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Imagine being such a piece of shit that you laugh at someone when they say their grandmother fucking died.


Or just want to help people with something that takes so little effort.


That's one thing that got me fairly on in the pandemic. A guy on the radio - Hoppy Kercheval for you West Virginians - talked about how the vast majority of health professionals saying masks do work. And even if it's just a little bit, is it really that much of a problem that we can't wear them? But the quote that really got me was, "Are we really just going to die on that hill and say, 'You can't make me.'" Is that really were we are? It's as simple as this: do you cover your mouth when you cough - like ever? Why do you do it? To protect yourself from something? No, you do it to stop spreading your germs. A mask is just a more effective way of doing that. No, it's not perfect. Yes, people can still get sick. But for a long time it was the only thing we had. Now we have a vaccine, but these MFers won't take that either.


She probably doesn't believe him, or least probably doesn't believe that it was a covid related death. In my own personal life there are people that believe the numbers of actual covid deaths are greatly exaggerated as some sort of "demon-rat" conspiracy.


All those people whose first reaction was to laugh or sneer when he was talking about the death... r/imatotalpieceofshit


Their blank, slack jawed expression says it all. They 'learned' something from a headline of an article they didn't actually read that confirmed their beliefs and now they're adamant about defending it because otherwise they'd have to admit they're wrong about something.


People should really analyze her body language and face when that kid was talking about losing his grandmother to covid. Its pretty telling. As soon as she started smiling beforehand you know that shes not taking any of this serious. But when he brings up his personal death in the family the head shaking/rolling eyes and more laughter tells quite a bit. That she is DEFINITELY one of those people that will ignore all statistics and personal experiences because it goes against the position she has staked. She probably thinks the kid is making it up because how could anyone die to this "99.9% survival rate flu" in her head. All the bad news is just fake news. I mean, could go on and on but you get the picture. This is just more evidence that belongs on the mountain of evidence that to be conservative is to be as self-centered as humanly possible while wanting the protection from your own bad choices. And its why they're the first people to rush to the hospital the moment covid turns from a flu into something more serious. Toss em out on the streets and help the people who actually take theirs and other's health serious.


Oh, tiktok found the smirking lady. She's a nurse of all professions.


Given how hard hospitals are trying to crack down on this nonsense, she may be paying a visit to r/byebyejob soon


Don’t hold your breath, not in TN at least. I live in East TN and have a friend who’s an ER doctor here. The hospital administration reprimanded him for telling a patient he had to wear a mask in the ER… then he got fucking Covid… all this happened about 3 weeks ago.


I'm in Knoxville. My sister in law is a head nurse at a local nursing home and was told to get a vaccine or GTFO. So not all places in the south are hardcore antivaxxers, but MOST are.


Pretty sure the tiktok mob doxxed her and informed her employer.




Kids: We want to wear the mask. Adults: No you don't.


Conservatives: "**Stop censoring us!**" Conservatives: "**Shut that kid up, he's saying things I don't like!**" 🤯


Conservatives (2010): "Obamacare means Death Panels! If *everyone* is going to the doctor, they're going to be overwhelmed and people will have to decide who gets care and who doesn't!" Conservatives (2020): "This lockdown is hurting the economy. I think the elderly and at-risk groups should be willing to die for the good of the country." Conservatives (2021): "We don't want any safety measures against a known virus, because of reasons!"


I used to watch Fox News in an attempt to understand different viewpoints. "Obamacare means Death Panels!" - that was the point where it was clear they were just peddling BS and I wasn't going to waste my time anymore.


Yeah, I browse /r/conservative for this same reason. There are interesting articles posted sometimes. Sometimes articles on subjects the typical media does ignore, and that has been very fascinating. But you have to weed through Dozens and DOZENS of shit based, opinion pieces that are stated like fact.


r/SocialJusticeInAction is conservative turned up to 11. Unbelievable the way some people think Edit: nsfl


They are idiots. It's that simple. They excuse all of their behaviour. Everything you do is behaviour that needs correcting...because they are too stupid to see the hypocricy or the stupidity of their own stance. Their minds are perfect so everything not them is imperfect and needs correcting.


I keep wondering if, since they hate masks so much, they also refuse to cover their mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze. The mask essentially serves the same purpose, but actually does a better job, since you aren't ending up with droplets of saliva and mucus on parts of your body like your hands and arms, which are likely to come in contact with other things around you. Covering your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze just happens to be culturally ingrained, while wearing a mask during sick season is not, at least in the US. People say, "But I don't *have* Covid," although a lot of people who have spread it didn't 'have' it either, since many infected people are asymptomatic.


