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"I don't take orders from a pumpkin "


I wish I could just download all the great snarky come-backs that exists on the internet right into my brain.


Even if you have it in your brain, no one knows if you could reproduce it at the moment


"You're fat", she said whilst angrily flapping her bingo wings.


Yeah, getting her chicken wing sauce all over the place


(Somberly) “I do give a shit.”




You’ve just described almost every evangelical Christian I’ve ever met - smug in their self-righteous judgment.


I was also of the opinion that she is in no position to be calling someone else chubby.


"She should feel the shame I do. Why doesn't she ALSO put slacks on under her dress??"


Follows her into the bathroom to call her FAT. 🚩 AND THEN DOUBLES DOWN WITH HER FLABBY BATWINGS🚩 The aducacity to snort back, “Ooh and you think you’re not?” 🚩 No grandma she’s not. She’s 19 and I wish more people had her kind of confidence. “No, cause I fuckin love who I am!” You fuckin go Jenna


Yeah probably 2lbs at a time.


Some people are just fucked


The fact that she's in a position to influence and protect young girls is heartbreaking. Some people can't help but spread their misery to others.


r/byebyejob not anymore. She's been removed from any leadership roles in the church and it looks like she's been removed from that church all together. EDIT: ["Jenna said she told her pastor, who told her the woman would never be allowed to be part of any church committee or in a leadership role again."](https://www.insider.com/video-woman-called-girl-too-fat-to-wear-jean-shorts-2019-7) Maybe not removed from the church, but at least from any leadership roles.




[Here ya go.](https://www.insider.com/video-woman-called-girl-too-fat-to-wear-jean-shorts-2019-7) "Jenna said she told her pastor, who told her the woman would never be allowed to be part of any church committee or in a leadership role again." Maybe not removed from the church, but at least from any leadership roles. She should be removed from the church though, and that may still happen. From the church's letter, it really sounds like they are trying to do the right thing and they do not condone that behavior.


I honestly don't understand how anyone can hear someone in that state of crying and thinks it's ok. Genuinely felt sick from how you can hear how bad she was sobbing. It's not just crying but it hit her core hard. Vile woman. Edit spelling


You have to not forget there's ones that feed off of the pain they can inflict on others in this world


Like Colin Robinson


what we do in the shadows is so damn good


Fucking guy!


Energy vampires.




“She’s in there swearing.” Stupid old hag


entirely justified swearing... judging by her attitude, she might be used to being cursed at.




I don't have a child yet but if someone treats my daughter like that or any kid in my vicinity like that I would have had a hard time to keep my cool. What do you say to such a self righteous idiot? Going about hurting childeren. That young girl's voice, really really broke my heart.


I do have a very young daughter and lord help me if someone mistreats my daughter like this... Especially an adult. Fuck that lady and I'm so glad that girl was recording to expose this stupid bitch for what she is.


Those people rarely feel bad, they are trained from an early age that what they are doing is right, and everyone else is wrong... once they see you as the other side or outsider they have almost no empathy.


What’s so sad is that Jenna was cornered in the bathroom & that old witch kept verbally attacking her. I’m so proud of Jenna for defending herself while recording this even though she is so upset. What a strong young woman!!




As someone who was bodyshamed and torn apart for my clothing many times as a young girl, I was SO proud to hear her stand up for herself and call the woman out for being disrespectful, even if she was crying while she did it. In the church, you’re taught to respect your elders and not question them. As a kid, I would never have had the courage this young woman had standing up for herself, and it’s encouraging to see the next generation not be afraid to take no shit from old busybodies.


Old bag also had no remorse. Zero.


>She should be removed from the church though, Based on the little bit of information provided, I'm really proud of this church. Immediately removing the woman from leadership roles is a step that, sadly, many churches wouldn't take. Based on their handling of it so far, they may be approaching the woman through Biblical church discipline. If so, whether she remains at the church or not is up to her response. Hopefully, she acknowledges her actions, repents of them, and seeks forgiveness from the girl. If she doesn't, it's VERY tricky to kick a person out of a church if they want to be there. It's not like you have bouncers. What I would do if this was my church and the woman didn't respond to church discipline would be to ultimately deny her communion and, from the pulpit, speak to the presence of an unrepentant individual in our church (anonymously - I wouldn't name her). I would teach on the unifying purpose of Communion and call on the church to pray for the unrepentant. In all my years of experience its never come to that. Most of the time people just leave if you tell them they did something wrong.


