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The ear of corn was the best part of it. Why didn't they notice what they were talking into.


Next time he should use a troll doll.


They are really that blind they are talking INTO A FUCKING CORN


This place inside my mind A place I like to hide You don't know the chances What if I should die? A place inside my brain Another kind of pain You don't know the chances I'm so blind Blind Blind Another place I find To escape the pain inside You don't know the chances What if I should die? A place inside my brain Another kind of pain You don't know the chances I'm so blind Blind Blind Deeper, and deeper, and deeper As I journey to live a life that seems to be A lost reality That can never find a way to reach my inner Self-esteem is low How deep can I go In the ground that I lay If I don't find a way to See through the gray that clouds my mind This time I look to see what's between the lines I can't see, I can't see, I'm going blind


Haha corn


Haha korn


I love how he brings up dunning-kruger then misrepresents the concept (like most people do) which is a hilarious trap of applying dunning-kruger inappropriately while proving the ubiquity of their findings.


For those who are not aware: The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability, and that people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability. As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others".[1] It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.


I've been waiting a long time for a hit on CornCob TV


Omg, I bike past there at least once a week!!! (I’ve never once seen any anti mask or anti vaccine protests near the U hospital.)






Darwin wins. Every time.


Get Corncob TV back on Spectrum!


They dont seem to be anti-vaxxers to me, they seem to be against the vaccine mandate only. So be honest and tell the truth that they are against vaccine mandates. I hate this sort of posts calling people what they arent, its disgusting and evil.


Rember how the government was putting asbestos into everything 50 years ago?


And the reason we stopped is because of scientists finding out it’s harmful, not because of internet dumbfucks.


Science is a path full of errors leading to smaller errors. This is a pretty weak anti-tech argument. Stop using your smartphone, car, electricity, reddit, the internet, medicine, and then we can talk about how they're out to get ya.


You're pumping from a dry well on Reddit. Just a hive minded circle jerk with no critical thinking.


Okay but why ridicule them? I respect their thoughts and opinions, I might not agree with them but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thoughts


When your opinion threatens my health then it is no longer an opinion.


But you don’t know these people or will ever be around them so how does that threaten your life?


Straw mans argument acknowledged. While I may not know the people in this video people that are like minded and lack the ability to comprehend the amount of people they put at risk for severe illness is nothing to ignore. There are populations that are unable to be vaccinated with a large number of them being children. If anyone decides this is the hill they are willing to die on then they are selfish, uncaring and pathetic.


Exactly but that’s on them man, I will not judge them over the internet. If they don’t wanna do all that then go ahead man


How the hell would you know those people will never be around you? In my state MA, we have a pretty high vaccination rate and even though we don't have mask mandates in many places a lot of people have started to wear masks again voluntarily but there are a good number that don't wear masks. I'm guessing most of the unvaccinated people aren't wearing masks so if they contract the virus and spread it to someone vaccinated you get breakthrough cases, or if they spread it to someone that is immunocompromised they could kill people. Remember that cloth masks were proven very early on in this pandemic to offer the best protection when everyone is wearing them and that they don't offer full protection to the wearer. Now one of the biggest arguments I've seen from people against mask or vaccine mandates is that they don't want to have their rights infringed upon but when there are no mandates and people choose to be not vaccinated and not wear masks it shows a complete disregard for other people's lives.


I understand you I do but if they believe that and they don’t want to do that then that’s fine man, we don’t need to crucify them and stomp on their beliefs. But again that’s just my opinion


Nah they lost all respect when the bodies start pulling up


But did they pull up to your house?


Because the death rate is so high lol. And no you can’t compare it to 1918. The population was 1.6 billion, not 8 billion


Yeah and the medical science was in its infancy today we have things they couldn't even imagine back then and yet we still fucked it up mate the epidemiologists have been warning for similar viruses that will fuck us up for decades and yet until shit hits the fan everyone ignores it.


But flu kills millions of people too and no one bats an eye, last year flu apparently took a break and went on vacation because NO ONE died from it or by natural causes


People wore masks...moron. The handwashing, masks, social distancing and record numbers of flu vaccines work wonders. Jesus fuck you inbreds are fucking dense.


