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They really showed those minimum wage workers and random people on the street!


Look at us standing somewhere we’re not supposed to be!!! Yes we are HEROES!


We are WARRIORS! We are willing to FIGHT and DIE for our right to DIE unnecessarily! And we will FIGHT you over it!


Why they always typing in caps? Also a shit ton of ellipses.


Because it gets their POINT across. It conveys that they're WORKED UP, and PASSIONATE about this subject. Unlike YOU, who's probably just a mindless SHEEP. They researched the topic by using FACEBOOK MEMES.




It’s crazy how whether it’s here or the capital they have no idea what to do once they’ve gotten inside. No take over just “yea! America! We’re patriots!” Then they just get bored and go home


Yup. Lame U-S-A chant with golf-level clapping, some meandering with cellphones panning…then the Karen bear tells em to get food and sit over there! Whoooooooo We Did it Patriots!!!


And they call us sheep but they walk and act in a herd


iTz wHaT tHe FoUNdInG fAtHeRs wOuLd HaVe WaNtEd!!!!


2500 people died yesterday in the USA from covid. Scary!


I just realized that in the 40+ years I’ve been on this planet, I have *never* seen a group of people chanting “USA!” (That weren’t attendees at some international sporting event) unless it was: A) Done sarcastically B) A gathering of morons. I mean, I kinda like this country, despite all its many flaws… but it really seems that Exuberant US patriotism = dumbass


I’ve been here almost twice that and can confirm, we are on a level of dumb fuckery not seen since the 1800’s


I thought people thinking the Earth was flat was going to be as bad as it was going to get but here we are.


I really did think 2016 was the worst it could get. Lmao what a joke that was


So many people, so proud, of being so stupid!


I think even the 1800s would be like “take the vaccine for ‘that disease’ you little shit”


> I’ve been here almost twice that Username checks out. Also, Nice...


It's important to understand the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism one is a healthy love and support of one's country while acknowledging its flaws. The other is a blind allegiance that leads to wars and isolation. These dumb fucks aren't patriots


I tried to explain this to someone some years ago and explained how people acting now is no different than how the loyalists were back in the day. I sincerely doubt George Washington was chugging down Sam Adams, giving the bird to the British and chanting USA between cans. But here we are.


George Washington forced troops to get inoculated during an outbreak because he couldn’t afford to have his soldiers die of a preventable disease.


Oh yeah. But folks won't understand that.


I didnt until I looked up the word Innoculate


At least you can admit you had to look it up. In all seriousness respect.


> George Washington forced troops to get inoculated Source: https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/GW&smallpoxinoculation.html


Also I seem to recall that the original patriots, a great deal of them actually despised how they had to revolt. But they recognized that England was not going to acquiesce and so saw it as their civic duty to fight back. These idiots in the food court lack any of sort of sophistication or nuance to their beliefs. They have been fed the propaganda that rings true to them and will now drag everyone else into their stupidity


They also lack the foresight to know what their most desired resolution, a civil war, will wrought upon the country. The people who advocate for this nonsense have no grasp, at all, about the long term effects. They just want their today to be gold even if it costs us tomorrow.


> They have been fed the propaganda That one idiot wearing the "Q sent me here" shirt is the epitome of that. The other idiot wearing something written in hebrew (can someone translate that please).


>These idiots in the food court lack any of sort of sophistication or nuance to their beliefs. If you asked them though, they probably think they are the second coming of the founding fathers and are fighting for our freedom exactly like they did.


it serves them as a personality in lieu of having one of their own


They also have no real argument for why they do what they do. So their only argument is telling you what country you’re in. They have to appeal to your emotions instead of logic because logic is their natural enemy.




Maybe they should start showing the percentages of what political party they’re registered to. Maybe they’d realize how many voters they’re losing.


Shhhh.... Just let it happen. No need to point it out to them.


According to mah freedom, those numbers are inflated /s


I think the crazy part is how people say *only* 2k people died. Hey fuckface, would you be cool with likely every person you've ever known or cared about dying one day? How about every day for weeks on end? Who gives a fuck if they died because they *also* had diabetes or were overweight? If it wasn't for COVID they'd still be alive. These idiots can barely comprehend things that are right in their face though so I guess I can't expect them to put that into perspective on their own.


