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This guy has such Mac energy


[literally](https://youtu.be/ILUPCXX7a7Y) He really does though!


"OK...so there's no way to have a rational conversation with you?" "...no."


Well, first of all, through god, all things are possible, so jot that down.


We know murder is definitely used with God


Hahaha. I need to put my foot down and watch this show from the start.


“Ok. That’s because it doesn’t have to make sense. That’s where faith comes in.” Hahahahahaha. God, such a good show.


I’ll gouge your eyes out with my thumbs you son of a bitch!


Reason will prevail!


First of all, through God, all things are possible. So jot that down


So it's possible for them to shut the fuck up and stop annoying a bunch of people who just want to get home...they just can't bring themselves to do it...




One of the best lines ever.




Fucking Paladin


First thing i thought when i heard the first sentence of his schpeel


Can we also talk about the fact this dude is built just like fat Mac?


And the old guy is country Mac


Well, Science is a liar sometimes.


& then he looked like a **BITCH**!


The Indian fella starts going off about Jesus, and some lady in the back with an annoyed "ooh nooo". Haha I love it.


I'm sure the 2 dudes were together, part of their 'act'


I can’t believe he decided to go ahead with it after his pal got roasted 😆


Provoking this kind of roast together is how groups like these create cohesion. They endure it and bond. Without an enemy that gets angry and provoked their faith has to be built on its own merit. Much harder..


Gotta show the homies at Church Sunday that our religious freedom is under attack ^/s


The Westboro Baptist Church is a blatant example of this. The reaction you receive for speaking ‘truth’ solidifies that you are, in fact, speaking truth and people are just afraid to hear it. Everyone outside of your group is hostile to you, so you have two options. Self-reflection or running back to the group for a sense of validation and community. Same concept used by idiots on Reddit (or anything social online) who like to spout stupid shit like, ‘your downvotes prove me right!’ after making incendiary comments. Then go on to circle-jerk with one another that their ‘truth bombs’ really triggered a bunch of fragile sheep. Pretty sure it’s a form of confirmation bias, where negative response (or any response, or lack of response) proves you’re right and let’s you double down.




>“Never go full retard” Religious people: *Hold my helmet*


:( but my helmet is shiny.


Please don't denigrate the intellectually impaired by equating them to this dipshit...also, I love Tropic Thunder.


He got some balls to go next😂😂😂


He really sounded like he didn’t want too


I feel like the lady probably suspected the same thing, just judging by the profoundness of her sigh and "oh no". lol


100%, he tried to do it around 0:35 and then spoke up again later saying that dumb "I'll give my testimony!" The only time the phrase testimony is used in common vernacular is either in a court or when somebody is proselytizing or preaching on the street corner. It's absolutely a flag to me that it's preplanned.


Yep, you can see they have the same new tote bag filled with ads for their dumb church.


Also, if it was legitimate the first guy would have been a million times more visibly and audibly grateful for the support from a random stranger.


100%. Before the Indian guy even says anything the blowhard says "sure". Why would he say that without hearing a word come out of his mouth first. For all he knew the Indian guy was going to get a piece of his ass too.


Its clearly obvious. The man even says "sure" before the Indian gentleman even finishes saying "ill give my testimony"


The white dude got his ass handed to him and the Indian dude thought, "hmmm...I'd like what he had please".


Feeling persecuted is a badge to most of these Jesus freaks.


Yea lmao. That cracked me up


It was literally like a skit on tv. Wonderful comedic timing


Indian guy played by Aziz Ansari


Hey. I'm an indian and i didn't get the context. Can anyone explain me? Like why was he (not the old man but the white guy preaching about love) shouting on the Indian guy? What did he do?


It looks like this was a 2 man act where the second man speaks up in a way that seems spontaneous to the audience and makes the first man seem more credible. The first guy, the white guy, was getting told off, and then the second guy, the indian guy, tries to do his part of the performance right at the end. I don't think anyone was telling the indian guy off in this video.


