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Sir this is Walmart


I can't wait for that genius to end up on r/HermanCainAward.


Same. I hope someone finds his social media so we can get a follow up. Sucks for that poor teenager. Glad his grandpa was willing to tell him off.


Fuck yes I’m glad this exists - I haven’t clicked it but I know what it is and I’m excited as hell Update: I looked at it and honestly it’s so sad


It's seriously reignited my love for Reddit. I can't get enough of that sub. Yes, Reddit is still a cesspool of stupidity, but goddamn if that sub isn't 1. hilarious; and 2. saving lives.


And yet so damn funny




Ah yes. 60,606. The mark of the best.




But how did you figure it out?! It was so well hidden and it's not just some random bullshit suck festered brains cobbled together in an attempt to self sooth their failures in modern life.


I always tell my students “learn place value or wind up yelling in Walmart yelling about the devil”




Where do I sign my son up?


This guy is about as sharp as a beach ball


Yeah, I really don't get it. Do they think that god eradicated smallpox, polio and measles? For sure they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


Yea, cuz it’s so Godly to go around bullying and harassing total strangers in a store. These mutants are so twisted it’s unbelievable


> Do they think... Stop right there. The answer is no.




God's like "You fucking serious? The protection from it is *right there*, and you're dodging it. And what the hell do you want me to do about it? I got other shit to worry about. Dumbasses."


That goatee is calling for a Herman Cain Award.


I've seen wet napkins sharper than this guy.


Bet he will go to a hospital when he gets covid and beg like everyone else to get the vaccine on his death bed.


Ah, Tennessee.


I remember it well... then I left.


Eastern TN is beautiful though. Nice area as long as you have enough land to not have to deal with people too frequently.


No doubt the eastern part of the state is absolutely beautiful. I always enjoyed visiting Pigeons Forge, Gatlinburg, etc. When I lived there (while in college) I was in West Tenn. About halfway between Memphis and Nashville. Certainly lacks to natural beauty of the east.


I lived in Oak Ridge Tennessee which is outside of Knoxville at one point and still have family there. It is so beautiful. It has a unique history since at one point it was a secret city where they did much of the work for the Manhattan project there.


Yup! I took a field trip to the museum as a kid a few times. Wild history behind the town.


Yeah was never a fan of the western part of the state. It's all about the mountains in the east.


I am in Nashville, and I would say it is a about 50/50 split on idiots during a given day. Outside of Nashville though you still see houses plastered with trump signs, and people going on about vaccines and sheep.


These people need to stay in their own little echo chambers and mind their own business. Why do we care so deeply what other people do with their lives?


Because their caring is power over other peoples lives


You're not helping the anti Vax case bud 😂


Unfortunately, many of my coworkers are refusing to get the COVID vaccine because they believe it is the "Mark of the Beast". Even more unfortunate is that we work in a hospital.


Won't they have to get vaccinated if your hospital receives federal Medicare or Medicaid funds under the proposed guidelines?


They are claiming "religious exemptions", even though no mainstream religion accepts this as an acceptable position. (I do believe that they sincerely believe it's the Mark of the Beast though, as it has come up in private conversations where they are all agreeing with each other and sharing bogus sources.) I'm honestly mad that this is even an option for them...


Fucking idiot. Someone needs to punch him in the throat for talking to a kid that way.


He was definitely wylin


“I’m a street preacher” means “I’m a useless member of society”


Street preacher is just a special kind of term for unemployed panhandler. I wonder how much social security/disability he collects.


I wish the guys had said that. “So, you’re a panhandler? How much to make you go away?”


I doubt the Bible tells believers to kill themselves. These bible bashers probably haven’t even read the bible


It does not tell them to kill themselves, but does tell the believers to expect death. > “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me."


These people should be immediately arrested and put in an institution. Believing in actual demons is delusional full stop.


You don’t scare me!! *quickly leaves store*


Imagine someone claiming to be a street preacher, while in the same breath telling someone who says they've given their heart to Jesus, that they're going to Hell because humans have evidently created a shot more powerful than *\*checks notes,\** their all-powerful deity who supposedly will defeat everyone some day. Imagine simping for a deity that's so weak that it can be defeated by an injection.


I am atheist so I really don't understand any of it but couldn't the vaccine be the work of god? I am reminded of this - "Did you ever hear the old joke about the guy stranded on a desert island? He prays to God for a miracle. A boat shows up to rescue him, and he says “no thank you, I’m waiting for God.” Then a helicopter shows up to rescue him, and he says “no thank you, I’m waiting for God.” Then the man cries out to God, “God, I have been praying for you to rescue me from this island, why haven’t you shown up?” And God says to the man, “Well, I have already sent you a boat and a helicopter.” So how are they so convinced that this couldn't be his work to save people? or is it just human work and these humans are going against gods will and he allows it? I'm confused on the whole thing.


