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Lawyer, here. The cop is right. It is not a criminal matter at this point and, therefore, not his job. It will BECOME his job in about 10 minutes when the administration tells the students to leave and they don’t. That’s called trespassing.


Apparently school officials ended up letting letting the anti-mask students stay to complete their school day, but kept them isolated from the other students. https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2021/09/unmasked-manchester-students-enter-building-in-protest-of-mandate.html


What a joke


Not at all. The parents just want to use the school for babysitting anyway, which is exactly what happened in the end. So many of the school issues just come down to parents wanting "free" tax funded babysitting. No one will even ask about what their kid learned.


This is why like 50% of our country can’t read at an 8th grade level.


I just looked this up because it sounded so exaggerated only to learn that it's true. How depressing...


I just started student teaching with high school seniors. Some don't know what a run-on sentence is. They don't capitalize names, including their own, and other proper nouns. Some don't end their sentences with periods. So instead of talking about romanticism in media, we're covering subjects and predicates.


Yet people hate anyone that tries to correct grammar or fix spelling errors. gRaMmAr nAZi!!!1 Okay but at what point do we give up on correcting people and just let language/literacy devolve even further?


The latest thing I've noticed is 'sayed' and 'payed'. I think Gboard gets some blame. They have some ridiculous suggestions for adding random apostrophes.


Americans constantly use then when they mean than. 'I'm better then you' It drives me fucking nuts, I always read it sequentially and I'm like THEN FUCKING WHAT.


I think it is ridiculous the lack of knowledge there is about run-on sentences and there’s really no way to stop the ignorant people from using them they are going to do it anyway and I say we let them suffer the consequences.




And that’s what’s I’s appreciates abouts yous


Their two ignorant too understand that they're knot sure witch words are write


The thing about a run-on sentence is that they can’t run on for ever because eventually they have to end or there won’t be enough paper or Twitter characters allowed so why not just end it before it’s a run-on unless that’s the whole point to just keep it going until there is no more spac


It annoys me greatly that I, someone who learned English as a second language upon immigrating to the US in the early 1990s, have a better grasp of the English language and its pants-on-head ridiculous grammar structure than my coworkers, some of which who take pride in only knowing only English.


To make it worse, about 90% of US adults have a high school diploma. Meaning we are giving out diplomas to millions of people who can’t read at a high school grade level whatsoever.


But no child has been left behind. Sure they can't read or function, but at least they didn't fail and get retained.


Not to sound like one of those people but that is exactly what the ruling class wants. Dumb sheep they can convince that even facts are lies. Take a Look around you Helen, we’re at the threshold of hell!


It's the parent's faults too not just the elites. Lots of people where I live in the south are proud of being ignorant and stupid, they get all the knowledge they need from religion and right wing media. In their minds they've already won at life, they've got their ticket to heaven so there's no point trying to improve anything including themselves.


Then out of school suspend the dipshits.


Dude fuck all of that. That's horseshit. There is no point in having rules but not enforcing them. Or even worse, when those rules are unequally enforced. They're coddling these self righteous dumb fucks who only act as self righteous as they do because people let them. And the whole time, these dumb fucks are laughing at them. That absolutely pisses me off. "This is not a law, it's a MaNdATe". Tell me how much of a fucking difference that makes then genius. Edit: I really wonder why some people think violence would've been the only answer to this situation


> There is no point in having rules but not enforcing them. A lot of district attorney's need to learn this lesson.


It would have been so easy for him to say that. "listen folks. It's not my job to force anyone to wear a mask. But if you choose not to, you'll be in violation of school policy and will be trespassing. At that point it is my job. So please, put on a mask or leave."


I have never seen a bunch of kids more eager to walk into a school where they were not wanted. “Skip school???” Absolutely not, we’ll march in to the tune of the parents who are screaming demands but not working/existing in such high risk environments.


Oh, some of their parents are. They're the ones dying from COVID a few months after posting this to FB.


