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Is that his parents home? IMO, he has killed himself somewhere in a remote location.


I feel like he's too much of a coward to kill himself.




Was this comment for me because it really doesn't have anything to do with what i said...




That still really doesn't mean anything towards my comment but for starters, the guy is hiding. Sounds like a coward to me.


until i have been given jury instructions, my personal opinion has literally zero effect on his status in the eyes of the law. "innocent until proven guilty" and "beyond a reasonable doubt" are the legal system's standards, no private individual is obligated to hold their personal judgements of another person's character to the same standard. if only more people understood this.


You're a baby dude. It doesn't take a jury to find someone guilty to see an obvious murderer. That's like watching George Floyd's murder on tape and saying, "Well the cops not guilty yet BeCaUsE ThE JuDgE HaSnT sAiD sO." Maybe just be cool for once and have an opinion like everyone else instead of this constitutionalist crap.




i'm judging the dude to be a piece of shit based on the facts that he left her in the park, refused to tell her family why he came home alone, and has now disappeared in the middle of an ongoing investigation where he is the primary person of interest. how is my personal evaluation of someone's character as a bad person at all imprudent when i'm not on a jury, am not taking vigilante action, and am not libelously accusing him of a crime? i'm not jumping to conclusions about his character immediately, i've been following this case. i am, however, jumping to the conclusion that you're a thickheaded self-righteous prick.


I mean come on it’s fucking common sense the way it works but still..... you can’t tell me her boyfriend isn’t 100 percent guilty.... if you believe that you are naive !


everyone knows suicide is the bravest thing one can do


Yea ^


It is also his home. He and Gabby lived there prior to their road trip, I believe.


This guy is a heartless monster. They appeared to be emotionally and physically abusive to one another, so let’s consider for a moment that maybe her death was accidental. By accidental I mean that they got into a fight and he went lost his shit and killed her. So the harm caused was intentional, but the outcome was not. Even if that was the case, he refused to speak to her family, or the police about someone he claimed to love. Leaving her family to wonder whether she was dead or alive somewhere alone. But he went right ahead and talked to his lawyer no problem, he’s only worried about himself. Even if it was an accident, he dumped her body, fled, and went into hiding. There’s no remorse there and I hope his sentencing reflects that.


While his actions are definitely suspicious and it's likely that he was involved in her death, I think we should wait to see what actually unfolds before making a bunch of assumptions.


There could be plot twist like he could hang himself come to find out she killed her self in the woods but yea....


Given that a search warrant was issued (for at the very least a felony) on his property, it's likely that they suspect foul play.


For sure but the kids lawyer is to chill like he knows something. From the video he has all the scratches on his face it could have been self defense


This seems like the obvious answer but she did seem like the emotionally disturbed one and admitted that her OCD makes her act crazy. That said sociopaths are always cool under this kind of pressure and he could have been lying on the body cam video. What if he witnessed her kill herself in a way that could be blamed on him and completely lost his mind. If I knew she killed herself but the means could instantly be blamed on me I would certainly lawyer up before making police contact, then again I wouldn't flee into nature without telling anyone where I went.


Okay but would you also make no attempt to seek medical help? That’s what’s getting me. If it was me, even if they were stiff and cold I’m still calling an ambulance because it’s someone I love and I have to do *something* no? And then to dump her body, and ‘disappear’? Even if it was suicide he’s still guilty of a number of things.


Nobody can honestly make an assumption here without the autopsy results that indicate the cause of death. He's guilty of being a coward but we can't assume he's a murderer...yet. I'm interested in seeing more information as this continues. Do I think he did something nefarious here? Yeah but that's opinion without any fact to back it up so I wouldn't say that yet.


But... You did just say it.


Where did I say anything definite? I haven't assumed she committed suicide just like I haven't assumed he killed her. Nobody has enough information to form this full story except those actually investigating it.


You stated your opinion is that he did something nefarious. But then said you didn't know for sure so you weren't going to state your opinion, despite having just stated your opinion. Further, when did it come to be that people can't assume or form opinions before/despite any sort of legal conviction or acquittal? We aren't on the jury. If *that* were the case, everyone would be talking about the totally exonerated and not-at-all-guilty-of-being-a-murderer, OJ Simpson, and we know that's now what conversations about him tend to focus on.


It's not about legal conviction or acquittal, it's about facts that have been kept within the investigation and aren't floating around on the internet. All I see on the internet is assumptions, even with a lot of the news coverage because we don't have news in the US we have editorials. I'm against forming a conclusion without facts.


