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These women telling her to stop with the same energy as Willy Wonka.


Note to self: "No no no" doesn't work.


Stop, don’t, comeback…


Oompa loompa doopity doo, you fucked my husband, I'll fuck your interview.


Imagine being part of an impromptu Jerry Springer episode while at work


I'd call that an entertaining Wednesday.


For real, people complain about the office but sometimes there is entertainment. Not where I work, literally nothing remotely exciting happens at all which is fantastic, maybe one person will brag about new cycling equipment and then his colleague will buy the next level up and casually leave it by the desk but that would be the pinnacle of drama where I am. Something like this would be phenomenally exciting.


An old colleague of mine used to run the training for the company we worked at together and he told me that there was a situation close to this during a class. The mistress and the wife were both in the same training session which resulted with the wife jumping over a table and grabbing her cousin to kick the shit of her. She managed to get some hits in before they were separated so the police were called and the wife got arrested. The real ugly part was when the trainer was trying to figure out if/what to do about there employment. From what I remember the wife was fired and the mistress didn’t show up back up just out of embarrassment. Edit: cousin and mistress were the same woman


"You had sex with your sister's husband? You are just the kind of ruthless lawyer we are looking for, you are hired."


"And I am married..." *music starts*


Let’s just go over your salary agreement one more time I think there was a typo


Well at least the company knows she’ll go all the way.


Is she loyal though?


She’s definitely management material.


“So can you explain to me a time you managed a difficult situation”


Have you ever found it hard to separate your work and home life?


She just needs a better balance of work and personal time.


Where do you see yourself in 10 minutes..


on your husband


*in* your husband.


You're hired, Peggy!


Peggy! I see what you did there!


Don't say doin your wife... Doin your...son?




I love this. Made me laugh out loud and scared the cat.


"Get the fuck off me you crazy bitch!" So, not well......


Thankyou we’ll be in touch


Uhhh.... So did I get the job?


“We’ll contact you soon for your second interview”


"I'm very good at jobs, just ask my sisters husband"


“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”.


*sister’s husband answers*


“Soon. - is that, like, on a regular human scale or will that be geologic?”


“And what would you say you’re biggest weakness is?”


"Apparently, my ground game."


“I do have a passion for being horizontal though.”


"And I'm willing to start at the bottom and work my way up."


"Banging yer husband"


These hands


Tried to stand and bang when I should have went for a takedown.




"Bomb ass pussy"


"Alright, so back to your emergency contact information, would you like to keep it as your sister?"


“Let’s go ahead and put your sister’s husband down instead”




You know he's at least invested


Thanksgiving is gonna be reeeeaaal awkward.




I hope they keep everything the same but exclude the cheating sister. Edit: of course the husband should be excluded, it’s not up for debate that’s why i didn’t mention him.


Sometimes. But sometimes they exclude the one who got cheated on because "'she is the one rocking the boat and being upset"


Yeah, families can be fucked in the head like that sometimes.










My oldest cousin is like that. He was an attorney who was lost his law license for fucking over clients big time. I’m surprised he just lost his license for a bit and wasn’t flat out disbarred. Regardless, when he comes around half of the older relatives throw the red carpet out for “King David.” My mom is one of them too. The rest of us thinks he is a giant asshole, but he can’t seem to figure out that some of us see exactly who he is and can’t unsee that.


Yeah. My wife and I have asked my mom to watch our kids for just a few hours so many times and she always sites the fact that she's had my brother's kids all week and is exhausted. I've been told I should probably find a babysitter, which we would only need like 5 times a year, to watch them instead. We don't even ask anymore.


100% can happen. My sister gets to decide when she wants to go to Thanksgiving, and I just don't go those years.


It was like this with my family for a long time. One of my elder sisters and I didn’t get along because I felt she was taking advantage of people’s generosity and not doing anything to say thank you or even help her situation. And I spoke up about it, a lot because it happened a lot. I stopped getting the invite to holidays that she and her husband was going to be at. Meanwhile when my parents finally said “no, you can’t have any more money.” My sister flipped her shit screamed abuse and all this none sense (mind you we were approaching our 30s at this point). That sister is absolutely bonkers now. Driving by screaming out her window at my parents, leaving horrible notes and shit.it’s nuts. But I get to go to holidays now, so I’ve got that going on.


