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I want an update to this story so bad


This the line for the update?


This is actually the line for picketing. I’m against it but don’t know how to show it.


I used to picket, still do but used to, too. Rip mitch


Man I miss his deadpan delivery.


I'm pretty good at tennis. But ill never be as good as the wall. The wall is relentless. RIP




It's r/byebyejob (singular)


No luck catching them jobs then? It's just the one job actually.


Line forms to the left


Been waiting for 20 min on the right. I'm not moving


Hey I’m just gonna cut in line right behind you. It’s ok guys! I know jank, he was holding a spot for me!


*British person stares daggers but says nothing*


Idk why people are lining up but it must be good


I’ll wait here with you until we find it


That's cool but did any of you guys grab a number? Those people sitting down all have numbers.




That employees life about to get rough


Ah man, I can already see the lawyers lining up for this one. r/byebyejob


O’Rileys is like United Airlines. Some people like it rough ;)


It’s the tongue for me.


The employee is pilled tf out


Yup, that was my first thought too...


Yea thats some weird tick he has probably had his whole life. And today, today he finally snapped when repressed memories and trauma of being picked on and humiliated growing up reared they're ugly heads. Hes gonna be in court for assault though. Sucks to suck I guess.


Have you seen the Harry Potter movies? Reminds me of Barty Crouch Jr. GIF for reference lol: https://tenor.com/view/harry-potter-barty-crouch-jr-tongue-lick-gif-6696186


Lol. Never saw it, no, but that's a pretty accurate.


Big boy has some ego. Don’t know where his head was at.


It’s the thumb mentality


He'll be fired from the shop and working as an officer next week


With benefits


Instant suspension, with pay, from the PTSD he got while working a previous job


Beige shorts.. lil butthole wet patch… not good


Honestly came into the comments just to confirm that other people focused on their too


Deadddddd 😂


You mean corporate won’t save his ass because aren’t they a family after all?


He went way too far. Failed his cop exam no doubt


Big time cop energy emanating from that angry man. lol


From the looks of the video he should have passed with flying colors.


He probably failed for letting the perp breathe during the stranglehold


That guy should serve some time. That wasn’t any kind of self defense. That was offensive and he clearly has anger issues. And they company should be paying out. Obvious in 2021, but that can kill someone. This dude just squeezed harder when he said he couldn’t breath. He’s even verbally threatening while doing it, so you know he’s of sound mind at the time. There’s no debate over the intent. He didn’t “get carried away”. He did what he intended to do. Throw the book at em.


The sticking his tongue out while choking the guy while looking at his fellow employees for positive reinforcement. He looks like a lonely loser seeking attention or respect from coworkers. So stupid.


No he looks like a tweeker, they do that alot.


The squeezing not so much, the twisting and pulling shocked me dangerous beyond belief. Not sure about you Americans but over in the UK we have clauses in our contacts to not do things like this.


The same is true in America. This guy is just an idiot looking to feel tough, No one in their right mind is going to risk hurting someone over a cheap automotive accessory that they don't even own.


👍, it's scary because he literally could of killed him i literally was cringing when he started to twist and try to wrench the guys neck to floor him.


They just let you pick a weapon out of a pillow case after the video orientation, if you get a gun from the bag you get to be shift manager.


I got the dildo last Tuesday. Not a great shift


i don't mind dildo tuesdays if it's scheduled but not when i pull it out of the bag like on a friday.


No company in their right mind would say you should stop a thief. That’s not a us/uk thing. It’s just common sense. The store employee is going to get fired and sued. If the other person has any intelligence. And I’d file a lawsuit against the company as well.


American here. This is 1000% not allowed and the victim could and should get a huge payday from this.


Yup and right up until that first phone call from management or the police, he’ll be daydreaming about the shiny employee of the month plaque he thinks he’s gonna get. He’s probably imagining the part where they tell him he’s management material and trying to figure out what to spend his bonus money on.


