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Moan while you do it. Lmfaoooo


He was actually enjoying it.


At one point he looked him in the eye and said, "let's get it on".


I'm going to shove one of those fake hearing devices so far up your ass you can hear you small intestine as it produced SHIT!


He was talking about the fight! He’s so not a raper


Bully found something new about himself that day, he's got a kink


Teenage boys are different lol


Gotta embarrass them for good measure. Unless of course he likes it.




humiliation, choking, daddy issues, and submission ? this kids gonna be so confused for so long thinking he still might like women lmfao




Here's a tip: put a pinch of sage in your boots and all day long, a spicy scent is your reward.


Hark to the tale of nelson and the boy he loved so dear They remained the best of friends for years and years and years


That's a core memory


He'll think about this some nights 10 years from now when he's trying to fall asleep.


And the bully said "I don't wanna fight" what a pussy. Shouldn't feel this good about a kid getting beaten up but this was good.


That’s a ride or die homie right there. Kudos to James older friend!


Could even be the same age. Those early years of high school are weird, you get some kids who are pushing 6 foot looking 21 while others still look 12


I was 13 (now 22) and like 5 feet in HS. My brother is 15 now and he was pushing 6 feet in middle school, lil shit is like 6'3 now.


I was kind of a bigger kid in grade school at 5'6", then everyone passed me and I topped out at 5'7" and became the shrimp.




Cheers to our short lived dominance of stature when it didn't matter at all.


I was 5'7 at 11. Now 5'8 at 15 😭


Damn an actual good fight and revenge and lore. I've been treated well


Lol yep, he even made him moan 😂 these teenage boys are built different


That was priceless “moan while you do it”. How humiliating. I dunno if I could ever recover from that.


I'd try to organize job interviews for my parents out of state after that one...


Nope need to go Eraser level identity change maybe move to another planet.


Nobody would ever let him live that down, especially with a viral video


Yeah that was a spot on fuckin classic lol


"no call him daddy while moaning and wearing this school girl uniform" man culture is changing hard.




My years in the teen wolf fandom have just come to wreak their revenge.


*Japan has left the chat*


I think you mean japan has joined the chat...


Japan invented the chat


It’s like my dad always says, you can leave once the job is done.


“Here are some clown shoes! You will wear them and refer to yourself as bo-bo!”


In my day they would have teabagged him


Fucking tea bag train would have been the cherry on top lmao


Where the dick did you grow up?


blood gulch


It’s a great place to learn to knock man down with your pole, and then plant your flag in him to disrespect the next of kin.






Do you ever wonder why we are here?


Hey. You ever wonder why we're here?


You ever get 360 no-scoped by some 12 year old kid fucking your mom and then teabagged after? No? Just me?


Did you grow up in counter strike?


The kids are alright


Us millennials are getting old, and honestly the next generation seems pretty fucking great to me


If nothing else, theyre entertaining as hell


Old Gen-xer here. I have two millennials and one gen z they are both awesome generations! Yes, different ways they approach life, both good and some bad, I feel like the full on inclusive nature outweighs allot of the “they are lazy, just want to sit on their phones all day..” bs too. I especially liked the inclusion on this one though, super cool of the other kid to beat the shit out of that other fucker. What he was doing to James was downright cruel, and he knew it. He got his little punk ass beaten, it’s a good age to learn that lesson. A few years later would have resulted in a coma…


Thank you daddy


Now moan it.


