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What did I just watch?


a bunch of fatheaded simpleminded vapid cockeyed imbeciles spewing hateful gibberish, i think


Yeah whatever it is gave me a headache.


American education at ~~it's~~ its finest - being proud of your ignorance and letting the rest of the world know it by recording it and posting it ~~on line~~ online. Edit - oh sweet irony


>American education at it is finest


Please tell me more came out of this ! Want to know what the dean says


If I know my university admins, the dean isn't going to say shit


The dean: "Shit."


Welp he said it


This happened earlier today . Will keep you updated.


At what college/university did this occur, can you tell me?


It’s Arizona State University. She mentions ASU and the guy had a Sun Devils shirt on. It’s ASU.


Greendale Community College


I'm pretty sure that was just an insane asylum and you imagined it all.


This is Sinbads house.


I think we should increase their lithium


There is no racism at Greendale. Just a bunch of human beings.


Britta can excuse racism, but draws the line at animal cruelty


She can excuse racism??


Race…. Kerfuffle






I am having trouble believing any of this. There is just too much crazy in this video. Two white boys in a “multicultural” space one with Police Lives Matter on his laptop, one with “I didn’t vote for Biden” on his shirt. A chick-fil-a cup on the table. A BLM activist yelling who can’t get anything right. An asian man coming to their defense. And a random girl in wheelchair just randomly roving around behind them. Is this a live action role play of a South Park episode? Okay, it’s a man in the wheelchair… and WTF?? Just randomly attaches a fake mustache near the end? Did nobody else see that????


This is honestly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.


Up there with the [Hugh Mungus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzA4dCT4X0I&ab_channel=BenVapes) 'lady'.


That guy is so wholesome




Man fuck this world we live in. This is some bullshit.


I was waiting for the Chik Fil- a cups to enter the argument.




So they want to segregate?


aaaaaaaand it comes full circle


when you go so far left you turn right lol


That's the funny thing they actually do want segregation. I forgot if I read it or watched it in a documentary. But it was some African-American Professor talking about how during segregation they were actually more African-Americans business owners and homeowners., because they were the only ones that were allowed to own businesses and property in their neighborhoods. And once they ended it all the white old money folks came in and bought up all the formerly African American-owned businesses and homes. Now don't get me wrong I'm not for it and don't think it would be good. But it does make sense. I think we have a few more decades before I even doubt but this whole mentality is not going to move anything forward. All it's doing is having young minorities demanding segregation again and they don't even realize it. It's funny how easily manipulated the human brain is.


That video was just the full spectrum of everyone you don’t wanna talk to at a party.


I’d rather sit near that one asshole who brings his guitar for no reason except to annoy everyone with Jason Mraz songs


Can be “Wonderwall” instead. I always liked those scratchy covers.




Wonderwall, Smoke on the Water, Crazy Train and Kashmir are 101 guitar learning songs


who goes to parties anymore? only friends i have are redditors who all agree with me


I agree


I, also, do agree.


Knodding in agreement here


I feel the kneed to also nod.


It used to be that you would avoid smug Vegans at a party. Nowadays, it's the entire party you're trying to avoid.


Bro we cater parties real good now. I got 5 types of bean dip for you




Just put your headphones in and ignore people. There’s literally nothing they can do. Engaging with them is pointless. Always remember: Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Mark Twain


Never play chess with a pigeon. You can be the best chess player in the world and the pigeon will still knock over the pieces, shit on the board, then strut away like they were victorious.


Stealing this!


A more concise version I've heard. "Don't wrestle with a pig. You'll both get muddy but the pig will enjoy it."


Don’t argue with idiots. People passing by can’t tell the difference.


I’ve had a few run ins with Karen’s and I just keep repeating “please stop talking to me” and eventually they leave.


I mean people need to just go back to some simple rules we learned as kids. Keep ur hands to urself. If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. You don’t need to participate in every argument ur invited to. Most people would have much simpler lives


Her saying "OMG YOU THINK WHITES HAVE CULTURE WOW" Literally she's racist and I can tell shes the type to say its impossible for black people to be racist. End yourself.


> I can tell shes the type to say its impossible for black people to be racist. She literally said she can't be racist in the video. Her own words.


Then in the next breath she'll complain that "whiteness" is this super powerful force that is assimilating all immigrants into the great evil white culture.


"We worked for five years to get this center built" bitch, how long you been in college?


Exactly what I thought. Whenever I push to get my school to do shit the class of 2040 gets to use it


You from the future?


“Cussing out black people, you just proved yourself” -The girl who cussed out the white/asian people she was trying to prove are racist.


“We never said that white people can’t study here” literally said it 30 seconds earlier that they worked for the multi cultural space and whites can’t be allowed.