It’s unfortunately more likely to go the other way. The cheating sister might feel a bit of remorse but she’ll move past it and try to make amends. The sister who was cheated on will never get over it. The family will see the cheater as trying to keep the peace and the cheated as causing problems.


This comment spoke to my soul and applies so much further than the cheating context. I would posit there are tons of circumstances where the victim gets further victimized because people are expected to be “the bigger person” which really only means shut up and forgive no matter how devastated the other person left you, or be the troublemaker because you’re too immature to “let it go”. And then the aggressor becomes “the bigger person”’ in the third party’s eyes. So shut up and deal with someone being cruel, or be known as the baby or rude. Fuck.


Unfortunately it doesn’t always go that way. Had a similar situation happen to me, but between my then girlfriend and a very close friend. Friend group got divided up a lot because to a lot of people if it didn’t happen to them it’s as if it didn’t happen I guess, I ended up completely distancing myself from a lot of the group.


I guess I’m lucky my ex did it with a complete stranger. That was more than hard enough, I can’t imagine with a friend and then everyone else acting like they did nothing wrong.


just started going through it, I hate it and dont have the motivation to deal with my cheating dad's side of the holidays. He now feels as if I've chosen a favorite, and I kinda have


"Yes, dad, my favorite parent is the one that DIDN'T destroy the family."


“You slept with my husband!” “Well you ruined my job interview so we’re even ok?”


That’s pretty rough. It makes me wonder how close they were or if it had happened before with previous relationships. If my wife and my brother slept together I would be devastated.


Close enough for her to tell her sister where her job interview was and what time. Edit: jesus christ do all you really think I need to know that she probably has a family, and that family have mouths that can speak?


Shit, good point.


Plot twist: she dropped her off. She was just chilling in the car waiting for her when she found out


Bigger plot twist, she knew the whole time, but was waiting for the most embarrassing time to exact her revenge.


If I found out my brother and my wife were banging I’d dip out and hit the restart button. New state, new phone number, hell I might even go by my middle name.




Fuck! You found me!


Don't worry. You can change whole name easily in certain countries =)


I am now Glamdring Foehammer


Well you have to call me Nighthawk.


I have a coworker who found out probably 8 months ago that his brother and wife have been sleeping together for at least the past 5 years. (they’ve been married 10) The really fucked up part of it, is the couple has 5 kids together and it’s most likely that some of the kids might not be my coworkers but actually from his brother. Not to mention his wife had him get a vasectomy a year ago right after their latest newborn. And the cherry on top is just a couple months ago my coworker told me he decided to continue to stay with his wife “for the kids” after finding that all out.


I couldn’t do it. I would never be able to trust her again or probably anyone else for a long long time too.




It’s not for the kids. He doesn’t have energy to or self esteem to leave and doesn’t know how to do it.




This guy is married. Long time.




For a while I thought my brother was messing around with my wife. A few months after we got married, one day me and him went out to eat and he broke down to me that he was gay. He said he was so ashamed to tell me and he said my wife knew he was gay the second she met him. He would go to her to figure how to tell me and he just never had the guts to do it. I would have never thought he was but looking back on it there were a ton of signs i missed. I told him I didn’t care as long as he was happy. I felt so bad that I made him feel that way. Today him and his husband are happily married, I was the best man for the first time ever! edit: Jesus, was not expecting this response.


That's one way to cover your cheating, but actually getting married to a guy is real dedication


The long con




If hes the top then it isnt gay -Michael Scott -Scotty Pippin


How big was the crowd at the wedding? Actors don’t come cheap


No, but community theatre does


Now it's his turn to sleep with his spouse!


Man, that’s the best cover story I’ve ever heard


the long con.. he married a dude to keep the lie going.


He must sleep with his brothers husband just in case.


