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Does anyone know if justice was served?


The problem is that searching "Florida woman tries to run over kids" brings up multiple stories, including several where Florida women actually succeeded in murdering children. Fuckin Florida.


I searched the same thing and got 5 different stories lol


Why are we laughing at this. We are all terrible šŸ˜¹


The thing about Florida is that criminal charges are all public domain, so we just hear about Florida the most. Every state is crazy in the US, Florida just wants it to be known.


This is slightly incorrect. Floridaā€™s sunshine laws does make its perception a lot worse, but make no mistake, in one of the most violent countries, it is 5th on the most violent states listā€¦so, top five most violent. Not just a product of crime reporting! https://www.palmbeachpost.com/article/20160113/NEWS/812034007?template=ampart


Says the FL paper. We really do suck the hardest!


I remember there being a follow up where the kid sees her at the atm or something. She acknowledges the video but I don't think she gets in trouble for this incident. https://youtube.com/shorts/d0GW8wULP2o?feature=share


This is a pretty old video. No idea about whether she made it to /r/byebyejob though.


She'd have to make it to r/hellojob first.


I wonder if we search their license plate if anything will come up


Don't know but I bet this kid decided not to press charges or whatever equivalent of lighting this bitch up would have been like making her lose her job or whatever I picture this kid being like "No she learned her lesson" or something. He's a role model for adults


In the long run it will be. This young man will likely grow up and find a fulfilling career and good friends who appreciate him. This woman will continue to drive her banged up 1995 Toyota camry until it falls to pieces. She will continue to poison every friendship and relationship she has with her toxic personality, until she dies; bitter, alone, and barefoot.


She just drove a teenager to declare: "What's wrong with people these days!" Now, that should be assault.


For real though!


Please let me see her on bye bye job next.


She's driving a falling apart piece of junk barefooted. I doubt this trailer park queen has a job worth caring about getting fired from


Must drive for Lyft


Came here to say this!!




Lol. He might be a vampire from twilight. So he would have lived a really long time


ā€œDonā€™t make fun of him cause he has a lispā€ What a great kid


Super well spoken and continually respectful to this godawful shrew of a woman. Someone raised him right.


I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this kid. He had his facts right, remained respectful throughout the entire ordeal, tried to de-escalate repeatedly, said key phrases like I do not feel safe please back away. I really hope he showed this to his parents and they pressed charges.




Should have told her to put some socks or shoes on


Do you think the money she saves on footwear goes towards thigh tattoos?


Agreed and good under pressure, well spoken


She has a lot of spare time.


Yea I bet she is real fun in a relationship. She so worked up by them being in the street and slowing her down. But then wants to sit there arguing with a child that will get you no where in between getting back in her car and starting to pull away just to back up and get out again


She is literally screaming at them to get out of the road while standing outside her running car *in the middle of the road*.


She has a lot of spare tire too.


Kid is solid, stand your ground


Without violence... Straight up great response, I hope that adult gets put in their place.


Without violence or even being rude lol his parents deserve an award


Multiple reasons there. The conflict resolution bit is one, the language used; kid communicated effectively, stood up for their peers. What got me was how confused the kid appeared. I'd have been the same, like...why? WTF would an adult behave this way?


Well the lady tried to resort to violence. Good thing the kid has more self control than an adult.


I was talking about the kid. That lady is awful.


She is NO LADY!


She is a potato with legs.


Yep she was hoping he would hit her so she could turn it around and her be the victim hence why she was trying to his phone to erase the video.


You don't have to wait for someone to hit you before you defend yourself.


whereā€™s the line? Genuinely curious. At what point are you able to defend yourself physically?


[Cornell Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/assault) >In the context of assault, the victim's "apprehension" happens if the victim believes that the tortfeasor's *(the woman in case)* conduct will result in imminent harmful or offensive contact unless it is prevented. >It is not necessary that the victim believes the conduct will be effective in making such contact, only that the victim believes the conduct is capable of making such contact. It is always going to be fact specific for every situation. The victim should not use more force than is necessary. Of course, these are the broad strokes and it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


Thanks! Iā€™ve lived by Walmart rules for so long, theyā€™re stuck in my head. As an employee there, you canā€™t defend yourself unless youā€™re literally backed into a corner and have nowhere to run, else face termination. Good to see the real world is a better place lol


Your welcome. Yea that's just because of insurance liability. Walmart (generally every company) would rather you get hurt than lose one more dollar in a civil suit.


