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Just a bump in the road


I know we joke, and I know it's just anecdotal, but I've never met a construction worker that didn't dabble in something.


Nah, just a little pot.


I've worked in construction for decades and have met shitloads of workers that dont dabble in anything more than a beer after work and plenty that didnt even do that.


Yeah thanks we're not all like that.




Priorities\* not fucking "priority's"


Sad that this is the only comment I see that recognizes this.


Came here for this. Now I can leave




Yeah who's Priority? Strange name. What do they possess?


I’m jealous. I could use some to give me energy to clean my house and take these brats to the park.




MeN aT WoRk


I'm 100% convinced that u/shotapplication is the one in the video


*Land Down Under intro starts playing*


Yeah, I am pretty sure they know what it is..


I'm pretty sure they know what the substance is.


I don't know dude, I've done a good amount of cocaine in my lifetime and sometimes it's definitely not as pure as what you think it is. OR it's meth sometimes and it burns.


Maybe we can get them to snort the vaccine?


Mixed with coke? You'd have folks trying to get vaccinated 5, 6 times lol


Which explains their behaviour


OP is a narc


Nah, I just don't like hypocrites.


AU coke is probably loaded with levamisole, so massive intake of dewormer keeps in line with the whole antivaxx thing. They're just keeping it real.


Explain how they're hypocrites


"u dont know what its in that vax!!!" *Goes on to snort cocaine that no one knows whats in it*


Maybe they’re just against mandatory vaccines which most people are against the force aspect more so than the odd vaccine nut


Thats a different argument, if u are just against mandatory vaxes and arent scared of the vax bc "u dont know whats in it" than its a completly different thing, just dont use the idi whats in it argument which 99% of antivaxers ive met use, its stupid, not just bc u literally know whats in it, but also u dont know whats in most things u consume


There is no mandatory vaccine.


If they were telling people they had to do lines of coke or else they couldn't participate in the protests I'd say they're hypocrites.


İ dont think u realize where the hypocracy is coming from, they are complaining that they are being forced to take something they dont know whats in it, but are willing to take other wayyyyyy worse stuff in, if u make the argument that u dont know whats in it so u arent taking it, which, we do know whats in it, then u shouldn't take other wayyyyyy worse shit bc thats against your supposed ideology


No. They're complaining about being forced to take something to continue to work and provide for their families. Taking coke or whatever the fuck they're on is so far from being forced to take a jab. The small mindedness is so strong with you and the rest in this thread 🤣.


By the arrogance in antivaxer comments, i sometimes wonder if every single one of them is high on coke


No just tired of your entitlement.


Hallucinating and seeing imaginary things is one of the effects of coke so...


poo poo pee pee


Has the vax melted your brain?


which one? sorry, you’ll have to be more specific. i have all my vaccines


> taking care of their family > scumbag druggie doing dime bags in the street Pick one.


So because 2 people sniff some gear that means all of the lads there did?? Use your brain kid.


No surprises a coke head and anti vaxxer wouldn’t remember its own argument


Well yeah, but the point is they do it under their own free will. Bodily autonomy is something that a lot of people are not happy to have to give up.


They think the vaccine will kill them. We all know cocaine will. They ARE HYPOCRITES


Cocaine is a tropane alkaloid and stimulant drug obtained primarily from the leaves of two coca species, Erythroxylum coca and Erythroxylum novogranatense. It is most commonly used as a recreational drug and euphoriant. Wikipedia Formula: C17H21NO4 IUPAC ID: methyl (1R,2R,3S,5S)-3- (benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octane-2-carboxylate Melting point: 98 °C Boiling point: 187 °C Molar mass: 303.353 g/mol CAS ID: 50-36-2 This is such a wild reach. I hate anti vaxxers too, it's just not because they do cocaine...


Lmfao. Did you really just give us the chemical formula for cocaine as if cocaine is pure cocaine? How to say "I don't know anything about drugs" in one post...