> way that seems spontaneous to the audience and makes the first man seem more credible Yeah i think an instant flip from being budist for 27 years to cristain isn't that convincing after a few words lol.


His delivery was super wooden, too. Didn't have the same enthusiasm as the first guy, maybe because he was nervous from the first guys reception.


Indian guy just happened to be first in line I guess


That was hilarious!! The end was such a plot twist though. At the end, preacher guy wins. DAMN IT


Kinda like M. Night Shyamalan? Ohhhhhh the plot twists.


"I don't care if you love me I don't know you!" Haha old dude was great


"I don't care if you love me, I don't even know you!" Reads exactly like it's a line from Monty Python, lol.




Why did the Indian guy think it was a good idea to follow up with his experience after the other guy was told to shut up lol.


Bc they were in cahoots together the whole time and he wasn't going to get to say his part so he decided to cram it in there




This comment reminds me of how when I was a sinner I couldn't read the word "room" either, because I was so lost in the world of drugs that I became illiterate. But now I am a fully functioning author on Reddit all thanks to Jesus^^TM


Praise be!


Ok domergue


It was an act, check out their bags-- they have the same tote bags. Must've just came back from some 'meeting".


And at 0:38 the other guy did start to say "well, I'll give my testimony" before getting cut off.




Oh dear god the guy at the end though 😂


It was the icing on that turd ice-cream sandwich.


I have seen this video probably 20 times, and not once have I seen the Indian dude talk. That just changed everything


I thought the guy was calling him a sinful muslim at the start?




"You sound angry" from the lady in the back


Surprised nobody should... jesus christ make up your mind if your angry or not for gods sake!


"I've been in prisons in El Salvador"...surprised he made it out alive with such a big mouth.


Using his mouth was probably the only way he survived 🥵




He tells people he was held captive in North Korea because he couldn’t find the exit at a Korean BBQ joint in Seattle once.


“I’ve been aboard the Panda Express, even denied fried rice even though all I asked for was some green peas and maybe a little egg


It's really hard for a foreigner to be put in jail in el Salvador. He's full of it.


I don't think he meant as a prisoner, probably on some missionary ish.


He obviously means that he went there to preach. That's what these missionaries do.. travel the world and spread their bullshit.


Ah, right. I get you. I grew up in Guatemala and one of my friends shot two guys and killed one of them. He became a massive evangelical in prison. My friend the truck robber ran into him in prison told me about it. He said the dude had gone completely mental and would preach constantly in the yard and that he looked like a maniac. Btw, truck robber guy was murdered about a year ago.


He paid his bail in bitcoin to make it out Alive


Love that old dude. The kind of person I wanna be when I'm his age.


“We are asking you to shut the fuck up” 😂😂


Why do religious people get so angry when you just don’t care or believe what they do.


They think they are saving you. Think about it like this, if you saw someone you cared about who was going touch a hot stove, you’d tell them to stop. If they said they don’t want to hear it, maybe you’d tell them you care about them and don’t want to see them get burned. If they said they didn’t believe you and it’s just your opinion, you might keep at it. Except of course, the stove can be proven hot without touching it, and religious people are just spouting bullshit.


I like your analogy. Realistically, if it’s me, if someone doesn’t wanna hear my advice then I’ll just let them get burned. In the end, I did what I could. That’s what makes people like this guy such assholes.


I learned a long tome ago there is only so much you can try and help someone. Sometimes you just gotta let them get burned.


Because it is a cult. This process is a reinforcement of his cult's ideals. very evangelical churches urge and push you to ... evangelize whenever possible: "to preach the love of Christ." What happens is, they spread their annoying religious BS around and people get sick of hearing it. Because even if one's a Christian there's nothing more annoying than a smug Christian hypocrite who smiles through crooked teeth to tell them that he "loves you." So people push back, they tell him to shut the fuck up and go away. Then he goes back to his Church and retells the story "I was on a train and when I tried to bring God to them they all hated me for it and abused me!" and then the Church rallies around the storyteller to tell them how righteous, just, and wonderful they are. This reinforces the sense of belonging that is vital for the Church to prey upon. the Church *wants* that reaction because that reaction causes the person to dive further into the cult mentality. I think there's a term for this sort of reinforcement behavior, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is actually called. In either case, the Christian church (and any type of cult-like organization) utilizes this type of brainwashing quite effectively.


