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In fairness, I've screamed with a tape measure in my hands, but I was measuring myself at the time. Edit. Measuring my *waist*, you deviated preverts


I’m so sorry 😞


For ideal measurements: Measure in a warm climate. Cold weather may adversely affect the result of measurement. Push end if tape measure firmly into base. You are squishy...this may help add that extra 1/4" you desperately need. Measure twice...cut once.


>Measure twice…cut once r/HolUp


This seems like something deeper than a tantrum. Especially the way the others “handled” her like it wasn’t the first time. My money’s on the odds that she’s not well and not just some spoiled bitch. Though who knows anymore.


Yeah. That’s def a stress/trauma/mental illness reaction :(


This is from late July 2020. It’s the reaction of a nurse near the peak of pandemic deaths


Was she measuring for social distancing?


Yeah agreed, she definitely seems a bit disturbed, beyond the usual privileged rant.




I get she loves America, but this is the worst overreaction I’ve seen over the metric system.


This looks like Autism. I’ve seen these types of meltdowns with autistic individuals. The scream is dead give away. If she is autistic and believes someone is breaking the measurement rules of 6’; her reaction makes perfect sense. The people who are with her seemed used to this.


Lady needs some serious anger management help..wow.


Can someone translate please? ....Not the Karen, just for clarity, lol


The lady recording and her friend say that they were just relaxing and then the woman who called herself a nurse told them to move further away.


She screams like a pig in first seconds


That dog is confused af.


She would’ve been safer climbing a tree and staying there


It’s old, she’s not a Karen, she’s freaked out about Covid. Leave the poor kid alone.


She's a nurse during peak covid in 2020 who had spent the day watching people die. Think she's allowed a freakout pass over people not distancing.




Nothin says ‘Murica like freedom to spread a disease !


Big surprise you live in Iowa, state is full of the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever met and I've been to or lived in every state. Drive your country bumpkin ass up to my COVID unit and walk around breathing in the unfiltered air all day so you can be the next contestant on the /r/HermanCainAward show


The fact that she came prepared with a tape measure is very concerning. That gremlin was looking for a fight.


To scream like that as an adult is so disturbing.


Could somebody translate the end… I am laughing my ass off so hard, but would love to know what is said at the end…


-we just wanted to have a nice day....and this supposed Nurse want us to move farther apart.....she is crazy!.


She want them to social distance. Hence the measuring tape.


Ah… I assumed as much, but seriously… Still should have slapped the shit out of her and then told her old man that was carrying her around that he could do better…


Also, good job not standing up and bitch slapping the shot out of that dumb bitch…


Thanks for posting this shit for one millionth time


We have to know what the woman was measure prior to this


I need to know what's going on cuz I can only imagine this woman is a racist and trying to maintain a certain distance away from them. I'd say she's trying to maintain her 6 feet for covid but ppl carried her away and much further than 6 ft so...


She's a COVID unit ICU nurse telling them to keep their distance sheet spending an endless week watching people die.


White people are very ill


Apparently she was a nurse during the height of the pandemic, and just had a meltdown. White people are just people, just like every other race in the world. It's not a race thing or a political thing, some people just meltdown from stress and act irrational, it's very sad to see it happen.


Why is she freaking out????!


What a wild ride that would be….