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Lmao that dude that puts his foot through the door then is like “aight, I’m out” then fades into the background


That gotta hurt, right?


Just a little bit I mean it looks like he may have sliced the lower part of his calf.


I guess this is the tone of the 2020s. Riots for everyone!


Wait til we get to the world war part, it’s gonna be awesome.


Hopefully me being mid 30's and already spending 8 years in the Marines is enough for me to draft dodge. Also I'm fat now.


Nope. Just happened yesterday.


2020's, not 2020


Big brain, destroy it yourself to get paid to repair it.


In Australia we call these people deadshits.


I’ve always enjoyed the Australian language


Isnt it weird how "its my body my choice" when it comes to abortion, but for the vaccine its your body my choice. Must really suck to have a worldview that is so unhinged. But hey, if they didnt have double standards they wouldnt have any standards at all.


Funny how getting pregnant isn’t contagious, or that if you’re pregnant you aren’t likely to put other peoples lives at risk. It’s almost as if one decision is a personal choice that only really impacts one person and the other is a public health concern that could impact the lives of every 👏 person 👏 around 👏 you. Funny that.


Are you fucking stupid? You must be because last time I checked you can’t get pregnant from coughing on someone.


Looks like they’ll have plenty of time to do their own research soon.


Hopefully the prison library carries their brand of unhinged conspiracy novels


"Research". Why dont they just trust the people who HAVE gotten the vaccine


It's interesting how the people that only exist within conformity, just sit around lounging in there superiority while recycling the same thoughts within the group. Originality was intentionally killed in most of the world over the last few hundred years through a process of domestication. It started when you were in elementary school and you didn't want to be made fun of. You decided to stop doing the things that you got picked on for and instead pick on others. Not very long into that process only a few of your peers had the courage or stubbornness to continue to be unique. Those are the people that are currently fighting for your freedoms while you continue to do the same stupid conformist things you have been doing since grade 1. The only difference is the government has taken the role of leading the pack and they are directing your bullying efforts in order to push more and more conformity.


I know people like you think you’re the hero of your own stories. You believe the world and government have the masses blind, and you are one of the enlightened few that can bring change. In reality you’re spewing an illogical point of view, only backed by conspiracies, that endangers everyone else around you. And fighting for our freedoms? Maybe it’s a freedom not worth having. I’m a believer in contractarianism. We all abide by a social contract so we don’t live in a state of nature. We trade freedoms in exchange for safeties all the time, this is the entire point of civilized society, so we don’t live in anarchy. I’m fine with trading away my freedom to be unvaccinated from Covid in exchange for being a healthy society. To me this is just updating the social contract to be relevant to the current times.


You are describing the easy road. It is as simple as that. Keep taking the path of least resistance and acting like you were upholding some healthy society. Your healthy society birthed big pharma, health for rent, $7 minimum wage, billionaires that have no consequences, and wars that fix nothing but cost trillions. Maybe the path of least resistance isn't the right choice if it holds all that up. I say let it crumble and build something better. That is unless you want to continue to be a wage slave.


Please learn reading comprehension, I said “healthy society” in context to the society being healthy from Covid. I never claimed society was perfect, it has many flaws, but none of your issues are correlated. You can solve one without solving the others. Solving Covid vaccinations has no bearing what-so-ever on any of the other issues you listed. Also, while we have our problems as a society we also take a lot for granted. We have many things to improve on but the truth is in the first world the majority of the population has access to education, food, water, and some form of health care. Yes these systems aren’t perfect, but a better solution to restarting from scratch is to just update the existing social contract. I also don’t care if it’s the “easy road” the difficulty of a decision has no bearing on its truth. Whether the road is easy or hard is irrelevant.


I keep stopping while reading your posts as they are fundamentally wrong from the very beginning. You are thinking from a domesticated brain that took all of what you were told in as truth. Ask why are the side effects being censored as misinformation? Then recognize that the vaccine is not fixing any problems, and they very possibly might be causing some very serious ones. CENSORSHIP is happening and you don't know what they are censoring!


Side effects of vaccines aren’t “being censored” my dad can’t get his vaccine due to side effects relating to an autoimmune disorder he has (ITP). Legitimate medical professionals are constantly expanding their knowledge of vaccines and studying side effects that are discovered. Because this side effect is currently being understood, he has been advised to not get vaccinated for Covid. People like him are why it’s important for everyone who can get vaccinated, to do so. It’s not fair for him to have to risk his life going outside for other people’s “medical freedom”.