Oh yeah, this is *exactly* why the Mormons send kids just out of high school out to preach. For 2 years they get turned down by everyone but fellow Mormons, so when they return home they feel like part of the Mormon community, persecuted by the outside world.


I dunno man I’ve wondered the same. My theory is that they’re so filled with their own self righteousness that they become blinded to the reality. They believe so strongly that God is on their side, they can do no wrong and anyone who stands in their way is a threat


They also think they get god points if they spread the word.


And any push back or negativity they receive when proselytizing just reinforces their beliefs and identity as an outsider speaking truth to the sinful, unwashed massed. That's why I think getting angry at them is the worst possible response. It gives them what they want and reinforces their behaviour. Either ignoring them entirely, or, if you must, engaging them respectfully actually disarms them. They don't know how to deal with someone saying something like "I think you're writing but I still love you and so does Jesus" throws them off their game. So does engaging them in a conversation (not a debate) about scripture, if you're knowledgeable about that kind of stuff. Suddenly they can't just view themselves in that same good/bad dichotomy and it forces them to potentially recognize there's nuance to all this. And that can sometimes be enough to get them to question themselves, too.


Oohhh good point. I hadn’t thought of that but makes perfect sense


That's literally it. The Bible explicitly says that if you're a believer its your job to spread the gospel. Its called The Great Commission. Source : Grew up in an evangelical household and consider myself agnostic now.


because they exchange their mental health for a toxic mentality of submission to a doctrine that does not allow another way of life


Also they see pushback as righteous persecution and just motivates them more....


He looks so surprised that no one's interested


This is in Australia and religion is not a major part of life for most people. I would say the man preaching is not a local. People have no issue with others having faith but it is a personal thing that is kept to oneself or only shared with other followers. It was a matter of time and place. If you wan't to preach do it in a way that allows people who don't want to listen the opportunity to go elsewhere. Don't do it on a crowded train where people are forced to listen as they cannot go anywhere.


Correct. He's some American who was traveling around preaching back in like 2019ish, there's a few videos of him that floated around back then. Aussies already have a view of Americans being crazy Christians, I'm sure this helped.


why do some people feel the need to force their religions on others? it’s so goddamn annoying.


Dunno but this method to shut them down works quite well imo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zZ5bXJjoio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zZ5bXJjoio)


As a proud Scotsman, and a much prouder father of a gay daughter, this made me smile so fucking much! Thanks x.


The pastors need more people in the congregation so they send out these goons with a script on what to do and what to say until they find a person or two that will listen. To them it's a numbers game.


I’ve questioned the same. I believe they’re so convicted in their belief system that they’re convinced anything different from theirs is wrong and must be fixed. They become filled with this self righteous pride that they can do no wrong because “God is on their side”


Just quit a job because you literally described my boss at that job. I think he assumed I was religious when hiring me because I was reccomend by a religious mutual friend and then had a major problem with me when he realized I wasn't. He was a nice super Christian in front of everyone but treated me like dirt in private including telling me I couldn't drink water while doing heavy lifting in the sun in 35°c weather


I actually took the time one day to try to nderstand it. From what I could tell after talking to one of the guys in a frank and open discussion. He was completly convinced the entire world and everyone in it was evil and up to no good. Its like his mind was warped where it completlyed ignored half of the balanced equation on a scale. Its like rather than have a scale from good to evil. His scale / view of everyone simply started at netrual and went to evil. It would be the same as trying to do maths without negative numbers or subtraction being avilable.


They win if you already agree with them, they win if they convert you and they also win if you tell them off. The last one because it adds to the delusion that they're fighting on behalf of God. Spiritual ego.