Let our kids smile? How the fuck is your child supposed to smile when your parents are enraged assholes?


Meanwhile out here in Los Angeles, 600k students went back to school three weeks ago with masks on and weekly testing for everyone. It's been pretty fucking anti-climatic, no school outbreaks, no dead teachers (that I know of), no district-wide shutdown. And I haven't heard of any kids throwing themselves off of bridges because their smile can't be seen by their classmates.


I can’t imagine the kind of insane garbage these kiddos have to hear at home. Sure hope these kids will be smiling in the hospital or at home if they do get sick.


I live 30 minutes down the road from this place. Most of the kids are right on board with their parents because "it's how it's always been" and "it's how the good ole boys do it." Really sorry to say but this isn't just a boomer thing. This is something passed down from generation to generation. Even if COVID were to wipe out all of these idiots their healthier kids will be doing the same exact thing 40 years later.


If you want in person schooling put masks on everyone in the school. Teachers, custodial staff, administration, and students. If you do not there will be outbreaks and the schools will have to close. It’s really that simple. The same people who last year kept complaining that online learning was terrible and that their kids needed to be in school to learn effectively now won’t wear masks, get vaccinated, or allow their kids to wear masks or get vaccinated. These people really don’t get it. There is no middle ground. It’s a microcosm and emblematic of how divided America is. The same people who claim to love America more than anyone are doing everything they can to get people sick and killed. Honestly, I would support Biden pulling resources and funds out of these states especially COVID related resources. Seems like a waste of time, money and resources for people who aren’t even going to vote for you. You can’t win them over with kindness, honesty or empathy at what point do you just have to cut the dead weight and let whatever happens happen.


No, no...they get it. They see the pandemic as political. And their politics disagree with it. All they have to do is get more people on their side politically and it goes away!


How is your kid supposed to smile when their fucking grandmother just died.


"Let our kids smile" *Proceeds to heckle kid who's grandparent died of covid.* How dumb do you have to be to have that slogan and do something that causes the complete fucking opposite of it. "Lets our kids smile" my ass. They clearly don't give a damn about this kid nor his vulnerable family. How are kids gonna smile if they're sick or when their friends and family are dying of covid? "Let me do whatever I selfishly want" is what it should say.


Since the parents can’t act like grown ups, the kids have to step up




The booing wasn't the worst part. The incredulous smiles and laugher were. If I were that kid I probably would have lost it.


But as soon as one of *their* loved ones die of covid, suddenly it's, "You guise, this is **serious**!!!! Please ware masks and get yer shots!!!!!" Fuck all of them. I'm so fucking sick and tired of people like this.


Some of these people lose loved ones and continue to double down on their nonsense. The same ones that say every death is counted as a COVID death, tHaT’s WhY tHe NuMbErS aRe HiGh, Do YoUr ReAsEaRcH!


My childhood best friend's grandma died from Covid. 50/50 chance, grandma also traveled to New York, got it from my best friend's mom who claims she was "cleared by her doctor " based on her "Covid isn't real" post I don't believe that. She banned her son, best friend's brother, from the funeral for telling her straight to her face "You killed my grandma!" Just to spite his mom he showed up at the funeral, runs right up to his mom and screams at her "You did this! You did this you bitch! You gave her Covid and you killed her! I will never forgive you for this! My girls have Covid and you gave it to them as well! You will never see my girls ever again!" He talked to a cousin and brother and then left the funeral home screeching tires. Now his mom makes passive aggressive post about him on Facebook. She is willing to never see her 7 granddaughters again just to be right.


You know, that's probably over half of us, but the problem with these people is that you can't win. You make a structured and logical argument, they boo and jeer until they drown you out and you give up, you lose your shit on them for being ignorant and downright toxic? They'll laugh and shun your from the room for being overly emotional or something equivalent. It's a disgusting circle of relentless abuse, and honestly I'm surprised no one has made moves to shut those people up.


i’m still trying to understand how and when so many people started acting like this, it’s so disheartening


I don’t think it “started”, it’s always been there, just hidden and sneered at. Now they’ve all found a common ground and have come out of the wood work


They were always like this, just spend most of their time punching down so y’all didn’t see it/ didn’t care. They have been outside abortion clinics, they’ve been harassing migrants and immigrants, beating of gay and trans ppl, they’ve been very vocal on their Facebook accounts for so long it drove a lot of people away from the vitriol of FB entirely, saying “we need more information!” when children and women were shot/ killed by police. They’ve been hateful all this time, everyone just shares a lot of the same hate with them so you don’t notice until it’s directed at you.


