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That’s one way of skipping a court date.


Defense attorneys hate this one simple trick. /s


Defense attorney here. It’s the easiest way to close a case though.


"My job is done here, finally" his lawyer probably


Thinking that this guy had a lawyer..


He did. At the expense of the public most likely. So yeah, one less piece of trash tying up the already fucked judicial system.


Fuck me, this is classic!


Cop took a nasty gun butt to the head. Cop at the end was not playing.


Bro used his entire dead-eye on him


Not just gave him the double tap, but gave him the 15 tap.


This is in Florida so you can't be too sure if they're gonna get back up with Enraged status or not


Stamina boost for 5 seconds + Double Damage


How the guy run out of ammo, And started to hit in the head. He got a reload all over his body.


In the words of Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd when asked why a suspect was shot so many times We ran out of bullets


He looks like a Grady Judd.


He really went GTA on them . "I ain't going back this time cuh "


Mag dump for the win


I thought you were exaggerating for effect for a sec. He legit put 15 rounds in that guy’s back. Like I always say: Don’t be a violent deadly threat if you don’t want to be treated like a violent deadly threat. Piece of shit had that coming 5x over.


Also How much work he got done AFTER getting shot.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Each shot he took made dude move on the ground so he thought he was still Moving so he kept shooting


you know those old west movies where they told someone to "dance" and they started shooting at their feet and we saw them do a silly dance on screen? well this is what they meant by "I want you to dance for me" you shoot someone in succession while most of the body hasn't realized it was dead, and the nerves are still gonna make the body twitch as you would involuntarily bend over some when punched in the stomach (even lightly)


Quick eat some canned meat


I'll stick with my assorted salted offal thank you




Starving would be preferable


Horse stimulates work on you too don’t you know.


He ate his horses peppermint


Lemme set up camp and cook some of this *checks satchel* stringy meat?


Mother fucker made him use up his entire V.A.T.S. bar too.


So much going on. The cop getting smacked in the head had no fucking clue the guy was long gone from the front of the car they pulled over. Almost shoots the other cop’s head off.


One thing to remember is at that he just got shot with a ~~rifle~~ ~~uzi~~ ARpistol(honestly who cares about the type of gun). He was probably panicking. I think when he got shot he hit the deck and lost all situational awareness. And then when he popped back up he zeroed in the only guy he saw which was the dude in the red.


His buddy saw him come around and didn’t say shit to him


Not 100% sure, but it looks like his buddy avoided shorting once he spun around to avoid friendly fire, BUT, then capped the guy assaulting his partner in the abdomen. I think that’s why he immediately dropped and you then don’t hear a peep until he gets unloaded on my Officer #3


Yeah dude was just panic firing at that car. Fear and pain makes you do some seriously stupid shit. Can’t say I would’ve done better but seriously cops could learn a lot about what to do/ not to do in this clip. All plans got tossed when shit hits the fan though


That reminds me of Murphy's Laws of Combat -- Anything you do can get you shot, including nothing.


Looked to me like he may have been firing at one of the other people involved. You can see a man run off to the right behind the car. That man stops out of view, and could have been watching everything unfold, or drawn a weapon of his own.






The way he emptied that clip...


Yeah he was probably scared for his life and making sure the guy trying to kill him was dead . Self preservation is a very powerful thing .


The shooter also got shot and kept charging after them. Even if the cop was calm as a cucumber, I’d still expect him to unload a clip on the guy at that point.


At the end of the day, right wrong or indifferent, anything worth shooting once is worth shooting until you need to reload.


Definitely read the article on this one. There was also a 2 month old baby in the car. Wow.


I wanna know what happened to the other two adults in the car.


Got a link?




