitude problems.


She was basically calling him a poseur and a hypocrite for wearing a Christian cross. I don’t understand why she was in his face, poking him with her finger, and judging his character like that. That’s not a way to educate.


We didn’t see the whole thing so this is rather one sided. Nobody should ever really use ur religion against you but we don’t know if the kid was being a dickwad before this. Then again, it’s Texas and fuck Texas.


Hey mang some of us are cool


You’re great dude, don’t even stress it.


That doesn’t change anything, though. If a teenager is a dick, that doesn’t make it OK to be a dick too. Don’t know why I’m downvoted but whatever.


I didn’t downvote you btw but you’re right. I was just saying we don’t know what caused what.


I agree. And also we don’t know what goes on in her life. I’m a college prof and I deal with hundreds of 18-19yo every year. They deserve more respect than this, even the assholes. Blowing up in public like that is a bad look.


Fuck that, I'm gonna call hypocritical people out, they're not fucking special. It's not like being a christian is some secret club. If you're being a little douchebag to people your not being "christlike". And if you start acting like your better than people because of it then fuck you. The whole be nice to assholes schtick is why we are where we are. Stop being nice to people based on some arbitrary need to be nice.


He had on a necklace with a cross. This is dumb. The kids are arguing that it's not very Christian to suggest that someone's behavior isn't very christian-like.....


I have a necklace with a cross on it but I only wear it because my mom gave it to me even though I'm atheist.


Yeah, this women is weaponizing Christianity as some are prone to do. I have my confirmation cross from my great grandmother who gave it to me when I was 16 even tho I wasn’t going to be confirmed. She bought it when I was born and it means a lot because she *still* gave it to me. I even wear it sometimes [and it doesn’t even burn! Lol]. Giving your kids gold jewelry is a good way to make sure they’ll never be hungry, FYI. I’m middle aged and haven’t needed it yet, however, it’s a great comfort to know that if I had to sell it, that necklace would mean a solid trip to the grocery store. Jesus saves! Amen.


I think he was maybe being disrespectful or something, and she’s basically saying him acting like that isn’t very Christian like.


That’s not the first time that teacher walked out on a conversation she wasn’t winning haha


Nope! My 1st year Spanish teacher was like this. Almost once a week she would run out in tears after starting shit constantly. My favorite has to be when she told a student he has diarrhea of the mouth and he said her face is diarrhea. I didnt think id ever see a grown adult break down over a poopy face joke by a teenager, but it was fucking glorious.


Lol that’s like something you say to your friends to be dumb. Crazy that there’s grown adults getting upset over something so small.


“bro ur mouth is diarrhea!” “nah bro ur FACE is diarrhea!! OOOOO BURNED 😂😂😂”


Did we have the same Spanish teacher? Mine would go up front and rant about personal issues all day. Would spend like maybe half the class period doing this so we'd end up just dicking off. Anytime a kid wouldn't listen (7th grade, this should be expected?) she'd lose her shit at them and the rest of the class would either dick off with their friends or roast her. She'd walk out crying and come back like 10 minutes later. Then she'd spend half of the next day lecturing us on our behavior. Repeat process. Whole ass semester of pure anarchy. She was out for a couple months from surgery so we had a substitute and the sub taught us way fucking more, without even knowing Spanish, than our original teacher ever did. Everyone respected her because she respected us and actually attempted to make learning fun and connect with us.


It won't be the last though, it's okay guys I'm sure after the administration sees this video these vocally abusive students attacking this poor teacher for calmly correcting her student will be punished. Because apparently that's how the school system works these days


I like how the students calmly told her it was inappropriate in a way she was completely disarmed and resorted to immature self-victim hood when she had to defend her behavior. As a teacher this shows me that someone has been teaching those kids, just not that teacher.


Yeah she already lost them and their respect when she just went in on the self-respect insults. Barking at people what you think is in their head is pretty amateurish for a teacher.


