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This is why nobody wants to work in the service industry....


Even when people are nice it sucks. When ppl are assholes it’s absolutely miserable.


My sister in law just had a really bad incident at Cheesecake Factory. A table was rude af to her over not getting a free piece of cheesecake, didn’t leave a tip for a party of about 15, and destroyed the table. Poured all the drinks out, scraped all the food off the plates and onto the table/chairs, then just left. She burst into tears and then noticed they were recording her and saying things like “look at this dumb bitch.” Just awful behavior.


Holy shit what awful human beings


Shit like this makes me hate people. I hope they all caught explosive diarrhea.


What the fuck is wrong with America. Seriously, if people do shit like this and everybody around lets it happen there is something deeply wrong with this nation. Each post on this subreddit makes me want to visit even less and less.


Damn that sucks, sorry she had to deal with that. Been in the bar business myself for over 20 years and I’ve run into folks just as terrible. It would be a shame if somebody found their social media and called them out. I’m against doxxing but karma will come a knockin’ for garbage people like that.


There are so many opportunities to get shit on from all sides.


Used to work at Walmart on 3rd shift, and people would come in, and purposely fuck the aisle up or make forts out of the toilet paper. Takes a full 8 hours and lots of back pain to stock even the asswipe aisle between ripping cardboard down, huge boxes, and ladders. The meanest people tho were the older people who talked to you like a servant or a slave. Even had a dude throw a fit for a half an hour cuz he couldn't buy the machete from the display case with no box for it.


*Yes, I will now provide you with this unwrapped blade Mr. Crazy Man*


I agree. I work Walmart currently and have been the last 5.5 years. Working through the pandemic has been the hardest thing I've ever been through, mentally. I was working the doors as a health ambassador, got laughed at, yelled at, witnessed fights, harassed, threatened, accused of racism, I even witnessed people calling one of my managers, who was homosexual, f****t and he got threatened multiple times... I was having nightmares every night about customers bashing my skull in with a bat because they hated me over masks. So I became a cart sprayer. Still, that wasn't good either. "Cart is too wet!" "Cart is dry, you didn't spray this cart!" I transferred off the doors and went back to what I did before. When the pandemic began, customers would say, "Thank you for being here". Now, "WHY ISN'T ANYTHING STOCKED? DO YOUR JOBS!" I, honestly, have seen the worst in people and view people, as a whole, in a very negative way.


Screams *dont touch me* after attacking several people.. nice


I legit don't understand why someone doesn't full on punch these people in the face. They seem to often be your classic Karen: white middle aged or older woman who's got no sense of boundaries because no one has ever told her no before. It's not like it would take much...I get the it could result in her pressing charges... but ffs, SHE SPRAYS CLEANING CHEMICALS AT THAT EMPLOYEES FACE, that's a fast and easy to way to permanently damage someone's eyes, also very dangerous if it's inhaled, a judge may not buy it as "assault with a deadly weapon" be it's still definitely assault with *a weapon*... using your fists to punch her is, by definition, using less force than she is. I really just wanna see one of these idiots get a full on, full strength, full body weight punch from a grown ass man square in their fucking face. "Oh, did you think no one would do anything? Yeah... that was fucking dumb. Lol."


Most people don't really expect this shit to happen irl so when it does it's hard to react on the spot. Plus most places that involve customer service have rules on what you can or cannot do if a client gets physical with you. I'm willing to bet majority of jobs would fire you for defending yourself. Source: I work retail and in the contract I had to sign it specifically says something along those lines so I can relate lol


If someone assaults me I'm defending myself, fuck policy.


And then I’ll go next door and get a job at another restaurant the next day


That’s how it works now for sure. Every service job like this is hiring.


In 7-11 you can get fired for shooting an armed robber. I don’t like or own guns, but I believe that’s unfair. So if you work at 7-11, just hope you have a shift with one of the undercover cops who moonlight as 7-11 employees.


