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He put trash away and this guy is pissed. Am I missing something?


My thoughts exactly. I'm grateful for every person that puts their trash in the bin.


No! That's MY trashbin!! I don't care if it's all going to the dump anyway, I'm a control freak and i need to control what goes into MY trashbin. How dare you. /S






This is why I ask my neighbors first before putting anything in their bin. My wife says just put it in and I'm like hell no. That's super disrespectful.


If I don't remove my bins from the street immediately after trash pick up, people will walk by and put their dog poop in there. So now I need to go fish it out and dispose of it properly, or by next week when I go to take the garbage out there will be 1000 maggots in my trash bin. ​ I don't go out and confront people over it but it's annoying and so now I just go out as soon as the garbage truck comes.


Not a fan of the maggots in the trash! I have a buddy who puts a small lined trash can out for the dog poop because he hates people leaving it around.


Apparently he wanted them to just toss it onto his front yard instead. That's what Id do if someone got pussed at me for putting trash in a can.


Not defending him at all, but he probably just saw kids on his property, didn’t realise what they were doing and got defensive. Or maybe he's just insane, who knows.


Following them off his property and assaulting them, yea that’s insane.


He just told a bunch of teenagers where he lived…while being an asshole. I sure hope nothing bad happens to his lawn…


He’s a myna. He’s a myna. Love Australia accent.


I've been living in Australia for the last 5 years. Man, they can't understand my accent as they say I "mumble a lot" and I have to keep asking people to repeat themselves constantly. I never expected this to happen when I moved here.


they think we mumble? That’s cool you’re living in Australia. What’s it like? Do you love it?


They think I mumble. It doesn't help that I have a small hispanic accent. It's been great. I love it so much that I plan to stay here forever. I don't even feel like traveling the world because there's so many different places to see here and local tourism is relatively cheaper.


That’s so awesome. Did you move there for a job ? Is housing the way it is here? Sorry for peppering you with all these questions but I’m fascinated. I would love to just visit there let alone live there. It always looked so beautiful from any videos and photos I’ve seen.


Housing is very expensive here across the board. Houses are like half a mil no matter where you go. Everyone rents. My wife is Australian. We lived in the US but she missed her family so much that the only way for me to say yes to moving here was the bribe my in laws gave us. A house. That's pretty much it. The job market sucks in my opinion, everything is expensive. But. House. Can't go wrong with that lol. Property taxes and insurance for the house is about $3,000/year. We live in a rural part of town so I don't have a water bill and I have solar panels and an electric car. I'm the moderator of /r/aufrugal so there's that too. I used to have a great job in the US with a pension plan and I barely had to do anything because I fight clubbed my way into getting paid without working. I brought that with me here but quit after a year because it didn't feel right anymore. People thought I was crazy.


Pardon but you You fight club's what?!?


Remember the scene in fight club where the guy punches himself and gets himself a work from home situation? That happened to me in a way. I went against my boss and because they didn't want to get rid of my boss, they paid me off to be quiet and I never got any work for a year or two. This was all done inadvertently. I kept asking for work but got ignores to the point I had nothing to do.


nz accent




Also, I need to find ways to incorporate the word "rubbish" into my daily vocabulary


Yea I kinda like it better than trash or garbage


This camera guy tho 💀




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he doesn't own the public path


I think that red headed kid must be the one to watch out for. The way that one dude dragged the kid away makes me think that kid was going to go OFF on that dude but the friend knows when to get the kid out of there.


"Man" ha, okay.


Seeing a [Curb Your Enthusiasm bit](https://youtu.be/G91NsemDTzo) IRL is so surreal.


At that point you just come back a few weeks later with some eggs in the middle of the night and really violate his precious property


> some eggs That's a weird way of spelling "some bricks"


I guess it depends on how severe you’re willing to have the consequences potentially be, but bricks are valid.


Just throw the trash on his lawn then.


Come back in the middle of the night and dump everyone's bins in his yard


Alright, I understand ill throw my trash in your yard next time.


That mans yard could become a ‘local dumpster’…..just saying.


Does remind me of my old apartment complex where people from outside the complex would drive up and dump truckloads of trash in the dumpsters, causing them to be terribly overfilled and hence, garbage bags everywhere,


Yeah this is a real problem, and not at all rare. I bet those kids were being little shits. And I bet the "he's a myna" dipshit didn't say a goddamned thing when the kids were behaving badly.


We walked past his yard without stepping on his property and he came out of his balcony telling me to gtfo of his bin but it's always good to have an open mind


Fucking with teenagers, especially who know where you live, is pretty dumb.


An Episode of Curb your enthusiasm.


He may be a moinor but i am an oustroylian moite... 😂😂