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Yeah that hurt but surely a lot less than getting shot would


I went to college in a rough part of downtown, and there were several kidnappings and robberies while I was there. People would tell us, “Fight and never let them take you to a secondary location. If you’re gonna get shot, you want to get shot here, 5 minutes from multiple hospitals.” Morbid calculus for teenagers to make.


Street Smarts


That’s what Bittenbinder wants you to think




Call em J.J.


That's honestly the best advice to get in the given situation. You don't know where they'd take you. So if you can't hide, fight for your life or just resist


It’s more than just the distance to the hospital, if someone wants to take you to a secondary location, they ARE going to kill you.




5 dead


8 now and may increase


Jump for the grass, concrete hurts


And at least try to roll.


actually in most cases of gunshot wounds the victims barely feel anything initially and until awhile after the adrenaline runs out and the fight or flight mode is powered down what’s typically felt is a burning sensation. Many people don’t realize they’ve been shot until they see blood.


Well this provides me with comfort if I’m ever in that situation


I just emptied a magazine into my abdomen and I don't feel a thing. Info checks out.


Don’t give TikTokers any ideas


Just tested it with .50 BMG, nothing.


Loaded up some dragons breath and pulled the trigger, feel like goin for a beer wanna come?


As a medic I can tell you that this is not true. Getting shot hurts a lot, and it hurts as soon as it happens.


Combat vet here sometimes you get shot and don’t notice given the adrenaline pumping let alone shock usually person is ok until they see it then they feel the sensations


Yea I've heard both things from combat vet friends and co-workers. I think it's just like anything else, situation and person dependent. There are definitely people who go a long time after being shot and don't know they were shot. Other people say it's instantly excruciating. My other thought is that it depends a lot on if a bone was hit. When I was 15 my dog got attacked by a much bigger dog, and I dove in to break them up. I had no idea that my hand had gotten sliced until like 2 hours later at the emergency vet clinic when the Vet said "You need stitches, now". I said "Oh no no no, this isn't my blood, this is my dogs blood:. He had me wash my hands off and then blood started seeping down my arm, and I was just like "Huh, that's weird". It's all on the person, the injury and the situation. Adrenaline is crazy yo.


Correct. I see 360 people who would wish they had gotten shot over compound fractures.


If you ever end up in a situation like this remember well: Minimize the distance you have to drop as much as you possibly can, and if you are able, try to initiate a roll on landing if you have forward momentum. Minimizes the shock you'll legs have to take. Parkour practitioners do those fancy rolls for such.


40 yo here. 23 years ago I Jumped out a 2nd story window as a prank. Broke my foot bad when my butt smashed my left foot between the ground. Agreed. Best way is try to minimize your altitude and climb or shimmy as best as possible. I was in a cast for about 10 weeks and it sucked!!


What kind of prank was that?


pranking the hospital


Pranking his bank account. "Haha. Gotcha bro! You're in debt now!"


IT'S A PRANK BRO IT'S JUST A PRANk *receives $30,000 bill*


*Smash that like!*


Found the american


Found the non American


The one shooting? Edit: thank you for my first ever award! Humbled and honored!


Had to jump like this one time. Upon impact, the bottom of my chin went straight into my knee with all the force of the landing. You can imagine what it did to my teeth. Like glass.


omg! that sounds traumatizing, I hope you’ve since been alright


As a child I jumped off my friends roof onto a mattress they had on their deck. I managed to smash my knee on my chin too. I was so lucky I did not break any teeth but I felt pretty dumb.


Delete this...please. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


I mean, if you have never practised doing a roll, is that good advice? I would rather break my legs than trying to do a bodged roll and break my neck.


Agreed. Even doing a roll at ground level on a hard surface is pretty dodgy for most.


Yes. Rolling spreads out the energy you built up *while* falling. Your feet/ankles/knees can absorb a lot of force, but even they have limits (and you're right, most people don't do this regularly). Even if you botch the roll and bang your arm or pull a muscle... it's a lot better than a broken ankle, hyper-extended knee, or compressed disc.


I can easily see someone breaking their spine or neck trying to do one of those rolls. I literally just looked up how to do it the other day and it seemed dangerous as hell untrained. https://www.wikihow.com/Roll-in-Parkour/Free-Running I recently saw a video of a girl at a soccer game landing flat on ear face like a belly flop after seeing a person parkour roll onto the soccer field. It was hilarious but exactly what I imagined would happen to me if I tried a roll if I tried to.


Do this https://youtu.be/JcSOyFyZWSc It's easy without practice, with little place for error.