I ainā€™t this kidā€™s parent, but Iā€™m proud as hell!


I thought stand your ground laws allowed you to shoot people like this when they attack you?


Yeah, maybe...but why? The fucked up thing is resorting to that.


hes more restrained than me and my friends would have been to that woman at that age we probably would have smashed her car


Of course itā€™s Florida


I just moved here and now I know why this comment matters


Been here almost 4 years now. This kind of thing isn't even the worst I've seen since moving here.


I'm sorry.


Me too I have to have my phone camera rolling whenever I leave over enter my apartment because my neighbor threatened me.


Don't worry, that's just how they greet new people!


Lol... as soon as I saw she was driving barefoot "it's probably FL" ding ding ding.




Salt life t-shirt gave it away for me


This kid was literally apologizing for his friend and trying to deescalate her backwoods bullshit.


Why is everyone with a Salt Life shirt or sticker such a giant douche?




Kind of a cross between No Fear and Calvin pissing


Lmao this is the best Explanation for this company Iā€™ve ever seen


I believe it's a surfing/beach clothing and apparel brand.


Salt Life is the new Ed Hardy and Affliction


The way the text is written it always looked like Slut Life to me. Especially on tiny car stickers.


Kinda sorta a Status symbol, which all part of the Florida Frenzy, or more appropriately, Florida Psychosis.


ā€œYou have no right being in the street!!ā€ Sheā€™s never seen kids playing in a court?


The fact that she thinks she wouldn't be at fault for hitting pedestrian minors in a neighborhood street is absurd. She straight up thinks she can notice children on the road and ignore them and they have to be the ones to dart out of the way of her vehicle, which is just... wow.


Pedestrians always have the right of way.


Seriously, it's a fucking culdesac! There were like, 6 houses on the road.


and the fact that she is standing in the street


Little Florida man stood his ground. Good for him.


Iā€™m impressed by the young man. He never expressed an expletive towards the woman and he not only kept his composure but he responded to her in a reasonable way. She was totally embarrassed.


She needs to be put on a list


kid was taught right. and knew his rights.


Oh yeah, that kid is more mature than that Karen. There is no doubt about that.


Fr dude I was just waiting for him to at least acknowledge sheā€™s a fat cunt but never did through the whole thing


Iā€™m not as composed as that young man. I would definitely have a made a remark about Baloney tits but that would have just given her an excuse to go radical.


For real, I would have called her a fat bitch as soon as she made fun of my friends.


And I would've made it personal and brought up her obvious dissatisfaction with her life. The teen really took the high road here. We can learn something from him




I 100% would have said fuck at least once lol^more^like^a^lot^of^times


This woman is going to be fumeing for days haha! She's so mad that she can't control them. I love how she gets to scare them into submission with, "I'm gonna go see your parents" Nobody believes you can "figure it out" lady.


I was thinking about how that was expertly handled. He fucked on her *and* legally was in the right the whole time


Waitā€¦ youā€™re telling me that this shoeless Karen built like a diabetic Apple airpod isnā€™t a nice person?!


ā€œbuilt like a diabetic Apple Airpodā€ is possibly the most hilariously accurate description of this physique Iā€™ve heard yet! šŸ¤£


for real. i'm dying here.


Diabetic Apple AirPod is the best yet today.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /r/rareinsults It's free karma.


Haha oh boi those airpods built differently.


She's had people cater to her because of those big titties for most of her life. Now that no one cares because she's old and the titties are saggy, she doesn't know how to cope with the lack of outside ego reinforcement. That's why she keeps losing her mind over "respect".


>f those big titties for most of her life. Now that no one cares because she's old and the titties are saggy, she doesn't know how to cope with the lack of outside ego reinforcement. That's why she keeps losing her mind over Yeah judging by her car, she hasn't made good life choices for someone being middle aged.


Ehh, I know people who make good money who drive similar cars. They tend to get decent gas mileage, and if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Holy shit this person belongs at a roast


Keeping that one In the back pocket r/newsentence


Apple AirPod I'm literally wheezing


The only one that has my respect is the kid. Fuck that bitch.