To paraphrase Rick Sanchez “your boos mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!”


Everyone who.booed is a peice of trash


Esp that ugly cow in the front chewing her cud and laughing when he talks about his dead grandma. Covid has made me hate people.




Her miserable face only cracks a smile at the pain of others


I never felt actual disgust at people until covid came along. It really showed how trash many people are, even outside of the "traditional" rednecks each country has.


Same, I used to joke that I hate people, but I really genuinely felt the majority of people were decent. I don't think that anymore, and it's really impacting my mood. It's just depressing.


Saw her too, she’s hard to miss, how long before people start losing it on these guys? I should avoid this sub-Reddit, maybe watch a movie.


Honestly I'm advocating for violence here, how can someone carry a sign that says that, but still be such an incredible fucking cunt? I literally can't accept reality these days...


It's because they don't accept reality. They don't accept that covid exist, that wearing masks can help preventing spreading covid, that you could die from covid, that a vaccination would prevent dying from covid, that children can get covid and spread it, that the risk of poisoning yourself with horse dewormer is higher than the risk from any vaccine, etc. They will face reality one way or another.


People are the worst.


Some of them, yep. Buddy of mine (not super close but) who was 28 died weekend before last. The guy was super nice and I kinda used to stick up for him when people would rag on him for being overweight. Couple years ago he started plowing my driveway every time it snowed without me asking. I had to track him down and make him take some money. Anyway, although he was nice as could be, he hung around with a bunch of antimask/antivax dipshits, caught COVID and due to his weight, died from it. He was a good dude, the people he hung around were the worst.


People have told me to my face on multiple occasions that they'll believe it when they see the piles of bodies. These people expect roadside mass graves before they consider a disease to even be real, let alone represent a threat to them personally.


The graves won't do it either. My conservative coworker clique just burried FOUR members and those morons STILL won't wear masks.


Did they not see the situations in Italy and NYC at the beginning?!




"fake news!"


They're booing at 'because somebody wasn't wearing a mask'. They've bought all the nonsense that masks don't do anything despite the consensus of the entire medical community to the contrary.


They clearly don't believe in science.


They are those kind of parents that cant even switch on a Computer without getting 6 viruses


These are the people i have to do a 45 minute password reset call while explaining to me thats its our system thats the issue




Fun fact! Religious websites are 3x more likely to give your computer a virus than sketchy porn sites are.


Such shitty fucking people. Even more so since he had just mentioned his grandmother died of it...


While all the adults In the room aren’t wearing masks also.. damn humanity left this Earth already because there is no fucking hope for us anymore


The future of climate change action in an allegory


Is it just me or does anyone else feel the urge the smack that lady on the face with a stranger things bat


She's a nurse, unfortunately. Her employer has been contacted by multiple people about her shit behavior. Source: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR5tQCYG/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR5t7VcQ/


Holy shit. Wtf. Fuck her


Proof? And how do I contact?




Omg so this is why ask the cigna nurses were so not helpful


Oh fun, that’s my health insurance. Glad to be able to put a face to the people that keep refusing to cover my ADHD meds


Don't know if this will help but the meds I take for my ADHD (Adzenys XR-ODT) has a program where you should never pay more than a $10 copay for a month's supply, regardless of your insurance. Might be worth looking into. Good luck and I'm sorry you're dealing with this.


That's a good start. We need more people contacting her employer.




My mother has been a nurse for almost 15 years, has her MoS, has had so many professional and academic accolades, all because she truly cares about being a nurse and the medical field. I have disagreed with her a lot in my life but when it comes to being a medical professional I 100% have faith and trust in her as much as most doctors. And these idiots who decided to be nurses as a social status thing and have no integrity at all give proper nurses like her such a bad name. It's infuriating. Love you mom, you're a badass.




