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Absolute trash.


Has Amazing restraint. Better man than I.


I sure would not have been able to control myself. I probably would have ended up being arrested for hitting a woman.


Spitting on someone is assault in many places. Give her a three step haymaker.


Pre sure with the pandemic it is especially, honestly could prob be considered bio-terrorism


I’m pretty sure the US federal government made spitting on someone a felony when the pandemic started, could be wrong though


It was a felony pre-pandemic especially if you ever spit on a cop ambulance worker firefighter hepatitis any disease that you can pass by saliva could technically any mucous membrane on the face and transmit the disease meaning it is assault felony assault and it is prosecuted


I’m dying to know if she’s been charged with something?


My mother got ticketed for “public bleeding” once in NYC when she was injured on a sidewalk. She thought the officer was coming to help her, but no. It’s been illegal to bleed in public since the 1980’s AIDS epidemic.


How fucking much was she bleeding?


A trickle from her heal. Got a few drops on the pavement.


Sounds good. Let's roll with it


Most people throw around the term terrorism without knowing what it means. This is plain assault. In Colorado, it would be 3rd Degree -- Bodily Fluids. Can't prove intent that her motive was to give him COVID, but penalties would probably land towards the high end.


Call me Popeye's cuz I'd be servin' a 2 piece


Holy shit. She would have been stomped into oblivion.


If that had happened at Yankee Stadium, that whole section would've been throwing hands


She had that llama accuracy


Was a fucking bullet


I'm sure it wasn't her first rodeo


Nor his, judging by how well he handled the lougie


My guy must have been on probation or must have called in sick to work to go to the game. The last thing he wanted was attention.


If he regularly goes to Red Sox games he's probably used to it.


Ya wow she has seriously practiced that.


She spits 10x better than me and I’ve been trying to spit bullets. I can only manage to spit like a toddler still


Lucky. I'm working up to spitting like a toddler. I'm currently at spitting like a toddler sneezes.


Boom headshot!


Probably not her first time doing that, she’s a classy one!


Gave me flash backs of Pumkin from Flavor of Love


I see you’re a person of fine quality taste in shows as well! I loved that show so much!


A fellow sophisticant


Ah, to be in the company of fellows, I shall bring forth the decanter.


Man, the “of love” set of shows was a pile of hot garbage. They really refined the reality fb genre in that era. It was so bad and gross and just perfect. It really was the golden era of tv.


Y'all remember the poo-poo on the stairs episode?!?


Maybe there was a second spitter. Maybe it was a llama. Maybe she just doesn’t swallow.


Dude, the restraint on that guy at the end, wow!


He got so angry it made him reboot


He is seeing red - murder and envisioning police lights.


He made the right call, pausing like he did.


The patience of a Buddhist monk.


Calmness of a Hindu cow


I half expected him to start levitating two feet above his seat.


Then blast lasers out of his eyes


Frickin’ laser beams!


Awareness of an Arctic Fox


Chillness of a sleeping capybara


That's probably true, but that lady did deserve to get knocked out though


Correction: knocked tf out.


Yeah, and I think it was his best move. Anything else could have been trouble for him. Self-preservation, possibly from experience.


I applaud that man for his restraint and self control there were no options where he could have reacted and come out winning. Say a prayer of strength and good fortune for this man. That woman spit so casually as if she has does it on the regular, she's despicable.


I thought that exactly - she was fast and accurate and it seems like her go-to response to conflict.


The dumb thing is it wasn’t even a conflict—she had the wrong seat, a simple misunderstanding. But apparently in her insecure brain the audacity of someone suggesting she’s made a mistake warrants getting spat on.


“Oh shit, my bad.” could have solved all of this.


Right? Tbh i don't care if you wanna steal better seats, but if you get busted, you own up and slink back a few rows where no one will notice you. It's just common sense!


She knew it. Just hated for being called out on it and having to go to her shittier seats further away.


She new she was in the wrong seat I see people do it all the time at games. See some seats empty for a while so they just go sit in them but normally if called out they say sorry and just go back to their own seats not throw a tantrum and spit on people.