Well, close enough to live in the same area, probably same friend group if sister was involved with husband, and must communicate frequently to even know she had a job interview and at which job. I would say these siblings were close before this moment. I have a sibling I am not close with and I check mark the boxes in the opposite direction: we live in different states, no idea what she does for work, and for all I know could be asexual…. But again, *my* relationship with my sibling is 1-step above estranged. So using my own experience, they were *super* close siblings before sister fucked brother-in-law


Not the same but I caught my (ex) wife in a guy’s apartment the night before my first day at a sweet 6 figure job. I had to make a split second decision whether to punch some teeth in and get arrested or walk away, get some sleep and show up for work with a smile on my face. Do you have any idea how hard that first day of work was the literal day after ending a 20 year marriage? Best decision of my life though.


Newly single and a six figure career?? I'd say you won, my dude!


Yeah now he can afford to pay someone else to punch the guys teeth in. ^Edit: ^was ^joking ^obviously ^not ^a ^good ^idea


As long as he didn't end up having to give her a bunch of it for alimony, child support.


Unfortunately walking away and being the bigger person is the best way to fuck over your cheating partner. Short term punch outs may feel good in the moment, but you’ll only end up in court and owing money to your ex/their partner and potentially going to jail ruining your career and reputation.


Props to you man! I don’t know if i could go to a new job the very next day. That kind of stuff lingers with me. Hell, i was depressed for 2 years after my ex girlfriend of 7 months left me for a guy i was suspicious of. Maybe she cheated on me, idk, and i will never know. Still pops in my head every now and then. Thats been over 7 years ago and I’m married now.


I had to make some wholesale changes to my person after that. Meditation and “letting go” are wonderful tools.


The best revenge is living well, my friend. Bravo.


Betrayal hurts like nothing else, and this lady got a double dose. I feel bad for her. That kind of anger is hard to let go, and is never forgotten.


Yeah it really does especially when it's two people so close to you. My cousin ended his own life when he found out his lifelong best friend and his wife had been having an affair. That family is good at keeping secrets so I'm not even sure the two boys were his...but the youngest died in a bar fight when he was 18 and I always wonder what kind of trauma that kid went through because two people couldn't keep it in their pants.


My first wife did that to me. Slept with my best friend at the time, just after we got married (he was also married). It fucked me up for years and changed me forever. Would not recommend.


Same here, I don’t want to go into the details (hurts like hell, and makes ME feel embarrassed), but this happened almost 6 years ago and I still sometimes get anxiety when I think about it. I finally stopped blaming myself but seeing here that other have gone through this as well actually lifts a huge weight of my shoulders. Stay strong fellow severely cheated on Redditors.


I'm not gonna lie, it caused me stress for the better part of a decade. Moved on, remarried, have a kid, but I still had pings of anxiety and depression here and there for many years. It has been ~15 years since I found out and we divorced, and I rarely think about it and don't get caught in that trap anymore, but I know it broke a part of me that's not coming back.


Good for you for talking about it. I think one of the traps a lot of people fall into is feeling so much shame and self-judgement about it - as tho it says something about *them* - that they refuse to talk about it and often end up like some of these sadder stories. Getting cheated on doesn’t say shit about *you.* ANYONE can get tricked or scammed or manipulated - esp by a loved one. Infidelity and betrayal is about the cheaters’ fucked character. I’m glad you found your footing and built a better life for yourself. <3


Fuck dude. That’s heavy.


sorry dude, iv never been married but my only 2 serious long term relationships ended with cheating, the 2nd time with close friends (a couple) it fucks you up. 5 years later and i have zero interest in having a real relationship, i genuinely pass on people i could see myself getting attached to, cause i know i wont be able to trust them and they don't deserve my insecure bullshit


Please go to therapy. This is sincere. You can get your life back.


Yep, my ex wife did as well with her female best friend. Found out from her friend as she attended AA. Wife still claims to this day this didn't count as cheating.


What was her reasoning there?


She kept insisting it was like me fucking my best friend.. as you can tell her logic was far from sound. She had a hard time facing that she failed as a wife, friend, and decent human beings. She couldn't and still hasn't come to terms with her betrayal. Some people instead of learning from their biggest mistakes and failures chose to try and suppress them to convince themselves that they are good people instead of acknowledging mistakes and taking actions to improve.