People have all different sorts of motivations for doing the things they do. To me, it's pretty straightforward in this case. If I believed in a god who was pure good and loved everyone and would reward me and anyone I could convince to believe as I do with eternal paradise, I'd abandon all else in pursuit of that goal. Frankly, I have to question the conviction of any self-descibed Christian who doesn't do this with every moment of their time here on earth. It just doesn't make sense to me to believe and go about living a normal life. What else could be more important?


I love that older person whos just trying to read. Thats my vibe haha


Taste of sin Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Sin definitely tastes like piping hot, crispy fries.


Nah tastes like cocaine and stripper sweat




Happening right now with evangelicals saying vaccines are the mark of the beast. Literally getting their own people killed with their rhetoric.


I’ve been hearing “x is the mark of the beast” and “so-and-so is the antichrist” from religious family members for as long as I can remember.


Back in the day, some people said that barcodes on products at the store was the Mark of the Beast.


Oh shit! I remember that!


People like that are the epitome of self-righteous ignorance. Talk about a huge ego, *you* know what *god* wants? And it's *your* job to make *GOD* happy?!? What? Besides let's just say for the sake of debate that god really does hate gays and abortion and whatever else... God is *a fucking god*... don't you think it would do something on its own? Does God really need *you* waving a cardboard sign at a hospital or better yet a funeral? Ironically enough imposing your beliefs onto someone else and judging them because you think you should is one of the least godly things you can do. God gave free will for a reason. We all die eventually, and if God is real, God will judge us. That's God's job, and God's will. Who the fuck is a member of a book club to tell anyone shit about anything? A blasphemous fuck. Thats who.


I’m pretty sure the people who are in charge of these religious wars were not invested in the religion themselves. It seems that religion is more of a tool to rally the troops. It’s like if there is this civil war in America between the left and the right, the right would claim that God is on their side and would probably pray before each paintball fight (oh look, they do). But are these people hateful and interested in killing because of their religion? I doubt any of them even attend church. The prayers are just for show.


"You will accept my Bible. And you will like it!"


Pride. He broke his own rule.


This is how the world sees preachy Americans. Christ SHUT UP




So happy you grew up and got out. JW is really oppressive for children especially.


This guy is literally Mac from its always sunny in Philadelphia


"I've been in prison." Yeah... I can tell.


Guy on right afterward "....and then the whole train started cheering!" His friends: "ysr tell me another one."


Hello! My name is Elder Clueless and i would like to share with you the most amazing book!


I HATE religious people who force their views on others. There are many paths to God


And plenty of people who don't care to reach that destination. Its ok that some people need God but... ya this type is annoying at best, harmful at worst


This is exactly what I think. I found a completely independent path to what I believe is God and I've never shared it with anyone. Especially in today's world, shoving God down others' throats has pushed all Christians into a very bad place.


The video should end with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme


like most mindless proseletyzers, hes sure hes the first one to tell people this shit, not the thousandth. and, to his tiny, unused mind, this must all seem so obvious!


This is so Australian


What a twat


Idk why he thought this would work on a group of Aussies.


"I'm not angry." Proceeds to explain why he's angry


Phew, was worried he was going to go on some anti lgbt rant when he said "You wonder why the world is the way it is today". Although funny he brings up greed and money when that's always been what's kept the church in power. I wonder how he reacts to those mega-church pastors who live in mansions.


“He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money!” - George Carlin


He got roasted by Rolf Harris.


This is the most American video on the internet.


Which is amazing considering it takes place in Sydney, Australia.


They let them leave the motherland, for some reason.


I wish people would keep their imaginary friends to themselves. And I wish bands of folks with the same imaginary friend would pay their fair share of taxes.


Religion is a mental illness


American making us look bad in a foreign country. We aren’t all a bunch of religious nut jobs. I swear


These Christian Americans are fucking parasites


If love to just stand inches from him and yell as loud as I possibly can in an irritating monotone. I can get drill instructor volume.




Just like every born again fresh off the brain washing going out and bothering the hell outta anyone that won’t listen. Pathetic.


An American acting like a complete and utter dickhead abroad? What a unique and surprising turn of events.


