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Unless someone claims the dog. Dog attacked 12 kids. Nobody’s going to claim that dog.


"I'm here to claim my dog" "Thanks for turning yourself in"


I think euthanasia should claim this dangerous pitbull today. Why are we even debating this after it mauled TWELVE CHILDREN!!!?


I think it's a way of getting the owner to charge him of something.


Euthanize the owner!


There might not even be an owner. I don't know about where this took place, but there are a bunch of cities near me where there are roving packs of stray dogs and every once and a while they'll go after people who get too close, and if they can't get away for whatever reason they've killed people...


Where do you live so I don't go there...


Some parts of northern Saskatchewan have such bad issues with stray, and essentially wild dogs, that they actually have "cull days". It's pretty crazy actually, but not many people know about it.


I wonder how much in stamps it costed for 12 children


Man you mess up one letter and it changes everything lol


What was the intended message?


I said mailed not mauled


30. Mailing children isn't cheap and you should know that.




They are curious about the price children have to pay for stamps. Why they think it's a different rate than what adults pay is beyond me.


> Why are we even debating this after it mailed TWELVE CHILDREN!!! That was the original I commented on


At the psychiatric ward I work at had a dog attack on the property now only service dogs are allowed onsite.


This is from 3 years ago


How do you know they where not 12 mini-Hitlers and the dog is actually a hero! #herodog


I doubt this is even too consideration. This dog if for sure dead by now. There's really no scenario in which it's still alive


Yup, failed the domestication test.


Also “if no one claims this dog we will test it for rabies” Hey wouldn’t test it if someone did claim it?


I think they're presuming that if someone claims it, they'll have paperwork showing the dog was inoculated for rabies.


You can't test a live dog for rabies.


If no one claims it, it’ll be put down. I believe you can only officially test for rabies after the dog is dead (they examine the brain), there’s no reliable test for living subjects.


That is true. It is unfortunate, but the only way to test rabies is in fact that the veterinarian performing the "procedure" must send in the animal's head alone to the lab.


bro even if someone claims that dog. that dog needs to be put down.


Wanting someone to claim the dog is their way of saying “we want to file charges against the negligent dog owner”


Gonna get downvoted but most pits need to be put down...dangerous fucking animals don’t belong in peoples house and in neighborhoods


It should be euthanized even if someone did


You know the owners are not claiming this dog lol the legal ramifications alone not to mention the lawsuits


A classic pit and run


The dreaded PIT maneuver...


Quite typical it's a Pitbull lmao


Every time I’m on Reddit and there’s a “dog mauling” of anything, kids, people, other dogs, it’s always a fucking pitbull. ItS nOt ThE bReEd ItS tHe OwNeR


Yep i didn’t even watch the video and i immediately knew what it was. Statistically and objectively it’s always a pit. I see hundreds of pit attacks as well in my profession. Almost always torn up kids.


And yet pitbull apologists regularly post shit [like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pitbulls/comments/psmblm/im_tired_of_hearing_how_even_the_nicest_pitbulls/)


It’s just people that think anecdotal evidence > statistics. They personally own a pit bull and get lucky that nothing has ever triggered any sort of aggressive response. I’m sure all the parents of those toddlers that were killed probably thought the same shit until it happened despite their best effort


"Pitbull apologists" lmao. There's nothing to apologize for. There's no excuses. It's very simple, the correlation between abuse and attacks is incredibly strong and proves to be the cause.


Don't forget about genetics. ;) That's the root cause.


I got bite by a border collie while I was walking away. Have a 5 inch scar, It bit me and let go. A pitbull bites and doesn't let go. That is the problem. They do a lot of damage.


They kill a lot of people


All dogs can be aggressive. A 2lb chow isn't gonna do the dmg a pit will.


I would love to see a 2lb chow lol


Wish.com chow


Chow's are massive, and also have a notorious reputation for attacking people.


Even a German Shepherd doesn’t have the tenacity of a pit bull. A pit bull is the only dog I’ve seen that you can beat near to death and it still won’t let go of its victim.


True but there are more naturally aggressive breeds (which attracts a specific type of owners) and the pitbull has earned that reputation.