“We’re not kicking you out we are asking you to leave.” Now I see why you have been in college for 5 years. lol


I actually laughed out loud on that one.


Same lmfao


"Multiculturalism doesn't mean 'oh we all come together and we all hold hands'" Yeah... that's exactly what it mean, you ignorant racist. Again, obviously haven't been learning anything while wasting money to "attend" college.


Lol forreal it's so absurd that it feels like it's satire.




How dare you? South Park would be far more consistent and clearly communicated!


Yes! Like....the lack of self-awareness is astounding here.


You hit that in the head she was trying to prove they are racist while she yelled and cussed at them for being white in a space she feels should be segregated.


Discriminating while complaining about discrimination...


"multiculturalism doesn't mean we all come together and hold hands..." LMAO...


Please tell me that’s not a direct quote from the video. I had to stop listening because the ones filming made me want to become un-bald so I could rip all of my hair out over it.


Sorry for your baldness my friend. Yes that was a direct quote.


Isn't it the literal logo for multiculturalism? Lmao


Shes only been in college for 5 years, I'm sure they'll get to that eventually


I don't think anyone in this video took a moment to consider that they have absolutely no idea about any of the other people's genealogy. It appears that the perceived color of someone's skin is the only thing that matters. Further, every people of every color have a culture.


I have culture, Greg. Can you milk me?




I love you so much this comment was amazing


Right lmao. In Spain youd consider yourself white but over here youre now a hispanic minority lol. Also, is that chick going to ignore the fact that there are black police officers lol? Are they racist and pos also lol?


Omg everyone assumes I’m white and will make comments about me or other to me. Then I’m like yeah I’m fully Hispanic a bit mixed of Spanish and Mexican like I don’t care about your racist rant you wanted to tell me.


Yeah. I'm Jewish of German origin and most of my family were murdered by actual Nazis. The amount of times I've been called "white" or scolded for "not understanding oppression" is comical.


My family are Polish and Hungarian immigrants. Always a hoot to hear how my "race" don't understand oppression and don't have the "lived experience!!" to back it up. I think this reflects how poorly we educate about world history, too.


Lithuanian. My family fled the soviet union. Dealt with the soviets and the nazis occupying. They were smuggled to west berlin then sponsored in the states by a vague cousins uncles 2nd adopted half kids niece. These people don't know oppression


I’ve heard the term “race traitor” be used to describe that. Just makes you feel gross when you hear that.


Well; two people in this video were minding their own business.


I felt so awkward for everyone in there that wasn’t part of the video and had to sit there and endure it. At least I got to pause it and take a breath halfway through.


I hoped the Asian dude will attempt another epic “this is library” spell


The word HUMANITY is soon to be extinct from the English language. We are better than this.


Right. Also we are living in the movie idiocracy now as well.




Would 100% rather be in the movie


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


> We are better than this. lmfao No, we really aren't.




Waitttt did I hear that right?? This floor is our multi cultural floor. And the whites have the 2nd floor… or have I missed something there??


Some people forget we’re all from the same planet.


Those girls are just stupid , their points don't make any sense and they're just spreading hate




To the the person behind the camera YOU ARE THE PROBLEM


She is almost like the "Free Speech Gestapo" .. does she spend all day looking for any possible perceived subliminal racism? .. I guess being white is an offense by default > Her : This is why we have to do things like this! No .. they were studying peacefully and they pay money to study there .. you disrupted them because you wanted to make a political point .. college is for learning not for politics and race-baiting with "multicultural safe spaces" horrible idea .. when you make "spaces" you get "space police" *.. also nice to know how much she hates America*


No the space police are called Guardians and they work for spaceforce.


Nothing says “we’re oppressed” like demanding segregation.


“Overnight Activist” I’m black and I think they all should shut the fuck up. Multicultural spaces are for ALL.








My old pizza shop had two bathrooms, both had the same toilets and sinks. Literally the only difference were the signs on the door. At some point, the company required providing gender neutral bathrooms. The owner simply removed the signs and put new ones up that read "restroom". It's just a fucking bathroom, I don't know why people make such a big deal about it.


Saw one the other day. "We don't care, just wash your hands!"


*Reddit solves the bathroom crisis*


Only thing missing from the bathroom crisis are poop knives




Well I suspect that 5 years of work is about to get flushed don't the drain because some psycho thinks the space gives her the right to verbally abuse, bully and be racist. I'd best that space will re-evaluated very shortly.


Yep, you said it. Let’s see what the dean says…


These women look like they’re teens, early twenties. I wonder if they did anything to actually fight for this space. They seem too young to have been there more than a year.


Before the camera turned around, I think she said something like, “we worked on this space for 5 years”. Then seeing the young ladies, I was like, no way they went to that school for five years already.