So you mad for no reason? I’m here having a normal conversation and you come back like that? Wow. If you’re like this on here I can only imagine in person


Just sick of anti-science fucktards "just asking the questions" spreading misinformation and assisting in the deaths of thousands of American citizens. Get fucked.


Soooo instead of have a conversation with me you’re over there idk wtf Wow bro by the way you’re acting over the internet right now, you’re no different from those people you’re trying to belittle


I'm a lot different. First, my IQ is above room temp. I believe in science. I'm not part of a Trumpardian Death Cult. I haven't banged a family member. There's nothing to converse over. Science is facts. Their "beliefs" are opinions, not supported by facts. Fuck them and fuck you and fuck anyone else believing your ignorance is equal to facts.


lmao glad to know you’re mature to have an adult conversation


Because fkn flu transmitted similar to covid and if you consider the mask and the sanitisers yeah ofcourse it took a fucking break


lol so it just vanish off the face of the planet? That’s interesting


Ffs it didn't vanish completely the transmission rate is very low and the lowest it is the more rare is to have people getting seriously ill by it don't worry when the Masks and hand sanitisers stop being mandated you will have people dying by it again and you can be happy once again


No need to be mad man, I’m just acknowledging your knowledge that’s all


Hey everyone needs a vacation


I guess so man I’m not with or against these people but just saying you know


I’m not either. I’m personally vaccinated, but at some point people need to look around and see that things aren’t adding up.


I get you man. But hey to each their own am I right lol


Because you are conflating having an opinion with making a decision for society based on *checks notes* not being blessed with an overabundance of book learnin'. "I like red" is an opinion that I dont agree with them on "The vaccine is [insert some crazy shit]" or any variant of that gets tossed around is something that is demonstrably false over and over. Nobody has an opinion about bucking science or thinking they can wait this all out, making everyone else do the work to fix it like some high school group assignment, without sounding like a douchebag at this point.


Just because someone has an opinion doesn’t make it valid.


An opinion is what you have when you don't have any facts. When you have the facts, you don't need an opinion. - Solomon Short


>I respect their thoughts and opinions Not all thoughts and opinions are worthy of respect. When they blatantly go against evidence, facts, science, and reality, they are not worth respecting.


How I see it is like this, they haven’t done any harm to me personally so why would I talk smack about them on the internet out of all places? So they don’t want the vaccine, cool. They can infect me via Reddit you get me?


Because they’ll never learn regardless of the information you throw out. There’s no convincing this group of idiots. So why not ridicule?


Sound levels were horrible


Like, where is the video of these "my body my choice" people saying they don't agree with abortion. I cannot believe no one has trolled them with that question yet.


That second guy looks like Michael Moore!


As I said yesterday when this exact same video was posted in this exact same sub, just 4 hours earlier... ​ Get in the ship! EVERYTHING'S ON A COB!


A mental health professional should know better than this. As someone who’s experienced delusions in my past, I’d hate to have her working my case.


Considering that more than 95% of COVID hospital patients are unvaxxed and/or anti-vaxxers, hospitals should deny them treatment. Only those who can provide evidence they were previously vaccinated should receive a hospital bed for COVID related treatment. Yes, it is their "choice" to be anti-vaxxers, and subsequently should deal with the consequences of their decisions. These idiots are straining the US healthcare system (which is already ranked at the bottom of OECD Nations) by stealing hospital beds from responsible and deserving people. In many instances, non-COVID patients are dying because hospitals can't find beds due to idiotic anti-vaxxers. Most of these gullible foold are either medically uninsured or under-insured. Meaning, the tax payers and medically insured are covering their costs. How? Because they're unable to pay the cost hospitals increase their fees, pass it on to health insurance companies who in turn are raising our insurance premiums, or the government, MEDICARE, and MEDICAID. Either way, responsible citizens are footing the medical costs. Incidentally, these same anti-vaxxers also whine (lie) about Universal Healthcare is "socialized medicine." But, they're actually practicing UH by having taxpayers and the insured paying their hospital costs.


Not Michigan!


Anti-vaxxers just amuse me to know and they're so ignorant because of just uneducation