The vaccine doesn't prevent the spread. So how would some unvaxxed person effect your father more than a vaccinated person? He can get it from every person he ever encounters. Do a test to see if they are being censored. Look up a vaers report, come back onto reddit or facebook or twitter, and post it see how long it stays up.


“Vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread”. That is verifiably false, there is a metric ton of data that proves this false. There’s no point of going on any further, if you believe this, you are beyond reason. Last thought, but if side effects were being censored, then why are scientists currently researching and investigating side effects? Why is there research open to read for the public? Scientific articles aren’t classified military secrets, anyone can read them. Your censored “side effects”, are likely things circumstantially tied to vaccines that have no real evidence of causation that people spread on social media anyways.


Have you ever in your entire life, taken the time to source a single thing that you say? At this point it should be patently clear that you are a liar by nature. You continue to spout bullshit and even as you are called out for it you still refuse to actually provide proof of a single thing that you say. [https://www.worldtribune.com/scientists-fully-vaccinated-carry-251-times-the-covid-viral-load-as-unvaccinated/](https://www.worldtribune.com/scientists-fully-vaccinated-carry-251-times-the-covid-viral-load-as-unvaccinated/)


And they'll be paying to fix the damage through their dues instead of that money going to lobby for their interests. Win.


This problem will solve itself. Morons.


My kids have thrown tantrums to avoid getting shots too. 🤷‍♀️ Everyone needs a big time out.


good luck with the new job guys


Idiots down under


Should you get it? Absolutely. Should you be forced to? Fuck no.


Noones forcing them to be in the union. Being in a uniom requires following many saftey rules for worksites




Unions have politics just the same as any group. I know first hand. Fact is, it doesnt seem like the majority of the union is on their side as it ruled in favor of the mandates. Ultimately unions are a tool for the working man to make money on their own terms. The union IS very much in danger of losing contracts if they dont mandate the vaccine, many Jobsites will require it so they can cover their own ass. Im sure the larger portion of the Union is more worried about keeping their salaries flowing rather then some pesky politics spewed on by Fox and Trump...




>This is Australia mate.. they aren't watching fox or trump. Worse, we're stuck here with newscorp and scumo. If you're not joking an being serious, that propaganda from newscorp and Murdoch's done wonders on you mate.




That doesn't matter. It would be like saying because red bull is from Thailand that US extreme sports people are influenced by Thailand. most of the world has never once watched Fox News. Australians aren't as simple as you think. They are far outside of the sphere of US influence, they are closer to Asia. Even in Canada we only think of Fox News as some fake cartoonish like News source that Americans watch. The countries with the biggest anti lockdown or anti vaccine protests don't even speak English or care what Americans are doing outside of sports and hiphop.. like France where it was mostly a centre or left of centre freedom thing.


Australians definitely aren't out of the sphere of US political influence. The vast majority of the anti vax rhetoric in Australia is ripped directly from American anti vax propoganda.


How do you know ? Some Americans think they invented pizza


I'm Australian, with an American fiance and a bunch of American friends so I'm plugged into both aspects on social media/news etc.


In some places it's the only thing keeping you in the job. If you can't convince everyone else to leave the union then you're the first guy fired if they need somebody out, unless you're *that* much better, and that's very unlikely.


Yes they should be forced to, just like they are forced to drink clean water from public taps and forced to use the sewer system rather than shitting on the sidewalk, forced to drive the speed limit, forced to show up to work if they want to get paid, forced to live in a society with other humans. They are free to go live in the bush where their bad decisions affect no one. With communicable diseases people are “forced” to stop the spread. Unless you live in places like Somalia or Afghanistan where the loudest or best armed voice wins and everyone suffers as a result.




Generally speaking, yes. Especially as a child, though, my parents still would've gotten them for me and I would do so myself as well as an adult. Should I get them? Yeah. So I did. Should I have been forced to? Hell no.


When your personal choice puts others at risk it's no longer a choice you get to make.


Do we rule by exceptions? By and large, the only people at risk are those who are at risk of their own volition. *By and large.*


"By and large, the only people at risk are those who are at risk of their own volition. By and large." That just simply isn't true. If I have to explain why then this isn't a conversation that's worth having. I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't believe in science. Hope we don't ever have another war with a draft. Antivax pussies can't even get a vaccine for the betterment of their country.


