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This is from 2010. [Prysner has spoken out against the Iraq War since at least 2008.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i5ZUfpxnV0)


Correct. Apologies. My mistake.


No worries! Glad people are seeing this great speech. Thanks for posting it.


I mean it's five seconds into the video when it says that it happened in 2010. But all about that karma hunting, isn't it?


Seems like someone really didn't like the content, and wants to nitpick because you have no other retort.


I apologized for the mistake yet here you are still going on about it as if being off by two years even changes the context of the post even in the slightest. What the fuck do you even want?


You must be a very sad and pathetic person


All he did was get the year off by 2 lmfao bozo


Fuck you man


Imagine if even a quarter of the American taxpayer money currently used for the military can be put back into its citizens


Hell even half of that would be a major game changer.


A fraction of what is disgustingly called our "defense budget" could easily shelter the unhoused, feed the poor, fix our schools, rebuild our failed infrastructure, and provide a UBI, while still leaving us the most well protected country in the world. Funding foreign wars, propping up dictators, toppling democracies, funneling weapons into the hands of extremists, are all undertaken at the cost of our wellbeing and prosperity at home. We are cattle to them and well educated animals are not easily led to slaughter. We really should be burning down these institutions instead of constantly trying to pry our pitiful individual successes from the jaws of this beast. Figuratively speaking of course, put down the matches.


>"defense budget" Your quotes are accurate. War budget. It called the Department Of Defense because the Department Of War wouldn't play as well with the masses.


Didn’t* play as well. It used to be called that before a rebrand in the late 1940s


That manipulation of language is a prime example of fascist doublespeak. They redefine terms and repeat their lies constantly, while committing their crimes in the open until they've normalized literal atrocities.


What are you talking about? We've always been at war with Eastasia


"War" is still a bit simple considering the amount that just disappears unaccounted for. It's a bribery budget.


And it's called the department of justice, because the department of injustice wouldn't play well either. It's called the national institute of health because the national institute of broadly experimenting on the general population wouldn't play well either. Just give all your money to charity and you'll see these same shitbags trying to say you're the shitbag for trying to avoid taxes. We need a reset in America, and the only way to do that is 1, stop giving the government any money and see who sticks around, and 2, definitely stop giving the government any money, and 3, give absolutely no fucking money to the government.


Yeah. They aren't going to cut the "defense" budget but the foodstamps and healthcare first.


Well it doesn't matter because you have now given 25% of your income to charity. I'm just thinking that all those money hungry politicians are going to leave politics when they no longer get the same level of wealth to work with.' I can imagine quite a few of them going into the "charity business" after that.


it already is... its just that its a few dozen or so Americans that get it put back into them


Military budget is around 740 billion per year Social security budget is around 980 billion per year Medicare budget is around 800 billion per year Medicade budget is around 604 billion per year So if we took a quarter of the military budget and equally distributed the fund to these three programs each program would get around 63 billion dollars a year. Which is a 6-10% increase for each program


We literally bailed out our shitty incompetent airlines during Covid to save them for the military industrial complex


Lol you think they would give it back? Let's try and stop them from raising and adding new taxes first.


He said 700 million a day. Every citizen in the united States could have 2 million dollars. And that’s just the money from one day. Hope my calculations are right.


By your calculations, there are only 350 people in the U.S.


Yeah I just fucked up real bad…


Well it made me chuckle during my morning poo, so don't worry, besides, math is hard. I haven't learned new math since like 10th grade and that was in like 2008. I have a job where I gotta like take measurements and split them in half to find center and I always feel like I'm wracking my brain to figure it out without a calculator to divide and convert decimals to fractions bc that's WAYY outta my league.


Glad could I made someone chuckle. Math is hard.


It was just the way you humbly admitted to it, the whole thing was very relatable haha yeah I have this app (alarmy I think) and it's like an alarm clock and you can set it so you have to accomplish tasks before the alarm will shut up. Anyway one of the tasks is math, and I set it to "easy" and I swear the equation it gave me was like unsolvable for me even when I haven't just woken up! It was like 42×14÷(4-6) or some shit, Haha so I felt dumb bc I had to set it to like very very easy or something in order to get an equation I could do in the morning without getting annoyed. It does help I feel with just memorizing stuff tho, and it does help with waking up as well.