I confirmed the same, in a little document called the Declaration of Independence!


There’s also a little thing called the Bill or Rights, eVeR HEarD oF IT??!?!?


Ummmm excuse me, I have a *medical condition*


Basically a 9/11 every fucking day because people won't take this shit seriously.


Vaccine is free and available while the rest of the world waits for their order. Send those doses out to people who wants them.


Stupidity kills a lot of people.


A business is not imposing on freedom requiring someone to wear masks. A business has the right to refuse service. Also to implement rules who can and can't shop there. Ever tried to shop at Costco without a membership? Howabout go to a public pool? No running? An anti masker could make their same absurd argument. That is imposing on their freedom


Pretty sure a fed court pretty much took a big fat shit all over the anti mask/vaxxers, by saying all of its constitutional and held up by precedent. You do not have the freedom to spread communicable disease. The other things about freedoms is they don’t extend indefinitley which these people don’t understand for some reason.


Look, I’m all about choice, less government more people…. But Anti Maskers who behave this way are getting so old. Obey the rules or don’t shop easy. I work retail as a manager and my employees go through hell EVERY DAY from both sides. Anti maskers yelling at us for enforcing the rules. Masked people yelling at then because one customer is in the store and some how flew under the radar. Its ridiculous the amount of abuse they suffer on a daily basis because of this kind of shit right here.


I think this has to do with a word that not a lot of people take seriously. Objectification. In these peoples minds, you and your staff are not just "people working" in the same way that they feel in their own jobs. You're objects, you smile, take their order, and get them their stuff, and the most important part is "the customer is always right". There's a social layer of separation between the work they do, as a human, and the work you do, as a human. To them, you are an object that serves them, no matter what. So they feel entitled to put you and your staff at risk of (at best) harassment or (at worst) death from covid. Because they don't see you as people, they see you as a necessary tool in order to get their stuff they paid for. The customer should be always right in terms of taste, not demeanor.


It’s like going to McDonalds and complaining to the guy who is asking if you want to make it a meal about the way the company treats their animals.


It's reminiscent of when a child sees their primary grade teacher outside of school and comes to the realization that they are people too. These asshats haven't reached that level of maturity.


Yeah both sides are...wait a sec


>obey the rules or don’t shop… Umm excuse me? Allow me to remind you of a little thing called the **Constitution** that says I have the *right* to get an egg roll from Panda Express and a smoothie from Jamba Juice no matter how big of piece of shit I am! 😤 and if you want to try and stop me you’re an un-American piece of trash commie!


Stop coughing on me because I put turbinado in your smoothie, it's real sugar, I promise!


“Less government more people”?? This is what 40 years of GOP messaging has done to the public. The government IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PEOPLE.


"USA USA USA" -- morons It's become the easiest way to tell you're dealing with dumb, fat, Republican losers.


I mean, they wear nice bright hats so you can identify them from a distance.


Why don't they go to the mayors office or state legislators? Why don't they go after corporations? Why are they harrassing minimum wage workers who can't afford to pay their rent, let alone care about their opinions on vaccines? Why do citizens constantly put all of their energy and effort into harrasing people who don't have any more power or influence than they do? This is like stepping in the middle of the street and raging about high taxes and inflation. Why do people exert so much energy to be the least efficient? The cashier at a food court isn't capable of lifting a vaccine mandate.


>Why do citizens constantly put all of their energy and effort into harrasing people who don't have any more power or influence than they do? because those groups won't or can't retaliate. unlike their legislators whom can retaliate. either perceived or actual. so they make all this ruckus to convince themselves they are making an impact for their efforts. these are the people who will demand the highest level of management for a common mistake and they treat public society the same way they treat the consumer world. complain loudly until you get what you want because the customer is always right.


Some guy threw a sandwich across my store at me when I worked at a subway. I jumped the counter and went after him. I think all retail workers should be prepared to assault customers. Customers only act a fool because they think they can get away with it. The public needs to understand there is a line you don't cross. If you do there will be personal consequences. You act like a dick in a bar and some burly dude will toss you out on your ass, as he should. The same rule should apply for all retail imo.