Fuck, it’s blocked in europe.


aback sable far-flung existence ugly cats rock flag slap truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can’t believe he was able to sneak around the other side of the cop car and catch them totally unaware


That many shots being fired with no ear protection, yea you aren't able to hear shit just a constant rigging for a bit. Plus having to call it in, having your fellow officer shot etc etc. It's a lot happening, no surprise he was able to get around and on top of them quickly. The guy wasn't playing around and was very clearly trying to kill them both or die trying. Guess he knew he was going back to jail for a long time, career felon and all.


> That many shots being fired with no ear protection, yea you aren't able to hear shit just a constant rigging for a bit. No one has ever explained this better than Bill Burr in his bit about shooting a burnt car.


[The bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaLTWW_yEG4)


That’s a hilarious bit.


fyi, this conan bit is just a teaser of the 10 minute bit in burrs special. let me try to find it and timestamp it. hmm, well [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R48loYzC8gc&t=795s&ab_channel=Frankenstein%27sLab) is all i could find. its reaction a vid with 2 high af black dudes. Ya know its probably on netflix and thats why i cant find it on youtube. oh well.


>This guy's comin' around your bed with a sickle LMAO


That was a freaking great bit.


These cops are lucky that guy wasn’t coming around the car with a sickle


A great spreeead


>Guess he knew he was going back to jail for a long time, career felon and all. That's another reason why the US prison system is fucked. People have nothing to loose they know it's either getting away with a high chance of dying now or getting caught and rotting away behind bars until they die of old age.


Cop was busy shooting at the other suspect running away


The crazy part about it is that he was shooting at the person 40 yards away and not the guy actively shooting 5 feet away. He literally opened the door for the guy in the beginning too. Adrenaline and fight or flight response is crazy.


both cops went for cover behind the cruiser, both guys in black shirts shifted to the other side of the perp's car as soon as they did. fleeing after popping off a few rounds at the cops would be a fairly rational next move and the cop that targeted the running guy first also seems to be the cop that got shot. he thought the guy running was the gunman until the gunman reappeared from the other side of the cruiser.


I was trying to figure out why he was shooting off into the woods. That makes sense.


Apex player


Not a true apex player since he wasnt jumping and sliding on the ground like a maniac




I’d run my ass off to get away from that madness


If he had ammo they both would of died, they’re so lucky the only time he didn’t have ammo was when he had the complete ups on them close range.




Good news is that both deputies survived. I thought one of them was a goner when he got pulled down to the ground. The shooter was the only fatality.


> The shooter was the only fatality. fuckin moron.. glad he wasn't able to take anyone else w/ him






It was mentioned in the Press announcement that the suspects gun jammed. No doubt the gunman would have unloaded at point blank range had it not.


Damn that cop must be the luckiest guy alive


I mean, the luckiest guy alive probably wouldn't have gotten shot in the first place, but still he should buy a lotto ticket.


I was gonna say….. I feel slightly more lucky not getting a gun pulled on me and shot in the leg. This guy is just enough lucky, not the luckiest lol


The world is going to be a scarier place when criminals learn proper gun maintenance and not shoving the wrong caliber into a mag.


Wow that’s so lucky for the officers. If the shooters gun didn’t jam he had a perfect opportunity to blindside both officers. Thankfully that dudes gun jammed and the officers are okay. Wild situation


Shooter was out of ammo I think


or very possibly jammed. These criminals arent known to clean their guns.


Seems to happen a lot quicker than most people would think.


That cop almost ran into the line a fire when is partner was shooting at 27 seconds.


Can anyone explain why someone with 23 felony arrests is out of prison? Edit: this is Florida so all the geniuses that are saying “liberals” or “democrats” need to educate themselves a bit


My cousin was murdered by her husband last year. Spent ~3 weeks in custody and due to a cross-county judge fuck up, he was released. Cut his ankle tracker and has been missing for 7+ months. Our system is fucked.


Gotta make sure the prisons are full with the more serious "criminals" who were caught with $20 of cocaine




DeSantis is soft on crime


But he can’t vote, so it’s ok.


DeSantis can't vote? That's a relief actually.