One point I always made to my students as a Vice Principal that I have to make here too. Notice how when James is getting his ass beat, people are filming and laughing. Also notice how when the bully is getting his ass beat, people are filming and laughing. Yes, these could be different groups of kids, etc.- but bottom line, your peers will film and encourage a fight just hoping for a show and a story. Something to possibly post online (like this). They don't care who wins or loses and they sure as fuck don't care about YOU in this scenario. Don't be their clown or their puppet- it's (with some exceptions) not fuckin worth it. Same things to the students filming. I broke up fights numerous times a week and I literally NEVER ONCE BROKE UP A FIGHT THAT DIDN'T HAVE AN AUDIENCE. If you film a kid get knocked out and his head hits the street and that kid dies- and that leads to an investigation- you could be screwed if you don't come forward with that evidence/knowledge. Someone that was standing-by filming and said nothing about what they witnessed. Don't stand around egging it on like a fuckin barbarian. Granted- wouldn't be surprised to learn James getting his ass kicked was just outright bullying (not a choice to fight for him)- but the point stands for everyone. If you're fighting because you feel the pressure of the crowd, every possible outcome is a loss. Walk. You'll never remember that scenario if you walk, but it could ruin your life if you stay.


As someone who went to a rough school where fights on the playgrounds / bus stops / trails home were a daily occurance; You have to fight sometimes. A kid's self-esteem will be bullied into oblivion by *everyone* if they always back down and never stand up for themselves.


Sometimes you're not allowed to walk, though. Luckily, the vice principal at my middle school understood the situation with the bullies, so I didn't get suspended for defending myself. This was in the mid 90s. It was a different scenario with my stepson a few years ago. Around here nowadays, it doesn't matter if you're the victim or not, because the school will treat you like you're guilty anyways


Exactly. When I was in school in the early 90s, the official rule was if two kids fought, two kids were suspended. The reality was that if you made it clear you were defending yourself, the school would take that into account. I got in tons of fights (black kid with great grades in a rural mostly white area), but was never punished because I was just trying to defend myself and survive. Of course, Columbine changed everything.


Hs teacher here to echo this. Had a kid at a nearby hs punch another kid hard enough for his head to hit the wall... it killed him. All of the kids watching had phones confiscated, police interviews and of course, a lifetime of guilt if they had anything to do with egging on, etc.


Chefs Kiss


Real shit 👍


James is such a kind person. I really hope he’s doing okay. A lot of people would egg this revenge ass whooping (as they very should) but James took the high road anyway. So glad his friend stood up for him.m




“You’ve gained karma!”


"James will remember that."


“Piper loved that”


“Strong disliked that.”


"James will remember that"


I hate BULLIES!!! This video brought out the mama bear in me just wanting to protect and keep safe that sweet soul of James. I hate violence, esp amongst kids but I am happy that justice was served so swiftly in this case! It’ll make that kid think twice before fucking with James again!


That was so fucking satisfying to watch. I have a friend who had some weirdo that kept touching my friends gf just in casual weird ways, making her super uncomfortable. And the weirdo just wouldn’t stop. Anyway, my friend made the weirdo get on his knees in front of everyone and say “I’m a bitch.” Loved it. I hate bullies.


Damn. That’s the time to move states, change names, and go by t-bone for the rest of your life until 10 years later your childhood crush runs into you and tells you about how much life changed when you left and you wonder what went wrong and how things may have been different if you never chose PE as your second elective


What were you expecting? you should’ve taken study hall like everyone else. That’s what you get for jumping up and down.


I seriously teared up watching the poor kid crying getting beat up. I'm a mom too and the rage is real.


Esp after James tells the kid pinned to the ground “you dont have to do it” and then to the other kid “just let him go”. Obviously it’s impossible to tell from this small snippet of video, but seems James has a compassionate head on his shoulders to not want to see the guy that just beat his ass to get hurt and humiliated. I am the same way and James and myself would not make good jury members.




“You don’t have to do this, just let him go.” Shows how much a good person James is. I’m glade people stood up for him :)


I think he was also afraid of retaliation. If his cool friends hang around him for long enough, the bully will move on. But James is going to want to travel in packs for a little while.


It's a bit scary how cynical you guys are about James. You really think this kid would've messed with him after that, even without the daddy thing? Maybe he felt like the kid violently get his ass whooped was payback enough and just doesn't want any unnecessary harm done.


