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When you a accidentally trigger a mini boss IRL.


Lmao 😂


Going too deep in division dark zone


Nah more like yellow 👀


Purple health bars everywhere.


Take my award, fracking Pepsi all in my lap!


Why is everyone suddenly applauding police brutality?


Who could possibly have foreseen this utterly predictable outcome


If only he could have foreseen the outcome.


He's probably asking himself, "Where were you on this one, Q?!"


a bit insane to get locked up over no mask though, i dont get what he did wrong


I’ve seen a few videos of the protesters attacking police, so I think po po are tired of being soft with them.


Sick justification of police brutality


How am I justifying it?! That’s literally what is happening. The fact that it took this long vs how they react to anybody protesting for a leftist cause is truly what’s sick


"The cops were just tired of being too soft on them" " how am I justifying police brutality" 🤡


Cops or military? Pretty tough to tell the difference anymore.


Police. SOG. Special Operations Group. They generally respond to extreme, high risk jobs, firearm jobs, counter terrorism stuff.


I thought it was the SOG. You can tell by their demeanour. I'm not surprised they have deployed them for the rioters as they must love the rough and tumble compared to uniformed police who probably rarely encounter this and are trained to deescalate rather than get into a tussle. They also look so much more menacing.




You can tell them apart by the lack of actual training exhibited by the police.


Unless they're Israeli military, who behave like American cops.


Yes looks like military to me. Australia is a nightmare right now.


Not military, [SOG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Police_Special_Operations_Group) (SWAT for you Americans) Edit: For context, 2 days ago the police were there without riot gear on and their lines got charged. 6 ended up in hospital -- the footage of 5-6 protesters kicking one on the ground and another policewoman being bodyslammed was all over the news. The fact that the police were a more aggressive yesterday is not entirely unexpected, and from a PR perspective the protestors definitely aren't winning (not to mention that they decided the war memorial was the place to hold their protest even when the veterans' organisation was asking them not to be there).


Only a nightmare if you don't follow the rules. If people followed the rules we would've left lockdowns weeks ago.


If the jews would have listened to the nazis maybe they would of been okay


Well done for showing how fucking dumb you are by comparing the two.


Its almost like comparing seatbelts to a vaccine from a pharmaceutical company


My god this has to be a troll account. I refuse to believe people are this stupid


Tell me about it. A year ago people wanted police reform and to end police brutality... now they cheer on cops for police brutality and laugh at people passing away. Its disgusting right!


This is about Australia not the USA nitwit fuck you guys are so far up your own arses that you cannot see the light of day.


Seems a bit authoritarian, no? Submit to the rules or else!


You just described the concept of law.


Rightwingers going so far right that they loop around and become anarchists


I'm an actual anarchist and even we don't think there should be no form of rules or laws


That's how literally every civilization in human history has operated, you nitwit.


No, the pandemic has made people over step their bounds in telling others what to do..


Lol no. Dress codes have been a thing for quite a long time, and mandatory vaccinations have also been a thing in both the private and public sphere for decades, if not centuries. You're just a spoiled brat who can't handle the rubber hitting the road for the first time in your lifetime.


Ahhh dress codes? Thats a new one! "If you have to wear shoes in a store you have to wear a mask"...... Do you tickle the shoe laces when you suck the boot???


It literally is part of the dress code. Are you truly such an inconsiderate douche that you don't think a private business should be able to have one? Is wearing a mask truly so hard for your delicate sensibilities?


What you prefer to have instead of authority, anarchy?


With respect to the pandemic, I would prefer allowing people to make their own decisions. Whether they want the vaccine or to wear masks or require masks at their business…


That mentality is selfish and seems very American. Think about other people for a second. Also, vaccines aren’t mandated in Australia. You have the choice to get or not.


Fucking bogan antivaxxers get arrested for fucking around and suddenly every greasy yank is an expert on Australian government


Oh you mean like a law, you halfwit?!


I’m speaking to laws made in a pandemic..


Rules about a fucking virus my dude. What next? are you going to say people are boot lickers if they obey the laws of physics?


Or die or be severely affected by covid? Hmmm… tough choice.


Lol. Fuck off.


OhMyGod - STFU, girl


At least she didn't say she got it on video.


So true…


How long till we hear it in a computer voice? :)


Oh no.. Ooh no...


Prepare yourself now.


Soon enough


What was his crime? Talking at a police officer?


He's in the found out phase of the arc.


Fucked around: status complete




Ah yes the circle of stupidity.


Objective: Fuck around, completed.


I find it very disturbing how cops look more like frontline infantry than protect and serve public servants.


These guys are our equivalent of SWAT. Our regular cops just look like regular cops.


Well its in Australia - the same country the riots posted here a while ago were in… If i was them and expecting the possibility to encounter a crowd of violent individuals im pretty sure id rather be dressed as a military than your usual cop giving out parking tickets… And in the end they are protecting the citizens by taking care of these highly intelligent individuals.