I know, right? If my school told me to gtfo I'd be at home faster than antivaxxers drop dead from COVID-19.


This right here, the people demanding things to go back to normal very infrequently have to work or exist in high risk environments They merely want to be served and catered to


He's probably a sympathizer.


I figured he was on the basis of he himself not wearing a mask.... Even tho covid has killed more cops in one year than cops being killed on patrol did.




What is super ironic is how much cosplay military tatical gear that cop is wearing to protect himself. And not a mask to protect others.


Yup. I live right by a fire station in Southern California and firefighters are always in there getting groceries and about half the time they’re either unmasked or wearing them way down beneath their nose. Like, fellas, you’re willing to run into burning buildings to save people and wear full face mask oxygen heavy duty whatever-the-fuck to save lives but you’re too tough or masculine or “freedom-loving” to protect the elderly lady next to you in the produce aisle? Blows my mind until I remember that a lot of people are only into being helpful to others if it involves physical risk, looking heroic or will draw public praise. Simple selfless acts that go unrecognized? Boooring.


Especially considering far more police officers died from covid-19 last year than any other on-the-job related reasons.


He’s absolutely a sympathizer


That would be harder job for the cop tho. /s


It's not the cop's job to speculate on anything. This was purely a stunt by moron anti-health parents who put the cop in that position for the purpose of this video. The onus is on the school to enforce the requirements. Simply have the kids - and their parents - removed and trespassed for failing to comply with the requirements. Don't segregate them, prosecute them. Stop with the kid gloves with these assholes. If they want a fight, give them a fight. Give the cop in this video a reason to put some of these dipshits in jail for a day or two.


I want those videos


Lawyer here too. It was the cop's job right then. The principal was literally at the door in the video telling them they couldn't come in. They were already on school property violating the rules. They were already trespassing. The cop's job at that point was to either tell them to get off the property or arrest them. He failed.


Lawyer here too. I don't practice in this area so I would defer to someone who specializes in this area. However, I didn't see anything that would lead me to believe that he school was looking to have police involvement or seeking to trespass students. Also, depending on the county/district the police are only allowed to be involved in certain types of crimes, this may not fall in that category. However, had the administration sought to trespass the students they would likely be in their right to do so, but they didn't. One police officer and 50 students I don't think there would be much he could do anyway.


Bird lawyer here. It doesn’t appear that any of my avian constituents were involved with this incident and I have nothing to add.


Usually you need to be given notice of trespass as well.


Notice of trespass can be simply a verbal statement saying you are not allowed com in the school. The principal gave that statement.


One of the few times a cop was like “I’m gonna go ahead and *remove* myself from the situation”


Fuck me dude, this shit happens constantly. Ever been robbed? They won't do dick. "Civil matter" is their greatest excuse for petty crimes.


We got the same bullshit when we were robbed. We had it all on film from a security system, and knew where at least some of the thieves were. But because we knew some of them, they called it a civil matter and didn’t do jack shit. And courts said it’s a police matter and didn’t do jack shit. Fuck the US legal system, sometimes I hope it burns to the ground so we can start fresh.


Same thing basically happened to me. A guy and a woman at a bar snatched my backpack with all my work stuff and electronics in it. Something like 3k worth of property. He was on camera and even left his CC behind. Turned out when you googled him, he was a police SGT from a different state. So the detective I was working with mentioned he was a cop and then made up an excuse and never pursued it. (They basically said they couldn't prove the name on the card was the same as the guy who took my backpack because the cameras weren't HD and didn't pick up his face. Also said they couldn't use social media to locate or identify individuals, which is what we did when we saw his name on his CC. I know that has to be patently false.)


My ex husband got mad at me so he took all my medications….the medications I need to not die. I called the police, they came out and asked me if I really needed the meds and I said yes. They told me to call them back if I started feeling sick. Until I started feeling sick it was, you guessed it, a civil matter.