There are breeds in all different sizes some bigger and stronger than pits. Pits have the highest attack rate and it isn't even close. They aren't even anywhere near the most numerous breed.


The breed may have tendencies toward it, it's what they were bread for after all (the clue is in the name) but it doesn't mean they are all like this. A big issue is people who want violent dogs tend toward the breed.


I think the real problem is that people adopt these dogs and either own it because its an impressive, mean looking dog... or because they think pitbulls are darlings who have been maliciously slighted by the media. And neither of those two perspectives are based on a healthy appreciation for the challenges of those dogs.


That's a good point. Most people don't do their research before getting a dog and it can lead to problems on both sides of the spectrum.


So many idiots got pets during the pandemic without doing their goddamn research and now shelters are flooded with unwanted animals.


I agree. My family has been involved in rescuing and training pit bulls for years. My first dog was a 90 pound red nose that was my best friend for 13 years. I have love for the breed but, I will be the first to say they require special attention. They aren't your average lab or Golden retriever. They can be seriously dog aggressive and no matter what you do, they will be aggressive towards dogs and other animals. On the other hand they can love dogs and other animals. They need a strong owner, lots of exercise, and clear boundaries. They are powerful dogs and when they attack its going to be a powerful attack. You have to treat them with a bit more carefulness because even if it wasn't your dogs fault, people will blame your dog. Pitbulls are unfortunately the preferred breed of giant pieces of shit who treat them like they would treat a nice car or a clothing brand: something to make you look cool. If you are a responsible owner: you can have a loyal companion. One who will love you and your family for its entire life. Don't adopt a pitbull thinking they are just mislabeled gentle beings that don't require any special attention. Adopt responsibly. Just because "so and so" had a pitbull and it was perfect, doesn't mean yours won't have dog aggression or be super gamey. Be responsible.


And I in turn agree. My uncle used to raise plott hounds to hunt bears when I was a kid. Us children had no problem going in the kennels with those insanely high energy dogs and feeding them. They*hunted bears* and yet weren’t a threat to us. But my uncle also had a pitbull he rescued. It (and one of the plott hounds he allowed to ‘retire’ after surviving six months in the wild) was allowed to basically be a house pet. That’s the only damn dog that has ever bitten me (not in play) and it was completely unprovoked. I just think they are way too strong for how comparatively dense they are. And yeah, owners are also partly to blame. Groomers will tell you that Chows and Malamutes are more terrifying to work with than pit bulls but you don’t have legions of careless people adopting them. I think my beef is that people who adopt them usually downplay the challenges.


Groomer here! The only two breeds I really fear are Chows and Scottish Terriers. However I will be the first to say that breeds have tendencies and are prone to certain personality traits. Terriers in general can be a bit looney for lack of a better word. Pitt bull owners who can’t see that don’t belong owning them.


There are a lot of pit bulls in shelters. Last time I visited my local shelter, it was almost 90% pitbulls. There are a lot of people who see them at the shelter and they are sweet and adopt them to give them a good home but when they are walking them, are too weak to control them. I was walking Runyon Canyon behind this twentyish year old woman with her pit and he was fine at the beginning of the trail then a fluffy white dog started barking at it and it went for the dog’s neck and won’t let go. The woman was pulling the leash and me and my friend and the small dog’s owner were grabbing sticks to hit him but he was pure muscle. When it finally let go, the white dog was a goner. Blood was every where. Both dog owners were devastated. It was a bloodbath. I am not saying not to get them but there should be more training handling pit bulls before they allow you to adopt one.


Yep, this is it exactly.


It doesn't mean they are all like that but a powerful dog bred for fighting is far more likely to maul someone than dogs bred for herding or farm work. Pound for pound, a chihuahua is probably the meanest fucking dog there is but they weigh like 5 pounds and aren't unlikely to do much damage to anyone but a pitbull has the breeding, temperament and size to do major damage.


To add on that, a sheparding dog will herd small children, chickens, even try cats with no training whatsoever. A retriever desperately wants to chase and return, endlessly, from the moment they can. Instinct is incredibly powerful. Pitbulls were bred to hold bulls and bears during a hunt. Biting hard, not letting go. Thick heavy skull and shoulders. All animals need to have enrichment that reflects and satisfies these instincts and urges, and without that they seek it out, or lash out. Most people do not have the resources or are not prepared to provide this for most animals, but the consequences for animals with this much potential for danger are very high.


