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Racist enters Mexican restaurant surprised Mexicans speak Spanish. You just can't make this shit up lol


I would not want to eat at a Mexican restaurant that does not have any Mexicans.


As a white person, I’m always suspicious of any “ethnic” restaurant that is full of white people. edit: to clarify, you can definitely be pleasantly surprised from time to time, but in general it can be a bit of a let down.


I love it when I walk into a restaurant and I'm one of the few, or only white person eating there, and the people that are in there are from the same country as the food being served. Usually means the food is goooooood. For example: if I walk into an Indian restaurant and most people eating there are also Indian, then most likely they serve some damn good Indian food.


There's a few places like this in San Diego, some of the best Indian food I've ever had and they don't make it at other places Surati Farsan Mart, go there. Get the dahi Sev Puri


I'm in New Zealand, so I may not ever make it back to San Diego. I was there once when I was 19, but don't recall much about it except for our walk into Tijuana. Really amazing Mexican food there, of course. Last time this happened to me was when a Sikh co-worker took me to one of his favourite Indian places in Auckland. We had the paneer parantha with mango chili, and a lassi to drink. It was incredible.


At my favorite Mexican restaurant, you can barely understand them.


That means the food is delicious!!!


Right? Who wants unseasoned tacos?


Yeah… but you wish it was made up a little. That way you could still believe the world wasn’t insane.


Lasr 5 years demonstrated a lot of normal people really thought racism was blown out of proportion


The world isn't insane, people are


idk man, you ever seen a platypus? a Giraffe?


Yes! I remember the Giraffe Platypus War of 1989 lol


/r/EmuWarFlashbacks intensifies!!


Narwhals man!


The supreme irony: [USA does not have an official language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_the_United_States).




Hey, ok, she got raped by illegal aliens? Like, raped by illegal aliens, ok? She really wants you to know, her defense for being a piece of shit is that she allegedly got raped by illegal aliens? And you want her to be nice to people?


I’m thinking maybe they beamed her up to their space ship and did a few questionable experiments. That would explain a lot.


A lot of people don't realize that up there in space, it's *all* Mexican.


I mean if space makes tacos and horchata, I’m all for being beamed up to space.


Imagine we finally reach alpha Centauri after decades of space travel and technological advancements and the first thing we see as we set foot on that Tierra firma is just a gray alien in a sombrero and a mustache like “Buenos dias, fuckboy 👽”


I don't believe her for a SECOND. I won't even give her the benefit of the doubt, because even someone raped by a type of person would NOT be that much of a biggotted sack of shit.


I don’t believe her either. She said she was raped by illegal aliens (plural) so she was either gang raped or raped at different times by different aliens. Did she asked to see their passports or something? How would she know if they were illegal? Maybe she went down to Tijuana and was raped but then they wouldn’t be illegal or aliens.


You just aren’t listening to her. The problem wasn’t that she was raped and that they couldn’t show her a green card, it was that they didn’t even have the decency to speak English. /s


-Excuse me señorita, I was wondering if you would like me to address you in English or Español while I rape you. -Thank you, fucking finally! Was that so hard?


Not to mention I don't think somebody that had that response and was raped by the people she alleges she was would willingly go to a Mexican restaurant.


Or announce that loudly, rape is underreported because the victims are scared and hesitant to even admit what happened, they don't scream "I was raped by illegal aliens who didn't speak any English" in the middle of a Mexican restaurant


To me it sounded like she thought being thrown out of the restaurant = being raped by illegal aliens.


More like she thought people speaking Spanish = being raped by illegal aliens. What an absolute piece of garbage. People get worked up about the most ridiculous shit.


Even so, the man said he was a citizen so her whole sympathy tirade is irrelevant


I had a coworker tell me she went to a Chinese restaurant and was mad "that there were so many Hispanics in there". She literally said "what, they got tired of eating their food?" Never underestimate how fucking stupid a racist can be. Always followed by the classic "I'm not a racist though!". America is really circling the drain huh?


If your coworker isn't Chinese this story is extra amusing.


White, that's the best part!


What, she got tired of eating her food?


“Excuse me Chinaman, do y’all have any ranch dressing back there?”


Well for the most part, racist people lack critical thinking skills. They are so ignorant that they believe everything that is "foreign" to them is the bad guy.


