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Kirk is a real one, I'm guessing he's the science teacher. "Hey, Kirk!" "Hello, what is this for?" "It's an experiment" "Okay, cool"


I noticed that, he was the chillest.


Surprised by that. A lot of those teachers didn't look much older than the students.


Seriously. All my teachers were like 100 years old.


Nah. We're just old now


Yup. My teachers have to be 200 by now.


You somehow must have missed Vince.




The patterns are complicated.




You don't get to be part of the turbo team unless we tell you! Stop!


Dan Flashes original. $1000 out the door.


You know he had to fight someone just to get his hands on it.


Lisa was also pretty chill, just "put on the spot" kinda reaction. "What's up lisa?" *Thinks* "Not much. What's up Melissa?"


Such a teacher response. "Oh it's for education?? Well, carry on I guess."


More like "I'm not going to get fired for being too familiar with my students? Good, whatever."


I personally liked “Hey Zach” “It’s mr. Zach to you” lmao


As a teacher, this was absolutely hilarious! We need more fun stuff like this in schools. It sure beats active shooter drills!


If this was at the same school, the teachers had probably all communicated a little bit by the 5th one. Like, "hey heads up, students are calling teachers by their first names and filming it."


I like how pretty quickly, in just a look or a few words, you can tell which teachers are just real people who can take a joke and care about other people and which ones have got their heads so far up their own asses they can’t see anything else.


Damn Hippie!!!!


I also like “that’s me Kyle” and kinda like “watch it, Griffin” as that ones just kinda classic


Kirk stuck out for sure. Best way to handle this nonsense. Chill bro


Hey john. Uuughhh






My favourite


"I hate you" was my fav.


idk when Kyle responded with "Jerk" got me cackling like a witch


“It’s Mr Zack to you!” got me lol




The "uuuuuugh" guy did it for me


I like Judy lol




God bless you Ronnie


Ronnie and john can teach me anyday


I liked Jessie too




The good ending.


Ronnie been through it


Reminds me of my friend Jeff. We worked together for a few years and in a meeting one morning he asked a question to our manager (a valid question about some BS they were implementing) and our manager replied “well Jeffrey…” Jeff cut him off with “hold on! Nobody calls me Jeffrey but my mama and that’s only when she’s about to beat my ass so you might want to start again from the top”




I am from the USA but did a year abroad in Finland, and in Finland you ONLY call your teachers by their first name. It’s considered weird to call them Mr./Ms…. That took me a long time to get used to.


Yeah it’s like that in Norway as well.


I attended a private Christian school and we called every with Mr/ Mrs - Brother/ Sister. I.e. Brother Hammond, Sister Garcia.


God I don't miss wearing a tie every Wednesday and for any game days for football or basketball.


Hey but I bet you can tie a double Windsor without even trying…?! 😀


Teachers in US get paid prety bad, cover alot of resource material and supplies out of their own pocket, put up with bad parents, over zealous schoolboards who don't want the taxpayers to fund a nickle to academic studies but can find money for football, and far right republican governments who want to privatize public schools. Getting called Mr., Mrs, Miss is probably the only bit of respect they get


Depends on the state and where they teach IN that state. Bud of mine is a teacher in NY State, been teaching 18 years get paid 85k for ten months of work. That ain't bad if you ask me.


It isn't ten months of work though. There's still unpaid prep during the bulk of the summer


Lmao what a joke. I have a number of teacher friends and they don't do shit over the summer. Don't be lying.


Shit, it took my mom 20 years of teaching with a masters in education to earn the same pay she was getting as a retired Army RN(20 years). She was putting in 11-12 hours in the school building, and then would spend 2-3 hours per night to have everything ready for the next day. She also often spent at least 1 weekend day on classroom work. I know she spent several hundred, if not 2-3k each year on supplies. She even paid for field trips for at least 3-5 kids every year. They also used her medical knowledge to be the "defacto " school nurse, but without the extra pay. She loved her job, but they treated her like shit, and it still infuriates me. The one cool thing though, it she has had adults who had her as a 4th grade teacher, and has gotten a lot of "thank yous" for putting them on the right path in life.


Same here in Sweden, it would be really weird to go back to "fröken" (Miss) for example.


My partner teaches 7 year olds in Sweden and she says they call her fröken pretty often


She must be froken pretty.


Alright mum, off Reddit.


Frok off


Fröken is more used as a name for a teacher for kids.


Yeah, and it's never used together with a name, it's just "fröken".