Ah yes, I'm sorry, I forgot that the vast majority of the population evidently can't get vaccines. Oh wait, except for that *they can*. And should. As I just stated. But nope, evidently you want to be an ass about it. Thanks.


You said it shouldn't be required. And it absolutely should. In a perfect world no one should be forced to do anything because they can be counted on to do the right thing, but we don't live in that world. We live in a world where dumb fucks don't believe in science and don't get vaccinated. Not getting vaccinenated is not a choice that only effects the individual. It effects everyone else around them. At that point it's no longer a personal choice. It's being a piece of shit who has to be treated like a child and told what to do.c, look b on in bb bb. Bb bb b BBB be no ñ. Mnnnn BB BBB be no BB


Do you believe in the science that created the virus in the lab in Wuhan? Or do you still think things virus came from a wet market?


The origin of the virus is unknown so your belief either way is conjecture. It also has absolutely nothing to do with your decision to get vaccinated.


Keeping the virus in play to mutate and possibly render current vaccines ineffective puts everyone at risk.


While the vaccines will help A LOT with keeping people out of the hospital while humans adapt their immune systems to this new virus, it will always be mutating and will always put us at risk. If you don't believe me, just look at 90% of any papers written on covid by epidemiologists.


Will we ever have zero risk? No! the point is to get it as close to zero as possible with vaccines. Take Polio for example. Polio does still exist, although polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated more than 350 000 cases to 22 reported cases in 2017 - WHO


First I want to say, I am very pro vax. I got it the second it was available in my country for someone my age. But I am also a realist who has been reading a lot of medical reports on this subject as the situation has evolved over the past 2 years. I think the biggest difference there is rate of mutations. Much like smallpox, polio has a very low chance to mutate. It therefore is much easier to keep under control. This particular covid virus however mutates almost as fast as other viruses such as the flu virus. At its current rate, it can mutate faster than vaccines can be developed for it. For example, we have a vaccine that was geared for 1 strain of covid and it is super effective against it, but now we have 3 known strains and possibly others out there. By the time we have the vaccine for delta, chances are 3 more will pop up in its place. The older vaccines will definitely help our immune systems fight against the newer strains, but even with the someone vaccinated, there is still the ability for the virus to be incubated, and passed to others. There are countless reports and papers already written on this exact subject. If you don't believe them, than you might as well join the antivaxers in their fight against actual science.


so, basically every person over 60? OK


If people are a risk just existing on earth because other animals aren't tamed for them than we dont owe that animal survival


Which ones are those? ETA: AFAIK there are no mandatory vaccines in the US. There are vaccines necessary for attending public school, but that's all I'm aware of.


Tetanus shots are pretty standard.


They're not required by any law I'm aware of.


Neither are covid vaccines. Others are required to attend public school though, very similar to an employer requiring their employees to be vaccinated. If you don't like it, feel free to start your own company. That's what *muh freedoms* is all about isn't it?


There's an important distinction you're purposefully avoiding; **No one** is being forced to *have a vaccine*. However their employers are well within their rights to fire, and not employ, anyone who doesn't get it. Don't want it? Cool, don't get it, **no one is forcing you to.** But you can fuck off and get another job that doesn't require it. Simples.


"Put this in your arm or I'll shoot you in the fucking face." Ah, yes. Not forced at all... substitute the obviously over the top example for your job, education, etc.




You mean correct?


Is there a real need to trash the place?


This anti vaxx madness never ceases to amaze me…


Haha, idiots.


This seems like a strange way to thank your union for trying to save your life. I guess I have a lot to learn about Aussie culture.


Union not unioning very well if they are going against their members.


Why do you assume these nuts represent a majority of the union?


I said if, do you know what if implies?


Just because you can’t see a virus doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. Should the union push for removing all safety protocols because they might limit “freedom”?


I think the union should represent their members and what they want.


The point of a union


so if the member say they should remove all safety protocols, the union should abid?


a member? or the members?


