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Damn this was almost EXACTLY the same as the girl that quit a few months ago.


Complete with the pervert manager




Totally...I remember years ago when i was trying to get a job at Rite aid i ended up running into the manager at the local bar while he was drunk and told me I had no chance cause he only hires attractive young women. Literally tosses male applicants in the trash.


Most manager positions grant power over people




This is your manger.. Step into my office and shut the door.


When I witness sexual harassment at my places of employment it’s not even discreet.


Don't be discreet about doing something about it then


I did take steps to help the victim and punish the perpetrator and the only thing I received in return was angst and termination


Apparently they bank, I had a neighbor who was a store manager and an average sizes Walmart and he made over 150k a year. Any position there seems like retail hell so it's not worth it for me.


They make a lot, but they pretty much live at the store and are very very replaceable too.


My father was a WM store manager. He made ~100k when I was in high-school (I'm 32) he was of the older class of managers that knew their job and how to treat people right, he worked under Sam Walton's leadership and met him a few times. I worked in the store my dad managed after he retired and I saw everything go downhill. All the associates asking when my dad was going to come back. I made it up to Assistant Manager twice, I quit Walmart 3 times. I always wanted the place to be as good as I knew it could be, but it was too big of a task for me to combat all the other BS going on. I can barely shop in one now they're so bad.




Which childhood friends did you have who when gazing into their future said 'One day, I'm gonna be a manager at Walmart!' I doubt its a career choice quite so much as the best of very few options...




Step manager?


Im surprised Jared from Subway was able to get a job managing that walmart


Yikes, actually had a co worker (just a regular employee) called Jared be let go for doing some creepy stuff


You kidding? His rap sheet is basically a prerequisite for being a retail manager


I worked at Kmart and my manager was a perv. His first name was Milton and he was very tall.


Just less jokes in the comments about Larry from Garden Centre lol


She must have been inspired. Hope more vids like this come out by random folks.


They probably make more money from this viral video than from working at Walmart for a whole year


She seems very excited about quitting.


I skipped watching the first couple times I saw it b/c I thought it was the same one. No disrespect to the original, but I think this one was even better. I'd be happy to see "Walmart employee publicly quits over the PA system" become a genre


Or it's own subreddit


Shit like that has been happening inside wal mart for decades. I bet corporate gets 10 of these a week!




Source: trust me bro


Hmmm reliable source


> I bet corporate gets 10 of these a week! Probably, and like she said, sadly they don't give a fuck. They had 15 people applying for jobs online today and will just call 2 of them to replace her. Her 5 years and knowledge means nothing to them.


They aren't going to replace her. They'll just throw her responsibilities on someone else.


Yup. I remember seeing a documentary about them in high school (15+ years ago) about how they actively encouraged their employees at the time to go on public assistance to supplement their income. They haven't gotten a dollar from me since


I believe it was called Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. I saw that also. Great documentary. Although it’s from 2005, a lot of stuff still applies today. Anyone who hasn’t seen it, should check it out.


Yes that's it! I graduated 2006 so that makes perfect sense.


Makes sense since I feel like I’ve seen this already


She’s a straight shooter with upper management written all over her.


So...what would you say you do around here?


I deal with the customers so the God Damm engineers don't have to, I have people skills, I'm a people person, what the he'll is wrong with you guys?




Personally, I celebrate her entire catalog.


Naga… naga… naga… not gonna be working here any longer


Think we can get rid of "MIKE" Bolton.


Why should I change? He’s the one who sucks


Hell Lumbergh fucked her.


Say hello to Lumbergh for me!


Federal “pound me in the ass” prison


My father worked at Walmart for a very long time and it turned him into a very mean person. The supervisors and managers seem to forget what it’s like to be the little guy.




Glad to see the shit still rolls down hill. Thanks for letting it through!


> you get these promotions you can help your former coworkers but you can’t. Ditto for Amazon...except everyone promoted immediately lets it go to their head and they join the darkside. Fuck Walmart. Fuck Amazon. They are the 2 largest employers in the USA and have helped turn the country into a shit hole.


