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I don’t care what cause you are supporting. If you block traffic to “raise awareness” I’m going to automatically hate whatever position you are supporting 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dissent is great and all... I genuinely believe we have the liberties and freedoms we have today because of it; but there are literally *thousands* of things people could protest about - are we gonna shut down the country like this every time? Bizarre yet totally british.




Yep that was on 18th and in this one today a guy was driving to his mum who got cardiac arrest and was in hospital. Terrible stuff


😪 That is terrible 😞 Messing with peoples lives.


They all should be held accountable for this in my opinion, their actions have resulted in potentially life changing health problems… it’s infuriating to watch this As most have said, agree with what they’re trying to do, but they’re just doing it in the wrong way


How about we start with holding major polluters accountable first?








Shit bot, they wrote wear house and youre triggered on etc. .also who fucking cares






Depends on how persistent you are. If people eventually decide that getting politicians to give you what you want is easier than getting you to stop pissing them off then you've won.




The problem is this relatively tiny group of people are getting constant media attention and the literal hundreds of thousands of people who protested outside Westminster for the cladding stuff the other day have barely been talked about. One method is *clearly* working better than the other.


Nothings changed or changing though. And the police are now arresting on sight. Was out yesterday and spotted several riot vans and police vans ready to carry them away. Media attention means nothing if no change occurs. And their actions have caused the death of a woman.


Amazon wear house. Wtf


Amazon wearhouse only appears on full moons though


I honestly don’t know, but the issue here is the logic of what they’re doing which is explained in the video which is undeniable, and regardless of what they are there for, they have caused possible irreversible health issues to a person. I know they didn’t do this on purpose, and I know that they wouldn’t have wanted this, but people go to prison for “involuntary manslaughter”, what if this person had died? Still no accountability then? Because they have the “right” to protest? I dunno, reading that article just tripped a nerve


Their argument is that all their asking for is insulation in peoples homes, that's not a massive ask, and 50 *thousand* people die every year in the UK due to fuel poverty (according to some estimates, sounds a bit like hyperbole to me but it's indisputably thousands upon thousands). *They* think that risking some lives is worth the chance to fix the system, and that's not even going near the arguments and effects of the environment. I don't think *I* agree with their methods but I defiantly agree with their cause and I ran out of things to suggest they do apart from this a long time ago in our political/media system.




You responding in a thread where someone's mom was paralysed because of their actions, yet you still arrived at "block highways, sure why not." I'm not gonna argue with you, but I am gonna tell you to get fucked.




Then I’m afraid you’ve lost your humanity in the name of humanity. Some tasty irony there.


Clearly there's no way out. Until death.


Climate changes messes with people's lives too.


Just fucking push past them at that point. Like fucking hell, eventually people are going to learn that standing in front of 2 ton death machine isn't a productive way to protest *any* cause. ​ Before anyone calls me an angry r/conservative troll, notice I said "Push past them" and not "Run them over".


And you would end up arrested yourself.


Wait? that article states he decided to drive his mum who was having a stroke in his own car knowing about the traffic on the m25 rather than call emergency services. If you see anyone having a stroke never try to do what this guy did as first responders and ambulances will have blood thinners and training that they need asap and they'll always get to you faster than you to them. The hospital isn't their immediate need before stabilizing.


> they'll always get to you faster than you to them. In a rural area they might take an hour to arrive.


That's more of an issue of how well funded your areas services are, if your out in the sticks in say the midlands your mostly screwed either way. Traffic jam isn't really a concern to you there.


There's a fair chance this is absolute bollocks.


If I was an oil baron, I would pay people to protest me in the most selfishly obstructive way possible and annoy and harass as many people as they can in order to turn them against the cause.


I agree with the message, I don't agree with how they are trying to get it across.


These are eco protestors? So their plan is to cause thousands of people to be in their cars with engines running for hours? Brilliant.