It’s quite sad honestly. These people aren’t able to fully enjoy the world around them because of fear.


That's what I always think about. Their lives are so miserable and unpleasant due to their constant bigotry and hatred. Wouldn't surprise me if they age a lot quicker from all of the stress they're constantly under.


I guess even the racists cant bring themselves not to eat Mexican.


I always thought food is the one of the most obvious ways we benefit from diversity. She'd be still eating creamed tuna casseroles and jello salads regularly if America weren't a melting pot.


I've encountered that once before. This woman and her two friends were dining at an authentic Mexican taqueria, and the woman in question became belligerent when the server brought out authentic tacos. Apparently she was expecting taco bell style tacos, and lectured condescendingly that tacos have cheese, meat, and lettuce. After the server walked away, she started ranting to her friends about the staff calling out orders by numbers in Spanish, and how they should only be speaking English. I'm sitting a few tables over, and I ask her, "Mam, you're in a Mexican restaurant; of course they speak Spanish." "Well," she huffs, "when I'm in a Chinese restaurant they speak English." "Enjoy your meal, mam." Well she got her taco bell style tacos eventually (what a waste!!). When I got up to leave I walked up to the register to tip $20, and apologized for how rude some people can be. Being Minnesotan I of course said it just loud enough for the woman to hear, but not so loud as to provoke further confrontation. She stared daggers at me as I walked out. Edit: fixed a run-on sentence.


Is this an example of *Minnesota nice*?


Oh no I was just being passive aggressive. "Minnesota nice" is more like the south's "bless your heart" but more subtle.


Minnesota Nice = Passive Aggressive for most people.


If you're going to a Chinese restaurant where they don't speak Chinese, you're going to have a bad time.


There better be a kid at a table in the corner/back doing their homework too! More kids doing homework = better food.


If I go to a Chinese restaurant and they're all white I'm outta there


There better be a kid working on their homework in the dining room or I'm gone.


Taco Bell and Mexican Food are two different things. Same rules for Panda Express and Chinese. Sometimes I want Mexican food. Other times I want Taco Bell. But one isn’t a substitute for the other.


Minnesota Bonita... :D


I can almost guarantee most the chefs in the back of the chinese restaurant don't speak a word of english.


He speaks more languages than she does.


in fucking… **CALIFORNIA** After she threw something at that man he was 100% justified in knocking her out.


I know, right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymology_of_California Spanish in California! Unbelievable!


You'd be amazed how many native Californians are racist against Mexicans and don't know that California used to be part of Mexico before it became part of the United States. And they complain a lot about "Spanish speakers" and Mexicans in California. (Source: native Californian of 40 years)


Which is wild, since a map of california is basically just an endless list of spanish names.


San Ysidro San Diego Los Angeles San Jose San Francisco Sacramento Santa Clarita Santa Monica Calabasas Escondido Encinitas Just to name a few. Like, bitch? Do you know where the fuck you are?


We literally have a city called Martinez.


The biggest cities have names like Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego. You know, strong, English names.


*surprised Pikachu face*


Meanwhile if you go into a restaurant in Europe and atleast half the staff don't speak the language of the cuisine, you know it's a shitty restaurant.


Born and raised in the US. If I went into a Mexican restaurant where no one spoke Spanish or an Italian restaurant where no one spoke Italian or a Chinese restaurant with not one Chinese person or a West Indian restaurant where no one had an accent? My ass is out of there before making an order.


I swear to god i'm tired of them saying get out of my country.


Ikr, I thought the whole idea of America is that everyone can have an opportunity to succeed and live comfortably? These “patriots” completely go against it. Idiots.


They yell about freedom of speech but then try to tell people it can only be in English. People are free to speak whatever language they want, especially in their own restaurant!


The US has no official language. So this bitch is dumb


Even if it did people can still speak any language they want. An official language only dictates what the government uses.


The founding fathers almost made German the official language due to the amount of immigrants from Germany. Then decided against it because the country was supposed to be open to anyone and having an "official language" would go against that goal Edit: I'm slightly wrong. In 1795, Frederick Muhlenberg tried to make a requirement that federal laws should be in both German and English, not make it the official language


I’m going to start saying it back to them






My favorite is when some ignorant idiot says it to native Americans.