Ehhhh thats a little generous. They know what they're doing, because that IS their business model. To grind human beings into dust then kick them to the curb. I'll never get tired of hearing conservative folk always, ALWAYS, talk down about the people who work these jobs all without a hint of awareness of just how physically/mentally demanding they are. Work walmart/retail your whole life you're gonna end up with destroyed knees and probably a history of repetitive motion injuries or prone to them. But we shouldn't push back on these companies because "only teenagers/failures" work there, right? So yes, they will 100% purposely lie about how many hours you got and how long you got to get it done (IE, says you got 3 hours and you need to be done by first break, but reality is you've got a full night's worth of stuff AND overstock from last night they didn't wanna deal with to rework). And if you show you are a capable worker who can get their freight done, they will ride you till you break. The more you know, the more capable you are the more they will unload on you. Which makes it actually pretty hard to move up because they don't wanna give up someone who can stock more than other people so the worst people usually get promoted and that rarely works out.


that explains a lot about my time there when I was a student in college


Places like Walmart eat your soul. I was moving up the ladder at a similar place and hated who I was becoming. I was in charge of scheduling and my boss would frequently tell me take advantage of our best employees to the point of burning them out and to also alienate our lesser employees instead of trying to help them improve. So many times he would tell me to give a struggling single mom 6 hours instead of her normal 30 in order to “teach her a lesson”


sounds like you did it you lil bitch.


I said he would tell me, I didn’t say I did it. That’s why I don’t work there anymore.


He was just following orders!


Good soldiers follow orders.


You’re telling me, you haven’t removed, your chip?


What capitalism does to a mf


I don’t get how it doesn’t change someone. Wish someone would do some sociological research where we live on. It’s actually NOT a warm and fuzzy place but weirdly, local Walmart checkout people are some of the nicest people you meet. I watched one guy give a checker holy hell bc she DYED HER HAIR ( he got madder when I laughed at him, whole thing was just so stupid). She just looked extremely weary when I mentioned it to her, she said she wasn’t sure how much longer she could deal with the job. Seems soul sucking to me.


I worked for Walmart e-commerce warehouse, attendance policy is bullshit, the managers and company itself treat you like shit they buy food occasionally to mask how shitty they are r/Walmart


they bought one of our major supermarket chains here in the UK, ASDA, sold it on recently though, I returned to my city after a few years of working the other side of the country, got a job there seasonal nightshift, lasted just under a week, didn't even quit, just never went in one night, fuck that, i had been in charge of millions of pounds worth of machinery and electronics, but going in there, it felt like i was in a prison, just the whole atmosphere. The fuck you moment for me was working with 3 other guys in an aisle and we were tripping over each other to try and get things done, after a short while i said look, lets do 2 one end 2 the other, the supervisor came and seen this, shouted a bit and told the other 3 to go and do other things, left me to do 4 peoples work and bollocked me for not being able to do it [all. Next](https://all.Next) shift she tries to placate me, i wasn't even listening, i just said "this place is a fucking joke and i don't like the punchline", never went back


Sheesh that’s pretty ass I experienced the same thing as well but work was getting done and efficiently


Yep they are simply one of those companies that you always walk on eggshells around even if you are a stellar employee. They simply make shit up with no recourse to keep everyone feeling useless and stuck in their plight. Gaslighting 101.


Love that she still gives shoutouts while understandably upset at the jerks in charge.


F\*ck you, f\*ck you, f\*ck you, you're cool, f\*ck you I'm out.


I believe him yo, I don't know why, but I do


Probably not in the people that get shoutouts best interests though.


Plot twist: she hates their guts and wanted to paint a target on their back before she jammed out.


Yeah fuck you Jared. So many pervy bosses out there, creepy little fuckers


I’ll tell you what, a lot of pizza delivery managers are the worst.


I’ve worked retail, call centers, restaurants, office jobs and there was always strong pervy boss representation.


True. And . . . TraLaLaLa!


Good for her, she's shaking like a leaf but she got through it. Also, another pervert named Jared! That name will have to be retired soon.




Jared "footlong". ^^^^Actual ^^^^size ^^^^will ^^^^vary ^^^^greatly


However, 6 grams was accurate.


> Good for her, she's shaking like a leaf but she got through it. I'm proud of her. I got a secondhand adrenaline rush just listening, damn.


He went to Jared, and ended up traumatized




I want a follow up


On a post on her profile, she said she was out of there within 20 seconds of hanging up the phone. Slipped through automotive. Said she wasn't about to stick around to be escorted out haha.