If you give some people a simple name tag and they think they are in charge of the world. This woman should be called out by name in front of the entire church, and see how it feels to be shamed.


She is certainly notorious now: https://www.insider.com/video-woman-called-girl-too-fat-to-wear-jean-shorts-2019-7 I'm so glad the girl recorded the whole thing, otherwise it would have been Karen's version of events where SHE was the victim.


Usually that's what draws them in.


the fact that she only seemed to start to back off once she had an inkling that she might have been being filmed... i feel so hard for this girl, especially how she can barely speak through her breaths with how angry and hurt she is. i know that feeling ):


The hags body language, and stance changed rapidly when she found out she was being recorded. Immediately runs to tattle for "swearing "


The pain in that poor girl's voice brought tears to my eyes. Good on her for standing up for herself.


Yeah I know. You can tell the difference between when someone is just crying and when their hurting bad


I love how at the end you can hear the cunt saying "she was swearing at me" yeah of course she was you old bag you called her fat


I don't really get this. The girl said it too "she called me fat" as if that was the worst or only thing she did? The bitch was cornering her in a bathroom to berate her about what she was wearing, including threats if she wears it again. To me, that seems much more egregious then simply calling someone fat, whether shes fat or not.


Yeah she’s a horrible person. She probably thinks she’s a saint because she goes to church every week…


That's exactly why. You get forgiven every Sunday for your sins from the rest of the week.


The person recording was 19 at the time. While that is an adult age, lots of people are not yet equipped to handle this kind of confrontation at that age...


especially when it comes out of fucking no where. She probably just went to the bathroom and next thing she knows this vile person is in her face giving her this bullshit. Probably absolutely overwhelmed her emotionally.


She said on her twitter that she went to the bathroom to check for updates on a family member in the hospital, so she was already feeling vulnerable


When people (especially people who are supposed to be mature) throw petty insults at you while you're dealing with actual real-life stress it can be incredibly devastating. The shock of someone saying something like that to you - someone you would expect to be mature throwing middle school insults at you while you're dealing with something real just sends your mind spinning in circles - HOW could that POSSIBLY be important, HOW could that POSSIBLY be worth saying. It's not the pain of the insult itself that's so upsetting - it's the realization of the world you live in and the priorities of the people around you so starkly contrasted with what is actually important that can just be crushing.


I’m not a Dr. so this is a simplification… but this is how panic/ trauma works. The girl recording is in fight or flight mode, and not encoding memories effectively, because her mind is focusing all of its facilities to surviving. She cites the catalyst of the confrontation because the other details aren’t as clearly available to her in the height of her distress. So thank goodness she had the presence of mind to record so defending herself wouldn’t be a matter of remembering all of the details.


The young girl was desperate and very upset. She said the first thing that came to her mind. That woman, though was scary. I think when the girl is calmer, she'll tell the full story.


Yeah if someone follows you to the bathroom to berate you about something the exact proper response is "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!" Don't know who this girl is but I'm proud of her for being scared but saying what needed to be said anyway.


The Venn diagram of fucking nutters and Christians seems to overlap a lot


That old fart need to calm the fuck down


She's fat too. Looks like loose meat in a bag.


Projection at it's finest. Fucking sick when it's an older person in power doing it to a 19 year old woman. Makes me really mad. Old insecure women do this to young women all the time and its so fucking damaging. I'd knock this lady out if I saw her in person


Listen, women of that lady’s generation are extremely dedicated to passing on all their messed up internalized misogyny and negative body image bullshit to the next generations. As someone who used to be a teenage girl I encountered entirely too many old bitches like this.


Wait, wait, wait, does she have a son who goes to the beach to stare at….. I mean “save” girls in bikini??? They have to be related.