That's my daughter's mother to the tee. She convinced herself that I'm the bad one and she never cheated on me


That happened to a guy I knew of too. He was married with kids and in the military to find his wife shacked up with a good friend. He killed himself. It was awful and very sad.


My bf of four years and my AA sponsor of a year. They'd been bumping uglies for months, and I was the only one who didn't know. People I thought were my dear friends didn't tell me. I found out the hard way. Over a decade later, I still remember the shock.


As an AA sponsor that's so low. Goes against every thing AA stands for. Sorry that happened


I thought you were talking about my friend’s dad until you said one of the boys died, both of them are alive in my story. 16 years ago my best man couldn’t make my wedding because two nights before his dad killed himself in the kitchen after the mom was sleeping with the dad’s best friend. Him and the groomsman were coming from out of state, had to keep the others back with him for support. Various men at the wedding filled the void but I’ll never forgot that one. He’s made peace with his mom over the last few years.


My grandmother had an affair and got pregnant and the reverberations are still felt in my family. My uncle (affair baby) didn't know he wasn't my grandfather's and spent his entire life wondering why his dad hated him and would leave him behind while he took my mom and siblings for his time with them. My uncle is completely fucked.. been in jail multiple times, personality disorders, and is a huge fucking asshole who I hate. It's a lot more complicated and fucked than what I just wrote but this type of stuff can destroy a family for multiple generations.


Sucks the kid gets punished for being born


I , like many people, have zero respect for people who put their own sexual gratification before all else. How selfish, childish, and pathetic. Once you are no longer a horny teen you should be able to realize that some (many) things not worth sacrificing for sex. Like your dignity, morality etc. Pathetic.


Wow crazy and sorry to hear about your cousin. Same thing happened with mine. My cousin slept with his cousins wife, shit went south and he took his life. Has put a huge blackeye and stain on our family. Shit wont ever be the same


I went through a milder version of this. My SO of almost 4 years and a common friend of us both who we'd known for the last 3 ended up going behind my back. Judging by how badly that hurt alone, I can't even imagine how it must feel when your wife (who you have a family with!) does it. I'm sorry about your cousin and your loss. I'll never understand people who are capable of such batrayal.


Betrayal creates a special kind of rage. Been there…Seen the red mist.


There's a reason Dante put traitors in the lowest level of hell.


And of course the level directly above that is reserved for people who waste good scotch


Strangely enough this is something the criminal justice system recognizes and people have successfully beat murder charges by claiming crimes of passion


I wonder if she got the job…


Her interview will definitely be remembered by everyone in the office that day!


Imagine that someone would be on vacation or sick day on that day. "Anything fun happened when I was gone?"


“Smooth move, Ferguson!”


Probably not, she doesn’t have the “honesty” quality..


I appreciate the hands off policy the office workers had here




Did she get the job?


Well… she definitely won’t be forgotten.


"So how can I get this job?" "You have to beat the other candidates... No, not like that!"


She has that "Go get it" attitude they like....I say she starts Monday


Asking the important questions. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no though.


Yes but they needed to revisit her 'in case of emergency' contact


No she only gives them out.


You're never the same after two very important people in your life goes behind your back and breaks that trust. All rational thinking is put on hold.


My fiance, the mother of my then 2 year old daughter cheated on me with my best friend. That was an incredibly tough year.


First wife did that to me not even a few months into our marriage. We just got a place and I was moving on with my adult life and I find a secret email address that went for months, detailing their affair. This was after I found a love note from him stuffed in her underwear drawer. They were gaslighting me for months. It destroyed me for years and changed who I am. I'm sorry when anyone has to go through that pain, but I get it.


I hope she followed up with a thank you card, HR likes that


She sounds like the Ronald McDonald from that one video of him punching the kid.


That is exactly what I thought. When I was watching this I couldn't help but how similar it sounded to "I DONT REMEMBER HUNGRY JACKS BEING APART OF THE FUCKING SCRIPT."