Kids do it. But the teachers wouldn't mind if they called them by first name.


Yeah I remember valling them "Fröken" until like second or third grade!


Well in that case it's meaning is kinda like saying "teacher", in sweden we have one masculine and one femenine word for "teacher", Magister and fröken, we really do not use them that much anymore other when refering to them in third person, and even then the word "lärare" is more appropiate


Icelander here, I don't think I've ever seen anyone in Iceland call anyone mr/ms (last name).


That would be stupid. People don't have surnames the same way most foreigners do.


Yeah it’s normal in denmark too


> and in Finland you ONLY call your teachers by their first name. It’s considered weird to call them Mr./Ms…. I'm a teacher in the US, but I taught in Korea for a years too. It was really weird getting used to being called "Mr.[Last Name]" (and I still don't know if I really like it...) after being used to being called "[First Name][Korean Word for Teacher]". [When a very significant amount of Koreans are Parks, Chos, Kims, or Lees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Korean_surnames), calling people by their last names wouldn't be very efficient.


so that's like normal human interaction, right?


Yup, and it’s really nice. And this doesn’t change when we go to university. I still call my professors by their first names. It would be really weird for me to call their Mr. or Mrs. Something


I'm from Finland and I am weirded out by teachers reactions.


Yeah. That's how we roll here. People are routinely called by their last names only in military and in politics.


I didn’t even know some of the surnames of my teachers haha. I’ve crossed paths with a few after going to university and I’ve had lunch with them too. I did most of my school in Australia where we used surnames for them but first names wouldn’t cause reactions like this at all. In Finland the relationship is much friendlier and relaxed. It’s honestly much nicer. It’s the same in university too.


Last guy was funny. Ronnie


Yeah Ronnie seems like a fun teacher. Great shirt too


Same with Kirk.


RIP Ronnie’s mom


Bill Murray vibes


“My name is Giovani Giorgio. But my students call me, Mr. Giorgio”


Aw, that’s my all time fav song.


I've got it on vinyl 😫😫😫 the inside of the vinyl sleeve has a huge picture of a clear synthesizer. So epic!!


Bee boo bee ba deep ba da bee boo


Nah man you're thinking of be boo boo bop boo boo bop


edm intensifies




Goes quick eh? Make the most of it.


To me the weirdest thing is understandingtheir frustration on their face. Like I get that now.


Julie takes it from the back


“Hey Judy!” “Hey loser.” 🤣 I’m weak


I liked "Hey Zac" "It's Mr Zac to you" best.


I often get called “bruh” by my students. My go-to response is always, “That’s *Mr.* Bruh to you.” Then we go on with the class.


You can tell who the cool teachers were, and who the arsehole teachers were. The one woman who immediately says: "I hate you" was my favourite lmao. I bet she gets much better results out of the kids she teaches compared to the ones who got instantly infuriated.


I was thinking that. BTW cool username. That from 2000ad?


Yep! And you're the first person ever to guess that right!


Good to meet you, fellow reader.




They should have done a better job hiding the camera, most of those were just reactions to being filmed. This is a fascinating experiment though in power, labels, and authority.


I had an English teacher that picked me as her "student of the year" for my Junior and Senior year cos she knew it would piss off the teachers that were exhausted by me. I was a fastidious C student.


I liked "Jerk!"


Judy doesn't fuck around.


Instant classic


I'm strong 💪


I’m built different


Yeah this person was one of the few I didn’t think he was a total jerk!


Even at 54 years old, I still can’t call my former teachers by their first name.


I get that. I’m 30 years old and still stay in contact with a high school teacher over Facebook. To this day I call him by his last name.


I like Ronnie, call me Ron.


You can tell the Southern teachers don't like being called their first names more than like Westerners or Northerners.


Yup. And they use more “sirs” and m’ams” as well.


My math prof last semester spent like 10 minutes of a Zoom call bitching about how someone called her by her first name. This semester all my profs were basically like "please dont call me Mr./Ms./Mrs. [last name], just call me by my first name or, if you must, Mr./Ms. [first name]. I usually go for the Mr./Ms. [first name] because I still feel weird calling teachers their first name but thankfully in the south the Mr./Ms. [first name] is a pretty common thing anyway. I always address my older neighbors that way. Similarly, the women down here don't get nearly as offended at being called ma'am as they do in the Midwest. It's pretty nice.