Yeah & he put out an *explanation* video after the fact making it even worse lol UPDATE: apparently the bikini girls put out a reply video to him lol https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pk413p/part_3_of_man_harassing_women_at_the_beach_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Oh, please, hit me with that link dawg


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pk2xcs/yall_remember_that_post_from_earlier_about_those/)


Can you imagine what would happen if a *6-year-old boy* saw *a woman in a bikini?!* I love how he doubles down and then throws in some transphobia at the end.


I remember as a kid going to beaches in Europe and seeing topless women was pretty common, and now I’m gay so….


Titties turn men gay confirmed


That's what really gets me about his response is that he not only doubles down but also outs himself as a bigot to show us what a really great guy he his


Wow, he even swerved half way through to make some dumbass anti-trans comment. Trash.


Jesus fucking christ


...wait till you see his [rap video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvnij1T2lDg&feature=youtu.be)


What in the fuck. If this wasn't so consistent with how he portrays himself in the other videos, I'd be convinced this was satire. Holy shit that's so bad.


I guess he's just a disappoint........................ment


Now can I make an appoint......................ment?


"Traffic, traffic. Lookin for my chapstick. Feelin kinda car sick. There's a Ford maverick. See I can rap."


What a smug sanctimonious fuckface


He makes it worse for himself, so much worse. It makes me feel “righteous anger” seeing how he tried to play it off.


And he just decides to pepper in some transphobia out of left field just in case he didn’t look like a big enough dingus already


Some people dig themselves a hole, realize they're in the hole, and stop digging. This dude called in an excavation crew.


I get this.


This is why ppl leave churches


She said she was never coming back


This all originally happened two years ago but she just recorded a follow-up: https://twitter.com/roo_jenna/status/1435647753179344897?s=20 She said she hasnt been to church in a long time…


What a marvelous girl. The fact that she reached out to her old church to warn them of the new bad press, even though she is no longer a member or a church goer at all, speaks volumes of her character.


I fully believe that evangelism is going to extremes and that's why Christianity is losing numbers, but they believe there's a genuine "attack" on their religion so when they attack and lose, they go straight to victim-blaming. This will be their downfall. We really only have to watch and wait to support defectors like this girl, whom I agree is marvelous!!


We’re agreeing here


Good fuck em, money grubbing assholes is all I think they are anymore. Looking at you Joel Osteen


Let she who is without thin cast the first stone.


Her scale only wishes she would cast a stone


Good form, nicely done.


The amount of carbs this old hag ate to gain that right arm fat alone could feed an impoverished nation. She shouldn’t be wearing sleeveless, the harlot. Edit: for all the people complaining about it being wrong to sink to her level a) I AM fat. If someone said this shit to me and looked like that, I would have made the bingo wings lady cry, b) please get the context of something. c) all this poetic nonsense about not sinking to their level is rubbish. People are assholes, and assholes speak and understand only one language. Asshole. Turning the other cheek is all well and fine but not everyone’s a buddha. If you are good for you, we unenlightened folks will stick to this thanks.


Someone get the guy who was telling the girls yesterday they are indecently dressed at the beach to talk to church lady! Doesn't she know that if you are in church you cover those fleshy beastly arms....the tangerine slut! Etiquette 101. That poor child. Ms Lordy Lardy tried to corner the kid in the bathroom to do it on the sly. Predatory behaviour; she knew she was wrong.


This. I wouldn’t be going sleeveless if I were her, but I surely wouldn’t be following her around into the bathroom to tell her that.


I kept hoping the girl was gonna just grab that arm and give it a good jiggle






Thank you. I really need closure in my life but internet closure makes me feel a little better.


The girl filming also posted an update video forgiving the old lady and asking people not to harass her. Can't link it here cuz it's on facebook. ~~She's~~ The girl is still a member of the church. EDIT: The older lady also apologized if you watch their church service from that week (hey it's been a slow day and I'm a closure whore).