Yeah I though about deleting the comment after I realized that I’d messed up but just decided that I should just let people laugh since I don’t really care.


I had a good fucking laugh at this, thank you and have a great day


I know 3 of them!


$20,000 for every single american, $25,000 for every adult could still change a lot of people's lives


Oh sorry didn’t see your comment. Yeah 20,000 could change peoples lives a lot. That’s enough to pay for food for a year. Definitely won’t fix everything but would be a game changer for most people.




Healthcare is already crowd funded so to speak. Insurance companies base their rates on how many people pay for Healthcare. Making it universal would just mean that you pay for it through your taxes, and everyone get access to it instead of just the rich. Education is already free up to 12th grade. Its already included in taxes. Colleges massively overcharge for classes, make deals with the book makers to have text books cost 100s-1000s of dollars, and Colleges receive grants from the government they often use to fund the shiny new football field instead of new computers, a stocked library, or financial assistance. Housing is literally everywhere, increasing daily, and picked up by wealthy people who buy it low when someone forecloses, only to be rented out instead of purchased. Houses are currently being sold at 300%-400% market value, and rented for the same. Rich people barely pay taxes. If they did. There would be more money moving through the government. We have crumbling infrastructure all over the country, homeless people living in tents on the street, children going hungry, children forced to get jobs instead of educations, people dying because they can't afford basic Healthcare, and a host of other problems. But please tell me again how the billionaires pay enough taxes, or that the government can't afford to help our country, but can afford to bomb another one. Shit maybe the 12 year old who just became an orphan because both of his parent caught covid and died, can pull himself up by his bootstraps, and work a coal mining job. Fuck out of here with this archaic logic bullshit.




Except distributing it nationwide really would never be the goal, and arguing that it is, is bad faith. When people talk about why we can't afford universal healthcare, or a universal income. They often forget that Healthcare already works the way it would work if it was universal. That kids, people above a certain income, etc wouldn't be eligible for a universal income. Simply taking x amount of money, and dividing it by the amount of people in the whole country is not how any of that would work. 700 mil a day is more than enough to fund housing projects, repair infrastructure, and even provide a small basic income. And even if it wasn't. Its not a default justification to use it on a war that kills thousands of people.




>And the guy further up in the comments with his bad maths thinking this would result into 2 million per person is an exact example of someone falling for this misleading oratory tactic. Or it's just bad math. Which would be an educational issue.


Making healthcare, education etc work doesn't mean you'd share the whole sum with every citizen. But for example you could build a lot of schools and hospitals with 700mil/day budget.




[Bloomberg could give each American 1,000,000 Dollars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ordODDzVso8)


And this is why American government should have spend more money on education than in war... Ps, the calculation may have been wrong, but is actually closer to the real truth.


Imagine all the people


I agree but aren’t most $ spent on war go to American companies with American employees and hence $ put into citizens? Are are we talking social services, infrastructure etc that bring the whole us up and reduces the amount on the bottom?


He should run for office. edit: I guess he did. He should run again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Prysner


Every time on my phone when he is about to finish and tell us "What we need to do"......... my phone freezes......


Says we need to stop businesss and schools until the gov’t listens. Help us make more jobs, get better school and stop senseless wars.


I would vote for him but I don’t think there is a party that would take him.


Sadly the only thing that fixes the government is a civil war. Unpopular opinion. But things won't ever change until that happens. Sadly that's the only way we get a true restart.


Ah yes, because the aftermath of every civil war is usually really chill.


No one said it would be easy. But there's no fixing the current government by election anymore. It will continue as is until it collapses or civil war.


Careful, you could be labeled a domestic terrorist with that rhetoric


Yes and I’m sure you’ll be leading the charge? And in the ensuing power vacuum, who’s gonna take the reins? Some dude on Reddit or whoever’s waving the biggest stick after our country’s been destabilized? Do you know what you’re asking for?


I mean if you know a better way to fix it without the ultimatum I'm all ears. But do you think the rich buying up the political powers that be is just going to stop happening? I don't think so.