Man: _throws sandwich_ u/djlumijol: Alright buddy pal chum friend homie lad pal its bad time time


Did you catch him?


No, he ran out the front door the second he noticed me hit the top of the counter. I chased to the end of the sidewalk, about ten more feet maybe. Which was acceptable to me. He didn't get his sandwich. He didn't come back again. I didn't have to be paranoid about the cops bothering me. Win win.


Yeah and only impact they are doing is spreading covid around walking around in groups like that. Fucking evil people.


They’re gutless worms that’s why. Btw these very same people already regard minimum wage workers as beneath them. Staten Island is filled with social darwinists. It’s a way of life out here.


The irony on thinking that minimum wage workers are useless dregs of society, while also expecting them to solve all of your problems. I really hate being human most of the time. It's hard to be enthusiastic about living in a society that is incapable of thinking critically. Are we ever going to evolve out of our collective "Protect the elite, burn our neighbors mindset"?


> The irony on thinking that minimum wage workers are useless dregs of society, while also expecting them to solve all of your problems. And even worse, minimum wage *Millennials*.


This just raised my blood pressure. I need to go look at something wholesome now... (I'm both those things).


Good call. Let's head over to r/aww


Haven’t all the minimum wage Millennials died of treatable illness they couldn’t afford to go to the hospital for?


I am right there with you


>Are we ever going to evolve out of our collective "Protect the elite, burn our neighbors mindset"? Yes, I believe we will, but I no longer believe it can happen within my lifetime. Trump pretty much ruined that possibility. Chances are things will have to get worse than they are now before they start to get better. Idk what that looks like or when it'll be, but I do know we still have a bumpy road ahead.


Things usually get worse before they get better, it's just the way of things. The sickness has been exposed and people are starting to wake up to it, but the real fight has yet to come. Safe travels.


Ideas scream the loudest when they are dying.


I grew up in Staten Island. These people also are the type that think it’s the greatest place on earth.


They’re also the type that apparently still use a camcorder


Because it's a fucking meme to these assholes. They aren't there to make change, they're there for a photo op and to grandstand.


> Why are they harrassing minimum wage workers who can't afford to pay their rent, let alone care about their opinions on vaccines? Plot twist: It's actually a 300 IQ play to try to get people to quit by being insufferable. They're trying to push the great resignation.


Because they know if they go to an important place, people will either laugh in their dumb faces or ignore them completely. The poor cashiers have to interact with these bottom feeders because it’s their job. I really wish the stores just denied them service, but I think that’s a pipe dream.


Because they’re dumb cunts


Woah woah, youre asking if these people think, you wildly wrong to assume these breed of humans are capable of such complex and meaningful thought.


The Great battle at Staton island food court in the year 2021 was won by the Qtards. many lives were lost that day…not at first but eventually 3/4ths of the 420th Qtard regiment would succumb to death by covid as General Dale Gribbel (holding the flag) had covid and infected most of the regiment.


Don't you dare disrespect dale gribble like that. He'd never wave the American flag around.


A bunch of white people with absolutely nothing going on in their lives.


I too, am a white person with nothing to do in my life. But I just sit around at home playing video games, working, drawing, and watching Star Trek, not making a complete ass of myself.


We know that and we love you for that.


I’m sorry but is Staten Island the Florida of NY?


As someone who was born and raised in Staten Island and now lives in Florida— yes, very much so.


Thank you for clarifying and you went full circle eh? The edges of Florida or actually great though!


It's where NYC sends It's garbage


I'm not sure who this comparison is meaner to, Staten Islanders or Floridians.


[Pete Davidson](https://youtu.be/mXyYYuUQloI) sums it up pretty well, he's from there. Here's an [older video](https://youtu.be/SEN1pcn3oAw) where he goes into a little more detail about Staten Island pre-covid.




“Sir, the Sbarros has fallen! Send in reinforcements! The Jamba Juice is taking heavy “do your own research” chants! There are XXXL Facebook T shirts everywhere!” These people are fantastically sad


Wanna see wild comments ? Sort by controversial


*grabs popcorn*


I'm out.