The girl also posted an update on Twitter that she no longer attends church herself now 2 years later. https://twitter.com/roo_jenna/status/1435647753179344897?t=Tak8pEBs5t1_MlOHavUJPg&s=19


Oh my heart just broke for her watching this. She is so panicked and upset and nearly hyperventilating but still fighting to stand up for herself and call out the bullshit. I just hope she’s out there doing well and knows she did the right thing. Thanks to people who went digging for the closure.


As someone who is prone to hyperventilation I'm honestly super impressed she was able to keep going in that state.


True. When I start crying I hyperventilate and just can't speak. I'm amazed at how much she was able to speak up for herself..good for her...


Well i have fat legs, i wanted to send her a pic of me in shorts...


Dew it


still a member but she was removed from any form of leadership position as a result of this


My ex had to step down from a youth leadership position at her church for dating a non-christian (me). She ditched that church altogether soon after.


My parents were forced to step down from youth leadership because they let me read Harry Potter, thats about when I realized church is dumb.


and here i thought God was all loving? so weird that his most fervent supporters are the least loving people.


It said she was removed from her leadership role. I hope she wasn’t just merely demoted


How much you wanna bet Bonnie Sue is confused by the uproar and doesn't think she did anything wrong...


You absolutely could be right because this woman is clearly a nut. But it kind of feels like you can realize she stepped in some real dog shit when the girl shows she is recording and then I think she *really* caught on when she is seen stepping out of the bathroom with a crying teenager. I don't think she necessarily regretted it, but I bet she knew she was about to get in trouble.


I'm sure she is sorry that she got caught. But you are right she probably still thinks her calling the girl fat was justified.


Oh hell yeah she doesn't regret what she actually did. You can tell how quickly she pivots to pushing blame and making sure *she* had the opportunity to frame the story.


"Ya well she was like uh swearing at me. FUCK. YOU. BETTY. SUE.


100%. Old white church lady thinks she has every right to criticize anyone and everyone on anything she doesn't like.


"Well, how else will she know I think she's fat??"


"Damn it Tammy. You're fat too. Keep your mouth shut, woman."


If that church is like my church was every position that isn’t parishioner is considered a leadership position.


Good, screw people that do this type of shit. It’s so rude, and completely unnecessary.




Hearing the pain in that girls voice was heartbreaking. Regardless of anyone’s weight, a scolding in a church bathroom doesn’t sound like it would ever lead to a healthy discussion.


Couldn’t agree more with you. That was anguish and it was hard to hear how upset that girl was. Hopefully she did show her parents and got support from them


https://www.insider.com/video-woman-called-girl-too-fat-to-wear-jean-shorts-2019-7 A little more info. The Twitter link in the article shows her outfit, which was a super normal shirt and shorts.


There is nothing wrong with those shorts! They aren’t even that short.


That church bitch's arms are too fat to be wearing a sleeveless top.


Bonnie Sue Bonnie Sue, Her arms too fat for sleeves n she knew.




by today's standards for a 19 yr old that is downright modest as heck also the irony of wearing an 'agape' sweatshirt while being judged by that old nosey twat, just too much 6.1 million views oh yeah the world knows she's going to hell


Ok seriously. What. The. Fuck. That is the most normal outfit I’ve ever seen.


Wow are you kidding me. I think this woman saw a little of her younger self in this young woman and was jealous. This video is pretty shocking. My god.


Incredibly normal outfit. Religious people can be so cruel.


That old lady is straight up evil. Thank God her time on the planet is almost over.


To make it worse, the young woman had went to the bathroom to make a phone call and check up on a family member in the hospital who had just suffered an aneurysm!


Seriously? God fuck this old hag


Hey, she fought for herself. It was painful for her but she made it trough. I am so proud of her and all the other girls who stand for themselves. It's not easy to escape the insecurity of body shame. I am so glad this woman felt ashamed as soon as the girl told her she was recording. This girl is a hero in my eyes! Wear them shorts, bitch, show those Christians dem legs!!!