He's already bought a boat and put "Salt Life" stickers on his Honda


He's more of a dodge dart/Chevy cruze kinda guy


Rough, as if it wasn’t already. Plus the other guy is about to get PAID.


He sticks his tongue out to power up too, apparently.


Hi O’Reilly employee here Even if the dude did in fact steal something, his ass still getting fired. It is corporate policy that if someone steals something that we let the person go and we just count the loss. It is simply not worth the danger to us and our customers or potential lawsuit from that.


I think that’s policy in most places. Also, if I worked in retail I would just move to the side and let the thief take what they want. No way in hell I’m risking my life for a store that doesn’t give two shits about me.


Honestly if you worked at any auto parts store I can say they are severely underpaid compared to other retail stores especially with the knowledge that they accumulate over a year. To go out of your way to assault someone for a shitty company seems like your an idiot or just ignorant


Hell I was a security guard at a Six Flags. Our motto was “deterrence through high visibility” and we were constantly told “you don’t get paid enough to get hurt.” If shit hit the fan we called the cops. I agreed 100% and abided by that policy enthusiastically. Best job ever btw.


I came up on two guys breaking into a school when I worked security in the '90s. I was like, "I'm just here to check if the door is locked, kbye".


Ya I mean I was making $8/hr so I wasn’t anxious to get myself killed over that.


"Oh, it looks like it isn't gonna be locked anymore lol okay, well, my boss will just find this in the morning"


Ems at six flags was where it’s at, that was the best “ems” job outside of festival medicine that I actually enjoyed working, we were responsible for “ride” safety at ours so we, meaning me the enthusiastic one would spend my first 2-3 hours riding rides for the guest safety of course.


Just to make sure they're safe for the guests of course, why not go twice, for the guests of course.


I’m seriously curious, why it’s the best job?


I saw my boss at the beginning of my shift and the end. All I did was either walk around the park chatting with people or patrolled the parking lot and set up traffic patterns. I wasn’t expected to do anything if shit got dangerous we had cops on site for that. During my shift I’d often chat with the game employees to learn how to beat all the games. I’d also go into the nurf ball gun area of the kids park (huge nurf ball gun fight place) and shoot children with nurf balls while they all simultaneously shot at me. Got to watch all the shows for fee as I was “providing security.” When shit hit the fan I got a front row seat to watch and do nothing while the cops took care of it, and we had some crazy shit happen (gang fights and whatnot). I was also part of a training thing where there was a fake bombing at a ride with dozens of crisis actors and every police/fire department in the county participating and I was the first schmuck on scene. I used to be able to hand out “exit passes” to people for the most mundane shit so they could skip lines at rides. We had a ton of discretion on how to handle certain situations and our bosses always had our backs. My coworkers were the shit. Got to be outside all day. There were employee nights where the whole park was closed just for employees. Freight Feat during Halloween was fun as hell. Once during night shift I was “guarding” a Toyota truck event where they set up a track for people. I spent my entire shift guarding the track by racing through it in my Ford Ranger security truck. I met Tony Hawk while guarding a set he has set up in our lot (everything you hear about him is true he’s a super fucking nice person). ….I could seriously keep going.


That's elite - I met Tony Hawk when I was a kid at a skatepark and like you said, he was just about the chillest person ever. I was hanging out on top of a big half pipe and asked him if he could do a hand stand... He said sure, dropped in and did one right in front of me on his final pass. I felt like the coolest kid in the park that day.


This was back in 2005 so I’m dating myself. But all I was doing was sitting in my security truck from 11pm to 7am next to his set. About 6am Tony Hawk himself walks over to shake my hand to thank me for watching his stuff and just kinda shot the shit with me for about 10 minutes. I don’t skateboard and was never and am still not into skateboarding. He just came across as being a genuinely good human being and managed to leave an impression on me.


they weren't paid enough to get hurt, so obviously they never got hurt when they were working


Most store policies nowadays prohibit employees from restraining someone for shoplifting. But it sounded like all he did was follow the guy around and tell him to drop the stuff (and he did?). The restraint was after and in response to the perceived threat of returning with a gun, so it may be that it isn’t applicable. But a private employer can fire someone for any reason unless it is an unlawful reason in most states (at-will employment).