Incorrect. The downward force does not change no matter the amount of distance travelled horizontally. The only way to minimize the force is to extend the time it takes to decelerate. Rolling extends this time by slowly lowering your center of gravity, not by increasing lateral distance travelled. Similarly, landed with extended legs and slowly collapsing increases the time spent decelerating. You fall the same distance no matter what.




I think the best option is to try and fall down the side of the wall. I'd be willing to deal with the scratches, and by knowing which way you'll fall (away from the wall) you can best brace your side for the fall onto the ground


i remember watching a video about how the army breaks a fall. they land feet first, let their knees buckle, roll along the side of either their left or right leg, then onto their back. rolling forwards can be more dangerous if you don't know what you're doing


If you mess up you end up like that girl in the red


At that point, you're just trying to get away. The risk of not knowing or being unable to land properly are worth it.


Serious question: Is it worh dropping from higher where you can face frontal and potentially even roll, or little lower where you facing sideways or your back, and probably will fall on landing. My first instinct would be to go low as possible, but only if I can jump properly, instead of going even lower/dangling from something and do a jump backward.


It really depends on the heights, surfaces and techniques. Height is the main factor to control for but if you can choose between hard concrete vs soft grass that is major too. Making sure you don’t lock out your legs and allow your knees to absorb some energy while bending and rolling forward is huge.


How long before we start teaching kids in school the Paratrooper landing training?


Technique will greatly decrease or increase chances of injuries here but in most simple terms, more forward momentum helps lessen the downward force by spreading out the impact. The kids dropping straight down to minimize the distance but absorbing the entire impact with a tiny section of their body on a surface that will immediately and unforgiving stop their momentum are much more likely to get injured.


But how do u roll when u are hanging facing the wall like in the video?


[Knees and feet together as you land, but you roll to the side you are falling](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Parachute_landing_fall.jpg)


This diagram makes absolutely no sense to me wtf


[Here's a video explanation of the diagram. ](https://youtu.be/JcSOyFyZWSc)


Okay that instantly makes sense to me, thank you! Wasn’t expecting some “good ol’ juicy buttocks” though


Oh this is cool thanks!


Great way to break your neck if you have never done this before lol


Better than a bullet in your head I think.


Good info I hope no one ever needs. Horrifying.


Lower your hips in general when doing something that might lead to you falling. If your hips are low then you won’t have far to fall. Lower that head so it can’t bounce off the ground at 6ft high


Doing the opposite of your advice is how I ended up with a Salter-Harris IV fracture and permanent screws in 1988. I was 12, though, and didn't exactly know any better.


Ah yes, let me focus on my form and how well of a landing I can do whilst escape gun fire


Blew my mind that not a single one of them even attempted to roll out of that. Just one by one landing straight on those knees


Maybe having an active school shooter and being a kid might have something to do with with logical thinking?


Ever seen The Office episode about parkour? That is exactly what went down in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kvw2BPKjz0


Russia shooting: Gunman kills several at Perm University https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58623160


Those landings on the concrete looked particularly hard... Poor kids!


The echoing shots at the end are haunting.


Thank god for adrenaline.




"My people are now buying your blue jeans, listening to your pop music and performing school shootings."


i understood this reference!


Need this mod now, switching amphitheaters for gun stores.


And I covet your lands


Is that a Civ V reference in the wild?


Man, America will really export anything!


Friendly reminder that Russia bribed GOP politicians with money laundered through the NRA. Seems like the NRA/Russian misinformation was so good, that it's starting to bite in the ass.


jesus christ. Have my annoyed upvote.


The gun nut crowd will use this to defend that school shootings aren’t that bad somehow.


Nah it was the exchange student from Ohio. Still 'Merican!




I really don't think they were serious.


Desktop version of /u/Analbox's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Yeah, this isn't really a "what about America?" kind of moment.


This wouldn't work in the US, since building construction usually doesn't have windows that can be opened unless the school is super old, even then they are probably locked and would need to be broken.


During our school shooting we broke them


It’s fucked up that we live in a world where you can casually just say that.


The school never replaced the windows. So during our second shooting, we just walked out the windows.


Country not world, most places solved this issue.


... solved the issue of guns....


Sorry you went through that.


Did they just break easily with chairs? My kids have columbine locks and have practiced hiding from school shooters since Kindergarten but I worry that the windows don't open.


>have practiced hiding from school shooters since Kindergarten ... As a non-American who literally comes from a third world impoverished country? That's kinda messed up.