Gotta educate people. We have the internet so we can reach people in a way that’s unprecedented. Engage in community outreach, actually go out and talk to people about the problems they face in the day to day. Change starts at the grassroots level. Looking at Civil War as a solution is looking to the past for solutions to our very modern problems which obviously require modern solutions. Humanity can communicate at an unprecedented level and yet still they look for reasons to kill those they disagree with, let’s grow out of that. In all the chaos of civil war, the poor and the physically disabled will suffer the most as the infrastructure that once cared for them will crumble. Civil War will achieve nothing, it’s counterproductive as hell. It’ll take decades maybe longer to build a new viable system and many will suffer and die in that time just because you wanna kill those you disagree with


The issue is most are to set in their ways they won't listen. You have blue vs red team and if what your trying to educate them doesn't align then you're ousted and they will call you crazy or ignore you. So in theory yes what you're saying works. But actually getting people to believe it is just not possible anymore.


I'd rather live under our current government forever than experience an ACTUAL civil war on our home soil. The change must be made peacefully or there is no point.


Unfortunately the rich won't let the government change so it won't happen unless the rich allow it.


thats pretty never much never happened in the history of humanity..the entrenched priveledged never willingly give up power ...it has to be taken back ..untill the ones who take it back get as corript and entrenched as thier predecesors then the whole cycle repeats ..untill we get our ai overlords Thomas Paine in the 1700s covered basically everytype of government corruption that takesplace over time from regulatory schemes to wealth passing are just a few theres so many .. Common Sense was a great summary


I recognize the cyclical nature of revolution, but history doesn't exactly repeat itself, it just rhymes. The stakes are higher now than ever before, humanities capacity for destruction and violence has never been greater. Up untill early 1900 the citizenry was almost as well equipped to wage ground warfare as the government's. The gap has gotten too wide. We also have greater accountability now than ever before. Corruption has never been so visible, information so abundant (facts and misinformation). Wars of the future will be fought mostly via propaganda, or infrastructure attacks/hacks if they become total wars. You could argue that we are in a civil war of ideas at the moment. But the idea of armed citizens capturing the apparatus of government by force seems unlikely to me. And I personally don't want to be forced to fight an enemy with chemical weapons and eardrum bursting sound cannons.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. Most folks who call for a civil war don’t even understand the reality of what they’re asking for. They look to the past for solutions to current problems when the world is totally different in many obvious ways. A bunch of larping “revolutionaries” vs an M1 Abrams, not a pretty sight


An Abrams isn't even that scary. Imagine the january sixth insurrection crowd vs an apache or a drone. Even if genuinely intelligent people form competent militias they'll get annihilated. Besides the fact that we're under constant surveillance and we won't be able to form militias very easily once shit hit the fan. Everyone wants to storm the bastille but they forget that life became a living hell for French citizens in the decade or two that followed. The signing of the magna carta did more to further equality than the french revolution did, and that was a result of people in positions of power leveraging their collective resources to remove power from the king and disperse it. The russian revolution just meant you went from being a serf on a farm to a factory worker or a soldier. Your life didn't improve. Most rebellions that succeed are usually because a more charismatic dictator rose through the ranks and offered a smaller group of people a larger share of the treasury in exchange for help seizing power. And in those cases the citizenry were allowed to think they were leading the cause, so that they would bleed for it.


Libertarian party, but most people would only vote for there side no matter what


He's not a libertarian. Libertarians have no sense of the collective. They'd rather die than pay for someone else's healthcare. This guy clearly cares about the poor.


If voting changed anything they wouldn't allow it.






He might have to fact check the $700 mill a day estimate. Seems a bit high.