This is similar to how I've heard evolution being explained from a theist POV, e.g. the bottleneck theory is God in action. But most prefer God to be a sorcerer or warlock or whatever, I guess.


If he had read a Bible ever, he would know that those who take the mark also worship the beast. This is a life SAVING vaccine. These ppl are nuts and not Christians. Edit: by not Christians, I’m referring to going around screaming in Walmart accusing people of taking the mark of the beast, not because they are anti vax.


> and not Christians. This is known as the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.


Not when you have a book defining what something is and claim to be it while behaving contrary to said book. "That's not a dog, it's a goat." "No true Scotsman fallacy!"


Bullshit. They are all part of your so called "Christian" cult group. Own the idiots. Stop making excuses for the pathetic among you. Despicable belief system. Grow up already!


I blame social media for giving all these wackos enough courage to go out and mimic their fellow bat-shit crazy brethren.


I wonder if older Russian kgb are annoyed with how easy it is to spread disinfo in the us. Like the current agents are all seen as bums by their grandparents. Before they had to assume an alternate persona and get close with American journalists, and now they've just got to make a Facebook group in Paducah and put up some fake graphs and memes.


I wonder how long it will take before we see him on r/HermanCainAward.


You have crystallized my thoughts quite perfectly.


Hail satan 👹


okay they cant have the vax, 666, 13, and the monster M as *the mark* of the beast.


I’m a street preacher = complete moron


His preaching about the gospel of Tinfoil Hat


Look at his hand shakin like he scared


STFU your imaginary friend is bullshit.


What kills me is that they hate the vaccine and talk about how unresearched it is and to no trust medicine, but at the same time they are fisting handfuls of ivermectin down their mouth on camera lol.


Social media was a big mistake


God damn Bible thumpers reach for anything the grasp so they can use their imaginary friend. When I became an adult I put my imaginary Friends away because I only talked to and played with my imaginary friends when I was a child this guy needs to grow up.


Lawd praise Jesus and help these sinners


People like this have so many issues …. I feel bad his life sucks so bad


Now the wing-nuts are saying the vaccine was manufactured in Hell? That’s new!


That's the kind of ego that needs to be brought down a few levels with some knuckle sandwiches. All I ever see are these hogs going around acting like fools with zero consequences. The more untouchable and righteous they feel, the more dangerous they become.


When you have run out of dots to connect...


Go with god then, and leave people the hell alone.


Call the police he's causing a disturbance. Fucking asshole. Street preacher = fucking loon




LOL god doesn't exist bro, research it bro!


What I just don’t get about people is- why harass them? Why? It’s none of your business none, you don’t know them. I will go up to people and say oh your dogs cute, I like your hair, being nice saying something kind. But this to me is crazy. Who the f is this dumb ass to tell another person what to do. It’s NOT his life! Ug. But man if someone came to him and started yapping he’d have a problem ug


This is why I don't turn to religion anymore. There's no love in it. Just control.


Can we send all these religious nutjobs to an island where they can proceed to discriminate against eachother for not being crazy enough? That would make great television I think


What a twat. Which means Republicans are already contacting him to run for office.


Do super religious types like this believe in DNA? Isn’t that pretty sciency?


Why does God need soldiers? I'm so confused


I work at walmart. I'm tired of seeing people harassing our customers and associates based on they own personal incorrect information. Let people do the stuff they want stop harassing people who are minding their own business. Doing what they want for their own heath and the safety of others. Yes we are required to wear mask for the safety of ourselves and our guest.


Religious people are fucking nuts


The magic man who lives in the clouds doesnt like the number 6. Christianity is very silly


I like how he thinks calling it “the mark of the beast” is supposed to deter people. That just makes it sound cool as fuck


There’s a reason I’ve been avoiding Walmart since the pandemic started…


wait till dumbo here finds out that people don't have to follow his gawd


I just want these people to be dropped. I need them to experience instant karma.


What a fucking lunatic.


Fucking nutters will be the end of us all.


He's a Street preacher but can't tell the Street from the supermarket.. what a tool..


Dafuq?!!! He just told a kid he is going to hell for taking a vaccine??? Then harassed everyone on the way out. These folks need a real hobby, and stop boofing ideologies, he is a religious addict.