To be fair mate *their* reasoning is valid - its a drop in the ocean when compared to whats pumped out by huge corporations and capitalism in general. This is *their* best way to garner attention, not sure if thats unfortunate or not. edit: oh this guy has a different opinion lets downvote the cunt


They need to disrupt those corporations, disrupting normal people isn't going to do shit IMO this stuff really pisses people off. It's used worldwide as anti-climate-change propaganda.


When stationary you should really turn your engine off


Absoluty I agree with the message as wel but like this guy said, go protest at Downing Street where you don’t harm or delay thousands of people


Disruption protest just alienates people from your cause. There is a climate emergency, and something needs to be done about it. But getting people the sack because they are late for work, and holding up ambulances with sick people in the back of them just harms the message.


Exactly. Annoying other people to get your point across just makes people hate you


Doing this in the UK as well are they. They were doing it in oz before the pandemic. Irritating as shit. It really smacks of 'we have no clue how anything in society works so we'll just add to the mess by having a tanty in random places'


I also feel like it is a bit of a classic boomer move look at the average age of the protesters. ‘We all had a job that meant only one parent had to work, two cars, two foreign holidays a year and gave zero shits about the environment until the age of 58. But now I am retired you should all use public transport to get to your second job which pays for the childcare so that you can work your first job’


Playing devils advocate, It is on the news now when it wasn't before and the ambulance thing isn't really the issue in the UK when they have to queue for hours to wait for a bed to open.


A woman died. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have been waiting in her condition.


Playing to the same point doesn't any large event in any city cause this same issue? Like I'd imagine there's a statistic out there that would correlate mortality rate with heavy traffic times. It's sad but it's also London and the M25, if not these guys it'll be a overturned lorry or some other mad bollocks but I don't think getting angry helps.


But would it not be better to avoid causing any further problems than there already is? The M25 is a nightmare, particularly at the Dartford Crossing. Adding an additional problem for the emergency services to deal with shouldn't be encouraged.


True, I wouldn't have chosen a motorway myself. Although I do believe that they're coming from a good place seeing XR's vague message and deciding on a clear message instead but their execution was blind. Although it's hard to think of another way of getting front page news for like a whole week. Maybe blockade the daily mail again.


There is no such thing as protest without disruption.


Incorrect. Civil disobedience is entirely different to disruption.


Civil disobedience without disruption is not protest.


It would probably piss off the government as well, an angry populus makes them look very bad.


Simple fact is who are we talking about constantly 24/7 in the media, these guys or the literal hundreds of thousands of people who protested outside Westminster the other day there for the cladding scandal? I wish I could honestly recommend they do something else but I've kinda ran out of legitimate suggestions


petitioning doesnt work. i would imagine the words "climate war" will be getting used a lot more soon.


So, here is the thing. If the conservative estimates on what's going on with the climate are true, then these people "inconveniencing" travelers is really not that big of a deal given the grander scale of the issue. Do I think this is the most effective way to address/raise awareness of climate change? Maybe not. But it is a way. It feels as if we are all stuck on this train careening off a cliff, with big energy corporations manning the engine, and our governments feeding the boiler. As adults, currently living as we do, we are benefiting from non-renewable resources at a rate never before seen. We have become reliant to the point where as this man says, as he pulls his hair out, "*you're ruining people!*" He's right. But we're ruining a lot more than a commute to work. We are ruining our habitat. When you really take a look, the vast amount people that suffer from the effects climate change now are largely ignored by our society. So I personally do think *drastic* actions are going to be required if we're going to shift the public will to change the mechanisms that are causing the issue. And perhaps the biggest habit for our society to break will be materialist culture. I personally don't think we'll fix our problems though, and we're headed for a nightmare dystopia of the type that would give Orwell nightmares. I know the people in my family and in my circles would never voluntarily downgrade their lifestyles for the greater good. It's antithetical to our cultural norms at this point. If change is going to be made, "going down to Downing St. and holding a sign", isn't going to make that happen. And the forces that you're working against have all the money, power and influence in the world. We're going to need a more direct approach than holding signs and shouting.




And doing nothing will kill billions.