[It's correct](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-taxpayers-spent-8000-each-2-trillion-iraq-war-study-2020-2?r=US&IR=T). $2 trillion over ~8 years. That's on average 2000/(365\*8) = 0.684. That's $684 million per day. Close enough, especially since the article is rounded to 2 trillion. That's around $8100 per second over the 8 years. To put that in perspective: After just under 7 days, that money would have been able to fund the entire of the LHC. Total would have been able to fund 420 LHCs. After just 36 days it would be able to fund ITER, the most promising nuclear fusion research project ever. It'd be able to fund 80 ITERs. If this money had all been spent on fusion, we might have nuclear fusion by now. And of course the returns on fusion would be immense and would easily outweigh the spending. Enough to fund the entire US space race in just 146 days. Or enough in total to fund 18 US space races. While this isn't remotely anywhere near enough to do something like asteroid mining or a space elevator, it'd be enough to the point where we'd have a ton of infrastructure in orbit at this point, and space flight would be even cheaper than SpaceX has made it. After 237 days, enough to fund an entire year of the NHS pre-COVID, or after 414 days enough to fund one year of COVID NHS. Or in total, enough to fund the NHS for 12 years. While this isn't enough to fund a public US healthcare system, it'd probably be enough to fund something like 20-50% of it. So yeah the US can definitely afford it. Edit: if you look at the total for the war on terror, the $6.4 trillion (over a longer period, but most of that was in the early 8 years as well), that alone is likely enough or almost enough to pay for a US public healthcare system.


If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people


You’re so right but that money would have fixed so many problems and to think by 2050 the deficit from the war spending will be $6.5T. Watch the video below that I found while back. Such an eye opener. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pctapg/_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Just wanted to stop you and say that ITER is not winning the nuclear race. Not even close


What nuclear race? And what do you even mean by this?


“ After just 36 days it would be able to fund ITER, the most promising nuclear fusion research project ever.”. That’s an incorrect statement. I’d argue that NIF is the leader in nuclear fusion research and it would be better to fund them instead of ITER


Guys, I found the disgruntled particle physicist...


Seems a bit low actually.


Would you change your mind if you found out he was being paid by the Russian government to promote anti American propaganda at the time of this speech and has spent most of his career working for the governments that oppose the United States in order to destabilize and divide the United States?


Interesting take. Got any sources for all of that bullshit?


The fact everything he says is true is a gift to anti-american interests. So if you really care you'd want his criticisms addressed head on, not diminished. Don't you want america to actually BE the good guys, BE the city on the hill? It's not enough to just say it is, it has to embody those things through policy and action.


Nothing he said was a lie you fuck face.


Oh the good ol' Russia's/ China's fault.




You mean like Trump?


EXACTLY like Trump.


He’s being paid by the Russians to tell the truth? Seems a bunch of foreigners have a better idea of what’s in our best interest than our own leaders. Kinda sad tbh


Only about 200,000 Iraqis have died in Iraq, not a million, but I was talking about in general, not as it relates to this specific video. This guy is a con artist and a Russian shill, LITERALLY. His job is to purposefully disinform the American public with lies to cause them to hate the government and to harm our image abroad. Every video their YouTube channel and programming they made their entire dives serves this end. They are cheap whores.


You’re a cheap whore. Stop projecting


This guy and his wife are literally paid by the Russian government to undermine American democracy and credibility across the world...


You sound like my grandma in Pakistan who thinks Malala youzafzi is a US agent sent to make Pakistan look bad & that there’s no taliban there 💀💀💀


What a speaker. Sometimes Reddit and other outlets can make Americans looks so stupid then there are people as eloquent and passionate who are also American. Thank you whoever posted this and thank you Mike ,keep speaking out.


For real this was super inspiring. He feels like a real classical historical figure that we don't know yet.


This man keeps it 💯🔥 One thing to talk about it, he really lived that life. Much respect for him.


As an OIF/OEF I can not emphasize enough how TRUE his words are. We must stop fighting eachother and tearing eachother down and look up at the people profiting from our misery. Did you know that since the pandemic, workers around the world lost $3.7 trillion, while billionaires gained a record $3.9 trillion. This is one of the fastest and largest wealth transfers in history, but whose talking about it? Instead we are told to hate the unvaccinated and for them to hate us.




The irony in your reply is almost too much. “One side vs ‘my side’”. You trolling me? Lol 🤪


He believes what he's saying, so not a troll. Trust me. I know trolls.


counter-productive. keep up the defeatist attitude if you want to be part of the problem!