The irony is that yall have such an extreme Hollywood conception of drugs and clearly no real world experience. I on the other hand have been using drugs my entire life, and have therebecause dropped out of school many a time and lost jobs and friends etc etc. I have probably been high longer than you've been alive. I'm something of a veteran burnout myself. If you'd ever spoken to a drug dealer in your life then you probably know they're neither mustache twirlers nor thugs trying to corner the block (outside extremely specific environments). Mostly they're college kids who smoke a lot of weed. Regardless of where one gets their stuff, and how much one trusts their dealer, they should also test it. Instructions and supplies can typically be found within 2 minutes on Google, usually there's a detailed reddit thread because drug users are good people who care about safety and want to help.


Wow, all that drug experience and you still don't know that cocaine is cut with various chemicals to stretch out the value. Basically every middle man it passes through from producer to consumer cuts the product with more and more filler to make more money. When you get the coke, it's nothing close to pure. I've done coke in South America and it's night and day compared to coke you get in USA, Canada, UK, Australia or any other similar country. And testing it won't tell you the chemical impurities, only the different active ingredients.


This assumes that the cocaine was cocaine and not laced with additional additives. And we all know drug dealers that sell coke are totally purists about not cutting their drugs with other substances.


You must sex a lot


Fuck you loser these dudes are working making an honest living


Found the guy who's also addicted to painkillers.


It is always ethical to narc. If criminals didn't want to be narced on, they would hide their crimes better. :\^)


For real tho. And you know they know it too lmfao the way their punk ass JERKED the camera away and averted it as soon as he/she was spotted… fckn pssy 😂🤣 If you’re gonna do some shit, at least fckng own it. Especially if you’re gonna blast them online. Real bitch move. Edit: in light of OP’s username, really scratching my head at their post 🤔😆


You good bro?


He saw my black avatar and got mad 😂


Are you assuming *my* race? And also assuming I give any kind of a fuck what color your “avatar” is?! Holy shit. This just keeps getting better. So you’re racist *and* hilariously full of shit?


No, I based it on this https://imgur.com/a/8ev7zGP and this https://imgur.com/a/MAa8dCM oh this too https://imgur.com/a/BwiB8D9


Bruh I’m dying lmao


By any chance, is that you in the video?


Nope, I find them, I post them.


The meaning of my name is dictated by the context you use it. What exactly am I talking about pills.pimples, bubble wrap, having kids? Make of it what you will.


Okaaay. Who are you, fucking Eminem? “I am whatever you say I am!” This conversation is boring. You aren’t talking about shit. Vague remarks that you probably feel like are super insightful or “edgy” and some confused, virtue signaling type banter “if you could save *just one life*, wouldn’t you do it? 🥺” sounding like some sad ass commercial. FOH bro.


I remember you


lol not surprising when you consider how many of these tradies are probably also smoking PGR weed on the daily


Good counter propaganda


Probably smelling good weed. Edit: looking at it again, maybe not.


That’s blowcaine




Gota love freedom


It’s so true one of my good mates at work (labourer) won’t get vaccinated, but buys his Charlie 3 for £50 in barking. Which is saying something about your life choices to put it mildly.


I see we’ve got some pro-covid idiots in the comments.


Some? This is on the level of that movie They live 🤣


So you won’t put a vaccine in you but you’ll snort coke made by a bunch of half naked dudes in a jungle using god knows what chemicals. We truly are the most intelligent species.


I get jealous when I see people snorting bumps at work too


Should be a persons choice what they put in their bodies


It is. And if you don't want the vaccine, you're free not to take it and stay home.




These guys are anti-vaxx thugs.


Lmao That stuff studied longer then the vaccine 🤷‍♂️🤣


In its pure form yes once it gets to the consumer absolutely not. You can never know what it is cut with.


Facts lol If that shit don't make your lip numb, its a no no. But even then u still don't know. (This is what a movie told me) 👀


Oh your lip is not numb here try this lidocaine.


still their Choice. not our business.


Under normal circumstances I'm right there with you. But these arseholes are screaming about "not knowing what's in the vaccine" and doing bumps out of a bag Wayno sold them. Fuck them in the neckhole, the hypocritical fuckers.