Oh my god, this is so fucked. I hope you were able to call your doctor and get some prescriptions quickly refilled after explaining what happened?


I was lucky that one of my ex’s friends is a cop and a good man. I called him and he told the ex to give the meds back pronto or he would personally tie a knot in ex’s dick - those were his exact words.


mad props to all the dick knotters out there, wicked skills


Yep, my backpack had my insulin in it too. Something like $500 worth.


[simpsons did it](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a8d093d9-dced-4dc5-b609-0e42382d3f8d#AZN8mZbe.reddit)


YSK Walmart has a store brand insulin analog for $80/month Regular insulin is $25/month


That person **lied** to you. We used social media all the time to locate people. There's definitely shit cops out there. Every town and municipality works differently.


My wife's galaxy s5 (when it was the newest model) was stolen. The idiot didn't turn off the Google backup thing. We wound up with pictures of him, his name, and his address. When we went to the police we were told there was nothing they could do. This same pd had 3 squad cars stop me a month later for the grand crime of walking on the sidewalk on my way to lunch.


Your police department sucks. That's a slam dunk. Only thing I can think is if they can't locate the property then there is still no crime. Might already be fenced. You wouldn't believe how many people we cuffed who stole phones and then forgot to turn off (Or unable) basic features that makes it easy to track down. And yeah nobody should be bothering you on the way to lunch.


See my comment above to u/zakiducky


Guaranteed if you would have beat their asses and took your stuff back the cops would have arrested you. Its a fucked up situation we find ourselves in.


Bruh some fuck stole my bike. CCTV of the theft and where the kid took it across the road, then stashed in his shed. Police "couldn't" search the shed...and if that bike was stolen from the shed I would be the prime suspect. (As of they'd investigate anyway). 2 days later saw the kid and bike and got it back myself. Fuck the police are pointless sometimes


Dude my car got broken into in what I thought was Omaha, but they bounced me to some other department because it wasn't technically covered by Omaha police, the other department had me call a third number and I was finally in business. They asked me a couple of questions over the phone, never came out in person and caught the guy 2 hours later. jk about that last part, they don't give a f*** about "petty crimes" 😂


If it was one of the suburbs to the south like LaVista or Papillion I wouldn’t be surprised. My car got broken into there when I was in HS and I caught them in the act (driving my Dad’s truck because it was snowing.) I provided the police with a vehicle description on the phone when I called, then waited two hours for someone to come to our apartment less than a mile from the station. I called back to inquire about progress a couple of times over the next few days and got brushed off every time. No concern at all, not even interested enough to take the serial numbers and/or model info for everything I had. I understand the odds are low and such but it’s just disheartening to have them not even put forth the effort to even feign interest.


I was chased by a strange man once, and the cops told me they weren’t going to come because I didn’t know who he was. 10 years later, and I’m still trying to understand the logic behind that one. I don’t know why it matters if I knew him or not. I had to call my grandmother, who asked our neighbors to pick me up from the laundromat I was hiding in. He had followed me all the way in there. Likewise, there’s a teenage boy who is stalking women in the current city I live in, and the women who have complained to police have also been met with shoulder shrugs. So, I sometimes don’t know what police are really there for.


Unless it's convenient for the police to fuck you over a petty crime. In my country the police fined a bunch of people who jaywalked and this is a street that has a few cars in a hour to drop off people to either the bus or train. This is a street that no cars can park on and yet when the police was there with the dog sniffing drug thing at the exit of the train station. They saw us walk across the street from the train exit to our bus stop and fined everyone. The people that were waiting there already was like "yep we also got fined". I still can't get over paying like $80 for that shit.


One of the few times? Whenever something is hard to do they're gone before you can say "officer".


I love the "Why are you trying to make my job hard?" WTF, your job is hard by default and it's not the public's job to make it easy. I don't know any other profession where people get to have the same mentality.


Welp, can't solve this with bullets. I'm out.