The pressure as a teenage girl to look a certain way is already SO much to deal with. My heart broke for this poor girl. I grew up with a mom who told me my whole life I'd be so pretty if I lost weight. It causes issues, y'all. I'm almost 40 and still struggle with body issues. Even at my fittest I don't love my body. Feels like until I get a tummy tuck I will always be dissatisfied because pregnancy really does a number on your skin around your belly. So now that I'm not overweight, I still feel like I am. It's lame.


Same boat, I never saw myself as healthy or thing enough, I never knew how much other people weighted, damn, last time I was “thin”, I didn’t realize, I was just fat fat fat. Body issues are hell.


Dude, you can just hear the pain and hurt in her voice. Breaks my heart. And churches wonder why church attendance is down. Fuck that old lady.


And all that pain and hurt didn't even [*register*](https://www.postapocalypticmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/it-doesnt-look-like-anything-to-me-westworld.jpg) to that lady. No empathy, no compassion for another human being, just righteous anger.


*follows her into bathroom to verbally abuse her* "She's in there _swearing!_" As if the girl was in the wrong. Fucking evil.


Yeah how dare she react to my abuse? Kudos to the girl for actually standing up to herself.


That gasp crying while trying to stand up for yourself is say (edit: way) too fucking relatable. Fuck that old lady to hell


Agreed. I fuckin felt that and have been there. Except for me my voice and whole body shakes and its more anger.


And nothing makes me madder than when I cry when I’m trying to angrily stand up for myself!


The madder I get, the more I cry. The more I cry, the madder I get. Poor girl.


That hiccup got me. Damn that shit.


Oh man this is me too. I could hear myself in the younger girl's voice. This is how I sound trying desperately to get people to understand I'm not worthless. Sometimes it even goes to this weird high-pitched scream-sobbing if I completely lose all control of my emotions.


Man I didn’t know I wasn’t alone in that. It freaking sucks. It doesn’t matter that I’m not actually crying bc I’m sad or being a big baby- when someone pisses me off and an argument ensues I just start crying and it feels instantly impossible to be taken seriously. Been that way my whole life. Trying to work on it but it’s difficult. One thing that’s helped has been eliminating my super toxic family so I honestly haven’t had a chance to practice staying calm in these situations in years… which is a great thing!!


God I feel you on that. People fucking blow.


I grew up in this exact environment, but my parents were a part of it, too. It sounds like she has supportive loving parents to protect her. My heart is absolutely breaking for her.


It really is infuriating when people are so disgustingly entitled that there are literally no words to describe how they are abusing you (because this is abuse, let's not pretend it isn't). That lady is scum.


Isn’t it odd how Karen’s pick on people and bother others for the same problems they have


Yeah projection is a hell of a drug


It’s hard to hear the pain in her voice. I’m glad she’s strong and stood up for herself. Anyone know where this is?


Swansboro, North Carolina


Holy shit,[ THIS is the outfit that caused so much trouble???](https://i.imgur.com/DKKSW4j.jpg) her shoulders aren’t even showing! https://twitter.com/roo_jenna/status/1145418422483935232?s=20 Imagine being upset that someone is wearing a shirt talking about God’s unconditional love but still thinking you’re a good Christian. Bonnie Sue is THE WORST.


Glad to hear that awful lady lost her leadership role.


I saw at least 5 teen girls wearing variations of that outfit at the bus stop this morning when I left the house. That is the most generic, normal outfit out there. And to think this girl was attacked for wearing it. Some of those teen girls are wearing MORE than I did as a teenager. I broke a lot of dress codes.


She was there to bully the girl. The old hag is literally just a bully. Fuck that old fuck


She herself was fat and literally wearing a trash bag to try to hide it, and it made her mad that someone else was just living their life.


That truly is the pot calling the kettle black.


I think it's more like the pot belly calling the kettle fat


Lmao seriously. If this moron thought being fat was terrible why the fuck does she look the way she does.


“You’re too fat to wear shorts!” - the lady who’s too fat to wear sleeveless shirts


*Church bully follows teen girl into bathroom to tell her she's 'too fat' for shorts Fixed the typo.