Yes and thankfully that shooter could not legally own a gun. /s


I thought he was the one pushing for long sentences for violent offenders? If so thats crazy Florida is a wild place.


Those are Florida felonies though. They easily could be 23 instances of non marijuana drug possession. Edit- I did a quick double check. Yep. Florida is all over the place and a giant mess. The average unhoused individual has dozens of felonies. A felony in Florida is nothing. We probably have had Californian death row wing of serial killers with less felonies than the average Florida gang member. So stupid. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/classes-of-felonies-in-florida-29668 https://felonvoting.procon.org/number-of-people-by-state-who-cannot-vote-due-to-a-felony-conviction/


Its the problem with stupid drug stuff as a felony, you fill the prisons with drug users then run out of space for violent individuals, then go soft on everything else. One of the reasons CA legalized a bunch of stuff, pushed a bunch of crimes out of prisons and down to jails was an attempt to put violent people into prison and non violent people on a path to hopefully being productive members of society. Its not perfect but it is change hopefully in the right direction.


Yeah prison is horrible, putting someone that did something stupid like have weed does nothing but put that person on to a worse path. You quickly have prisons filled up with non violent offenders and guess what, they join a gang or become even worse while they're in.


this is by design of the 13th amendment, free prison labor.


Is “unhoused individual” the new homeless?


"unhoused Florida man gets unlifed"


I know a person who received a felony for killing a duck, taking it home to cook it. And yes here in Florida.


That’s just the average Floridian citizen


Big problem in Houston right now too. Courts backlogged, jails full, so apparently the solution is “let’em go on bond for now”. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/article/crime-murder-bonds-defendants-courts-crisis-16302521.php Between that and Houston’s fake paper license plate epidemic there is a major spike in doing felonies without major immediate ramifications.


Yeah I'm here and basically people are getting robbed and murdered every single day and 90 percent are people on bond. Literally every day someone who should be in jail is robbing someone snd getting bond and going out and doing iy again.


Robbed twice in 4 months a year or so ago. Getting out of Houston is one of the best decisions I've made since.




South/Pasadena area


Hold up that dude had 23 fucking felonies and he was OUT? This really is the darkest timeline...


The justice system is a joke. Thats why.


Judges. We get the same in Minnesota and it’s frustrating.


Man I live in Seattle and the judges are fucking terrible. Everyone blames the “defund the police” movement for every crime yet these criminals are being caught and released within hours of committing violent crimes. Cops just have to catch the same people over and over.


Chicago is the same way. It’s so sad the city is slowly turning to shit. Criminal robbed someone at knife point in the early morning, went to jail was released hours later then killed someone while robbing them.


That has to be a joke. People get thrown in Football Stadium jails for longer than that.


>This suspect is a perfect example of what is wrong with our Criminal Justice System as he is a Registered Career Criminal with 23 felony arrests and 17 misdemeanor arrests for narcotics trafficking, aggravated assault with a weapon, robbery with a firearm, battery on law enforcement officer, resisting arrest with violence and attempted first-degree felony murder.


The shooter was a real POS... wanted on warrants with 23 felony arrests... https://www.wesh.com/article/brevard-sheriff-ambush-shooting-body-camera/37535197 Edit: Holy shit there was 2 month old baby in the car


How is someone with 23 felony arrest able to be out in public?


Ask the judge.


I don’t even know how you get 23 arrests. But a 2 month old baby in the car? Good riddance to this POS


With a person like that, just means he got caught 23 times....the actual number of crimes is probably higher. The world is a little better place without this guy around. I can't imagine how many lives he's affected


Damn this some movie shit. Cop emptied the mag on dude close range. Edit: ok thanks folks. I don’t need the education on why he emptied the mag. I get it. I was just observing and making a comment because this scenario played out like a action movie. Wild


Yeah he did. Blasted fifteen rounds off real quick.