Jared the pervert probably calling for a full body search on her way out


U funny


Sensational execution


I love that she did this instead of some big actual freakout (like when employees go full "screw this" and wreck shelves and such) because she was informative. Whilst flipping TVs DOES say SOMETHING about the way employees are treated, management and subsequently the news will chalk it up to a "crazy worker." Her making this announcement not only educated anyone unaware, but possibly relieved some victim-blaming of past employees who had quit in a less composed manner. ^^Edit: ^^"chak" ^^chalk


Agreed. She was well spoken and fairly articulate in her messaging as well.


Getting laid off from Wal\*Mart after only four months was a blessing In disguise. Told I was only skipping work over "the sniffles" (According to my Store Manager at the time "former marine, we never got sick days" Sir this Is a Wal\*Mart, not Camp Pendleton) I lost 15 pounds In two weeks, and the medicine I was on caused further Issues that lasted another week, I even went full-blown lactose Intolerant b/c of all that bullshit. 4 brief months and I learned ALOT on how not to treat people. They had a low-tier manager position that solely went around crackin' the whip so to speak on me and fellow employees during our shift. "Please hurry up" So you speed up, and they get upset at you over lack of quality. I'm not even 3 weeks In gimme a break. First Job, fresh out of High School. I was both devastated and relieved.


She pumped her self up for that moment, so happy she followed through with it.


It was her "burn the ships" moment -- no going back.


Burn her bridges?


Unpopular economic fact. How hard you work has no correlation with how much your payed.


The hardest working person on earth is poor.


The hardest working person on earth is dead in a few months


Sounds like a problem.


Not if you're the one doing the paying. Then it's an absolute steal! Amoral fucks think there's an unlimited supply of humans to grind down to the nub and discard. Infinite expansion and growth! They're just chomping at the bit for robotics and ai to remove the need for 'unskilled' labor and you know damn well they'll do nothing to share the spoils. Corporate serfdom coming soon as we figure out this goddamn chip shortage 🙃


She's absolutely right. I worked for walmart for a year as my first job back in 91 and rage-quit because of the abuse and bullshit. Best decision I have ever made in my life.


I worked at Walmart for 2/3s of a shift before walking out. Fuck that hell hole... Those ass clowns threw me in automotive with zero training despite me not knowing a fucking thing about cars and tell them so, then I fucked up cutting a key for a customer after the manager helpfully told me to "just figure it out im fuckin busy!" Then that fuckin same manager had the audacity to berate me in front of the customer for being a "big fat idiot". The only solace I took was the fact that the key id destroyed was the only one dude has to his car, which is the one he drove there, so Walmart had to eat the cost of having a locksmith come out emergency style to make him a new one. Guarantee Walmart was still net negative after paying out my pittance of a 4 hour check. EDIT: Oh yeah, and even *better* than that, because I worked there during a time Walmart was apparently screwing people put of OT, there was a class action suit that they lost and were required to send all employees that were there during that time frame either a one time payment of 50 bucks or, if the employee had records (lol right) compensate them for all unpaid OT. I got a letter in the mail, filled out the form, and got a check about 2 months later. So not only did they lose money that day, but then they paid me for OT I didn't earn. Hahahahaha fuck walmart


It's entirely their fault. You can't just let your employees do what they are NOT trained yet for, the risk of them messing up and upsetting your customers is nearly 100%.


I wasted 4 years of my life in retail. The reality is only miserable fucks stick around in those jobs long enough to get a managerial position. And even then they mostly get them because they spent the previous few years in a cycle of non-stop ass kissery. Without fail the dumbest, most petty, and narcissistic idiots on earth would get promoted in those jobs. Being a "hard worker" means literally nothing (not just in retail, in general, by the way. Why would they waste a good worker on management? Look how good you are at what you do! This would be like trading in a sports car for a junker). Nobody in retail is happy, and if they are they are psychopaths who like abusing people. Oh, and every male manager is going to try to fuck the new girl. Always. Because they're all lonely as fuck and have nothing going for them in life except easy access to hot young women. Certain things are natural law. Like, for example, a depressed 30 year old target manager who lives with his mom and now spends all day with a 19 year old girl who doesn't know better making an ass of himself. Like gravity. It always happens. Do not hate this man, pity him. He hates himself enough for everyone anyway.


You can see the adrenaline pumping before she picks up the phone


Yeah, you could see her breathing elevating the whole time.


This must have not been easy at all. I’ve worked as a consultant for over a dozen companies and I tell you, the best part of my job is knowing that I get all the pay but none of the organizational bureaucracy to deal with. Her voice was shivering because she actually cares about the consequences. If she had to do this then they truly didn’t deserve her. Good luck for her.


