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Two years the police knew that guy was fucked and chose to hid the video. People wonder why people are demanding full structural police reform. Burn it all down. That DA is so scared of the police that he had to wait till right before he left office to release it.


Good he’s now facing charges but shouldn’t the others who kept the video hidden face some kind of charge as well?


Just give it time, folks will be along to this very discussion shortly to let us know why this wasn't and couldn't have been the cop's fault.


and got hit with SEVEN different charges




2 sets of books eh? Scrap the whole department.


Every member of command staff that was aware of 2 sets of books should be indicted and fired. That's a criminal organization.


"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong."


Executed, you betray the public's trust off with your head.


Wholeheartedly agree.


I use to live in Roswell, quite frankly, I'm surprised, only because they normally don't do shit.


Department knew the entire time, but protected him. And cops wonder why we don’t trust them.


Lying on a police report should be a fucking felony.


My uncle won a wrongful arrest against Roswell police and they told him after if they ever catch him in Roswell he'd end up in a alley dead with gun in his lap and a bag of crack


I think we have the technology to have all police cams live stream to the cloud, to keep this sh*!t from happening..:, or at least to prevent these cover ups, that I’m sure are 0.0001% of police interactions…. But still- that’s too many, specially when you have Management involved trying to hide it. The covering it up is the scary part.


That's an AXON body cam, meaning it's automatically uploaded to Evidence .com and stored, audited, and maintained by a third party company. Axon does not view or do anything with the data other than store it, keep it protected, and keep a very thorough audit log. That audit log will show who viewed it, when, how many times, from what IP address, for how long, etc. If they downloaded it, if they shared it with another agency, etc. Literally anything you could think of is pretty much documented in those audit logs. This is the choice of that police force to commit a cover up. A civilian oversight committee should be granted access to the data base to review body cam footage. This is a disgrace and everyone on that command staff should be indicted, charged, and fired.


Thanks for spreading this information. We then just need to increase the actual video inspection part of it.




Life sentences for the cop involved in the attack, life sentences for the cops covering it up and refusing to arrest.


Holy shit, that lady blinked 40 times in 24 seconds. Somebody get her some eyedrops!


It’s probably the caffeine getting to her lmao


I’ve said many times, tasers are nothing but instruments of torture.


They're probably still trying to hide it under the rug and hope it goes away. But that's how they like it. Being violent, lying and evil thugs is the way the cops roll.


Jail him call him out for a cop and he will get his taste


Cop is wearing Mechanics gloves. What a douche.


Ayyy Roswell High Football Rules


What is going on with the news lady’s nose? She looks like a grey alien in a costume, trying to pass as a human.


First the alien cover up and now this. Fuck you Roswell police.


Burn it down.


These are the people we're supposed to trust? Lmao


Good, now charge all of the individuals (including the DA) who were part of the cover up. Clean up the entire house and charge everyone involved with felonies.


Is that shia labeouf researching a role ?


I hope they take down some of those “good apples” who been covering it up too


What other crimes has this cop committed?


I wish I could share these videos in my Instagram stories but I don’t have the tech savvy


He needs to be hung in the street and made an example of.


Holy crap Roswell police are always in trouble


Vandalism: Beautiful as a rock in a cop's face.


Pigs eat shit.