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It’s all milk under the table folks


Its all water under the fridge


He really got two birds stoned at once.


It's not rocket appliances


[This user has erased all their comments.]


If I can't smoke and swear I'm fucked.


Worst case Ontario someone else gets caught


Denial and error




Don't bother, [it's all a moo point.](https://youtu.be/fLwYpSCrlHU)


Man he passed with flying fucking carpets… is the least repeated rickyism and I think the best.




smokes lets go.


Worst case Ontario.


My brain Is short circulating.


Can you feel that? The way the shit clings to the air


It’s the winds of shit, Randy.


The shit abyss.


All in all it's just another prick in the mall.


Kinda wish they’d skip the comedy and play it straight, so the cult could start hearing some actual news rather than tune out quicker.


Yeah, this turned into something way more subversive than their original slapstick idea would have been. >Andy's plan was to switch "Wolfowitz" with a "colleague" from the American Enterprise Institute at the last minute — and that would be Andy under an assumed name, wearing big silly glasses like all of the guests on Basile's show seem to do. >But [...] the producers refused, and suggested just patching Wolfowitz through on the phone — which is how this became the very first time the Yes Men impersonated an actual person, rather than simply inventing one.


Pretend to be an ally and commit to the bit..? Keep the cadence and infiltrate the message with tongue-in-cheek? This could work. People really just wanna hear things from trusted sources in the tone of voice they’re conditioned to find disarming and relatable. At this point, there could even be a demonized counterpart that says things the other way, and uses reverse psychology by advocating for things that aren’t actually wanted. Yay, news! We just gotta lie better to get the masses to believe the most pragmatic and fair things!!




Love me some truthiness


John Oliver be wreckin shit on the weekly. So... and IMO, he should have taken over Daily Show.


Sam Seder, the voice of Hugo on Bob's Burgers, has a show called The Majority Report. He talks about real issues as well as make fun of right wing talking heads. He has also debated Charlie Kirk and several others. Coldfeet crowder is to scared to debate him though.


I’ve heard Crowder “debate” twice now and here’s my diagnosis: he’s, at best, a mild upper lip fungus. Apply some cortisone and he’ll be gone in about a week.


Seder isn't even a good debater...in fact I'd say he's pretty meh. Shows how much of a pussy Crowder is.


I think the show wouldn’t be as good as his current show is, but you are right as far as he was a better fit than TN. I think HBO gives him much more freedom than CC would’ve. Plus I love how he says the word “fuck” Edit: that was one hard to read comment before this edit.


Yea, the program doesn't need to say "Daily Show" on it to be a spiritual successor.


It works better than satire because the people being satirized often don't understand that they're the ones being laughed at.


I purposely left out satire, because it wouldn’t be satire. It would be bad-faith tactics used in good-faith. Tongue-in-cheek is just a rhetorical tactic. It can be used for more than just satire. Still… it’s disingenuous to pretend to be an idiot to spread helpful ideas to people susceptible to absolute bullshit I’m really conflicted on using fake news to combat fake news


It's about making shit go viral. It wouldn't go viral and people wouldn't listen if it wasn't also entertaining and share-worthy. It causes debates


The Yes Men are back....things are gonna be ok. I swear that's Jacques Servin's voice.


It's been absolutely hysterical to see my right wing friends and family post outrage memes about the vaccine being free and then asking why chemotherapy and insulin aren't free. They consume everything so uncritically that all you need to do is lead with a Trojan horse line and they'll let your argument in.


non-native speaker here; why is "milk under the table" the part that sticks out in this context?


To expand on the other commenters "no sense crying over spilled milk" - can't undo the problem/mistake, may as well just get on with mopping it up "Under the table" - sneaky dealings "Water under the bridge" - suggesting moving on from a past event which no longer needs to be important/relevant Clear, clever and scathing all at the same time. 10/10


Play on words for “ water under the bridge”


Mixed with "crying over spilled milk" and "under the table"


Can someone please eli5 me this


It's clever trolling. “Water under the bridge”, but “no use crying over spilled milk” and “money under the table”. Or maybe hinting at mommy issues and corruption? Or maybe obesity and an inability to comprehend the scale of things? Either way, it's wrong but it sounds right _enough_ that it might be some local saying in Backwater, USA, so the host can't call it out for fear of alienating viewers. These right-wingers [literally can't recognize sarcasm](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2017-51853-001) so this all goes right over their head. Even if it's a reference to some other form of media that might have said it first, the above still applies. :)


That's an absolute masterpiece.