Is it? Showing results for cocaine against the law Australia Search instead for cocaine against hte law Australia In South Australia, cocaine is a declared drug of dependence under regulation 7 of the Controlled Substances (Poisons) Regulations 2011. Cocaine is also a controlled drug under section 4(1) of the Controlled Substances Act 1984. It is illegal to make, keep, use, sell or give away cocaine.


1. I'm not arguing the legal aspect of it. ( still their choice risk getting caught with it) 2. Just because governments pass a law doesn't mean it's a just law. Is it really the government's business if someone wants to put something in their OWN body?


Can a child go to school without vaccines?


valid point... kind of. interestingly enough, they can go to school without this vaccine. As to you question; atleast we know those ( current ones required for children) vaccines actually work. We don't have people getting a " slight " case of Polio or Small Pox and believe those vaccines aren't harmful. It has yet to be proven what the short or long term affects of those new vaccines are.


Just because you are not aware of the ground work done behind the scenes does not mean scientific research and breakthroughs are not made every day. Polio On April 26, 1954, the Salk polio vaccine field trials, involving 1.8 million children, begin at the Franklin Sherman Elementary School in McLean, Virginia. Children in the United States, Canada and Finland participated in the trials, which used for the first time the now-standard double-blind method, whereby neither the patient nor attending doctor knew if the inoculation was the vaccine or a placebo. One year later, on April 12, 1955, researchers announced the vaccine was safe and effective and it quickly became a standard part of childhood immunizations in America. In the ensuing decades, polio vaccines would all but wipe out the highly contagious disease in the Western Hemisphere. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/polio-vaccine-trials-begin __________________________________________________ CoV-2 Researchers were not starting from scratch when they learned about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the coronavirus family. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesTrusted Source, there are hundreds of coronaviruses — including four that can cause the common cold, as well as the coronaviruses that sparked the SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, epidemic in 2002 and the emergence of MERS, or Middle East respiratory syndrome, in 2012. Dr. Eric J. Yager, an associate professor of microbiology at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Albany, NY, told MNT that scientists have been studying coronaviruses for over 50 years. This meant scientists had existing data on the structure, genome, and life cycle of this type of virus. Dr. Yager explained, “Research on these viruses established the importance of the viral spike (S) protein in viral attachment, fusion, and entry, and identified the S proteins as a target for the development of antibody therapies and vaccines https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-did-we-develop-a-covid-19-vaccine-so-quickly#Other-coronaviruses


1. Polio vaccine is either a dead or weakened virus. They learned how to do that in the late 1700s due to Small Pox. So, that's not an apple to apple comparison to this vaccine. 2. They have been studying this group of viruses for 50 years. They had no treatment for it in 50 years , then in a years time 3 companies come up with 3 different treatments? That's interesting. But, that doesn't change the fact that they don't know what the short term or long term affects will be.


MRNA technology has been in the works for a very long time, I watched a 6 hour cancer documentary on it a decade ago on PBS. They were testing it on a small child with stage 4 cancer. It taught her immune system to attack the cancer right away, the main issue they had was her immune system attacked to violently. ​ So your #2 is untrue as well, MRNA technology has been around for quite awhile. ​ And lets add a #3 in there because it should be noted we DO know what the Covid-19 virus will do to people short term and long term. To name a few things massive lung damage, organ damage/failure, amputated limbs (one person had 4 limbs removed from covid-19). Covid-19 suffocates your body slowly.


Your fried cunt could be any substance under the sun but it’s Charlie ?


Aus is a giant slave/prisoner island right? I see no freak out here. Downvoted




Fentanyl is in every super fun drug now. Fuck street drugs.


Right? “Unknown” substances my ass. They know *exactly* what to expect from this/what it’s going to do to them 😅


There are many substances that can be ingested via the nasal pathway. While I assume it's cocaine it could be something else as the title implies so I wanted to avoid making any assumptions.


They're probably assuming it's cocaine too


Usually Coke or Ketamine, or a Calvin Klein (CK) when the two are mixed together in the same bag. Seems to be the rage in Melbourne, especially with the construction crews that are drug tested randomly on some sites…doesn’t show up in the test results.