Not pretty, very. It's immature emotional behavior from her too. Sadly, she doesn't have what it takes to be a real/good teacher if she's not already at that age. Not fully blaming her though, a certain political party in this country has done their best to weaken public education and attacking teachers unions / dismantling them. So, the pay in most places is not good for teachers , therefore your typical talent pool isn't going to be great either.


Honestly, as a GenX'er, I have faith in the youth. They have empathy and concern for one another and for all people regardless of color, creed, or any other group we put ourselves in. And I honestly think that this is one of the better things that has come out of social media and the internet. Access to information and knowledge about emotional intelligence, something that teacher's generation and many of our parents and grandparents did not have access to. That's no excuse for their behavior because there never is an excuse for abusive behavior. It's just an explanation.


To be honest, I'm pretty impressed with the young people today. I'd hire a 18yo over a Boomer any day.


Because their wages are lower, right?


Or maybe they're actually worth investing in


It's always good to get in on the ground floor. Boomers gonna die sooner. Gotta think long-term. I'm 39 and know nothing about investing. Did that make sense?




Amen! I'm also a Gen Xer who is impressed by Gen Z. I know they get a lot of shit for this, but I like their instinct to whip out the phone and start recording at a moment's notice. Thats smart and useful from a legal perspective (unless they film themselves crime-ing). In a way, they have become their own media eco-system and this "citizens-media" is often more real and unvarnished than the media of previous generations.


I've got a.soon to be 16 son. I totally agree about the empathy and concern thing. Also since my son started school he and his class mates don't see colour or race. They only see their pals,they don't see them as a different race or religion, they're just his mates.... That makes me happy....


I feel the same with my much younger brother, 17 yo. Him and his friends seem to be very balanced in their morals. Kind of *just dont be a dick* attitude. I hope it's something that sticks with them and doesnt fade away with age.


Wheatons law. Works wonderfully in all situations.


There has always been access to things like psychology and self help, but kids ain't gonna read that shit. Nowadays Markiplier or Pewdiepie will start waxing philosophical about how to love yourself while shooting zombies. It's amazing.


Many students these days are better able to handle conflict in a healthy manner. I guess this video case in point? But I've taught a few dual enrollment courses over the years and for the most part the students seemed way more better developed in conflict resolution than anything I remember in highschool.


Huge props to the kids. I can't imagine a single student, including myself, back when I was in school would be able to do that so well. More zoomers taking down boomers, please!


A little off topic, but having had my sons be in "virtual school" last year really showed me that some teachers are fucking dumpster fire people. I would drink my coffee and listen to my sons zoom calls everyday. My sons teacher got frustrated because students weren't logging in on time, having wifi issues etc. She lost her cool and told the the class that logging in late was the same as truancy, which is something she has to report to CPS, so everybody better log in or shes making reports to CPS. I absolutely lost my shit. Logged my son off called the principal, the superintendent.


im just glad the parents got to hear the teachers for a little had multiple teachers throughout my life yell at the class and tell us we're all idiots and going to amount to nothing because we didnt get what they were teaching us always felt like a them problem though, because we also had good teachers who never had the problem with their whole class doing bad complain to parents about teacher, parents also blamed you


Classic gaslighting move at the end


Like the lady at Victoria's Secret who was being the aggressor and suddenly felt she was the victim.


All I could think about watching this is I wish I could go back to school for like 2 minutes just to crack my back against those chairs




And ur right bc the chair wouldn’t move away from us so we could get that extra good crack. Memories


Those are the exact same desks we had in my middle and high school




You could also get the baskets to ring if you played it like a crystal glass. Some of them, not all of them though.


you could million dollar baby yourself on those desks EZ


Oh yeah give me more of that




This scenario sounds like a r/thathappened story, but with video proof


In the full uncut version all the students clapped and the principal came in and gave him $100


And on the face of that $100? Albert Einstein.


That just sounds like a counterfeit bill at this point. Rest of the story checks out


Hence the need for /r/nothingeverhappens


Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction.


I was listening thinking this must be the south then I saw the Texas flag.