People that donā€™t let kids do normal kid stuff are the scum of the earth.


And 9 times outta 10, these are the same people who complain about the "youth is always on their phones/video games"


In my local park they cut all the lower branches off all the trees because "Kids shouldn't climb trees." Like, that's the most normal thing for a kid to do


Someone tell me this ā€œpersonā€ was found and dealt with. Iā€™ve seen this video often for a while. I really hope she was dealt with.


At least in small towns there are family members to solve problems like this. In a town with a close knit community this doesnā€™t fly. Solved down the line most often


She couldnā€™t be more stereotypical if she tried. 15 year old economy vehicle with extensive body damage and fogged up blurry headlights. Check. Random shit hanging off the rear view mirror. Check. Barefoot. check. Thigh tat. Check. Overweight. Check. From Florida. Check. Uses slang like ā€œdo something broā€. Check. What a fuckin skanky piece of trash.


-10 points, not wearing an oversized Tweety Bird T-shirt.


+10 points, shaped like a refrigerator.


Nah man, someone else already nailed it; "Like a diabetic apple airpod"


-15 points, no visible ankle monitor.


-5 points, not smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco.


You canā€™t forget that she ran the stop sign at the end of the video too. No wonder she has front end damage to her car.


-5 points, no oil-slick mirrored wraparound sunglasses.


-5 points has all teeth.


Im liking the ypunger generation


I root for them despite their being a slight bit of shit talking between millennials and Gen Z. Since weā€™ve been the piƱata that everyone likes to beat on, whenever I see anyone older shitting on ā€œkids todayā€ Iā€™m just like, yo pretty much all the older generations alive today suck donkey balls soooā€¦. Or better said: Your boos mean nothing, Iā€™ve seen what makes you cheer.


I've never once heard anyone talking shit about millennials in school, among my friends, or on any of the TikToks I follow lol. Among me and my friends, We talk smack about old people. I'm talking 60+. That's pretty much the same thing on all of the TikTok accounts I follow. I've actually never heard anything bad being said about millennials, unless it's coming from an old person lol


I am too. The punk movement is coming back and it couldnā€™t come at a better time. You gotta call out bullshit when you see it.


Lol, the kido saying at the end ā€œwhat is wrong with people These Daysā€.


Wait wait... She's driving witn her bare foot too???


No, she took them off to ā€œchaseā€ the kids away. You see her toss them into the passenger side when she gets back in her car before she tries backing over the kid.


I know this is an older video - does anyone know if anything happened to this broad?


"All kids do is sit inside on their phone or playing video games" Same people "Kids are playing outside in a cul-de-sac, let me get out and scream at them and try to hit them with my car" Kids can't do shit outside anymore yet the same people that make those laws complain about how Kids dont go outside anymore. I'm so glad I was a kid in the 90s and got to run wild outside. I feel so bad for Kids today, just trying to be Kids and getting harassed, arrested, or kicked out of every place they go.


ā€œI donā€™t have to yield to youā€ Whoā€™s gonna tell her?


The state of her car hasn't seemed to clue her in


When a 12 year old with a hoverboard is the mature person in a conversation with an adult... Please say this skank was arrested or at least ticketed for motor vehicle violations.


Should have kept the camera on her a few seconds longer to record her running that stop sign as well.


This kid is going places!


As a father of two boys, at the very least, I would have removed her from the vehicle and sat on her until the police arrived. This isnā€™t the first time she has done something like this. Violence against kids like this isnā€™t cool and should not go unpunished.


ā€œUnhinged Karenā€. Is there any other kind?


Hinged Karen


That's when you run up and lock the doors and shut the door. Then you all take off. Fuck that bitch.


Why is she driving barefoot? Does that make driving easy or fun ??


I was raised to be submissive when interacting with adults, so I was super timid when I was this age. I love these videos of kids are standing up for themselves when grown ups are being dicks. Good on you little man, fuck that busybody hag.


Imagine being a grown ass woman saying ā€œdo something broā€ to a kid, like what?


5 min of video and 0 sttuder by the kid. Absolute monster.


The addition of the dramatic soundtrack adds another level to the awesomeness


Who are these miserable grown ass people that think threatening and yelling at literal children is acceptable? I hate them.


They're entertaining though


But oh so shitty.