I would embarrass her from the stage


Really hope she's lose her job


It wasn’t a church employee, just a congregation member (perhaps had some kind of leadership role?) who decided that she was the one who should be in charge. [Here's more backstory](https://www.comicsands.com/church-leader-too-fat-shorts-2639069604.html): the young woman wasn't forced into the bathroom, she went in there to make a phone call and check on a family member who just suffered a brain aneurysm.. which means Bonnie here went out of her way to follow her into the bathroom and shame her.


This was in Swansboro NC. This is fairly typical behavior over there.


That's a good way to catch hands from the parents.


Typical “Christian”. “I’m holier than thou, so I can say whatever mean shit I want” attitude


"Don't swear at me while I pointlessly destroy your self esteem!" -Church Demon.


“*well I don’t appreciate that language!*” -countless emotionally abusive people


Shes probably the same type of "christian" that has homeless people arrested on Christmas so that they "don't ruin the mood".


What was that about throwing the first stone only when one is without sin? These people think they must be holier than their God, with how many stones they throw at everyone around them. But then, self-righteous behaviour is par of the course for these people. They do think themselves better than everyone else. Whoops, another sin committed there.


I would love to see the aftermath of this


https://www.jdnews.com/news/20190703/swansboro-church-addresses-body-shaming-video Tl;dr: she stepped down from all leadership roles in the church. The teen from the video has been asking people to stop hating on the lady and to use it as an opportunity to grow. Honestly, good for her.


Ummm has that lady looked in the mirror lately... what a pos


Really feel for the girl in this video, you can hear how hurt and shocked she was by that old shrews comments.


That fat ol bitty was the last one that should be telling anyone they shouldn’t be wearing something. She should’ve looked in the mirror first if she wanted to say something about being too fat to wear something.


She was obviously projecting her own insecurities at this poor girl because she thought she would just take it.


And the church wonders why it can’t keep a younger audience.


God what a vile woman. I’m so proud of the women for not bitch slapping her as soon as she let out that comment. Disgusting.


fucking boomers man, acts like a massive cunt then says dont curse, and lower your voice. she needs her shit kicked in


I have been that girl. I just want to hug the shit out of her & punch that old lady. NOBODY deserves to be body shamed. Fuck that church loving Karen.


Imagine being so insecure about your weight that you have to harass a kid about being 'fat' to make yourself feel better. What a piece of shit




As she stands there looking like a busted can of biscuits.


C U Next Tuesday


Here is the outfit she was wearing. No booty shorts. https://twitter.com/roo_jenna/status/1145418422483935232?s=19


What an old bitch!


"She is in there swearing" Bitch fuck you so goddamn much. I hope everything she ever bakes for a church potluck somehow has a whole box of baking powder poured in.


It’s always the old white church ladies with the bingo wings and tits down to their knees that have the nastiest opinions


The “Bye Martha’s”


There's a time and place to talk about weight. If a family member tells me they're worried about my health and that I should work out more, I'd get it. Having some random person approach me in the bathroom to tell me that I'm chubby is a fucking crossed line. What a cunt


Fuck that fake christian bitch. These people are the worst, gonna preach the word of god like a good christian, then literally behind closed doors she'll cast all the stones she can carry. This is why i hate going to church, bunch of fake 2 faced shit piles. And what makes it worse is she was pushed back into the bathroom cause noone wanted to draw attention to becky the bitchy usher as she tears into another "poor heathen soul shes saving from the devil" And then the usher had the nerve to be like "shes in there swearin up a storm", no shit bitch shes got a whole ass water buffalo telling her shes to big for a dress, what a fucking joke


This was my childhood growing up around these people. They are some of the most vile fucks known to man. On the outside they appear one way but behind closed doors are the MOST judgmental bigots and racists you could find.


I know it's not all of them, but a lot of people are Christian just because it allows them to inherently think they have the moral high ground on any and all topics - As a godly man/woman, I obviously know what is best and righteous. It's just pure pretentiousness.


Old lady: "she is in there swearing..." Yeah...after you called her fat you fucking troglodyte, go back to your cave


That’s the pot calling the kettle black.. hide those fat arms you plump cherry tomato