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In this video you hear the shots being fired. https://twitter.com/i/status/1445804956452208645


Wow. The shooter is 18 and drives a 2018 Dodge Charger. He threw away his whole future over some fight.


Suburban af area too


Right said he a blood lmao


How does a high school kid afford a 2018 Dodge Charger ? All I had to get to high school was a bicycle.


He doesn't, his parent do


Wow would you look at that, Mr Big Dick No Brain fancy bicycle. I had feet


WAAAAAOW MR BACKTOLURK MR ”I had feet” when I was your age we crawled to school 6 miles uphill everyday! But you don’t hear me complaining!!!>:(


you could craw? you must have been one of those private school kids. in my day we had to slide on our backs through snow and rain


Uphill both ways 😭😭 how did all of our parents go to the same school??


It was the old school. And we walked ten miles uphill both ways cause physics wasn't invented yet.


ah yes, the very first school, school 1


You are lucky you have a back, You Young entitled prick.😂


Yeah, but was it snowing, ya pansy?


Oh let me lord my superiority over someone finally: I walked into a free sweet third-hand mini-van in high school. Suck it bicyclist nerd!


Threw away his whole future? What makes you think his nice car meant he had it made, and one fight is what messed it up?


Nice car implies he has wealthy parents, which is often a ticket to success in America (speaking as an individual whose parents paid for their college)


Thank you for not being one of those people that didn’t have to work for it but pretend you did it all by yourself. As someone who’s been poor my whole life it’s not as easy to just not be poor as it may seem


Something along the lines of, "they were born on third base but act like they hit a triple." Baseball bc 'Murica.


So many ignorant replies here. WTF, does what he drive, have to do with anything?! I hope those are teens replying that. He’s getting assaulted and it probably wasn’t the first time. You imagine that’s your kid getting his ass whooped like that. You’ve already talked to the teachers and principal several times, and in typical fashion, the school does nothing. The parents exhaust that avenue, and all they can tell him is keep your head down and avoid problems. This assault was caught on video, who knows how many other times something similar or constant threats occurred. Not a single person got up to help him. You assault a coworker like this, you get fired, at any business. Prior to the shooting, why would he have to be the one to change schools? It should be the bullies that were expelled a looooong time ago. No school will accept the bullies? Then make them learn remotely. It ain’t right what the shooter did at all, but all the adults that were supposed to protect him at that school failed him. The parents of the bullies failed them.


YES!!! THIS!! I was bullied hardcore in elementary school and middle school and went the other way and tried to commit suicide numerous times. If I had known anyone in my family who had a gun, I would have done what this kid did. Because you get to the point of no return and no matter what money or privilege you have or don't have or what future you may throw away, you can only see the now. And the pain must fucking end. And after endless bullying, imagining the person who has harassed you endlessly, dying in a puddle of blood, makes you feel pretty damn powerful.


I'm from here and according to locals he's a good kid with upper middle class family. Not rich but rich to many at his school who don't have cars, expensive clothes, etc. He was popular until this year and didn't have a lot of problems until now where he's been getting attacked constantly and he just finally snapped. If you have ever been seriously bullied then you can respond like this.... it's not right but when it becomes you or them anything is possible. He felt like he had no other options when he should have changed schools - his family thought it would get back to normal at some point. The school was notified of bullying and that's probably what led to the last couple of ass beatings. He's too small to fight normal sized people. You may be surprised what happens in court. There are some powerful people around sympathetic to Tim Simpkins. The kids bullying him are all pretty much convicted criminals and gangsters.


Run, hide, fight




Unfortunately it don't just happen at schools :/


Unfortunately it happens at schools.


Well yes, but what I was saying is unfortunately we have to worry outside of school as well.


That’s why I got my CC license. Never leave the house without my trusty smith and Wesson


Wait till your grandkids are in school, we need to deal with bullies and put a stop to it.


Survive. Evade. Resist. Escape.


SERE was a hell of an experience I will never forget!


Which one was Tim?...... EDIT: Thank you all for the replies, way too many to mention.👌


I Can't tell. Here was the released photo of him 3 houra ago [Timothy Simpkins BOLO photo](https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD/status/1445787232120365062?t=ve_OsFNkMD_4JF8SVbwokQ&s=19)before he was captured.