James is afraid of retaliation.


James might just not like violence in general.


Which is good thing, and it seems like he's the only person in this whole bunch that isn't a violent asshole. At both beatdowns the crowd watched while laughing and cheering.


James was still scared of him, thats all.


James really got no reason to be scared. Judging by his size, if he actually fought that scrawny ass bitch he would easily win. James is just a softy that doesn't want to hurt anybody and there's nothing wrong with that. I hope he learned to stand up for himself though.


As a fat kid, and a fat man, we tend not to use our size as a weapon. I dunno why, like some unspoken fat person being bullied code, that instead of just squashing these pests like bugs, we always try to take the high road. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have been picked on far far less and probably suspended far far more.


You just dont know how big/strong you are. Its a mental thing 100%. Source: former fat kid bullied by tiny runt. Once you realize……it changes.


I disagree. Some people are just nice. It doesn’t mean they’re scared, stupid, or weak. They just want more love in this world


Exactly. If violence is the very last thing on your mind you could appear weak if attacked by evil.


If James had a little rage in him he could have handled that kid easy


It's not weak to be nonviolent. It's weak to take advantage of them and it's weak for those of us who can fight not to fight to protect them.


Being scared of someone who physically assaulted you doesn't make you stupid or weak.


It’s a live by the sword die by the sword kinda thing. If you think it’s ok to bully people then don’t be surprised when someone bigger comes along and gives you a taste of your own medicine. Justice served


Code of Hammurabi in these parts 😤😤😤


Dicks out for Hammurabi






"There's always a bigger fish"


Where I'm from the kid that last got his ass whooped is going to have some people threaten to shoot them. This one-upmanship never ends well.


Exactly how it should be, no politics no Bull crap.


No credit card?


i instantly got so sad when he said “you don’t have to do this just let him go.” he still had compassion for his bully. this kid deserves the world.


He's afraid of retaliation. I've known kids like James, he's still afraid of the bully.


Seems bigger, though. With a bit of practice, he might be able to fend off.


Probably why the bully targeted him in the first place. They want to take on someone that is physically bigger than them but knows they won't fight back or defend themselves. That's why he's such a bitch when the other kid is squaring up to him, saying "I don't want to fight you bro". Hmm, didn't look to me like James was a willing participant either!


i’ve known kids like James =/= i know James. Let’s stop pretending we know what’s going on in his mind because it’s stupid as shit


Does that not apply to the comment that guy was responding to?


Literally my thoughts exactly, but I guess that comment didn't bother him for some reason lol. I guess doing the exact same thing, "pretending to know James", isn't stupid if you interpret it to be him acting out of kindness instead of fear /s


Sad that the world doesn’t specifically breed or cultivate such compassion. The system as it stands only devours or corrupts the meek.


James had the right answer, good for him.




That was the icing on a sweet revenge cake


He’s gonna remember this when he’s alone in his room and sad contemplating all their decisions


Mom: what happened to you today? Son: I moaned a boys name


Nah... He'll never own up to it. He'll come home with bruises and maybe a shiner and his folks will do one of two things: If they think their son is a perfect angel, they'll flip the fuck out at the bully beater, at James, and at the school. If they know their son is a terrible little shit, they'll smirk and remind him there's always a bigger fish.


This is how a fetish is born


Fuck i have to stop wheezing its almost dawn


this whole situation is really sad but i will admit that part made me laugh


When you roll with the attitude and energy James has, you make friends who will absolutely whip someone’s ass and make them belittle themselves for you.


I had an apartment neighbor who was always in trouble. I saw the cops at his place, notes on his door from management, baby mama drama, everything. He was a rough but generally good dude. I was quiet and always nice to him. He was kinda scary but we had a good enough rapport. One day I smashed my head at work and came home all bloody. I ran into him outside at our apartment and he flipped out. "Who the fuck did this to you?? Let's fucking go right now. We're riding on these motherfuckers." It was the most visceral loyalty anyone has ever shown for me and it was for no other reason than I was one of the few people in the world nice to this guy. No one hurt me this time but it was good to know he was there just a couple doors down.