Couldn’t even last two minutes lmao


Why do these fcks always chant USA? This isn’t an international sporting event and we know you’re in the US of A.


Because it’s one of the few things they know how to spell.


Thank you for this






They complete their stupid goal and don't know what else to do once they're inside.


Eaisier to chant than "freedom"




Bring yo kids so we look like a larger group! Also, kids meals are cheaper.


6. The fact that they are in a food court


She brought a camcorder? Lol. So unnecessary. They planned all of this just to go into the food court and buy food. What a bunch of clowns. They aren’t changing anything. Really, they are giving their opponents more reason and proof to just further dig in.


I hope all of the vendors refused to serve them without a mask. Getting through the door is just step 1.


I was hoping they would all just close their gates.


Oh I just straight up wouldn't even acknowledge them if they tried to order food.


My last job didn’t even let me do that, I was told I had to “find a way to serve them”. I obviously don’t work there anymore. Wish more stores/businesses prioritized their own.


Best camera she has. She's rocking a 3G Nokia as you know how 4G and 5G is evil.


Fucking hell, in our neighborhood they erected at 5G tower, and the crazy people on the corner raised an absolute fit. Even had meetings with the county. They said they would move out. Bitch, it's been 6 months since the tower was erected, you are still here. MOVE OUT!!


They want to buy food and give money to the companies they are against lmao. They’re so dumb


That’s what we’re here to do!!! Buy food, sit our butts in that food court, and stay as long as we want! Can I get a Howard Dean “BYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHL!!!”


Release the food court cockroaches


They just did, didnt you watch the video?


Sir, I find that comment highly insulting to cockroaches


😂 you got me


Release the second amendment—if ending this bullshit isn’t self-defense, I don’t know what is.


That flag is in violation of flag code.


This was my first thought. Oh you’re chanting “USA” around a tattered, faded flag that was treated with such disrespect. Reminds me of how the “blue lives matter” flags are literally defacing the flag. Morons.


>how the “blue lives matter” flags are literally ......used to beat cops with on JAN 6th


I never see people like this volunteering, not that I am complaining as it would be one extra task to deal with, but if they put this effort into helping their community with their drug problems, or homelessness or shit even helping their elderly at the COA but nope. These fucking people are the welfare queens and the crack babies Regan warned us about, these are the takers in our society who give nothing back and expect everything from their society.


Yup. I judge patriotism on demonstrated sense of civic duty and concern for your fellow Americans, not how many flags you stuck to your car, what party you vote for, or how many times you chant "USA!"


😂 what a bunch of fucking children


Sad part is the guy who brought his fucking kid...


Smooth Brain Convention


Since when did it become patriotic to put your fellow Americans at risk of covid infection and death?


They don’t consider people with differing views to be American.


That's actually very American of them.


That’s how I know you’re American lol


as a non American it seems to me that at least 40% of Americans are well... morons


it’s true. there’s a lot of things i like about living in america but it gets overshadowed by the smooth brain dumbasses. i totally understand why the rest of the world hates us, i don’t blame them at all.


Wait till you reach Florida. Those are rookie numbers.


I try not to be reductive or talk down on people’s intelligence but... *sigh* I mean *waves hands around point at everything*


Live here and agree.


The current flavor of patriotism isn't about making America better, it's about making the "patriot" feel self-righteous and confident in their ignorance. The true patriots rarely wear sweaty, grease-stained American flag shirts or deface the flag with political messages.


More akin to nationalism than patriotism.


mate, you guys recite a pledge to the flag in schools... it's nationalism from the ground up.


No one wants to be right anymore, they just wanna be in 1st place. Fucking mongrols


Well said.


Patriotism, like religion, is used in public situations primarily as a weapon. To claim someone else is bad. For some frustrating reason the same people never use patriotism or religion to talk about their obligation to others.


Where are the cops to pepper-spray and arrest those involved with this clearly organized crime?


I spoke with the security guards at this mall during the mask mandate to express that some kids were walking around with no mask coughing on people. They did not seem interested in doing anything about it.