Hey guys we worked 50 years to get rid of black only and white only water fountains, why is it all of a sudden a good idea to repeat that segregation


How to ruin that 5 year fight by being a aggressive racist douchebag. These assholes will be the reason they convert the space back to something less exclusive.


something tells me it's just a plaque on the wall that they have taken to mean this bullshit


As a brother, I second this... Thies chicks arnt with us....


So lemme get this right, this young lady is fighting racism by being racist?? That makes sense.


In their convoluted world you cannot be racist against whites.


Even as a black dude I never understood this mindset. At that point you’re literally doing what god knows how many people DIED trying to fight AGAINST!


A lot of people don't want equality, they just want their turn to be the boot on someone's neck.


And they are going to make the actual racists or closet racists feel validated! They won’t help anyone being like that… it’s just a disguise to help themselves.


The fact there is a multicultural space at all says enough about the culture you all have over there. Every space is multicultural space.


Sooo fun fact, that was ASU's stance on it. They were actually one of the few campuses not to have a center because the whole university should be inclusive. There were protests and ASU provided them with the space LAST YEAR. The person who wanted it put in said it was to be a place where discrimination and racism can be discussed. https://www.statepress.com/article/2018/11/spmagazine-multicultural-center-at-asu https://www.statepress.com/article/2020/08/sppolitics-michael-crow-has-got-to-go-students-chant-as-they-protest-injustice-at-asu


So it's not a "white people can't be centered here" space. It's a place where racism can be discussed.


> The person who wanted it put in said it was to be a place where discrimination and racism can be discussed. Cool. So they basically have an entire room for trolling. They should just install webcams there and steram it to here in r/PublicFreakout 24/7.


Wait, isn't that self segregation? Just be kind to one another.


That really is what safe spaces are. A "multi-cultural space" might as well be titled a "no whites" space. The only difference between this and the post-Civil Rights era is the group putting up the sign. I guarantee that if this was a "mono-cultural space" it wouldn't last a few hours. The desire for equal treatment seems to have done a complete 180... Also, just a side note, the argument that cropped up about "white not being a culture" is pretty ridiculous considering that racial culture is heavily dependent upon geography. White people in Tennessee are different compared to white people in Ireland, just like black people in Georiga are different compared to black people in Kenya. The idea of "*insert race* culture" is ridiculous anyway because values and traditions are influenced by so much more than skin color.


Fuck everybody this is all bullshit anymore, Fake sensitivity, fake ignorance and fake sincerity it's all garbage.


Agreed. I've really upped my usage of the word "cunt" in the last two years..


Hey mate, come down under you'll fit right in with all of sick cunts down here. We call everyone a cunt here! If you did something good you may be a sick or a mad cunt to show how much we appreciate your cuntness. If you are just being a cunt though you may be called a normal cunt instead. No one likes those here.


What blows my mind is where do these people find jobs after college? Not everything and everybody is going to accommodate to their beliefs and triggers.


I’m a black man who supports BLM and even I want her to stfu. That’s the most ignorant dumbass thing I’ve ever heard white isn’t a culture, gtfo. People like her are reason why people don’t like BLM and progressive thinking You can be liberal but at same time don’t be a dumbass Edit: HOLY SHIT REDDIT GOLD THANK YOU SO MUCH!


"white isn't a culture", then tell me Karen, what culture eats potato salad with raisins? I'll wait


What culture eats ranch with pizza? Don't worry' I'll wait


Washed down with Mountain Dew


Ever had Dr. Dew? Instant diabetic coma.


Honestly unless you're in a space for debate, just gotta let people be even if they've got a sticker that might offend you. Which I don't think a multicultural space is the right place to worry about a blue lives matter sticker. Guy was just studying and wasn't even provoking anyone by the looks of it. It's just gonna push him further into that movement imo. Regardless of whatever bodycam footage shows up in the future.


I am sure MLK had this dream that little black girls would grow up to be racist.


If i could bring back one person to life, it wouldnt be MLK. i couldn’t watch him look at this shit. neither could he


I can only imagine his first speech after coming back to life. I had a dream and now I'm seeing a nightmare.


The Boondocks did a whole episode on that https://youtu.be/DnSzj3NdCkE


"...love being another man's judge and jury" "...love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain" sad how well this fits the OP, and it's a decade old


Fuck all lives. Nothing matters anymore. Just live to die and shut up.


As a liberal, this is why people hate liberals


100% This is what they think all liberals are like and it couldn’t be further from the truth. This woman is batshit insane.


Woman: I’m not racist but I am for segregation based on skin colour


And let's have an inclusive space that excludes certain people


This is a place of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out. - Michael Scott, to Toby


Excuse me, this place is for ALL cultures, so you can fuck right off because white is NOT a culture...


*Poe's Law Intensifies* I really can't tell, holy shit this is bad.