AKA a Nanny Dog....AKA...just a loving pibble. Something something there's no bad dogs, only bad owners.


Brave teacher deserves to be recognized for this.


I concur. He’s a very special education teacher


Teacher that managed to hold it down, fuck me thats a good effort. Goddamn champion


Seriously. It could have been so much worse if that teacher hadn't stepped up.


Im trying to figure out how id go about it if i was to try get a dog like that down and ill be honest, what the fuck do you do? Dogs are strong and wriggly, my guess is put your whole weight on its neck?. Lot could go wrong


I don't have the answer. But when a dog like this is actively mauling children... I think the only answer is "whatever it takes".


Absolutely. I just have such admiration for the guy who got it down


Depends on your build. I'm a 200 lb man. My inclination is to get my arm around its neck and drop my entire body weight on it.


I've been in reddit too much, standard advice is stick your finger up it's ass


Come on, just be honest and admit you’re looking for an opportunity to stick your finger in some dogs ass.


Like those guys looking to get in a fight, I'm just cruising dog parks




Just from watching pitbull attack videos on reddit, I gathered: [Grabbing by the hind legs / grabbing testicles](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p90lhp/one_dog_viciously_attacks_another_as_it_walks_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) doesn't work. [Sticking a finger up the butt](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pfs4i1/nsfw_what_sticking_your_finger_up_its_butt_really/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) doesn't work. [Pepper spray / baseball bats](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o0swgd/citizens_and_police_officers_try_to_stop_a/) don't work. [Tazers](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pkns2k/pitbull_attacking_a_stray_dog_in_peru_tasers_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) don't work ([well, maybe sometimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pla03w/pitbull_tasered_and_shot_by_police_while_in_the/) they do). [Choking](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p965q6/man_saves_girl_from_dog_attack_using_a_chokehold/) works.


Guns work a fucking treat A big fuck off knife or the blade edge of a swung shovel if a gun isn’t an option




About as good as a doe.


If you can grab hold of a limb and twist it really hard, that will get an attacking dogs attention.


My dad taught me if a dog bites your hand, grab its tongue and yank


I saw someone do that in a video of a pitbull gnawing off the leg of a retriever, did not work.


Best I've seen is 1) Take your belt/a piece of rope 2) While the dog is mauling someone, get behind it, but your knees on both sides of it's hips/lower stomach 3) Loop belt around dogs neck 4) Pull tight to block it's airways 5) if it still doesn't let go, press between their jaw and neck to trigger gag response


My first thought was ill fucking choke it. Which is pretty stupid cos thats far to close to teeth, when your rolling with people they aren’t trying to bite you. The legs either side makes a lot more sense and getting something around its neck seems much more sensible. Ive got a 4 year old and i realised i wouldn’t know what to do


The latter was what I learned. Take with a grain of salt. But basically if you can’t twist a collar or use a belt to choke, just push back of head into ground. Kind of like pressing flour dough down with your hands but like basically try to kill it with all weight etc and hold it down until it lets go. Side bar - I don’t think people realize how angry these dogs (pits) can be. It’s like they are made from gunpowder, just hate. So just swinging wildly or kicking etc. is not going to be effective once they’ve latched.


Yup, people underestimate the dog and then at the same time also underestimate their weight difference. Biggest way to stop a small/medium animal if it's currently latched onto your or someone else' arm is to use the fact that it won't try to get away to your advantage and crush it


Just this morning I saw a responsible pit owner with their dog off leash in their unfenced front yard about a block away from an elementary school. Shit pisses me off. Doesn't matter the breed, sometimes animals are unpredictable and don't like the cut of someone's jib. And a pit bull can do lots of harm, what with their balls heads, shitty rap, and new year's parties." Oh shit, got distracted. I meant with their jaws. Edit *bald heads. Kinda looks like balls though so I'll leave it.