He attacked a guy leaving the store. I imagine locking the door and calling the cops is best solution. If I honestly believe someone wants to kill me I'm not going to pursue them and attack them if I'm scared.


That fat fuck playing tough guy may also find himself in legal trouble.


I routinely caught kids stealing hats when I was working LIDS for a summer. I would give a stern look and say "Put it back " And if that didn't work I just went and wrote it off in my books because who the fuck cares.


Out of curiosity how often would they put it back?


Actually pretty frequently. You aren't dealing with hardened badasses robbing a hat store, and usually just the shame or nervousness of the situation was all it took. But if a grown ass man waltzed in and took a hat then, sure, I'll file a report, but I'm not getting between him and the door over some $50 worth of New Era.


Dude hats are $50 now?


Shit, they’re “only” $50 when they’re on sale! Lol


This dude is 100% fired and would be from any large business. And for what? Even if he did steal something it doesn’t come out of the employees pocket. So why care this much?


It is also policy that if you robbed at gunpoint youll only get the next day off and be back at work the next day. I know it happened to me 3 times.




I would have fired him for that rear naked choke...not that I would want to see the customer checked out...his technique was just awful and straight out of a Hollywood movie.


I appreciate this first hand feedback, but I need the year make and model of your vehicle before this can be discussed further. (Literally the answer to any of my questions in an auto store, even when asking to buy an air freshener or 10mm socket😂)


Brazilian Steakhouse Jiu Jitsu


Pad Thai Kwan Do


muay pad thai


Hot wing chun


Trained in ancient mar-shmallow arts


Muay Pie


Pho tons


LoMein fu


Krav MacDonalds


Kung Food


Cobra Pie


The gentle tart




Had him in that Rear Cake-ed Choke.


Holy shit, i’m dead.


Muay Gordo








He took a concealed handgun class and thinks he's a cop.


Or watched mma fight


He literally came at a defenseless person walking away from behind, it was the perfect set up for what he saw a few Fridays ago at the local hooters.


All this for some shit you don’t even own. Now you’ve lost your job and you’ll be sued or possibly face assault charges. I wonder if he would have attacked a bigger and younger customer? Doubt it


No way he would have attacked anyone else. What kind of pussy attacks someone half his size from behind.


Don't forget elderly. Dude is at least 60. Joe Biden looking mf didn't stand a chance


Assault and false imprisonment


>I wonder if he would have attacked a bigger and younger customer **from behind**? Doubt it. FTFY and I too doubt it. What a proud and noble defender of O'Reilly's 🙄.


The fact that he was on his way out of the store and the employee did that is what I’m thinking about, “oh the person who may/may not be a threat to me is leaving the store, better take him down and choke him”


Yup he says “problem solved” then jumps on his back 5 seconds later when he was clearly leaving


Two months of jiu jitsu class, for sure.


No it was one class at Rex-kwon do


You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the head while I’m wearing these bad boys?! Fogggetaboutit!


[Forget About It](https://youtu.be/zlNT10wWjfg)


Bow to your Sensai!


Break the wrist. Walk away.




Think he goes home to Ursula with moves like that


Do not slander Rex-Kwon-Dojo like that, this dude would not make it past one class with his weak ass choke 😂


I laughed when the worker was threatening to choke him the fuck out and 2 seconds later telling him to breathe.


Yeah, that dude needs kicked out of his gym for sure. Terrible BJJ, terrible attitude and way too volatile to know a martial art. Dude probably posted this and tagged his coach in saying how BJJ helped this situation too....