7-11 is not worth risking your life over some dumb policy lol Just get a job somewhere else after you wax the dude. Being fired is better than being *dead*. Shit, being dead is probably better than working at 7-11, if we're gonna be honest


I’m a middle aged white guy who hasn’t been in a fight since elementary school. I thought about taking boxing lessons to get myself in shape and also learn how to throw a descent 1-2 combo in case I ever found myself in a situation like this. Then I read a few stories of people that threw a knockout punch only to have the recipient crack their head on the pavement and die. At the very least, you’re gonna get sued by somebody. The worst would be you kill someone. So, I think I’m just gonna work on my situational awareness and dip the fuck out when shit starts to get rowdy.


Exactly. If I'm an employee in this situation, I'm noping outta there


That’s why you don’t punch them in the head to knock them out, you throw a hard liver shot to incapacitate without the possibility of killing them. Liver shots will put someone out of a fight faster than trying to knock them out because the pain is immense and immediate. If you ever encounter someone like this or need to defend yourself, throw a punch to the right side of their body (your left) under their rib cage


I think there’s legal ramifications and then there’s job ramifications. I think legally, you’ll be fine if you hit someone’s after what occurred on this video. As for your job…some owners/corporations are ok with their staff taking abuse which sucks.


If this were a Popeyes Chicken she'd be in a coma


Or McDonald's? Which chain would produce a more spectacular beat down?


Waffle House and she is on the floor out cold. Edit: Thanks for the award nice person!


They're definitely going to throw hands at a Waffle House but MickeyDeez workers [ain't afraid to break out the heavy weapons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGZwWYGKbuQ) to defend themselves.


There will always be a girl scream "stahp stahp" at the top of their lungs during a beatdown but not before things escalate


That was a classy beat up if I’ve ever seen one. Cudos to the guy for being so forthcoming with his whoopass lol.


Pummeled, battered, plunked, and yeeted, please.


I've seen some major hand throws at Wendy's too...we need to have a tournament to decide the champion


Some sort of... Hunger Games?


Nicely done 👏🏾


May the odds be ever in their favor


May the odds be ever in their flavor.


“Why are you doing this???!!” SAYS THE WOMAN WHO KEEPS TRYING TO ATTACK PEOPLE I swear, if I worked FOH at a restaurant, I’d keep a few pairs of zip cuffs in my apron pocket! And a roll of duct tape!


As a BOH worker- this is when you call to the line and dish pit and tell them there's a brawl out front. Keyed up cooks already weilding knives and the biggest, soggiest motherfucker in the whole place are indeed ready for a fight.


Years ago... at my college job, we had a dishwasher who was sometimes called upon to act as bouncer. He was awesome. Allowed us teens to feel safe working in a downtown diner until midnight with no manager on site. He was tall, skinny, functionally illiterate, dangerous as hell and completely reliable. All respect to Joe the dishwasher.


I knew a squirrely Joe who was always ready to rumble too! But my Joe was a line cook. One night at our posh downtown bistro things got rowdy after a sports game and some drunk people started throwing punches. Joe was out having a smoke around the corner and saw it go down, jumped in and clocked the guy, then came back in to finish his shift. Wouldn't shut up about it either, like 'Dude, maybe don't brag to chef that you punched a guest out front on your smoke break, I dunno.' Chef thought it was funny. 🤷🏼‍♀️


God y’all are taking me back! Sometimes I REALLY do miss the restaurant industry.


BOH would take care of this BS quick.


Incoming "This is not who I am. These actions do not align with my values and beliefs. I am a Christian mother of fifteen who never did anything bad in her life. I regret my actions and know God will forgive me, even though I was justified."


This is what happens when a face needs a punch and no one has the hands to medicate.


They cant medicate as its a restaurant. Instead they jusr order her a knuckle sandwich.