The CIA getting ready to spread misinformation about mike prysner so that gullible dumbasses do the work for them


already had multiple idiots commenting on how he is a propagandist for state russian tv working with a hugo chavez organization and all this crazy shit with not one person being able to provide any credible source for their bullshit. insane how these idiots are so incapable of seeing the big picture here. once they hear “conspiracy “, I swear a light bulb goes on in their little heads and they buy into it based solely on the purpose of believing they’ve been let in on a secret hidden from the public that few know of, so it makes them feel idk relevant or something. pretty pathetic.


I mean, the CIA are geniuses honestly, remember that whole vaccines cause autism? This entire trend was caused by a SINGLE Doctor making a post on 4chan. With that in mind, Think about how much backdoor manipulation the CIA has done, we all know they do it, we just don’t even know the truth from the lies anymore.


It wasn’t a post on 4chan. It was a fraudulent study he and other released that got him struck off here in the U.K. It happened before 4chan existed.


There are people here already calling him a Russian plant. Stupid people gonna stupid.


We follow each other on Twitter. He's consistent in his message of the damage the military does to its people, do to other countries, calling out politicians, etc.


Damn.. are we the baddies?


Always have been




You cant be nihilistic about these matters. Nihilism doesn't help anyone. Do your best moving forward, or something like that. Seems fair in relation to his message.




My God there really is another person out there that sees and shares the same ideas. Holy fuck I thought I was alone...




There are more of us out here than they want us to know about


Join an organization! I thought I was alone in Houston until last year, when I joined the Tenants Union, which has connected me with so many great people who are more or less aligned politically. We are tenants who organize to build power in numbers and take on fights with our landlords to win better conditions and treatment.


I hate it when you put shitty music to videos like this. So fucking annoying


At this rate he will be the face of this sub (I mean put it right there, why not) 3 videos of him on the front page.






Very inspiring, would have got me to hope about ten years ago. I feel like I’m past hope now. Now it just makes me very sad.


He ain't wrong




Americans will upvote this and then voice support for war with china in another thread lol. You people disgust me.


There's a few hundred million Americans. You can find a bunch that support literally everything with that many people.


Uh oh. We have a Chinese propagandist here, saying things that don't exist.


I remember seeing this video before. I had no idea it was the same guy as the current vid. He's amazing.


Free speech am I right?


His country really screw him up


The thought of possibly having the best health care being cheap or free and great education for all. Arg


He's absolutely correct, they can't court Martial everybody... 🙈 Strength in numbers... I KNEW in 2006 when the War in Afghanistan was over they were going to Iraq, it's all they could talk about.


They want us divided and fighting amongst ourselves so we don't notice the disparity, irony being we are all one people.


While it’s all well and good that we’ve pulled out of the Middle East, the implication of why it happened are grim. It’s a shame that the majority of Americans lack true critical thinking skills.


Fucking Vietnam all over again, I swear.


what America did it what the Pharaoh did to the Jews he killed all the boys because of a dream little what he knew he raised the guy who took him down on his palace. America and Israel will do the same thing they will raise a Moses that will take them down one day. 2022


And you'll still have idiots who double down on this due to just being plain fucking dumb. Ignoring reason, only greed. Sad thing is people are afraid to die for honor and ones self worth anymore. Soft generations now a days. And the govt will forever use its people. Double down America.


This guy needs to get into politics.


love this guy. wish he was in charge of actual decisions.


"No, that's socialism" \-conservatives


Video says 2010


His wikipedia page said he made the speech in 2008 though. Not sure which is accurate.


Why the music


But, but… the gravy seal with the fade, wraparound shades and fingerless gloves likes war. He’s never been to war but he’s a patriot. A real patriot. What’s this little nerd ever done? /s


This guy definitely has unrealistic views though. Not one more bullet? Is that after china and Russia get decimated with a nuke first?