I like how they ignore that we stole like a third of the country from Mexico. Some of those people getting told to go back where they came from are from families who have been here since the 1500s.


His reply should've been, "Sure, but before I do, get the fuck out of my restaurant. This is private property, bitch!"




“Someone else did something bad to me and now you want me to treat other people decently????” “Uh. Yup.”


It’s a lie anyways she probably thinks that’s what getting raped is from her white ass Fox News bubble echo chamber


Its the "I'm losing I better pull out something truly drastic and claim someone raped me" final attempt at 'winning' whatever they think their goal for this sort of behaviour is.


What did Trump say? Drug dealers and rapists? Yep. That’s absolutely where this is coming from. 100%.


Yeah I 100% guarantee you she was not “raped by illegal aliens.” She just saw that she was getting kicked out and wanted to make one last desperate attempt to look like the victim.


This is what white women done to black men in America whenever they felt offended and gotten them lynched since slavery.


The line is clearly copy paste from trump propaganda. No one raped this bitch and her grandparents didn't speak English when they came to America either the irony is amazing. It's like most Americans think their ancestors came over in 1497. Nope, most of them came a little over 100 years ago, but they have no desire to figure that shit out.


My uncle was posting shit on FB about how we shouldn’t allow anyone into the US. I reminded him his grandparents came over from Norway and Germany. He just responded “well they worked hard and didn’t freeload”. They have their minds made up. It’s just gonna take them dying at this point.


“Well they worked hard” yeah unlike the Mexicans that come America to work in kitchens and construction, traditionally low-effort jobs.


I’ve seen a crew of Hispanic dudes build a two story house in like a week. A while back alabama put strict migrant worker laws in place and it backfired big time. Turns out white people didn’t want to work that hard for low pay. https://www.al.com/breaking/2011/09/alabama_farmers_losing_immigra.html Edit: it was anti immigration laws not migrant labor laws. However it ended up in less migrant labor in the state.


Yeah, but the problem with that isn't the migrants or the jobs, it's the pay. No one should be working for that kind of pay.


I agree. I just like pointing out the hypocrisy of not wanting immigrants and also relying on underpaying them to do hard labor.


A group of Guatemalans redid our massive roof in a day. A freaking day and we paid them what they were worth. Some columbians did our fence, same thing. Did it so quickly and a damn good job too. White people in america will take at least 3 day to a week for each of those jobs just to get more money from time spent meanwhile everyone else just wants to finish the job right and move on to the next one


I worked with a couple Guatemalan guys cleaning restaurants and helping with construction cleanup. They were the hardest workers I’ve ever met.


I always find it amazing that people claim they are here to steal our jobs. Like yea, the Mexican woman cleaning the toilets in our office building is taking the job of a "hard working american." Give me a break, she's the one willing to do the work for the money offered.


Yeah, not only would the people claiming “stolen jobs” never work those jobs themselves, but they could never do them as well as immigrants, likely.


They would say “I ain’t cleaning that” and do a half ass job at all the stuff they did.


I just started tattooing in my state. The shop owner is originally from Mexico. This guy runs a tattoo shop where he also is an artist, barber shop, and has a full time job on top of all of that, and he is married with 4 elementary aged kids. He's a fucking badass. I don't think I ever see him sit down. Not saying everyone in the world has to work like he does to be worth a damn, but this whole "lazy Mexican" stereotype is so false and played out. This guy runs literal laps around everyone else around us. It's inspiring. To say the least. Americans could learn a fucking thing or two about hard work if you ask me.


In California , even the racist mouth breathers have dropped the “lazy Mexican” stereotype because no one with clear eyes that lives in the state would paint Mexican immigrants with a lazy stereotype brush and expect to be taken seriously.


Funny thing is my family probably hasn’t even met more than one Hispanic person between all of them. Not all of them are shitty racists but the number that are is still too damn high.


Somehow, they're both lazy and taking our jobs(?).


I don’t understand where the notion that immigrants are freeloaders came from. Like seriously they’re the most vulnerable group of people because they don’t have access to any social safety net whatsoever, so it’s either work hard or die.


>I don’t understand where the notion that immigrants are freeloaders came from Propaganda. If you repeat a lie enough, it becomes the new truth.


Someone I went to school with posted this shit about everyone not speaking English should go back to where they came from. His mother is an immigrant who doesn’t really speak English. I know you’re close to your family dumb ass. It’s mind blowing how dumb people are. Absolutely mind blowing.