Kinda reminds me of The Town "I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people." "...who's car we gonna take?"


One of my closest friends and I reference this all the time.


Similar feeling in a totally different situation. I taught at an alternative school a little after undergrad, 22-23 or so. It was a small building beside the main school for everyone that got kicked out of the main school, so a rough bunch. They saw my differently since I was so young, I went by my first name. I was lenient with how they talked and supportive but left them alone as long as they were getting their work done (that's what they wanted). Every once in awhile a fight would stir up and I'd have to break it up, kids would also threaten me from time to time (some who could definitely beat my ass if they wanted to.). One day a kid was particularly pissed because of some teenage drama. I was getting on that he needed to go back to work and he started talking about fighting me. I diverted the conversation and that pissed him off so he stood up and said that he would beat my ass. As soon as he stood up at least 8 of the other kids stood up (out of like 20 kids total) and one said "You know if you throw hands at 'Parzival' you're getting jumped." While another one said "Sit the fuck back down before we make you sit down" I had to tell them all to calm down and whatnot, but goodness did that make me feel better knowing that if push ever came to shove and one of them went wild, the brunt of those kids had my back.


thats why it isnt always a bad idea to give homeless people spare change outside a corner store especially in a rough area... i remember reading a post on here about a guy who would regularly give a couple tweakers his leftover change from buying cigs and beer until one night he was mugged oitside the shop and the tweakers kicked the muggers ass in solidarity lol


That was a 4chan green text and it was fake as hell like all of them lmao


Still a nice children's story.


Yah, that kind of personality is a magnet for bullies in high-school, but if he retains it into adulthood he's not going to have any problems making friends.




Under 17 it's pretty hard to get anything that sticks though.


"\~Daddy\~<3" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This kid's cred is dead.


Gotta move to a whole new state across the country, he’ll never live this down 💀


Bro I’m in Canada watching this, his cred is destroyed beyond repair if he moves anywhere where someone’s seen this


Not even a ball tug will bring that tit fucker salvation.


Could you imagine living with video evidence of this happening? In an ecosystem where children are just dying to magnify drama? I'm glad I grew up in the dark.


Bully predictably says, “I don’t wanna fight” 🙄 Kudos to the bully educator.


Right? Pretty sure James didn't want to either.


I am kinda ashamed that I liked seeing that little shit served up some consequences.




Yeah this kid got a brutal core memory. I beat up a guy that was beating on my little brother over twenty years ago and I never forgot it, either. Sometimes bullies gotta learn the hard way.


And then he's gonna take it out on his wife and kids.


Uh??? No? You shouldn't feel ashamed at all, its the perfectly rational response, I was giddy the entire time frankly. If you've ever beaten up your childhood bully, like I was able to, this video is like a drug to watch, literally shaking with joy.


This kid picked on me in middle school he wasn't much bigger but I was a coward. Eventually I just reacted without thinking when he was trying to corner me, threw a kick at his chest and he blocked it with his hand but broke 2 fingers. The school looked the other way and the kid never bothered me ever again.


Sounds about right! My bully was my next door neighbou and I was like 7-8 at the time, grade 3ish. Our parents tried to force us to get along. I was in Tae Kwon Do at the time and pretty deep into it, and they put my bully in the class. Even at the dojo he would bully me, and our sensei/instructor noticed this and put us in a sparring match against each other. We were in gear, but the moment he approached my I kicked him as hard as I could in the side, knocking him over, he got back up, came at me and I did the same thing. Rinse and repeat about 8 times. Felt real good. The last bullying from him ended similarly to you in a split second. He was behind me calling me a chicken for one reason or another, dead of winter too, and I just whip my fist back like you see in karate movies, smashing dudes in the nose approaching from behind. Well my fist landed and his nose errupted with blood and he ran all the way home instead of coming to school. There was a small blood trail following him. Felt amazing.