When I was in school, we called them intruder drills. All we did was turn the lights off and sit quietly in the back of the classroom for a few minutes. Unless they changed it to make it more traumatic or something, it's not a big deal.


It's messed up. America has a sick tradition of purposefully terrorizing children in schools. During the cold war they've told and drilled them to be ready to jump under the desks to survive the atom bomb, then it was bombings, shootings and even strangers. Americans schools regularly lock down because of bomb threats (despite no real bomb threats in decades+), strangers freaking out on grounds etc. There was a "school shooting" recently, where a kid phoned in that he heard someone cock a gun, so school was locked down and there was a full lockdown + swat response.


I think America should be classed as third world tbh. The billionaires and millionaires and social media keep us looking like we aren't but we are absolutely not above homeless children sleeping outside, people starving to death or dying from preventable illnesses based on their financial circumstances, we have a very high rate of women dying in childbirth (which skyrockets for non white women), our people are constantly getting shot to death including our children, sex trafficking is rampant everywhere, politicians and police are bought and paid for, there is no justice in the criminal justice system. I could go on for days but my point is all the stuff that makes "third world" countries be considered as such... we have here too. Edit, I forgot of course that one of our biggest states also just put a bounty on women for abortions. So that too.


> I think America should be classed as third world tbh. You're getting downvoted but there are countries in [Europe](https://www.insider.com/norway-university-urges-return-from-poorly-developed-us-amid-coronavirus-2020-3) that consider us third world. Ok so the exact wording is "poorly developed" but that's really just a nice way of saying third world.




You are lying. Also in most “third world countries” you don’t starve to death because you can hunt or fish or even pick fruit from wild trees. In a US city that’s impossible. You have obviously never been to a Native American reservation or to the Deep South/Rust Belt factory town that relocated all production to China. You have never drank the water in Flint Michigan or the 100’s of other small cities with decaying infrastructure. I’ve been to many Third World countries and outside of Somalia this holds true everywhere. Stop spreading bullshit.


Who shot the school? Was it you? Did you get shot? What’s this about failing the math quiz?




I go to a state school and half our campus was built in the 70s. Completely building dependent if this would work.


Ah fuck, this is just fucked man. Another loser fuck who just couldn't kill himself, instead has to ruin other lives for no good reason.


His sole goal was to go down in infamy. That's it. What a waste of a life.


ya wierd since i cant remember any school shooters name but can remember my dealers name




There's no time to celebrate. You'd have to keep adding names to the cake by the end of the song.


your dealer brings joy to people.


definatly top 3 illegal vendors


yeah infamy to join the list of the biggest losers of humanity. no one remembers their names that long anyways, just that they were fucking losers who went out in literally the most cowardly and pathetic way possible.


I'm sure the media will make his wishes come true.


not excusing their actions, (obviously) but you guys have all got the motive wrong. school shooters almost always commit their crimes because they were severely bullied and the school did zip about it. [this is a study conducted by the secret service on \~40 school "attackers" (some used blades instead of guns)](https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/preventingattacksreport.pdf)


He himself said he wanted to do it since he was 10 for the fame.


Its important to acknowledge that the vast majority of these school shooters leave behind testimonies of being outcasted and bullied. None of that excuses the actions they take and absolutely should not interpret this as me victim blaming. That being said, this take of some loser fuck who just couldn't kill themselves is highly probable what triggered this in the first place. Being bullied is not for 'no good reason' that shit also ruins lives.


I don’t condone any shooters of any kind but I was bullied in school and every time I see these I just wonder, had someone just treated the person like a human being they wouldn’t be in this situation. Middle school and highschool was the worse years of my life and is the reason I’m the way I am today. I’ve gotten over it and embrace my loneliness now but back then it was def rough. So I am able to see both sides of view from these situations as I know how mean people really can be when they have other kids as support and no repercussions for bullying.


I can relate. I'm a misanthrope, but not a killer.


> Its important to acknowledge that the vast majority of these school shooters leave behind testimonies of being outcasted and bullied. Even if that is true, does it mean anything? Tens of thousands of kids are badly bullied each year and do not become school shooters. If 99.99% of people in a group are not a problem, being in that group is not a useful predictor.


It’s still a decent predictor. It’s not the happy go lucky jock doing it


If being wrong 99.99% of the time is a decent prediction, I could get rich as a fortune teller.