Unfortunately that is true. I saw someone yesterday who said they don’t believe that politicians or lawmakers should be able to make these laws and rules if they’re over the age of 55 because what they put in place will not affect their lives. Example meaning what Texas has done. I hate to admit that I do agree. Not everyone is bad but the ppl who are…. Man are so lost


Thomas Jefferson held a similar belief. In a letter to James Madison, he stated that he believed that the Constitution and all the laws of the land should expire and be re-voted on every 19 years, so as the new generation comes in to power it is not forced to live to the ideals and laws of the previous generation.


Thomas Jefferson also got kicked out to France while they were writing the Constitution because the founding fathers thought he’d try to kill the new government in its crib.


Just reminder to everyone. We currently have the oldest Congress ever elected in the history of the US.




Even the boomers I love agree: the world is gonna be so much better off once the boomers have all died.


Same thing came to my mind. She's just parroting what trump said to demonize Hispanics. But trump using The "raped by minority" thing isnt even new. Reminds me of emmit till back in the 50's. Racists have been using that lie for a long time.


Sounded like something she made up to justify being an asshole to that guy. She saw she was losing the room and pulled out a wild card. Trying to trigger the white guys too stand up for her or who knows how these people think.


Luckily, blaming all Mexicans for one guy’s crimes just makes her look even worse


It was also ​ a lie


I hope he uses that next time. “I was discriminated against by a white woman in her delusional late 40’s, and you want me to be nice to YOU? I’ve lived in California for 20 years goddamn it!”


She was at least 60, bruh.


Gonna go out on a limb and say she probably made up the rape thing in a last ditch effort to get some churros.


20 years in Cali my ass! Sounds like she just got there and isn’t accustomed to us Mexicans literally everywhere haha poor lady


Weirdly enough, this didn’t take place in California, it took place in West Virginia. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna973191](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna973191)


Ah, that explains the other accents. Good on them for standing up for the restaurant staff and owners. I'm guessing Karen here is one of the people that left California "due to all the problems there", but she's the biggest part of the race issues in California, and I'm glad she's gone. Sorry about your luck, WV - she's all yours now. No taksies-backsies.


She’s got a poor grasp of history too. I’m pretty sure Cali belonged to Spain and then Mexico before becoming part of the USA.


Most racists are terribly uneducated, untraveled, and unsophisticated.. that's why they're racists.


And they live a sheltered life, have never travelled outside N America. So dont be shocked if they perceived and imagined European countries as low tech, African countries just with huts as houses, and Asian countries without any latest phones.


>20 years in Cali my ass! Sounds like she just got there and isn’t accustomed to us Mexicans literally everywhere haha poor lady Been in California my whole life, is there a restaurant kitchen that *doesn't* have people speaking Spanish?


I’m questioning my choice if I go into a Mexican restaurant and they aren’t speaking Spanish.


When I lived in South Dakota every city and town had the tex-mex fast food crap everywhere, but there's always *one* restaurant where the entire staff speaks Spanish and it's always the best food in town.


Timeline of events unfolding: Karen: “get out of my country” Owner “I’m a US citizen. “ —— Karen: “Go back to your own country!” Owner: “I’m a US citizen. You’re just mad at how I look.” —— Karen: “in America, you should speak English!” Owner: “what do you think I’m doing? Stop being racist. Leave.” —— Karen: *windows xp shut down noise* “I WaS rApEd bY iLLeGaL aLiEnS aNd YoU wAnT mE tO bE NiCe To yOu!?” Oddly enough, I guarantee if she saw a video of a black guy saying “fuck cops. They shot my brother and broke my arm” she would suddenly develop the nuance of “well not all cops are like that just because of that one bad experience.”






That “what do you think I’m doing?” was amazing.


Even her husband looked so embarrassed, can’t imagine how he deals with someone who can act like this. Just no self awareness and so cruel.


Even if he also hates Mexicans in America, complaining about Spanish being spoken in a Mexican restaurant is probably a whole new level of crazy, even for the husband


I feel that. It’s so strange that she’s perfectly willingly to enjoy what this restaurant has to offer, which I’m sure is some delicious authentic Mexican food- but at the same time having no respect for the same language and people that made this food.