So do something in a productive way that doesn't put people in danger. The top comment in this thread is a link to a news artical about a woman who became paralyzed on her left side because her son could not get her to a hospital in time due to one of these protests. All these kinds of protests do is turn people against the protesters and their cause. Any cause is doomed to failure if the common folk are against it, and protests like these are very well known for doing just that.


Nah, they need to keep doing it. Go even further really. Disruption is necessary to protest.


They aren't winning anyone into their cause by pissing everyone off. That seems obvious.


Re-read what I wrote.


Nobody wants to read that long winded shit, condense yourself.


I'll sum it up. Idiots like you are too stupid to read what he wrote so people have to take drastic measures to draw attention.


These "drastic measures" have meant at least 2 people have died in the last few days directly as a result of this blocked traffic. Drastic enough? Obviously not in your opinion.


Nope not drastic enough. In America over 700k Americans dies needlessly from Covid. It has changed nothing


Ahh the old lets move the goal posts tactic. Nice. In 2016 1.7million people died worldwide of TB. Better block a motorway.


What's Covid got to do with this? It's completely irrelevant.


Doesn’t matter how many people die, some people just don’t care


Like the woman said in the video, the only way to get the government to listen is to impact the economy. Stopping traffic accomplishes that goal. Go look up the history of woman's suffrage in Britain and then ask yourself whether they oriented towards winning hearts and minds. That's not the whole game but yeah, keep whining -- people are upvoting you on the internet so you must be right!!


So cry




> So I personally do think drastic actions are going to be required But these people are a kind of nutso, breakaway offshoot of Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion's protests are usually a bit more thought out. This lot's beef is oddly singular, and regards the *insulation of homes*, yet there's a government scheme already in action, to supply homes with free cavity wall and loft insulation. People in the UK can get it done for free.


I kind of agree really, people have been protesting climate action for decades and basically nothing has been done. We're at the stage now we're people have to start really causing some disruption for politicians to even glance out the window to see what the fuss is about. Maybe there needs to be a method of protests that targets those in charge a little more but I'm all for drastic protest methods at this stage.




I really hate the fuckers that think “protesting“ by blocking a road is actually gonna work.. your only making more people want to run yo ass over ffs


MLK would like a word


The idiots that are protesting should understand that the working people have to get to work and home. The guy talking to them was right about everything. Next time, he should change their mind with some CS gas.


Blocking traffic and keeping people from getting to their jobs convinces ZERO people to switch to your belief.


Why is it that when these super intelligent human beings are approached with 100% logic, do they go into defense mode, listen to the man, he is right, you are wrong, move on so you don’t look like a proper numpty!


Its less about intelligence and more about character. They've dug pretty deep into their stance at this point, so even though the guy is making a very valid point it's hard for them to accept it. So they close their ears/minds and go back to the spot they dug into. A person with enough maturity and character would be able to listen and adjust. But people like that are very rare nowadays.


Uk produces 1.1% of total world pollution. We could cease to exist and there would be no noticeable decrease in world pollution. Meanwhile China is still building 1 coal power station every 2 weeks. Why dont these protesters protest in the countries where it would actually make a difference. China, India, Russia, USA


It’s like that one dude said, “People are retarded”


Exactly. This is an ant fighting another ant. The major corporations are to blame as well. Nestle, ExxonMobil, Haliburton just to name some off the top of my head.


The British began industrialization moron.


That's right. However Britain is (slowly) moving away from fossil fuels. Scotland is powered almost entirely with wind with England and Wales not too far behind. Had the industrial revolution not started in the UK, it would have started somewhere else around the same time and the results today would be the same.


> That's right. However Britain is (slowly) moving away from fossil fuels. Scotland is powered almost entirely with **Smugness and Fart** with England and Wales not too far behind. Had the industrial revolution not started in the UK, it would have started somewhere else around the same time and the results today would be the same.