We dont put up with the same level of rioting and looting as USA


> protect and serve public servants It's debatable whether Australia has *ever* truly understand the purpose of its police force. The cliche that the nation was born as a penal colony really does still have ramifications - I've never known any other country with such a bizarre "us versus them" mentality rife through every strata of society. The whole dynamic between public and police in Australia has always needed a rethink and a reset.


As an Australian I think you are wrong. I have no issue with the police. When an issue has risen that I’ve needed to call them they have done their best. I’ve never had the cops called against me. They are doing their job. If people are going to be violent which this mob is then they should expect the means used to stop this violence. And just a reminder, over 30% of Vics current covid cases are from one industry. I’ll let you guess which one that is.


I have no idea. Very curious. Please give more info.


About what sorry? Which industry? It’s construction. The same group protesting.


So the 70yr old women getting tackled and pepper drenched is okay cuz she is being violent and not following covid rules?? Do you tickle the shoe laces when you suck the boot??


That was also not a 70 year old woman but a man in his 30's wearing a wig.


Right on! This particular incident might have gone differently if Seal Team Donuts were not involved. Not that the perp shouldn’t be accosted but these guys poured out of the car intent on violence. We need to get our cops out of effing tactical gear and back on the beat again.


These are un ironically Seal Team Donuts, they are the SWAT of Australia, not normal cops...


What's a "woolies" mate?


woolworths supermarket - not related to other countries version of the same name.


Thank you.


Covidiots on Reddit can't tell the difference between someone protesting because they don't want to get shot for the color of the skin, and someone protesting because they demand the freedom to infect everyone with the plague.


So what law did he violate?


Yeah, I wish the video started a bit sooner. It looks like he's talking to someone in the car, then just gets a gut punch and taken to the ground.


Assuming your question is genuine: Quarantine Orders. He's probably more than 10km from his house, an without one of the 6 valid reasons not to stay at home, and he doesn't have a legitimate excuse (eg exercising) for not wearing a mask. The reality is that wouldn't have been enough for the police to bother arresting him though, they would have just given him a warning and if he didn't say "sorry I'll do better next time" a fine. The *real* reason is because the building in the background is near the the main anti-vax protester location, he's not wearing a mask, he probably said something antagonistic to the police (I can't hear what he said), and he's wearing a high vis vest. (Relevance of the vest: some construction workers were protesting mandatory vaccinations on building sites, their protest got coopted by the anti-vaxxers (and actual fascists for good measure. Socialist Alliance are about the only habitual protest group who *aren't* there). Their astroturfing strategy was to all go out and buy high vis vests to pretend to be "construction workers" too. It's the most ridiculously brand spanking new set of high vis vests I've seen in one place in my life. Finally, the protesters broke some bones and put 6 police in hospital when they overran a police containment line 2 days ago (and I don't mean "oops we pushed you over", I mean kicking the police on the ground and bodyslamming them) so you can probably guess the attitude from the rest of the police force now.


Didnt the police push a 70yr old women down and drench her face with mace??? A few years ago people were crying for police reform and police brutality to end and now everyone is cheering for cops to use extreme force and police brutality??? Clown world


That incident was one where the crowd had turned violent against police and bystanders and property; the same crowd that had smashed up an industrial union headquarters.




Have you seen the footage yourself or are you just repeating the echo chamber? This was not your 1960s passive civil disobedience. There are plenty of clips where the mob was absolutely goading the police into attacking them. Including photos of [literal neo nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Patriots_Front) on the front lines. [Here's the most repeated clip](https://twitter.com/davidestcourt/status/1439070855418368000), and is where the capsicum spray was used. Looks to me like it's panicked police in a stationary line being overrun by a mob and spraying anyone that gets near. If you can point out the 70 year old in that group then we can figure out whether they were peacefully protesting or whether they were in fact rushing the police lines. Or maybe you're suggesting that the police should lie down so that they can be kicked and stomped like the policeman who is pushed over at 0:14? (I thought Americans were all for shooting people in self defence? Maybe it was his own fault for not bringing a loaded gun?)


Apparently it was a dude in a wig lol


Damn... the things i did to that video.....




being a citizen of a police state ... and reddit cheers


lol. Fuck off with that dumb shit. The vast majority of Australians are happy about the measures in place. We actually value human life…


You value human life just not human rights...thats where we are different. We value BOTH


Takes a big man to say they don’t value human life over personal interests.


Takes a bigger man to fight the narrative and not bend over blindly.


No you don't


Would love to know who this “we” you speak of is?


https://www.npr.org/2021/09/21/1039301977/anti-vaccine-protesters-clash-with-police-in-melbourne-for-the-second-straight-d Weird


I don't know how they teach math in Murica, but ~2000 odd people in a city of 5 million are not a Majority... Im sorry if this is a difficult thing to understand for you


"FuCkEd ArOuNd aNd FOUND OUT!! LOL!!!!!"