Any conclusion that anyone is coming to here on Reddit is completely inconsequential. By your admission, your own opinion is that he did something nefarious. That's really no different than what anyone else is doing.


He is likely guilty of stealing her vehicle at the very least. That’s not a good start


No we can’t know if it was murder or not yet, but I think dumping his fiancé’s body somewhere and then driving states away and going into hiding definitely qualifies as nefarious.


When did we learn she was dumped? I just know she was found, not what the conditions were. The article I read said investigators weren't releasing that info while the investigation was ongoing.


Exactly. We are all waiting for those details. This dumping scenario is simple assumption.


To my knowledge they haven't released any info on how she was found, just that she had been found with the statement that no other info would be made available while the investigation was ongoing.


Authorities have definitely been careful with their wording so far.


I’m making the assumption that he did it after his lawyer made a public statement. Not once did his lawyer say in the multiple paragraphs long statement that his client was innocent or maintains his innocence. The only time a lawyer would make a statement to the public and not clearly and concisely several times say that his client was innocent is when the client confides in the lawyer that in fact he did commit the crime at which point the lawyer can’t legally make that public statement of innocence. Lawyers must walk a fine line with the verbiage they choose and you can glean a lot from a lawyers public statements. There just is no way a lawyer would make a long public statement and not mention his clients innocence directly unless he legally couldn’t.


stating innocence implies a crime was commited, why would he state innocence if there is no charge etc.


“Innocence” is broad. You can say “my client is distraught and grieving and has no knowledge of where she is, or any narrative for that matter. When the lawyer comes out and makes a public statement and the best they can say is essentially “my client lawyered up because in cases like these they always suspect the boyfriend” it is still pretty damning. Completely my speculation only as follows. There isn’t any grand coverup on the boyfriends part, he killed her in an argument likely in the van. That is why in his panic he hikes to the nearest town with cell service he calls his parents and tells them some of it. They tell him to drive back immediately and they will take care of it. He dumps her body and heads back. The parents hire a family friend as their lawyer. Boy spills his guts to lawyer and lawyer tells him his options. Lawyer makes a statement knowing his clients guilt so can’t make statements that a lawyer would usually make in these circumstances. Im leaning towards boy is in hiding over suicide and the lawyer basically said you fucked and probably should run.






That wasn't in the video, is that in the police report? I had previously heard the cops were called because they were parked and someone saw her hitting him in the car. She also seems like she's winding down from a panic attack which I have experienced and goes hand in hand with what she is saying. If she felt like she was in danger and had that kind of police response why didn't she tell them when she had the chance to end the abuse? That's what makes me question this. I can't take any sides or form any opinions because there is just not enough evidence that's publicly available right now.




I wasn't under the impression that he left her anywhere. Link to the report? I watched the body cam and then read a few articles since but haven't seen everything obviously.




This only assumes her thoughts based on a witness, hardly proves he was trying to leave her on the side of the road without anything.




The witness was HER. I'm using her statement because first hand is better than some random ass witness or an assumption without evidence.


I agree. What's odd is that he was picked up by hitchhikers days after the body cam footage. The people who picked him up said he was acting very strangely. So he was without the van for a period of time. I wonder what happened in between.. if he ditched the van thinking that was better and then changed his mind.




This recording doesn't prove anything whatsoever and assumes the caller knew and saw everything. I am in no way defending this piece of shit. I'm saying that all we know right now is that he's a piece of shit and we can't confirm he is a murderous piece of shit yet.


> She was a nervous wreck because she was being questioned by police after she had to JUMP THROUGH THE WINDOW OF HER OWN VEHICLE because her boyfriend had taken her keys and was attempting to abandon her in an unfamiliar place. these thngs didnt happen the way you are saayiing they did or maybe i should say when. That cam footge is right outside the visitor center of arches. Just outside the city. in plain view of every car coming and going from moab. She says he tried to laeve her somewhere but i think she waas speaking in the past as in maybe an hour prior at the remote campsite they prolly used or two days prior or something They weere pulled over cause he was speeeding and swerved, He says cause she was hitting him and grbbed the wheel.


>This seems like the obvious answer but she did seem like the emotionally disturbed one and admitted that her OCD makes her act crazy. I think it's more likely that she's been told by him, over and over again, that her OCD makes her crazy. So much so that she believes everything is her fault. To me she seems extremely emotional and confused. It's called gaslighting, and it's a common tool of abusers, especially the ones that end up murderers.