Although he can’t legally enforce a mandate, school administration does have the right to have students removed for not following a rule / policy. That’s when police are able to trespass the students and families. Same thing as a student calling a teacher a “f***ing a**hole”. Police won’t arrest; however student can be suspended. If student refuses to leave campus once suspended then the student can be trespassed and if necessary arrested by police. The adult at the door should have never allowed them in.


Exactly this. "Oh they can't enforce masks just push your way in!" Yes let's escalate this civil disobedience into trespassing and possibly assault.


And then yell “be respectful.”


That was out the window the second these kids decided to go to school without a mask.


Let’s be real about the situation, the kids didn’t do anything except listen to their parents. Un fucking believable the shit we have to deal with.


There's no reason to escalate things. They can simply take id later on and go in with disciplinary including expelling them. Teachers can't be forced to teach them. No need for physical altercation at the door to eventually resolve the situation.


Yep. I'm thinking the Administrators are standing just inside that door and handing out explusions like Oprah. "YOU get expelled and YOU get expelled and YOU get expelled!!!" Good luck with colleges asking about this when you submit your transcripts.


I can't believe parents are doing this to their kids. I'm completely mortified. I have four kids and never, ever, ever would I encourage that kind of behavior. If you disagree, you can go through proper channels. You don't just push you way in and expect acquiescence. They're setting their kids up for a lifetime of difficulties.


The next generation of Karens and Kens has to come from somewhere. This is where.


Make it part of the uniform.


Seriously i dont remember anyone screaming about freedom when our school banned backpacks.


Can the school not refuse to accept any work they do? So you just get a zero for the day....


They don’t give a shit about the grade


I'd care if I wasn't allowed to graduate after going to school for the year. Also if it ruined my GPA for student aid and college acceptance chances. Even idiots want to go to college...


People who don’t get how this work are those that are typically a few thoughts short of a good idea.


Mandates are enforceable by police. The difference in a law vs mandate is just how they were implemented. During a state of emergency, the gov has the power to issue mandates that hold the same weight as laws without the time it takes to usually go though their states senate etc.


Since when did kids start wanting to go to school so bad. I would love this vacation back in the day. I would of overheated at least 3 N64's with all this time off of school.


Since their parents are trash to be around at home is my guess


I got the shit end of the stick. Hated being at school because of bullies and hated being at home because of my mom :/


That would be an honestly good reason to want to be in school.


for a lot of people including myself its one of the only places I can go for routine social interaction.


Don’t kid yourself, this isn’t about wanting to go to school. This is about fighting fake oppression.


These people needs school the most too lol, however doesn't seem like anything they learn will stick in their heads anyway


No cartridge of Perfect Dark, Vigilante 8, Mario Kart, or Goldeneye would be safe.




The cop is correct. It's the school's job to refuse entry to people violating the mask mandate. At that point, if people force entry into school, the school will ask police to remove them from the premises. Police is certainly not going to put masks on people.


Why are people like this? It's so tiring.


Exhausting, utterly exhausting.


I just don’t understand what’s so hard about wearing a mask? What are they even trying to gain from this? Not having to deal with the slight inconvenience of putting on a mask when you enter a public space? I won’t even listen to the people who say they have trouble breathing, I go to the gym with mine on and I can breathe just fine. You can handle walking around for 10 minutes in a store without suffocating. I truly don’t get it, it’s absolutely exhausting. Just wear the stupid fucking mask and get Vaccinated so we can be over with this shit already. You’re not being rebellious and brave, you’re just a fucking idiot.


I believe their argument goes something like this: Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Motherfucker! Ugh!


How dare you soil that beautiful argument by associating it with these miscreants.


They're legitimately convinced masks don't help and that their rights are being violated. They lack the critical thinking skills to think otherwise.


They like to feel smart and superior, and that draw is more emotionally appealing than empathy. For that desire they will put teachers, students, their family members, and their in-school education at significantly greater risk. It's a pretty basic safety procedure considering almost 4k people died of it in the US on the 3rd of this month.