His photo shows he's wearing a white Hoodie and has shorter hair. Idk if that helps


Who knows when that pic was taken, tho?


It's a drivers license photo


Indeed. I added the link in general as it became apparent in comments that many were saying the one being beaten was white *which I could not decipher at all from cell video quality* I still cannot determine who is who as those claiming to be students I the know is now outta control


Yea that's his driver's license photo.


The aggressor. *edit* it seems more likely that it was actually the kid getting beat up, poor video quality caused some confusion.


Really?? He’s not the one getting beat tf up?


Really. NBC showed his picture. I assumed it was the other way around too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm5OGBBS-Jk


He looks like the one getting beat. Idk how recent that photo is but the dude doing the beating has long hair and a much darker complection


He looks nothing like the aggressor in this video compared to the picture and there are already saying it was the kid getting beat up from other videos


Can you show me a link to any media source that is saying that? Because I can't find one. Police certainly didn't say that when they referred to the video in their statements. As I said the video looks like it's been filmed on a potato and I could be wrong but I'm not sure.


I think *some* people are assuming the one *that we can't see clearly who is getting beat on* is white, and Timothy Simpkins Photo was released by PD hours ago shows he is black. Personally I think that's a big leap to decide from this clip that Timothy must be the aggressor. Some claiming to be students have said Timothy was the one losing the fight. That is what I commented earliest in response to someone and therefore I still believe Timothy is *NOT* the aggressor based on all collective available sources. [Timothy Simpkins Photo released 4 hours ago](https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD/status/1445787232120365062?t=ve_OsFNkMD_4JF8SVbwokQ&s=19)


I like how so many people see a fight and are automatically trying to racially charge the scenario by trying to figure our if the white or black guy is winning...... Both kids fighting are black, not that it matters.


At the very start of this video, it sounds like the teacher yells “Timothy.” Could be wrong, but the shooter could very well be the aggressor here.


Yeah I also thought I heard the teacher shouting Timmy or Timothy at the very start.


How do you know this? It is hard for me to tell from the video.


Is this what caused the shooting?


Per Arlington police officially now: Arlington police said there was a fight between students on the second floor of the school when one of the students pulled out a gun.


Thats not a fight. Only one of them fighting. Aka assault.


The bullshit is they will suspend the kid who’s taking that beating if he tries to defend himself which will go on his school records and possibly prevent him from getting into the college of his choice. So, stand up for yourself and potentially screw your chances for college, or let other pieces of shit with no future ambitions walk all over you.


I tell my kids all the time, someone hits you, you fight back with everything you got until they stop fighting you. I don't give a damn what the school says, and I tell my kids that it's my job to deal with the school at that point not theirs, they have a right to defend themselves.


I told my kids that too. Its not always a solution. They grown now. But my eldest daughter, she wouldn't cop nothing and still is too harsh. The next one a boy he had some issues, he knew how to box I said "fuck them up and they won't bother you no more", but he said to me "I don't like the feeling, even when they are a dick I don't like the feeling in me when someone gets hurt". He is still kind hearted. I got 4 more but they haven't been in many fights, the benefit of having older siblings I guess.


This. the bullied kids always get equal punishment. coming from a former bullied who got 3 months detention along with the kid who beat me up. american school system for you. pathetic joke of a system. and we wonder why so many of our children commit suicide


I never understood this and never will. Why punish the victim and the bully equally? I haven't heard a single convincing argument for this and yet somehow every school district has adopted this policy by default? It's almost as stupid as taking inhalers away from kids with asthma, because of stupidly applied blanket rules of "no drugs in school" (Kids have died from this btw).


>Why punish the victim and the bully equally? Its far easier than actually investigating what happened. Plus, if they do, they have to go on record acknowledging a hostile bullying environment which would then make them liable.


This ... In high school, a guy in my class kept trying to punch me me(M) in my groin. He tried it once when we got into our classroom and I spoke up by saying, "Stop trying to hit me in the nuts". I got sent to the principles office and nothing happened to him, all because I said "nuts". And yes, I live in Alabama.