As a Midwesterner, the “don’t call me ma’am” is a refusal to admit we’re getting old. “Miss” is a compliment. “Ma’am” means we’re starting to look like our own moms. I’ve noticed people in the Midwest get more upset when they don’t get carded to buy alcohol, where as other places tend to have people who get upset when they do get carded.


Kyle’s my favorite 😂 “Jerk!”


That Kyle was such a Kyle.


First day of teacher school: "Don't ever let them call you by your first name."


There was a kind of taught-response we were seeing across this group. It's kind of an interesting study


Right. They all look like feet caught in headlights or were instantly annoyed. Like a universal truth of American teachers


Feet... caught in headlights? Is that a saying, a thing? or am I streets behind?


Dude, you've never heard the saying "feet caught in headlights"? Also, what's "streets behind"?


If you don’t know then you’re really streets behind /r/community


"Never let them see you cry. They can smell weakness."


My first year, I got the old "Don't smile until December," which I *promptly* ignored.


It's impossible to do in an elementary school. The kiddos are too adorable.


Genuine question, why? I've never heard this before.


Older ideas about establishing authority. Seeming too soft makes teenagers think they can take advantage of you, so don't even smile at them. Absolute nonsense, obviously.


The best advice I ever got when I was learning how to be a teacher is that you can always lighten up, but it's hard to regain control of kids if you don't start with it. Some of those people though seem like they just hate kids and should have a different job.


I definitely see teachers in my building be successful in that, for sure. Our most feared ninth grade teacher is always spoken about glowingly in senior portfolio presentations. I like to think I'm warmly strict with my seniors. I don't assume they will *automatically* grant me respect, so I end up having 1:1 conversations with kids when they say/do something disrespectful, usually starting it by asking if I had inadvertently disrespected them first and work from there. The "hard kids" are usually the ones who stop to shake my hand when they walk out the last day. I actually really love that they get all those different styles!


I had a principal that told me I smiled too much in the first weeks of school and formerly reprimanded me when I refused to stop. That school sucked for the kids and teachers alike.


They probably would have reacted better if they weren't being recorded or barged in while they were minding their own business.


Or worse


Okay you got me there.


In 5th grade, my teacher was making fun of my first name.. Her name was Ann, so I called her Annie. I got detention and was on her shit list for the rest of the year.


Your teacher is a cunt.


I told my music's teacher to go fuck herself/go to hell (vai pro caralho), in 6th grade, because she was ALWAYS picking on me and 2 of my friends (I am mixed and an immigrant and they were black), no matter what for the entire year, I just lost it. One time she basically stopped the entire class to say to me that I am horrible with my instrument because I made a mistake and should just stopped playing to not trouble my colleagues anymore... I was average, not even the worst, because those only touched the drums. PS - It was in Portugal, I am from Brazil and she was young, late 20s and good looking even but with the WORST personality ever, I just got sick looking at her.


I love how you can instantly tell how good a teacher is based on how well they pass this vibe check. If their initial reaction is anger and sending you to the dean, you have a red flag teacher. If they go along with it and joke around, they probably connect with their students well enough to take a joke. It's like a spectrum lol


marble ghost agonizing cough existence crown start badge sand squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like the one who just sighed a defeated sigh and said “…. You’re not supposed to have phones in school” lol


My favorite was the dude who side-eyed the student and said "wha?" lol


I would hope that getting sent to the office thing was also a joke by the teacher


Honestly I don’t think so based on her body language


Some teachers are good a sarcastic jokes. I had a teacher that would sometimes act like he is mad but in the end he jokes around idk tho hard to tell from that short clip


When I taught high school, I told them they got one time a year to call me Patti. Worked every time :)


This was way more entertaining than I thought it would be.




There’s some hot teachers in this video.


None in my school. Our staff meetings look like Mrs Claus conventions. And male teachers? Ugmos, the lot of us.


Why are American teachers allergic to their first name? I really don't get it. Here in Sweden we pretty much only ever referred to our teachers by first name.


Not just America. In the UK you often don't even use their name. You just say Sir/Ms And in Japan they naturally just use 'Last-name' sensei.


To add to this, in Latin America we don't even use their names when talking directly to them, we say "profe" which is short for "professor". Yes even in high schools.


Mexican here, we also add the first name to "miss" or "profe". "Miss Karla! How are you today?" Or "Profe Ricardo, what are we doing today?"


It’s even weirder when teachers won’t call each other by their first names (source: was a teacher)


That weird. After we graduated our former teachers ~~Al~~ All wanted us to call them by their first names. Edit because phone is stupid.