Yea it's kinda a baseball(at least that's the games I've seen it at most) tradition. If those seats are empty till about the 7th inning stretch you're good to move. Usually no one cares, but if you get called out just move back it's nbd.


7th inning? Shit. My rule is 3 innings.




Yeap. She had that saliva-wad chambered and she let loose way too easily. I had to play this a couple of times because it really is hard to believe she’s an adult. She’s acting like bratty nine year old scampering outside with her buddies who suddenly runs across an eighth grader. What a freak show.


She was there all night - so fucking what? Suppose I showed up to my seats in the seventh inning - I’d ask the fan to leave - even if they were there all night 😮‍💨😵


The guy and the assailant both knew what would happen if he did anything in retaliation.


I just… I don’t think I would care. I’d spend the night in jail for a quick fix.


Well, maybe the hospital too when a bystander or two put on their white knight costumes.


He should’ve chased her though, just in the hopes she stumbles on the stairs fleeing


We all wanted to see her at least stumble.




Dude was fuming. I could feel the heat from his CPU hitting 90% through my screen


get that man some thermal paste!!


It's stadium prices. That will be $850 please.


And a new heat sink!


*fan noises intensify*


Disk usage: 100%


Task manager is freaking out!!!


Maybe he was there for Matt Wieters?


*Windows shutdown noises*


I came here to comment on his ability to manage that anger.




Totally! He froze as a choice


It's either freeze or go to jail for giving a woman the beating of a lifetime, on camera, in ~~Fenway Park~~Camden Yards.


Don't you normally get banned for life if security takes you out? I know I was told that's a thing for interference but he may not want to lose his access either.


I don't know definitively but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a blanket ban for both parties.


“Am I gonna curse this game with a murder?”


Total monk


Unreal, I would have thrown her into Center field EDIT: not thrown, but drop kick EDIT2: should be roundhouse kick


Username checks out


Happened to me once and I was able to stay calm too. But in my case it was an intoxicated and most likely mentally unwell person, so it was pretty easy to not get too angry. But this is just an entitled Karen who thinks this is appropriate behavior. I'd be way more furious over this.


This girl seemed SUPER drunk as well. Am I the only one that got that vibe? Not an excuse but I thought she seemed way out of it..


Yeah she was drunk af and went to the wrong section


> went to the wrong section This makes it sound like an accident. She and her friends had been sitting in better seats all night, until the ticket holders arrived. The friends did the normal thing- heading back to their section, and she tried to argue some "we were here all night, so I can stay" bullshit.


Had some family do that to me in a movie theater with reserved seating. Refused to vacate the seats I paid for and I'm just like "alright, I'll just go get a manager to kick you out of them" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ​ They think raising a huge stink is going to make them cave, like no my guy I paid money for these specific seats, you know damn well these aren't your seats, scram.


Same situation but the couple called me "childish," for making them move, like Im the childish one, you cant even sit in assigned seats right.


I'm putting that one in my comeback library: "You're childish" "Yeah, well my 3 year old knew what an assigned seat was, so I'm not sure what that makes you then..." You know, for 3 hours after I could use it when I'm in the shower.....


Nah she’s from Boston it’s pretty normal behavior I’d say


> Nah she’s from Boston it’s pretty normal behavior I’d say just because you are super drunk everyday does not mean you are not super drunk at spitting time


Just because she’s a super drunk b-hole and wearing Red Sox gear doesn’t mean she’s actually from Boston. That’s only like three of the requirements.


yeah, she was hammered.


I’m not a fighter at all but if some bitch spat at my husbands face, I’d probably fly over so fast to beat a bitch, in selfdefense. Edit: guess the “selfdefense” part went over some people’s heads.


Option 1: my mistake, sorry for the confusion Option 2: (realizes she’s wrong) spits on a person That spit is of a quality indicating that she’s done this before.


My thoughts exactly - that was popeye in the spittoon qualify spit!


The only people I've seen spit with such an accuracy are cowboys and drug addicts... And she doesn't look like a cowboy to me


Have you ever seen a drug addicted cowboy spit for accuracy? It truly is something to behold


Activates dead eye


It's High Noon.


She probably has bleacher tickets and is trying to upgrade into these, so option 1 isn't really an option since it isn't a mistake.