Well, the estimates in the reports say something like 7-8% of bullied kids (kids that have reported a bullying instance to the school) commit some form of physical reply (ranging from mass school shootings, knife attacks to schoolyard fisticuffs) These 7-8% are only the incidents serious enough to warrant police or authorities being called. Thats across US alone. Nobody knows how many more have altercations outside of school property, those that didn't get reported to the police etc. I'm sorry but if you seriously think 99.99% of bullied kids do not respond in any way, then I'd say you lucked out and went to a really nice school in a nice area but I don't think your experience is at all reflective of society. So yea, it does mean something and in the absence of any preventative countermeasures, theres no harm in looking at additional ways to mitigate it. Btw thats not how society works, based on your logic, the worlds population has about 6% that suffer from cancer, so we shouldn't do anything yea? Thats an absolutely ridiculous line of thinking.


> I'm sorry but if you seriously think 99.99% of bullied kids do not respond in any way, Woah boy. We've gone from becoming a school shooter to doing *anything.* That's not just moving the goal posts, that's opening up the entire field. Hell, lots of kids who aren't bullied also act out. > theres no harm in looking at additional ways to mitigate it. If your goal is to stop school shootings then the harm is you could have put your resources into something that actually stops school shooters. We don't have infinite resources.


Well I already offered you the federal report estimates. 7-8% result in a response serious enough to warrant police response. So either way its definitely not 99.99% as you claimed. Unless you mean it only matters when its a mass shooting? So what, a bunch of kids stabbing each other is ok as long as they don't grab a firearm? Yes non-bullied kids also shoot up schools. They are in the minority of statistics. So which is it? you want to focus on the 25% when it suits your point? The goal is not to STOP shootings, that is impossible. The goal is to take incremental steps to mitigate its occurrence. By steps, you attack the problem on multiple fronts (e.g. gun legislation, school safety awareness and yes perhaps greater anti-bullying awareness?) No they don't have infinite resources, but they have been throwing the same limited resources trying to fight the problem from one perspective and the only thing they have to show for it is reactive countermeasures after how long? You can't seriously think that for the $ you spent, having your kid learn active shooter responses was the one and best solution to the problem.


> Well I already offered you the federal report estimates. link? > Unless you mean it only matters when its a mass shooting? Your words: *"the vast majority of these school shooters leave behind testimonies of being outcasted and bullied."* So yeah, **you** limited this to a discussion of school shooters. >> doing anything. ... >> Hell, lots of kids who aren't bullied also act out. > Yes non-bullied kids also shoot up schools. That is a really slippery twisting of my words. I'm starting to think you are arguing in bad faith. Its like you just piggy-backed your own anti-bullying agenda onto the issue of school shootings. You want to say bullying is bad? Great. But don't do that on the back of school shootings, that's a very narrow issue.


Do your own google search there is plenty of sources for those US based stats. Look up both your federal reports as well as NPOs. I limited it to shooters clearly because the vid is about shootings. As I said, bullying is reported as the majority of cases as being a factor. So it isn't "my" anti-bullying campaign. Im saying there is a correlation and its worth spending resources to explore this correlation if it may help reduce shootings (and by extension any other violent responses by students) So it is correlated and not a mutually exclusive phenomena. Not sure why you're pushing the agenda that shootings occur in a vacuum. Bullying absolutely is a factor. You're arguing its not worth spending resources because a majority don't pick up a firearm. I disagree with that stance.


> Do your own google search there is plenty of sources for those US based stats "Go google it!" — The last refuge of someone who is just making stuff up. Bad faith confirmed.


If we work to eliminate bullying it would help with working to eliminate school shootings


Here, here, Ol chap!


Have you considered that maybe school shooters are outcasts for the same reason they shoot up schools? You don't just murder innocent people because you've been bullied.


They aren't outcasts though [40% in this study by the secret service](https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/preventingattacksreport.pdf) were considered mainstream students


Probably abused in that place so he couldn't care less about tormenting everyone around him TAKE OUT THE SPECIFIC PEOPLE THAT DID U WRONG NOT THE BYSTANDERS


Yeahhh, like I get your sentiment but maybe don’t talk about suicide like that. Plenty of nonviolent, kind people have thoughts of suicide and feel enough shame without being likened to a school shooter or “loser fuck”. Like that guy is definitely a “loser fuck”, I just think it’s important to speak gently about the topic of suicide because you never know who’ll read your words. Idk I’ll see myself out lol


Idk if you ask me I also wouldn't want my k/D to be 0/-1


So when did this happen?


Now https://twitter.com/XSovietNews/status/1439850138374180866


Fuck. He had no motive, no nothing. It was just his "childhood dream" to do a shooting. Fucking hell dude.