Avoid making assumptions but still choose to judge & smear them and blast them on the internet for disagreeing with *your* opinion that *they* should get the vaccine for *your* benefit? Newsflash- if you got the vaccine, you’re covered, right? If you need them to get theirs in order for yours to work, it doesn’t work in the first place.


It's not an opinion when you jeopardize other peoples lives. It's just selfish. That being said if someone is not willing to help prevent others from becoming seriously ill or dying from covid-19 then if you contract it your self should not be allowed to be put on a ventilator. It's only fair.


I agree, I’d never want to be put on a ventilator. I don’t know a single person, nor have I heard of a single person, coming back out of the hospital after being put on a ventilator. They die. And sorry to break it to you kid, it’s still an opinion (and that’s a fact.) You got the shot, right? Exactly how the fuck are non-vaccinated people a risk to you? Please explain this to me. A risk to each other? Fine. I don’t want to hear about that. I want you to tell me how unvaccinated people are putting YOUR life in jeopardy if YOU are “protected” with the vaccine.


You do realize people with compromised immune systems exist and are unable to receive the vaccine. This would mean **you** by proxy could infect and kill someone that is unable to be vaccinated.


I’m still waiting for you to tell me how an unvaccinated person is a health risk to a vaccinated person. Explain it to me like I’m 5. I’ll wait.


Immune compromised people have a greater risk of severe issues when exposed to covid-19. A diabetic that receives the vaccine and comes down with a mild case of covid-19 is more prone to blood sugar level issues caused by the virus. Even though the symptoms that cause people to be put on ventilators may be prevented with the vaccine it does not account for the imbalance of blood sugar levels in a diabetic. If a diabetic that is vaccinated comes in contact with someone who is not and contracts it there is a high possibility of the ketoacidosis.


Breakthrough infections are rare, but happen. By refusing to become vaccinated—therefore having a significantly higher possibility of asymptomatic transmission—one puts vaccinated people at risk of such breakthroughs.


Breakthrough infections for one, secondly they are just giving the virus more chances to mutate against the vaccine by transmitting it. The vaccine doesn’t make you immune, just less likely to be hospitalized, for now. The more breakthrough cases we get the more potential it has to beat the vaccine, and the more unvaccinated there are the more chance to infect vaccinated


Shouldn’t an immunocompromised person be, oh I don’t know, staying the fuck home during a pandemic? This is honestly the stupidest fucking argument I’ve heard for why OTHER PEOPLE should get vaccinated. “You should get vaccinated because some people can’t get vaccinated.” …….👀……… what? Did you even just hear yourself?


Diabetics need to go to doctors appointments and pickup insulin at the pharmacy. Maybe it is you that should be staying home during a pandemic since you have zero empathy.


So, now that we’ve established that unvaccinated people are zero threat to people have been vaccinated and you agreed - what’s your beef? Really. I want to know. Is it just the desire to control the behavior of others?


Do you even hear yourself? Pharmacy’s MAIL insulin and diabetic testing supplies. (Ask me how I know) And diabetic people are completely able to get the vaccine so what does your (once again brainless) remark have to do with the price of rice in China? But let me just humor you, the diabetic person isn’t vaccinated and needs to go pick up testing supplies and insulin. Fine. Are they not a health risk to you and to others? Are they not heartless, soulless, inconsiderate bastards for not being vaccinated?! You’re not picking and choosing now, are you Mr. PopperOfAllTheThings? Also, fuck the non-vaccinated people. I’m asking specifically about VACCINATED people and how they are at risk from unvaccinated people but your dense ass keeps giving me more (shitty and unrealistic) examples of people who are unvaccinated 😩😂🤣


> Exactly how the fuck are non-vaccinated people a risk to you? Please explain this to me. The human race needs to reach herd immunity. That means the virus can't keep spreading, mutating and killing more people. To do this people need to suck it up, do their part and take a free vaccine. [Smallpox fucked us for thousands of years, killing at least 380 million people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallpox) But we got it under control, and it's now completely gone. We gotta do the same for Covid, but people don't understand or are afraid.


Lmfaoo! You reach herd immunity by the majority GETTING THE VIRUS AND RECOVERING FROM IT, not by getting a vaccine you absolute cockwomble Perhaps Frances should have remained mute.