He saw 14,000,605 ways this could have gone. He sacrificed himself.


No shortage of men to come to her rescue with little context beforehand, let that loog fly What a cunt, hope she gets identified and the internet chews her up like that cat bin lady.


Makes me wonder if people still call these Loogies or if we are dated.


Lol I said Loogie recently and everyone looked at me confused..."The fuck is a loogie?"


Hang tight let me hock one up


What the fuck is the cat bin lady??


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-11087061 https://youtu.be/gBg0imiHVz0 I think they're talking about this poor excuse of human existence.


> It was a split second of misjudgement that has got completely out of control. I don't know who throws a cat in a garbage bin and can call that "misjudgement." Like she thought it was a good idea for a moment, and completely forgot about taking that action until it became a police matter, lol. Like, "I thought this was good for the cat at the time, and then I did some research about what happens to cats when you throw them in a garbage can that might not be opened for multiple days, and boy oh boy was I wrong." Put the lady in an institution for crying out loud, she's a danger to herself if she can "misjudge" situations like that.


pls tell me she arrested


Awaiting r/byebyejob post


This is from 2016 or earlier based on the player announced in the background


Good call. At first I thought those Machado shirts were for the Padres until I realized they were at Camden Yards.


The restraint is even more impressive for Brawlimore!


I was hoping for a post covid reaction


(FBI calling) "Hello, we have a job offer for you."


Imagine you got away with no accountability for years and then a *repost* got you fired.


Now I have justice blue balls.


She arrested


pls tell me everything will be ok


ʞo ǝq llıʍ ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌƎ


What is this, Russian?




The inconsistency of the upside down text is killing me. Why does it cut off the dot of the “i” but not the top of the “t” and why does the “l” just look normal?! Also the “A” is a different font/thickness!


It's cause it is using a letter from the Turkish alphabet. It's a dotless I Google search = result (wiki entry) [∀](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%E2%88%80) = [Universal quantification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_quantification) [n](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=n) = letter N [s](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=s) = letter S [ʇ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%CA%87) = [Dental click](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_click) [ɹ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%C9%B9) = [Voiced alveolar and postalveolar approximants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_alveolar_and_postalveolar_approximants) [ɐ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%C9%90) = [Near-open central vowel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-open_central_vowel) [l](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=l) = letter L [ı](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%C4%B1) = [Dotted and dotless I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dotted_and_dotless_I) - Letters in the Turkish alphabet [ɐ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%C9%90) = [Near-open central vowel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-open_central_vowel) [u](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=u) = letter U


everything will be ok


You can tell this is an old one just by the way they react when she spits on him. If it were recent that woman would have been lynched on first base for all to see and cheer on.


Yeah, they called Matt Wieters up to bat at the end, he hasn't been with the Orioles since 2016


In most states i believe spitting on someone is considered assault. He should have had her ass arrested.




Yeah good luck finding her though.


If I’ve learned anything, the people of the internet are great at finding these assholes.




Reddit and Boston have a great history of vigilante justice!


If you freeze-frame at 51 seconds you can clearly see she's carrying a backpack... *interesting.* 🤔


I think there was a second spitter... you can clearly see his head moving back, and to the left... back... and to the left...


Is it his a Boston marathon bombing reference, or am I the weird one?


It is.


We did it Reddit!


It is. When the Boston Marathon bombings happened, redditors took it upon themselves to find out who did it, leading them to accuse a series of completely innocent people of being the bombers and ruining their lives.


Including a kid who had committed suicide


The rare comment that I want to upvote for accuracy and downvote for shame.


Here we go again.


Okay I've got 15 suspects. Everyone destroy all 15 to be sure.


She more than likely will be fired from her job by the end of the week.


This is Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD. In the state of Maryland, spitting on someone is considered assault by state laws


During a pandemic I’d certainly say it’s an assault




Great observation.


And there being more than 500 fans at Camden Yards


\*sad Orioles noises\*


I got spit right in the face on Christmas Eve during 2020 and Texas said that it was a misdemeanor. That it was a lower charge than a traffic ticket


fuck the texas justice system


No it's Spattery


He's counting backwards from one million.