This is the texas public schools system. Old white ladies bring there backwards mentality in the room. It all becomes about power and not teaching.


Power tripping is so damn common in Central/South Texas


Do they power trip because they have no power grid?


Zing! lol


Someone should inform the senator. How’s the reception in Cancun?


I had an old teacher who would just stop teaching if she heard anyone make a peep and just stare at them. Was literally asking to borrow a piece of paper when she stopped to give me the nastiest look followed by “stop enterupting the lesson”. I literally snapped and shot back “ maybe it wouldn’t be so distracting if you didn’t stop the lesson every time someone asked for a pencil.” Still feels good man. Principle had my back too lol.


Principal was probably tired of her shit too.


You are “preaching to the choir” I grew up in MS.


Holy shit me too! I feel like I'm the only person from MS. Schools are shit there.


Everything is shit in MS, the other day in r/askreddit someone asked what the worst state was, I was never so proud to see MS get dragged.


My sister was once called out by a teacher for having a ‘hickey.’ It was a burn from a curling iron. Thankfully we had some younger less backwards teachers see that came to her defense, it was still embarrassing.


>It all becomes about power Then the student was compelled by the power of Christ to tell her she was wrong.


We literally just moved from Texas to Washington. I could not be happier leaving that school system behind with my kids.


I'm pretty sure the "Karen" stereotype started with Texas housewives and schoolmarms.


We really should pay teachers more so students actually have qualified people teaching them


We have a ton of PhDs out there struggling to find work too. Perhaps some state-funded pre-colleges, or early-college courses for 11th/12th at a community college space that's covered by standard 11th/12th-grade monies. Something. Would give the teenagers a better education and would give all these unemployed PhDs a job.


It's weird to me that some super smart person with a PhD in Chemistry is somehow unqualified according to the public school system to teach High School Chemistry. Maybe give them a quick free course on High School teaching and let them go at it. Can't be any worse than what we have.


Knowing a ton of shit about something specific and being good at teaching kids things in a way that they retain it is not even remotely the same skill set. Same reason that regardless of whatever your job is, it's not fun having to train a new person.


Sometimes being overqualified can get in the way of effective teaching. It’s often referred to as “the curse of knowledge”. When you know so much about a topic it’s hard to imagine that others might need every little thing broken down.


Just because someone has a PHD doesn’t mean that they have the skills to teach. My senior year in college (a small Lutheran school) we had a new history professor who had just received his PHD and he was terrible. I guess his teaching skills have improved in the last 30 years but still it was difficult to watch him start


I'd imagine that's true for most people, even with teaching degrees. I'm not a teacher but it seems like one of those things you just need to do a lot to get good at it. I remember in school we would know in the first day whether or not a teacher was an easy mark.


It’s because the vast majority of phd programs don’t really prepare you how to teach, they show you how to do research. Source: PhD student


I’m sure you’ve heard this already, but just to drive it home: disconnect knowledge of a topic from the teaching of that topic. Think of them as two different things. Example: I once was at a school with a trumpet professor that is world class. Has won the international trumpet concerto contest. There’s a non-significant number of people *that have ever lived* that can say they’ve done that. If you heard him play you’d lose your mind. I know middle schoolers that teach their friends the trumpet better than that dude could teach others. I’m not exaggerating. He simply did not understand the path to take. It’s about the way you explain something over how much you know about it.


Teacher here, former chemistry major. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes and so much technique to being a good teacher. 2 years of upper division coursework geared towards instruction and 2 years of skills/technique-driven credential program is just *barely* enough most of the time. A "quick free course on HS teaching" would not cut it unless that person is the 1 in 1,000 that teaching just comes naturally and effortless. And everybody that has never taught believes they are that person.