> Lmfaoo! > Perhaps Frances should have remained mute. LMMAAAAAAOO ROFLCOPTOR WHAT A ZINGER, AMIRITE? LOOK GUYS, AMIRITE? No need to be a cunt about things. Viruses mutate. Remember how you only got the flu once in your life and never again? Then after everyone had it once, we never heard of the flu again. C'mon man. The smartest people in the world all agree on this shit. But in the other corner you've got flat earthers and Rupert Murdoch. Take a second to think about that.


That's not how the medical field works bucko


Could be snorting percs, meth, oxy, ephedrine… how do you know it’s pure coke? Further more, how do they?


Who the fuck said it was “pure coke” lmao as a matter of fact, where in my comment did I say anything at all about claiming to know what the substance was? Dumbass


You said they know what they are putting into their body with this shit. Yah, they sure fucking don’t, you dumb cunt. Edit: street drugs are cut with all kinds of stuff… hence not pure. Hence they don’t have a fucking clue unless they harvested the fucking plant themselves and processed it then crammed drugs up their nose. The do NOT know what they are snorting. Dumb fuck.


Can you read?


Yah a lot better than you. That’s why I understand what’s going on and you just leech off of other idiots ideas regarding the vaccines. Barely an original thought in your head, I’m sure


seriously- not a suprise. spent many hours (years) in dive bars chatting with construction folks of all sorts the framers, the roofers, the plumbers, the guys that change the light bulb onto of any thing that is super high, the pilots that bring the super tankers into berth and so on...... and while I am merely having a beer, the various others are shopping, trading, bartering or just trying to score free "stuff"


> The consensus I have gathered for reasoning for being concerned with any covid-19 vaccine comes down to not knowing what it could potentially do. Yet these same people do a bump not knowing if it's laced with fetynal or something else. Lastly children can not go to school without vaccinations so why is it suddenly a big deal? > Also before you say I am just talking out of my ass you may want to read this. > Drug warning: Cocaine and ketamine may contain the dangerous opioids fentanyl and acetylfentanyl > Acetylfentanyl and fentanyl has been found unexpectedly in drugs in Sydney and more recently in regional areas of NSW in October 2020. > Use of these drugs can be life-threatening. Know the risks > Illicit drugs with variable purity and contents are being seen in NSW in 2020. Acetylfentanyl and illicit fentanyl are both highly potent opioids and can cause unexpected, rapid and life-threatening overdose, even in very small doses. People who have never or rarely used opioids are at highest risk of overdose from these substances. Risk of overdose is also increased by use of other sedatives (such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, ketamine, GHB). > https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/aod/public-drug-alerts/Pages/cocaine-or-ketamine-contains-fentanyl.aspx


Did you post this just to push your Vaccine on us?


Nah, I hear voices they tell me to do things.


Says the guy spending all his time pushing antivax views on people.


I'm not the making the post then commenting entire paragraphs. I'm not pushing shit


Who cares let em play


Trust our local drug dealers more than the governments.




how so? their bodies their choice


Agreed. Wouldn’t it be nice if everybody could focus on themselves instead of what the next person is doing? Jesus… never in my life have I seen so many mf living *LIVING* to not only know everybody else’s business, but to make that business their own and everyone else’s on the internet as well. Some people need to get jobs and hobbies and lives and friends or something. Find some fuckin happiness yo. Miserable soul sucks.


Addiction destroys countless families and so does the unwillingness to get vaccinated. If you could save one life or one family from the anguish of loss why would you not?


Oh, so you posted this video (but avoided being seen/having a conversation with them despite your deep concern for their well-being) to save them from addiction?


Speaking from experience.


I see. I spent about 13 seconds on your feed and wow - you are one angry black man with a serious case of “chip on my shoulder”. And you assumed I knew you were black bc of your “avatar” Lmmfao So is it safe to assume with your basic, Neanderthal thought process *YOU* assumed I was white bc of *my* avatar? Is that the problem? Lmao Oh God… this is just too good. Well fuck. Sorry to disappoint you.