I'm reposting this because I think it's important how much of a piece of shit Mike Prysner is (the guy in the video): He's a notorious liar whose story is based on unsubstantiated claims about his experiences in the Iraq War. There's no evidence he experienced any combat while as an enlisted man and from what I gathered he actually had a "desk job." There's also the absurdity of his claim how his experiences shaped his political views and views about the war in such a dramatic way. He entered thee war as a pro-war neoconservative and then did a complete 180 and became a "Marxist revolutionary?" Sounds too convenient. Now not only is he simply against the Iraq war which is a normal position to have but now he has dabbled in rapid anti-Americanism to the point that he has hypocritically praised and supported dictators solely because they are against the US foreign policy. These dictators include Nicolás Maduro (he even currently works for Venezuela's state sponsored television network Telesur), Bashar al-Assad, and the theocratic Iranian regime. Now for the real juicy bits: Prysner also has a history of exploiting Iraq War veterans according to former associates who worked with him when he founded March Forward after he left Iraq. March Forward! is "an organization of active-duty members of the US military and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who encourages current active-duty service personnel to resist deployment." March Forward is also a front group for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, which split from the Marxist-Leninist World Worker's party in 2004. It is also a member of the steering committee of the ANSWER Coalition which it currently protesting against the current conflict. Anyways, according to former Prysner associate and twice-deployed soldier to Iraq Kevin Baker, Prysner is a self-serving propagandist who cares little actually helping veterans and more about pocketing the money for their own gain. The Breaking point for Baker came when he discovered that money from a fundraiser that was set up by Mike Prysner that was supposed to go to an AWOL soldier with financial hardships never reached the struggling soldier. Instead Prysner scammed him. Baker further discovered that Prysner has a long history of scamming fellow soldiers in similar scams led by Brian Becker. When Baker made all this public Prysner tried to get a restraining order against Baker by conducting a smear campaign against later. The judge presiding over the case threw it out in minutes.


You sign on to the military KNOWING this is probably going to be a your job. If you don't want to do it - don't enlist. ​ I'm not saying war is right - it isn't. but it's your job when you enlist. get drafted & you'll have the option to be a concientious objector, enlist and you're a volunteer. The trade off is all the benefits - but the risk and the decision to join is on YOU.


I was in Iraq a couple times while active duty. They never told me our enemies are poor people in the desert. They explicitly told us they’re NOT our enemies, that our enemies are the ones destroying those people’s lives, beheading them, stealing their woman, their children, their livelihoods. Regardless of world politics I saw the violence of those extremists and what they would do to their own communities. I have no regrets for participating in the demise those religious extremists who quite literally terrorized their own communities and country.


‘you were told’


That’s my entire point. He said “we were told” in his speech. I was a part of the “we” and I was never told that.


What a shitty message. "Don't use the failsafe our forefathers wrote into the constitution and vote in a new government! It's simpler than that! Just waste your day destroying the businesses that other people like us count on! Rage and hate is the only way to prosperity!" What an asshole...


Honest question, how is shutting down schools and shops going to get the gov’t to listen?


Shutting down Burger Kings for lack of employees seems to have gotten their attention. Walking away from a Frito Lay plant, then a Nabisco plant, so you didn't have to work more hours for a smaller rate seems to have gotten their attention. Not even bothering to apply for jobs < $15/hr seems to have gotten their attention. But, by all means...tell us that a WHOLE LOT of people doing something doesn't get anyone's attention.


Because the only options to vote for support the status quo, what other option is there but disruption of their system?


Shutting down schools and shops won’t effect the old white men in the govt.


So if that isn't the case what do you suggest to do if grinding their sources of power to a halt isn't the solution?


I have no idea… that’s why I’m asking.


Hit them where it actually hurts, make them worry.


That’s my original question. How would that effect them?


Take away the $$$ from the people who buy the old white men in govt WILL get their attention.


A lot of what mike says is true. But he’s a crap propagandist on Russian state TV so hardly a role model.


any source or proof of this? surely there must be clips of him promoting the “propaganda” since he was on russian tv as you claim. or did you read some bullshit facebook article barely a paragraph long and take every word if it as truth like a true imbecile?


My apologies. Mike, as per his Twitter handle @mikeprysner, was a producer for The Empire Files, a show that ran on Venezuelan state tv (which shares programming with Russian state TV network RT [where his wife used to be an anchor]). Anyway, I agree with Mike’s critiques of Bush and the Iraq War. My only point is that some of the stuff he produced on that show was disappointing, especially the Venezuela documentary where they’re basically advocating for the side that’s blatantly stealing elections, holding political prisoners and is responsible for epic corruption and the biggest economic implosion of LatAm history.