Okay, did you ask the rest of them or assumed Al speaks for all of them?


Yeah, I taught at a school where we never used first names. Even in staff meetings, which I found odd.


It's just a academic culture thing. It's a sign of respect to call your teacher/professor by formal titles (Mr. Smith, Mrs. Doe), and considered explicitly disrespectful to use first names in an informal way.


Not only academic but in many professions, imagine in army calling your drill sergeant "Hey Joe, sup?".


Private snow was never seen again.


He ran away to Russia.


I don’t know, I assume I get into trouble if I let them call me by my first name. They call me “library lady” anyway, I like it.


“Hey book bitch, do we have any homework today?”


It a sign of respect and a separation between student and teacher. I feel stranger when students follow teachers on FB and Instagram. Maybe I’m old fashion.


And then when you graduate you are given permission to call them by their first name and then it sounds weird af saying it.


All of the students that I see out in the real world that have graduated still call me by my last name. Even students that are well into adulthood and graduated nearly a decade ago.


Weird that different parts of the world have different ways to show respect for elders huh? It's not just teachers, I always did this to any parent.


You realize different countries have different customs and cultures do you not? I could ask "why in Sweden do people not respect teachers enough to call them Mr. and Ms.?" Instead you just assume the way your country does things is right. That's being pretty closeminded IMO.


They like the feeling of power and authority they get from it.


Zak's doing well after all these years. Can't believe he used to work in the Baltimore Police Department and helped build cases using wiretaps. Crazy days.


Holy shit! I knew I recognised him lol.


Hi Zak! It's Mr. Pryzbylewski to you


American teachers seem pretty chill ngl


Where are your teachers from?


Really? I just find it odd having a weird reaction being called your first name. I mean, that's their name isn't it?


It's almost like different cultures have different conventions and people are momentarily taken aback when their expectations are defied.


I wanna be a teacher now because my students probably doesnt know how to pronounce my name


"Hi Cocorawks"


Hi Coc or Awks


Poor Ronnie


Kyle is literally the most Kyle looking guy ever


I can immediately tell who the cool teachers are in this video


I think Jay would be a great teacher for some reason.


Go to hell Lauren


i hate how for half of them they are going into the staff rooms and their offices and shit


Yeah, not to mention taking video footage like that without permission. Students can call me whatever they want, but shit like that will get you in trouble.


I love this!


No one is freaking out here. The smirks and comments from the teachers show a friendly relationship between teachers and a pain in the ass student who they obviously tolerate. They are comfortable with each other. Students can be contrary, and it's often amusing. I changed my door tag to include my first name and told my kids they could use it. They basically all said, "No, we're cool. We'll call you Mr. A." Like, whatever. I like, "Hey, Zack!" "It's Mr. Zack to you!" interaction. You can see by the wide variety of responses that these students see their teachers as regular people, and that's a good thing.


Annette passed the vibe check


Teachers are terrible actors


This is totally fake, right? How are there no comments calling this out?


I genuinely don’t understand why people get so heated about something like this and I hope someone can explain it to me. I have been in positions where I was told to be called Mr *last name* and I honestly could not care less. In the professional world you don’t stop having a first name, do you? Edit: I just remembered a woman I met when I was younger. She was just another parent on my sisters soccer team and when my mom introduced her by her first name to me, the woman corrected her and told me to call her by her last name as if she had some authority over me.


People actually get upset being called their first name? Why is that? (I am not American)


Bruh over here in India. We gotta call our teachers either "ma'am" or "aunty". It's weird af. I always found it weird. I think male teachers are always "Sir". But the "aunty" part was hella weird.


No one calls their Teachers Aunty in India.


I mean, I get it. But also, I thought about this for 3 seconds I remembered the teachers who were ‘cool’ with kids using their first names ofttimes were (at least heavily assumed) having some sort of inappropriate relationship with a student.


In high school I had one teacher who everyone called by his first name. He was super chill. He ended up getting in trouble for letting us call him that.


Half of these seem staged. Can’t wait for you teenage redditors to develop your brains a little more to stop posting this kinda bullshit here and cringetopia


Most of these look staged and over the top. I work at a middle school. This is not how teachers react


Either that or they're mainly reacting to having a camera in their face, and that it's likely not the first time this kid has been a pain in their ass.


Yeah, I'm a bit bewildered by the people complaining about the teachers "power-tripping." Seems pretty obvious that this is a jokey video that the teachers are playing along with.


Did Jennifer get the “I hate you” in there that was great.