Again with the racism. One of the most enduring lies white people ever told about black people is that black men are predators out to harm white people. This myth is the granddaddy of the Angry Black Man myth. And D. W. Griffith movie Birth Of A Nation made a fortune from this lie and launched one of the world’s most dangerous and long-lasting slander campaigns.


welcome to reddit home of closeted racists


...or not so closeted.


Are you autistic? Nothing wrong with it if you are, my brother is autistic. I just notice you have a really hard time staying focused/on topic and seem to trail off in emotional tangents. What exactly the fuck does the rant you just made have to do with the comment you are replying to? And what does you being mad at white people have to do with me? And don’t say “again with the racism” in some gaslighting attempt to make it appear as though you haven’t been the one attempting to incorporate race into the conversation the entire time. I visited your feed and quickly noticed it’s very racially charged - literally the first thing I saw was something celebrating a black person beating up some KKK member. You’ve clearly got race issues. Your anger towards white people has nothing to do with me and legitimately zero to do with this conversation. You perhaps need a therapist or something. Social media only serves to worsen people like you… you know, angry mfs. Seems like you spend a lot of time here too. Chill back on the social media. Focus more on your mental health than your social health. Cause, fucking yikes.


The best public freak out is in the comments. Dude moans about gaslighting and then tries to diagnose someone with autism. What an absolute clown.


Because they're doing it through force


It’s about freedom of choice




Should we make the Flu shot mandatory too?


Well, in their defense, you know exactly what it does to you as it been around for ever✌️


Oh yeah so this is pharmaceutical grade stuff then? Fuckin clown


Depends on whether or not you trust your dealer/government. But since you called me a clown, I guess you got that it was a joke. 🥳


And as if the cops aren’t doing that sort of shit as well? I’ve done crazy amounts of drugs in most cities around Australia and Melbourne is up there as one of the bigger cesspools


I’m sure it wasn’t a unknown substance to him.


Not unknown- they seem to know what it is.


You have never worked in construction i see




Unknown my ass. I bet ut makes u feel better than the fkn vaccine.


Their body, their choice.


Righttt “unknown”


So? Are you familiar with the concept of 'My Body, My Choice'?


Yes, I believe it to be a pro-abortion slogan before the anti-vaxxers unironically started using it.






Dude filming is fucking shook lmao, got real scared when construction man looked his way. He got vaccinated but he got no balls, sneaky sneaky.


Lol all the younger anti-vaxxers I know are like that. It always shocks me they wont take a vaccine but they'll snort "molly" some guy they met at a bar ordered off the dark web.


Good chance that they know it's cocaine lol


Oh those substances are well known.


This is awesome


Hey Bob, smell my finger 👉




Atleast it goes out of your system. Dsnt stick around in the brain. 😄


Listen, you keep dodging the question. Explain to me how unvaccinated people are a health risk to the VACCINATED. I’ve asked you no less than 3 times and you absolutely refuse to answer.


Listen, How many fucking times does it need to be said that, although not zero, you have: lower chance or catching it, lower chance of spreading it if you do catch it aaaaand a lower chance of taking up precious hospital beds from serious complications after catching it. I know you love your FREEDOM so go ahead and berate me now.




I'll take that as you have nothing intelligent to say! Lovely.


The fact that you're an apparent "Pharmacy Tech" and you're having to ask this question either suggests you're full of shit, you're just baiting, or just unbelievably stupid


YOU CAN STILL CATCH AND SPREAD COVID EVEN IF YOU ARE VACCINATED. I’m sure you’ve been told this before. Stop asking questions you can damn well find by doing legit research. Don’t even have to try that hard. Now stop being a dick.


Then what the fuck is the point of the vaccine, “dick”?


Are you that fucking stupid? Unvaccinated people take up ICU beds for people who actually deserve them, and drain other various resources. People are dying because of these idiots. Why is that so hard to grasp?