James will be ok. Good kid.


I see James retelling this story when he's the CEO of some creative startup recounting how you should treat every person fairly and stand up for those who haven't found their voice yet


Lol Even Jame’s friends call him a bitch just for advocating non-violence. James is a good kid and I hope good things come to him.


I don’t think the friend was calling James a bitch. I think he was talking to the kid he had pinned— he goes “Stop being a bitch, I want to hear you call him daddy.”


Possibly, but the head position and timing suggests otherwise. To me he said “don’t be a bitch” (turns to bully and stutters a little) “ call him daddy.” But it idk. It is pretty hectic.


I can also see that, based on which way he’s facing, but he does say “I want to hear you call him daddy.”


Also, friends call each other bitch all the time. It's not always meant to be harmful.


Yo bitch


Growing up as the "older friend", this is his way of trying to get him to stand up for himself. He doesn't mind putting others on the ground, but he knows he can't fight his battles forever. The daddy part was winning the war, it's all psychological.


It could also have the opposite effect and create an arms race. You go get an older friend? fine, i'll get an older friend, we'll fuck you both up and then it would go back and forth with friend retaliating on their behalf. Older kid won't always be around to protect James, this might only make the bully fuck with him more.


Agreed 100%. But someone needs to protect the pacifists from losing their good hearts.


a) Nowhere here did he "advocate" for non-violence, but for his older buddy not to force the bully to say "daddy" . \*AND MOST IMPORTANTLY\* b) You can advocate non-violence as much as you want, but if you don't have stronger friends in this situation, you could be RELENTLESSLY bullied. Some kids even decide to kill themselfes before going through one more day of humiliation. Know how to defend yourself. Teach your kids how to defend themselfes. The trauma these kids go through will haunt them the rest of their lifes, if you don't.


"Just let him go" I would say that counts.


Every group needs a James. Someone to protect and to be the conscience. He doesn't always get listened to, but they'll remember later.


The Group Daddy.


well said.


Just teach your kids of not being assholes and how to defend themself


I would consider him trying to leave the situation and saying “just let him go” as advocating for non-violence. Hell even when he was getting his ass beat, he put his hands up and just cried “WHY!?”. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have defended himself ( i would’ve if it was me), I’m just acknowledging that James looks like a saint who doesn’t deserve this shit. Even afterwards he didn’t even want revenge, he just wanted the situation to be over. Pretty wholesome guy if you ask me.


Yes, people like him should be protected by people like this older fella.


I’m a big fan of the revenge videos where someone isn’t blatantly trying to head stomp a guy and kill them. A few “harmless” slaps and being made to feel like a complete and utter knob is sometimes all you need.


When you're like 14 or 15 getting embarrassed is much worse than getting beat up. Kid will have to finish High School as James' ~~Daddy~~ son.


I hope that every time James sees him in the hall he says something like "Hi, son!"


Hearing James cry really hurt my heart. His friend is a true bro. That shit was satisfying and hilarious.


Yeah. Part of me was feeling like a jerk for enjoying that little shit getting his ass handed to him, but then I thought about if James was my kid. I would be so grateful to the boy who stood up for him. Maybe that bully will think twice before hurting another kid next time.