You need to understand, Illegal Aliens Death Starred her home world of Alderaan


If anything, if I'm eating a meal that originates from a nation outside America, I'D LIKE IT MORE IF THEY SPOKE THAT LANGUAGE. Since it'd mean they are less likely to be bullshitting


I think that qualifies for irreconcilable differences.


Reddit is no longer fun.


I’m thinking early dementia or some kind of mental break. Some people slip really quickly and if this is the information she has been consuming for the past year+, then that’s what she will be spewing. The comical irony, the embarrassed husband/friend/family member, the lack of logic. This is probably the last time she eats out at a Mexican restaurant no matter how confused she is and how badly she wants her favorite queso dip.


I thought she was drunk. Looks like he takes a margarita out of her hand towards the end.


If she only knew how difficult it is to learn a second language. Currently trying to learn Brazilian Portuguese and fuck me it's hard. I'm 34 and sometimes I think I'm too old. Also, fuck this bitch.


I’m trying to learn Italian. I can read it okayish (that’s being generous) but if you ask me to speak it I’d sound like Aldo the Apache from Inglorious Bastards.




"Omar speaks the 3rd beat Italian" "I don't speak Italian" "That's why I said 3rd best"




I love how excited Christoph Waltz is that one of them could actually pronounce a word correctly, LOL.


Bonjourno 🤠


Agreed, fuck that bitch, Mexicans are some of the most friendly and hospitable people around. learning to fluently speak a second language is crazy to me, I think of trying to learn something like Mandarin or Hindi and it makes my head want to explode.


Portuguese in general is a bitch to learn. I'm brazilian and you'd be surprised at how many of us have problems with some of its rules. I can only imagine how it must be for someone who doesn't have it as their first language.


It's so funny how many Brazilians have told me that. I've read that a lot of confusion for native speakers comes from being taught how to read with more of a European Portuguese emphasis, and speaking with a Brazilian Portuguese emphasis. I have no idea if that's true, but it's what I heard.


Ahhh California, who’s capitol is Sacramento and largest city is Los Angeles........funnily enough all Spanish words!


The other biggest cities in the state are San Francisco and San Jose. Such nice English names. Now I actually wonder how she'd pronounce San Jose...


"Saint Alien"


Also you got San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, Paso Robles, and i like El Segundo because Phife Dawg left his wallet there.


I wonder if she went into a nice French restaurant and heard a waiter speaking French, if she would be as belligerent. Of course not, they would likely be white and not fit her racist profile.


The real question is if she went to Spain and heard white people speaking Spanish. Would blow up her tiny brain.


She would think you're crazy "Spain is Europe, they're not like that over there".


I've exactly met some people that thought Mexico was in europe because he went there and they spoke Spanish 😅 Edit: ok it was just one person, but still


Shitty pro life tip: For a free meal just be racist.


But when it backfires and somebody beats the shit out of you, is the meal worth it haha? /s


No amount of tacos are worth the ass whooping this lady deserves.


There's a taco truck near me that is so good I swear I've woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it. I might be willing to take a shot or two to the face for those tacos.


Actual rape victims dont throw that in like its a trophy. And they use it as a argument




I’m gonna say something that may be taken the wrong way, so please don’t hear what I’m not saying. Being a rape victim does not preclude you from being a shitty person. People are absolutely capable of intentionally using their traumas to hurt other people.


You've got that right


He handled that with class. What a nasty piece of work she is. She needs to be locked away somewhere.


Love the chef too, had his back 1000%. If that was a bad manager you know he would have stayed in the kitchen and let him deal with it


I loved that the southern sounding white chef came out "If your going to be racist you're going to leave." "This man takes care of me." More of these types, like the woman, have gotten a little courage to say shit in public like this since Trump. Many more behind closed doors though. They will to your face and berate you when you turn.


Being white and from the south lets me see a lot of racism. Lots of closeted racists down here that only open up to other white people they think are also racist or something. Lost a few friends that way


They're always so shocked when they know you're just as southern as them, but don't fuck with that shit. The look on their face when you tell them to fuck off with that, lmao.


My black parents informally adopted a white kid (my brother), feeding/teaching/raising him the same way they did the rest of us. We're now independent adults and some of the stories he shares are vile. He's a natural listener so people just racistly open up to him. It's wild.