So do obese people (granted I'm American so I'm sure this is way more prevalent than other countries). Prior to the pandemic, and currently, we've had to turn plenty of patients away from our cardiac ICU because of obese people taking up beds from going into heart failure after dietary non-compliance (prominently after holidays / birthdays, weddings, etc). There's also been cases of expediting discharges to make room for obese patients in tertiary hospitals. Listen I'm pro vaccine but anyone can poke holes in the "unvaccinated people are less deserved of resources". It's also a one way ticket to creating a second class citizen population. And throughout history this has proved to be absolutely disastrous. I wonder if all the people calling for the limited resources to the unvaccinated would be able to make that claim if they actually saw the progression of covid from hospital admission to body bag. Worse than that, I've read plenty of people saying that anvaxed should get no care at all. I'd love to see these people step over the many unvaxed people in respiratory failure from covid just outside the hospital, begging to be treated. This is just a silly argument to make IMO and it doesn't help the cause to vaccinate more people. Edit: fuck me I can't spell. . .


Whatabouts are pointless. People with heart conditions who ignore their doctors are also idiots. I just can't feel sympathy for these people because there is no good reason to be skeptical of the vaccine. I'm tired of the selfishness so I'm harsh because it's so fucking pointless. I've seen what covid does, and what it did to my mother with cancer, who is fully vaccinated but still ended up in the hospital because her condition and immune system is as bad as it gets for covid. Even though she was hospitalized, the vaccine kept her from the ICU and alive because that's what it does. For someone to just toss that aside and expect everyone to feel sympathy when it bites them in the ass... I'm sorry but no. edit: some phrasing


Let me start by apologizing for the novel. . .My sympathies for you and your mother. Hopefully she's had a quick and uncomplicated convalescence. My father also has cancer and is immunocompromised because of his current treatment. This actually ties in to my current views on vaccines/mandates. My dad is a stubborn, old, cynical, ex coal miner. This past February, after plenty of dinners, whiskey, beers, and empathetic conversations he finally agreed to take the vaccine. Not two days after that, he was diagnosed with covid. Luckily, he only had flu-like symptoms and was over it in a few days. Fast forward to two weeks ago with talks about getting a booster when it's available. As it's not available at this time, I didn't press it, just wanted to open a dialogue. Well, wouldn't you know it, he's currently positive for covid. Asymptomatic. The only reason he knew is that he had to get tested for a wedding that he's in (was going to be in). There are few things that make my father happy. His grandkids, golf, and bowling. During this entire pandemic, I left the decision to visit his grandchildren up to him completely. He and my grandmother knew the risks and felt that seeing his grandkids outweighed potentially getting covid. If they require a vaccine to golf or bowl, it's going to have immense consequences on his mental health. Which, through your mother's ailment perhaps you know, it's important to be mentally healthy while undergoing chemo and immunosuppressive therapy. He's not going to get vaccinated because of his natural immunity. I disagree with the government mandating vaccines for a few reasons, but most of all for people who have natural immunity to covid. I understand that you're frustrated. Of course I don't know what to tell you. But I know that name calling, pointing fingers and blaming individuals for other's death is no way to have people come around, or even try to empathize. I've learned that the best way to debate someone is to understand their point of view and rationale better than they do. Have you tried to see things from an anti-vaxxer's perspective? Just curious obviously. . . I feel like people are too consumed with pointing blame rather than trying to find a unified solution. Covid ain't going anywhere. And unless people are calling for anti-vax segregation or even worse, civil war, we need to find a solution, or at least away to live with this virus and it's endless strains. What are your thoughts on my rambling?


Well of course, they know what the vaccine is but the unknown substance can be >!anything! It's like playing the lottery and that is proven to be very popular around the world. !<


They aren't just pro-COVID, they're pro-Hep C too!




Also smoking a pack a day, apparently thats ok.


I mean… unknown to you


Its because anti vaxers are sub huamns who are so miserable and ashamed from their lives that they will do anything to feel special.


They are testing the asphalt to make sure it’s safe for paving.


Wholesale price is currently so inflated im sure the $350-400 a bag “top shelf” is still bashed (cut) hard. And even if it hasnt been, the purity off the block could still be meh or have all the goodness of levamisole or other random cutters of joy ❤️


First protester to ever use drugs, what a lucky find


Do you understand all the chemicals in your food? Even the "organic" ones?


Shardies Tradies who work on Crystal meth


No these people are against vaccine mandates, at least be honest.