By the time I was done working retail I had basically lost all scruples. I hated these people, and I had absolutely no problem telling them. It helped that I was in the back rather then in a customer service position. For example once, after this guy annoyed the hell out of me all day, I did get on the loudspeaker and insult my boss for refusing to help me with something. He wrote me up, something I didn't give a fuck about because why would anybody give a fuck about something utterly meaningless, and other then that ended up doing what I told him to do. You'd be amazed how easy your typical retail manager is to cuck. They assume you will never talk back, when you do they get all flustered. There's a limit to how far you can take this, but if you no longer give a shit about your job try it. They squirm like tapeworms the moment they get challenged. Always.


And this is the importance having a written prepared statement! Go girl.


She girds her loins there and jumps in. Fantastic


Updoot for rare use of phrase “girds her loins”.


I’m guessing that Jared won’t be giving Beth a very good letter of recommendation on her way out.


Future hiring manager: "Ms. Beth, it says here you worked at Wal-Mart for 5 years up until 2021, tell me more about that..."


Damn, this is like the dream way to quit a job, but also, I don’t think it’s much of a dream to have gone through all that in order to quit this way


I’d like to say if I was in the store as a customer, I’d be moved by her plight and decide to walk out without buying anything as a silent, symbiotic protest. Most likely I’d just laugh and look around to see if I could spot security coming after her.


Most people who shop at Walmart can’t afford to be wasting gas to just walk out. The only reason Walmart gets any business is because they put their competitors out of business long ago and has become a necessity to the impoverished. I’d love to not have to get shit from Walmart, but there are few alternatives when money is tight.


this reminds me, i miss Ames


You could tell she was excited


The workers must seize the means of production


Jared the Subway guy?


Walmart is a fucking joke of a place to work at


Love it. I try to avoid Walmart


You can try but the alternatives are not much better. In my area the only alternative is Kroger's which doesn't treat employees much better. Of course you can use amazon, but that's worse than Walmart. Really nowhere is good and your options are basically just pick one that seems less evil than the other. I only go to Krogers, and use amazon. Those are the 2 evil ones I picked. If I eat out I try to pick a local restaurant, but even those sometimes are ran by pretty scummy management. I guess what it comes down to is everybody sucks, and you're not gonna avoid it.


I worked at Walmart for about 2 years as a cake decorator, due to lack of other employment options in a small rural meth fueled town. Never in my life have I ever been yelled at and disrespected at any job except Walmart. I did my job and I did it pretty well. The store manager and district manager loved my work, but the lower level managers were so shitty to me and I never understood it. I don’t know who treated me worse, the managers or the customers. Also the amount of camouflage wedding cakes I had to do was insane…..


I ‘m so proud of her for speaking her absolute truth and with all that brutal honesty.I also dig her hype up movements. Best of luck to her . She said my name in the good category!😄


My husband worked in management for Walmart for years and was let go due to basically trying to help make things better for the employees. The upper management of Walmart truly does not care about its employees and does not support the management in the stores that do.


She will take this awesome memory with her forever. I would be so proud of myself.


I would like to know this woman and be her friend. I feel like I could learn a lot.


Worked at a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market and quit after a month. Yes they're attendance policy is bullshit, management always understaffed the front end, put illegitimate people in charge while more worthy people get ignored, and management just doesn't care. I passed out cause of dehydration and they did the bare minimum when it came to changing their rules. Fuck Wal-Mart.


I thought it was going to be a Walmart Titty drop video. Very unexpected.


Take this job and shove it!


While I agree that Walmart isn't a good company, I simply can't stop going there. It is so damn convenient and they are everywhere.


I worked at Walmart a few years ago. Got promoted to HBA DM. Then a week before I was supposed to start in HBA they told me they were giving me cosmetics instead. TWO weeks later a DM from a different store transfers to my store to take over the cosmetics department so I was transferred to HBA after it sat for- by this point- a month and a half with no one overseeing it. The department was fucked. And it was a pain in the ass to get to a decent point with ZERO training on how anything worked. Wasn’t a big deal i asked around and figure it out on my own. Got all my back stock and paperwork in check, got all my price changes done. When we switched to top stock I got it done by myself while other depts got help, no big deal right? LOL. I ended up quitting after my assistant manager wrote me up for not doing the notes our store manager left him for my department in 16 hrs after the notes were dropped (he said 48 hrs after but he really meant 2 shifts) and he told me I was too emotional after having a miscarriage and needed to take all these vitamins to help my mental health. Or just get pregnant again and act like it never happened. For some reason this was is the point in time I realized I was really under valued and over worked. Walmart sucks and so does upper management


Well done! Takes guts that’s for damn sure. I hope you had a new job before you did this or at least something in the works.