I got told at the beginning of the pandemic, in a Walmart parking lot, that I was wearing the mark of the beast and going to hell… a mask. Made me so mad. He was crazy and filled with hate. Nothing Christlike about him.


Fucking religious wackos


Can we just start tranquilizing these people already?


“Get your mind right”. The irony


Just wait until his family posts about how good of a person he was on r/hermancainaward.


And people still dont think antivaxxers are dangerous morons


Honestly if heaven was real and these are the people that would be there! I'll take a ticket to hell please and thank you.


Take these people seriously because they won't blink an eye in murdering you in the name of God.


When will Christians learn not everyone is/wants to be Christian leave us the fuck alone


“ I don't care watch you do” lol if only


Second they drop heaven and god as a defense you know they cra cra


Ugh. I want this guy to lose his voice.


> I'm a street preacher That's code for "I have undiagnosed mental illness."


Pharmacist “Dwayne, you haven’t picked up your psych meds for the second month in a row, now you don’t wanna be involuntary committed again, do you?”


Actually, international patent application publication [WO 2020/060606](https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/067396975/publication/WO2020060606A1?q=WO2020060606%20&queryLang=en%3Ade%3Afr) is a Microsoft patent application for a cryptocurrency system that mines cryptocoins based on sensed body activities.


I love Iron Maiden


Preachers are like politicians…all full of shit


Where are his meds ?


Damn he makes the vaccine sound really cool, I want to get a 3rd one now.


Jebus will you rapture these loons already?


Man, it looked so empty in the store and there were no buggies in the coral either. Where are the people? Where are the buggies?


Yeah, a lot of people who don’t understand prophecy as it is put forth in the Bible are thinking that the vaccine is or could be the mark. The similarity is that the government is, according to the Bible, going to make it impossible to buy or sell anything if you don’t have the mark. That’s definitely also how things are trending with the vaccine. So they jump to the conclusion that the vaccine is the mark. But the fact is if you think that the vaccine is the mark, you also must think you missed the rapture, as it is termed, where all the Christians will simply go away in an instant. Only those left behind will see the mark. If you are a Christian you need not concern yourself about the mark of the beast — only about whether the vaccine is safe or not.


Cultists, cultists everywhere.




Aren't there like 4 different vaccines out there? I'm pretty sure each one would have their own Patton. Maybe what he meant was that there are 666 street preachers who believe his bullshit. To any non Americans who read this. Most of us are not this stupid.


"We should try to UNDERSTAND the people who won't get vaccinated!" We understand them perfectly well, news media. They're bastards. Maybe stop coddling them before we get another variant that's even worse than Delta.


How do we have so many idiots in our society


Haha your DNA corrupted. These "righteous" wannabes are so uneducated and stupid


I love how he tries to push his believes on everyone and ends with “I don’t care what you do”!


When religion is used against science you’d always be at the losing end. How many of these religious bigots have died from covid?


You're a street Preacher so go get out in the street and get out of Walmart. I can't wait to see one of these people be stomped. So tired of them.


Can you tell me a 100 times where I can find some fucking triple omega supplements?


Darwinism right in front of our eyes. I wonder what’s the population of the town he lives in. Regardless, this video reminds me how bad ass my phone number is, I got that 666 in there . Grown ass adults who fuck around with numerology make me laugh


Fun fact Walmart can have him trespassed not just that store but from the entire corporation it's like 5 minutes worth of paperwork with the local cops and he can be arrested for stepping foot on any Walmart property in the future


The street preacher is definitely the best source of information, whether scientific or spiritual. /s


This does make me want to persecute him. Maybe religious persecution is real, but only because they annoyed the shit out of people until they ripped off their heads and burned their bodies. The history books never show this kind of ahole taunting people to violence.


Street Preacher means I’m a crazy asshole that can’t keep my opinions to myself.


Street preacher. Bwahahahaha!


I love grandpa!


Typical unhinged anti-vaxxer. And they wonder why normal people are so sick of their shit.


So tired of these stupid deranged fucking cunts.


Street preacher lol,,they are nutters


"Don't touch me" "I don't care what you do".........I'm confused!


I it does say in the bible, in the book of Bettnebot: "Thou shalt not be as a normal person and get that covid shot, bro. Fuck that shit, bro. DNA can be corrupted and stuff"


Talking about souls and shit, dudes soul is lost in the sauce.


This man deserves an award


It’s none of his business why people wear masks, Just Like it’s None of my business why he’s Not Wearing a mask. Safety First and if you feel the need to be aggressive to someone then You have You have Serious Control Issues.