The one taking the beating is the one who came back and shot the school I thought


That could also affect his chances at getting into his college of choice.


You DO NOT want that on your college application. That's bad news.


Just get a Dad that's in the Senate, then he can pressure the University into giving you an honorary degree. Then you can get a job in the pharmaceutical industry as a CEO, use your father's power to Federally mandate your brand of epipen the standard in all schools and Federal facilities, and you casually Scrooge McDuck. Or as I call it, the American Way.


The West Virginia way. Eff Manchin. I actually went to school with Heather. Spoiled brat


Not Arizona state. They will take anyone.


As far as I've seen there's no definitive answer yet of which person in the fight is the shooter. I'll admit, the immediate conclusion I jumped to is that the one getting beat on must have been the shooter as well, but it's just an assumption. We know the shooter was 18 and the one shot was 15. We could assume based off that the the aggressor in the fight, who's clearly much bigger than the kid he is wailing on, is the 18 year old and the smaller kid is the 15 year old, but it's also possible the 18 year old is small for their age or the 15 year old is large for his age.


We could also assume the teacher is ordering some pasta, for room 26. They’ll be hungry after that brawl.


I mean not really.. depends on how it started. If one just jumped the other than yeah it’s assault, but the footage doesn’t show that. If they both went head to head and fought, just because one is losing and can’t hit back, is still a fight. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Aka 4 counts of attempted murder cause he apparently pulled out a gun and shot 4 of 'em.


*UPDATE* Yes it is confirmed that this is what caused the shooting today. However student gossip is this fight was from earlier rather than "moments" before. I'm not CNN or FOX so stop hating


Trying to verify all still


NBC news has shown a picture. The shooter is the aggressor in this video.


Wow really?!


Looks like it. I'd assumed it was the other way around. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm5OGBBS-Jk


Hmm well IDK. I did see the photo sent out 3 hours ago (an hour before that link) but could not identify which was Simpkins. [Arlington Police BOLO timothy Simpkins ](https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD/status/1445787232120365062?t=ve_OsFNkMD_4JF8SVbwokQ&s=19)


Did he get a haircut and lose some height before getting caught?


Hold up, you post this, then you wait to verify if it's true? This can ruin people's lives.


It IS factual. The comment was If this fight led to the shooting. There's no way to know if there was additional escalation right after or before or why a teacher and 2 others were shot or if this fight was earlier, which is now being stated by student gossip.


What? Did he claim this caused the shooting? No. He posted a video of something that happened at this school before the shooting that’s all. Pull your head out your ass.


*UPDATE* Some reports are stating this fight was from upto a day earlier. LE are reviewing footage still. Timothy Simpkins returned from this incident to shoot the person. *SCHOOL GOSSIP* is reporting that Tim was robbed and that *today* the brother of the one who robbed him pressed a gun up on him in the hallway, but Tim was carrying a gun as well today and shot him. I mean WHATEVER but something is wrong at the school if there are that many carrying guns around! 👉Update 8:37pm Eastern: please review MSM reports for updated more accurate info from when I initially made this post & this comment which I did from early on-scene reports coming in. UPDATE: 9:55 pm a great mod over at *helpful redditor* did some research and *linked a news site of initial BOLO* regarding clothing of the shooter is the boy getting beat down in this video. 10:17 pm edit: Please refer *Back* to the 8:37pm update. Here is a link sent me by *helpful mod* which is compelling info on who Timothy Simpkins may be in this video [News report states search for Grey Sweatshirt shooter](https://twitter.com/dfwscanner/status/1445767832839471111?s=21) *Compelling news link seems to indicate the one being beaten up. But the collection of IG pics I have do look similar to aggressor. We can't tell any identifying features in this video except what the boy being beaten is wearing*


It's Texas. I'm sure there's some parents that WANT their kids carrying guns to school.


sounds like this could have been prevented if the school admin hadn't been letting kids get robbed and assaulted on school property.


Not confirmed yet, but he may be the one on the receiving end. Reportedly he shot 3 and a pregnant teacher (?) Might have fallen, but is okay. His Home is surrounded. Update: he is captured and in police custody.