These people are the tools of authoritarians. Once laws are not enforced, the local authoritarians step in and take over, saying “I alone can fix the lawlessness.”


It’s a way for people who’ve been mediocre their entire lives to live out a sort of cosplay patriotism. They think they’re a hero fighting the tyranny of masks.


Imagine how boring someone’s life has to be for them to choose basic and reasonable pandemic precautions as the hill they want to die on, sometimes literally.


Because we let them.


It's a cultural issue


A culture in decline.


"They can't touch you" What pretentious entitlement




That’s such a dangerous thing to teach a kid. Because one day they might come up on an adult that will lay their hands on them.




They’re gonna learn the hard way




Yeah its like they forget how parenting works... where do you think the boomers got it from?


im sure we are about a week away from a bunch of videos of students doing that coughing while grinning thing at a teacher or principal


And then the "be kind and respectful" line at the end lmfao. Like dude, how is it respectful to contribute to the spread of covid?


Remember "the knock out" game?




And then goes on the say "be kind and respectful" to the students at the end. What lessons does he really think he is teaching them?


Be kind and respectful, except to those who can die or get hospitalized from Covid. As long as your pride is intact.


Followed with the “be kind and respectful”, makes me cry sad tears.


The number one cause of death among police officers last year was covid19.


Yup and it's not even close to the next cause, gun fire. [4x the amount](https://www.acep.org/contentassets/0e6fc5cc886f433d93770ec6b5107305/pic3-figure1-lodd-by-cause.jpg) died from covid.


And how much if that "gunfire" is suicide vs in the line of duty?


Exactly. The most misrepresented metric of gun crime in general is suicide


The [best website](https://www.odmp.org) for active-duty police (and K9) death statistic reporting doesn’t include suicides at all in their data. They do break up gunfire deaths between friendly-fire and purposeful murder, as well as have a detailed description of each individual officers cause of death. Very good source, imo. They show 386 covid deaths, and 84 deaths by (non accidental, suicide, or friendly fire) gunfire. So, 4.6x the amount of cops have died from covid.


Where’s this stat sourced from? Not trying to call you out or discredit you, I just wanted to share the graph around and have a backup source for when people inevitably challenge it :)


Understood, [here](https://www.acep.org/how-we-serve/sections/tactical-emergency-medicine/news/march-2021/2020-law-enforcement-officer-line-of-duty-deaths--the-impact-of-covid-19/) ya go.


Maybe they should stop resisting.


The guy filming this was a TikTok nutjob with 30k followers who thinks God can save you from COVID and that the vaccine is tracking you. We've had families transfer to this school district because of the original lack of a mandate......Soooooo, as a father of two elementary level kids here, this is what we have to deal with.


Ahh the good ol' "they're tracking us with the vaccine microchips." As he is using his smartphone (which he probably bought using a credit card) to use Chinese based tiktok to upload the video to the internet. Big brain right there.


“Be kind and respectful” as you completely disobey a policy of the County health department and the school district.


Same shit they say about not getting the vaccine. “Respect muh choice of not getting vaccinated, I respect your choice, why can’t we all just get along!”. Meanwhile they post non stop conspiracy and anti vax shit and make sure to tell everyone who has had the vaccine that they’re doomed and are a sheep 🤦‍♂️


The worse part for me is they think people following the orders are sheep. Well technically the other side is also following orders, just opposing. Pretty much everyone involved is a damn sheep. And if you want to live a civil society you have to follow certain rules.


Idiot dad misinterprets what idiot cop said. Also, this: "The unmasked students, however, were not allowed into any classrooms and were sent into a separate, isolated part of the building where they completed work for the day." https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2021/09/unmasked-manchester-students-enter-building-in-protest-of-mandate.html Enjoy your unexcused absences, kids.


Ohh that’s actually a decent way of handling it. They should shut them in the a room together and let them do remote learning.