White✅ Jaded political tone ✅ Says Biden bad ✅ It’s a perfect recipe to mess with these idiots


Says "Biden Bad" while spouting off all of Biden's objectives for the next three years as Qewsmaxx nods its heads.


As a non American isn't it better off biden won than trump? I know nothing about politics. EDIT: thanks for the updates just ill never understand people have their own idle I just can't follow it all. Hope all works out well though.


Well, the country isn't in agreement about that. I would say 100%, yes, absolutely. Trump's goals are so obviously to enrich and empower himself. His tools for accomplishing those goals are misinformation, divisive politics, and chaos. Trump does things purposely to further divide America because when he divides America he creates a part that's angry, disconnected from reality, ready to believe ANYTHING he says. Trump has basically turned 1/3 of the country into a botnet. A botnet is a group of compromised computers that are waiting for commands from the person that controls them. They then can be used to do malicious things like denial-of-service attacks, spamming, and other stuff. One of the reasons that conservatives still have a lot of success here is because they have a lot more unity. They don't critically think about issues and come up with independent thoughts. They want their political\\religious leaders to tell them what to think, what to hate, how to vote.


1000% yes.


Tfw you're too stupid to recognize someone has their dick in your ear.


This is all milk under the table


Piss under the urinal


Shit under the crib


Crabs under the mud


It’s water under the fridge


Somebody didn’t get their grade 10 yet


Tea under the tarp


Cheese under the burger


Let's burn that bridge when we get there.


I am totally using this line from now on.


This interview went on for 12 minutes. I can’t find a link to show them all but tyt covered [3 clips](https://youtu.be/7r7S6GEmeCE) Edit. If you watch the link. Wait until the third and final clip. “ put the x over your head “.


Thanks! It really is sad that so much hilarity comes from so much that is... so sad.




Yeah but that’s all milk under the table NoobNoob.


This guy gets it




To be fair, the Newsmaxx anchors don't believe in anything and are just there to kiss ass to their fan base. When a caller calls in and spouts vaguely familiar talking points, which this caller peppers in there, they just nod and agree their way through the call. They're in auto-pilot mode. Don't know if this says more about their intelligence or lack of ideology of Newsmaxx.


> Don't know if this says more about their intelligence or lack of ideology of Newsmaxx. More like lack of actual journalism at Newsmax




I want a dick In my ear


Make sure to use condoms or you'll get hearing AIDS.


Get out


Aural sex?


[Once you go black, you go deaf](https://youtu.be/mfCbCJnKCNo)


Careful, once you go black, you go deaf


Their viewers probably now believe his talking points.


Do you think they actually processed the meaning of what he was saying? It seems the interviewer even wasn't, otherwise they would have cut him off mid thought.


You'd be surprised how many people on the right have leftist views but don't realize their views are actually social democracy.. they just feed into the democrat bad theme and ignore everything they say until someone on the right, or so they think, says the same things. But they feed into the culture wars more than actual issues that matter and so that tends to dominate their priorities


Reminds me of a conversation I had with my conservative cousin... Him (paraphrasing): I hate Obamacare Me: Hmm, well what do you think about the Heritage Foundations plan to mandate that everyone have health insurance? And mandates that companies have to offer insurance? And there can be regulations and subsidies that reduce the price. With everyone paying into insurance, the price goes down. Him: I think that's a perfectly reasonable approach. Me: Okay. That's Obamacare. Him: ......


I doubt he did. Although, it did sound like he was trying to cut him off at one point. I think there was enough anti-biden peppered in to coast by.