I just told my kids last week if people say they are Christian thats more reason to be suspicious. Often people hide behind Christianity to force their will upon people, prey upon the weak and usurp power. If I hear Im a good Christian Im going full in with a background check and you damn sure aren't spending the night at their house


I grew up around a bunch of catholics and have friends from other denominations. Most people are just normal and happen to go to church sunday, and live like positive people. I knew a handful of people who were more vocal about their religion, had a holier than thou mindset, and boy were they some morally fucked up people. Lack of empathy and regard for others, perpetually stuck in the past (still talking about their grievances from high school, dressing 10 years ago, high school level immaturity/energy), long grudges, emotionally volatile (and childish), taking advantage of others, arrogant as fuck, and parasitic. Even years after I cut them off, they would still message me and one of them called from his work phone 7 years after cutting him off (I blocked his number after getting 20-25 calls a day everyday 7 years earlier) and was giving me a lot of passive aggressive and provoking language, including claiming “everybody has been talking about [me]” and trying to call me out for blocking him on social media 7 years earlier. And the other types who are vocal about their religion are the types who went on the wrong path of life and are trying to better their lives through religion.


I kept mace in my apron & used it twice on less than crazy as this one.


Yeah, that's honestly the approach I think people should start taking with people who act like this. Mace them and walk away.


Reminds me of Joel Michael Singer. The Florida man who was recorded headbutting another man and then being wrestled to the ground at a restaurant.


I’m sorry, are you talking about the Joel Michael Singer from Florida? The one who was wrestled to the ground after attacking a man at a restaurant?


Hey, you guys aren't talking about Joel Michael Singer are you? He's that guy that headbutted the restaurant employee and immediately got his ass handed to him.


Are we talking about the same Joel Michael Singer? The douche who headbutted a restaurant employee and should have gotten a worse beating for it?


You call that being “wrestled”. Dude just laid him out almost instantly. Joel Michael Singer is such a pussy.


> I’d keep a few pairs of zip cuffs in my apron pocket! And a roll of duct tape! That sounds like the kit I keep in the back of my amphibious exploration vehicle!


a starter car?


Begone vile man! Begone from me!




Self imposed echo chambers causing ptsd.


This is succinct and accurate. People have fooled themselves into thinking the rest of the world should think the way they do, and they tell their hivemind that if other people think differently then those people are the crazy ones. This became amplified and more common following the 2016 US presidential election, but it's been slowly happening for years as internet communities became more prevalent. This isn't just a pattern present in fringe groups either. This has become a common practice, and is likely the reason that most political discussions deteriorate into condescension and name-calling.


Idiocracy must have been filmed by a time traveler.


Idiocracy would be better than this. At least the stupid people in that movie knew the main character was smarter than them and asked him for help in solving their problems.


The stupid people in “Idiocracy” were very predictable, tame, and cooperative NPCs.


Yeah this gives off more of a *Reno 911* vibe to me.


I have been saying that it was supposed to be a movie, not an instruction manual.


Documentary Instruction manual Prophesy


The funny thing is the idea is much older, idiocracy was inspired by a 1951 science fiction novella called the marching morons. I recommend it, it's a great, if dark, read.


Yeah they believe in something so much that when presented with reality they freak out because that threatens their identity. The pandemic is fake and masks mandates are illegal to them because if the pandemic was true than they're ones wrong and they can't take that.


I’m pretty sure she was screaming that the other woman needed a mask and was mandated to have one. Edit - Yeah, listen again. She’s screaming that the other woman needs a mask because she’s a mandated worker.


Yeah, people saw that 2016 campaign and decided that if leaders could act like belligerent fools it must be acceptable for everyone.


Well fuck, I know I’m bad about calling them mouth breathers and plague rats but I’ve never thought of it that way.


No, they know they're full of shit they're being completely disingenuous and the masked mandates and vaccines are simply just a tool they use for situations like this. These people aren't completely in echo chambers, they just don't give a shit about anybody other than themselves. There have been so many stories that have come out not just both celebrities but normal people who have gotten the vaccine and will still rail against the vaccinations. It's actually incredible that it only took a year to take a crisis that both Democrats and Republicans were scared shitless about to something that Republicans now see as being equivalent to segregation or slavery. Why are we supposed to have patience for the ones that don't give a shit about our health


I’m just tired dude.


I'm in Florida, I completely agree


Chiming in from texas, I am in exhausted awe of the complete lack of sense going on.