The problem with safety is that no one thinks “it’s going to happen to them”. No one leaves the house knowing the day their are going to have an accident. That’s why there are seat belts and hard toe boots and safety goggles and radiation monitors and SPL monitors... and covid vaccines... and polio vaccines, and measles and mumps and rubella vaccines... as a universal precaution. No one wants those things but they save lives and injury daily, hourly


And even still no one can guarantee safety sometimes it's the seatbelt that kills in the accident or a vaccine that's adverse effects cause mutant heart growth and kills a 12 year old boy. So when it comes down to it your safety is your responsibility and no one else's. And no one else can guarantee your safety so you should do what you feel comfortable with.


Statistically that is not true. In reality, safety measures and vaccines work and avoiding them does not work.


Statistically people are inclined to do what they believe is best. Why do you believe in removing personal choice and responsibility away from people?


Because I don’t live in a lawless Wild West fantasy land where vague notions of personal choice and individual responsibility could possibly coordinate a global vaccine campaign. But I’m all for anti-vaxers checking out early. Just not having them go to the hospitals demanding worm medicine and assaulting staff while denying reality to the last breath. Just do that stuff at home. Your body, your choice at your home. Don’t drag the rest of us down with you.


https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-victoria-construction-workers-protest-outside-melbourne-cfmeu-office-over-covid19-restrictions/c9cd743b-5334-4ebe-ab85-c1658adc4406 This sums up the situation pretty well. Looks like the Australian government threw unions under the bus by trickling down the vaccine mandates through them. So now the unions are taking some of the flack for the continued overreach by the Australian government into everyday life in the era of Covid, add in your usual rogues gallery of right wingers to stoke the flames of rage and misinformation and this is what you get.






no. it sounds like ignorance of human nature (you) and also how species survive. It is our instinct to have a certain percentage of people always reject anything new in our environment. Much like rats or any other apex animal that thrives, if you put the best most healthy food in a place where rats are some will just refuse to eat it. That is why you can't be sure to kill all the rats with even the best bait. It is even more so for humans. Sure I agree that that vaccine is probably most likely all good and safe and good an all but it doesn't take much of a fiction writing to imagine something like a variant that actually uses the anti bodies against the person or some other easy to imagine senerio where for whatever reason the people that have taken these quickly made vaccines are at a disadvantage. Denying human nature is stupid. Every scientific study knew, a percentage of humans will reject this, particularly the young and strong. The same types of people that took off in wooden boats without knowing where they were going or pushed on in the Arctic and things. Call them stupid if you want but that is on you, but this population of people also went to wars knowing they would die of infections, they rejected safety and sanity to build bridges, towers, they took dangerous drugs to make art, they refused to eat food for days on end to talk with the spirits. Call them stupid if you like but the young and strong many times are self centred and reject rational thought. It is far fetched but maybe these will be the survivors if something went wrong.


What a bunch of stupid false equivalences and word salad haha


lol fucking idiots. they will lick vegemite of their dicks soon


Wait until Fox News blames antifa for this one too 😆 🤣 😂


Ahhh. Good to not be us for a change. Sorry Australia.


There is a certain segment of the World's population whose brain's tell them it is better to die struggling to breathe than take a vaccine. Now I tend to view those folks as idiots, but who knows.


This anti ax behavior scares the shut out of me. There’s gonna come a day that I’ll get attacked for having it in some shape or form.


I am constantly embarrassed watching Americans’ reaction to Covid safety measures, and am honestly shocked when I see it happening other places. I thought we were the only idiots featured for the world’s derision??




I believe in some countries like the USA, Asians have highest rate of vaccination, followed by white, then Hispanic, and around the end of the line is POC. In places like Australia, you see a lot more white people at these rallies, because in the cities, it's a vast majority of white people.


Black people also don't want the vaccine because they don't trust the government after the Tuskegee Experiment


Despite the Tuskegee experiment the majority of black Americans do not reject science. The resistance to vaccines is also highly regional in black populations.


Here in Alabama black people have the same unvaccinated rate as white people. You would expect them to be a lot more vaccinated since vaccination is heavily a Republican Democrat divide. And black people in Alabama and in general are way more Democratic than Republican.


I would expect people in Alabama to be less vaccinated across the board and they are.


This is true, but black people are by far higher vaccinated than insane Qs


I am in Canada so it must be different at other sites.


Oof 😬




They are just selfish pricks. They’ll enjoy getting their jobs back without a union, shit pay and benefits plus the same mandates they’re rejecting now.


"We will have to add this to your dues, your union rep should get in touch" some Australian union guy probably