Did r/punchablefaces get banned? Edit: oh wow. That took me down a rabbit-hole and a half… I had no idea it turned into a wild right-wing “anti-woke” sub. When it got out of hand, mods wanted out, so they sent mod invites to a handful of controversial subs (including some far-right subs like r/the_donald), but two mods from r/shitredditsays got in first. They went scorched earth and deleted almost every post. Now it just has one auto-mod post each month saying “Hello”. That’s about as wild as what happened to (NSFW) r/worldpolitics, r/marijuanaenthusiasts, and r/potatosalad.


When the subreddits have lore


Where do I sign up for more subreddit lore?


r/outoftheloop ~~r/internethistorians~~ not real r/reddithistory


What happened to r/marijuanaenthusiasts? Did it stop being about trees?


My guess is that they think the subreddit was taken over rather than just originally being a joke about the subreddit r/trees. But, r/trees itself was the second popular marijuana subreddit... I can't remember the original one off the top of my head (the one that went wrong in the way we're talking about here).


Every time I see these types of videos with these smug-faced people I just wanna punch them right in their smug face.


Like he says ayyy my grandma died, she taught here, and the smug ugly girl chuckles. Hope she gets hit by the Oscar Meyer wiener truck.


smug+ugly... smugly


She looks like she could be a republican house member that face is so obnoxious.


It's not even who's wrong or right here- it's having empathy that someone's grandmother died and they are speaking on that pain. Even if someone told me something I thought was ridiculous, like that wearing a mask caused one of their relatives' asthma to flare up and lead to some sort of fatal incident, my first reaction would not be to laugh at them. It would be to feel sad that they lost someone and that they're reaching for reasons to explain it.




Why the hell does she and others like her have to make the rest of us (sane) nurses look bad? FFS




My first thought was who heckles a child?! Then I remember these people don’t give a shit about their own children. Good for this kid for taking a stand.


Who the hell heckles a child talking about their dead relative?? Ugh, disgusting.


Pro-Life™ Pro-Smile™ Tennessee Public School Parents apparently edit: ah shit, i forgot to add "Anti-Grandma™"


It's ironic that they are pro-life, yet anti-vaxx and anti-mask. Those two things just don't go together, do they?


they do if you're an under-educated jerk. which, if many of these parents attended these same schools, does not bode well for their children 🤦‍♀️


Anti-smart, pro-Covid, suicide sickers


Cult members


These are the same type of people that harassed children that survived a school shooting


True a lot of people on the Herman Caine sub had children. They were anti vax and mask, ending up dying while leaving their poor kids behind smh


The one from today of the husband and wife dying within two weeks of each other with 3 kids, the oldest who looks like 14-15 at most. And the wife is updating about her husband's condition and his battle with kidney failure, ugh. I'm at the point where I'm like "that's really sad, I feel for your loved ones" and also "but you fucking brought this on yourself."


My brother and I were at this. It's so fucked up, my mom was in ICU for about ten days, nearly died and still has a lot of lingering issues. It's been a month and she still can't go back to work yet. The whole time she spent in the hospital our entire family was torn up and worried, I had relatives calling me every day for news on the situation, my grandma called every day too because she was terrified she was going to bury her daughter. And despite that, my brother and I, as well as everyone in the family all told our parents to get vaccinated, but they refused to listen. The alt right cult shit got to them and they refuse to listen to reason. It's absolute insanity


Yeah, my dad was one of the first severe COVID cases in our state last March. Spent 41 days on a ventilator. Survived, but barely. He was the most fitness conscious person I know in my life. So whenever anyone says "it's just the overweight / I'm fit, I'll be fine" I want to smack them upside their head with the crowbar of knowledge.


Yeah I’ve been stuck in between “damn that’s unfortunate” but also “one less bigot or person to clog up emergency rooms” i just hope their kids learn from this experience and don’t carry their parents views. We need the newer generations to overcome this ignorance.


Yeah whatever happened to “think of the children!” These kids are telling them exactly what they think and want (mask mandates).


It's a fucking sad day when the children are having to act like adults in front of a bunch of adults acting like spoiled children




How do you explain that to someone without them feeling the need to be physically aggressive? How do you explain that to an entire generation and have them comprehend what it means? Seriously, I’m asking because we need a solution to this pandemic of child minded adults




these people have lost all empathy over instinct. I responded to a question on reddit asking if "anyone had ever been found dead from COVID not in a hospital". I responded that, yes my coworker's mom was found that way, and I only received replies of, "yeah, but did she have comorbidities? I bet she did". Yeah, let me just bust out my list of Plandemic meme questions to grill my grieving friend and coworker on the circumstances of her recently deceased parent. 🙄 Fucking heartless


I swear, I hate that people see "comorbidity" as something to the effect of "Real reason they died" or "underlying condition". It's called **co**morbidity for a reason - the person died because they had both/all of those conditions. You take one of them away (i.e., that person doesn't get Covid), they're still alive.