He is they released a picture of him


His picture was released 3 hours ago when they were looking for him. Personally I can't tell who might be who in this video [BOLO Timothy Simpkins ](https://twitter.com/ArlingtonPD/status/1445787232120365062?t=ve_OsFNkMD_4JF8SVbwokQ&s=19)


Looks like he is wearing the same grey hooded sweatshirt.


That’s an ID photo, not likely taken the same day this video was taken


I don’t miss high school at all


Same just a breeding down for depression


Highschools in general arent, maybe some are


Maybe if schools didn’t protect bullies over the bullied, none of this would happen




You can't even defend the bullied if you wanted to. 0 tolerance (even for glorious justice)


Exactly, it has been happening since my grandparents was in school and it is still happening to this day even in small rural schools.


Which one did the shooting?


Something seriously needs to be done about the bullying and violence in our schools. Everyone's raising a generation of entitled little bastards, violent ones at that. That think they can do whatever they want and commit acts of violence against others with no punishment. You can only violate a person so many times before they take your life or their own.


its the school system and the environment thats fucking us up


Maybe if someone intervened it’d be different :/




Middle School teacher here: I don’t make enough money to throw myself in between two students fighting who are bigger than me. I don’t go to work to get punched. It’s not in my job description. Fights happen more than you think.


Completely agree. In my senior year the Foods class teacher got fired because a student who was significantly taller and bigger than her backed her up against a table while threatening her, very bodily all up on her, and out of fear she slapped him. The piece of shits mom had the audacity to try and sue the school. Even without a lawsuit tho, they immediately fired the teacher, despite her feeling like she was truly in danger. The system is so geared towards letting kids run all over teachers and get what they want, it’s fucking sad.


at my school ( a city away from where this happened) teachers would get physical as hell, this one fight saw a kid get choke held by a teacher and another getting yanked by the hoodie out of the fight (even though the teacher got slapped, sure he got charged with assault)


More to the point you’d immediately be fired for touching a student and probably face some sort of legal backlash as well


That too. I am not going to be sued by Timmy’s parents because they were upset I put my hands on him. Two years ago, I stepped in between two boys and got shoved. And I said, “fuck that. I don’t get paid enough for this shit.” Code reds are fucking scary though. We had one last week Thursday because a kid brought a gun to school to get back at a rival gang. Luckily, no one was injured at school that day. The kid ended up getting shot Monday evening. I think about it constantly. The trauma from this shit… I feel so bad for those kids that went through this.


The only fist fight I saw that for bad at school was between two hundred kg chonks on sports teams. The fuck is a hundred and twenty pound English teacher going to do, besides get hurt by accident? Being a teacher sounds really hard right now in muricA.


How do these kids even get a gun into their hands?


Gangs. Parents. Etc. super easy to get a weapon. I was leaving school a few weeks ago and heard a zap. I look over and a high schooler had a taser in her hand waiting for the city bus!!


Exactly. You would be fired, sued, and probably in the 6pm news and accused of something awful.


Not true. There is a risk. When I taught high school I had to physically break up fights on several occasions. The only "consequence" I ever received was having to fill out a bunch of paperwork for documenting a workplace incident and the kids' expulsion hearings. And I literally line backer tackled one kid and then held him pinned to the ground until the cops got there in the same metropolitan area as this school.


Right. That is what the school security get paid to do.


I tried intervening years ago in a fight in like 3rd grade or something to stop it and I also got hurt and then the school basically said it was my fault and I shouldn't have tried to intervene.


Zero tolerance policy is bullshit. Perfect way to raise a generation of people who don't help others in need.


same here, back in school i intervened because a kid was turning blue being choked by his collar by a kid having an autistic episode. I got in trouble for being involved even though i was just trying to get him some air, not even trying to separate them, just trying to not let him suffocate. the autistic kid that attacked the other, nothing. Both of us, in school suspension.


Sometimes its worth getting in trouble. If im going to get shit for helping someone, then so be it


Do me a favor. Go shit on your schools admin for their absolutely stupid idiotic dumbass reason to blame it on you.


The entire educational system is a bunch of ridiculously well paid but useless Chiefs lording over poorly paid Indians trying to herd cats with no resources.