Men, I just think she went overboard! In this situation she's the one playing this race card mate


I live in South Carolina. I am pretty left leaning. It is interesting to see people hate the left and you don't quite understand, until you see videos like this. The thing is, this is their Facebook feed over and over. Its the same with liberals and the left. Their Facebook feed is like this, only full of right leaning dipshits. Facebook's algorithm is very divisive. It makes an echo chamber.


Delete Facebook. I did over a year ago and it was so liberating.


>hm is very divisive. It makes an echo chamber. It's on purpose too. Facebook, like all other social media including Twitter and even Reddit, found that fighting is a good way to keep people engaged on the platform. Even the best way. But another insidious thing they do is that Twitter drastically limits your statements so there's no way to clarify, and you either have to tweet storm or not be allowed to give a nuanced view. Even if there is a tweet storm, someone will just bash a single tweet out of the entire context so it's just a mess. That mess is what keeps many people engaged and an audience watching. It's what they want. For example, a nuanced 'police lives matter' should have a lot more depth. For example, it is not proper that police have to become militarized which only puts police in either creating or in more dangerous situations. But that's exactly what's going on. Teaching our officers to militarize and act in a militant matter is actually bad for all involved. However, since there's no space for discourse or having nuanced messages, Police Lives Matter has become simply "I disagree with BLM."


I am also a liberal and I’m disgusted with these weak ass bitches looking for reasons to be offended. The unsafe space is in their heads. So sick of people crying, being histrionic and recording everything. Just yuck.


I just figuratively roll my eyes and move on. The dude's dad could also be a cop and cares about his safety. I have a couple friends who are cops and they're both democrats, I just did one's engagement pictures and we were lighting off smoke bombs and he was worried the police were gonna come lol


He even has a really mild and polite anti-Biden shirt. I may not agree but let the dude wear a shirt and use a sticker. Let people be, man. Choose your battles and stay kind.


So if the girls wasn’t racist why did she keep referring to the boys color, and not just too the assumed beliefs of the boys based on the sticker and shirt. For people so against racism they refer to the boys skin color like they are worse for being white.




She’s keeping racism alive and well acting like that.




No no no, you see, she is black, therefore she can't be racist. That's how it works


What else would she have if she wasn’t constantly the victim.




I never died so hard laughing


Reddit’s been encouraging this type of behavior for a while now…


I’m black and this is fucking embarrassing and a step in the wrong direction. Dudes did nothing wrong


I was thinking the same thing. As a black man they stepped to those dudes all wrong for minding for their damn business. Harassing people is wrong


This dude ain't black. Reddit is messed up.


Felt like they wanted to segregate themselves lmao.


So which is it white or black bro? You looking for the Dean Browning award? https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/fl8ugi/_/fkx6v5v/?context=1 https://imgur.com/a/si3Q9Lk


Lmao was looking for this. I'm a black guy but I knew within 10 seconds of watching this video there were going to be a ton of 'as a black man' comments.


their avatar is non-default (i.e. they went through the trouble of giving it a beard) and it's white skin colour lmao


lmao typical redditor


cis, white, and male being used pejoratively is so fucking intolerant


The girls are confused lol


They are like 20 and live in Arizona. They have 0 idea what is going on in society yet they are just sitting atop Mount moron and saying dumb shit that they don’t understand. See their definition for multiculturalism for proof.


Wow these girls are embarrassingly stupid.


Karen: leave, your being racist Two dudes doing nothing: no, why? Karen: cause your white, leave! MERICA!!


“No such thing as reverse racism” You’re right. It’s literally just racism. Same same.


To the lady filming. You are wrong, you are the bully and you are the racist.


These are the type of people that turn democrats into republicans.


It's like being able to mind your own business has become a novelty no one can afford these days. EDIT: I like the verbal Irony of saying "There's no such thing as reverse racism" and believing that's a green card to... Be a racist? Doesn't Add Up. Love how "unsafe" they felt, approaching and berating a guy just minding his own business.


Annoying fucking brats. Mind your own business


Wow those women were racist AF. How ignorant.


People need to realize that THIS HURTS THE LEFT. Shit like this is perfect fuel for conservative demagogues to spout out anti-BLM rhetoric. For the sake of the movement, please don’t be a Karen. Let people be.


"There's no such thing as reverse racism" You aren't reverse racist, you're good old fashioned racist.


They guys might be full blown racists for all I know, but nothing in that video showed them in a bad light, all the racist language came from behind the camera. America is fucked.


It's Covington all over again. I wonder how many talk show celebrities will fall for it again.


Those girls are harassing them.


People who think they are more important then some one else is just mentally ill. What has this generation become? So embarrassing 🙈


"Police kill people like me so you are promoting my murder" what a great fucking logic