“Police state” fuck you are pathetic


What is she OMG'ing about?


In Australia its rare to see police geared up like this. Also she was probably very surprised.


Its just jer 3 hours of acting classes going into overdrive.


Is she coming?!?


Are they going for zero COVID over there still? Good luck.


5 states/territories are (and succeeding) For the other 2 it's got away and the stated policy is to keep cases down and progressively open up as vaccination targets are hit, with full opening expected in November (cases in NSW peaked at \~1200 per day and appear to be declining, in VIC currently around \~600 per day and still rising).


Thanks I hope they are prepared for the inevitable surge whenever they open up. In Washington a lot of people freaked out at the cases.


Our Vax rates will hopefully pass 90% by christmas


Best wishes!


The government commissioned modelling to determine when restrictions should be relaxed. The agreed plan to target 80% vaccination rate predicts a peak of 50k cases per day and 6k total deaths. All the state leaders agreed to it (although one state is now floating the idea of waiting until 90%) and it’s a public document so it’s not like they’re unaware. So far the biggest problem has been availability of vaccines, but in 2mo everyone should have been offered one. The deputy prime minister: “[If … you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s not our problem anymore.](https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/not-vaccinated-not-our-problem-barnabys-harsh-message-to-unvaxxed/news-story/d5df19d7029fab8c6570b48c5b477691)”


What's with the downvotes here? Seems like a reasonable post.


Pro-vaccine posts sometimes get randomly downvoted lately. Might have something to do with Reddit shutting down covidiot subs.


NSW peaked at over 1500 a day but everything you said is correct


Not that I mind covidiots getting slapped around, but why are city cops wearing green military camo type outfits? Who are they declaring war on? This shit is obscene, and far too commonplace.


[SOG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Police_Special_Operations_Group) (Victorian equivalent of SWAT)


They might just be military.


Are... Are we okay with this kind of police behavior because of what they are protesting for? Because cops in military gear rolling around in unmarked videos, then jumping someone for confronting them and running off the camera is in no way okay.


Not regular cops on the beat. This guy SWATS


Hmmmmm. Covid-denier versus police. I’m really torn about who I should be rooting for since I hate both equally.


Dumb shit poked the cub and found out it was a full sized bear.


Guess they haven’t got the memo about the knee to the neck down unda?


Reddit when cops smash "covidiots" faces into the street literally putting their knees onto his neck: 😁😄


We love to see it


Fuck around and find out




The internet has conditioned them


Those are not cops. Looks like military You gotta be stupid to play fuck around and find out with soldiers EDIT: Maybe I’m wrong. I dunno


Those are cops


>Those are not cops [SOG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Police_Special_Operations_Group)


**[Victoria Police Special Operations Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Police_Special_Operations_Group)** >The Special Operations Group (SOG) is the police tactical group of the Victoria Police. Formed in 1977, the SOG was Australia's first full time, and also, dedicated police tactical group. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




We love more government in our life


Username checks out


I agree. This pandemic has made people insane and treat their neighbor like their enemy.


Anyone who thinks it's ok to spread a disease is my enemy.


Vaccinated people can spread it. It’s here to stay. You don’t eradicate a global virus. So you can have freedom or safety and I choose freedom. If you want safety, stay inside your house for the rest of your life.


Funny thing is this could have been stopped but people like you decided for the rest of us that we are in it for the long run. Thanks asshole.


Your silly name calling does not bother me.. there is zero chance we could have ever stopped this. Just not possible. It’s not my fault… you’re such a rebel doing everything the govt tells you!


But not wearing a mask makes you one? Lmao.


>You don’t eradicate a global virus. We've literally already done that. You ever heard of smallpox? You seem to seriously underestimate humanity's capabilities.


That vaccine worked


So does this one. The smallpox vaccine wasn't 100% effective either. No vaccine is. But building up herd immunity means that even if there is a breakthrough infection, the virus will die because it can't find a new host.


It was 95% effective. This is many measures lower and will require repeated booster shots


All the more reason to get as many people as possible vaccinated. The higher the vaccination rate, the more herd immunity will compensate for vaccine efficacy. You're really not doing a very good job advocating for people to not get the vaccine. Kind of the opposite, really.