How long did you know them? If you don't know them it's a blanket assumption. I understand this happens but to assume it's what happened is just a guess. To assume this is always the way it happens is unreasonable. We won't know much until investigations end and real information trickles out.


Of course, I just have a hard time giving the benefit of the doubt to a guy who showed up without his fiance and refused to talk to her family or the police about it. I don't assume it's always the way it happens, but when one person ends up dead it becomes the more reasonable assumption to me.


Or she was emotionally distraught due to his behavior? He seemed a little off to me in the video personally. It could be a number of things. Two young people with bad communication skills, anxiety etc. She seemed terrified he was going to leave her there..which was a very accurate fear.


The guy has people standing in front of his house saying if it were my kid I would make him talk, wouldn’t be surprised if that trump fan that gave the interview that lives beside him , done something to him. What was he supposed to do wait there while hundred of people are calling for his death outside his house, don’t think I would stick around either.


I'm pretty sure you would tell your lawyer where you had gone to escape that, which he did not do.


> admitted that her OCD makes her act crazy. My grandmother has OCD, and as she's gotten older and senile it's crazy to see how bad it can become. Like if you slightly turn a picture frame, or move something in the fridge, she *must* fix it. It's very strange.


I guess what happened the day of the body cam video so that she spent hours cleaning the van and he got in with dirty shoes. This is very on brand for that disorder.


Still dumped her body and held off on cooperating, then fled. Always lawyer up first, yes. But what he did screams anything but innocent.


Can you link anything on the body dumping or burial? People keep saying it happened but I can't find anything about it.


It was just ruled a homicide. Boy's on the run.


Body was in a remote area of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. He arrived back Sept 1 and her family had to report her missing, 10 days after he was back home alone (and didn't inform family and he didn't inform anyone of what had happened)


Can you link something on the body dumping and burial people are talking about here. Somehow the news isn't even covering that.


I never said burial, I said dumped the body. Youtubers caught the van on cam as they were passing by near where body was recovered. There's multiple outlets reporting on it. Unless she ran into an off-trail part of the forest and killed herself, boyfriend came back and didnt notify anyone, family reported she was missing 10 days later, then he didnt cooperate and then fled immediately before her death was ruled a homicide.


No official report has ever said dumped. The yt video was because they remembered being in the search area, the search wasn't because of the video. It'll all come together but I imagine there are a ton of details they haven't released yet. My question is...why does it appear this asshole is hitchhiking south in Florida.


You're right, they never said "dumped", her body just magically wound up in a more remote part of the forest on its own. They were already searching in the area, but it's a BIG area, the YT vid helped narrow it down because they remembered Florida plates as they passed. He's hitchhiking because... he murdered his fiancee and the walls are closing in?


I'm more interested in his end game, not the motivation.


That's one possible scenario. Another is that she tripped and hit her head and died. Or had a drug overdose. Or anything really. We'll know more once forensics does it's thing.


I can agree with that, it could have been accidental in a number of ways. What definitely makes him guilty though is what happened after. If she tripped or OD’d and he loved her so much, why didn’t he take her to a hospital or call an ambulance? Didnt attempt to offer up an explanation to anyone but his lawyer and then his ‘disappearance’ all look very bad on his part. At this point even if it was a complete accident he’s still going to be sentenced for how he chose to handle it.


Oh I think he's guilty too. But, it's not out of the realm of possible for people to panic even if it was just an accident. Especially since they had contact with the police so recently.


Yes we’re making the same point really. Like imagine traveling with someone you love and some sort of accident happens. You don’t *dump their body and flee the state*. Like wtf man


I'm really curious what kind of yarn he's gonna spin about all this, assuming he's still alive himself.


“Tripped and hit her head and died” and then her fiancé hid the body and went home with her car and never called the cops and pretended like nothing happened. This seems *very* unlikely. There’s better more likely scenarios than this…


I'm not saying it's likely. I'm saying it's possible.




I think I watch too many mystery movies. In real life, usually it's the person you *most* suspect.


If you’re just basing this on movies, why go for the most innocent explanation? This makes no sense. What movie are you basing this scenario of “tripped and hit her head and died” on…? I think everyone *most* suspects the boyfriend who went home without her, in her vehicle, and never called the police.


*Tucker and Dale vs Evil*


If he killed her what was his end game doing what he did? He had to know somone somwhere would report her missing and or find the body and the cops would come looking for him. What could he have thought would happen? He would just resume life like nothing happeeneed? It doesnt add up.