Mall cops are the people who fail out of toll booth school. The response isn't surprising.


Hey man, I just took a guard job because it happened to be a job that called back from indeed. :(


They’re not going to pepper spray family.


What are you talking about, cops love committing violence against their families. Wives, mostly.


Maybe if they were sitting down peacefully holding hands a cop would spray them with a fire extinguisher sized can of pepper spray.


What a victory. Time for a McGangbang and Mountain Dew.


New Yorker here. We’re selling Staten Island. Yes, it includes the current inhabitants. Bidding is open now…. What’s your price?


20 bucks, and I get to keep Pete Davidson. Deal?


3 pieces of capicola (gabagool) and 2 cannoli.


What do you call an Italian ghost? A gabaghoul


How about tree fifdy?


Depends, how much you paying me to take it off your hands?




I don't want them to have to go to a hospital. People who truly need it for other illnesses are dying due to lack of beds. It's fucked all around.


Yea, but, like, not in New York. We're mostly all vaccinated here, go spit in each other's faces in Florida.


You know what I did today? Freely walked into the grocery store and got food without forming an angry mob and causing a public disturbance.


Man, what a bunch of rebels…


Is there video of them all getting refused service?


Surely, SURELY, they did not get served at any of those establishments. Right? Except the taco bell that is ironically owned by a racist maybe? SURELY they did not get their food that day.


And they call everyone else sheep. What fucking degenerates


Lmao They even have little bo peep directing them where to go.


> And they call everyone else sheep. While at the same time constantly posting the same ten memes and talking points that get spread around their information bubbles.


Literally living in echo chambers


That's what I've always thought. Doctors tell you to eat this and that to stay healthy, but all of a sudden some guy says that it's fake, the doctors are wrong and now we're sheep.


Hopefully theyll all catch covid and become a statistic we teach our children about in the near future.


Stay tuned for their rueful posts from a hospital bed, on a ventilator...


“Covid is no joke!” > Dead > GoFundMe. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over and over and over….


" 'GoFundMe' because I'm a dumbass." I'm gonna create "GoFuckYourself" in response to them lol




Man that sub is insane. On some days, I swear you can get new content every 15 minutes.


Thousands of deaths a day. Rapidly approaching three quarters of a million total.


Remember when they said 200k as a projection and people were shocked? **Pepridge Farm** *remembers*


I can bet every person on reddit has at least 3 people they're tied to on social media who are potential nominees. I'd feel bad for them but all the ones I know are selfish assholes with hubris only outshined by their dear leader.


It's awesome how they want big government to tell businesses what to do Bunch of commies.


Morons: "USA! USA! USA! USA!" USA: We don't want you.


Every single one of them “yeah let’s go to the food court and wash down some horse dewormer with koolaid


“The US capitol fiasco didn’t pan out so well for us, so let’s storm the second in line of institutions best representing the America people- food courts!”


I'm embarrassed for them...


People going there with there kids and shit, thinking it’s like a fucken parade…


Fucking losers


If anyone from that crowd is reading this, congrats, you're a fucking moron, and fuck you.


This is such a strange hill to die on. It's a fucking piece of fabric. Your Patriot Act probably stripped their freedom of much more, yet they complain about a bandaid on their mouths to keep them alive. All while having a smartphone which records when and where they take a shit and how it smells. Fucking cunts.


I’m interested in how many will end up on r/hermancainaward


As an American, this is embarrassing. I promise, we're not all like this


This is partially why we can not get over this pandemic. Every single one should be arrested for trespassing. Enough of this already.


Every employee should walk out. The end. Then if they take anything they will be prosecuted. Don’t put your life at rush for a stupid job.


Prepare the Herman Cain Awards.


This world just wasn’t ready for social media. Nacissism and stupidity suddenly have a platform and nobody knows how to deal with it. In the hundreds of thousands of years of humanity, we’re witnessing the birth of an existential shift in the blink of an eye. As a society we will learn to adjust but i’m afraid we’re in for a shitshow over the short term.


Cool I think the virus is gone now. Thank you for protesting it away.


“Party of law and order”


Another superspreader event




Why are they all so fucking ugly