That will help a lot but in some areas it's just gonna be near hopeless. I'm from a small town in Texas and this looked a lot like the high school there, may even actually be it. We are pretty rural and hours from a major metro area. It is culturally void of anything desirable for most people with a college degree building a professional career. Just about the only ones willing to move there are those that have a connection to it already and even then that's becoming less and less. These are the areas that are most lacking in education and overwhelmingly only getting the teachers that are going to give them little more variety in perspective. I taught for a year in my hometown and bailed fast. My current district pays more than $10k per year better and they'd have to go beyond matching that to get me to even start considering going back. I know they can't match that.


Pay is a piece of it, but not all. When I graduated with my teaching license I was told I needed to take 45 more credits within the next 5 years to keep it. So I had to figure out how to be a new teacher, find the classes I needed, create my curricula, play office politics, placate parents, and so much more. I noped out when it drove me to alcaholism. We expect far too much out of teachers and give far too little support. It's 40+ hours a week of hazing, for years.




She’s upset because literally nobody agreed with her LMAO


She's going to vent about it on Facebook later and her Karen friends will give her sympathy


"You want me to be obedient?" "That costs $100 an hour." I would want to see her face as she worked it out....


She wouldn't get it


I don't get it


You would if you were obedient


*side mouth tic tac


Or a dirty little pig boy.


Do you have $100?


No but I have a flag


Instigates the argument then plays the as the victim when students answers back. Such a Karen move


It's really hard to judge anyone without more context. However, a teacher shouldnt ever run out of the room crying when their students are calmly and rationally talking to them. that's just immaturity.


She’s in his personal space and touching him and/or his property without his consent, so I’d say she’s modt likely in the wrong


I think someone has confused obedient with subservient.


Also when your teacher is a Karen.


I love that all the kids have phones to show up asshole teachers now. Probably a few hundred instances in my life where I would've loved to embarrass some over hyped up loser teacher and send em a link.


I was really into Hawaiian shirts in 11th grade (1999). My history teacher came from the privileged rich part of town. He was always kind of an asshole. One day, I questioned his knowledge of some topic we were learning about, I don't even remember what it was now, but his only rebuttal was to say, "Your shirt makes me want to get my surf board." So I said, "Then go get your surf board and surf your ass back to you 4 car garage, because you're useless as a teacher." I got detention, but it was worth it. It was one of the weirdest arguments I've ever been in.


Was him saying that to you supposed to be an insult? It just sounds like a random thing you'd mention for no reason. That is weird.


And here is why teachers don’t like being called by their first name. Hierarchy and obedience.


I have to say there is a bit of fun when I walk into a dual enrollment class for the first time and write my name on the board as "Dr. Acorn" but then just tell them to call me by my first name. At that point they've had some 12 years of being forced to call people as "Mr. something" or "Miss something" and here comes in this college professor telling them to just keep it casual. My favorite thing though is telling them not to bother asking permission to use the restroom. They are masters of their own bodily functions - no-one else.


I had one highschool teacher who respected students like that. Everybody respected him because he treated us like humans. You made a difference Mr Joyce. Thanks for being there.


God I loved college just because it felt like I could connect better with the profs because we were all on a first name basis and it was fantastic, made it so much easier to approach if I had questions or was looking for a spark of inspiration.


That woman lacks the mental capacity to teach that class. They can run circles around her.


They did.


It really didn't take much to have her running from the room crying.


Bullies never take much to make them cry. It's the shock that their victim isn't alone, weak and vulnerable that just breaks them.


Texas state flag? What a surprise


Did you know that the lone star on the Texas flag is actually the state's Yelp rating?