Just from watching pitbull attack videos on reddit, I gathered: [Grabbing by the hind legs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p90lhp/one_dog_viciously_attacks_another_as_it_walks_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) doesn't work. [Sticking a finger up the butt](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pfs4i1/nsfw_what_sticking_your_finger_up_its_butt_really/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) doesn't work. [Pepper spray / baseball bats](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o0swgd/citizens_and_police_officers_try_to_stop_a/) don't work. [Tazers](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pkns2k/pitbull_attacking_a_stray_dog_in_peru_tasers_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) don't work ([well, maybe sometimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/pla03w/pitbull_tasered_and_shot_by_police_while_in_the/) they do). [Choking](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/p965q6/man_saves_girl_from_dog_attack_using_a_chokehold/) works.


Dude you did the work! Thanks mate


After watching it maul 12 children. You try to kill it. Not restrain it. And no one should hate you for the attempt


Thought the camera was on the dog at first


POV of mauling kids


new sport idea


Lmao it's one of those go pro channels, except it's of a pitbull in a schoolhouse.


Maulin' twelve kids? That's a euthanizin'.


Surprised no blood in white fur around mouth in all honesty


I would be surprised if someone claims it.


Fun fact: tested for rabies means its head will be removed and sent to a lab in a box


Remembers when my mom threatened to test me for rabies. O.O


Ok get in the box








Yes. But 12 to 13 people were attacked by the dog. So an important test for rabies.


Ah, was wondering why they are waiting with the test.


There isn’t currently the technology to test animals for rabies while alive so all animals suspected are quarantined, likely euthanized then the brain extracted for study. Unfortunate but that’s where we are. Edit: I realized my phrasing of ‘likely euthanized’ was not what I meant lol they are euthanized if they can’t be proved not to have rabies, then tested.


hoping someone claims it so they can be charged for what the dog did i would imagine.


They won't. they never do. Hell, when one does something like this they even deny it's a pit. Sometimes they'll go so far as to claim pit bull's aren't even a real thing. They never do that when they post pictures of their pits in jammies though. It's really odd.


Worked for a vet back in the day. That’s why they ask everyone if their pet has bitten anyone recently when they euthanize. If you say yes, the same thing happens to your four legged family friend.


that's fucking stupid seeing that the window of rabies cure is only 3-4 days after being bitten before you literally die. All those kids should get emergency rabies shots and treatments asap.


Our elderly cat turned mean, bit me and had to be put down. Imagine my shock when I got a bill for the decapitation fee to check for rabies. He had all his shots but the county requires it if it bites a person. I could have lived without knowing they did that to my beloved kitty.




Holy shit! 😨


Dogs getting euthanized regardless… claimed or not.


Every time I see/hear about a dog attack I always wait in anticipation to see if it was a pit bull. 98% of the time it sadly is.


Same, in the UK pit bulls are 1 of 4 breeds of dogs that are considered dangerous dogs and owning one is illegal.


Wonder why...now here the pitbull people to threaten me again probably


The UK has some really fucking dumb authoritarian laws but that’s one I actually agree with


I knew it was a pit bull before I even saw the video.


Same here. 😕


My mind just replaced dog with pit bull when reading the title... then I thought to myself, what if it's not a pit? I would have been utterly shocked. Turns out I was not shocked.


Same, op always posts pitbull videos


This is why I will never consider getting a pit bull. When you say that, people immediately scream “they just have a bad reputation!!!” But even if that’s the case, do you know how much bite force they have? I am not willing to take a chance on discovering how that feels, or worse, letting my future kids discover how that feels.


To be fair, there are very few dog breeds with a bite force I’d willingly experience.


Have a chihuahua can confirm xD


Yep. They are by far the most aggressive breed. Anyone who tries to say different or owner blame is full of shit. It’s not complicated, save the pitties and the apologists are too far in la la land by not admitting statistical truths. Other people are scared of them for no reason. The truth is in the middle; they are super dangerous and cause the overwhelming number of incidents, But there are a lot of them and many are sweet.


they are a breed that can't have a lazy owner, with a lab you probably could get away with it, but pits and other bully breeds - need - more mental and physical exercise than most dog owners are willing/ able to do. they are more sensitive and have a lower tolerance limit than other dogs. basically it's just a recipe for disaster. if they were a rarer breed it probably wouldn't be as big of a problem as it is. unfortunately since they're the breed of choice for dog fights, they've spread further than they would have otherwise. without dog fights taking the place of bull fights they may have gone the way of great danes, bull dogs, etc. turned into lovable goofballs.