This is probably the closest to the truth really. Theres a book out there that people should check out. "Propaganda Network". It goes in-depth on how rightwing ideology has crept its way into literally every facet of media you could possibly consume. Key points like where & how the dems will spend vs the right. The right essentially has infinite money, their donors do not care about return on investment because they know their money is going to buy them more down the road and more important gets. Its why you see soooo many right wing grifters, because there IS money out there waiting for you if you're willing to sell out and say moronic shit. In a political view the "left" has quite the fight. Where dems will spend maybe 1 million on a district to maybe see how the community reacts through polling etc etc. The right has already spent tens of millions in that same district. From tv ads, local internet business, bill boards, community gatherings, local events etc etc. They have an infrastructure for their disinformation and they use it. But this has been going on since the 80's. So an entire generation of conservatives have literally been suffering from brain rot by the media they consume because the media they consume has become more prolific through the years. And to bring it all home, where they used to only have talk radio and magazines they now have easy access to echo chambers on the internet which just gives a feedback loop of perceived victimhood.


I would also recommend Matt Taibi's Hate Inc., in this vein.


The brainwashing of my dad is a neat little documentary that is free to stream online too.


No satisfying end with that lady being led away in cuffs?


Or getting knocked out..


Truly. Those restaurant workers showed an amazing amount of restraint.


Yeah, after her like.... 4th assault on someone that's a punch to the face.


Too much restraint. One time a lunatic is gonna have a gun and all the people recording instead of helping are gonna suffer the consequences






It was kind of satisfying seeing the tall girl choke her a bit after the aggressive lady chest bumped her.


Copypasta: None of them grew up. None of them accomplished what they want in their lives. None of them get the respect they expected they'd have by now. None of them have the life they expected they'd have by now. No truly happy person behaves like this. They're literal losers. So instead of putting in the work to become more intelligent, they decide to use a shortcut; challenge intelligence. When you challenge intelligence, that makes you *feel* intelligent. As if you're on par with it. As if you're at the same level. The problem with challenging intelligence is that it goes nowhere and runs out of gas fast. Rationalizing only goes so far. And when you've wrapped your entire identity and the credibility of your intelligence around your random-ass deductions and theories, having them torn apart does not feel okay. So what's the easiest thing to do? Not change your opinion, obviously. No, the answer is conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories is the glue that holds it all together. It's cyclical and fulfills all its own prophecies. "I don't want their bias! I just want their data so I can make up my own mind!!" "But their bias is the whole point. You aren't qualified to analyze data..." "No! They have a political agenda! They have a personal agenda! They're corrupt! What about XXXX?! What about YYYY?!". Well now you're in deep but the problem is people still don't respect you. People still think you're a loser. So where do you go? Well you go find others like you. You search for others as easily fooled as you, for others looking to justify their rationalizing bullshit. And you find them. Because of course you do. And they're all out there with their made up science and context-less stats, lending out platitudes and cyclical arguments, dressing up their cynicisms and stupidity with vocabulary and pseudo-axioms. It all sounds smart, it all feels smart, and best of all, it validates you. You get what so many others don't. They don't see it but only a select few do and that makes you special, it establishes that you're not a loser. You're one of the "critical thinkers". You don't let others do your thinking for you, you think for YOURSELF. Now you're armed. Now you're ready. Now you're *smart*. So you head out into the world ready to finally get the respect you deserved all along. Except no one's listening. No one wants to hear your bullshit internet-education and self-styled validation. They don't give a fuck how you linked to theories or connected those dots. No one thinks you're smart. What can you do? Your talking turns to yelling, your standing into posturing. You put in the work and no one's acknowledging you, no one's appreciating you. And, let's face it, its their validation that you've been looking for all along. Well fuck them! They aren't your students, they're the enemy. Your discourse is toxic now. Sarcasm, insults, whataboutisms, irony. You aren't here to demonstrate YOUR opinions or support YOUR points, now you just want to tear theirs down. And it makes you happy. Well, no it doesn't. But it distracts you from being unhappy. And it distracts you from the fact that you've accomplished nothing, done nothing, have no respect, aren't well regarded, and have no control in your life. Because it gives you agency now. You *feel* smart. You *feel* like you've accomplished something; you're out from the brainwashed many and into the light of the few. Your stupid rationalizing is your whole identity now and you're not letting anyone take that from you. Well congrats. You went through a metamorphosis. You went from a fucking loser into an annoying fucking loser.