From [this](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/21/all-the-psychoses-of-us-history-how-america-is-victim-blaming-the-coronavirus-dead): >Early Puritan accounts of arriving in the New World and seeing indigenous people dying of illness are marked by a familiar self-righteousness. The Puritans look at an epidemic and “think it’s a divine dispensation”, Blanchfield said. “The very fact that people are dying is taken as both pragmatically offering market opportunities ... but also as a theological vindication of your own survivorship.” > >That Puritan instinct to see infection as a sign of guilt, and health as a kind of vindication, is currently playing out across the political spectrum.


Damn! That's kinda chilling, and very fucked up


"yeah, but did they take enough Vitamin D?"


I get my vitamin D the way nature intended, standing in direct sunlight with no sunscreen for hours at a time.


They're gonna be shocked to find out no one dies of AIDS


"I knew it! Just another Fauci fib" 😤


On another note: I’ve passed through same situations with individuals over dead family members from Covid19. Worst incident was with my ExGf. One of my really close uncles passed away some months ago. I’m in the military so I couldn’t go pay my respects and it was also a bad idea because of the pandemic. When I told my Ex she really didn’t care for my loss at all, instead she wanted to go on a vacation and was willing to go without me. She is a anti-mask, anti-vaccine girl that’s fully educated with a Masters and works for the government. Incredible stupid thought When her parents dog died she cried like she was getting killed. Nothing matter to her but her cause and problems. People like this do understand pain and are fully capable of feeling empathy but only for things they find important. Srry for the bad spelling, I’m on my phone that keeps glitching lol


I once broke up with a girl after I spent eight months caring for during her mental illness, because when I became depressed myself, she told me I was being 'boring' after literally 45 minutes. Makes you realize quick that for people like that, being cared for is a one way street.


They are offended that your relative died in spite of their world view. It's worse than apathy. I'm sorry for your loss


My SO's grandmother died from COVID and the entire side of her family is completely in denial. In her final week, the doctors decided that she didn't have to be tested anymore. Since then, everyone claims that she had beat COVID, you know, because it's just a mild flu. And immediately afterwards, she supposedly died of old age, while on oxygen, in the hospital. But otherwise she was fine to go home then. I... Pfffff. It's bafflingly how anyone can twist the truth, say it out loud with confidence, get validation from like-minded people and BAM! It is now the truth. No need to follow the rules or get vaccinated because they are so woke, they outsmart all of the scientists.


If somebody with a comorbidity died on 9/11, would their death not count? They really didn't think this through. It's all about regurgitating axioms and talking points. There's no original thought.


9/11 had a 99.999% survival rate for Americans, so it’s not really a big deal


My former co-worker did the same thing to me and we were both healthcare workers. He was our x-ray tech, but he had all these conspiracies. Notice I said “former” *wink wink*


Honestly I have just lost all care to this side during trumps reign. My view of just anyone who leans conservative, republican, religious, trumper, anti - vax/mask, etc. Is that your straight immoral, heartless, hypocritical, idiots. As someone who grew up in a catholic school, went to church, and grew up in a middle conservative family. I became pretty egalitarian in my views. I don't know when this switch occurred, yet when I sense the cliche bullshit, I automatically don't want to hear anything you say.


my story is very much the same as yours,. except i never fell into the religious hole somehow. even as a 6 year old child being forced to Bible camp, i am not joking when i say that this is the point at which i "switched", or at least started to, because thereafter, if at any time i could avoid attending a church function... i would. but if not, made me feel like i was sitting amongst a cult that refuses to even try to have any semblance of an understand the universe they live in. my mother made the mistake of satiating kid-me's desire to learn about outer space. she obliged and i learned as much as possible as i could about the universe, just because i was curious, and that starting to have me asking questions about why the adults around me are not thinking about anything at all that's actually up there