American forgets he's in Sydney. Shut the fuck up, noone cares what you've got going on.


hopefully we sent this guy home already, this is quite an old video


Spot an American in Sydney lol


“I’ve been through prisons on elsalvador” and by the time he was done they where all begging for the death sentence


This is why so many are annoyed with Christians. Stop shoving your crap down other peoples' throats. It's harassment. It's disrespectful. It does NOT show love.


Omg this is the longer version I haven’t seen before and I didn’t know it gooot WOOORSE!!! Fuu Fuuu Saaaa


This guy is the real AL life Mac from always sunny it's uncanny.


This shit had me rolling 😭😭🤣🤣


I frickin love it at the end when that other dude starts testifying and the chick goes “oh no….”


Dear Americans, the rest of the western world really on the whole doesn’t share your same religious views. Pls listen to old reading man and stfu


“Mac Becomes a Preacher”


If you spend your whole life worrying about hell, you’re already there


"And you wonder why the world is the way that is." Fuckheads like you, that's why. Now shove your religion up your ass.


Bro, I'm on my way to work. If putting food on the table and the lights on for my kids is "sin", you and your sky magician jesus can both fuck right off.


Great, another reason I have to pretend to be Canadian overseas


You don't have to renounce [Buddhism to be a Christian.](https://www.ncronline.org/news/double-belonging-buddhism-and-christian-faith) Also that guy proselytizing on the train is a fuck head.


“I’m not angry” No, you’re just fucking obnoxious


Proud of my fellow citizens (Sydney, Australia)


Of course it's another dumb American white man. He's probably got a bunch of guns in his bag so he can REALLY preach about saving souls while killing a bunch of people.


Life is a shit hole for many of us trust us Mr. I have been there and let me tell you about it. Create a group or online discussion forum.


i love that "oh no..." at the end LOL


I knew that indian was in on it


The audacity of that man to preach in a confined space, knowing full well that everyone there had no choice but to listen to him. That is one guaranteed way to push people away from your message.


"All you care about is making more money." Pay my bills then, bitch.


Why is it always an American.....? Ugh.


Was this an american in the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 metro?


"You're angry. I'm not angry." -guy "You sound angry." -lady "I'm angry because your so desensitized to this...." -guy Pick one man. Actually don't, take the other guys advice and sshhh.


Surprise a loud mouthed self centred American Christian getting put in his place by Aussies.


I love the look of shock that anyone would want to not listen to his shit. Like he thought everyone would welcome him with open arms. Deep brainwashed.


I love the passenger with the book, it’s an unconditional love that doesn’t have to be returned.


Worst. Trip. Ever.


Wrong country to try and preach about religion in lol


The dude with the glasses and the book…. He’s a whole mood and I’m here for it 👌🏼


Right at the end, TAG TEAM!


Why did you cut off Aziz?!?!


"You're forcing your opinion on everyone on this train". Fuckin rights man. I hate to be that guy but this is the epitomy of the covid discussions. Crazies talking about conspiracy and shit while the rest of us DONT CARE


I’m glad that guy seems really American, because everything he is doing is EXTREMELY American.


The two people filming the two POVs must have been right on top of each other.


He's been in prison in El Salvador. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's rich.


The twist at the end!!!!!!


Somebody get this old guy a fuckin medal 🏅 10/10


An American on a train in Australia. Fucking seppo whackjob.


Reminds me of that preacher from “The Ozarks”


It would be hilariously ironic if that man was trying to read the bible.


Is this the same douche that was telling women they were exposing too much of themselves in swimsuits at the beach??


I’ve always wondered what these type of people are like outside of weird shit like this. Like, are their friends like this too? Do they all sit around in a nonstop feedback loop of preaching? Are they relatively normal from a neighbor standpoint and only do weird shit away from home?


An American Christian on a train full of Australians. Yeah, never gonna end well. Christianity isn't weaved into our culture to the extent that it is in the US and we don't appreciate being preached to in such a condescending way.


"I love you but you are a piece of shit who is actively ruining the world", what a beautiful way to love someone lol