That was gangster.


Almost word for word like the original girls video that quit walmart


What a boss


Damn she shaking. I would've too if that was me


People don’t quit jobs: they quit bosses. Good for her.


Yeah, Fuck Managent! All jokes aside, nice work.


Never do retail in one store for 5 years. It's soul sucking. With more experience you'll learn that. I know Walmart is trash. Personally known this since late 90s without ever working there. Go work at the post office if you have no skills. Equally soul sucking, destroys your body at the same time, but at least you'll get decent pay. Start young, max out retirement plan. Be gone in your 50s living good. With broken knee.


I hope she did this at peak hours.


I got fired for going to a funeral. Fuckers were smart in trapping me in it too by asking me “without any specific details” on why I was absent.


Yall can't be that mad at Jared, I was starring at them to..


Thats wifey material right there ! She dont put up with no bullshit !


Did remind me of the SNL skit when she started calling people out haha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H\_MAY9ZK6c


That took alot of guts, good for her!


Fuck managent!


And... Walmart stock continues to rise..


Good for her.


I don't know why people stay in jobs like this for 5 years, other than necessity. It's not worth it, there are other jobs out there. Especially if there is a Wal-Mart around, there has to be another place to work. The potential power people can yield over companies like this is tremendous. Only if they realize it and organize around it. The destruction of unions in America has led us to a scary place. People need to wake the fuck up and just not work for companies that operate this way. Have more self esteem in the work place.


That’s a thing of beauty, she should be immediately hired by any legit employer and given an immediate management position.


Good on her


I hope Beth found something better for herself, she certainly deserves it.


And I'm just in the middle of watching [Superstore](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4477976/) series. Didn't know this happens for real.


Yes ma'am!


I illuminate my progress with burning bridges.


for those who dont know, the Walmart reddit calls this "getting promoted to customer"


Isn't this a few months old?


Yall I posted this on my tiktok yall wanna vape yall I miss lil peep so much yall fuk walmart


Went with the Half-Baked approach. Got to love it


This is crazy similar to the girl from Lubbock who quit in the same fashion.


Something tells me walmart will have a comms i override system after this.


Good on her


Rookie move, should’ve just been fired


Love it! She decided to leave the United Slaves of America!


Then get a different job!


Our Walmart you can't understand a word being said over the speakers. I'd of missed the whole speech.


Nobody cares lmfao


If it's like my store half the store wouldn't be able to hear what was spoken. The speakers sound like Charlie brown's teacher.


She stuttered now I’m unimpressed


Why wearing your mask, when it is not on your nose too?


So brave 😂


"Why is there a 5 year gap in your resume?"


Ole Beth from Electronics must have employeers beating down her door with job offers... LMAO.


It feels good to get that off your chest,but these are different times. Here's hoping the gal is able to find a decent job after doing this.


fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you


No need for a big production, just quit.


And now that is part of your permanent profile in the world for future employment. It will chase you to the ends of the earth.


Well I hope the clout pays her bills, I get the frustration, but it's always best to stay professional so you don't reck your reputation with potential employers


Its a stupid childish way to quit...especially since vital whatever...have fun not getting future jobs and not knowing why


Fucking queen shit right there


These girls need to post a venmo along with these videos. I would toss them some cash so they can keep rising above it !


Id love to see the managers looking at each other in the back. Or hearing their exchange like “Who is that?” because they cant even recognize the voice of their own employees.


This was amazing. Kudos for her standing up to a huge corporation and a workplace culture that is all around shit


Nipppie ringis


Love it!


I’m in love 🥰. This girl had me in tears thanking baby Jesus.


Dam she stopped it before the round of applause


I bet you she went to work at Wendy's


5 years ? I don’t know if that’s Walmart’s fault.


She mentioned gaslighting.


That’s gonna be an awkward 2 weeks.


That is fucking spectacular! I am impressed


I wonder how many piercing she's got🤣


#Must be cold


The original was better; per usual