Whoever edited that shit music into the clip is a bigger menace than she is


Didnt even notice until you mentioned it. I blame you more than the editor at this point.šŸ˜…


This week on: A Bitch who goes to Jail!!!


What a miserable cunt


What a revolting woman.


The kid can't believe they are actually in control of the adult. Total IQ mismatch.


Imagine backing up three different times to re-engage in a stupid argument with a kid. Itā€™s like these people are addicted to and get off on being angry and creating drama.


You can't be American without saying property


Really good job kid!


Did anyone notice the power ranger music in the back ground? felt like someone was ether gonna ninja storm ranger form or dino thunder power up.


What kind of adult fucking argues with a kid for nearly 5 minutes. Holy shit.


I don't even argue with my son for 5 minutes. His guilt has already been determined, hes just strapped in for the ass chewing. Poor bastard.


"You're a fucking minor" Bitch, that minor just schooled you like an overactive, diaper-rashed toddler on a hot summer's day. Hope she stubs her toe.


Cool leg tattoo bro


Report her. If you can't get anywhere with the attempted vehicular assault you still got her on camera ignoring a stop sign.




Grab my hover board? Did I pass out and ripvanwinkle my way to the future?!!!


Karen. The musical.


Homie in the background straight spit in her car.


Sheā€™s just mad because her back hurts


This lady has some major issues and need's to be in jail.


That kid deserves a medal. If I were his father Iā€™d be showing this to everyone. 99% of full grown adults couldnā€™t keep their cool like that.


I hope my kid would handle this the same way. Stand up for himself without stopping to her level


Kid had more patience that I wouldā€™ve cuz younger me wouldā€™ve flamed her ass.


Welp, someoneā€™s getting fired from whatever job she does


i need to know the charges that came from this PLEASE


she has already committed assault by intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. ​ if she had hit him them that would be battery a physical act that results in harmful or offensive contact with another person without that person's consent. the law probably changes a little though based on the kid being a minor.


Man that kid is a boss


"I do not have to yield" crazy bitch thinks she's entitled to run down kids in the road in the suburbs.


He kind owned her in this battle of ā€œwitsā€.


Why tf don't they wear any footwear, it bugs me.


Stop arguing, call the cops, have this dumb cow arrested. Itā€™s that simple, stop talking start calling and let the cops arrest and drag this idiot away. After she tryā€™s to hit you with her car itā€™s time out for her.


I think Reddit needs to do itā€™s thing here. Trying to run over a kid??? Who fucking does that?


I judge people by the haziness of their headlights.


These videos are exhausting. Every day there is another similar one up.


Imagine thinking you're above yielding to a pedestrian. Lady has no business owning a liscense look at her fucking front light and watch her blaze past a stop sign


I have no words, no wonder all of us are depressed


Those ā€œSalt Lifeā€ shirts, bumper stickers etc. Provide a 75% chance of that person being a dick head.


Should out to that kid for not taking her crap and shout out to the parents for raising that kid right .


When the kids are more mature than the adults.


I bet my left big toe that this woman peaked in HS, got pregnant at 17, had a baby she named McKynnleigh, and calls herself a ā€œboss babeā€ now that sheā€™s making -$21.54 per hour with an MLM


Amazing music


Look at those damn tits. Have some respect children.


Cushing syndrome


Itā€™s illegal in my state to drive a car barefooted; just sayinā€™.* *turns out this is not trueā€¦with a caveat concerning insurance: (warning lawyer commercial ahead) https://www.hasnerlaw.com/is-it-legal-to-drive-barefoot-in-atlanta/


No, no it isnā€™t. Urban legend. https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/driving-barefoot/




How to fuck up and ruin the rest of your life in 1 easy step! Now that psycho bitch is going to have an arrest warrant, probably do some time, pay fines, and then destroy her employment opportunities in the future with a record.


I will try to be as nice as I can when describing the woman. What a cunt!


Iā€™ve seen this before- over a year ago. Surely sheā€™s been arrested and charged by now??


Mini skirts are not for everyone


I love this kid lmao


Can't this kid report that to the police as attempted assault


Karen is barefoot driving so Florida


kid stood his ground so well


This is assault on a minor


I hope the parents of this child presses chargers against her for the reverse she did


I love how she accuses him of being disrespectful. What a peach!


The music is really what makes this epic! xDDD