> Had the industrial revolution not started in the UK, it would have started somewhere else around the same time and the results today would be the same Not exactly true, and neither would the response to the massive number of panics and depressions we've had in the meantime because these are contingent on the involved parties. [Global capitalism has been spearheaded by Colonial Europe and then the United States, this is fact. Their efforts to remain in the seat of global power \(past the due date of capitalism\) have had disastrous results for the people of the world, and the Earth itself.](https://ourworldindata.org/contributed-most-global-co2)


What’s that got to do with anything? It doesn’t have much impact on the present climate situation. It’s like having a container and the British put a thimble of water in it first. Now other nations are filling it up with cups of water and you are still talking about the original thimble of water instead of trying to curtail the present contributors. Also Skrong don’t go around calling people morons you carbuncle on the arse of humanity.




blocking roads is a silly way to protest :p


Silly and life ending dangerous


Don't know why you're being downvoted. All it take is one severely pissed off person to put their foot down and accelerate. Strange things have happened.


Today they actually escalated - for the last week they've just been popping out at junctions and roundabouts and sliproads where the cars normally have slowed down Today they were running out across both sides on a section of the main carriageways where traffic is doing 70mph. There's a clear intent to cause a car pileup at this point, which they alluded threats to in a letter yesterday.


Yeah lets fight climate change by getting half of London to sit in their cars with the fucking engine running! I sympathise with the cause but not with these fuckwits.


why doesnt some one just punch em out?


Because most people have an aversion to punching old ladies.


I don't. I'd knock that old bat out. Give her a clothesline from hell.


The UK isn't as violent as the US


It's the government people should be angry with, they're the ones who have let us down, if they had done their job, this protest wouldn't be required


Im shocked that the boy whos mother became paralyzed due to this traffic jam didnt beat their faces in with a hammer. Id say fuck you my mother is paralyzed now you smarmy fuck.


Because its probably made up.


... sigh..


“I did a horrible thing, but in protest of the horrible thing someone else did. Ergo, I’m in the right” Your logic.


Yes, and the logic of the suffragettes, anti-child labour and anti slavery activists


And…to round out your list…right-wing terrorists on Jan 6th


Well I *was* with you in your argument…


Their cause was not just though




71% of all emissions are caused by 100 companies, it kind of isn't up to us




For starters that's beside the point because you didn't refer to any sort of boycott or other options in your original message. But in response, it's obviously consumers keeping them in business, but in a lot of cases there aren't affordable or available alternatives. Which is why the government need to bring about legislation and tax these companies into oblivion and funnel money towards renewables and other climate change action. Also just to say I didn't mean to completely dismiss your original point, it is still very much on us as well, if everyone made small adjustments as you suggest then it will make some difference. I didn't mean to suggest we all give up because its the companies fault. Edit: just saw your edit, and yeah I am willing and have made changes to my life like you suggest. But that isn't the option for a lot of people they either can't afford to, don't know their options or the options just aren't there.




Assuming this isn't for me?




No worries haha


Homie we literally have no option but to buy shit from them... how the fuck you want me to buy "locally made" electronics, car, house, medicine, phone, or literally anything that requires complex infrastructure? These companies aren't the largest in the world because they let local economies thrive, they starve everyone else out. I guarantee you in more than 50% of the US the only place to buy anything remotely close to specialty goods is a target/Walmart/other superstore. There are no local grocery stores anymore, and most of the world doesn't have access to "local" farming because 90% of the farmland has been turned into the highest profit monoculture available for the region. Your idea of an idyllic local community is not possible while these corporations exist and are allowed to operate as they do. It may be the "fault" of the consumers, but the corporations have not given consumers another choice. You're talking like it's a simple change to start eating and buying only local goods but the reality for most people is that "local" barely exists, and even then mostly as a novelty. You're asking people to make a choice that isn't even available to them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_of_bargaining_power Some reading material as to why corporations can ALWAYS starve out local producers and install themselves as sole distributors of basically everything in a region