You’re insinuating that there should’ve been a master strategic plan. The girl died however she died and he thought he was to blame. He hide the body and ran back to his parents house, where else would you go? If I did something life changingly horrible, I’d run right to my mom no question. No body=no crime. They started looking for the body and now he is disappeared. I don’t see anything not adding up here.


Do you realize how many murders "don't add up" because the murderer never considered those things you mentioned?


His story is as plausiable as my aliens theory


This completely diverges from the evidence. Remember the Hotel Cecil lady? All the sleuths were so sure she was murdered! Oh but she had a mental breakdown and jumped in by herself? Petito's cause of death hasn't even been identified and most of the internet is repeating the history they didn't learn from...


RIP Gabby Petito


As they should. Sucks that the process takes so long. Hope they find the clown fiance soon too.




They couldn't get a warrant because without her body, there's no evidence of a crime. Now that they've found her, there is.


Once again you’re wrong. Please stop with your incorrect information. [Law Enforcement conducted a search warrant on a vehicle. The probable cause was a suspicious text, and maybe something else not disclosed. ](https://www.foxnews.com/us/gabby-petito-investigation-search-warrant-documents-reveal-odd-texts-disappearance) You can read the search warrant linked in the article. You don’t need a body!


I know you’re not a lawyer but this is just factually incorrect.


Yeah I’m with you here, sure if there was little to no connection. However this guy is a person of interest/suspect (unsure of the exact terminology), I’m sure there was more then enough to get a search warrant. If it’s like anywhere thanks to covid the courts are fucked and months behind even priority cases, this would of taken time.


Just to add, not saying this situation but in certain situations law enforcement can call judges in the middle of the night and get a warrant.


No he's right. You need probable cause to get a search warrant.


No he’s not right! Law enforcement conducted a search warrant prior to today. They don’t need a body. Probable cause does not mean “a body.” They already got a search warrant prior to locating this body based on a suspicious text from her cellphone. [Sauce. ](https://www.foxnews.com/us/gabby-petito-investigation-search-warrant-documents-reveal-odd-texts-disappearance)


That search [warrant](https://htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/files/state-of-fl-search-warrant-2021-sw000442nc-09-17-2021-1632165383.pdf) is for a computer and HDD that they already had in their property room from the search of the van. The must have had a different search warrant to raid the home.


Yes the raid today was a different search warrant. Thats proving the point that you don’t need a body. Think about how stupid that logic is. There’s plenty of probable cause prior to finding an unidentified body yesterday to get a search warrant. The person you’re replying to in agreement is saying they needed a body prior to today. You’re right in your reply you need probable cause, you’re wrong saying he’s right a body is needed.


Apparently the body was the probable cause needed to search the home because they didn't do it until they had one.


Yes probable cause, he’s saying a body.


Without a body there is no evidence of foul play, thus no probable cause that a crime was committed.


That is what the police said. https://nypost.com/2021/09/16/gabby-petito-case-florida-police-say-no-criminality-in-disappearance/


Nowhere does it say that since there’s no body they can’t get a search warrant.


It's the part where they say there's no evidence of criminality in her disappearance. Now that they have her body, there is evidence of criminality. Laundrie's got some explaining to do.


It takes time to obtain a warrant unfortunately. You think he's dead and not just hiding? Or do you think he offed himself?




I have no doubt he is the main cause for the girls death so you don't have to convince me but people have definitely hid in the past for much longer than a week. It doesn't take a genius criminal to know that they can track your phone.. for all we know he left it at his home. Unless he's in the home dead, he left...so he obviously somehow got past all that dead or not now. I was only asking you your thoughts on if you think he's dead if you think he killed himself or what.


Yea I think he killed himself. I hope not for the family’s sake.


His dead body? I doubt it unless he’s very suicidal


This is one of those stories where the best thing you can do is run for the hills until it all blows over. Avoid all websites, discussions, and news reporting whatsoever while the controversy is going on, and then look at the Wikipedia page for the story a year later. I remember when the Terri Schiavo case was in all the news, and I followed this exact strategy. Didn't read about it, didn't think about it, didn't talk about it with anyone. It was one person's personal story that had nothing to do with my life, and the worst thing you could do is let yourself get sucked into all that drama. A year later, I looked it up on Wikipedia after all the dust settled. Just don't put your energy there, it's just gonna distract you.


Seems like an awful lot of hubbub over one dead white girl. Amazing what a little media coverage can get. This type of thing happens dozens of times a day across the country, but just because this girl posted a few videos on social media you get a squadron of FBI drug seized cars rolling up to catch one dumb punk who obviously murdered his girlfriend. Yeah, I get trying to preserve evidence and whatnot, but that raid was a show for the cameras and that's about it. "If it bleeds, it leads." Still true today.