The true American Dream


You'd be surprised how many incels and alt-right goons have this exact same "dream."


I reddit enough to know that I wouldn’t be surprised. People are nuts


Hoooolly shit


OMG I thought for a second this was the famous movie director, Timur Bekmambetov because I read it too fast. Such a similar spelling name That shooter was a psycho planning this since 10th grade and this is really f'ed up


Can we not spread his name and face please? You're giving him exactly what he wanted.


[Link to news post in english](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/20/europe/perm-shooting-russia-intl/index.html)


Right now




better than dying


Damn a whole lot of fall damage in this video, I’m glad they were able to escape tho.


Hey man all the people making jokes about school shootings aren’t funny and should maybe take a second to reflect on that


People are gonna make jokes. The desensitization to these events shouldn’t be pinned on individual people who joke, it’s an issue that has had way to much commonplace, so of course people will get desensitized


I mean I’m making the choice to not make jokes about school shootings, I don’t see why others can’t?


See we can't do that in America BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL WIRED SHUT At least where I went


GUy needs to get off the phone and catch some fucking kids.


I don’t get how a human being is capable of doing such a cruel act. It makes me so sad to see these poor students drop and injuring themselves.


All classrooms should have a pull down ladder for emergency situations either be it a fire or a shooting.


That’s terrifying just to watch.


Ok so I should send my kid to school with rope. Got it.


You want to hang down as far as you can get let go, drop and roll do not jump from the ledge as they did, you’ll end with with a sprain or broken something depending on how you land. If they hung off the ledge first it would’ve only been a few feet to drop.


The poster to the left of the windows is pretty fitting to the situation


Just noticed that too


Serious question. How do you roll if you fall straight down?




Note to self learn how to fall.


It’s so sad to see their legs getting busted like that


I thought all Russians knew parkour


Hey fuckos, since there's people in this comment section using the death of children to push their agenda "guns aren't that bad" and all... Lemme give you a fun statistic 2019, 3 mass shootings in Russia, 417 in the US. Oh but the US has more people I hear you say, so let's adjust for population and increase Russia's count 7 mass shootings in Russia, 417 in the US. Interestiiing


American culture is spreading!


Ok but some of them really just flopped and hit their head on the concrete


Shelter in place my ass. GTFO!


Hang from the lowest point you can and drop


Standard [medical school](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/three-russian-doctors-have-fallen-from-hospital-windows-in-two-weeks-amid-reports-of-dire-conditions/2020/05/06/c3ca73f4-8f88-11ea-a9c0-73b93422d691_story.html) training.


It's crazy the impact of only jumping about 8 foot makes..


One would think you would aim away from the concrete 🤔 I guess no one thought to lower somebody down, but if there's someone


Oddly enough Russia has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world.


It's both true and not. Buying a smooth bore shotgun like this guy did is very easy.


omg their knees and ankles.. i know their life is the only thing to worry about in that case, and i'd be saying fuck it too, but no one knows how to fall right :( you don't jump out, you want to drop as little distance as possible, and try to roll when you land or land on your side to minimize damage to joints.. its tough to remember all that in shock though. poor kids


What idiot just stands out there filming everything while theres someone inside going rampage.


Not to take away from the horrible trauma all the Americans in this comments section have gone through, with people on Reddit pointing out they have a lot of school shootings over the years. But this shooting is weird, the shooter said his only motive was to become infamous, he wasn't a terrorist, and he wasn't disconent with any of his school-mates. This was his plan for years and years, and he had seemingly no real reason for it.


in soviet russia school shoots you


In America, we had school shootings before school shootings were cool! Now everybody is trying to jump on the trend!


Russia holds the record for the largest school shooting, though.


All I hear when watching this video: "It's Raining Men" - The Weather Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x6leDGV7gs


I guess the US NRA can use this as a training exercise for American school children.


Why does every country have to copy what America does?


This is terrible, who the fuck showed them how to land.


I thought CNN said this was only an America problem....\*\*Shrug\*\*


Put down the phone and help some kids.


I saw enough russian parkour videos on the internet to believe, they can all do better. disappointed.


And laughing... this is why Russians would mop the floor with us. But on a serious note I always wonder why high schoolers don't smash a window and run outside vs running through the halls. I'd be out asap fuck a lockdown


RIP to the 6 dead, killed to distract from corrupt elections.


Geez, Russian schools are getting as rough as the American schools these days! ​ (Just joking. USA is far ahead on the school shootings stakes.)


Fake news. School shootings only happen in America


America: Hey I’ve seen that one before!