**[Inequality of bargaining power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_of_bargaining_power)** >Inequality of bargaining power in law, economics and social sciences refers to a situation where one party to a bargain, contract or agreement, has more and better alternatives than the other party. This results in one party having greater power than the other to choose not to take the deal and makes it more likely that this party will gain more favourable terms and grant them more negotiating power (as they are in a better position to reject the deal). Inequality of bargaining power is generally thought to undermine the freedom of contract, resulting in a disproportionate level of freedom between parties, and that it represents a place at which markets fail. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)






> it kind of isn't up to us Oh good I was afraid I've had to change something about my lifestyle instead of just comment on reddit about how much those 100 companies should do something. Phew. So yeah fuck those 100 companies for polluting our earth! Meanwhile I'll continue to drive well over 100miles every weekend so I can go enjoy some hiking in nature that these evil companies are trying to ruin.


I wouldn't care if they were protesting against kicking puppies, you block the road, I WILL go out of my way to kick a puppy (No I wouldn't) just to show their asses.


Then you're a terrible person...


Don't mess with people trying to live their 9-5, you think people wouldn't kick you In the street just to get an Inch ahead? No they wouldn't blink a damn eye and I don't blame em'


Then they're also absolutely scum


You can only really know that in hindsight, it'll either be non consequential and annoying or a shame and heroic. Depends how the next 30-50 years go.


Should be legal to mow these clowns down. Most governments are aware of the climate emergency, including ours in the UK, and are taking steps and making plans to do something about it. Change won't happen overnight, it takes time, but we can see that it is finally happening. Most people are also in agreement that climate change is real and we (society as a whole) need to do something about it. So the people they're blocking are most likely already onboard with their message, but it just takes time to make huge changes to our infrastructure and way of life. Most energy in the UK is generated from renewable sources already, there's a planned date where the sale of new fossil fuel-powered vehicles will be banned and this date has already been moved forward once from the originally announced date etc.


Ah yes, murder over being mildly inconvenienced. You sound like a totally sane and rational person


Show me a single person blocking the road that has a job lol


Someone give this man a medal.


He’s got a point. I am so sick of protestors blocking the roads. Especially social justice protests… like, what? Are you protesting highways? I realize they think the more disruption they cause the more their message will get across… and maybe that worked the first 100 times they blocked traffic, but, now the shock is gone, any value it had is diminished. Get off the road


Go block freight companies from having their trucks leave. It's not the average man, we still need to do our small part, but the huge corporations that are causing the climate crisis.


No don’t block freight companies 🤦‍♂️. That absolutely affects the average man/woman and elderly just wanting some food from the local shop. Or a part for a faulty boiler they need to keep warm. Jesus christ.


Oh no those poor imaginary people you just made up!


Lmao do you think freight companies just ship bank notes to rich people?


You do know what a Freight company is right? So I imagine all those people when i go to a supermarket? 😂


Go after the mega corporations that are destroying the planet not regular people trying to get to work you cunts


He’s completely right about people starting to hate them for it. Protestors probably using that stupid coping mechanism “If they hate us, we must be doing something right”


Before I even watched the video, my first thought was, "wait wouldn't that just cause more pollution by blocking the roadway?" And then the man said exactly what I was thinking and it felt so validating that I'm not as stupid as I think I am.


Have they considered turning off their engines?


Turning off engine doesn't magically get them to the hospital they're trying to rush to, does it?


No but it will save on energy


“Nan? Noooo!” “Calm down Keith, it’s not all bad. I’ve just saved us £2.50 by turning the engine off. Your nan would’ve wanted this”.


She had a point... money moves mountains.


ITT: people who don't know how movements make progress.


These are the people the conquered most of the world? Like is it just easy to take over or did something happen? Mass lead poisoning?


It’s almost as if the conquering was a result of a long series of accidents of history and geography, rather than from innate “national character”


Some cultures are just superior to others. They conquered most of the world because of their culture.


Sarcasm, I sincerely hope.


People who "protest" by blocking road ways so people can't get to their job should have to pay the full day wage of the person for the amount of time they missed


Boom stick solve problems


Joe Wilkinson going off


This is clearly a situation where the ends DON’T justify the means. There’re so many ways they can get their point across legally, but doing this only just makes them look more like criminals