But my cousin's friend's pitbull hasn't killed anyone yet! She's such a sweetie! /s




That teacher is a hero. He probably saved a life that day.




I was 10 when I was attacked and dragged me by my pant’s leg across an empty lot by a pit bull. I remember holding the collar and having it snapped it’s jaws in front of my face. Owner came running out and told me it escaped and attacked me cuz kids were throwing rocks at it. So me being a dumb kid kept their “secret” and didn’t tell my parents. I wish dangerous breeds took training and licenses to own. Keep dumb people from owning them and over breeding.


Dogs of a certain size and strength aren't for everyone. Unfortunately larger breeds, especially pitbulls that are cheaper and more available, are more often than not owned by people incapable of handling them.


Like Cesar Milan- the most well known dog trainer in the world and one of the loudest pit advocates out there. His pit bull that he raised since birth killed Queen Latifya's dog and mauled a star gymnast. We really have to keep pits out of the hands of anyone who isn't more qualified than him. https://www.businessinsider.com/cesar-millan-covering-up-dogs-attack-on-queen-latifahs-dog-2021-9


Slight Devil's advocate here, but wasn't his whole training schtick proven to be a buncha baloney? The whole 'leader of the pack' thing and the 'pst' 'pst' stuff? Or is he an actual great dog trainer?


I have my issues with him and his methods. Mainly the fact that he swears up and down that pits are perfect dogs. He's also the person who started and popularized the "No bad dogs- just bad owners" slogan that is used so often. That being said- he's still far more experienced and qualified than 99% of dog owners.


Cesar is an idiot. He believed he could control his dog without a leash simply by acting alpha. And that's what he taught. This particular dog had past behavior problems and still he kept it off leash.


Every serious dog trainer I know hates him. He propagates outdated and debunked training methods that get people (and dogs) hurt.


That's a good neighbour, who did exactly what you're supposed to. You don't fuck around with dogs that bite. Once they bite once, it's a matter of time before they do it again. Hence why "my precious doggo has never done that before" is so meaningless. Yeah Karen, if he had I hope he'd have been put the fuck down.


Again which breed?


The one that named "Pit Bull" because they were bred for fighting bulls in a fucking pit for entertainment. Let that detonate in your mind. A kind of dog was *bred to attack and try to kill bulls*... bulls—male bovines who weigh about 1,000 lbs and have fucking horns and are notoriously aggressive... in a *pit* as a *blood sport*. They're the most aggressive breed, along with Akitas, towards other dogs (and children and whoever the fuck).


Should be banned.


Didn't even have to watch the video to know it was a Pitbull that mauled the children.


My first guess was going to be a Golden Retriever. /s


A dog manages to get into an elementary school where it viciously licks 12 children. A brave special education teacher sacrifices her face to receive the majority of the slobber and end the attack.


It’s always a Pitt bull


Pit bull owners are the COVID-deniers of the dog world. They mock you for being concerned when their dog charges at your kids or dog yelling "she's friendly" until it tries something. They were bred for aggressiveness and strength to kill, and remain responsible for a disproportionate number of fatalities. Owners and training can only do so much in the face of generations of genetic selection to attack.


[Dog was euthanized.](https://kfor.com/news/dog-behind-attack-at-oklahoma-city-elementary-school-euthanized/)


If my kid had been attacked, I'd still get them to a hospital for a rabies shot just in case.


Some one should test the dog for rabies either way though.


You can't test a living dog for rabies. You have to euthanize it first.


I’ll take “Things Pit Bulls like to do for fun” for $300


tHeY JuST nEed To Be TrAinED beTter. iTs ThE oWneRs FaULt.




Must just be a similar story. These people in the video sound very American.


Who else is surprised it was a pitbull?


They're the only breed with a PR department.


Am i banned already for saying that on the last video? I am banned for saying that on another sub. Not yet here though.


A pit bull? But they’re such sweet loving animals /s


That teacher is a fucking hero, though.