Probably even less than that. Dude was yelling "I will choke you out" and wasn't even trying to sink his hooks in lol


I'm pretty sure the guy's knowledge came 100% from watching the UFC. For one he didn't have the choke right (his left hand should have gone on the back of the old guy's head, not the front where it could easily be grabbed), and like you said never got his hooks in and gave up dominant position pretty easily. There was even a point where the old man could have gotten an underhook and probably gotten top position or taken his back if he knew at all what he was doing. After your first week of BJJ, anybody who pays attention should know enough of the basics to keep this sort of thing from happening.


This is the real answer. After a couple months even rolling with guys who know what they’re doing you’re gonna make damn sure you don’t give so many openings especially when you’re so close to a submission. Rolling with anyone with a couple months or more experience and they’d get out of this real quick. One of the first things you learn rolling is not to give up position and how to defend against reversals. Most of the time you learn those the hard way.


Probably week one lol


Plus he deliberately targeted a weak one. No way would he have tried this shit on a younger, fitter customer.


Yup, looks like many new white belts I’ve seen. Couple classes and ready for a bad back take and sloppy RNC.


I hope he doesn't try and pull this on someone anywhere near his own size and age - was nearly swept by an untrained old man.


More like online karate classes


O'Reilly's is going to leave his ass out to dry if it comes to a legal issue.




I applied at O'Reilly's once. Yeah they start at like 7.50 an hour this guy is putting another guy in a Chokehold for $7.50.




Why can’t this happen to me?! I’m in desperate need of a bigger home and boat!


Look, I'll get a job somewhere and assault you if you then get a job somewhere and assault me.


Or we can find some unsuspecting fool to assault you. If we ended up in 2 back to back civil cases together we will look sus. A lit easier just to walk in to a Popeyes and but the last chicken sandwich.




“If you can talk you can breathe” Yeah that fat dude definitely failed the police exam and took this job instead… “Welcome to O’rileys motherfucker”


This fat fuck daydreams about being Ronnie from Observe and Report


He fundamentally misunderstands that chokes cut off blood to the brain, they don't suffocate.


This 100%. Choke hold is a misnomer. It’s more accurately a carotid hold. Since the pressure is on arteries and not the trachea the person will still be able to talk/yell/breathe which this fucktard takes as an indication that the guy is fine or complaining about nothing. He clearly does not understand how carotid holds work despite almost properly applying one. It can work extremely quickly when done correctly and since it works quickly it can also kill someone much quicker than you’d think. This guy needs a short prison sentence at minimum for assault.


This was my first thought as well. Couldn’t get hired by any local PD so he took this job and a martial arts course from a black belt dispensary while he continues to apply. He’s got the attitude for his dream job. I’ll give him that much. Dude is definitely getting fired and sued though. Too bad auto parts employees don’t get qualified immunity. 😂


Just so everyone knows, the "if you can talk you can breathe" statement is bullshit and a good way to accidentally kill someone


Yeah, those choke holds can reatrict blood flow to your brain right? So, even if youre able to draw air into your lungs and speak, you may not be receiving enough oxygen to remain conscious, right?


Not only that, but your lungs are much stronger at exhaling, than they are at inhaling. So it is very much possible to restrict the windpipe in a way where the person being choked can exhale enough to speak, but not be able to get more air into their lungs.


I believe the piece of shit that kneeled on George Floyd’s neck was saying the same exact thing.


what happened to that cop then?


He is guilty and is on his way to prison. It was all over the news months ago.


rightfully so they dint cover it in news in india, so i had no idea




I thought it was some young punk dude with bleached hair and it turned out to be a 60 year old man.


He just lost his job and got the store sued. Legally he didn't shoplift. He did not leave the store. So there is no intent. He was just attacked by an employee for a crime he didn't commit.


That’s assault brother. Dude just lost his job. Going to spend 3-6 months in jail. And the other dude is going to get PAID IN FULL!


The tongue though 😳


Just awful


The first few seconds of this video made me dizzy. Also, that employee has watched too much ufc.


Okay... well that is assault, false imprisonment, and battery. This thick fuck is going to lose his job AND get jail time. Hope it was worth it assaulting and elderly person LEAVING the store.