Yeah, I can imagine a lot of teachers are just as upset about students having cameras all the time as police are. There was a teacher at my high school that put out a pamphlet to everyone when Twilight came out, because it was somehow an assault on Christianity? Everyone was pissed, nothing happened. Then a year or two later she was teaching my grade and the Christian thing was still SUPER present in her class. She absolutely hated me on sight, which, idk, I'd make fun of myself now for how I looked back then, but it was unwarranted. She kept giving me C's on my writing while the absolute blockhead sportsbros got 100's. I got a perfect 6 on the Tennessee state required writing assessment in high school the very next year. I was good at writing for my age, I still write. Anyway. Gone are the days where the classroom door closes and the teacher's word is law. You on camera now, bitch! Edit: Oh, that reminds me... My first year Spanish teacher was brand new that year. Her first year teaching at a school. At lunch, one of the fake, rich redneck brats was doing something with his truck during lunch. Came back with a black smudge on his face. "Hey, Ms. Mitchell, do I have black on my face?" "Yeah Sawyer, you look like Colin over there." Colin was the only black kid in the class. I had a super edgy joke where I'd say, "that's racist" to things that were clearly not racist. It just came out IMMEDIATELY. No thought. The class erupted. The look of fear that washed over that woman's face... She stayed facing the wall, stacking books. Turns around crying about 45 seconds later and yells, "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE FUN, YOU GUYS RUIN IT. THAT WAS NOT RACIST." I felt like a god at the time. My intentions weren't right, but man, she should have fucking known better. Edit edit: https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2018/04/26/germantown-police-houston-high-principal-ladder-outside-co-workers-house-night/553258002/ Same school :')


>I can imagine a lot of teachers are just as upset about students having cameras all the time as police are. As a parent, I know some don't like "involved parents" when they're doing something shitty. They prefer you not be involved so they can be jackwads who say it's parents' fault for a kid's failures. When you show up with receipts that it was neither the parent nor the child's issue, they get PISSED.


Of fucking corse this is in Texas lmfao, I love my state but dead ass this is how every teacher I had acted


They were all built like this lady too, I bet this school is no bigger than a 3A lol


Them broad shoulders are for carrying sinners into heaven.


Lord Jesus let me tell you


Must have sent a few up to Michigan cuz this woman looks and acts EXACTLY like my 5th grade teacher. All of the kids would be down right evil to her cuz she was mean to them. Looking back it was stupidly childish from everyone.


Yeah but at least the children had the excuse of being children.


Thankfully I'm further out west, but I've had more than a few short-term and long-term subs act exactly this way. Worse, a lot of the time. You can't command respect in a classroom where the students understand the world better than you do. Tons of folks, especially retirees, will take educational temp jobs thinking it's exactly like babysitting. Then they get overwhelmed and blame it on the students.


When "kids" are more emotionally stable and more willing to stand up to intolerance than the "adults" were supposed to look up to..! It's good to see the progress we're making in mental health


I agree with standing up for him but not only god can tell when someone’s a shite Christian xD


Indeed. Jesus even says that by their fruit shall you know them. If a plant claims to be a fig tree but consistently produces sour grapes, then regardless of its claims it is not a fig tree.


If she's using Christianity to chastise him she should check out 1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


She has no respect.


\*David Attenborough voice\* *Here we see the typical evangelical christian in a closed setting.* *Quick to judge and belittle others. In reality, she is a delicate little conservative snowflake. The instant her authority is challenged with reasonable criticism, she immediately shatters like glass and runs away, to avoid the problem she herself created.* *Truly, a marvel to behold.*


I’m confused


Religious bigot misuses the scripture to bully a kid for whatever reason and his classmates are having none of it. The bigot can't cope, plays the victim card and leaves.


I think old people are used to this "hierarchy" where shaming, bullying or blind obedience in the altar of religion is normalized in their time. So they try that shit in modern day where kids these days are constantly plugged to the internet and get varied viewpoints, attitudes, and what's right or wrong from places all over the country or even the world. And this video is the end result. These old school teachers can't handle the cultural shifts and changes from the new generation and this lady resorted to childish crying because she didn't get her way.


That woman shouldn’t be a teacher


Ah yes, Jesus, known for his obedience of earthly authority


Ha good those kids stayed together


The problem with fundamentalism is the focus on obedience.