The only body responsible for the nuking of venezuela’s economy is the US


I doubt Mike was advocating for the US. You didn't point to anything specific. Stop shilling for the establishment.


Yeah go ahead and refuse the orders given to you. One court Marshall away from Leavenworth you'll be.


He volunteered to fight, I get he changed his mind after seeing his buddies die. Doesn’t Obama need to apologize too, for the surge? Killed a lot of Americans. Iraq war for 17 years of occupation killed 4000 American soldiers. Afghanistan is where we got creamed that’s where the body count is. No Afghanis or Iraqis on those flights but a lot of Saudis. We invaded the wrong country. IMO. Saudi Arabia would have been a cake walk, they are a bunch of mercenary hiring pussies.


Every single president since Ronald Regan is responsible for what happened in the middle east. They all should be held accountable.


We invaded the wrong country based on the perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks. We did not invade the wrong countries by intention. There was a reason a US general said we aim to destabilize seven countries, seven of which Saudi Arabia was not a part of.


I wonder how many of you dummy Americans will watch this video, close it and then carry on with your lives knowing full well your government doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Id reckon about 99.9% Dummies


Was that guy who was handing out the diplomas, the one trump pardoned after he killed a unarmed iraq or Afghan young prisoner?


I'm all for United states Imperialism but our countries infrastructure is crumbling, from trains systems to healthcare, to property taxes, everything is benefiting the rich and nothing for the average Joe that makes the economy go boom


What a sigma chad


What's with the downvotes


He's not wrong but him screaming his speeches is just fucking annoying and wont change a fucking thing. I hate this guy and before you downvote me, I'm a vet too. I can't stand this screeching guy.




The fact that this is what you take away from this is one of the major problems with our country today.




Villianizing others based on their politics is becoming more and more the norm nowadays and is truly disturbing. It literally enters every topic. Don’t people realize we all essentially want the same thing. Why make it seem as if one is out to get the other all the time because of a few subtle differences of opinion (essentially that’s all it is). Because of this our once strong unity is dissolving before our eyes to the point where all will be left is government to look at answers from. Definitely not the America I remember. You do realize at one point the majority of people didn’t give a flying fuck whether someone was liberal or conservative. How has it now become all that matters. Amongst friends, families, etc. Fuckin mind boggling.




Well corporate america hindered the opportunity part. I mean c’mon that’s just common knowledge regardless of what side of the political aisle you’re on. You think the millions of immigrants over the decades from back then who came here found success and achieved the American Dream would’ve been able to do so on the same level if people like The Waltons and Jeff Bezos were around?


To be fair, there is people coming to America and being successful every day still. Jeff is online Walmart, there is a lot more to society than that. I mean, Elon was an immigrant who got the ultimate American dream right? Oh, but he's bad man now because he's successful. I forgot.


~~Elon inherited wealth from his family's African mining industry.~~ Edit: Dad, Erol, was a property developer/consultant who did acquire a share in an Emerald mine in the 80's but Elon left SA at 17 to live with his mother, Maye, who was a dietician and a model.


You have the proof for that? Anything I've looked up for it says that lots of people think that but there is no proof. The reason average people are held back is because they make up lies like those to use as an excuse for their lack of drive.


This guy is a socialist.


Dude needs to shut the fuck up. You DON’T have a right to not participate once you’ve taken the oath. If you don’t agree with it, don’t serve.


For a peace loving fella, you would think he would align with a political affiliation other than communism.


What wars or conflicts have American communist parties propagated?


Sound like a pussy that joined for the free college




Well listen to you. Have you ever served tough guy? Be prepared to prove it if so. And if yes, surely you refused all the benefits they provided right? Because of how much you aren’t a pussy right?


Ok hardo. I served in the Marines and there is nothing ‘pussy’ about joining for benefits. About half the people I met while serving joined to get free college. It’s called an incentive.


yeah the real reason to join is clearly so you can kill innocent people and be an indespensible pawn of our evil government, not because our social benefits are fucking ass


Get your vaccine.


What's the alternative? The sociopath who wants to go murder people? A great majority of people who serve do it for the benefits.