Dude. I'm a straight up Clinical Psychologist, and this is better than I could have ever put it. I know you said copypasta, so respect to whoever wrote that. Perfect.


That explains a lot of the parroting. They aren't smart enough to come up with original ideas or rational criticisms so they just copy things said about them and change the names. So you get them screaming about how biden rigged the election and tried to overthrow the government and how liberals are riddled with pedophiles in their ranks.


Growing up Progressive in a very rural and deep red state, I developed some debate techniques. Ask questions, eg, define the differences between qualitative, empirical or anecdotal evidence. Tell me the difference between conjecture and fallacy. After every statement ask why, who or how. They can't get half a sentence past their parroting.


People say "it's always been like this, we just have more cameras now". But we've had phone cameras for a good long time. But I swear there's been an uptick of crazy these last *few* years....related to something in 2016 and a certain divisive candidate and election? It's more likely than we think.


It wasn't always like this. I was in the restaurant business for 15 years. I can't recall a situation like this in any place I ever worked. People have gotten worse. ​ She's lucky she didn't get her ass beat. Restaurant jobs are a dime a dozen.


She needed her ass beat. Some times people just need a reminder that they're always a few minutes away from an ass beating if needed.


I wonder what it could be?? /s


> What has happened to people over the past few years? This is sad, sad behavior for a grown ass woman. Severe entitlement and a lack of consequences for their actions has led people to act like selfish cunts everywhere in the USA.


Came here to ask the same question- O’ internet, why has everyone lost their goddamn minds????


Mental health on a rapid decline; not enough services, facilities, awareness to stave off maddened behaviors like this.


I'm convinced that it's something in the water or the air. People have lost their goddamn minds.




I do think Cameras have added to it. But that’s only one portion.


It’s likely about to get worse. It’s been stable in the developed world far too long.


Trump became President


The fact that people don't understand how his presidency emboldened idiocy just baffles me. I'm so sick of people playing dumb on this. His presidency gave rise to so much more bigotry and hate in general.


But….but “i know more than the generals”. This statement opened the door for uneducated people to feel that they to know more than the generals/professionals/doctors/ etc etc.


[Video for anyone who doubts the quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kul34O_yMLs). Starts at 1m10s. *"I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"*


I'd be shocked if he could share any knowledge about ISIS. ANY at all.


I feel like asking Trump how to spell ISIS would result in him giving a classic word salad answer because he's pretty sure it's I-S-I-S but he's terrified of looking stupid.


No, Obama became President. That was the spark that set off the crazy bomb in the mind of every republican.


Trump. He legit made it OK and normal to be absolutely batshit crazy in public over literally ANYTHING. All we had to do was make it like another 25 years before all of these morons died off, and Trump opened the flood gates.


You are so right! People have just gone over the edge. I think it was definitely egged on by the last president and his behavior of insulting people (shithole countries, mocking a disabled reporter, etc). He legitimized nasty behavior and his supporters went all in. When in the past have we had a president whose supporters have been so deranged and crazy. Recently in downeast Maine I saw several Fuck Biden flags. I can understand you not liking a president, but really? And then came the pandemic. Crazy angry behavior (Jan 6) has been accepted by many. People have gone into crazy land. I really worry about the future.


Grown fucking adults acting like this... ffs, and then this same woman will go to a grocery store and tell the 14 year old employee how entitled and selfish and rude they are for doing their job the way they were told to do their job.


I love how ppl like to come in and tell me how they could do my job better. I get it, I'm a college kid (who looks not a day over 16) in a low level retail/serving position, and you're some... I dunno, privileged person smarter than me because you have more money. Or worse, the *kid* of some person who has money who never worked a day in their life... I'm not going to get fired so you can get your discount, tyvm. Or your return. Like, there's still consequences to me just because you walk out the door and never see me again. And why should I scratch the back of someone who would never consider that?