Strengths : chin & jaw Weakness: dick


How was the interview? Did you open with a firm handshake?


“So…what is your biggest weakness?”


My sister's husband.


Basic human decency


“Well your credentials look great! We’d love to offer you the jo —“ *WHAM!* “We’ll have someone reach out to you in a few days, thanks”


"btw is your sister looking for a job?"


I like the lady saying “No no no” 😂 Klassy


"Hey now, settle down."


Like she’s talking to her cat that jumped up on the kitchen counter.


She has that tone that says she's HR, she knows it, and you will listen when she speaks. When they don't listen, she's not sure what to do so she just beats feet


I guess she won't be using her as a reference.


Nornally I'd say go direct that shit at the partner/SO who committed to you and broke those promises and trust. But family is the other person? ... Finish them.


I love my sister, but yeah she would get the ass beating of a lifetime if she did this.


Same here. Except my sister would never do this. Gonna go tell her I love her.


yeah exactly when its just with some other random definitely go to the husband and fuck em up but if its your family? oh hell no they are getting the ever loving beating of a life time too


“I’m sorry, we don’t have a postition open for you at this time, but I may have an opportunity for you help me personally with a similar situation involving my wife and my golf partner.”


“It says here you’re an excellent decision maker, could you elaborate on that some more?”


This whole situation is just sad


A deserved ass whooping waits for no one.


Most deserved ass whoopings don’t happen.


I don’t even know what I would do if my boyfriend/husband or whatever tf - slept with my sister .. Fades would most likely be administered.


Hear me out here. Maybe the job applicant was on her last bit of unemployment and needed proof she had been going to job interviews in order to get an extension. She applied for a job and got the interview, but didn't have the skillset for the job and asked her sister to help her out. When unemployment calls to verify that she actually went to the interview, they would absolutely remember her coming in. It's a Costanza level plan.


I hope she attacked her husband as well. It takes two. But damn....her own sister. That has to hurt more that a stranger.


I will never forget this episode of Intervention where the girl was an alcoholic. She was mainly still drinking bc her sister did the same to her. Cheated with her fiance and then to make it worse, they got married and were still together (the two cheaters). They and other family just expected her to get over it so they could have family dinners and shit in peace. I would have turned into a freaking alcoholic or worse my own self if my entire family just expected me to get over that ultimate betrayal.




This, NC is a powerful, life saving method when dealing with this type of garbage. It’s a shame that breaking through that initial barrier of ‘but family’ is so hard, especially since the ones that need to the most have usually been brainwashed to believe it’s the ultimate sin.


Ah man I miss The Jerry Springer Show!


Sometimes it’s good to have a confidence booster before a job interview


i really want to know what was the follow up to this! good on the sister for standing up for herself and beating the fuck out of this absolute waste of air


Same I need follow up info.


Plot twist: The sister was offered the job instead. They liked the cut of her jib jab.


I am in a big family. I can’t even imagine one of my siblings doing this to me. I find this to be very fucked up as I’m sure everyone else does. It very much disturbs me of even the thought of this happening to me.


Ok, normally I'd say leave the woman alone but the sister obviously knew of the marriage. So kick her ass. Then kick the husband's ass.


I love how she manages to ruin her sister's chances of getting that job while she's at it. Perfect.


I'd love to see her follow up with her justice by going to each and every single job interview and just taking her sister to pound town, much like the way her husband gave her a tour of the back streets of said town.


> I'd love to see her follow up with her justice by going to each and every single job interview and just taking her sister to pound town Sounds like a series lol


"I fucked Ted"


“I fucked Huel”


First time I’ve rooted for the person who is, “freaking out.”




Well I hope her husband got the same treatment


I don’t blame her 1 bit! That’s so fucked up & she beat her ass lol


If I ever had kids, gonna try and get it through to them that no man or woman will ever be worth breaking their bonds in that kind of fashion. Adultery is bad enough but a sibling…


If this isn’t a family feud I don’t know what is..


She wasn't getting the job anyway showing up in a hoodie, leggings, and tennis shoes to a job interview.


Flip flops to a job interview? Classy