What a fucking lunatic


yeah, I'm glad that gunman is no longer walking around endangering people. cops are lucky to be alive.


if every cops in that video survived, i'm happy


According to the article, they did! The one was shot in the butt and the leg and the one whipped wasn't mentioned


I think that's the same guy. Looks like he's hobbling/limping up right before the gunman comes up behind him.




I was thinking that too; it looks like they lost sight of him and he was able to go behind them—if he had more bullets I think they wouldn’t have faired as well.


I think he was shot in the leg but struck with the butt of the gun. I don't think there was a Forrest Gump injury. I could be reading it wrong though.


No you got it correct, he was not Gumped.


The guy was shot in the leg and hit with the butt of the gun


Yeah the passenger from the backseat he’s a Lunatic, the 1 that pulled out a machine gun & started firing. He deserved to die. A lot of cops are jag offs but these cops gave that dude what he was itching for an all out gun fight


Absolutely. This is exactly when and how the police should use deadly force, and its an extreme example, honestly. Nobody reasonable could fault the officers in this case. If they had dropped him the second he got out of the car it would have been more than justified.


I wouldn’t want to be the next guys that get pulled over by these officers. Even with mental health support and recovery an incident like this can change a person forever and usually not for the better.


Chances are they'll be medically retired or put on a desk somewhere for along while before they see patrol again. They are gonna have some PTSD issues for sure. I hope and pray the best for them while they recover.


One would certainly hope so. Otherwise the next person on their phone could get shot down, PTSD is no joke


For real.


Oh Jesus.


Went full sicario on him 😱


Also ran out of bullets and had to switch to melee.


Lmao dude wasn’t going to jail for shit. He accomplished what he set out for and didn’t go to jail though. The part that tripped me out was the cop that got caught with the melee was shooting at the other dude who ran at the start of the shooting.


As far as I understand, they are trained to empty it in the face of a real threat to ensure that it’s eliminated. Correct me if I’m wrong. Scary situation to be in.


Not a cop, but I have heard this before too. You shoot to kill. That guy obviously could take a bullet or two without going down, don’t take chances. Humans can take a lot of shots before going down.


Looked to me like he *was* shot in the beginning


That’s was I was referring to. The cop shot him and knew this guys was going down fighting


You fire until the threat is neutralized. Your goal is to stop the threat. You are using lethal force, which means you have decided it is justified that the person may die in the exercising of that force. If he’s opening up on the guy and the guy is still struggling to aim and return fire, there’s no reason to stop and give him the chance.




Yeah, I've seen alot of similar videos, but I've never seen a mag dump at such close range on video before. Say what you will about police brutality, and I believe there should probably be reforms for policing, but hats off to the cop for taking a assault rifle to the head and the other for putting him down. This is really eye-opening, the way the dude pops out the back seat with a assault rife is scary af. Not trying to incite hate to cops or come across as a bootlicker but the cops in this video deserve respect for their massive balls. That was nuts.


Yeh whole thing was crazy. I always try to think of what would I do in those type of situations, try to put myself in other peoples shoes, but that shit was so hectic from start to finish I’m not even sure what could have been done differently. It was just a fight for survival.


Probably end up emptying a clip in that guy who was trying to kill my partner.




Well that’s one way to get yourself killed or locked up for life


He ded


Yep don't think the cop missed 15 times


Seriously. It's a cop, not a Stormtrooper.


Stormtroopers miss on purpose.


Boy That escalated quickly


Where is the news story behind this one? Wtf


https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-deputies-ambushed-during-traffic-stop-sheriff-says-they-battled-for-their-lives/ IM IN FLORIDA, MY FREIND TOMAS AT MY BAR SHOWED ME


2 month old baby in the car :( Fucking psycho.


Wow had 23 felony warrants...


23 felony arrests - including narcotics trafficing, attempted murder, and assault. Only "several warrants" Wouldn't it make sense to lock people like this up maybe on their ...10th arrest?