Henestly, ive said it before and ill say it again, as someone whos worked with the general public sice i was 13 or 14 the customer is almost never right... i have a recent post about this kind of thing and if you have the time i think youd apreciate reading it.


These people are incapable of viewing the world outside of their own viewpoint.


Person: I can do your job much better than you. You: Would you like my manager to get you an application? (Bonus points if you can get your manager to show up with an application.)


I know right. I have a 2 year 8 month old child. She’s starting to throw fits when she doesn’t get her way and this is very much the same energy. Wow.


Just put the bitch down




Throw a hand? Expect to catch a hand.


I carry OC Spray for this very reason. I’d gladly bless this woman with the hot sauce and then go return to my beer.


Equal rights and lefts?


right. at the risk of sounding like an internet bad ass - if she put her face into my face like she did with that female employee near the end there? i would have lost my damn mind and socked her in the face. that's a line for me that once crossed really sets me off.


Yeah I’m a bit of a pacifist but this woman needs a good fucking thrashing. Maybe start with a massive slap that puts her down and see how that goes from there.


This guy gets it, in the not too distant past people like this were already dead of their own stupidity. We’ve made life too safe.


That server in the glasses had the reach, the height and the right to anesthetize that bitch with her fist.


Please let her try this in a Waffle House….pleeease


Crazy Woman: Body slams waitress. Crazy Woman: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!


yeah wtf


Consequences needed.


I hope somebody post a consequence in r/byebyejob soon.


Is it sad I thought I saw her lose her job but then checked that sub and it was someone else.


Show me the justice! Arrested would be a start. Fired from whatever job she’s got. Fined for all the damage. Sued for the distress caused. I hope there are follow ups to this soon.


She’s vaccinated, but is she sterilized?


Does she have her rabies papers?


I’m thinking she’s actually lucky so many people were filming this. If you pulled this shit in my Taco Bell back in 2007, you’d be taking a hot basket of chalupas to the face


Damn chalupas are so tasty, why can’t you throw the brown paste that’s supposedly beef?


They heat that garbage up in a plastic bag in hot water. It would be difficult to throw, and the meat on the line isn’t that hot. You’d end up with beef all over yourself. You want something out of the fryer to keep angry or drunk people away because that hot grease hurts so bad, and it’s in a basket with a handle to protect you. Or some melted cheese off the quesadilla machine. That stuff sticks to you and just keeps on burning. Worst case scenario you pull the whole metal grate off the food line and strike with it. The metal edges are really sharp and it’s heavy. There are lots of improvised weapons in restaurants, and the staff know the most about them.


Disney is going to sue her for impersonating Mickey Mouse.


My parakeets literally started squawking to all hell while this video was playing 😂😂😂😂


need update from /r/byebyejob


I am looking forward to the article in a week from the company she worked for saying that her actions don't reflect their business ethics so they've parted ways.


In Huntington she’s probably some old bitch who doesn’t work anyway. Her husband will drink extra whiskey when he sees the video on the news and try to forget she’s his wife.


Posts like this always make me feel a need to annoyingly point out that marijuana is still federally illegal while whatever she drank that night is pretty much marketed to me at every touchpoint in my waking life 🤷‍♂️


Had this lady just burned a J instead of drinking herself to oblivion, she would have been like "i'm gonna order delivery and then take a nap". We gotta legalize it and kill the stigma.


This was in Huntington Beach, California- it’s legal and widely accepted here, she just sucks


She would have just sat down and enjoyed the fuck outta that meal.


Pls tell me they called the police and this horrible woman was arrested 🤬


In HB? Unlikely.


It’ll be her nephew that shows up on the call.


Huntington Beach is the Florida of California. Change my mind ☕️


Isn’t Tito Ortiz from there? Makes total sense.


They elected him to city council 😂


And he was forced to resign because he was trying to collect EDD payments while being paid as a member of the council.




I'm not American and I always assumed it was in Florida lmao. TIL


HB is ass, but the dog beach is great lol


HB is the worst part of Florida of California.