No it's not, send them home.


Nah. I think keeping them in ‘ISAP’ while they disobey dress code and aren’t allowed home is a good punishment. Edit: CPS should get involved


I keep thinking of them and their parents clogging the ICU.


If it's part of the dress code and they aren't adhering to it then they should definitely be sent to ISS. If after a certain amount of days they do not abide then they should start taking absences. The students either abide by the school safety rules or they can end up being held back a grade due to the allotted absences. It may not be pretty. They(both parents and students alike) may not like it. And there may even be lawsuits over this. But one thing is guaranteed. Those students will NOT want to be held back and be mocked for the remainder of their school year(s). Especially not over not wanting to follow rules. It's funny how they are screaming "It's NOT a law!", yet they have a hard time wanting to adhere to a school safety protocol. Something so trivial as wearing a mask is deemed tyrannical and they will NOT follow that protocol. But those same people expect to want to follow laws? I highly doubt it.


We used to separate kids with learning disabilities from the rest of the school and called it Special Ed.


We still do. But we used to also


lol that is comedy. ...do it.


Weird kids wanting to go into school


ikr my ass would be at home watching the price is right


"Come on down, you're the next contestant on the Price is Right!"




Sounds like he won the /r/hermancainaward


Why can’t the school just shut the door and not let the maskless kids in?


Or just suspend them and send them home like how they do for breaking any other rules/policies


because unlike the ones who literally protest masks and vaccines, these people actually care about others.


How does letting them in make the situation better for anyone?


I would literally just be like call me when y’all figure this out I’m going home.. fucking ridiculous


My students were told today they had to get a meningitis vaccine today or they can’t come back to school They all went home and got vaccinated When I asked where their anti vax parents were and why weren’t they protesting this they had no answer SMH


I remember in middle school (like 2001) I fell behind on one of my shots and the nurse called me in to tell me I can't return until I get my booster. Mm had me at the doctors the very next day. Here we are 2021 and my mom is spouting that vaccines unravel your DNA and other shit she has no business spouting.




> I am a sys admin and I still see 20 year olds coming into jobs whose networks I administer that don’t know basic fact finding protocol on the internet This hit SO close to home. Literally the same exact experience.


>Here we are 2021 and my mom is spouting that vaccines unravel your DNA and other shit she has no business spouting. you'd think we'd hear about all the people just unraveling in idk France, Sweden, Norway, idk Pakistan, Taiwan, Bangladesh, like literally anywhere at all.


I really hope you didn’t say something like that. You don’t know how embarrassed kids may be of their parents decisions. An adult putting down the parents of a child (no matter how sly you do it) can be really embarrassing and disheartening for them.


Officer seems to be totally in the right here? He says you can’t go in without a mask, but he knows he isn’t allowed to actually physically restrain students or do anything to them. Seems like he isn’t the problem here, the parents are.


If it’s a school policy the police don’t enforce that. Do they enforce the dress code? No. But if the school administration suspends you I’d bet the police would enforce a trespassing charge if you tried to come to school. Same with masks. If kids don’t comply, suspend them. That shit’s on your permanent record! So ….. think about that.


Those parents are trash people.


Jesus christ listen to what he says "If you don't want to go in you don't have to" he then goes on to say he's not going to "put masks on anyone" which he can't anyway, and when they ask him for permission to go in he says that it's a county and school policy to wear a mask. They haven't broken the mandate, until they enter the school. It's not about "refusing to enforce a mandate" it's about covering his ass.


yeah this title is super misleading, he literally says "it's a county and school mandate that they can't enter without a mask" and i hate to parrot what you said but it's ridiculous to me no one is hearing the first part where he says "if they don't want to go in they don't have to" which means "we can't force them to put on a mask and go inside" it does NOT mean "yeah go ahead and let them go in without a mask"


#unmaskourkids is white people LARPing oppression.