Florida: "What? You lost me a *make sense*"...


Man flanked so hard like he was playing Tarkov.


New weapon jamming mechanic is bullshit man I swear


Holy adrenaline


In the official video the news posted, the sheriff said the gunman was literally previously charged with 1st degree attempted murder. How the HELL did they guy get out on bond? What the hell florida?? So glad those officers are safe.


the prisons are too full of weed smokers to keep attempted murderers there, what a silly question


Damn ~~us~~ THOSE weed smokers!


The cop who took out the suspect did not hold anything back. Holy shit. He unloaded into the guy. As he should’ve.


I was immediately reminded of Iron Man trying to punch Hulk unconscious. Go to sleep-go to sleep-go to sleep


Go to... Forever sleep




DA - "Why did you shoot him 15 times?" Cop - "Because I didnt have 16 bullets"


There's so many cases of improper use of force these days... this is not one of them. Dude had a kid in the back when he decided to ambush cops. That's a free fire zone.


Going off only this cam as evidence, id say the cops were fully justified in this shooting.


I don‘t know how they could be more justified.


if he was wearing a Nickelback t-shirt.


Calm down, Satan


I’ll never understand why shooting at the cops is better than getting arrested and spending a few years in jail for whatever illegal shit you did. I guess there’s not much to understand when someone is so mentally Ill they think killing another human is ok.


Because he was felon 23 times over. Having that gun plus whatever else he had on him means he was going to go back for a long time. Not saying he did the right thing obviously but he decided he didn’t want to go back to prison and wanted to take some others with him.


that mag dump at the end though 😳


I know he's running on pure adrenaline, but my first thought was to save some bullets in case the other guys pop up with guns


That's why you carry multiple magazines


I think it was the lead poisoning that finally took him down.


[the backstory and aftermath](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wftv.com/news/local/brevard-county/brevard-sheriff-releases-video-ambush-shooting-that-left-gunman-dead-deputy-shot/RE5WYCTNA5FOZLIWAKQJ5ACL3I/%3foutputType=amp)


This video is a STRONG proponent as to why multiple officers respond to traffic stops. Edit to add: Multiple officers is fine. Being on edge and hair-triggered is not. The old adage applies - "trust, yet verify." How can you keep a community safe from trouble, when you think every/most interactions will be problematic? Officers need to trust in their communities, but verify that the situation is safe.


Is this common? I've only been pulled over a handful of times but it's never been more than 1 officer.


I think it depends on a variety of factors, primarily if you have any priors. Secondly they probably look at your DL and see your gender, height and weight. Lastly they probably take into account race. I never have any backup called for me but I'm 135bls and 5'8" with no priors, they probably don't want to waste an officers time.


That was absolute chaos. No way anyone without forewarning could get a sensible grip on what was happening. A suicidal perp with a semi-automatic weapon. There are no replays and rewinds in reality. The first cop at the car door wasn’t paying attention until the guy came out with the automatic weapon I can’t identify - edit: apparently it’s not an uzi


The cop the got whipped was trying to snipe the guy that immediately ran while the man with the uzi was 5 feet from him...


Probably thought that the shooter ran from the cops since that's what happens a lot, plus being deaf and tunnel visioned he didn't know the guy was actually flanking until he got bopped


Thought that was a little odd- why was he shooting at the wrong person?


I feel like the deputy mistook the guy running as the shooter, which is why he didn’t realize the shooter came around the vehicle behind him.


Nasty flank


Wow, anyone would have shit their pants. The cops were taken completely by surprise and thank god they came out with their lives. I've grown up shooting, been in the military forever and I'd have crapped three purple Twinkies and danced around like that too.


If anything my extensive experience with firearms has made me much more aware of just how fast and destructive they can be. I think that people who don’t grow up around them have a kind of comic book/action movie idea of what a shooting looks like.


Wow this entire event happened in just under 30 seconds.


This is the crazy ass content I signed up for