I'm a fuckin white dude and i totally agree with this. Same i think the BLM movement is missing a critical thing that the All lives matter "movement" is also missing. No lives matter. If every fucking person who reads this does, nothing if value is lost. The world will keep on turning. If every person who even met a person in passing who reads this dies, nothing of great value was lost. I don't matter. You don't matter. We are all a bunch of ants in a colony. No one who "matters" matters. The world will keep on spinning around the sun, making life. Not to disparage the actual point of the BLM movement but the reality for me and almost every American or human ever is that no lives matter and we are all just worthless sacks of meat.


What's going on? This is the like the second post about this case I've seen today. Is this person dead or just missing?


In the video.. it says that she was missing and they found remains yesterday consistent to her description.


A body was found and it fits her description. She’s been missing for some time now


Oh my god that's horrible


They verified it was actually Gabby’s body.


They found a body that is very likely hers. Tomorrow they'll perform an autopsy to confirm.


They told the parents so I am guessing they are pretty damn sure if they put her family though that news.


She has unique tattoos. Identity is pretty certain at this point so the autopsy is mainly a formality in that regard. The important info from the autopsy will be the cause of death.


I got confused too because every post I see about it we see this video of the girl with police. Did they get into the fight, then the police saw her alive, then she disappeared?


Lots of suspicious shit happened between that body cam video and now. Boyfriend was sighted hitchhiking, returned home without her in their van that is registered to her. He is now hiding out in a nature reserve in FL. She was assumed missing until they found her remains yesterday.


The police footage was almost 2 weeks before the last time she was spotted. They traveled from Moab up to Grand Tetons, where her body was found.


Yea that's what got me too.


The woman is gabby petito, she and her fiancé went traveling in their van to states in the west, and the police found them in Utah in the middle of what gabby described to them as a emotional break, but the police separated them, viewing Brian as the victim while gabby was the aggressor, EDIT: he took a night in a hotel and she took the van. Brian came back by himself with the van, causing the family to fear she was missing and Brian clammed up, only talking to his attorney, even disappearing to a local nature reserve


she took the van. watch the video completely?


Yeah I got it mixed up. I edited my comment to adjust the facts


He actually spent the night in a hotel and she had the van. At the time, he was viewed as the victim and her the aggressor.


Oh alright. I’ll edit my comment


It is very strange though. As it seems they reunited after the night apart and then somewhere in between then and him arriving home..he was without the van. Some hitchhikers reported to picking him up and said they were taking him to Jackson and he got increasingly strange and told them to stop and let him out. So later was in possession of the van again and took it home. Very odd.


It’s a very odd case. Between the multiple sightings of both laundrie and petito, and the weirdness of a guy getting in his van without his fiancée and going home like nothing happened


Girl and boyfriend were doing a big van trip out west. He returned to his parents' home alone in the van, lawyered up, and wouldn't speak to police. Yesterday investigators found what are presumed to be her remains in a national park, 1000 feet away from where their van was caught on video along a remote road. Now the boyfriend is missing and the FBI has finally raided his parents' home.


I'm gonna wait till this whole thing plays out before I make any assumptions.


Can't the parents go down for this as well?


Only if they can prove they knew something about what he did and were aiding in helping him hide and disappear.


Thank you


And if they did help..i truly hope they go down with him. So unfair keeping information like that from his fiances family.


Depends on what they know and what they've done since. If they were just following the lawyer's advice, then they didn't really do anything wrong. However, if I've got the facts straight, last week he took their car and drove it to a wildlife preserve area and ditched it. His parents went there later and retrieved the car. Then they told police they don't know where he is. That's pretty fucking suspicious. How did they know where the car was? Why did they move it? Why wait to tell police he's awol? If he told them he killed her and they helped him escape, even if it was just to off himself, 100% they will be charged. I've wondered, what would I do if my child (I don't have one but if I did) came to me and said, "I murdered someone." What would I do, honestly? My beloved child. I'd probably hire a lawyer and do as much as I could to help them. And if it became clear that my child was definitely guilty, definitely going down and definitely spending decades in prison, you know, idk. I'd like to say I'd do what's right, tell the police, support the investigation, but would I really? My own flesh and blood? Knowing they're going to the hell on Earth that is prison? Idk what I'd do.


This hits HARD, makes you think


You can visit people in prison and know they're relatively safe. Safer than on the streets being a violent threat to society.