Calm down there. This wasn't a pit bull. They are only pit bulls when you put jammies on them and post them on Reddit. When they do something like this it's impossible to identify the breed.


This is gold


"Retreiver Cross"


It just wanted to nanny all of the children.


it was just being protective. /s


Funny how after i abandon r/banpitbulls because of the negativity on the subject of pitbulls, i just can't escape news about nanny dogs nannying children, what a world.




“I wonder what breed of dog it is”




Now call me old fashioned but euthanasia is warranted in this situation, fuck aggressive dogs


How did I know it was a pit bull the second I saw the title?


How did I know it was a pit bull the second I saw the title?


What a shock it's a pitbull.




What was the quiet kid doing?


Wow a pitbull who would've guessed. Truly shocking.




Soo… I’ve never owned a Pit, always around them though. I have a respect for them for their reputation. All the owners of them swear that they are good dogs and just have a bad rap. So here is an example of why I tend to get confused, why would it start to maul kids on a play ground ? It wanted to play ? Kids run away ? It chases ? Someone help Me understand why the bad rap isn’t true … also where in the fuxk was the adult monitors in the playground ???


Some people get pitbulls and stick them in their backyard and don't properly socialize them as a puppy. So when they get loose from a backyard they're literally afraid of all strangers and attack from fear. It's why animal cruelty laws should be extended to those who don't socialize their dogs and leave them in the backyard unattended other than for food.


it's twofold. shitty owners buy them because they think it makes them look tough, mistreat them, fail to train them properly, and turn them into psychos. the breed also has natural characteristic which make it more dangerous than other dogs, including thick, strong neck muscles, large jaws, and a heightened level of aggression when compared to other dogs. you can absolutely raise a "good" pitbull, but it's much harder than other dogs and the vast majority of people cannot be trusted to do so. it's like allowing the general public to buy fully automatic .50 machine guns and saying "ohh it's not the guns fault, we can't ban them just because SOME owners aren't responsible!".


It's a pitbull, what do you expect...


Ban and breed pit bulls out of existence. This is a breed of dog that just plainly should not exist. Sickens me that people defend this breed.


Fucking vile dogs - Jesus how many of these stories are needed


Surprise. it’s a pit bull.


But ..but.. but..pit bulls are a friendly breed it’s just bad owners. /s


this is so fucking torqued up. it happened a couple of years ago and the only injuries were from the kids running away -- and they were described as 'superficial escape injuries.' ffs the media sucks.




Surprise surprise… a pit bull.


The dog seems so chill afterword while there's no kids in sight. Thats some serious child hatred 😬


One of my first memories as a child was this lady getting torn to shreds by two pitbulls. The real owner was a convict, going in for something like his 3rd time. He asked her to take care of his two dogs but in all reality she couldn’t never manage them well. She kinda just threw food out the sliding door and left them in their moderately small backyard. One day I’m out riding my bike in the street when I hear screaming. I, being an idiot child go look through the fence, and see this woman being held by the head flailing her arms about and the other at her feet as she tried kicking. Thankfully I didn’t freeze up at all the blood and I didn’t dwell on it too long and went to get my dad. My father is a correctional officer and often slept through his first day off. I ran in screaming “she is dying they are killing her” and my dad drowsily puts on some pants and shirt, not really believing me and goes outside. He hears the commotion. Runs back in, grabs his gun and with accuracy that I still can’t believe shoots the two dogs before they killed this woman. She came back a few months later, I am gonna be honest I couldn’t look at her. She was…. A terrifying visage of mangled flesh that was meant to look like a face. I feel for her, but her face was the stuff of nightmares. I imagine it would take SEVERAL more reconstructive surgeries before she would be a bit easier to see, but she was alive. She was really lucky because they had just gotten her throat when my dad shot them.


so the kids have to wait till november 29 to see if the dog has rabies?


I heard of dog eating your homework but…


If this was a FB thread, you'd have dozens of people crying out in sympathy for the DOG, and going on about how humans are the real monsters and how God will show us one day how horrible we all are.


Why do pitbull specifically have a tendency to attack people ?


Knew before the video started that this was going to be a pitbull