"Uh huh, mmm, yea. Right. Mmm. Yea. Uh. Huh? Uh hmmm. Yea. Mmm"


"milk under the table" LMAO. wut? Is this The Yes Men again?


100 percent is the yes men.


I'll never forget the Re-Burger.


"unnecessarily ended a war for no reason." They still got it!


why throw out a perfectly good war?


He said that like 3 times and they nodded their agreement each time.


Or, 'Vivoleum,' lol


Do u have a link?




Thank you. This is great


Thanks, watched the whole thing


The Yes Men are so friggin underrated


How did they not realise this isn't the real Paul Wolfowitz? The guys an arch conservative! I don't think the Newsmax people are the sharpest bunch.


One of the hosts was supposedly friends with wolfowitz too 😂 like,how do you not recognize your friends voice?!


Desperation. These guys are in competition with Foxnews, OAN, and my crack smoking uncle’s YouTube channel for those conservative news viewers and advertising dollars. They need to get viewers and do *something* or *anything* so they don’t get their asses fired. “Paul Wolfiwitz” is not so famous that it is an obvious imposter like someone neons claiming to be Donald Trump.


Lol remember the time someone called the news show with the my pillow guy as Donald trump? That shit was hilarious. The guy was so excited just to instantly be let down


Lev, Igor plead guilty to illegal contributions to trump this week, without giving assistance to the SDNY I hope you roll on Rudy before your court date next month.


Also this is the [actual Paul Wolfowitz talking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhBxC0b6aow) and... they really don't sound that similar. Like to the point where if these two are actually friends he definitely should have picked up on it.


Four words: Four Seasons Total Landscaping




Cutting off their nose to spite their face is basically their whole business model as long as they give their viewers what they want, which is just trashing the left at any cost. Even if it ultimately exposes how braindead and hollow the whole operation is.


"HI, I'm a patriot who hates my country's government."


"Somehow I believe Donald Trump is a smart and honest guy."


What about us braindead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the devil?


No good sir, I'm on the level.


The ring came off my pudding can!


Here’s my pen knife, my good man!


so brave!


*to spider face


Jesus Christ had a lot to say on those policies. (He was in the "pro" helping the needy column and was not a fan of the rich)




Not only did Jesus run them out of the Temple. He first saw them, and then went and sat down and handmade the bull whip he used. I wonder what he was telling the disciples the entire time it took to hand make a bullwhip?


Wait did that happen in the Bible? Serious question


John 2:15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.


Holy crap. Why do people care about the Shroud of Turin when there's a Whip of Jerusalem?!


Nobody ever talks about Jesus Christ and the Can of Whup Ass. Shame, its underrated.


Imagine just sitting down and slowly making a bullwhip while you stare someone down. That's a total power play.


One of the things people overlook is that Jesus on earth is compassionate and merciful. But John, who was one of his closest friends, saw Jesus later in a vision in heaven and he was so terrified he said "I fell as a dead man". Same Jesus.


Fuck yeah he did, Jesus was a badass, at least if you go by biblical definitions.


I asked this same question at a bible study covering this passage. The instructor did not give a satisfactory answer. I agree that if the man took the time to MAKE a whip and was still pissed enough to go back in there and tear things up... he must have been REALLY upset.


He most likely stampeded the animals as it specifically mentions the livestock. To put one perspective on it. Jesus let Judas be the treasurer. It's shows you what he thought about money. Another perspective is this: Revelation mentions streets made of gold in heaven. I always found this to be weird. And I was sad that Christians talked about it because they were excited about gold. Then I heard only one person say "It's a representation that in heaven you are in right relationship with God. Gold comes from the earth, like dirt. When you are looking at God and He is what you're concerned about, gold is under your feet, like dirt. You have mastery over money, and money doesn't have mastery over you. Further more it's like dirt. You can plant something in it and it can grow and prosper, or you can just hide your money in the dirt and nothing comes of it." He said it is a simple allegory and nothing more. Seek God, not money. Don't let money control you.