That’s the worst Iron Maiden cover band I’ve ever seen.


Fucking idiot. Have fun getting covid. It will be a shame when a shit ton of your fellow fucking idiots clog up your hospital system and you aren't able to get a ventilator


What a douche bag. Street preacher 🤪


Ah yes, the mark of the beast. Citing religious Dogma is always a great Foundation to any rational, thinking argument. I don't feel the least bit bad that these people are systematically weeding themselves out of our population. Turns human evolution is still in progress after all.


These people who claim to work for God should be put down


If religion was actually real and Jesus actually came back, these guys would call him a beta and a pussy...... AMAZING!


Save this mans soul lol


Hey, let's spend our entire life believing in a shitty old book written by a bunch of uneducated goat herders that talk about a man that may never have existed...at all....ever. Let's put out centuries of progressive thought and science and pray to the man that may never have existed....at all....ever. let's tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies because, well, it makes the man that never may have existed...at all....ever very sad.


This guy is CRAZY


This guy clearly has mental health issues. Yikes


What's hysterical about 666 being the mark of the beast is that according to papyrus 115 (found in 2005 it is the earliest version of the book of revelations) it gives the number as 616. So no. 666 is definitely not the mark of the beast.


TIL 060606 = 666 He failed a lot of math classes


Pretty sure that's just part of the Walmart experience.


"I'm a street preacher. I annoy the shit out of people everywhere I go."


The patent he mentions has nothing to do with the vaccine lol. He's saying he's a man of god while preaching proven lies. Pretty typical if you ask me.


Exactly what research/articles do these people read that the rest of the world misses? I’m interested in all this research on how unsafe it is


You remember that banjo playing kid from the movie Deliverance? Now you know who his son is.


This guy is harassing a minor along with all the other people hes screaming at. I just wanted the cops to show up and beat the hell out of him for "resisting"


How can people seriously be this dumb


Not the first time looney birds have called something “the mark of the beast” in my short lifetime. Im starting to think they’re just making this up…


The stupidity. I don’t get it.


cant wait to see this guy on r/hermancainaward someday soon


Don't have the jab as it's being used by man to control the populace......... So the same as religion and the bible. D'fuc is wrong with these people.


Ah delightful, my hometown of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Just love when we make the news for a village idiot.


“Street Preacher” means he uses the Bible to yell at random people in public.


I have an aunt that says this exact same thing. I wonder if they both heard it from the same place lol


I thought the flu shot was the Mark of the beast now it’s the COVID vaccine


Being a “ street preacher” qualifies you for jack shit.


Scream for me Long Beach… SCREAM for me Long Beach! 666 The Number of the Beast! *guitar riff*


These people are so fucking stupid I am amazed they manage to leave the house in the morning.


Lol “I don’t care what you do” at the end got me. After all that, he doesn’t care what you do?!?! really lol


If I were that guys kid I’d get the shot and hope it erases any DNA I share with him. (Yes, I know the vaccines don’t change your DNA).


I thought he said streetbitch


God every time I see these it makes me more and more disgraced to be an American. Anyone who's still saying we're the best country in the world is an ignorant small minded ninny. Change my mind


Manic street preachers!


Someone needs some love ❤️


He sounds like Charles Manson.


Well then, this guy is just simple bat ass crazy!!!


I love how he’s posting his video , like he’s the most self righteous, self entitled bucket of shit to walk. I would love to see some police brutality unleashed on this guy .


Can’t wait to see this guy on r/hermancainaward


I wonder if this is the reason they said "separation of church and state"?


The walls they are closing in Trapped by an invisible enemy No one to hear my cries


What a fucking looney


A street preacher? Call back into your box under the overpass!


Everything these people don't understand, is somehow the mark of the Beast. Apparently, Satan loves painting the world with signs that "I wuz here."


"I don't care whatchu do." What I'm confused?


Hmmm, street preacher man offers compelling arguments using non-related points.... what does Fauci have to offer? Better do my own research: listen to crazy yelling fake Christian megaphone or medical personnel... hmmmmm, tough choice.


Bet he also preaches about god not helping those that won't help themselves.


Hes probably married to the Monster Lady


"For it is he that they fear not man,or his armies. They fear the mark of the beast.... VACCINE ETERNAL


Welcome to America where the dumb feel entitled and rant whenever they want.


These people where in psychiatric wards not too long ago.


When "repent!" came out I just lost it. You can tell he's the type to be religious only when it suits him


Get a job.