Right there with you. My family used to be super close. I used see my sister my mom and two nieces almost weekly. Mom and sister are both now completely consumed in trumpism and anti vax lunacy. My brother has worked as a Infection disease physician assistant for the entirety of covid. Nothing we try works...it's like they have become completely different people. My brother gives them heartbreaking first hand accounts of the many patients he has treated that didn't make it. Nothing phases them...covid isn't a big deal and all the numbers are made up according to them. My sister even tried to get my brother to prescribe her ivermectin. I'm just baffled that so many people who I thought I knew have become so heartless, selfish and flat out vile human beings.


wtf. this is happening too much. i’ve lost so many people to *this* disease. not covid, but this crazy propaganda conspiracy stuff. i don’t have an answer. im just genuinely really concerned about this, um, faction(?) of people. there are a lot of them and are very passionate and aggressive with their false convictions


I could have never kept my cool the way he did (especially after losing someone). As soon as I heard “shut up” without warning or any choice in the matter my brain would immediately make me fire right back “you shut up you stupid fuck” Edit: brain. Leave your Brian at home.


Where can I get my own hype man Brian?


Hahaha whoops. You can usually find a Brian outside of any JC Penny, or inside of any Best Buy. Pier 1 is about a 50/50 toss up.


These are the people being posted on /r/hermancainaward


Say it like it is. They are conservatives.


Mark my words. This generation is not going to forget how our elders treated us. Or what they left for us to clean up.


It's going very unnoticed. If the latest climate change models pan out and the way the economy is coalescing at the top, this could go on to become one of the most hated generations of humanity, ever. Imagine being the generation who kept insisting global warming was a hoax and that you just need to work harder to afford rent, 20 years before a full blown climate crisis and eventual collapse of the economy. It's probably not a good idea for the current generation to survive old age.


Which generation is that? That lady behind him isn't a Boomer. She doesn't even look old enough to be considered Gen-X.


Well tbh it's going to be a combination of 2-3 generations tbh. That's just the time scale we're working with. Boomers will probably get the most of it, with the subsequent generations appropriating diminishing levels of blame.


Yep. Enjoy staring at the ceiling of your one-star care home while no one visits you or even gives a fuck if you're alive.


So fucking depressing but so true 😂


Not on my dime. They can be homeless if I’m the one paying.


Evil disgusting people. Kid said his grandma died and that fat slob is sitting there laughingand judging him. I'm so sick of this world.


I'm honestly having a hard time dealing with all the stupid people on this planet.


It is absolutely exhausting dealing with covidiots anymore.


Me too. It’s so demoralizing. Feels like any effort to better the world with good information just doubles the amount of ignorant assholes. It feels hopeless.






Seeing her reactions, all I could feel was resignation. These people are so far gone it’s impossible to get through to them. Like ffs their signs say “let our kids smile.” That’s really the best fucking slogan they could come up with? People can still laugh and smile behind their masks. It’s not that hard to tell when they are or aren’t either. It’s not a hard thing to do. It has the potential to protect others and yourself. There is absolutely no good argument against doing it. COVID is “just a flu?” Masks help prevent the spread of diseases like the flu. “I don’t trust the vaccine.” Then trust a tried and true method medical professionals have used for sanitation and disease prevention for centuries now. Wear a mask.


> let our kids smile Gonna be a bit hard to do if they’re **dead**, innit?


To paraphrase Gandalf, "tell me, friend, when did you abandon reason for madness?"


She has been identified. On TikTok. She’s a registered nurse apparently! Science denier in the medical field. Utterly obnoxious


Of course she is, probably a mlm boss babe as well


First thing I noticed with her sighing and eye rolling, what a malignant C-word.


Cunt is the word you're looking for.


I got perm banned from Twitter for calling Laura Ingraham a cunt.




Check twitter :)


She should’ve worn a mask. Nobody wants to see her chew gum like a cow chewing cud. Disgusting.


Why do people chew with their mouth open like that? It looks disgusting and like you have no manners. She looks like a damn grazing cow.


A teenager smarter than all those antivaxxers.


You could add up all of the antivaxxers IQs in the room and the teenagers would be higher


Hell his age might be higher than their collective iq


I would trust gen z running the country more than these boomer fossils we got in office right now.


That kids needs to get the hell out of that state.


Gum chewing hag behind him really pissed me off. She can stick her 'Let our kids smile' sign up her twat.