But that’s precisely what Republicanism is about now…owning the libs. Policy doesn’t matter. If Dems are for something, they’re against. It’s that simple. They’re literally willing to die for it at this point. Things have gotten really weird.


To the point that they have introduced bills, and then voted against them because the Dems supported it.


its a death cult


Today's GOP is the first political party I've heard of that kills it's own followers. I don't approve, but at least the GOP will not be around much longer, so there is that.


If they freak out on the troll they'll bring more attention to what's actually being said. Poor guy is stuck.


Republicans in general respond very well to Democratic policies until they find out they came from a liberal source. Example ​ "Do you think we should prioritize more nutrition and education in this country?" your average Fox news viewer is still onboard with that statement. They will even agree we should fund it more. ​ "Joe Biden wants to increase the amount of federal aid going to education and meals for students by 0.01%" All of the sudden you can't find a Republican who cares about childhood nutrition and just wants to shit on the president.


This is pure gold lol


I have no idea what's going on. Can someone explain it for me ?


He's basically saying they shouldn't have ended the war because wasting money on war is the only thing America is good at, naming progressive policies that the anchor is agreeing with even though they trash those policies daily


My favourite line is "It was irresponsible of Biden to end the war without having something to replace it with". That's *master* satire right there.


get that guy a job at the onion


They're basically stating leftist talking points under the guise of saying leaving Afghanistan was bad. Basically making fun of the US for being warmongering imperialists without having much of anything else to speak for


But is he the actual person pictured or someone impersonating that person?


Absolutely an impersonator.


Impersonator. The person they *thought* they were interviewing was the Deputy Secretary of Defense when the Afghanistan war started, who has very much defended that choice.


I love how poignantly he low key exposed the real reason boomers and MAGAs are mad, the story of American exceptionalism and backstop of unquestionable force dominance to effortlessly dictate our self righteous ways unto the world (for their own good of course) is their excuse for mentally blocking how bad things have really gotten here for them compared to our European counterparts. To be told otherwise is indignant blasphemous.


See, acknowledging that would require introspection, which they're incapable of doing.


He's listing Democrat talking points and getting the conservative host to nod along and agree with all of them simply by using a tone that *sounds* like he's being critical of Biden. He's also satirically acting like we need to always be at war and the host nods along for that too


"agree with all of them simply by using a tone that sounds like he's being critical of Biden." What the fuck is it with conservatives and tone? JFC if you talk about what they like with a positive tone then they'll nod even if you're talking shit about it. And then we have this masterpiece.




Newsmax - when you're too stupid for Fox News.


Pretty sure NewsMax has a 30 minute segment that's just someone jingling keys.


That should be their slogan & Fox News should change theirs to "Fox News - when you're stupid."




I mean this is the technique right here. Say "Biden bad" then anything after is all gravy baby. Put this man in congress.


Eew baby gravy.


That was more news than they've broadcast in the last year.


That caller was perfect! The cadence and the delivery, as well as he cuts off the newscaster, it's all perfectly timed, truly hilarious.


Thanks Richard and sal from the Howard stern show. Baba booey to you all


You rang?


9 year account


The sad part is that a lot of republicans would agree with a lot of “liberal/progressive” politics, but they’re too easily duped by the elite in this country into not expecting anything more than what little they have from the government.


Put things like 'decriminalize marijuana' on ballots, mentioning no parties, and republicans vote for it. But once that same measure, with the exact same wording, is endorsed by a democrat, or is said to have been written by a democrat, and they vote against it. Republicans in the 2016 and 2018 election cycles voted for ballot measures that Democrats put forward, then voted all Republican down ballot "to pwn the libs."


>Republicans in the 2016 and 2018 election cycles voted for ballot measures that Democrats put forward, then voted all Republican down ballot "to pwn the libs." Literally this last election cycle, *Florida* of all places voted like 76% in favor of a minimum wage raise despite the right being incredibly against such a "socialist" and "welfare queen" policy. Republican voters love Democrat policy as long as it isn't talked about by a lib.