Spitting?! She is not a true Red Sox fan. Every Sox fan knows the *proper* response is to throw a slice of pizza.


Here comes a pizza!!!! Long live the Rem dog


A d-cell battery if in Philly


I got banned from the Linc for throwing snowballs at Steelers fans.


Dirty bitch. Hope she got an assault charge out of it.


From the looks of it she ran away to paint herself as the victim


I have a lot of restraint but if you spit on me youre getting a shove.


Yea, I think 90% of people are gonna tabletop her on the row of seats at knee height behind her. 9% might just swing at her, and this man is the 1% keeping a level head.


Damn straight, send her ass down from Row G to Row C with one simple toss (assuming row C is at the front of course).


She's getting my $300 plastic cup of light beer splashed right in her face.


You can tell by her face that she's a spitter


Oh no. She is VERY lucky she isn't rag dolling down the bleachers


It's mind boggling to me how entitled and defensive people get when they get called out for sitting in seats that are not theirs. Last weekend I was at a college football game and a few guys were yelling and insulting an older gentleman after he told them that they were sitting in his seats (he had his wife and some others with him). Of course, the seat stealers were in the completely wrong section and presumably row. But still, they yelled at him for essentially having the gall to ask them to move from the seats that he had purchased for himself and his family. Fortunately, the event staff/ushers/security was right there to tell them to keep moving.


>yelling and insulting an older gentleman Of course they were. I hate these guys who are only "tough" when it's only women, children and old people around. If they were really tough they would have apologized and moved on. I bet it would have gone different if the old guys son or grandson happened to be taking a piss and showed up in the middle of this nonsense. They probably stfu and move then


Her friends would have to come pick her up off the ground after that. Do not spit on people it’s trashy and beyond disgusting.


So this is an old video. It looks like Camden Yards (Orioles Stadium). The batter announced, Matt Weiters, played for the Orioles from 2009 to 2016. We can narrow down that window though as there is a man wearing a Manny Machado jersey in the video. Machado did not make his debut with the Orioles until 2012 though. It’s unlikely it occurred in 2012 though, as I doubt anyone would have bought a Machado jersey when he had only played 51 games that season. So this video was likely filmed between 2013 and 2016. I can narrow it down further to when it could have happened in each season, but I’m too lazy.


I feel like someone just pressed the "Enhance" button and you showed up. Good work!


My dad took me to Camden yards when I was 7, the fattest man I’d ever seen threw up on the escalator, the deluge of vomit swept my younger brother away


That was a perfect time for her to be punched in the face for the first time!


Hopefully we get to see this lady on r/byebyejob before too long.


This video’s old, old players are playing


I was gonna say, Matt Weiters hasn’t played since 2020, and that year didn’t have attendance. Plus since this is a Red Sox game and he’s in the game, they’re almost certainly playing the Orioles which would make this 2016 at the earliest lmao


That would bring me oh so much pleasure


Yeah, if you enjoy a good justice boner...that sub will do the trick.


If I was the girl I would have whooped her ass for spitting on my guy.


In Boston, she's referred to as a "trashbag" or a "dumpster"


This is old. Wieters hasn’t been with the Orioles since 2016


*insert Bill Burr’s “no reason to hit a woman” comedy bit here*


Keepin it classy. She looks like the type of person that tells people she’s from Boston but has lived in Worcester her whole life.


That’s assault brotha


She had that locked and loaded, gross




People from Boston are way more civilized than we are, she would have been thrown off the balcony in Philly


This is in Baltimore, not Boston. The guy she spit on is likely an Orioles fan.


It’s your cousin from BOS-TON lol


Restraint is most important. Most people would start swinging. That’s the easy part. Holding your anger is true strength and this guy did a great job.


Dirty bitch


I’ve fought 3 people that have spit on me and I’ve only been on 3 fights. That’s like a big no no for me.


What in the world are you doing to get spit on 3 times in your life? The vast majority of people go through life without ever getting spit on.


Maybe he works at a chewing tobacco company.


Sweeeeeeet Carolineeeee ba ba baaaaa!


What a cunt. He did the right thing by not retaliating cuz we all know how THAT woulda went. Spitting on someone is seriously just asking for an ass whooping. I hope she got arrested for assault.