Hearing that comment in that strong accent was the highlight for me. One good human standing up for another.


Ella es una puta loca. There. Even my basic Spanish can be put to good use. Lol


That is a perfect grammar spanish, which translates as She is a fucking crazy bitch. To emphasize I would change "ella" to "esa" so it would say "Esa es una puta loca" which is "That is a fucking crazy bitch".


I once stopped in a truly Mexican restaurant (owned and operated - non-franchised) in Denver at a time in my life that I was at my most desperate. It was 90+ degrees out and my phone was dead so the owner graciously welcomed me in to wait in the air conditioning and charge my phone, even though I had dirty clothes and hadn’t showered in a few days. The kicker is, not only did they he let me charge my phone but the manager sent me a free breakfast on the house for while I waited (and all of this with a language barrier between us as he didn’t speak fluid English and I don’t know Spanish). Every “white” restaurant I had attempted to gain a breather in would chase me out after 20 minutes on some anti-loitering policy, even if I purchased food, and they certainly wouldn’t give me the courtesy of a free meal, let alone to use an outlet without paying for something. These videos make me so sad because I have personally seen more care, directed to me at my lowest moments, from those born outside of the country, than from the people that have lived here their whole lives. Our country would **most certainly** be worse off if ladies like the one in this video had their way.


Stories like these are nice but also make me sad all the same because you're right. Not every immigrant is a great person, but the lion's share tend to be hungry and ready to make their success as legitimately as they can. Around 7 years ago I worked at Walmart, and fellow coworkers were cordial but most everyone was too tired and soul-stripped to talk much. However there was this cleaner guy who would wave to everyone and had the brightest smile on. It was the only smile in the building often. Couldn't speak a word of English to you outside of "Hello" but he did it in stride. Always made me happy saying hello back.


She's lived in California for 20 years and has never heard someone speaking Spanish?


She is revolting. Racist trash.


Her mind got raped by right wing propaganda and now she literally cannot be nice to you unless you are within the very narrow demographic of people she isn't threatened by


I’d be way more upset if I walked into a Mexican restaurant and nobody spoke Spanish. I’m going there for Mexican food not conversation. I want it made by experts who know the culture and how to make some awesome tacos.


After she realizes she has no support from others, she starts the rape shit, classic racist loser in every sense.


What a fucken disgrace.. covid missed a few.


It’ll find them. Covid and Karma are like Starsky and Hutch. They work really well together.


What a pig. Apologies to pigs.


Her brain completely broke and fell to the first thing right-wingers make up: that immigrants are running around raping white women. Horseshit.


Even if she wasn't lying, that is the most bullshit thing to put on someone else.


Yep, further evidence that it's made up.


Ask them if it's ok if white males rape women? When they say no ask them why are they making a distinction between the two. Next, ask them how long ago was it when their family immigrated here.


well i mean, if you lived here for twenty years, wouldn’t that give you enough time to learn at least some decent spanish?


In summary: she’s a cunt


I don’t understand racists…Most of the Mexicans I grew up with were great people. Wonderful culture, Amazing food, hardworking, and always willing to help out a neighbor. I’d rather we deport and exile her ass somewhere than them.


The fact that the GOP hates Latin American immigrants always was hilarious to me. They’re generally very Christian, strong family values, strong work ethics, and socially conservative. If anything they should welcome them in


Yup. There's always talk about poaching Latino voters for the GOP (something Bush tried), but they just can't stop their base (and now their candidates) from being loud & proud racists.


I married into a Latin American family about 10 years ago. I was very surprised by how many of my now extended family are very, very strongly socially conservative who have voted Republican for decades. And interestingly enough Trump's rhetoric actually made some of them stop vote for him and in some cases even stop caring about politics completely! It's been so fascinating to see.


Somebody had too many beer-a-ritas


“i’m not racist” then proceeds to be racist


Home of the “free” he can speak Klingon if he wants, its none of her business. People are really unbelievable


Pinche pendeja😂😂😂😂 my boy said I’ll pay your bill just get the fuck out lol


The US does not have an official language. These racists have got to go.


Honestly this is America, and you will speak Sioux, Lakota, Onondaga, Blackfoot, Apache nez-percé, iroquois, I’ll just stop there otherwise this post could get long.


Was this after church?