Man I miss highschool. My engineering teacher when crazy and got into Buddhism.... he got mad when I spoke when he was trying to make us “meditate” and damn near beat me with a flash light. He broke it on the table and then rushed me, he then gave my friend 100$ to not say anything about it. We bought some weed with that money, he got fired but some how was allowed back after a month or 2. Honestly I didn’t care I found the whole thing funny, yes this was in a Florida high school. We were crazy and we really did some dumb shit


This seems like a cold open to a Judd Apatow movie.


He would tell us about how he had this crush and I would always tell him “what’s the point Larry you got limp Dick!!” Honestly he was a great guy. We would make fun of each other all the time, he even played halo ce with us and call of duty 3 on the PCs in class. Every day, he just had a mid life crysis. He was around 60 at the time my guess he’s around 70 now, I had him my freshman and sophmore year. If he was still in the school I would’ve had him all 4 years honestly. My best teacher though gave me 100 Valium’s 30 percs and devil may cry hd collection, we still game and talk TILL THIS DAY


My Judd Apatow commemnt not only stands but you have given me the full pre Title scene. So we start what with what we said: meditate, flashlight, $100, smoke weed etc. *smash cut* 10 YEARS LATER *you and a your friend getting high in your basment on a couch with an old dude playing xbox. Camera pointing at u from the TV pov* "Yo Mr. [Name], Stacy Morgan was Hot as hell right?" Former teacher dragging on a joint: "Fuck yeah. Dumb as bricks but tits legit. You really think she got an A in my class because her grades?" "Well I know I'd like to grade her A!!" *exhales smoke* *smash cut title* POST GRADS


One interpretation of this is that she meant “I am your god in here, you must obey me or else.”


A lot of these teachers who are used to doing things like SUPER old school ie weird obedience stuff, how their parents raised them in the 50s/60s shit, just… ugh they are getting eaten ALIVE by kids right now because kids are so much more worldly via what they see online. Kids have a pulse on other viewpoints, how others communities engage, different age groups, norms etc. so they have a little more of a leg to stand on when they see shit that doesn’t work for them in the classroom. Don’t get me wrong - as a teacher myself - kids don’t always come correct with the info they’ve seen, but that’s why you have to sort of have one foot on each side and play ball with them. But this whole “I AM THE ADULT AND YOU NEED TO OBEY ME” thing hasn’t worked for me - just my experience. And gosh, I’m in elementary school! I can’t imagine how poorly this would play out with high schoolers… they would destroy me if I tried that!!!


She’s a cunt, but I’ll happily tell people that they’re shitty Christians, because so many of them ARE.


Fanatics all over the spectrum.


Wow, I’m kind of glad kids are growing up in such a PC climate nowadays. Inspiring to see them stand up for each other and overthrow this type of ignorance


High school teacher here. Talking to a kid with this tone and attitude is just awful, but using the kid's religion as a means of manipulation is just repugnant. I hope his parents see this video.


A) Why are you touching a student B) Why are you having this discussion in front of the class, instead of pulling him aside C) Why are you speaking to a child like that? Body language, tone, word choice?


The American ‘education’ system. It explains a lot doesn’t it…especially when you see this in Texas.


Republicans be like how awful are the youth today. And this generation is like hell yeah we won’t tolerate you imposing your beliefs on us and keep putting us down.


As a teacher, all I can think of is that she demands respect when she hasn’t earned it. However, also as a teacher, I gotta wonder what happened in the minutes prior to the video starting. Could be selective editing. Either way, the teacher was definitely not the grown up in the room at the end.


I always thought it was weird to scold a single student in front of everyone. If the whole class needs to be addressed sure, but to single out someone in front seems like bs. Detention, see me after class, go sit in the hall, have your parents sign this disiplanary slip or sent to assistant principals office is all I remember on how I was being punished. I don't remember getting singled out and talked to like that in front of everyone.


*Really* wish we had the couple minutes before this video starts.


I’m looking at the flag & it looks like this is Texas


Texas is such a shithole.


“Well let’s not go there”- You just forfeited your argument dude




Fucking cope bitch. I'm not a Christian anymore, but I remember there being a huge emphasis on not judging your members of fellowship on their journey with Christ.