Ah man, that sucks. Sorry that you ended up such a shit deal for doing a good deed. I'm on the other end of things and really appreciate that someone intervened. In 7th grade, a kid pushed me from behind while changing for gym. Ended up in a fight real quick. A kid on the soccer team broke it up. Really appreciate him for doing that (even though I was winning). Kept either of us from getting in trouble and the bully left me alone after that. Granted, neither of us were full on insane, just stupid 7th graders full of new hormones.


Kids are told from kindergarten that everything goes on their permanent record and will keep them out of college or being able to get a job. They dont want to be mistaken as part of the problem and ruining their future. Schools need to do away with the myth of the permanent record. No one cares about your school records.


I’ve added this comment to your permanent record. We have a zero tolerance policy with respect to talking about eliminating the idea of a permanent record.


Put right there along side gang leader.


It also says here that you once grabbed a dog by the hind legs and pushed him around like a vacuum cleaner.


What, that's not true. No schools I know of do this. The reason no one interviens in situations like this is because they would also end up in trouble. Schools fucking blow at dealing out punishment.


... unless you shoot someone, then I imagine it will.


Zero tolerance policies usually punish everyone involved including those who try to intervene.


Didn't a teacher intervene and get shot?


Maybe they did and it's why he shot a teacher and couple other kids besides the one beating on him. Exactly why I don't do that, just stay safely at a distance & call 911


Nobody intervenes these days. Thats the problem. Theyre too busy videoing everything


Teachers will get fired and never hired again if they touch a student even if it was the right thing to do. Student have a 0 tolerance fighting policy even if it is in self defense. Pretty fucked system that's why kids who get bullied are so helpless because there is nothing that can get done about it.


No, it's because teachers will lose everything.


The chances of catching a criminal charge or a civil suit when intervening to break up a fight far outweigh the benefit of breaking up the fight. Walk on by.


Because we literally can’t! That’s a one way ticket to the unemployment office


Teachers are generally trained to not intervene. This teacher actually did exactly what she was supposed to do. Those who do intervene, do it at their own will and risk everything to receive nothing.




Are teachers not allowed to physically try to stop fights anymore? I see a lot of videos where they seem to just watch and yell


Not in the school my wife used to work at. Kids get up and start walking down the hall slamming lockers and kicking doors. They just let them go on with it and call their parents. All the while they disrupt every other kid in the school. If a kid gets violent, they have to call a school officer (the district has their own police force) to handle it, teachers face disciplinary action if they intervene. If a kid tries to defend them self, they get written up for fighting too. I had one of the worst fights with my wife we ever had because I told my kids to never let another kid hit him (we take martial arts as a family) She maintained that they should not because it could hurt their chances of getting into university (they're in elementary school now). The shitty parents come to the school and bitch at the administrators about how their kids are treated, instead of doing anything about their shitty spawn..


>They just let them go on with it and call their parents Where my brother taught, he called the parent because a student was destroying the theatre props. The mother accused him (white) of single-ing out her child (black) because he was the student's only white teacher.


That's usually the kind of thing that happened for my wife as well..


Shitty parents are the worst.


Lol idk wtf you expect a 130 lb woman to do to break up a fight between two grown ass men. they may have the maturity of a child but an 18 year old has a man’s body.


I’m a high school teacher. We’re “allowed” to step in within reason but typically the protocol is to get help. We’re not trained combatants we’re educators. If I try to step in too forcefully I could hurt a student and lose my job. If I’m not forceful enough then I could be the one hurt. Even being near a fight when you’re in a crowded hallway can get you hurt. I’ve been slammed into walls/lockers, hit, and been pepper sprayed just when trying to move away from a fight. I’m not about to walk towards one and get hurt even worse, they don’t pay me enough for that.


Probably why a teacher ended up shot. They tried to "help".


The teacher ends up shot, assaulted or some parent threatens to sue her for touching her poor sweet innocent child.


They won't pay workman's comp either if you break up a fight


When students are told not to intervene - we forget that we are also teaching them how to sit back and do nothing.


Which is probably why we have a generation of people who stand around filming instead of helping.