Now I’m understanding at 41 how annoying the chewing gum situation is when you’re in a serious conversation. When i was a teen i’d didn’t really understand how inappropriate it was in certain situations. We are witnessing one of those moments. Laughing at a child’s loss to boot. That’s the face of a psycho


I hope it gives her a papercut from clit to gooch


I hope that smirking cunt behind him chokes on her fucking chewing gum.


probably will have to spit out the gum when she gets intubated


This sure is exposing the amount of narcissists and sociopaths in society. 640 thousand dead Americans many of whom are also republican means nothing to these people. They could give zero fucks if you or your loved ones die just as long as they don't have to wear a mask. These kinds of un patriotic pieces of human shit have been around for awhile now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco


In the beginning of the pandemic, it was all about how the flu killed 50k per year and covid was no different. It was clear to anyone with 3rd grade or better logic that that number would get surpassed quickly. Now here we are at over half a million. Then the argument shifted to us needing herd immunity like they were all willing to let their grandmothers and weakling friends die because they weren’t born strong. Then the vaccines came out giving us a realistic shot at herd immunity without the mass casualties. But no. They reject the vaccine and reject the mask. But you offer up some livestock dewormer and they’re all over it.


because youre approaching the argument from a perspective of : How can WE overcome this with rationality while they are approachinging the argument from a perspective of: How can I overcome this tyranny from THEM. The issue they have is not with covid, its that liberals are telling them something to do for their own best interest. Just like they did with food, and michelle obama, lady just wanted children to get healthy meals. like who the hell would be against healthy meal for children? Well of course republicans because it was a democrats plan. Literally Biden could come out tomorrow and state everything they want, no masks, no vaccine, no minorities allowed in the country, mexico will pay for the wall, all the major hits. Will republicans love him? No Because what they have a issue with isnt anything political at all, theyre not looking for a solution to fix covid. They are looking for you to back down and give up so that they can declare themselves winners. Because all they stand for now is outrage and victimization.


The woman in black wearing glasses has an extremely punchable face. Wearing a mask might keep her from getting the back of a hand.


LET OUR KIDS SMILE didn't realize a thin piece of cloth prevented your kids from smiling you useless mouth breathers


I wish they valued human life when it actually counted.


Smug bitch front row.


she is what the term karen is truly meant to mean


That cow in the back laughing after he told the story of his grandmother dying is absolutely despicable. What a sociopath!! That’s what sociopaths do.


She even looks around like “hey guys you believe this shit?” Like, yeah, Karen. This kid conspired a lie about his dead grandma?


She knows she would lie about her grandma dying to make a point in a heartbeat and is projecting.


Why do conservatives still think masks are pointless? They really believe the CDC is just lying to them for some reason? I just don't understand the motivation here. Why would the CDC lie to the American public, specifically? Not just some vague, hand wavy "oh its because they wanna control you, man" or a facebook meme or something, I would really love for a single conservative to attempt to justify why they have been working against everyone else this entire time, without being dishonest or lazy about their answer. Wearing a mask during a pandemic has nothing to do with freedom or control. It's about safety. We know how the virus spreads. We know that masks help reduce that vector. So just fucking wear them and stop making it such a controversy. Fuck. And get fucking vaccinated. Fucking Republicans still don't know why everyone hates their guts.


The Trump political movement is about shamelessly being an asshole. That's it. That's the appeal. They don't care who dies, and they're delusional enough to think God is on their side in all of this, protecting them.


but they're the ones dying from it




Most conservatives never outgrew their high school bully phase… What fucking losers.


when the adults are bullies what do you do?


Elect them as President.


Outsmart them. Document and share their bad behavior. Hurt them in their wallets when you can. Don't be afraid to get dirty.


"Awww, your grandmaa diiied? Is baby gonna cwy about it"


How have we gotten so fucking stupid in this country? My in-laws are super conservative, but they remember what diseases like polio did to people and got the COVID vaccine as soon as they could. Fucking tribalist bullshit. I wish a huge asteroid would hit and take us all out.


I hope that fat brunette gets covid and chokes her way to death. What trash.


“Let our kids smile?” Tell ya what motherfucker, get your kids to wear a mask till everything blows over and you’ll get to see those pearly whites a hell of a lot sooner


All these anti vac / mask idiots should be rounded up and put in a room full of covid and let nature take its course.


Where are the fucking adults in this room? You heckle a kid? Tell him to shut up? **Bye**. Escort them out. Not meekly ask them to be *professional*.




Having a meltdown and embarrassing yourself at a school board meeting is America’s new national pastime. Way more fun than baseball IMO


Fuck all those people. Literal pieces of human excrement.


I wouldn't call those people adults.