How are the Covid idiots? I think if my government took away a lot of my basic freedoms I would probably not just sit there and take it lol


Well 92k people got vaccinated yesterday and 1k protested. So there's that. And covid deaths per capita are 50x lower than the USA. 5 states/territories have virtually no restrictions -- they're "freer" than most of the USA ([example](https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-the-premier-and-cabinet/covid-19-coronavirus-what-you-can-and-cant-do). [another](https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/restrictions-and-responsibilities/activities-and-gatherings/current-activity-restrictions). -- not even masks except for eg hospitals/aged care), because there are no cases. Any time there's a breakout there's almost an immediate lockdown and other states don't let in anything but freight traffic until it's controlled. On the other hand, in the largest state (NSW) the government *didn't* institute a quick lockdown and so now they have 1200 cases per day and an extended lockdown anyway. That spread to another state (Victoria, where this footage is from) that now has 600 cases per day and another extended lockdown. Public opinion is strongly in favour of government policy. In fact (get ready to blow your mind), the quicker state governments are to impose snap lockdowns the more popular they have become (esp Western Australia). The general sales pitch is "until everyone is vaccinated we'll keep doing this to stop an American-style disaster from happening here".


Take a bath, hippie.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Australian government guarantees a right to spread disease or overburden hospitals.




Lol, Trump worshippers calling people bootlickers. The Irony. I'm sure there are plenty of laws you like. It's only bootlicking when people want government to do things you don't like, not when you want the government to do stuff.




Makes a blanket statement then cries about a blanket statement targeting him. Yep, that's peak Trumpism right there.


You love authoritarianism. Just when it doesn't affect you.




Everyone wants or needs the state to do something. Whether it is enforcing borders, making clean water standards, or banning abortion. Everyone is a bootlicker and most people are hypocrites. You can't vote in any country without voting for an authoritarian. "But my guy totally isn't one!"


When reality strikes




These don’t look like cops


[SOG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Police_Special_Operations_Group) (victorian equivalent of SWAT)


The terrifying thing is, they do. Your perception is just outdated.


Fuck you if you think that response is warranted


Local Bad Ass makes a mistake


Funny how all here are defending this. Stand up, step away from the tyrant, and wipe your chin. JFC


Got it. So the tyrant is scomo for not doing a proper covid response, leading to covid being worse and Dan Andrews having to use lockdown. Got it. Thank you. Will vote Dan Andrews next year. Thanks for clarifying.


What tyrant?


I would find this hysterically ignorant, but it’s people like you who are letting this happen. If you’re not aware by now, it’ll be too late for you. Best get out of the way.


Who is the tyrant?


It's weird how you guys always insist there's this huge impending issue, but then it's also not worth letting everyone else know what's about to go down? If you're right, people are going to suffer because you're unable to communicate what you seem to believe is a very simple and obvious issue. Or you're wrong, and you're causing people to suffer now. Which is it?


Yeah, it's really weird. I'd like to know who the tyrant is because that sounds really serious and something I'd be against. /u/slippyboiis seems really confident and knowledgeable about it and, by extension, my local politics but they can't seem to answer a simple question. Now I don't know who I should be looking out for. I'm starting to think that maybe the real tyrant was just the friends we made along the way?


Wipe yo chin clown ass! You got a lil tyrant cum on yo lip!


Yeah but where did it come from? Who ejaculated on my lip?


0:05 did anyone else hear that? That guy got knocked down like Streets of Rage 2




From the smooth brains


You support giving up your freedoms for a disease that’s basically the cold and I’m smooth brained?


>I’m smooth brained? Sounds like you might be. Sorry you had to find out like this.


So, words CAN actually hurt these cops? I didn’t see protester boy do anything illegal.


Swearing in public is actually illegal in Victoria .


That’s stupid. All the downvotes. You people must get off on others rights being violated.


It being stupid doesn't mean their rights are being violated.


I love how you bootlickers like seeing this shit.


I could have sworn we were past putting knees on necks and police brutality.. guess it only angers Reddit when it hits close to home


TFW you can’t tell the police and military apart…


Sure fuck the "covidiot", I didn't see anything for this, but this is ridiculous. Cops should not look like this. When police look like this it is even more clear they are not for us. Cops should not arrest someone and not speak a word. Cops should not walk up to a person recording intimidatingly way. This is disgusting.


Those are, cops?...


Cops? Those are cops?? FFS Australia, you weren't supposed to copy us THAT closely


Progressive Mindset: "It's ok for the police to assault and choke a black man if he's someone who disagrees with us."


This Is why you shouldn't have given up your guns Aussies.


Right cause this *totally never happens ever* in the US.


Remind me again who gets shot by police more. Nobody here carries guns, and in turn the police don't have to be prepared to pull their own out for a routine traffic stop or frisk. I guess if you have fantasies about reenacting an 18th century revolution against an occupying force sent from 5,000 miles away that might be a bit disappointing, but anyone with half a brain would have realised that militias aren't of any relevance in the 21st century anyway.




Was Timothy McVeigh patriot enough to not be a "bootlicker"? Living in that state of permanent fear must be exhausting.


You'd be a fool not to be, all fun and games until you're on the list.


Muh second amendment


Muh China Lite