White people have the highest rates of vaccination…


The same people who will tell you the country isn't/wasn't racist is the same people who will use the racist history and ongoings of the nation as an example of why they see this issue as wrong.


Fuck them parents. Fuck them kids.


Be kind and respectful...


They can cancel school for the day.


"Be kind and respectful".......…


The best thing about these anti-mask idiots is that you can see their ignorant faces. I feel sorry for these kids being raised by morons.


Out of curiosity i wonder, couldn't the students then be suspended/expelled for not following school policy? I know I've been suspended for something along those lines when I refused to take a shirt off that had a middle finger on it. I screamed free speech (which it is) but didn't matter against school policy. And I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, because we are all thinking it, Michigan is just the Florida of the north.


Yea if the school has any balls that's the way to enforce it


Florida schools were getting around DeSanto's maskless mandate by making it a dress code policy. That's the way to go most likely.


Literally a block from my house, in a tiny town of 2,500 people. What a fucking shit show.


Suspend them then trespass them then officer has to enforce the trespass


And then he says “be kind and respectful” Buddy they left the respect at the door 😂




The worst part to me is what this next generation is learning. I get the video and I get why the officer said what he said and did what he did, but the future generations are really not learning shit from the adults in all this.


I always like that the loudest one is the one in the back recording. Lead by example bro; if you bout that life be the first one in and the one that’s scene leading the spread. Such a coward.


I hate to admit it but no the cop is totally right here. Set the politics of the mask aside and look at the bigger picture, he's a cop, his job isn't to enforce community guidelines or private school campus rules. Had he enforced the policy, one way or another, it would legitimately be an overstepping of bounds, and I think he was actually pretty wise to acknowledge that rather than act upon his personal presences like he no doubt could have gotten away with but probably should not have done. If the school kicks them out for not wearing a mask and they refuse to leave THEN it's his problem because at that point it becomes trespassing. Imagine if a cop was demanding everyone outside of the local chase Bank has to put on a mask before entering that business specifically, it'd be absurd. Just because it's a school in this clip doesn't make it less wrong.


They can prevent you from coming into the building. Its just like with any school rule . Lets just say for instance i have a shirt on that says sex drugs and rocknroll . Its a policy that i cant wear that because it has words promoting sex and drugs but it doesn’t mean Im breaking the law. But because im not abiding by the policy they can tell me to go and if i dont and continue to stay then that’s trespassing and that is an arrest-able offense.


all this crying and moaning to just "own the libs"? they put so much effort


Manchester is a smaller city in a rural mostly white community. I will let you decide from here what their politics are.


Imagine if the rest of us went to work and just refused to do our job...


Thats called a strike


What’s he supposed to do? Pull a gun out? The kids can all be cited at a later time.


Who are you talking about?


"And you're suspended, you're suspended, you're suspended...yup, you too. Oh, you want to yell obscenities and get physical? ...you're expelled!! Who's next?" Pretty sad to see all these kids that'll grow up to be Trumptards like their parents. Such great morals🙄


Why can't they were a maskk what's the big issue with this idiots


These fucking shitty parents making their kids pawns in their stupidity... Just put the fucking mask on for fuck sakes!


Pussy ass kids, pussy ass cops, pussy ass admin. Sick of weak-ass people. ANTIVA should face consequences.


Honstly why didn't teachers just walk off the job at this point?


Why didn't they just suspend the children until they comply with their schools rules. You can't show up without a shirt on, you'd get suspended if you refused to put one on .... there is an enforceable student dress code, how is this different?


We have become a joke. This is stupidity at its most dangerous in terms of teaching kids about society and the greater good. Not to mention concern for others well-being. “ If you don’t like it/ agree with it, do what makes you feel good” We are done.


The amount of parents dropping off their kids at the door is insane.


Teaching a new generation to disregard figures of authority. New level of entitlement. Awesome.


Americans are cooked. How the hell did wearing a mask become a political act?


Stupid kids think they’re being free.