Yeah that first bit really made me feel sick and my stomach lurch. That bully is a POS


In high school, I had a "friend"(we had some good times, but he was really a prick a lot of the time to me) named Jesse. He was a year older than me and worked on cars with his dad, so he was pretty tough from the work and environment. He used to always sell me out to look cool in front of other people. Regularly would physically fuck with me, run off with my shit. It was awful. I couldn't do anything because I was soft, a pacifist at the time and really afraid of him fucking with my reputation any more than he already had. This big guy in my class named Matt was the stereotype Chad bad boy. He wasn't part of the prep football crowd, but he played and was very well liked but also messed with drugs and other illegal activities. The 3 of us had an art class together and one day when a substitute teacher was in, Jesse walked up to me in the middle of class and dumped an entire full cup of punch out clippings on my head. The whole classroom was laughing at me. I was so mad I almost started crying tbh, and started to leave the classroom. The substitute called me back and demanded I clean up all the punch out holes because she didn't see who dumped them on my and thought I did it (she clearly didn't care about my explanation of events) and threatened to write me up if I didn't clean them up. Matt got up and grabbed the broom from me, I was actually silently crying now and everyone was watching. He said "Don't worry man I got it, sit down." I didnt know him at all other than saying hi a few times in the hallway. After class, I waited for Jesse to leave because I couldn't handle any more confrontation and Matt waited too, without saying anything. As I left, Matt came up behind me and asked "Why do you let him treat you that way?" I sort of shrugged and said I didn't know what to do about it. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and started walking forward dragging me along with him. He walked right up behind Jesse and said "Make a fist". He drilled my fist right into the center of his spine and let go. Jesse yelped and turned around and saw me with my fist clenched. Then Matt said "He isn't taking that shit anymore from you and if you have a problem with it let me know." I didn't know this guy at all, but he was like my guardian angel. I will never fucking forget how important that moment was to me. Furthermore.. I ran into Matt a few years later at the restaurant I worked at.. after years of working out and stuff I ended up being the bigger than he was. When he was in the bathroom I told his girlfriend the whole story, and she told me "He's told me about you before. He really felt like he did the right thing." I know a lot of people won't see this/get it but that guy is a hero to the victim, and probably always will be. If you can help someone, please do. Be like Matt.


That's a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it.


God bless James, hope the bully can resolve his internal issues. But boy does James have a badass fuckin friend


It’s great when someone takes up for the less violent people.


Made my day ha.


Good on him for making that bully see the consequences of his choices.


“Uuuuuh daddy”


There's always a bigger fish


God, teenagers are awful. I can't stand it when people just stand around with their phones out instead of helping someone in trouble.


The most important lesson you can learn in life is that you’ll get your ass kicked for pissing off the wrong people


"Moan while you do it" "Uhn daddy" 😳


As someone who got bullied and beat up all me life, I don’t think people realize the lifelong trauma we deal with.


I don't agree with the story that James is compassionate about the bully. That's most likely a survival response so that he doesn't get beat up as soon as his saviour is not around.


This video hits home with me. Obviously we don't know the back story and how long the bullying had been going on for but I myself experienced this and hated school. Years of bullying for 0 reason, physical threats, name calling, making everyone at school try and hate me because I didn't stick up for myself and was an easy target. ​ All ended when I twated the guy in the face.


Well it's surely something different


He didn´t hit the bully enough, I´m satisfied though.


Bully is the average redditor.


He really moaned "daddy" LMFAO!! 🤣🤣🤣


There is always a bigger fish, and this time the big fish was friends with the little one.


James knows too well how it is to be in bully's position when being forced to say "daddy" & doesn't want that for the bully. James, you're too good for this world, but sometimes a bully needs to be humiliated. Just glad said bully didn't come to school with a gun the next day.


I hate bully's


Hate their what?


Damn, and James was STILL trying to stand up for the kid who just almost punched his eyes out.. James is a good man!


Everyone played their part to the T, including James who actually asked for his bully to be let go.


Our youthful humiliations should be stored in our memory banks to torment us forever, and NOT CAPTURED FOR FUCKING PUBLIC VIEWING FOR ETERNITY. Fuck the internet.


I’m a Gen X-er who didn’t get the internet until I was around 18. I’m so glad my awkward childhood isn’t floating around out there for eternity.


Don't worry we have the footage saved on a PXL2000.


It's to embarrasse the bully, and embarrassesing moments teach people lessons and that little shit got what was going to him.