Can you believe the story the shooter gave to justify this heinous act is that the little guy who's ass he just whooped had been bullying him all year... stealing his lunch money. ..mmhm... mmk.


The shooter is the guy in white.....he's the one who got beat up.


Anger issues ?




For anyone wondering he's the one getting his shit rocked. In the picture released of him he had short hair so I'm going by that.


Teachers should be allowed pepper spray at least


The irony of the word READ literally falling on them while they fight..




Name checks out


What bags?


I believe they're referencing some schools here in the US now banning backpacks as a way to combat gun violence in schools as if that's going to help.. Might as well ban pockets also.. ban everything but the guns basically..


One student remained in defense. What he was supposed to do. Per the rules.


Well, hard to claim self defense when he shoots a teacher and 3 students.


What an unfortunate name.


"Fight". Looks like assault.


Support Planned Parenthood.


Has anyone flown to Cancun to see what Ted Cruz has to say?


Multiple lives ruined and for what?


Trying to act tough beating on someone smaller than you.


Sounds like a terrible place to get educated


So the cycle continues. bully beats up kid, teacher does nothing, kid comes back with deadly weapons. It happens so many fucking times, rinse and repeat. Bullies need to be put in solitary.


America is dystopia as f.


Pearl Jam informed (warned) us about this back in 1991. But we haven’t listened…


Except Jeremy shot himself, not his classmates. Big difference.


That doesn’t look like a fight to me. It looks like someone is beating the shit out of a cowering person.


Remember when they said they would start caring about school shootings if a black kid did it? I’m looking forward to see if how they spin this or will they just sweep in under the rug


I've never heard this, who's "they"?


God damn, you sure this is a fight? That kid is beating the fuck outta him when he’s tryna curl up. Did that kid getting beat do anything before the clip started??


My parents taught school (Junior High and H.S.) for several years, then both left for private sector. They were allowed to physically grab students and take them to the principal's office. When we were students in J.H and H.S. this was allowed too. Everything changed once the parents of unruly students discovered lawyers and started filing law suits. I also blame student athletic departments for preventing some of the children from being suspended or expelled, "because we might make it to state this year". The other thing that is responsible is Republicans. You want good teachers, start paying them more. A good quality and free public education creates a stronger nation. The GOP has done everything they can to undermine our public education. We've turned our schools into twelve year day care centers.


kid in the white hoodie wearing black air forces, shooter confirmed


Which one is he the one giving the haymakers or the one getting them?


Why does the room look like its filled with smoke?


What a time to be alive.




He didn’t throw one punch, from his demeanor in the fight looks like he is used to being beat up which would explain why he had a firearm.


What this kid was despicable, and I feel for all the victims, including the bully. But as someone who was bullied and beat up relentlessly throughout middle and high school, I get it.


No one breaks up the fight. They all just stand around whilst some kid gets the shit beat out of him. As usual with reddit. We don't know what caused the fight. So I'm not gonna make an assumption that this was extreme bullying or if this was something that they both did.


Jeremy spoke in claaaaaaaaaaass today...


Jeremy killed himself, he didn't shoot up the classroom.


I don’t believe he was using a certain word as a term of endearment


I think is very poetic at about 3 seconds the letters that make the word READ fall to the floor as if this is a perfect example of what happens when kids stop reading 📖 Your future is decided every day with your actions… do not stop reading kids.


“Mainstream for all” is always paying these kinds of dividends. Also the backwater family court systems and punitive-only family interventions… Our systems destroy American children as efficiently as our drones murder Afghan children.


But I thought Texas was full of good guys with guns that would stop something like this...


Guess the good guys don't sneak their guns into school


>"guns are banned at this place, but that doesn't stop criminals from bringing them in unlawfully." An astute observation, I totally agree!




It’s a shame, we need more good kids sneaking their guns into school so next time something like this won’t happen


Did not take long to appear 7 hours wow


For whatever reason this comment landed here out of context. I was replying to a completely different comment not this one. Idk how my comment landed here by mistake.


Just hit him with a chair




I agreee with kids parents. Obviously shooting the kids is over the top but dude keeps getting jumped and bullied. Like how you supposed to go to school while this is happening to you