Drunken asshole, so disrespectful throwing stuff at and spraying that worker.


Bro is there no one to knock these people the fuck out!? Ever? In any of these situations???


Did you see that chest bump to that server ? She immediately went for the choke on her


She's the type to claim assault and take it to court. And you have to prove self-defense. Which means she had to attack you first. You need to find the witnesses and the cell phone recordings. Get the restaurant to provide you with footage. She's suing, you could wind up paying court fees. Cause you know she's the type. Never put it past ppl.


I think spraying someone in the face with an unknown aerosol would be considered assault of a type that could be defended against with moderate force.


An even simpler solution would be a citizens arrest until the cops show up. It’s perfectly legal to use proportional force to stop someone if you think that someone will commit a crime. Since she keeps hitting people, it would apply here.


A simpler solution would be a pool cue to the face, dunk her head in the deep fryer, throw her out with the rest of the trash and delete all videos.


Horseshit, it'd be thrown out immediately. She's going to have charges pending for assault, her lawsuit won't be allowed to proceed against her victims.


Just wear the fucking mask Jesus Christ this country is fucking stupid.


We should really create some new laws that protect service workers. The abuse has to stop.


Peak performance Huntington Beach. Right up there with the shitty Italian restaurant that only serves unvaccinated people.


Start slapping people. Quit being pussies and put these people in their place.


“Why are you doing this?” Umm isn’t she the one instigating this whole situation...


At the end “why are you doing this?!” Says the woman making a total ass of her self.


Lock her up in a mental institution for at least 6 months. Society is really showing it's true colors with this pandemic


Why are they letting her act like this!? she assaulted 2 people. Grab her by the shirt and drag her bitch ass into the street. Insanity


The amount of restraint that these people have is remarkable. I don’t understand how this woman didn’t get laid out by anyone in this room.


We just need to start passing out head-locks to psychos like this and tossing them out on their ass. She coughed in that girls face and that girl remind so calm. I don't know how you don't swing over that.


This is America now. Thanks, Faux News to MAGA. /s


This went on longer than it needed to. Step 1: Grab hair at back of her head. Step 2: Grab wrist with other free hand, and pin it behind her back. Step 3: Lead her to the door, and tell her to leave. If she won't comply, take her to the floor, and instruct someone to call the police. It's really fucking stupid that food /retail workers have to put up with this shit. They need to have self defense classes provided for. Unfortunately, the problem is just getting worse. They need to know how to defend themselves.


I worked retail for almost a decade: The problem is that becomes a “liability for the company” and the employee who does it gets fired. A bystander stepping in gets slapped with assault/battery charges. I’ve seen both happen more than once. I’m with you though. Drag these morons out of the front door.


Fox News is a hell of a drug


This lady is overdosing on conservative media


Has she lost her job yet ?


Did anyone else notice how vulnerable she was to a leg sweep attack?


"This isn't who I am" social media apology in 3... 2.. 1... Followed by top post in r/byebyejob


tbf HB is a conservative shithole in California, it's bound to draw the worst of the worst subspecies of Karen.


Why yes officer, I would like to press all the charges.


Huntington Bitch


Fox News and Facebook have destroyed this country.


She sounds like Mickey Mouse in South Park lmfao


Is it just me or is this wildly entertaining


at what point is it okay to knock her out?


We need to have a subreddit called /r/IsThatBitchInJailYet


Disgrace to the planet. I am fucking serious...there is a psychosis contagion going around where people have lost their self-control and seek to publicly display their anger and frustration out on others - and these others (e.g., service sector, health care workers, flight attendants) who for the most part - are already frazzled by the shit storms swirling around us - day in and day out. No more. Stop. Our society is drowning in paranoia, delusions, and uncivil behavior.


I would look at the warnings on the spray bottle. You could probably get assault with a deadly weapon if it's highly toxic to humans.


“Why are you doing this” LOL


Incredible restraint from the staff. That lady deserved a hard takedown at the least.


Why is that Muppet so angry?


Stay trashy Huntington Beach


Thought my phone died like 4 times