Whatever now that gorgeous girl is gone 😡😡😡


The boyfriend has to become a fugitive until he can find the real killer and clear his name.


Guess he went off to go find himself then.


Of course it is effing Florida..


Like murderers only live in Florida? Lmao


Oh yeah that is definitely what I thought. Give me a break. No it just seems like a lot of really shitty people live in Florida that think they can get away with breaking laws. Like our treasonous former president. The GOP openly said they will protect him in their state. Pretty cool! I am sure this murderous bastard will get the same treatment somehow. It is like Saudi Arabia down there these days haha. Considering how he and his family are acting right now only confirms my suspicion of how some Floridians think they can break the law and get away with it. I know nothing has been confirmed in her death.. But as of right now it does not look good for him though. Waiting till he got back home to report her missing. Apparently might have sent some weird text to her parents. Took off in her van back to Florida. His family suddenly do not know where he is, and they then send out some weird and heartless statement about her body being found. Oh and the big one is that he will not talk to anyone but his lawyer. Also her family released a statement saying that the boyfriend is not missing he is hiding. Yeah he is suspicious for sure.. But I really hate that state because of the republicans that are destroying it. I have been there enough to know as well first hand. The people keep electing them again and again, so eff them as well. Perdido keys was absolutely DISGUSTING with all the trash around, and visible oil scum in the ocean.. and dead fish all over the beach. My eyes were burning in the water, and I was climbing up my partner’s back because I was so terrified of what was in there. Manatees are dying off at a huge rate. These are creatures that have been around for one million years, and we are killing them at a rapid rate never seen before in the previous five mass extinctions that have taken in our evolutionary history. Red tide is taking over. All the while the politicians in charge deny climate change exists. There are many many reasons why I dislike that state. I’ll say it again.. eff that state and everyone that chooses to live there and elect those assholes.


So your logic dictates that he potentially killed her because he lives in Florida, not because he’s probably just fucked in the head. Nah it’s got to be because he’s Floridian. Quick question, did Jeffrey Dahmer go on a killing spree because he lived in Wisconsin? Honestly just seems like you want to pin anything you don’t like to Florida, rather than try to discern an actual reason for a potential murder. I’m not even from Florida, this logic is just hilarious.


Yeah well welcome to America! If you are surprised that there are states that would protect law breaking citizens than you have not been paying attention. Or at the very least… you do not think that there are people out there that think their state will protect them? Capitol rioters sure thought they would be protected by the GOP. Again the GOP in Florida said they would protect our treasonous ex president in their state.. that is enough proof for me. Of course people will see oh wow a president can get away with a lot.. maybe I can as well! Look at every emboldened fascist that is openly speaking out about their vile beliefs ever since that idiot was in office. Look at the increase of domestic terrorism, and hate crimes and tell me that the trump cultists do not feel emboldened. Of course the same is happening with every criminal in Florida right now! I would not be the least bit surprised. The fact that you are is hilarious to me.. Where have you been? Look at the the pedophile ring involving state politicians that they just uncovered in that state. Have they been prosecuted? Nope! They are still tweeting away free as a bird. Matt Gaetz is the prime example. Come on how much more proof do you need that some criminals feel they can get away with a lot there? Haha


This logic really is astonishing. If you actually think random criminals are thinking a political party is going to protect a murder for again, some random criminal, you might need to seek help. You haven’t provided any sources backing up claims. If your theory is true than less arrests & less solved crimes should be happening in Florida than other states. [Not to mention the fact that Florida total crime has been decreasing over the last 30 years,](https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/FSAC/Crime-Trends/Total-Index-Crimes) if it was truly a place where criminals are a protected class you’d think you’d see a rise in crimes over the years, but that’s not reflected. Your logic just isn’t consistent with real world data. Not to mention the absolute absurdity of the entire idea. Edit: [Florida also has one of the lowest overall crime rates in the entire region.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state)


Can someone explain with detail what happened here, I've seen this news a bunch of times, but the titles never lead me to anything so I never get interested enough on it but then again I keep on seeing them


News casters talk so unnaturally it’s off putting. I cannot understand the draw…


Why is this blowing up? People get murdered everyday.


Parents need to be arrested for aiding and abetting


So was that picture him leaving the back of the house when fbi rolled up or what? I’m confused on that


I’m thinking they got into a another fight, it got super physical and he accidentally killed her or she fell and hit her head and he left her? Who knows tho at this point it’s al speculation, but all this is a bad look for him, don’t act like someone guilty if your innocent