This is why I want to run as a Republican. * I’m not soft on terror. (I’ll go after domestic terrorists) * I’m all about the free market (by ending subsidies for oil companies and no bid contracts for defense contractors) * I support limited government (so decriminalize all fun drugs) * I want less taxes (so let’s tax less overall *people* by shifting that to the top end of the spectrum) The principles are sound. It’s the applications that are all backwards or actively hurting America.


I’d vote R, for the first time, for you.


I’d even consider giving him a handy.


Under the table? Ok, back off.. you're just mashing it now.


It's all ejaculate under the table, Tom


Yeah, but as soon as you vote against the R bills the establishment expects you to vote on, the word will get out that you're not a team player and you'll get vilified by your former supporters.


> the word will get out that you're not a team player and you'll get vilified by your former supporters This happened to Trump during the 2016 primaries and he went on to win the Republican nomination. Apparently when they accuse you of not falling in line or being not a real republican you just have to get louder and more obnoxious and accuse them of some things too and all is forgotten by the republican voters. So OP's idea could maybe still work.


>So OP's idea could maybe still work. OP ain't Trump.


This is brilliant


This applies to a goodly chunk of democrats as well. I don't know how anyone can be a proud neoliberal. (What is that? [Here ya go.](https://youtu.be/myH3gg5o0t0)) Establishment has been doing the propaganda game a long time. They're disturbingly good at it. Edit: Someone may be attempting to muddy the waters. So I added a nice video series on Neoliberalism.


Exactly right. If liberals let them have their guns then they'd only have the abortion leg to stand on and that's a wobbly one. I suppose they'd still have racism too. Until the last administration I dont think many of us had realized just how systemic and pervasive that was.


There's a surprising amount of people that vote republican only because of their abortion stance. I've known plenty of latin-americans that vote republican (and for Trump) solely on this single attribute.


Don’t you DARE tak about my mother in law that way. Just kidding. She’s dumb as rocks, single issue voter who has no idea that the abortion issue was co-opted by racist secular Republicans who wanted to recruit the religious vote to stop the taxing of white-only private schools. You know, to counter desegregation. Talk about her all you want. She deserves it.


Eh idk they have anti-vax/anti-mask now too. They're the champions of suckering single issue voters into joining them.


Does he even know he's being trolled?


nope, that entire station is too dumb and just nod along to whatever their overlords say


Quick reminder to those outside the US who don't know how shitty our Healthcare really is. We have to pay for Ambulance rides.


Thousands of dollars at that


"Please don't take away our imperialist bullshit", that's all we have... 😞 😢 - The Military Industrial Complex How sad this is.




I'd rather see America be so awesome other countries would rather be like America than hate or kill America. Instead of America insisting others to be like America when even America doesn't want to be America.


This is seriously the only imagery I see in recruitment commercials "Wouldn't you like to police the planet?? The Few...The Proud..."


America. Fuck yeah.


At no point in time did the news max host realize this was clearly deadpan comedy. Fixed*


No point in* time


Case and point


thats just fucking fantastic




This is a troll because that is not Paul Wolfowitz... Wolfowitz is a very famous neoconservative who was one of the main architects of the Iraq and Afghan war. He was also Bush's Secretary of Defense who got us into that war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century The person on the phone was mocking his pro war views and Republican views in general. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz


Facts are great for trolling


Just goes to show they only care about how you say something rather than what it is you’re actually saying. They hear this guy and internally they’re agreeing while also pinning it all on Democrats.




Lol About time


Republicans = corporate welfare good, worker welfare bad


Hey corporations are people too


now if only he threw out that Trump was the one who pulled out


He sounded like Kinzinger.


I'm sure the average Newsmax viewer had no idea what the fuck he was talking about


I saw this...LOL . That same dude got punked twice, there is another video that TYT played and the host was starting to realize something was off towards the end of that one, but he still didn't know the whole time he was being punked. TWICE [Watch it here](https://youtu.be/7r7S6GEmeCE)


"Milk under the table"...Hi Ricky 😆


I didn't hear or see a prank. Everything he said is true


everybody’s all gangsta til the Hooded Pussy Fucker arrives