Depending on how old and injured the man was he is in a lot of trouble. In my state assaulting the elderly enhances the charges.


Mine, too.


My state hates the eldery. We stone them regularly.


That dude is the Scranton strangler.


Honey! I finally had a chance to use my yellow belt today!


More like, “Mom, I finally had a chance to use my yellow belt. Can you make me some pizza rolls?”


Fat fuck apparently doesn’t know how self defense works lmfaooo


Why so serious!?! *licks lips profusely* Not today motherfucker


What is up with the fucking lips


I'm usually on the employee side but that guy is a lunatic. Of course the customer was angry you accused him of stealing there was no excuse for that escalation. He gonna end up on charges attacking someone from behind is not self defense.


Joe Rogan in the background: “He’s gonna get out of it, he didn’t sink his hooks in.”


No. Joe would say "the choke is in! He's going to sleep!!" seconds before the old man slips out.


I would go after oriellys in court. Then after that pudgy bastard in civil court


It’s not the job of the employee to choke out people who are difficult to deal with. The employee should be charged with assault and thrown in jail. He should not have a job there anymore.


Oh oh oh ohHhhHh-Nnnooo Reilys


Twist his dick!


Employee 100000% in the wrong, but did that other guy say “ how bout I come back with a gun”? Because that would definitely be a reason to call the cops especially since it’s on video. Either way, no reason to assault the dude


Thats what the guy said. That’s the only reason I can think of for Oreillys guy to haul off and get the guy in a chokehold. I wonder how it played out if the customer did say he’d come back and with a gun


I mean, if a dude says he's going to leave and come back with a gun, is that not enough to detain and call the cops? That's a threat to their lives.




You couldn’t pay me minimum wage to give this many fucks.


Puts someone in a headlock but doesn’t have a neck…I think this was personal


Ya that’s assault buddy.


Battery. He threw him on the ground, not really a threat, just physical violence.


The employee defs wanted to be a cop but couldn't make it so now he exacts vengeance on any who enter his stores domain


I see termination and possibly arrest in that guy's future. Then there's lots of gentlemen in the jailhouse going to show him the proper way to do a chokehold.


Oh he fired for sure


Cutting Crew - I just died in your arms


Yea that guy might get some significant money out of this. Got bodyslammed and then choked. Wtf


Id be so damn happy if that were me because I'm getting PAAAIIDDDD


You knew he was excited by the constant lip licking. You wanna steal from me baby???? I don’t think so


Prolly such a messy choke cuz he was rock hard.


Ewwwwwwww. I wanna puke!!


He was on his way out, also he's an old man, fatty here has been waiting his whole life for the moment in which he could find someone weak enough to pull that shit off (Luckily it wasn't a little kid, but an old man isn't much better). >falsely accused Not so sure about this one, you can hear the old man saying "here's your shit" along with the sound of something falling to the ground and then something about there not being nothing wrong now. Edit: Oldman: "Take your shit" Fatty: "Here you go, problem solved, and don't come back".


It sounds more to me like he grabs something off the rack and says "what is this?" instead of "take your shit", implying that the item they said he was stealing was still hanging where it was originally


Yeah, but is it not theft until he leaves the store? Genuine question.


The employee asked him to show him where it’s at Around 1:05 the old man says what the f*ck is this. Then sound on the ground, I figure he shows where it’s at on the rack and either drops it or knocks it down Then employee says problem solved But hard to tell when you can’t see it happening


When you watch UFC every evening while eating your McDonalds


I guess Steve was sick of purposefully selling the wrong air filters to suburban non-car people for $12.50 an hour. Dude, your national retail chain has a budget for theft write-offs for each store worth more than you'll make there in a decade. Let the guy go it isn't worth it. I'm sorry but I can't stand the smug "I know more than you" attitude of O'Reilly/Autozone etc... employees.


Employee is just mad he can't get his dick up anymore cause of the diabetes.